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Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Links - 14th February 2024 (2 - General Wokeness)

Richard Hanania on X - "What's the point of talking about race and crime statistics? It exposes the lies of the media. If they want to go to treating people as individuals, fine. But the media's narratives are a kind of blood libel against whites."
Richard Hanania on X - ""Why talk about race and crime? Why point out unpleasant facts about blacks having such a high murder rate?" I don't know, maybe because the lie that blacks are the victims of white violence has its own Wikipedia page where it is presented as a kind of folk wisdom."

Interracial Crime and “Perspective” - "The topic of black crime has taken over Twitter. It all started when Elon Musk responded sympathetically to a Tweet that presented data showing black-on-white crime is the most common form of interracial violence. The original tweet was completely correct, and you can see Noah Carl for some of the sophistry that has been used to try to deny or obfuscate on the underlying facts. I personally don’t have the patience for taking part in these kinds of arguments, at least in the way that Noah is engaging here. It’s like the people who spend all their time arguing with trans and feminists by pointing to *scientific studies* showing that boys have penises and girls have vaginas. Men have more grip strength. Scientists just proved it! I guess someone has to do it, and I’ve run into some actual human beings (on the internet anyway) who tell me that they accepted the blank slate view of sex until they looked at the data. This makes me sad. But since the data does convince some people, I guess I’m glad someone is providing it.  Race and crime is similar. The numbers are there if you need them. I suppose foreigners might. But I grew up just outside of Chicago, and data on black criminality is to me just as unnecessary as sex comparisons of grip strength... I knew many family friends who were Middle Eastern immigrants and store owners in the city. Every now and then, some distant relation or acquaintance would get their store looted or, in at least one instance I remember, shot and killed. Michael Jordan’s greatness was much appreciated and respected but its consequences used to fill the community with fear, because another championship tended to create another possibility that stores would go up in flames. The Arabs would speak in shorthand. “What happened to Walid’s store?” “You know, the blacks…” “Ah.” Actually, they would say “the slaves,” if you want to really know how Arabs talk.  Here’s the thing: while only immigrants and white proles explicitly discuss this aspect of their reality, every single person within the orbit of the city behaves as if they know the truth. No matter who you are, unless you’re one of the residents of those communities, your life is organized around avoiding the pathologies of the inner city. If you’re a desperate immigrant, you might open up a store, put up a “We Take EBT” sign, and take the risk of being shot. White Americans are less inclined to do this, so they instead just flee black neighborhoods and do what they can to get their kids out of black schools. They’ll make any commute or pay whatever tuition is necessary. No one is confused about this — liberals are correct that entire swaths of a major city don’t end up with zero white people by accident. They just attribute this to “racism” rather than the desire not to be sexually assaulted or physically harmed. I’ve been talking about Chicago, but the same things are true for Milwaukee, Detroit, St. Louis, Cleveland, Baltimore, and countless other major cities. It’s also true for the cities where American elites and policymakers live like Washington, DC, which is why I’m always amused by theories that say they are actually acting in their own interests by coddling criminals. Other than blacks themselves, no group would benefit more from solving our crime problem than wealthy urban whites. We can therefore ignore those who deny the reality of black crime. They’re either too stupid or dishonest to engage with. Among others on the left, there has been an acceptance of reality combined with pleas to simply frame the issue differently. When liberals talk about perspective here, what they usually mean is that the likelihood of a white person being victimized by a black person is small in an absolute sense, so why worry about it? It would be a fine argument, except that we are constantly told to obsess over the harms done by police shootings, white supremacist violence, and vigilantes falsely accusing innocent black men of crimes... If you dislike racists on Twitter focusing too much on black-on-white crime, know that they are closer to the truth than the race obsessives on the other side, and have a lot less power.  One odd thing about these calls for perspective is that when liberals say that intra-racial crime is more common than crime that crosses group boundaries, what they are essentially saying is don’t worry about black crime, because the victims are overwhelmingly black people. But wait! Since when are liberals uninterested in problems that disproportionately affect blacks? These are the people who write serious NYT think pieces about how national parks are too white... It’s a very odd thing, and it’s hard for me to even steelman their lack of interest in solving this issue as they obsess over every other black grievance, real or imagined... Black-on-white violence is not the biggest issue in the world, but it is useful to talk about in order to challenge narratives that pose much more serious problems. Arguments about supposed racism committed by whites against blacks are why we can’t effectively fight crime in this country and why we can’t have freedom of association or meritocratic criteria in hiring. The belief in white racism as a major factor in American life is the force that distorts all of policymaking and culture. Any arguments that are effective at discrediting that narrative are worth making... we have a disgraceful amount of crime in the US, and the costs are not simply a matter of the number of people robbed, raped, and killed. It’s also a tragedy that what could be some of the most valuable urban real estate in the country is basically uninhabitable. In fact, part of the reason that black-on-white violence is rare in this country is because whites have overwhelmingly fled places where blacks live due to the threat of violence.  Other pathologies of American life, like NIMBYism, which drives up the cost of housing, are also downstream of the crime issue. If you’re a resident of Tokyo, you don’t need to worry about greater density leading to a decline in public safety, the way that Americans have to... The chart below shows the ten American cities of at least 100,000 people that have the highest murder rates, and how they compare to the most violent countries in the world... You might be saying that it’s unfair to compare cities to entire countries, since urban areas might have concentrated violence. Yet the most violent countries in the world tend to be small... any polity that has a high enough murder rate needs to make solving crime its number one priority. This was true for that nation before Bukele came along, as it is for major American cities today. It’s not a big mystery how to do this, it’s just politically difficult, because literally everything that works is considered racist. You need more cops, more prisons, and more use of DNA databases and facial recognition technology. You can’t have concerns about disparate impact in a world where crime is so overwhelmingly committed by one group. And yes, liberals are right about one thing, which is that gun laws matter too."

