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Sunday, December 31, 2023

Links - 31st December 2023 (1 - Trans Mania)

'Fact-Checker' Ignores Scary Truth Of California Mental Health Bill - "Karena Phan of the Associated Press wrote an article attempting to debunk “social media distortion” of Assembly Bill 665, which was introduced as, “Minors: consent to mental health services.” This bill, authored by Assemblywoman Wendy Carrillo and state Sen. Scott Wiener, is making its way through the California Legislature.  Phan contends that hysterics on social media claim the bill “would allow school mental health professionals to remove minors [12 and older] from the custody of their parents or guardians who don’t consent to the child receiving gender-affirming surgeries,” and says this claim is false. However, Phan seems to have completely missed the horrifying loophole created by AB665, which would make it possible for children to leave their current family — with essentially zero notice to their parents, and zero allegations of abuse, neglect, incest, harm, or danger, as is currently required by California law... A plain reading of the Family and Health and Safety Code sections shows that the only time a minor between 12 and 17 years of age can “self-consent” into a residential shelter is when that minor is found by a professional person to be (1) mature enough and (2) in a dangerous situation. In the current text of AB665, however, these guardrails are physically crossed out. Phan also contends that a child who wishes to seek “gender-affirming” surgery, but whose parents will not permit self-mutilations, will not be removed from his parents’ custody under the language of the bill. First, the language of the bill does not guarantee this. Second, a minor need only tell a “professional person” that he or she feels “unsafe” at home in order to self-consent into residential care. Since gender-confused children are constantly fed the trope that parents who do not accept their so-called gender identity will abandon them (or worse — harm them), some truly do feel in danger and may want to remove themselves from their parents’ home, custody, and care.  Since many of these children believe they only have two options — transition or suicide — children seeking surgeries without parental or guardian consent may ask to leave home and, once they do, (1) open up CPS investigations that place them in foster care or emancipation proceedings and/or (2) are designated as “runaways.” Both can result in the termination of parental rights... Phan contends AB665 does not allow for puberty blockers, wrong-sex hormones, or any invasive medical or surgical treatment without parental consent. However, she is, again, partially correct. While minors typically need parental consent for medical procedures now, parental consent is not required for minors who are placed in foster care or are deemed runaways, both of which are probable consequences under this bill... Democrats have long been on a crusade to normalize the accessibility of “affirming families.” This includes “chosen families” — a euphemistic term used for LGBT families — and “glitter parents” — people wanting and willing to replace legal guardians who accept their children’s natural-sexed bodies and reject the myriad expansive gender identities... With another Weiner-sponsored bill moving toward passage — AB957, which redefines “health, safety, and welfare” to include sterilizing surgeries and the affirmation of children’s gender dysphoria — parents across California who have never been proven to be abusive will likely face expensive, time-consuming legal battles to get their child home. All the while, their child remains trapped in an underfunded, unsafe facility, getting pumped with “mental health services,” or worse.  What’s more, AB665 extends beyond trans-identified or gender-curious children. The bill applies to any child in the state, 12 years and up. It could include the child fighting with his mom to stay out past curfew, the girl fighting with her dad about her clothing or boyfriend, and all kids fighting with their parents about social media use, grades, or drinking. Under AB665, any child who is worried about facing another heated debate at home could consult with a “professional person” and opt into a residential shelter without notice to his or her parents, and without any accusation of abuse, neglect, or danger.   Giving young, already-struggling children the opportunity to leave their legal guardians even when real harm is not present makes them vulnerable. It separates them from the protection of home. A bill similar to AB665 was already passed in Oregon"

Meme - "my christmas was shit. not only was i misgendered by literally everyone in the fucking family, my cousin who i havent seen for years started laughing her ass off when she noticed i am now a woman. i got pretty ok gifts, but my dad got me a fucking clown wig. he said "if you want to look like clown, might as well just wear this instead of whatever you're doing now". I FUCKING HATE MY FAMILY"

