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Monday, January 01, 2024

Links - 1st January 2024 (1 [including John McAfee suicide])

Harvard president shouldn't get pass on plagiarism allegations - "there is the story about a staffer (no longer working) for Democratic Sen. Ben Cardin of Maryland.   The staffer, Aidan Maese-Czeropski, at first tried to offer a sob story about how he was in the line of fire simply because he’s gay. “This has been a difficult time for me, as I have been attacked for who I love to pursue a political agenda,” he wrote on LinkedIn.   Nice try.   Yet, just like Gay’s alleged plagiarism, the mainstream media focused on how a conservative outlet broke the story.  NBC News had this headline: “Senate staffer alleged by conservative outlets to have had sex in a hearing room is no longer employed.”  Does that somehow make the story less true? The fact that a conservative outlet broke the story and the fact that the staffer is gay have nothing to do with the substance of the allegation. He is accused of having sex at work, filming it and posting the video online. Anyone who does something like that will face consequences. And should."

Barcelona court rules John McAfee’s death in prison was suicide - "According to Spanish daily El Pais, the Provincial Court of Barcelona has dismissed his family’s appeal for a second autopsy and a criminal investigation.  The controversial software mogul was arrested at the Barcelona airport in October 2020 for failing to file taxes in the US despite making millions of dollars from promoting cryptocurrencies, consulting work, and speaking and selling the rights to his life story for a documentary.  Awaiting extradition, McAfee, 75, was found hanging in his prison cell nine months later.  However, some of those close to him questioned the circumstances of his death and pushed for further investigations.  But the legal process dragged on, and his body has been in a Barcelona morgue for more than two years. His family may now cremate him, perform a private autopsy or repatriate his body to the US. “There is not a single element of suspicion of charges against third parties,” ruled the Spanish judge on the case. “There is no indication of anything other than death by suicide.”  The investigation included a police report, prison camera footage, an autopsy report, statements from officials and other official reports, according to El Pais. The court refused another autopsy because “no element exists that gives rise to doubt that the autopsy has not been carried out according to the proper standards.”  McAfee was a larger-than-life figure who twice sought to run for US president for the Libertarian Party. He said he fathered at least 47 children and had not paid US income tax for ideological reasons.  He was also a popular Twitter user and his death fueled conspiracy theories, particularly because of a 2019 tweet in which he said "If I suicide myself, I didn't. I was whacked.""

John McAfee's suicide note found - "His apparent death by suicide shocked many across the globe, including his wife Janice McAfee, who blamed US Authorities for his suicide.  "I blame the U.S. authorities for this tragedy: Because of these politically motivated charges against him, my husband is now dead."  According to her, they had a plan in place to appeal the decision. Janice also added, "I don't believe he did this, I will get answers."  Many had found John McAfee's death suspicious, especially due to a series of tweets he made in late 2020, and early 2021, including one where he said he would not die of suicide."
He said he was content "in here", i.e. Spain. Not that he wouldn't kill himself if he were extradited to the US

US authorities want him dead: John McAfee’s wife warned three days before ‘suicide’ - ""US officials are determined to have John die in prison to make an example of him for speaking out against the corruption within government agencies," said John McAfee's wife Janice McAfee in a Father's Day note for John on June 20."
If you pay taxes, the government is corrupt

