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Monday, January 01, 2024

Links - 1st January 2024 (2 - Being Black in the US)

Owens: Democrat Policies Are More Threatening to Black America than White Supremacy - "'White supremacy is indeed real, but despite the media’s obsessive coverage of it, it represents an isolated, uncoordinated, and fringe occurrence within America. It’s a fringe occurrence that is being used, in my opinion, by Democrats to scare Americans into giving up their vote to a party that can no longer win based on simple ideas, which is why we’re seeing so many of these hearings — despite other threats that are facing this nation... “White nationalism” sounds a lot better as a threat than “father absence.” When are we going to call a hearing on the 74 percent single motherhood rate in black America today? My guess is probably never. Since Democrats are the author of that epidemic, which leaves us — black Americans — twenty times more likely to end up in prison, nine times more likely to drop out of high school, and five times more likely to lead a life in poverty and to commit crime.“White nationalism” also sounds a lot better than “illiteracy rates.”... “White nationalism” also sounds a lot better than abortion as a threat, which has resulted in the slaughter of 18 million black Americans since 1973, and points to a bigger crisis, which is the fact that the black population growth has stagnated in this country. This crisis — in major cities like in New York — we have more black babies that are being aborted than born alive. If we’re talking about preserving lives and we’re talking about white supremacy, we should probably have a conversation about that.'
Owens also talked about how words like “racist” and “white supremacist” have taken on new and expansive definitions, and  she believes that, in addition to scaring black Americans into voting for Democrats, these labels are also used to defame “people who have absolutely nothing to do with propagating white supremacy” in an effort to “censor, silence, and control” conservative voices on the Internet, so that the left can better control the narrative...
'Democrats have desperately tried to grapple with the fact that they are no longer able to manipulate Americans with broad claims and broad strokes of racism, sexism, misogyny, and the like.'
Words like ‘racism,’ which today, most nearly means anything or anyone that disagrees with a liberal,” she added, “and terms like ‘white nationalism,’ which today,” added Owens, “most nearly means that it’s election time, America.”“It’s time for the left to do what they do best,” she continued. “Divide, distract, and hope to keep their most important voting block to their Party — black Americans — angry and emotional and reactive enough to keep voting for the same Party that has systemically destroyed our families, sent our men to prison, and deferred all of our dreams.”"

Charles Barkley Says Voting Democrat Has Not Elevated Black People - "Broadcaster and former NBA star Charles Barkley slammed the Democrat Party in the wake of Tuesday’s debates, saying that the party has done little to elevate most blacks in America... One thing he was not fond of was the constant proclamations from Democrats that Donald Trump is a racist."

Sign targeting ‘masculine black men’ generates controversy on community college campus - "A sign appearing to slam “masculine black men,” posted without context or explanation in a public area, generated controversy recently at a California community college. Staff and other persons involved in the creation of the sign have remained largely silent about why it was created and what its purpose was... someone posted a sign in the door of an office at the university student center reading: “Masculine black men; check your male privilege before entering.”...
'The student interns were having conversations around women of color … and the experiences they have within the black community. From that dialogue, it became an 8 and a half by 11 word documented printed sign that was placed on the glass door in the UNITE office.'
UNITE held a meeting earlier this month addressing the poster, but media were officially barred from it; journalists were allowed to attend, but were asked not to report on anything they witnessed while in it.In an email, President Greene offered the school “additional counseling resources” for any student that had been “negatively affected” by the sign."
So much for intersectionality