Students walk out to support staff who let trans athlete compete on girls' team - "Hundreds of students walked out of class to support a principal and staff who were reassigned for allowing a transgender athlete to play on a girls’ volleyball team. Monarch High School principal James Cecil, his assistant Kenneth May, athletic director Dione Hester, volleyball coach Jessica Norton and an information management technician were removed from their roles at the Coconut Creek campus on Monday... They allegedly violated Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’ law that went into effect in 2021 prohibiting transgender females from playing on girls and women’s public school teams if their assigned gender at birth was male... Since 2020, at least 23 states have enacted legislation barring trans athletes from participating on sports teams that correspond with their identity. A lawsuit challenging DeSantis’ law was dismissed by a federal judge earlier this month."
Weird. Liberals used to claim that if you don't do your job, you should be fired (like the clerk who refused to approve gay marriages)

South Korea is testing out an AI-based gender detector, and its pilot program will be held in the women's bathroom of a metro station - "a Seoul Metro employee fatally stabbed a 28-year-old female coworker in her 20s in the women's restroom at Sindang Station... the Seoul Metro has been implementing various safety measures, including self-defense training for its workers and separating men's and women's restrooms in renovated public buildings"
Of course left wingers were unhappy

California Mom Speaks Out Against Bill: 'My Daughter Was Murdered by Gender Ideology' - "[My] name is Abigail Martinez. It has been three years and 164 days since I lost my daughter Yaeli. I miss her every single day. Let me tell you how she died.  My daughter was murdered by a gender ideology. CPS took my daughter when she was 16 years old. It was helped by her public school counselor and LGBTQ group [inaudible] and another trans-identified girl.  My daughter was taken from her loving home because the state of California claim I was abusive for not affirming her trans identity. I lost my daughter over a name and pronouns. Even after I promised to call her a male name, it wasn’t enough.  My daughter was not a boy trapped in a girl’s body. She had mental health issues. Against my consent, my daughter was given testosterone instead of therapy. The LGBTQ group used her to raise money for them. “Look at the poor reject trans boy,” they said.  Why are there so many transgender in foster care? Because this state take them from their families, tell them to run, then steal them. Parents are given one option to treat their distressed child, affirm drug and remove their healthy body part, or else lose your child.   The abuse claim against me was finally dropped, but it was too late. The damage was done. By then my daughter was in horrible mental and physical pain. My daughter knelt down in front of a train."
Clearly it was her for fault for being transphobic, that made her son kill herself. To "save" "trans" kids, we need to take them from their parents earlier Weird. Liberals keep telling us it's a myth that your kids will be taken from you if you don't unconditionally endorse their being trans

California mom claims her 19-year-old daughter was 'murdered by gender ideology' - "Martinez said her daughter's depression got worse throughout treatment and she begged doctors to explain the damage being done to her child's body but was told nothing negative was happening.   Taking testosterone treatments can cause sleep apnea, weight gain, vaginal atrophy, diabetes, and hair thinning, among others, according to the Cleveland Clinic.   Now, the mother is pushing for others to stop advocating for gender transitioning among children.    'I beg you, stop pushing gender ideology,' Martinez told the California committee. 'I don't want any parent to feel what I feel every day. Affirmation is not good for the health, safety, and welfare of any child.'"

