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Thursday, February 15, 2024

Links - 15th February 2024 (1 - Hamas Attack Oct 2023)

Israel arrests Palestinian-American for "incitement on social media" - "Israel's military says Samaher Esmail, 46, of Gretna, Louisiana, was arrested for "incitement on social media.""
The Guardian Publishes Claim Terror-Loving Palestinian-American Woman Was 'Kidnapped' By IDF - "“The IDF kidnapped my mother.” That is the absurd claim from Ibrahim Hamed, a US-based man whose Palestinian mother was recently arrested in Israel. Even more absurd, however, is the fact that The Guardian (and others) printed the allegation without doing even a modicum of journalistic due diligence — due diligence that would have shown precisely why she was arrested... Referencing the IDF’s statement that Esmail had been arrested for “incitement on social media,” the outlet detailed Hamed’s unsubstantiated claim that his mother was beaten, handcuffed and blindfolded, as well as his assertion that she was arrested merely for being “critical of Israel’s West Bank occupation” on social media... a quick search of Esmail’s Facebook profile reveals the posts that most likely led to her arrest were those in which she praised the October 7 Hamas massacre, posted photos toting an automatic weapon, and glorified infamous Hamas terrorists who have murdered hundreds of innocent civilians. Indeed, had The Guardian journalist who wrote the piece, Ramon Antonio Vargas, actually bothered to look at Esmail’s social media profile — something that took less than 20 seconds for HonestReporting to find — he would have found it awash with disturbing messages and imagery. For example, on the day that Hamas terrorists rampaged through southern Israeli communities, killing and raping scores of civilians, Esmail wrote numerous comments online praising the terrorists responsible and calling for more violence. In one post, Esmail, who describes herself as an educator within Louisiana’s Jefferson Parish Public School System, included footage of Hamas terrorists kidnapping an Israeli grandmother and asked for God to “bless” them, adding: “Don’t play with your tails, this day will be witnessed in the history, remember it very well 07/10/2023.” In another October 7 post, she wrote: “7/10/2023, date of a rich history, we do not know when it will be repeated, whether it will happen in our time, or the time of our children, or the time of our grandchildren. But the victory is coming no doubt with God’s will. Victory or martyrdom. We are the children of Palestine who don’t know surrender. Don’t play with us, bastards the sons of Zion.” In further posts, she warned that Palestinians will take the Israeli city of Tel Aviv “back from the hands of the rapists” and describes the “joy” of terrorists filmed breaking across the Gaza border. Seemingly in the United States at the time of the massacre, Esmail also apparently graffitied her car in support of Hamas, showing off photos of a vehicle daubed in slogans including “Freedom to Palestine!” and “Today is the victory day, promised and memorable for Gaza 7/10/2023.” Other posts written by Esmail include her praise for Yahya Ayyash, a Hamas terrorist dubbed “The Engineer,” who introduced the tactic of suicide bombings and orchestrated attacks that killed dozens of Israelis, and current Hamas spokesman Abu Obaida, whose picture she once used as her own profile photo. Meanwhile, her son, Ibrahim Hamed, who painted a picture of his mother as a harmless woman to The Guardian, commented beneath one photo of his burka-clad mother aiming a rifle: “Walla, let me go hide kill em.” Unfortunately, The Guardian wasn’t the only outlet to be taken in by what it described as Hamed’s “mother’s plight.” The Washington Post published a piece that quoted the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), an organization previously found to have ties to Hamas, and its demand that as “an American citizen, Samaher Esmail deserves the full protection and support of her government.” And CBS News went even further, printing her son’s ludicrous claim that none of his mother’s posts “support Hamas specifically.”"
The left want "hate speech" to be criminalised. But of course that only applies to speech they hate