Why has the genre of Fantasy been hit so brutally hard by the Woke Virus? : KotakuInAction - "And very consistently across the board. Tabletop, TV, Movies, Games, Literature etc... In this very sub you could spend a lifetime reading up on various woke stuff that has influenced fantasy one way or the other.  Unfortunately the fans are somewhat receptive to it, while corporations and their lackey writers(see the statements from any of the recent fantasy showrunners/team members) are 100000% on it, but the worst is that the living literature authors are also all over it(or they are a insane right wing loon).  So either some poor dead author's work has been desecrated or you have a living author completelly letting their work be desecrated, no matter how little fucking sense it makes...  There is a few consistent problems I've noticed. First it's as if every fantasy story that has ever existed has to be turned into Modern America and about Modern America. Everything has to have thay ultra condescending approach that modern audiences would not be able to understand anything that is not the US in the current year. That not only includes the obvious clickbait casting, but the writing itself(awful modern millenial dialogue for example) and the overall visual style.  And then there is the YA-ification of it. Just an obsession with non-straight sex, more and more focus is on who hooks up with who and what sexual preference they are what are they... Well you know what. Sexual tension with the (male) villains... See the recent Baldur's gate news, or Hades stupidity, anything that is not "straight sexy" gets huge ammount of attention.  It all feels so shallow, basically you can forget your fantasy worlds woven by a lifelong schooler of lingustics and epic folklore...  If you go to reddit's resident sub for fantasy, you will find lots of bizzare yet predictable requests for fantasy that has protagonist that is this and that gender that acts in this and that way. All the woke castings are either ignored or applauded, criticism towards them is always answered with the usual redditor lib speak etc...  Which leads me to another problem and brings me back to the condescending approach, which is this notion that characters from fantasy MUST be like you or what you idealize or fetishize to an insanely degree.  You don't like sexual offences? Well we won't have rape in this dark gritty realistic fantasy world, in which people die and suffer in all kinds of gruesome ways.  Etc... I could go on and on and on, it is just so overwhelming."
"I think "woke" (used to be "SJW". Pick whatever term works for you) criticisms largely started among outcasts. People who congregated online on places like Tumblr.  Nerds are (or were) naturally outcasts, including people who enjoy fantasy.  The two worlds were bound to meet.  That fantasy was hit "hard" is the same reason everything is hit hard: it operates as a cult that spreads and infests"
"This is the issue of why internet communities tend to be infested by weirdos.  Ironically, after complaining how they would get excluded and bullied in real life, they become even more exclusionary and hostile once they have control of, say, subreddits or discord servers. Normal people do not need dozens of rules about pronoun usage and trigger warnings."
"During the Bush era and the Iraq war I was a huge Republican and people knew it. I would often hang out with people who were very Liberal and our beliefs were never a problem. No one tried to exclude anyone and we knew not to talk about politics, and because there was no point to. Now if you don't support the Democrats 100% you are pure evil and can't be apart of the group."
"Art students became our artists. 80% of any curriculum in a modern fine arts or liberal arts degree is social activism, rooted in both conflict theory and post-modernism. These people then go out and get jobs with the perspective that their work must be activism in its very nature. I’m not going to get into the larger conspiratorial nature of it all? But they hate you and want you dead."
"This is half of it, but I think the other half is that, in academia, they have no opposition. Conservatives some time ago started ridiculing academia and telling all their peers to go into trade schools instead; end result: only liberals go to arts college as the other political isle all become proud to be a plumber. And when the time comes to write the next blockbuster show… well, it ain’t the plumbers writing it."
"As someone who did the Australian equivalent to liberal arts (that is, a Bachelor of Arts), I found that only some subjects were infested.  My major, Japanese, had some infesting, but I’d say it was only about 30% - basically the social science type bits.  Ancient history and philosophy were pretty darn clean.  Modern history was totally infested."
"They control the publishers. If you don't go woke, you won't get published."