California mom claims LA school encouraged daughter to transition and is to blame for her suicide - "Andrew Martinez, born Yaeli, stepped in front of a train on September 4, 2019... Martinez, 53, a mother of four, claimed school staff told Yaeli not to speak to her mother about transgender issues, but secretly had her join an LGBTQ group that persuaded the girl that the only way to be happy was to transition.  The El Salvador-born mother said an older trans student 'coached' Yaeli on what to tell social workers to put her into foster care, so that the state would pay for her gender reassignment... LA County agreed that they 'aggressively pursued the implementation of inclusive, gender-affirming laws, policies and supportive services for LGBTQ+ youth,' but partially laid the blame for Andrew's death on 'higher rates of suicide' among queer young people... Martinez said among her three daughters, Yaeli was 'the girly girl in the house', dressing as a princess and talking about the boys she liked at pre-school.  She was bullied for her looks in middle school, and by eighth grade began showing signs of depression, her mother said. She began questioning her sexuality in high school at around age 15 or 16... 'The school told her these groups were the place to go, and I didn't need to know about it.  'I asked her what was going on, and she tried to deny it, because she was told that if she talked about it at home, I would not support it.'... Yaeli had already tried to overdose on pills in eighth grade in 2014, and tried to jump off a bridge near the freeway in her hometown of Arcadia in her freshman year, shortly after she cut her hair short, attracting the attention of social workers... Martinez said one trans friend and their parents 'coached' Yaeli, persuading her to run away from home in July 2016 and tell the Department of Child and Family Services (DCFS) that her mother had slapped her in the face... 'On the visit days, when she came to my house, I was told not to talk about God,' Martinez said. 'They told me if you do that, you'll never see your daughter... When Andrew turned 19 in 2019 he was sent to an 'independent house', but was struggling to get by and was hospitalized after another overdose attempt, Martinez said.  'She called me and said, 'Mom, I don't have any food, my last meal I'm giving it to a friend because she's pregnant,' Martinez said.  'I told her I'm going to Costco and dropping off food. She sent me a message, she said, 'Mom, I wanted to cry because no matter what you're always there for me.'  '[Social workers] asked me not to call her by her first name. I just say 'My child, I love you.' It was very hard.'... A former civil rights director for the federal Department of Health and Human Services who helped Martinez with her case claimed that the Arcadia school district and LA County put politics before Andrew's wellbeing. Roger Severino told DailyMail.com that he believes district officials were afraid of losing funding and desperate to show their pro-trans credentials after being sued by the Obama administration in 2013 for discriminating against a trans boy, and inappropriately pushed gender reassignment on children as a result.  A July 2013 settlement between the Department of Justice and the district obligated schools to 'promptly inform' any gender-transitioning student of 'their right to request a support team of appropriate individuals to ensure that the student has equal access to and equal opportunity to participate in the District's programs and activities.'"
Keywords: Groomed