Toronto elementary school delayed telling parents about #KillTheJews graffiti, mother says - "Carly Cohen’s daughter found antisemitic graffiti in the washroom at Toronto’s Dublin Heights Elementary School. The graffiti included an X drawn through a sketch of an Israeli flag and the Star of David, the words “Free palestine,” “get rid of the k-kes” and “hitler was right,” plus a sketch of a Palestinian flag and a sloppily drawn swastika. There was also the hashtag “KillTheJews.”... Bird told The Canadian Press last November, could lead to the “identification, surveillance, and stigmatization of the specific students who may have been involved.” He said the board had found such publicity could inspire copycats."
Clearly just anti-Zionism. The school cannot violate the right of freedom of expression of "pro-Palestinian" students

Shimon Koffler Fogel: Don't equate extremist Israeli settlers with Hamas - "We should not tolerate settler violence — their actions are criminal and inflammatory. However, any suggestion that the two are similar, that settlers can somehow be equated with senior Hamas terrorists, sets up a dangerous moral equivalency, whether that’s originating from the government, or those reading into government actions... Western governments are not keen to ensure this differentiation is made clear because it helps them further the narrative that they are being “tough on both sides.” They cannot, in good conscience, equate Hamas, a genuine terrorist organization, with the State of Israel, a democratic ally of Canada and the United States. But it’s no secret that the Biden and Trudeau governments need to court votes from the Muslim community and groups that are opposed to the Jewish state. So, by allowing this false equivalency to go unchallenged, they can show those groups they’re being “tough on the Israelis.” Settler violence should absolutely be stopped. But it should be treated for what it is — criminality on the part of a fringe minority. Allowing a tiny number of extremist settlers to be equated to a terrorist organization that’s responsible for the deaths of the most Jews in a single day since the Holocaust both reduces Hamas to the level of petty criminals and exaggerates settler violence to match the level of organized terrorism. It is either a cynical political ploy or a fundamental misunderstanding of the situation in the Middle East. Our governments must do better."

Terry Glavin: The Palestinians' western 'friends' are the Palestinians' worst enemies - "I’m turning here to Ahmed Fouad Alkhatib, a Palestinian refugee, a patriot, and a courageous Middle East analyst whose perspective can be understood as an Arab iteration of Cotler’s standpoint...  Now more than ever, there should be a worldwide movement to force Israeli authorities, the United Nations’ various agencies and western governments to focus on relieving the suffering of the Palestinians of Gaza. But here’s what’s standing in the way: the Palestinians’ western “friends” are the Palestinians’ worst enemies. They’ve sucked the life out of every conversation where measures to lift the weight of agony from the Palestinians of Gaza should be the only item on the agenda. For years, Alkhatib has attempted to develop humanitarian lifelines into Gaza, to find ways around the troubled UN Relief and Works Agency, to build support for a UN-supervised international airport beyond the control of Hamas, and so on. But as Gaza’s suffering has become more acute than any point in its history, the prospects for genuine support for the people of Gaza has never been so distant. “And so I have been trying to put my voice out there, out of sheer frustration and anger with these people who are speaking on behalf of the Palestinian people. These are the people who are supposed to be highlighting the plight of the Palestinians. They are supposed to be humanizing the suffering of the people of Gaza, and trying to effect public opinion in western audiences, to move things forward. “Instead you get this useless feel-good activism. I have tried to be measured, and it’s proving to be very, very challenging. I have tried. I want to say this more forcefully. I have tried to be measured, but a lot of the so-called ‘pro-Palestinian’ movement is now overtly pro-terror, and pro-Hamas, and pro Islamism.”...  Alkhatib has no kind words for the Israelis’ prosecution of the war: no matter the efforts the IDF is making to keep non-combatants out of harm’s way, tens of thousands of Gazan civilians have been killed and wounded... That is what the “pro-Palestinian” movement should be focused on, Alkhatib says. “Instead, they’re running around chanting ‘from the river to the sea.’ These people would not last a second living under Hamas in Gaza. But all we hear from them is ‘resistance’ and ‘intifada.’ These words mean nothing to Palestinians except for war and death.”"
"Resistance" is more important than giving Palestinians a good life. But then, that's what most Palestinians want after all

