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Thursday, January 04, 2024

Links - 4th January 2024 (2 - Migrants)

Illegal migrants fuelling crime and prostitution, warns Suella Braverman - "Illegal migrants are fuelling crime and prostitution, Suella Braverman has warned, as her small boats Bill cleared the Commons on Wednesday with a majority of 59.  Speaking ahead of the Third Reading debate, the Home Secretary said migrants crossing the English Channel on small boats were linked to “heightened levels of criminality”.  "I think that the people coming here illegally do possess values which are at odds with our country," she said. "We are seeing heightened levels of criminality when related to the people who've come on boats, related to drug dealing, exploitation, prostitution... National Crime Agency chiefs warned last year that a “significant number” of the Albanians in the UK who had entered illegally were working in the “grey” market or for organised criminal drug gangs and were sending back “hundreds of millions of pounds” a year to Albania."

Mass immigration or high social welfare: Pick one, Canada - "even the party’s most senior officials appear to be willfully blind to the clear correlation between Canada’s record-high immigration-fueled population growth and our acute shortage of affordable dwellings. They also refuse to acknowledge the plain mathematical fact that bringing upwards of half a million newcomers to our shores each year will only make this problem worse, at least in the near term... the minister is saying that way out of the housing crisis is to further juice demand by bringing in more immigrants. (These skilled workers will, after all, need somewhere to stay themselves while they’re building homes for the rest of us). His government’s abject refusal to see immigration as anything other than a panacea calls to mind the old saying, “If the only tool you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.” But even as our government remains deeply in denial, many across Canada (including those on the Left) are openly questioning the longstanding pro-immigration orthodoxy. Articles asking if we’re taking in “too many” immigrants—a question few outside of the right-wing blogosphere dared to ask until recently—are cropping up with increasing frequency, appearing regularly in even Left-leaning media outlets. It’s been nothing short of astounding to see mainstream pundits debating this once taboo topic so openly. This change in tone may also be a sign that the “progressive’s dilemma” that’s played out for decades across much of the West has finally arrived in Canada.   Broadly speaking, the progressive’s dilemma posits an intractable tension between mass immigration and maintaining the bonds of social solidarity necessary to sustain redistributive social policies. This thesis is premised on the logic that individual citizens feel less obliged to contribute to the collective good as they see less of themselves in their fellow citizens (i.e., with respect to language, race, ethnicity, religion, and other markers of identity).   It’s a compelling logic that explains why relatively homogenous countries like Sweden and Norway have larger welfare states than highly diverse ones like the United Kingdom and France. It also explains how some of Europe’s most successful political parties couple support for generous social policies with overt xenophobia and nativism. (Hungary’s Fidesz is perhaps the best example of this archetype). Canada has long been thought to be immune to this dynamic, reconciling high levels of immigration with a relatively strong welfare state for decades. In fact, there’s a decent-sized literature in migration studies that ponders the underpinnings of “Canadian exceptionalism” in this respect.   But the recent change in tone surrounding the Liberal government’s immigration policy, and in particular the growing narrative that it is exacerbating our housing crisis, suggests that we might be on the verge of our very own “made-in-Canada” progressive’s dilemma—a dilemma with pronounced Canadian characteristics that differentiate it from anti-immigrant backlashes seen in other Western countries. Pivotally, critics of the Liberals’ immigration policy have refrained from targeting new Canadians themselves. If anything, recent news stories have portrayed newcomers in a sympathetic light as being sold a bill of goods via an overzealous (and downright deceptive) national recruitment campaign. A recent series of stories have chronicled the struggles of dozens of asylum seekers who’ve been forced to live in street encampments for weeks due to a lack of vacancy in Toronto’s emergency shelters. Multiple outlets have also reported on the trend of new immigrants electing to leave Canada and return to their home countries. The discourse also eschews the ubiquitous “immigrant freeloader” trope. To the contrary, it paints most new Canadians as eager would-be contributors to Canada’s economy who are all too often prevented from pursuing economic opportunities by political gatekeeping. To wit, political leaders from across the aisle have called for professional bodies to speed up the process of recognizing foreign credentials."