John McAfee Is a Controversial Figure Even After Death - Bloomberg - "McAfee spent about $11 million building an aerotrekking complex on his 157‑acre property in New Mexico, created a business called Southwest Aerotrekking Academy and advertised rides. For a time the place, which had its own cafe, general store and movie theater, seemed like a fantastical, adrenaline-fueled oasis. But then one morning in November 2006, two aerotrekkers—including McAfee’s nephew, one of the academy’s instructors—crashed and died in nearby Starvation Canyon. In 2008 the family of the other aerotrekker sued McAfee, the academy and his nephew’s father. A year later, McAfee sold off assets and fled to Belize. He spent years ignoring court orders and dodging process servers at tech conferences, and though the court awarded about $2.2 million to the dead aerotrekker’s family, McAfee never paid them. “He was very arrogant and contemptuous of the process,” says Frank Fleming, an attorney for the family. In Belize, things got darker. McAfee bought conspicuous supplies of drugs and guns. He hired bodyguards and took up with teenage girlfriends. He hired a research biologist away from Harvard University to work on developing natural antibiotics and topical medicines, but she quit and later alleged that he drugged and raped her. (McAfee denied this and was never charged.) An anti-gang police unit raided his compound, and though the raid didn’t end in charges, it deepened his bouts of paranoia. In 2012, when Belizean authorities sought to question him about the murder of his American expat neighbor, he fled to Guatemala. Jailed for entering Guatemala illegally, McAfee claimed to reporters, with zero evidence, that he’d been framed by the Belizean prime minister, who he said had ordered opponents’ murders. For a while his allegations managed to overshadow the actual killing. Instead of being extradited to Belize for questioning, McAfee was deported back to the US. A Florida civil court ordered him to pay $25 million to the neighbor’s family, but he didn’t.  In the US, McAfee had a minor renaissance. He met his final wife, Janice McAfee, when she was a sex worker. (They later divorced but remained partners.) He made some money from speaking fees; became a brief YouTube hit with a video filled with guns, women and a snortable white powder; and ran for president in 2016, as a Libertarian. After that reentry to the national stage, he began hawking cryptocurrencies, which got him into trouble again. Watson, his former bodyguard and business partner, says McAfee promoted crypto coins on Twitter for money. Although it’s not illegal to do a sponsorship or a promotional deal with crypto companies, traditional securities require you to disclose those business relationships if you want to avoid fraud charges. McAfee would become a regulatory test case for treating crypto like a security subject to the same disclosure rules... Video of McAfee’s extradition hearing on June 15, 2021, shows him speaking to the court through a translator. He says that he didn’t pay taxes because the IRS is corrupt and that he ran for president to expose that corruption. He’s lost weight and is hunched over. “If I am extradited to the US, please translate, I will most certainly spend the rest of my life in prison,” he says. “I would ask the court to take all of these statements into consideration. Thank you.” A week later the Spanish court granted the US extradition request.  Janice spoke to McAfee on the morning of June 23, just after he returned from court. She says that while he wasn’t happy about the decision, he’d been prepared for it, and his lawyers were already working on his appeal. Yet that evening, according to the national press, guards opened the door to McAfee’s cell and found him hanging from the window. He died soon after, at age 75. On Twitter, Janice posted the note that a prison officer reported finding in McAfee’s pocket. It reads: “I am a phantom parasite. I want to control my future, which does not exist.” Several people close to McAfee say the note’s handwriting and style are definitely his... Jen McAfee has said she has no interest in further investigation of her father’s death or assets. She would, however, like his body laid to rest. Jen has been deluged by people telling her they’ve spotted McAfee in Texas. But she knew him longer than just about anyone, and she witnessed both his public and private self-destruction. “There were times in the last few years where they had conversations and it was apparent that he was not sober, and of course he could be very dismissive,” says Jen McAfee’s lawyer, Joy Athanasiou. “That’s an effect of drinking and of addiction, sadly.”... Nearly every source for this story says they had at some point felt manipulated by McAfee, conned, betrayed. That he was the ultimate hype man who could sell anyone anything. Without him, software companies might’ve had to make their own products more secure and been better prepared for threats worse than dot-com-era viruses. But McAfee didn’t thrive in a vacuum. Like so many founders who became very rich and very famous very quickly, he had many enablers who helped fuel his belief in his own hype and his life beyond the law. Together, they blurred the line between reality and the fantasy world where he ruled.  McAfee’s final con was on his conspiracy-minded followers. He’d promised that a flood of embarrassing and dangerous information would be released upon his death, a so-called dead man’s switch. No such data trove has ever emerged. The rumor did, however, keep his mythos alive a little longer—lingering like that little shield in the corner of the screen"