Streamers Split on Running ‘Come Visit Beautiful Gaza’ Anti-Hamas Commercial - "The ad shows a series of idyllic images while imploring viewers to “come visit beautiful Gaza,” touting a vibrant nightlife, five-star hotels and charming boardwalks. The message then pivots as the ad says, “This is what Gaza could have been like without Hamas.” It concludes with the message “Free Gaza from Hamas” and a State of Israel seal. Google-owned video service YouTube briefly ran the video as a paid ad, but it was removed and blocked after the platform determined it violated its policy against ads that display shocking content."
It is shocking to see what Gaza could be if Hamas stopped its terrorism

Federal NDP candidate backs accusation 'white fragility' behind caucus ejection of MPP Sarah Jama - "The federal NDP candidate and riding executives in Guelph sent a letter blaming “white fragility” for the removal of an Ontario MPP from the provincial NDP caucus  after a falling out over her offensive comments about the Hamas terrorist attacks against Israel on Oct. 7... It expresses “shock” over Stiles’s claims that Jama created an “unsafe work environment” for her colleagues and fellow party members. “The language used is eerily reminiscent of the language used to discredit and vilify people of colour, particularly women, drawing on tropes of the ‘angry black woman,'” the letter continues... Members of the Guelph riding association who spoke off the record to National Post described their party as one being  taken over by a small but vocal minority of activists, who they say are forcing many long-time members to cut ties with the NDP... Pro-Palestinian protestors and some party delegates stormed the Hamilton Convention Centre in October during the federal NDP’s annual convention, a week after the terrorist attacks, which killed more than 1,000 Israelis and saw hundreds more taken hostage. They demanded an emergency resolution condemning Israel and supporting the right of Palestinian “resistance.”... sources within the Ontario NDP tell the National Post trouble within the party has been brewing for years. “Talk of a ‘split’ in the NDP is an exaggeration,” one long-time New Democrat told the National Post, describing the trouble being caused by a small but very vocal members, who until recently didn’t really hold that much sway in party policy. “The party leadership have long tolerated the antics of a small group of dissidents.” The source, who would speak only on condition of anonymity, agreed that this year’s Hamilton convention was an important turning point. “At the last federal convention, they went from a mere nuisance to a direct threat, when they attempted to storm the convention hall and disrupt Jagmeet Singh’s keynote speech,” the source said. “Convention staff and police held them back.”"
This is hilarious, since the left are always claiming that speech they disagree with makes them feel unsafe
Just like in other countries, the anti-Semites and terrorism supporters got so excited when Jews were killed, before Israel launched its counter-offensive

Addendum: She also has a history of saying this kind of stuff

Meme - *Daily Struggle/Two BUttons*
"Globalize the Intifada"
"Ceasefire Now"
Of course, this is because the terrorism supporters who want a ceasefire don't want peace - they want Hamas to recover and be able to attack Israel again (and hopefully destroy it this time)


Israel versus Palestine Cat Edition - YouTube

Meme - "*Women with bloody grey sweatpants and blood on their faces* Remember the women with bloody crotches and a bullet hole in their heads
Rape is not resistance"

Meme - Jonathan Kay: "Here's Osgoode Hall Law School trumpeting prof Heidi Matthews, who believes that "the right of resistance" includes mass murder and rape"
Heidi Matthews @Heidi_Matthews: "A lot of obfuscation going on about what the right of resistance looks like in brutally asymmetrical contexts."
Lorna M Yates (she/her): "Confusing Hamas for Palestinians who genuinely want and deserve a state of their own is problematic. What Hamas is doing is not resistance."
Heidi Matthews: "I think I'll leave it to Palestinians to let us know what resistance looks like for them."

David Collier on X - "Hamas could surrender. Hamas could release the hostages. 100,000s protest war on our streets & not a single call for Hamas to surrender! Instead they call for 'victory to the resistance' (Hamas). It's like 100,000s marching through London in 1944 calling on the Nazis to win."

Richard Hanania on X - "Western pundits: I’m voting against Biden for supporting Israel’s genocide in Gaza!
Israel: Yeah as soon as Trump wins we’ll finish this thing.
I think Israel knows better than American activists."