Black men are succeeding in America (Opinion) - "the truth is that most black men will not be incarcerated, are not unemployed, and are not poor -- even if black men are more likely than other men to experience these outcomes.In fact, millions of black men are flourishing in America today... the share of black men in poverty has fallen from 41% in 1960 to 18% today. Second, and more importantly, the share of black men in the middle or upper class -- as measured by their family income -- has risen from 38% in 1960 to 57% today. In other words, about one-in-two black men in America have reached the middle class or higher... Tracking black men from young adulthood through their 50s using data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979, we identified three factors that are associated with their success: education, work, and marriage... We found that serving in the military was associated with a 72% increase in the odds that black men made it into the middle class or higher as 50-something men.By providing stable work, good health care, housing, and opportunities for advancement, by championing virtues such as duty, responsibility, loyalty, and perseverance, and by pushing racial integration, the US military has served as an important route into the middle class. Moreover, the US military is also known for its marriage-oriented culture"

Tariq Nasheed 🇺🇸 on Twitter - "Trump is actually talking about providing specific tangibles to Foundational Black Americans Yet the democrats who Black Americans have been so naively loyal to, are adamant about NOT doing anything specific for Black Americans. So why should we honestly support the democrats?"

Black Business Owners Face An Uphill Battle Securing Bank Loans

Black student loan borrowers are defaulting at nearly twice the rate of whites: NY Fed - "Student loan borrowers from mostly black neighborhoods are almost twice as likely to default on their debt as borrowers from neighborhoods that are mostly white... Higher borrowing rates in black neighborhoods could be explained by differences in income, with people from lower-income households being more likely to need loans to pay for school, the researchers wrote.Still, the differences in borrowing rates were not large enough to fully explain the disparities in default rates and student loan balances"
Has social justice invaded actuarial science yet? If so insurance companies and banks will go bankrupt at some point

Why Blacks and Hispanics Have Expensive Mortgages - The Atlantic - "Prior research has found that members of these minority groups are less likely to comparison shop for mortgage products, which in turn increases the chances that they’ll wind up with the first offer they receive, and those offers tend to be expensive ones. The greater exposure of  minorities to the high-cost loan marketplace accounted for about 60 to 65 percent of the differential in loans... He made the comments in a wider discussion about race, during which he argued that the American education system had become a “social justice factory.”...   “When people say to me sometimes, like, ‘Boy, you really go after the left these days. Why?’ Because you’re embarrassing me”"

James Lindsay - Posts | Facebook - "Remember: if you believe black people can succeed on their own merits in America, Critical Race Theory believes YOU'RE the racist."

Bill Maher disagrees with NFL playing 'black national anthem' - "Bill Maher is slamming the NFL’s decision to play “Lift Every Voice And Sing” — known as the “black national anthem” — before kickoff at the season’s first game last week, calling it “segregation … under a different name.”"

Mr. Imhotep - Posts | Facebook - "Beware of Black faces with White mindsets They are the worst. Stay away from them. We become the weapon forged against us when we lack self-knowledge. This makes us vulnerable to all kinds of manipulation. Knowing the oppressor, we already know what that program is supposed to do. Make us work against our collective interests. Therefore, we already know what will happen when the mindset is not in the right place. The only solution is to stay away. They are contaminated, they become puppets. Unable to fully understand what is going on."
I thought "acting white" was a myth according to liberals. But then they keep accusing blacks who disagree with the liberal agenda of being white supremacists, so