Some Ukrainian immigrants leaving because it's so expensive - "The strenuous work and high cost of living has taken its toll. Martynenko, 44, is now planning a return to Sweden. His monthly expenses in Toronto include roughly $100 for a phone plan , $150 for public transit, $400 for groceries, and $1,000 for a room in a rooming house, where the kitchen and bathroom are shared among four tenants. Any money left over is sent back to family still in Ukraine. At least in Stockholm he earned enough to have savings, he said... Social service organizations have warned that the country’s most vulnerable citizens — often newcomers — are affected most by higher prices, especially in housing. Andrei Zavialov, a settlement worker with Ukrainian Canadian Social Services Toronto, said he knows of at least 15 Ukrainians who have returned to their home country from the Greater Toronto Area since the war broke out. There isn’t one predominant reason for leaving, he said, but expenses are among the most cited factors... Anecdotal stories like these are supported by new research suggesting that more newcomers have chosen to leave Canada in recent years as worsening housing affordability, a strained health-care system, and underemployment spark disillusionment with the opportunities the country offers.  An acceleration of that trend would undermine Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s ambitious plans to stave off economic backsliding through relaxed immigration policies.. Real gross domestic product per capita has stagnated over the past decade, while soaring home prices have far outpaced disposable income... Other costs are also rising. While inflation is decelerating, it’s still running at 3.8 per cent, “much too high for comfort,” according Benjamin Reitzes, a rates and macro strategist at the Bank of Montreal"
When a literal warzone is preferable

The Liberal Party is largely responsible for mass migration and the housing crisis: here are the stats : TorontoRealEstate - "A lot of people on this subreddit seem to believe that the Conservatives are "worse" than the Liberals on mass migration, or that they are responsible for it in the first place.  The truth is that immigration numbers were significantly lower under the last Conservative government (which Pierre Poilievre was apart of).  Here are the statistics... These numbers also do NOT take into consideration the fact that the Liberal government undercounted immigration by over 1 million people. We also didn't have a national housing crisis in most of the country under Harper.  Further, the Conservatives voted for a motion in parliament with the Bloc to reject the century initiative - a plan to increase Canada's population to 100 million.  In response, the NDP called Pierre Poilievre racist for not supporting their ambitious immigration targets.  It was the Liberals that campaigned on bringing in more Syrian refugees in 2015. It was the Liberals that spent years calling the Conservatives racist for advocating for the closure of Roxham road.  Don't believe the people that argue that we have "no choice" but to give Trudeau and Jagmeet another 4 years."
So much for that liberal cope. Many are still sliming those who oppose mass migration as racist, or posing the false dichotomy that oppose mass migration means you want 0 migration