Ron M. on X - "🇮🇱🇵🇸 Palestinians used years of Israeli work permits to make detailed plans of Israeli communities allowing Hamas to slaughter entire families with pinpoint accuracy..  Now Israelis don't want Palestinians working in the country any longer, the trust is gone. The highest-paying Palestinian jobs will now go to foreign workers.  The costs of the OCT 7 Massacre will be felt in 'Palestine' for many years to come. F*ck them."
Israel to bring in foreign building workers to replace Palestinians - "Israel's government said on Sunday it would bring in 65,000 foreign workers from India, Sri Lanka and Uzbekistan to resume construction stalled since Oct. 7 when Palestinian workers were sent home in the wake of the attack on Israel by Hamas. Some 72,000 Palestinian workers were employed on construction sites in Israel prior to the attack, which prompted the government to lay them off and exclude them from Israel for security reasons. Some 20,000 foreign workers remain but almost half the country's building sites have been closed down due to the labour shortage."
The left will be calling not wanting potential terrorists to work in your country "apartheid" and blame Israel for immiserating Palestine

יוסף חדאד - Yoseph Haddad on X - ""They cut the heads and took it with them”: Irit Lahav of Kibbutz Nir Oz is an Israeli peace activist who founded a peace organization that used to transport Palestinian patients in need from Gaza’s crossings to hospitals in Israel. On October 7th, she heroically saved her family after hundreds of Palestinians invaded the kibbutz, murdering and looting. Today she tells the shocking story of how the war changed her mind, in the ruins of the home of her colleague peace activist Oded Lifshitz who is still held hostage in Gaza by Hamas. 1 out of every 4 residents of Nir Oz was kidnapped or murdered during the October 7th massacre. This is their story."
Itay Hageety 🇮🇱 on X - "We hoped they wanted peace, so we ignored their calls for violence and terror until we couldn't ignore them anymore."
Jewish Defense Corps on X - "Another case example of what happens to peaceful Jews that are kind to Palestinians."

Israeli Peace Activist Says Hamas Attack Changed Her Views on All Palestinians: 'They're So Cruel - "A longtime Israeli peace activist said she has changed her mind about the possibility of co-existing with Palestinians after her kibbutz was invaded by Hamas terrorists on October 7.  Locked in a tiny safe room with her daughter, the door jammed shut by a makeshift bar she made from an oar and a vacuum cleaner, 57-year-old Irit Lahav said she heard non-stop gunfire for nearly 10 hours, and then the sound of women and children who had followed the terrorists from Gaza looting her home in Nir Oz... She said she’d been in favor of Israel’s unilateral withdrawal from Gaza in 2005, and she and her fellow left-minded kibbutzniks were happy that Gazans finally had a chance to have their own state... That led her to the conclusion: “There is no Hamas anymore for me. There is the Palestinian nation. They are responsible for that.”"

'They're So Cruel': How Oct. 7 Destroyed an Israeli Peace Activist's Faith in the Palestinians - "Irit Lahav, 57, was a peace activist who believed in the decency of the Palestinian people. Then, on Oct. 7, ordinary Gazans joined in a terrorist attack that left more than one in four of her neighbors in Kibbutz Nir Oz dead or abducted.   For many members of Nir Oz and other Israelis, the atrocities of Oct. 7—and particularly the broad participation of the Gazan public in the day—destroyed their faith in coexistence with the Palestinians.  Lahav, a manager at a travel company, long participated in peace demonstrations. In recent years, she volunteered for an Israeli charity called Road to Recovery, driving Palestinian children from the border of the Gaza Strip, less than two miles from her home, to Israeli hospitals for life-saving medical care.   "We thought that Palestinians are good people. All they want is peace and prosperity," Lahav told the Washington Free Beacon in an interview from a hotel in this Red Sea resort city where she and most of her community were temporarily relocated. "It's just that Hamas is forcing them to be in this aggressive situation."... Lahav learned from other Nir Oz survivors that Gazan women and children as young as 10 years old had followed Hamas terrorists into the kibbutz, looting, helping the armed terrorists, and apparently enjoying themselves.  "Basically it was sort of an invasion of a community," Lahav said. "That's why for me, I cannot say this was a Hamas action. No, for me, this was a Palestinian action. A whole community had come to our kibbutz, took our things, stole stuff, killed people, and kidnapped others."  "Am I thinking about myself being foolish until now?" Lahav added. "Maybe. But more is that I'm disappointed in them, that they're so cruel, have no values, really lost their human values.""