The Many Lives of Grandmaster Jay - The Atlantic (aka A Black Army Rises to Fight the Racist Right) - "Jay claims that the NFAC first appeared publicly when nine white supremacists came to Dayton, Ohio, in May 2019... They do not bicker with other protesters, carry signs, or explain themselves. “We don’t come to sing,” Jay told a reporter from Newsweek. “We don’t come to chant.” Instead they stand, like a praetorian guard for some unseen emperor. In this laconic way, they distinguish themselves from two groups they loathe or deride: white militias (the camo-bedecked guys who show up at the same demonstrations and, sometimes, at the behest of the president, try to topple American democracy) and Black Lives Matter, whose activists tend toward nonviolence. “That movement accomplished nothing,” Jay told me, just “a lot of singing, a lot of hand-holding, a lot of sentiments and praise.”... If a disorderly white militia can sack the Capitol and get away with it, on what basis could one object to an orderly Black militia that obeys the law? One objection to such a militia is that it is avowedly racist. Jay described its recruiting strategy: “You must be Black,” he said. “If you’re biracial, your father must be Black.”... This is the worry of those who monitor domestic extremist threats: If you recruit an army, equip it to fight, and range it as infantry across from other armed groups, one shot could ignite a skirmish and perhaps turn downtown Louisville into Baghdad for an afternoon... “We have a zero-incident record,” Jay boasted, mostly accurately. “We’ve never destroyed a piece of property, or had our people arrested for anything.” So far, the NFAC’s only known casualties have been its own members, after a woman in formation sent herself and two others to the hospital when she fired her weapon seemingly by accident. (Right-wingers, gun enthusiasts, and ex-military types on social media ridicule Jay for his and his followers’ poor weapons discipline.) Jay’s own record is blemished with accusations of violence (he denies them), and amid his long sermons about “racial maturity” and spiritual self-awareness, he sometimes makes alarming threats. In one video, as alleged in a criminal complaint against him, he tells his followers to burn government officials’ homes and murder their children. He also advises them to destroy police body cameras if they assault cops, to remove evidence... it is rarely good news when you learn that a sectarian racist is raising an army, stockpiling weapons, demanding total loyalty, and suggesting that he is a “messiah.”... In Germany, Jay was “treated with the utmost respect,” and he said he enjoyed a reprieve from the American racial hierarchy. When he met Americans overseas, they tended to interact with one another more as compatriots in exile than as the race enemies they might have been at home.  He visited Auschwitz, he said, and was indelibly influenced by what he saw. In our conversation, though, he made no direct reference to the mass murder of Jews and others, or to the lessons of totalitarian fascism. Instead, he mentioned that he was impressed by postwar Germany’s decision to outlaw Holocaust denial and the glorification of Nazism. The United States, he thinks, has failed to show the same backbone in reckoning with its crimes against Black people. He considers Germany’s “a genuine effort by society to restore and repair those people who were the victims of this Holocaust.” Like so much else about Jay, this passion for European Jewry presents a contradiction: Elsewhere, he has quoted Hitler approvingly and suggested that the Jews of Europe—“those people running around calling themselves the Jews”—are imposters. He has also seemed to flirt with Holocaust denial... Jay’s videos repeat several themes popular among anti-Semitic segments of the Black Hebrew Israelites, a religious movement known for noisy proselytizing and elaborate conspiracy theories. One way to understand the NFAC is to imagine what a paramilitary wing of the Black Hebrew Israelites would be like. (Jay denied all charges of anti-Semitism but refused to answer when I asked directly whether he thought Jews died in large numbers in the Holocaust. “I’ve visited the death camps. I’ve studied the documents. I’ve seen for myself,” he said. “I don’t have to justify my experiences in my position to anyone.”)... Jay’s military career, like most things about him, is strange. After basic training, the Army assigns every soldier a military occupational specialty, or MOS... “I had five MOSs,” Jay said. This is like majoring in five different subjects in college—not technically against the rules, but rare and implausible. He named four but refused to identify the fifth. Later, Jay said he had only two MOSs. Meanwhile, Jay acquired a record of violence... At some point, he repudiated the “Black Lives Matter” slogan. “It’s not Black lives that matter anymore,” he tells a crowd in an undated video. “All lives!”... Laws, he told me, are “just paper,” and it is only reasonable that Black people arm and train themselves to act as “an immediate bulwark against the continued human-rights abuses” perpetrated against them. “Too much talking. Time for the action”... Like [Marcus] Garvey’s, Jay’s rhetoric calls for Black self-reliance and segregation from white people... Jay calls for “descendants of the Portuguese and Atlantic slave trade” to separate themselves from others and create a Black ethnostate... “You mentioned time travel and you mentioned alien spacecraft,” I said. “Do you know anything about these things?”  Jay paused. “I’m not at liberty to discuss those.”... A month later, the police raided his apartment. Among the small armory of assault rifles, they also found a prodigious amount of marijuana."
Of course, if you raise a white militia, the media will get very upset, even if it's not racist like this one
I like all the gaslighting about BLM and the Capitol Riot. A few white militia members taking part in the Capitol riot means the white militia attacked the capitol - but BLM members doing crimes doesn't say anything about BLM of course
The Goths would be insulted at the "sack" of the Capitol - too bad they can't sack it like they did Rome
Weird. Liberals tell us that armed black people don't exist, because they get shot and then gun control gets put in place