John McAfee wives and girlfriends | Who was he in a relationship with? - "Samantha Herrera, who entered into a relationship with John when she was 18 years old. The pair fled from Belize to Guatemala in the early stages of McAfee's escape.  At the end of film, Sam claimed that McAfee called her two weeks after his death, saying: "I don't know if I should say. But two weeks ago, after his death, I got a call from Texas. 'It's me, John. I paid off people to pretend that I am dead, but I am not dead. There are only three persons in this world that knows that I'm still alive.' And then he asked me to run away with him.""


Meme - "Sorry, ma'am, but your neighbors have reported not seeing your husband in weeks. We just have few questions, and then you can get back to your canning." - Dolphin Police to Dolphin canning tuna

Meme - Fozzie Bear: "HEY BUDDY. STILL FIGHTING WITH THE WIFE?" Kermit the Frog: "NOT ANYMORE."
"Pork Chops. 2.99 lb"

"Remember when you bury a body.. Cover it with endangered plants so it is illegal to dig it up.."

Meme - "Addicted to catnip, Fluffy was forced to fund her habit by performing lewd acts for the neighbors perverted chickens. *cat lying down with open legs with chickens looking*"

Carl Richard Archie's answer to How soon is The Winds of Winter likely to release? - Quora - "It is “done” but it has a big problem. It is not the turn in the story as planned. He cannot do it all, or well, in The Winds of Winter and A Dream of Spring. In truth, ASOIAF has severe structural issues which cannot be addressed in two books.  If he tried, the story would end as a dud.  GRRM famously did not use an outline. Well, to get a book deal he had to submit one. It is at Texas A&M... GRRM says he writes, “like a gardener, not an architect.” In this case, he planted too many seeds that spouted and grew.  In other words, George’s story is now too big to finish, as originally forecasted... GRRM is in the “compression” stage of the story. He is not having an easy time. Please note, this would not be the first time this has happened with him.  A Feast for Crows and A Dance with Dragons was supposed to be one book. GRRM could not delete those chapters so he published TWO books. Many chapters going into TWOW were completed well over a decade ago (Some 16 years ago)... GRRM could decide NOT to tie-off these storylines in the final books. However, in doing so, he would destroy some work done in the other five books. If so, he would violate one of the first principles of writing. He would violate Chekhov’s Law... Please note, GRRM has always had an editor problem. He complained, he would present drafts to editors and to paraphrase:  That was excellent work George. however, you need to get rid of —, — and —.  It infuriated him and he has said, ASOIAF would be done without such editorial constraints. We see the result of that lack of constraints. His story has wandered into areas and subjects that DOES NOT serve the original story... A Magnus Opus can be a dangerous thing."