Aviva Klompas on X - "Soooo…..what do the ‘Ceasefire Now’ people have to say about Israel offering a ceasefire and Hamas rejecting it?"
AG on X - "So I asked this question to someone who is involved in extreme progressive circles and he explained that they have now redefined ceasefire to mean "a cessation of violence by those with power" and they have determined only Israel has power in the conflict (this is the same way those circles have tended to redefine racism) so Hamas agreeing or rejecting a ceasefire is meaningless since their demands only apply to Israel. They don't care what Hamas does as Hamas is always justified as the representatives of the oppressed (in their twisted and alternate reality)."  

Hussain Abdul-Hussain on X - "Went on @skynewsarabia  (Arabic) with a pundit from #China, another from #Iran, both were harping on "the rights of the Palestinian people" and that the Red Sea crisis will not be solved unless #Israel stops Gaza War. My response: China's declared policy is for every country to respect and not intervene in the domestic affairs of another. Therefore, China used its veto power in UN Security Council 10 times to block resolutions on Syria, including resolutions intended to force Assad to let in lifesaving humanitarian aid to Syrians, whom Assad was decimating.   Also, whenever anyone brings up the issue of how China is oppressing 11 million Muslim Uyghurs and depriving them of their rights, Beijing  objects against "intervention in its domestic affairs." #Iran regime has toed a similar line.  But with Israel, China and Iran find it perfectly normal for #Yemen to intervene in the affairs of a country that's 3,000 km (1900 miles) away by threatening global trade, and that's that. Hypocrisy at its best!  Also said that American intervention is to protect global order. America's four biggest partners are Canada, Mexico, China and EU. Maritime trade between these countries and America never go through the Red Sea."

Letter to the editor: Who would Liberals replace Trudeau with? - "A theatre in Victoria this month cancelled the award-winning and critically acclaimed play The Runner after anti-Israel protesters turned a community dialogue on the play into chaos, using bullhorns to drown out the discussion with hateful chants. The building was subsequently vandalized. “(We) believe that presenting The Runner at this particular time does not ensure the well-being of all segments of our community,” the theatre said in announcing the decision. No one can blame the theatre, a small, community organization. The threat of political violence is real, as seen by the rage of the activists and the damage done to the physical property. Nevertheless, the incident — and hundreds of similar acts of intimidation, threats, vandalism and violence across Canada by anti-Israel activists in recent weeks — is a sign of a serious rupture in Canada’s social fabric. When radical extremists can achieve their ends through violence — or threats of violence — democratic values go out the window"

Canada looks to boost refugees from Gaza, Egypt says no over security - "“Cairo does not want to have a new security problem on its hands in this problematic region,” Fabiani told Associated Press in October. And what would that security threat be? A poll taken in December and reported on by Reuters showed that 72% of Palestinians said they “believed the Hamas decision to launch the cross-border rampage in southern Israel was ‘correct’ given its outcome so far, while 22% said it was ‘incorrect.’” Almost three-quarters of Palestinians agreed with attacking innocent civilians, raping women, killing old people in their homes, and thought that taking the young and old, and men and women as hostages was acceptable. This is the population that the Trudeau government believes we can bring into our country out of a humanitarian concern. Concern over the humanitarian situation in Gaza is understandable, but importing a population that is at odds with Canadian values is not. All the polling of the population in Gaza, by Palestinians themselves, shows that they are not in line with Canadian values. This is not a population fleeing war, this is a population cheering on war — a population totally radicalized by decades of propaganda, some of it funded by Canada through UNRWA schools. Some comparisons have been made to the Ukrainian situation, with Palestinian supporters implying racism is at play because of security concerns and vetting. That’s simply not the case; in Ukraine, we are dealing with a population that is trying to repel an invading Russian army as that country tries to establish a Western-style liberal democracy. This isn’t even like the Syrian refugee crisis, which Canada stepped up to assist with. In that instance, there was a population fleeing war and fleeing extremists, they weren’t cheering on ISIS or Asad — they simply wanted to live. That’s not the case here. After decades of radicalization and 15 years of Hamas control of Gaza, much of the population thinks like the terrorists running the place. Bringing in that population to Canada will be problematic. Justin Trudeau likes to say that diversity is our strength, but this might be stretching it a little too far. We already have people in Canada expressing outright support for terrorist groups, with the regulars marching in the streets. We don’t need to import people whose values are at odds with our own."
Damn racist Egyptians and other Arabs!