The Accomplishments of Black Conservative Thought - "many leftist and black Americans do hold a range of wildly untrue beliefs about the nature of “racial oppression” that are likely to hamper success. A recent study from the Skeptic Research Center (SRC) found that 31 percent of those identified as “very liberal” on an ordinal survey believe that the average number of unarmed black Americans killed annually by police is “about 1,000.” Fourteen percent believe that this number is “about 10,000,” while almost eight percent believe it is more than that. To put this astonishing finding in context, less than 20,000 homicides of any kind take place in a typical year, about half of which involve blacks. The total number of unarmed black men shot by police in 2020 was 18. The SRC’s finding was not an outlier. During the same year, the political scientist Eric Kaufmann found that 80 percent of American blacks and 60 percent of college-educated white liberals believe that more young black men are shot annually by police than die in auto wrecks. In reality, there are roughly 40,000 fatal car wrecks annually, concentrated among younger drivers, and roughly 1,000 fatal cop shootings, fewer than 250 of which involve blacks.  Paranoia about the threat to black safety posed by whites is hardly confined to discussions of policing. A remarkable 2005 article in the Washington Post reported that more than 25 percent of black Americans believed AIDS was created in a government lab, 15 percent saw the disease as a form of genocide against blacks, and 12 percent thought it was originally created and spread by the CIA. While such beliefs are obviously not the only thing preventing black advancement, it is difficult to imagine those who hold them participating whole-heartedly in society alongside those they see as genocidal oppressors... Reasonable criticisms can also be made of black conservatism’s sometimes unsympathetic view of black culture. It is certainly worth asking, for instance, whether widespread fatherlessness really can be traced back to the historic “hillbilly” neighbors of black Americans (a hypothesis forwarded by Thomas Sowell that Hanna treats with incredulity), rather than to the legacy of racial oppression. If Sowell is correct, why did out-of-wedlock birth rates only really begin to surge during the 1970s?...  heterodox minority thinkers like Sowell, Walter Williams, Glenn Loury, John Sibley Butler, John McWhorter, John Ogbu, and Amy Chua—with June O’Neill perhaps the sole left-trending white outlier—who have pointed out that adjusting for specific cultural/situational variables largely explains contemporary racial gaps in performance. Both O’Neill and Sowell have argued that adjusting for factors like region of residence, family structure, average age—the most common age for a black American is 27 compared with 58 for a white American—and aptitude test scores almost totally closes black-white gaps in income. Ogbu and Chua have made similar points about the obvious, but rarely discussed, correlation between study culture and test scores. Even conservative pundit Dennis Prager—admittedly another white guy, but one who has clearly read and built upon this literature—notes that father-absence measurably increases a white family’s chance of poverty to 22 percent, more than three times the chance currently faced by a two-parent black family (seven percent)... the dominant explanation for group gaps is that these must be caused by some phlogiston-like variety of subtle bias, which has nothing to do with culture, interests, luck, genetics, or other variables. Increasingly, this is said openly. During an interview with Vox, Ibram X. Kendi declared, “[T]here’s only two [possible] causes of racial disparities. Either certain groups are better or worse than others … or racist policy. Those are the only two options, and antiracists believe that the racial groups are equal, and so they’re trying to change policy.” ... eight percent of Americans would never vote for a qualified same-party presidential candidate who happened to be black. Shameful, to be sure.  However, broadening the analytical lens beyond whites and blacks, in a country that is now just 59 percent non-Hispanic white, reveals a different and more complex pattern. The same Gallup survey also revealed that nine percent of Americans would not vote for a Hispanic, nine percent for a Jew, 19 percent for a Mormon, and almost 40 percent for an Arab or other Muslim. Methodologically sophisticated audit-style studies often turn up similar results—a recent example found severe bias—an additional 28 percent rate of recorded rejection—against Asian job applicants with names like “Chiang” and “Suzuki” when compared to all applicants with Western names. Another study detected religious as well as racial bias, with applicants identifying as members of traditions including Catholicism and Wicca 29 percent and Muslims 38 percent less likely to receive a callback than control group members... seven or eight (depending on how you count South Africans) of the top 10 income-earning groups in the United States today are made up of people of color, with Indian Americans taking the top spot at more than $135,000 annually. This may be because of how these groups score on traits identified as critical to success by black conservatives and other quantitative culturalists: settling in areas associated with success, study culture, aptitude test results, and—perhaps especially—stable culture based around strong families. These things really do matter, it seems."
So much for reality's known liberal bias... the existence of this baseline Sowell-and-Loury theoretical framework allows us to develop practical solutions to the problems of black and poor communities. A few examples might include: encouraging and funding charter schools as advised by Sowell (2020), strict enforcement of child support and child neglect laws, and the organized cross-media promotion of healthy behavior.
Rather than the "Black rednecks" hypothesis, a better explanation for the surge of black single parenthood is the welfare state
Since Catholics are more discriminated against than blacks...