Get a grip Rishi, Britain is not a hotel for immigrants – it is our home - "At least a million people will have been added to the British population in the past two years at a time when our public services are under terrible strain and you have more chance of dating Tom Cruise than of seeing a dentist... If immigration were to continue at the current pace, according to Migration Watch UK the population would rise from almost 68 million today to between 83 and 87 million by 2046 – that’s equivalent to 15 new cities the size of Birmingham... Again and again, we see how the British people have been lied to. After Brexit, we were promised a reduction in immigration and a tough, Australian-style, points-based system which would allow in the highly skilled workers that we need.  Able people who would be net contributors to our economy, not sponges soaking up benefits and services paid for by the British taxpayer. And what did we get?  A ridiculously weak, watered-down points-based system which effectively let in the world and his wife, her auntie and 13 second-cousins.  Thresholds for earnings and qualifications were slyly lowered as were the earnings required for the sponsors of dependents. We surely reached some kind of nadir when the latest addition to the Shortage Occupation List was floristry... The latest polling by Professor Matt Goodwin of Kent University found that, when asked to name the most important issues facing the country ahead of the general election, all voters put immigration third, but the people who voted Conservative in 2019 put immigration first, ahead of both the economy and healthcare.   Yet, when he gave a speech earlier this week, in advance of the Autumn Statement, Rishi Sunak set out five “long-term” decisions for the future of the country and immigration wasn’t mentioned once.  The PM’s silence on this matter is both shameless and shameful. Scenes on our streets since the Hamas massacres of October 7 have served to show how the era of mass immigration has weakened social cohesion to the point that many of our fellow citizens barely owe any allegiance to this country.  As some of us warned 25 years ago, millions of British Muslims now live in a parallel world with tribal affiliations to foreign powers (and their bloody internecine struggles) that run deeper than any loyalty to Britain.  With a million newcomers arriving every year (and hundreds of thousands of our best people departing), how is any meaningful integration to be achieved?... “There is no way applications are being properly checked,” warns Alp Mehmet, “I suspect that applicants are being given the benefit of the doubt and allowed to remain regardless. It will come back to bite the Government because illegal migrants knowing they can get into the UK and stay, no questions asked, only adds to the strength of the magnet pulling them here.”    This criminal laxness at our borders would be bad news in normal times. When there is a war with Islamist terrorists in Gaza, and Hamas sympathisers are brazenly staging hate-filled marches on the streets of London, it is nothing less than a threat to national security.  The Sunday Express broke a story about a huge manhunt to catch six terror suspects who crossed the Channel in a small boat. I’m afraid that it’s not a question of if there will be a terror attack in the UK, but when. In her scorching resignation letter to Rishi Sunak, Suella Braverman protested that she had tried to honour the commitment to reduce overall legal migration “as set out in the 2019 manifesto through, inter alia, reforming the international students route and increasing salary thresholds on work visas”.  If the former Home Secretary failed to enact the will of the people it’s because there is no appetite to reduce the flood of incomers.  The bitter truth is the Prime Minister and his government are immigration junkies, hooked on foreign labour. The cultural cohesion of our society, the wellbeing of the British people, housing for our kids, access to healthcare, can all go hang in their pursuit of GDP.   "
Left wing logic: the more people you import, the more services you have, and if you don't it's the fault of Conservatives for not funding them

Robert Burke on X - "People don’t realise how extreme Ireland’s hate speech bill is. Up to 12 months in prison for refusing to give password to your devices if suspected of committing hate speech. 12 months for refusing to allow the State read messages between you and your spouse. It’s authoritarian."

Why we’ll never win the war on terror - "nearly a quarter of all terrorist suspects arrested in Britain since 9/11 have been asylum seekers. That was on the very same day that the Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police was telling Radio 4’s Today programme that three major terrorist conspiracies had been broken up since the London Tube bombs in July.  Clearly, the police and security services are doing an excellent job. But why do they have to do it with one hand tied behind their backs?  It is now crystal clear that the asylum system is being abused by potential terrorists. A Parliamentary answer, slipped out on the last day of the session, revealed that, of 963 people arrested on suspicion of terrorist offences, 232 had lodged claims for asylum — some even after their arrest. At least 50 of these claims have been made in the past six months.  Why is this happening? Simple. Britain is a soft touch. A potential terrorist who claims asylum here can be sure of a year, perhaps two, at the British taxpayer’s expense while his case and his appeals are heard.  If he succeeds in bluffing the immigration courts he is in clover. He becomes entitled to the full benefits of our welfare state. If he fails, he can go underground and join the hundreds of thousands of failed asylum seekers whom the Government has still not removed from Britain.  You would think it was time that the Government got around to doing something effective about this. It is hardly a new problem.  The most notorious case was the Algerian who was in Britain illegally at the time he stabbed to death Special Branch detective Stephen Oake at a flat in Manchester in 2003, but there have been plenty more. The Government could start by analysing the countries from which these suspects are coming (or claiming to come from). Algeria, Pakistan and Iraq spring to mind but there may be other countries, for example in East Africa.  Then they could ensure that there is much tighter control over the issue of visas in these countries of concern. Research by Migration Watch, the organisation that I chair, has shown that many visitors from these countries are issued with visas after only a cursory interview.  But some will still get here and claim asylum. If they do, we should not let them loose on the streets. Those who pose a potential risk should be detained until their cases are decided on a special fast-track procedure.  This is already done for cases that are considered to be unfounded. It should now also be done when there is a potential for terrorism — even if it means expanding the number of detention places. This leaves two major legal hurdles. The Government is working on one but ducking the other. The first is the 1951 Refugee Convention. The Prime Minister has spoken of his frustration with this Convention. It was written 50 years ago for a few dozen people escaping from behind the Iron Curtain. Its authors would be astonished if they knew that it was now being applied to hundreds of thousands of people every year...   The usual argument against any changes to human rights law is that we would be doing the terrorists’ work for them. But would it really be ‘giving in to terrorism’ to send convicted terrorists packing after giving them due warning?  Human rights are of real importance. But the British people also have a right to expect serious measures to help protect them from suicidal terrorists."
From 2005