What’s the difference between stock, broth and bone broth? - "In classical French cuisine, stock is made with bones, with meat and cartilage attached, that are simmered. Stock also includes adding a vegetable component, or a mirepoix (onion, celery, carrot), along with an acidic ingredient. This could be a tomato-based product or wine. You can also add a few fresh herbs like parsley stems, bay leaf and thyme. Stock is typically never seasoned with salt because you’re getting all the flavour from the bones.  This is simmered for a long time to extract the flavour from the bones... A good stock has drawn out the gelatine and collagen from the bones...
Broth doesn’t take as much time to prepare. It is generally made with a combination of meat and vegetables. For example, in my Asian culture we make a chicken broth by submerging a stewing chicken in cold water with some veggies and herbs and simmering it for a few hours for chicken soup.  Because broth is made fairly quickly, you would season it with salt and pepper to make up for the shorter cooking time. Some people would also use seasoning sauces like worcestershire or maggi sauce. Broth is a lot lighter in texture compared to a stock...
When you hear the term bone broth, it’s misleading because it’s actually stock. But bone broth probably sounds better than bone stock!...
In most cases, whether you’re making stock or broth, people tend to bring it to a boil too quickly. You want to give it time and make as clear of a stock or broth as possible. If you bring it to a boil too quickly, it doesn’t allow time for the blood residues in the bones to rise to the top.  For a stock, rinse your bones in cold water and avoid starting with hot water, which would come to a boil too quickly. Then skim the impurities [the frothy, foamy scummy bits] from the top... Simmering means cooking in a liquid that is bubbling gently at a temperature of about 185 to 200 F (85 to 94 C). This allows for a gradual release of flavour for better extraction of the aromatics.  Boiling means cooking in a liquid that is bubbling rapidly and greatly agitated. Water boils at 212 F (100 C) at sea level. There’s less flavour extraction but it’s a faster process... Using carcasses and cuts of meat that have a lot of cartilage is important. Necks and backs are a good example. My grandmother and my mom used chicken feet and I never understood why until I realized that it’s the gelatin and the cartilage in the feet that gives you richness. If your chilled stock is gelatinous, you have made a good stock...
  Starchy vegetables, such as potatoes, sweet potatoes and winter squash make a stock appear cloudy. Use them only if clarity is not important.  Some vegetables, especially strong‐flavoured ones, are best avoided. Brussels sprouts, cauliflower and artichokes can overwhelm a stock with strong flavours and odours. Dark green leafy vegetables, especially spinach, develop an unpleasant flavour when cooked for a long time."

Meme - Man: "I'm so lonely. I guess I'll go to a strip club"
Stripper on pole: "Woo"
Man: "I'm still lonely. But now I'm broke. And aroused"

A stranger asked me to take her photograph. It saved my life. - The Washington Post - "Today, my mother is alive because I found her. Today, I am alive because a pink-haired stranger stopped me for a picture.  I call this woman my “interrupter.” Interrupters exist everywhere — there’s a man who has seized more than 400 people off the railings of the Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge in China. There’s a retired police officer who has walked more than 600 people back from the ledges of the Tojinbo cliffs in Japan. And then there are accidental interrupters — the people who approach desolate strangers in subway stations."

Stag do reveller hands airport staff giant Ryanair boarding pass 16 TIMES bigger than normal size - and they accept it - "A MAN on a stag do presented a giant boarding pass to airport staff as he tried to board a plane in a hilarious prank.  Staff couldn't hide their amusement when the man unfolded the huge print-out on A0-sized paper at the gate at Stansted Airport, Essex, to a chorus of sniggers and giggles from his pals... Despite his attempts, the pass is too big to scan, so the staff member is forced to lay the pass down on the floor to process it by hand.  Gesturing towards her desk, she says: "We won't be able to do it on there so shall we do it on the floor?""

Urban Dictionary: Destroy Dick December - "In parody of "No-Nut November" and its rise in popularity in 2017, "Destroy Dick December" is an event starting on the first of December, in which you masturbate until completion in a quantity in relation to the date. This means you must nut 1 time on the first, twice on Dec. 2, 3 times on the third, and so on until 31 times on the 31st."

Rona Wang on X - "i once worked at a company with bad glassdoor reviews so the CEO made us all go on glassdoor & write good reviews"
Daniel Feldman on X - "I heard of a guy who was fired from a company and had a grudge So he wrote fake Glassdoor reviews that were unrealistically POSITIVE Overly high salaries, absurd benefits, fancy perks They had trouble hiring for YEARS because candidates thought they were being lowballed!"

Meme - "Rasta Blanc 32
A propos de moi: Hello Sista Je suis addict aux drogues douces : la weed et ta peau. Je souhaiterais te rendre addict à une drogue dure : ma bite. One love"

Meme - DUOLINGO: "Looks like you forgot your Spanish lessons again. You know what happens now!"
Red Alert: "Rocket Attacks: Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Ashkelon, Ashdod"

Chase Mitchell on X - "Definitely the future of television I had in mind was me having to google every movie I want to watch to see if it’s currently in one of its one-month windows on any of the seven streaming services I pay for. This is way easier than buying a DVD. I love it."