Meme - Eyewitness News @ABC7NY: "'Huge surprise': Michigan family welcomes first daughter in husband's family since 1885"
cyd @cydcymermaid: "Amazing how white people can keep track like this, but stripped that privilege from Black Americans. I wish I knew my family lineage"
This is a sophisticated dog whistle about ending welfare. Well played!

Lavern Spicer 🇺🇸 on Twitter - "Y’all racist ass Democrats always whining about things that “ disproportionately affect the Black community.”  Know what really does that?  The black-on-black violence that y’all ignore every damn day in the cities you run.  What happened in Baltimore this weekend?  What happened in Chicago this weekend?  We don’t know, because the news ain’t telling us.  Too busy pretending to care about black folks going to college.  So don’t tell me what my problems are as a Black woman because I already know.  It’s the Democrats that keep us stocked up with illegal guns, illegal drugs, and racist hate."

Meme - T-Clap: "I seen this white dude holding hands with a little kid and the the kids mom was smiling.. what is going on here?"
B Lssss Mmmm: "It's called a father"
Damn white supremacy causing fatherlessness in the black community!

Meme - "Sure, white people can't say the "n word" but at least we can say phrases like, "Thanks for the warning, Officer" and, "Hey Dad.""

Meme - T-Clap: "I seen this white dude holding hands with a little kid and the the kids mom was smiling.. what is going on here?"
B Lssss Mmmm: "It's called a father"

Noise pollution loudest in black neighborhoods, segregated cities - "The scientists used noise data collected by the National Park Service. Noise-monitoring devices across the continental United States recorded 1 million hours of sound over a 13-year period ending in 2013. Based on the data, Berkeley and Harvard University researchers estimated the noise levels in metropolitan areas across the continental U.S. on a neighborhood-scale — areas with 600 to 1,300 residents, on average...   The study found that neighborhoods with at least 75 percent black residents had median night-time noise levels 4 decibels higher than in neighborhoods without any black residents. The difference in noise levels between predominantly white and predominantly black neighborhoods was the largest of all races and ethnicities studied."
Clearly due to racism

Sam Neill interview: Jurassic Park, Jacinda Ardern and James Bond - "“Jurassic Park was a really good example of why there is no substitute for going out to the movies,” he says. “It was like an immersive experience. I remember going to a screening in Harlem where people made so much noise, whooping and hollering, that you could hardly hear the dinosaurs roar. And then another one in Tokyo a week later, in absolute silence. The curious thing was that both audiences enjoyed the movie equally.”"