Liberal media refuses to tell full truth about transgender kids - "The other night, I was at dinner with friends: brilliant, talented people who love to converse about a wide range of topics. But every time I brought up gender issues, the table got quiet. They looked at their plates, or at each other. At one point, I mentioned that puberty blockers followed by cross-sex hormones in adolescents—the pathway of “gender-affirming care”—are likely to cause sterility. My friend said: “I don’t want to know.”   And perhaps that’s how we on the Left got here... My personal awakening began in 2018, when I was researching my book “Tomboy”, and I asked several clinicians how they could tell a trans boy from a girl who simply looks and acts more like a stereotypical boy.  Surprisingly, the experts couldn’t give me a straight answer. They replied vaguely about understanding the whole child, and how much distress they were in... According to 11 studies, the vast majority of children with gender dysphoria will overcome their angst by the end of puberty — if they don’t socially transition to adopt a different gender identity. A majority, in fact, will turn out to be gay... “People communicating with my son were saying basically, ‘This is the promised land,’” she told me.  Sometimes these misdiagnosed kids are told — by clinicians — that they’ll kill themselves if they don’t transition, despite the flimsy evidence for such claims. One adolescent was on a feeding tube because of anorexia when the attending psychologist told him this... Other parents spoke of being pressured to affirm and psychologically or medically transition their children by doctors, therapists, and school personnel. “This has caused so much strife and tension in my family and in my life,” a parent told me this spring. “I walk a tightrope every day. I feel like I’m being asked to live in a lie.”  An adolescent girl with a history of eating disorders and depression seized on the idea of being transgender when she got to college and felt disconnected from the other girls. Within months, she’d gone on testosterone and had her breasts removed in 2016. “I never even made eye contact with my surgeon,” she told me last month. It took her six years to realize she’d made a mistake, her singing voice ruined, her body forever altered.   She’s joined the growing ranks of detransitioners, many of whom belong to a new cohort of teen girls with complex mental health problems, often influenced by social media. Such kids were not studied in the original research suggesting adolescent sex changes can be psychologically beneficial. It’s a cohort the Left-leaning media denies exists, just as they downplay detransition and overstate the surety of benefits of gender-affirming care. Though there were two important stories on detranstioners, in 2017 and 2018, along with my own op-ed in The New York Times in 2017 about confusing gender nonconformity with transgender identity, the media seemed to retreat from proper exploration of this complex following the backlash to those pieces.   For the past year-and-a-half, I’ve pitched stories to The New York Times, The Washington Post, CNN, USA Today, Time and many others about detransitioners and how the science of gender-affirming care actually doesn’t support claims that it’s life-saving — despite assertions by major medical associations. I’ve pointed out that around the world, in countries with better healthcare systems and no profit motive, medical interventions for trans children are being slowed down or doled out only under strict circumstances, because of concern about going too far, too fast.  I managed to publish a few dissenting pieces in mainstream media, but most people in the media plugged their ears. They, too, didn’t want to know. As a result, the media have helped make gender affirming care a political issue instead of a healthcare issue. They have failed and misinformed their readers. They’ve actually done them an injustice. Finally, last month, The New York Times admitted the story was more complicated than they’d let on, publishing a piece about the potentially damaging effects of puberty blockers, admitting that this field is full of unknowns, instead of the certainty it previously espoused. Reuters, too, has begun to report more honestly, and Politico followed suit in one piece. These are baby steps, but I’m grateful for them.   Even so, there’s so much more territory to cover. As a journalist, this has been the most dispiriting vocational experience I’ve ever had... I think those on the Left who already know something is wrong will eventually feel safer dissenting and questioning, despite their own media misinforming them. For those of you still saying, “I don’t want to know” — even if you can’t listen to me, please take your blinders off and unplug your ears. There is so much to see and hear."
Trans mania is the true conversion therapy