How Canadian media covered Claudine Gay’s resignation from Harvard - "The most prominent example of the focus on conservative activism was Collin Binkley and Moriah Balingit’s much–derided story from the Associated Press, originally titled “Harvard president’s resignation highlights new conservative weapon against colleges: plagiarism.” After criticism, the AP made numerous changes to the story, adding over 200 words of text and revising its headline. Although ostensibly on the topic of plagiarism, both versions provided minimal information about the details of Gay’s plagiarism, focusing instead on how the allegations of plagiarism “came not from [Gay’s] academic peers but her political foes.” CTV and the Toronto Star ran the revised story, while CBC ran (and continues to run) the original version, albeit under a slightly different headline. Why the CBC has retained the version that an AP spokesperson admitted “doesn’t meet our standards” remains unclear... Ironically, after Gay resigned, Canadians were more likely to read about the quantity and details of her plagiarism in opinion columns than in hard news stories...   This empirical examination of how the Canadian media covered Harvard president Claudine Gay’s plagiarism and subsequent resignation leads me to three conclusions. First, the Canadian mainstream media’s reliance on the Associated Press to deliver “hard news” only further exacerbates what Steve Lafleur refers to as our habit of “uncritically echoing American talking points.” In the case of Claudine Gay’s resignation, not only did Canadian media outlets import American culture war terminology, but by relying almost exclusively on the Associated Press they provided an incomplete account of the latest battle in those wars by publishing news stories that focused more on the critics of Gay’s plagiarism than the details of the plagiarism itself.  Second, if Canadians wanted to understand the news, they often had to read the opinion pages. Op-eds in the Globe and Mail and National Post were more likely to describe and analyze Gay’s plagiarism than any of the hard news coverage. Readers of the Toronto Star, CTV, and CBC, by contrast, would have read little about the scope and substance of the plagiarism allegations against Gay, and far more about how Gay was a casualty of a devious conservative campaign against DEI.   Third, and ominously for Canadian universities, the zeitgeist among mainstream opinion writers is not on the side of diversity, equity, and inclusion. Even in a media environment where hard news coverage was sympathetic to Gay’s perspective, 14 of 15 opinion columns that mentioned DEI or “woke” policies were critical of their influence on universities, with the Toronto Star the predictable lone exception. This criticism did not just come from the usual suspects at the National Post; they included Globe columnists not known for their conservative inclinations. This final point offers some optimism for those concerned about the state of higher education in Canada"
So much for dissing opinion pieces as not real news. When opinion contains more news than the news...

Opinion | Claudine Gay Was Not Driven Out Because She Is Black - The New York Times - "Try this thought experiment: Harvard appoints the “White Fragility” author Robin DiAngelo to become the new president of Harvard. She comes equipped with the strongest D.E.I. credentials imaginable but with a very slender academic record. Do you imagine that conservative activists would sit back contentedly, merely because she’s white?  Or take a nonhypothetical example: After a successful tenure as the president of Smith College, Ruth Simmons became the first Black female president of an Ivy League School when she took over Brown in 2001. Yet I am aware of no conservative crusade against her during her decade-plus in that office — despite the fact that she led a yearslong campuswide examination of the school’s role in the slave trade. The idea that a menacing right-wing mob sits ever in wait to take down a Black woman who achieves a position of power is a gripping narrative. But its connection to reality is — blissfully — approximate at best. It is facile to dismiss opposition to modern D.E.I. as old-school bigotry in a new guise. The lessons from what happened to Professor Gay are many. But cops-and-robbers thinking about racial victims and perpetrators will help answer few of them."