‘Why am I being sent back?’ Hurt, anger for Afghans pushed out by Pakistan - "On October 3, the Pakistani government ordered all undocumented foreigners to leave the country or face expulsion. Rasul packed his large household’s belongings into a shipping container atop a truck for the 250km (155-mile) trip from the city of Rawalpindi to the Afghan border.  Pakistan, a country of 241 million people, has a population of more than 4 million Afghans. About 2.4 million of them have some form of government-approved documentation. Another 1.7 million Afghan nationals, the government says, have no paperwork at all.   While Pakistan has accepted Afghan refugees in the past, a recent surge in violence by armed groups with roots in Afghanistan has soured public opinion and triggered a backlash against them.   Pakistan’s government has blamed Afghan nationals for the increase in violence in the country, including two suicide bombings at mosques in September. In the wake of the violence, the Pakistani government gave undocumented foreigners a deadline to exit the country by the end of October... The Pakistani government has denied targeting citizens of any one country. It has maintained that its decision was made in accordance with international laws for the “welfare and security” of its people."
Islamophobia! How come the activists are silent?

French teen’s fatal stabbing billed as ‘anti-white’ crime prompts protests, calls for crackdown on ‘far right’ - "The fatal stabbing of a French teenager at a village dance billed by some politicians as an "anti-White" crime prompted mass protests across the countryside over the weekend.   As a result, French Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin on Tuesday called for a crackdown on three far-right groups he blames for fueling violent clashes against police... Valence public prosecutor Laurent de Caigny said that nine of the more than 100 witnesses interviewed after the deadly brawl reported hearing remarks aimed against "White people," according to France 24, but fell short of confirming a racial motivation for the stabbing as the investigation continues... In addition to Thomas’ death, reports say between nine and 18 others were wounded on Nov. 19.   Unconfirmed accounts allege migrants arrived by car from nearby housing projects to attack dance-goers. Nine people, including three minors and others between the ages of 19 and 22, were taken into custody in connection to Thomas’ stabbing, as prosecutors sought an investigation into charges including attempted murder and "murder in an organized gang," according to reports... Jordan Bardella, the president of Marine Le Pen’s far-right National Rally party, considered the largest single opposition party in French parliament, said Thomas’ stabbing shows the "daily terror lived by millions of French people and millions of parents who are worried about their children going out on the streets in France because they know they risk being attacked."