When the Transgender Movement Kills - "The story of Yaeli Martinez forms the heart of “Gender Transformations: The Untold Realities,” an original production of The Epoch Times. Though technically classified as a “docudrama,” the term does not do justice to the reality that plays out on the screen: The majority of the film consists of real people sharing heartbreaking true stories, without an interviewer’s prompting. Through their eyes, the 85-minute Epoch Original production traces the transgender contagion from its funding sources in Big Pharma, to ideologically extremist teachers who radicalize children behind their parents’ backs, to trans activists who brainwash and kidnap minors, to the irreversible damage the industry causes teens and young adults. Abigail Martinez sheds real tears for her daughter’s suicide — and real footage shows trans activists mocking her grief... “She told me, ‘Mom, I realized that no matter what I do I’m never going to be like my brother. I’m in pain. I can’t sleep. I can’t concentrate,’” Martinez recalls. “’It’s not working the way that I thought.’”... All that remained of her child’s legacy was the undying hatred of the radical LGBTQ movement. The movie includes real footage of Martinez sharing her story, as trans activists yell, “Cry more!” and “What a sob story!”  After removing a child from a loving home and transitioning her, the Los Angeles government refused to acknowledge any responsibility for Yaeli’s death... The origin story of transgenderism’s social contagion begins by tracing the money back to the Big Pharma companies that manufacture these drugs. “If you’re going to look for anything in this country, you’re going to follow the money, because it will always tell you the truth. Who’s funding these LGB organizations?” asked writer and investigator Jennifer Bilek. “What I found was a whole lot of very, very powerful moneyed people in the highest echelons of finance, Pharma, and technology.” Dr. Katherine Welch, a concerned physician, agrees that pharmaceutical companies “fund the activists and the NGOs to stir up a lot of passion.” Then the companies ask for emergency use authorization, based on “a mental health crisis among our youth.” Thanks to their combination marketing-and-lobbying efforts, there is now “a $1.5 billion industry for surgery alone,” said lawyer Erin Friday. “And I think that’s an underestimate.” The trail extends to dishonest researchers, such as John Money, and subject criteria set by organizations such as the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH). The academic cohort produces the shoddy research trumpeted by the media, entertainment industry, and school officials. When Erin Friday learned her daughter had secretly begun identifying as a boy at school, administrators told her, “We need to be a safe space” for her child. “By extension, I’m unsafe,” said Friday.  The message promptly filters down to young people. A few confess to being amazed at the virtually godlike power they hold over their own bodies. “When I went into the Planned Parenthood building to [talk about] the surgery … I could pick from 25 sets of breasts,” said detransitioner David Bacon. “I could build myself.” But most seek to rebuild themselves from a trauma, or they naïvely believe the transgender industry’s claims that the silver bullet for their depression lies at the end of a needle. Continually hearing the (scientifically inaccurate) mantra that children who identify as transgender will commit suicide if not immediately “affirmed” caused at least one woman to become profoundly depressed. “It made me feel even more hopeless, because I thought there was no way to accept myself. I had to get these painful surgeries and take hormones,” said detransitioner Catt Catinson. Her psychological evaluation “affirmed me immediately” and “just sort of overlooked my eating disorder” and childhood sexual abuse. Abel Garcia received the same treatment, even after telling them, “I might be autistic” and that he felt unsure whether he identified as transgender. “The worst part, honestly, is that I was allowed to do all this, and that nobody was willing to stop me and have a second opinion,” says Garcia. “Instead, I was affirmed, I was love-bombed. I was allowed to destroy my body.”"

Mother of trans teenager: Los Angeles County killed my daughter - "Sari was the typical stereotype: bullied at school, friendless, and in therapy. She learned about the transgender movement on the gaming site Discord and contact through a family friend.  Sharon shut down all the apps on Sari’s phone, locked her out of social media on the home computer, and forbid her from seeing the friend. Then, she enrolled Sari in a different school and told the counselors and teachers that they were not allowed to call her daughter by anything other than her birth name.  Unlike some states, Utah law defers to parental rights with children.  “The law here is that you have to do what the parents tell you to do,” Sharon said. “If I didn’t say anything, the school would do what the child wants.”  Sharon did a crash course on what Sari had been learning and was horrified. The computer history revealed YouTube videos on how to deceive your parents and ways to get mastectomies and testosterone shots.  “I figured out the algorithms to this and was getting more and more sick to my stomach,” she said. “I tried to direct her into something else, but it seemed like every group I found, she would come in contact with transgenders.”  Sharon now seems to have won the battle with her daughter. The family refused to use the name Alan, although Sari was allowed to dress as she pleases. Her biggest moment of success is when Sari started wearing skinny girl jeans.  But other families have not been as successful. Jeannette Cooper of Chicago lost a custody battle with her ex-husband because her daughter didn’t think she would be supportive of her new transgender lifestyle. But other families have not been as successful. Jeannette Cooper of Chicago lost a custody battle with her ex-husband because her daughter didn’t think she would be supportive of her new transgender lifestyle.  The girl, who was in the eighth grade, told her stepmother, “I’m trans, and if I tell my mom, she will kill me.”  So her ex went to court and fought for full custody, which was approved, despite the fact that Cooper would have supported her daughter if given the chance, but it was never discussed.  “We’ve never talked about gender,” Cooper said. “My ex said our child wanted this to be a secret, and I learned they had been plotting this for months.”  The girl decided to transition because she was bullied at school without intervention from teachers. Once she declared herself transgender, she was awarded protection.  Then, the court decided that “there was a trans kid, and she was going to save the trans kid from the mom, and that’s what she did. Even though there are no facts to back this up that I wasn’t supportive.”  Cooper was only allowed to communicate with her daughter through postal mail and did not see her for two years until the pair recently had lunch...   Yaeli died a year later, still battling her demons and making a mockery of the county’s stance that children commit suicide when denied transgender medical care. Neither the county, the school, nor the LGBT group have reached out to Martinez since."