Why there’s nothing racist about black-only spaces | Charlie Brinkhurst-Cuff | The Guardian - "I despair. Some white people have got so upset about their exclusion from parts of the Nyansapo festival, an intersectional black feminist gathering scheduled for 28-30 July in Paris, that the mayor of the city called for the festival to be banned, until organisers clarify details with her, and anti-racist groups have claimed that Rosa Parks would be “turning in her grave” at the event. In the same week that some men have kicked up a fuss over not being allowed to attend women-only film screenings of Wonder Woman it seems a discussion is needed as to why spaces that are centred around marginalised groups, whether they be women or people of colour, are not racist or sexist."
Some animals are more equal than others

The rise of race segregation on Canadian universities - "Twice a week, the University of Waterloo athletic centre suspends its usual calendar of mid-morning swim lessons, and reserves its 25-yard pool for the exclusive use of a demographic that, in their words, does not have a good “relationship with water.”  “The aim is to get more Black Folx into a space where they haven’t always been welcomed,” reads the official description for the “Black Folx swim,” a 60-minute Black-only pool time. Users can swim lengths, practice diving or sign-up for a lesson. But they — and all the instructors — must be “Black folx.”... aside from a weekly trans-friendly swim and some scattered women’s only events, the Black Folx Swim is the university’s only demographic-specific swim time, and the only one targeting students of a particular ethnic heritage.  And Waterloo is not alone in this. While the idea of explicitly race-segregated spaces at Canadian universities would have been unthinkable only a few years ago, recent months have seen a wave of Black-only lounges, study spaces and events at Canadian post-secondary institutions.  The University of British Columbia recently cut the ribbon on a Black Student Space featuring showers, lockers and even a nap room.  To gain access, students must apply and affirm that they are one of the following: “Black African descent, African-American, African-Canadian, Afro-Caribbean, Afro-Latinx, and Afro-Indigenous.” Toronto Metropolitan University, formerly Ryerson, opened a Black Student Lounge in 2022. The space is intended as a shelter from “the harms of institutional racism.” In multiple public statements, TMU has referred to itself as a hotbed of colonialist institutional oppression, and the lounge is intended as a place where students can “heal” and “recharge” from said oppression, and “promote Black flourishing.”  The University of Toronto maintains a distinctive office of Black Student Engagement that curates a series of Black-only frosh and orientation events. While there are university-sanctioned “engagement” programs for Latin American and Southeast Asian students, these are mostly limited to mentorship appointments and workshops. And it’s not just U of T pursuing Black-only frosh events. As noted in a feature by VICE, as recently as 2015 Canada didn’t feature a single Black-only frosh. But after Ottawa universities debuted BLK Frosh that year, the practice soon became commonplace. Canadian university campuses have always been home to student societies or clubs whose membership is determined via national or ethnic characteristics. McGill University, for instance, maintains more than 40 on-campus “culture clubs” targeted at student demographics ranging from Tamil to Moroccans to “North American born Asians.”  But the newly-opened “Black spaces” are different in that their explicit purpose is to demarcate Black-only areas in the interest of providing “inclusive spaces.” When Simon Fraser University announced plans to build a Black Student Centre, administrators said the project was a direct outgrowth of their adoption of the Scarborough Charter on Anti-Black Racism, a 2021 document signed by 46 Canadian universities."
Of course, the left will claim that because a foreign-owned "right wing" publication quoted the universities, the quotes are fake and they cannot have said that

Black-only swim times, Black-only lounges: The rise of race segregation on Canadian universities : canada - "Thank you for this. As a white person, the only way I can be cured of being a racist is to never interact with a black person again, ever.  Baby steps, but I think we're trending in the right direction here."
Black-only swim times, Black-only lounges: The rise of race segregation on Canadian universities : canada - "And how do we shield these events from being brigaded by non-blacks? My suggestion is some sort of rule around percentage of your “blackness” to prove you’re allowed in.  We should could call it the “one drop rule”, or something catchy like that. It sounds so buzzy and innovative, too!  /s"
Are they demanding their own water coolers yet?

Black-only swim times, Black-only lounges: The rise of race segregation on Canadian universities : canada - "my multi-ethnic friend group all like to jokingly use slurs amongst each other, the anti-Canadian slurs always get a good laugh out of me.  The only time anyone has actually been offended is when someone called one of the Mexican guys "latinx""

Black-only swim times, Black-only lounges: The rise of race segregation on Canadian universities : canada - "We have something similar in Edmonton. There is a Muslim women’s swim hour once a week at a PUBLIC pool, and men aren’t even allowed in the building during that time period. I would understand if it’s just the pool area, but banning them from the whole building is just ridiculous."
Good luck if Christians were requesting gender segregation

Black-only swim times, Black-only lounges: The rise of race segregation on Canadian universities : canada - "Why folx instead of folks?"
"It'x gendex-neutrax."
"I thought folks was too!  Edit: AskLGBT concurs      “Folks” is already gender-neutral, no need to change it"
"It is..but if you don't change it to 'folx' then people wont know how inclusive you are."
The use of constantly changing vocabulary is one way to signal insider/outsider status, after all