Meme - "The moment you realize she is upside down"

Daily Cartoon: Thursday, September 21st | The New Yorker - Roman Soldiers: “Sorry, I was just thinking about the Macedonian Empire.”

Meme - "I'm not dyslexic you're dyslexic

Meme - "Date people who want to suck your private parts, not your energy!!"

Meme - "When your cat knows how to read

Meme - "Goths sacking Rome, 410 AD *Goth women pointing like two Soyjaks pointing*"

Meme - Truth: "I think therefore I am"
Post-truth: "I believe therefore I'm right"

This is what happens when you play piano near the Paris Opera 😱😍 - YouTube - "The singer is Florian Sempey. He’s a famous French opera singer."

9 things we bet you didn’t know about the Canadian border crossing - "1.Cheese is one of the most smuggled commodities in Canada. This is due to the Canadian Government’s protection of the Canadian dairy farming industry. It’s sometimes referred to as the “Canadian Cheese Cartel”...
4. Coffins may be imported into Canada tax-free under the condition they contain the remains of the deceased and that the funeral service and/or burial or cremation will occur in Canada. Coffins are exempt from harmonized sales tax and from any duties under the Coffin or Casket Remission Order. They say the only two things that are certain in life are death and taxes. And this order proves that only the former can bring relief from the latter."

The Lamb on X - "I bought my Tesla Model Y Long Range in 2022 for $66,990. Today it's worth $27,000. It depreciates $2k per month. Elon Musk said I'd be able to add it to a RoboTaxi Network and it would do Uber drives while I slept; this never materialized."

Meme - "Tech bro just discovered "hanging out""
Roshan Patel @roshanpatel: "I've been thinking a lot about IRL podcasts:
- Bring a few friends together
- No mics, nothing is recorded
- Have a free form discussion
- Can even have food & drinks
Has anyone tried this?"

'Do Not Insult Our Foods': Sushi Restaurant Issues Warning to Customers - "A sushi restaurant in Canada has sparked debate after posting a sign urging customers not to add soy sauce to their food.  The poster at the mall restaurant Sushi J in Kitimat, British Columbia, Canada, was posted on Reddit where it has had thousands of reactions.  The sign read: "Please do not insult our foods by extra soy sauce. May not seem a big deal but it's destroying our sushi quality and 20-year career."... Issues arise, explained Kim, when people use the condiment like a regular sauce. "Many people use it like a regular sauce and they don't understand it destroys our sushi flavor and their health," said Kim. "Many restaurants don't care about it because they don't want to make trouble with the customer—but how can they say it's a healthy food if they have it in an unhealthy way?""

Soleimani Death: Spider-Man, SpongeBob Only US Heroes, Iran Cleric Says - "An Iranian cleric mocked the US by saying Iran would not be able to strike back in kind after the assassination of Maj. Gen. Qassem Soleimani because the US has only fictional heroes such as Spider-Man and SpongeBob SquarePants.  The cleric, Shahab Moradi, made the comment in a live TV interview on Iran's IRIB Ofogh channel... "All of their heroes are cartoon characters — they're all fictional.""

Meme - "As Bert reads aloud from The Book of the Dead Ernie stares in disbelief at the horror that unfolding before his eyes"

It’s the Muppet Show (with audio) - "It’s time to burn the incense
It’s time to slay the sheep
It’s time to wake the muppets
from a thousand years of sleep
It’s time to raze existence.
It’s time to banish light.
It’s time to call the void in,
On the Muppet Show tonight."
Evil Muppet Show Theme - YouTube

Meme - "Stadler and Waldorf:
How we could avoid chaos?
Not face this doom somehow?
I wish we would have listened
To HP Lovecraft now!
Lyrics from a post on the HP Lovecraft Historical Society
Image from Midjourney
Nightmares from within you"

Meme - *Beaker and Bunsen Honeydew dissecting Kermit the Frog Cosplay*

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