This Mom Says Transgender Movement Took Her Daughter's Life - "The logic of the Department of Children and Family Services was that “if we keep [Yaeli] out of your home, she [will] have more chance to survive,” Martinez recalled. “She’s not going to try to commit suicide.”...   “She was taking the [cross-sex] hormones; she was not happy. She changed her name, [but] was not happy,” Martinez said. “She adopted a dog because that was going to make her happy. None of it, everything that they’ve done, didn’t work.”... She says she questioned Children and Family Services after her daughter’s death, saying, “Where is my daughter? You took her away from me, my family. Now she’s gone. You told me that she was going to be better off.”   Martinez said the agency had no adequate response...   When Children and Family Services took her daughter from her, Martinez said, she was painted as “the bad guy.”  “Even though I talked to them about the depression, they didn’t care about [it], it didn’t matter,” Yaeli’s mother said."

Meme - "If genitals don't define gender, how does removing them "affirm" it?"

Meme - Hazel Appleyard @HazelAppleyard_: "*triggered*"
Something I saw in a public restroom that really irked me :\
XY [men's toilet] / XX [women's toilet]
It's very unnecessary, and just... Why tho"

Why is breast augmentation covered for trans women but not cis? : Manitoba - "Manitoba will cover breast augmentation for trans women after a complaint that “breast augmentation is a vital and final means of aligning my body with my identity." Of course this is on a case basis and usually only for those who have been on hormones for quite some time and have little to no breast growth.  But cis women have little to flat chests, suffer from underdeveloped breasts/tubular breasts but getting surgery is deemed as unnecessary and only cosmetic, so if a cis women doesn’t need boobs to be considered a woman, it’s up to her to pay out of pocket, why do trans women get to have surgery done to look more “feminine”.  Of course this stems from some jealousy, I am not comfortable with my breasts and feel less feminine due to it but I can’t get assistance with that, but more so due to feeling like having small boobs really does make me less of a woman? Or it wouldn’t be a covered treatment to have done for those wanting to express themselves as women. People are always like “small boobs are great” but why would those transitioning need bigger boobs when many cis women have flat chests to feel more themselves. Do you not see flat chested cis girls as feminine?"

*Caitlyn Jenner, Veronica Ivy aka Rachel McKinnon, Laurel Hubbard, Rachel Levine, Kataluna Enriquez,  Brían Nguyen, Lia Thomas, Fallon Fox, CeCe Telfer*

Meme - "Toys have no gender. A boy can play with with "girly" toys and still be a boy"
"Yeah, okay. That makes sense."
"If a boy plays with girly toys, he's probably a transgender and needs puberty blockers"

Meme - "Multiple victims reported in Nashville school shooting. 6 dead + shooter"
"Better protect those kids from drag queens and trans people!"
"This comment hasn't aged well, unfortunately."
"They were trans..."

Republicans tear into Kansas' Democratic Governor for taxpayer-funded 'all ages' drag show - "Kansas Republicans are tearing into Democrat Governor Laura Kelly and her administration over revelations that taxpayer dollars helped fund an all-ages drag event... Images obtained by DailyMail.com show scantily-clad drag performers dancing at the Wichita event in front of both adults and young children.  Called the ‘DADA Ball,’ it was advertised as ‘a free, all-ages evening of music, fashion, drag & dancing!’ Among the backers of the event host is the Kansas Creative Arts & Industries Commission, which is a part of the state Department of Commerce. The department is led by Kelly’s lieutenant governor, David Toland."

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