George R.R. Martin Blames "Toxicity" In Fandom And Trump Supporters For His Inability To Complete Game of Thrones : KotakuInAction - "Perhaps he'd be inspired to finish if someone reminded him that the ultimate way for him to subvert/troll Tolkien would be to definitively finish his fantasy universe in his lifetime?"
"I'm thinking the much hated ending of the TV show was how he wanted to end the books, and now he's struggling to come up with a better one."
"Jesus Christ. That post of his. Guy is 75 years old and living the high life and a multi-multi- millionaire.  Yet, he comes across as a 23-year- old basement, online permanent resident. I get it's sad when your friends start dying as that happens more often at his age. But his wallowing about nukes and climate change is just nauseating.  We live in the greatest time period in the history of mankind to be alive, and he's at the top of that chain to boot. If he's going to be this miserable, it's probably best we don't get TWOW. He'd probably kill off half of Westeros from some Essos-borne Covid-19 virus."
"He also blames climate change and the wars in Ukraine and Israel. So just trying to find what sticks,"
"Elden Ring proved that he can still write interesting and relatively mature stuff, but yeah I do honestly think he just cannot come up with anything better than what the TV show ended up to be.  Wish he could just admit he can’t do it and quit SOIAF. Would have a lot of respect for him. Shigesato Itoi is one of my favourite creators precisely because he said “There’s not gonna be a Mother 4 because I don’t have it in me anymore to make a good sequel”"
"Trump is so powerful that his mere existence warps the world and causes destruction and chaos.  It's the Butterfly Effect. Trump swings his golf club at his resort and causes Russia to invade Ukrane. He eats a cheeseburger at McDonalds and causes Hamas to attack Israel. He takes a shit in his golden toilet and causes Biden to start another war."
Makes for a good excuse

Meme - "What was the turning point where devs went from:
>"Hey dude, check out this sick game" to
>"Listen, we have a message to share, we're going to educate you, this is what you're supposed to like""

BASED Movie Reviews - Worth It or Woke

Florida child restrained during Rosa Parks lesson, family says - "Parents of a 2-year-old in Osceola County say their daughter, who they believe is the only Black child in the class, was made to play Rosa Parks in a reenactment that included her being restrained by another student in a police uniform and fingerprinted... "It was our daughter who had her hands restrained behind her back by another child wearing a police vest," he said.  There were also photos appearing to show his daughter using finger paint, seeming to simulate her being fingerprinted.  "What I keep reliving in my mind is the look on our daughter's face within that app," he said.  Within 30 minutes of seeing the photos, the parents pulled their daughter out of the school. She'd never return... The day care sent us a response, saying:  “In early December, one of our classes in our multicultural school was learning about the legacy of Rosa Parks and the importance of treating each other with respect and equality. In the spirit of the moment, the class spontaneously decided to act out the elements of Ms. Parks’ story, including her arrest for refusing to give up her seat at the front of the bus.  “Unfortunately, photographs shared of the activity do not offer a complete or accurate representation of the full lesson about the importance of equal rights, nor do they make it clear that at no time were restraints of any kind used on any student. Our school believes in and teaches the importance of equality, of standing up for our rights, and of speaking up when we see something isn't right. We teach these lessons not to celebrate the wrongdoings of others in the past, but to encourage our children to prevent such actions in the future."" The woke will claim this is racist, but never ask why 2 year olds are reenacting Rosa Parks, or if they can understand what the left are trying to indoctrinate them about. But then again, if you have Antiracist Babies, why not have a group of 2 year olds decide to spontaneously reenact the incident??

Meme - ""Beware of people who tell you to beware of people." Ihram X. Kendi"

Libs of TikTok on X - "BREAKING: Democrats in NJ introduced Senate Bill 2421 the “Freedom to Read Act.” It would create an exemption for obscenity laws for minors to exclude teachers & librarians and award monetary compensation to teachers and librarians who are criticized.  Teachers & librarians would get a free pass to show obscene material to minors.  They’re not even hiding their agenda anymore."
Why does the left want to sexualise children so much?

Dr. Natalie Hinkel on X - "The University of North Carolina Greensboro has dissolved the Physics & Astronomy department. A major pillar of science education at that university is gone. I have no words. My heart goes out to my friends and colleagues."
i/o on X - "The good news is that UNC-G still has Gender and Sexuality Studies, African Diaspora Studies, Jazz Studies, Dance Studies, Peace Studies, and Videogaming Studies."

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