Interpreting Crépol’s Crime: An Inversion of Reality - "rallies in support of the victim were organised spontaneously, mainly in the Rhône-Alpes-Auvergne region. In Valence, a procession in tribute to Thomas was held, flying French flags. When the authorities wanted to ban some of these gatherings, as in Lyon, on the orders of the Rhône prefecture, a new date was immediately set for another demonstration. A rally is also planned in Paris, on the Place de la Sorbonne, in the heart of the student quarter.  The main news channels were keen to give prominence to the expedition of right-wing militants to Romans-sur-Isère, some even invoking the term ‘ratonnade,’ inherited from the Algerian war, to describe the settling of scores by Europeans against Arabs. No one was killed or injured in Romans-sur-Isère, but in the eyes of some, this scuffle has become more important than the initial murder of Thomas. The ‘ultra-right’—a neologism in recent use designed to further demonise the old ‘far-right’ as outdated—is accused of wanting to make the death of the young rugby player “a martyr for its cause.” On television, journalists feigned naïveté and repeated over and over again the ‘vagueness’ of the first affair, the lack of information on the exact motive of the killers and their origin, only to be met with the cold anger of politicians from the various right-wing parties. Interviewed by the public radio station France Inter, Marine Le Pen condemned the “blindness and cowardice” of the political class on the subject. Marion Maréchal told BFM TV that the prospect of an ethnic war in France was getting closer every day. As for Éric Ciotti, president of the Les Républicains, he bravely argued before journalists that the real tragedy was not the Romans-sur-Isère demonstration but Thomas’s death.   Under pressure from public opinion, a minute’s silence was eventually observed for Thomas at the French National Assembly on Tuesday, November 28th, after prominent figures such as Marion Maréchal deplored its absence, unlike when Nahel died last June.   For the leading editorialists, the blame for the disorder has now been shifted onto the shoulders of the Romans-sur-Isère demonstrators. Journalist Patrick Cohen explained on France 5 that the assailants were nice guys who had come to “flirt a bit” and “have some fun.” It is fascinating to note that this type of argument is totally banned by the Left when it comes to rape cases: it is forbidden to consider that a woman might behave or dress in a provocative way that could lead to an attack. But in the case of acts of violence against a backdrop of ethnic warfare, the fault will always lie with the provocative ‘white guys.’   In addition to the press, the judiciary has also aligned itself with an understanding of the facts that prioritises violence by focusing on the so-called ‘ultra-right,’ imposing swift and heavy sentences on the demonstrators arrested in Romans-sur-Isère, in contrast to the laxity applied in other cases of violence, when the victims come from the ranks of the police, for example. Gérald Darmanin has since congratulated himself on having avoided “a scenario of a little Irish-style civil war.”  The rift is deepening between the media, the political class, the administration of justice, and the French people, who are regularly confronted with bloody violence... The incomprehension and anger have only grown stronger as the investigation has progressed, revealing that the courts have no intention of considering a racist motive in the attack in Crépol, despite the many accounts given of the openly hostile comments made that evening against white people.   “Thomas’s family is asking that the racist nature of the attackers be taken into account,” said the mayor of Romans-sur-Isère, who in recent days has made no secret of her annoyance with the media. This is not what the Valence public prosecutor’s office intends to acknowledge. By a kind of providential coincidence, Emmanuel Macron’s former mayor of Lyon and minister of the interior, the socialist Gérard Collomb, has just died. He is known in France for having, on the day he left the ministry, given a prophetic speech whose Cassandra-like tone surprised everyone at the time, especially those in his camp: “Today we live side by side … I fear that tomorrow we will be living face to face.” As he leaves this world, his prophecy is about to be sadly fulfilled."

French education minister responds to Muslim students ‘offended’ by 17th century nude Renaissance painting - "French teachers concerned for their safety amid a spate of deadly attacks by Islamic extremists staged a walkout at their Paris-area school Monday after Muslim students complained they were "offended" by a 17th century nude Renaissance painting shown in class and accused their instructor of "Islamophobia."   France Education Minister Gabriel Attal made an in-person visit Monday to the Jacques-Cartier school in Issou to respond to the tension days after the painting, "Diana and Actaeon," by the Italian painter Giuseppe Cesari, was shown in class... "Some students averted their gaze, felt offended, said they were shocked," Sophie Venetitay, a representative from the Snes-FSU teachers union, explained to Agence France-Presse (AFP), adding "some also alleged the teacher made racist comments." A parent reportedly wrote the school administration, threatening to file a complaint, claiming his son was prevented from engaging in class discussion objecting to the painting.   The teachers saw that email as the "final straw" after having already complained of working in a "very degraded climate" while receiving a "lack of support" from management despite "several alerts," Venetitay said. In an email to school administration Friday, teachers warned they would stay out of their classrooms this week, describing a "palpable discomfort," and citing "an increase in cases of violence," according to France 24. On Monday, Attal assured that students responsible for making complaints against the teacher over the painting would face disciplinary action, and a team would be deployed to the school to ensure pupils adhere to the "values of the republic." France raised its terror alert to the highest level in October amid the Israel-Hamas war after a man of Chechen origin, identified by prosecutors as Mohammed M, and suspected of Islamic radicalization, stabbed teacher Dominique Bernard to death at his former high school and wounded three other people in the northern city of Arras."

Charlie Kirk on X - "Chicago is so desperate to stop the endless flood of migrants into the city, they have literally banned buses from bringing migrants into the city, under threat of seizure and impoundment.  So, bus drivers are simply dropping migrants off in the suburbs and buying them train tickets.  Sure would be nice to have a real border, wouldn’t it, Chicago?"