The man who wants to wake us up to Woke Racism - ""In 1500 [religious persecution] was about not being Christian. In 2020, it’s about not being sufficiently anti-racist.”... The book argues that in its haste to define black people as victims, the new “religion” of woke has reimposed racist strictures on the horizons of African-Americans. This is not the first time McWhorter has made such arguments. In 2000, he published the best-selling Losing the Race: Self Sabotage in Black America, a passionate elucidation of the way “victimology”, “separatism” and “anti-intellectualism” were holding African-Americans back... Things had been “getting better” thanks to a consensus that emerged around 2010 “that racism exists but… black people’s problems are due partly to bias and partly to cultural problems that people have to work on themselves”. That consensus was “thrown” by the high-profile cop killings first of Trayvon Martin in 2012 and then Michael Brown in 2014. Then, crucially, “there was Twitter and Facebook to spread the news about those two cases and get opinion going. That created a sense black America lives in crisis. And certainly after [Black Lives Matter protests] last summer, we are at a point where the idea is that blackness is defined by being a tragedy until there’s this massive socio-psychological revolution among whites... As for the murder of George Floyd, which sparked the Black Lives Matter movement’s meteoric rise, it was “egregious and it’s important we know about it. It’s also important we know that white Tony Timpa was killed the same way in Texas four years before”. McWhorter, an ardent fan of Keeping Up Appearances (he’s watched it all four times over), thinks class is a useful tool for understanding who is a victim and who is not, and regrets that it’s not part of the American conversation. “In the US roughly we think that black people are lower class and white people are middle class and we don’t like to talk about the lower class whites. We say, it doesn’t matter that they don’t have much money, they still have white privilege, because supposedly the cops are nicer to them, but in fact the cops aren’t nicer to miscreant white men, but we don’t talk about that.”

Akon Says if ‘Every Single African American’ Moves to Senegal and Invests in His Smart City, They Will Be Millionaires and the U.S. Will ‘Collapse Overnight’ - "R&B singer Akon is hyping his centrally planned community in Senegal, the country of his childhood, promising that every African American who invests with him will become a millionaire. In addition, he says if they collectively leave the U.S. for Africa, they could do real damage to the country that has oppressed them so much... He launched his settlement in 2020 with the cooperation of the country of Senegal with the hopes of creating a high-tech community with an economy based on his “Akoin” cryptocurrency...   Despite Akon’s enthusiasm, American black Americans may find Senegal to be quite “foreign” to them in many ways. West African Senegal’s economy is driven by mining and agriculture and the country is 96 percent Muslim. Its official language is French, though English is taught in schools as a second language. Portuguese Creole is also widely spoken.  Still, Senegal is one of the most stable countries in Africa. It has little political strife and is a democracy headed by a president who is elected to a five-year term. Being nearly completely Muslim, there is little fear of terrorism or regional conflict."
Akon plans to run a Senegal city on Akoin cryptocurrency - "“I think that blockchain and crypto could be the savior for Africa in many ways because it brings the power back to the people and brings the security back into the currency system,”  Akon explained at the 2018 Cannes Lion Festival in France. “[It] also allows the people to utilize it in ways where they can advance themselves, and not allow governments to do those things that are keeping them down.”"

Emil O W Kirkegaard on X - ""compared to European Americans, African Americans report later initiation of drinking, lower rates of use, and lower levels of use across almost all age groups. Nevertheless, African Americans also have higher levels of alcohol problems than European Americans" A mystery? Authors don't seem to consider that Africans might just answer questions about alcohol consumption with less veracity."
Of course, the fact that blacks are arrested for drug crimes more despite reporting similar levels of use as whites is due to racism

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