Rape crisis centre supporting pro-Hamas rally another low in Toronto - "Davenport for Ceasefire, Parkdale-High Park for Palestine and the Toronto Rape Crisis Centre plans to hold a “Community Art Build and Poster Making” event at Bloor St. W. and Dundas St. W between 1 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. on Saturday to “prepare” for a pro-Palestine march on Sunday.  Calling it “family-friendly,” the poster has a “free Palestine” meme and logos from the three organizations.  But the fact one of them is the Toronto Rape Crisis Centre (TRCC) is raising many concerns. Obviously, after many testimonials from at least ten women who were subject to sexual violence on the Black Sabbath that was Oct. 7, it’s highly inappropriate for a rape centre to be involved in something like this... “It is beyond disappointing to see the Toronto Rape Crisis Centre participating in this event,” community leader Ariella Kimmel said. “As a Jewish woman, I’ve watched for months since October 7th as those around us excluded victims of sexual violence because they are Israeli. Hamas didn’t just commit their atrocities, they were so proud of them, they livestreamed them.”  It was all so horrifying. But months later, it’s like its being celebrated.  And the whole truth on how many women were raped Oct. 7 is still unknown. There are still many missing and kidnapped people, many were killed and can’t talk, and others have not yet spoken of what they went through."

Eylon Levy on X - "Shocking eyewitness accounts of the "second wave" invasion on October 7—that of the Gazan civilians who entered people's homes, stole their possessions, and even switched their Netflix to Arabic and watched TV."
Kibbutz Nir Oz, where Hamas’ mass terror attack became personal

Meme - Andy Ngo: "Far-left accounts on social media are mocking and laughing at the testimonies of the Oct. 7 Israeli survivors who experienced their homes being looted by Gazan civilians they once helped and trusted. Many of the villages that were attacked by Hamas near the Gaza border were homes to left-wing Israelis and peace activists who wanted to co-exist."
Meme - Kalinka @kitschmusik: "ok this is legitimately hilarious. they are so mad that the hired help, who had to commute from a concentration camp to their southern california looking community and probably get paid $1 an hour, showed up to steal their shit and watch tv. dekulakization in action"
Meme - BRG @BlackRedGuard1: "During the civil war, liberated Africans dressed in their former slavers' clothes, drank his wine, slept in his bed, and ate his food. In many instances, after delivering justice to him with their own hands."
Linda Mamoun @newswhacker: "I'm reminded of how kids commuted into Santa Monica after the killing of George Floyd & took some fancy stuff."
Meme - Rick @jetsetninja: "Stealing land is ok but possessions?! How dare they"
Joseph K Bennett @JosephKBennett: "They were "surprised" that the villagers didn't LIKE the kibbutz people? Just lol"
small-C communist @____newt: "this is some Parasite (the film) level shit"
Harik "Wankpuffin" Mc'O @HarikMCO: "they deserve so much worse but the palestnians are a much more merciful and gentle people than I am."

Israeli forces dressed as women, medics kill 3 militants in West Bank hospital
Terrorism supporters keep claiming that Israel is killing lots of Palestinians on purpose since they are capable of more targeted strikes. But naturally, they were upset at these targeted strikes too. Because in reality they just support terrorism against Jews

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