Boston City Council passes measure to allow non-citizens to vote in local elections - The Boston Globe - "The initiative seeks to allow immigrants who are not US citizens but live and pay taxes in Boston to participate in municipal elections. The sponsors say that immigrants with “legal status” constitute more than a quarter of Boston’s population and pay on average $2.3 billion in taxes annually."
Why the left is so pro-immigration. And given that they're so pro-amnesties, it also explain why they are so pro-illegal immigration

Left-Wing Politician Who Campaigned For Mass Migration Brutally Beaten by ‘North African’ Men in France - "A left-wing politician who campaigned for the rights of migrants was brutally beaten by a gang of ‘North African’ men yards from her own front door in France. Oriane Filhol, the deputy mayor to Mathieu Hanotin of the Socialist Party (PS) in Saint-Denis, was hospitalized after being “hit violently in the face and body with punches.”... A police source told Le Figaro that the men had “their faces hidden behind a surgical mask and hooded” but were “North African” in appearance. No arrests have been made and the men are still on the loose."

Nicaraguan migrant, 40, who has been deported from the US FIVE TIMES is jailed for 19 years for raping developmentally disabled Ohio woman - and then claiming he was 'possessed by a demon' - "A Nicaraguan migrant who has been deported from the United States 'five times' is jailed for 19 years for raping a developmentally disabled Ohio woman claiming he was 'possessed by a demon.'  German Mathews, 40, pleaded guilty last month to rape, felonious assault and kidnapping, and was sentenced on Wednesday in Hamilton County Common Pleas Court for the brutal crime... Dreyer outraged by the attack called Matthews an 'animalistic predator whose actions are beyond words,' as he 'preyed upon an innocent victim.'  She described the incident as one of 'the most heinous crimes she has ever investigated' in her 20-plus years in law enforcement... His attorney, James Bogen, told Judge Alison Hatheway that his client came to the country undocumented from his native Nicaragua to escape poverty.  On the day of the attack, he said his client had stolen alcohol from a nearby inconvenience store and was intoxicated... In the courtroom, Bogen told the judge that the man who attacked the stranger 'is not the German Mathews you see here today.' Mathews also goes by the name Hernan Mateos."
Abolish ICE!

Just Stop Oil mob who blocked Bibby Stockholm migrant coach accuse driver of 'trying to kill them' by nudging them as he drove through their blockade - as they appeal to the public to help find hooded man seen getting on and off vehicle - "Just Stop Oil has accused the driver of a coach carrying migrants to the Bibby Stockholm barge of 'trying to kill' them during a protest on Thursday. Members of the eco activist collective had tried to block the vehicle as it took asylum seekers back to the barge for the first time since it was evacuated following the discovery of Legionella. However, the bus forced its way through 23 demonstrators who had walked into the road and tried to sit down in front of it while holding a large orange banner. The eco zealots has since accused the driver of having 'intent to kill' as it 'rammed through the block' on its way to the vessel which is currently docked in Portland, Dorset. The protest group also shared an image of a man they accused of encouraging a member of the public to 'drive straight through' the demonstrators, and demanded an investigation into whether he worked for the Home Office. Targeting the Government's immigration strategy represents a departure for Just Stop Oil, who usually focus solely on environmental issues. JSO recently announced it would begin three more weeks of daily slow marches in London, beginning on October 30 - in a fresh blow for Londoners following months of disruptive protests... 'New oil and gas will result in unimaginable suffering and destroy the lives and livelihoods of billions of people. No one has ever voted for this, there has never been a democratic mandate to destroy the habitable world."
Too bad attempting suicide hasn't been illegal in the UK since 1961, or they could be arrested for throwing themselves in front of a moving bus
If you run over an idiot blocking your vehicle on the road you're liable. What other options are there? If you spray them with water that's probably assault. If you push them that's battery. If you throw their shit away that's robbery
Why do left wing views usually come in a package? Not to mention the usual delusion (given that without oil and gas billions will die, depsite their hysterical claims)
The UK seems to have the most per capita moronic left wing protests in the world. This might be due to post colonial guilt

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