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Thursday, November 30, 2023

Links - 30th November 2023 (1 - Trans Mania [including Nashville Shooter])

Unisex showers at beaches a concern for the halal-conscious, say Muslim-friendly travel experts - "A Muslim family holidaying on Australia’s Sunshine Coast used a club’s members-only private showers without permission because it couldn’t find female-only closed-door public facilities, reported an Australian newspaper. ABC News cited the local authority that manages public facilities in that area, Sunshine Coast Council, as saying the open shower and unisex toilets at that beach “were designed according to the required legislation”.  Muslim-friendly tourism experts told Salaam Gateway halal-conscious travellers would consider unisex toilets or shower facilities a problem.  Elena Nikolova, the entrepreneur behind popular blog and travel guide Muslim Travel Girl, said she would first check to see if toilets and shower facilities at beaches were unisex or not before deciding on whether to swim. She would have to make a decision whether to “miss out on the fun due to the facilities”, she said...   Both Nikolova and Secgin also pointed out the issue affects more than just halal-conscious travellers.   "In the UK, for example, where we are based, this is not only a concern for Muslim women but there are also many feminist and other women’s groups working to ensure that the provision of single sex spaces and safe spaces for women is not eroded," Secgin said... “They are not ideal for males and females who wish to have privacy in such an environment. One example is hijab-wearing Muslim women who would like to perform ablution by removing the hijab, and do not wish to do so in the presence of non-females,” Bahardeen said."
I was tickled visiting a Muslim-owned restaurant with unisex toilets

Endocrine Society Scientific Statement: 'Two Sexes,' Male and Female - "The Endocrine Society, an international organization of over 18,000 endocrine clinical specialists and researchers, has released a scientific statement that asserts there are only two sexes — male and female — and that biological sex is measurable and is to be differentiated from gender identity... “Sex is a biological concept,” the Endocrine Society said"... The society said in its press release regarding its new scientific statement on sex, that biological differences between males and females “affect virtually every aspect of medicine and biomedical research,” and must be “studied thoroughly to improve public health.”  “When we understand the ways sex differences operate at baseline in health, which can either worsen the course of a disease to amplify differences in health outcomes, or protect against it, we can more effectively prevent and treat medical conditions,” said Aditi Bhargava, Ph.D., of the University of California, San Francisco, and chair of the writing group that authored the Society’s Scientific Statement... the National Institutes of Health (NIH) released a statement and accompanying video (above) that underscored that, as an agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), it “expects that sex as a biological variable will be factored into research designs, analyses, and reporting in animal and human studies.”"
Clearly they are good at basic biology but are ignorant of advanced biology

BREAKING: Manifesto of trans Nashville school shooter LEAKED, full of anti-white hate - "the three-page handwritten document shows Audrey “Aiden” Hale meticulously planned their last moments and the mass school shooting at The Covenant School on March 27. Three young children and three school staff were killed before Hale, 28, was shot dead by responding police.   The manifesto, written in a spiral notebook, has various screeds and thoughts scrawled down by pen...   Hale wrote: “those crackers... going to fancy private schools with those fancy khakis + sports backpacks w/ their daddies mustangs + convertibles."  "F*ck you little sh*ts," she wrote.   Hale added: “Wanna kill all you little crackers!!! Bunch of little faggots w/ your white privileges f*ck you faggots." Critics of trans ideology have often highlighted that some trans people transition because they cannot cope with being homosexual. Hale was lesbian before identifying as trans. Authorities have been criticized for months for not releasing Hale's manifesto. A source with the Louder with Crowder show told The Post Millennial that they received the photographs of Hale's notebook from a "source near law enforcement." Hales mass shooting earlier this year preceded a planned "Trans Day of Vengeance" event in the U.S. capital that was ultimately canceled. And in the immediate hours after the shooting, trans activists occupied several state capitol buildings to protest pending legislation restricting the transitioning of children. At the capitol in Nashville, trans activists held a moment of silence for the victims of the mass shooting. They held up seven fingers to include Hale as among the victims. Nashville Mayor Freddie O'Connell, a Democrat, says his office is immediately investigating the unauthorized release of some of the images from the Nashville trans shooter’s manifesto. Authorities have tried to prevent the release of Hale’s writings before today’s leak."
Proof that we need to crack down on the far right because their dangerous rhetoric is getting people killed

State, Local Leaders Respond to Leaked Photos of Covenant School Shooter’s Writings - "U.S. Rep. Andy Ogles and state Senate Majority Leader Jack Johnson spoke at a TFFC event in Franklin, where Ogles also called for defunding the FBI.  “There was never a good reason to keep that monster's manifesto under lock, which is why I called for its release months ago,” said House Republican Caucus Chairman Jeremy Faison in a tweet Monday morning. “After reading this morning, I’m questioning even more why the anti-white racism & anti-Christian bigotry of Audrey Hale was covered up.”"
Clear proof it's fake, as all the liberals claim

Nashville Covenant school shooting: Authorities investigate photographs of shooter’s alleged writings - "Nashville police say an investigation began Monday morning into three photographs that surfaced online of writings connected to the March shooting at a private Christian school that left three 9-year-olds and three adults dead.  The writings are from the 28-year-old shooter, who was a former student at The Covenant School, Nashville Police Chief John Drake later confirmed... The shooter’s writings have been part of a monthslong legal fight playing out in Nashville over the release of documents and records related to the March 27 shooting...  Those petitioning to have the writings released – including The Tennessean newspaper – say the documents are public records and the First Amendment and the Tennessee Constitution grant public access to the records.  The National Police Association and the Tennessee Firearms Association, who are also suing for the records, argue lessons gleaned from the writings could benefit public safety by shedding light on the killer’s thinking."
Liberals kept calling the manifesto fake. No wonder the mayor was upset!
Tellingly, even 3 days after the event, the Washington Post had no story on the leak, the New York times didn't discuss the contents of the leak and CNN only very briefly alluded to them. When you can't hurt the liberal agenda...

Nashville mayor blasts purported leak of Covenant manifesto as expert says withholding docs is wrong - "Neama Rahmani, a Los Angeles-based trial attorney and former federal prosecutor, said the wishes of the school and of the victims' families likely do not trump public records laws at the state or federal level."

Thread by @MrAndyNgo on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "BREAKING: I have reviewed the manifesto of the Nashville trans school shooter (scoop first obtained by @scrowder). Audrey "Aiden" Hale expressed a violent hatred of those "little crackers" [children] with "white privilege." Here's what you need to know: Nashville trans mass shooter Audrey "Aiden" Hale repeatedly used homophobic slurs in the manifesto against the "white privilege" "little crackers" Hale wanted to kill at the Covenant School. Critics of trans ideology have often highlighted that many trans people transition because they cannot cope with being homosexual. Audrey Hale’s school mass shooting in March preceded a planned "Trans Day of Vengeance" that was ultimately canceled. The shooting came amid a surge in threats of violence by Trantifa & far-left extremists. thepostmillennial.com/breaking-manif… In the immediate days after the Nashville trans mass shooting, far-left protesters occupied the Tennessee capitol. They held a “moment of silence” where they honored shooter Audrey Hale as one of the “seven” victims. Hale killed six, including 3 children."

Greg Price on X - "Throwback to when Jean-Pierre reacted to the Nashville shooting by a transgender shooter that killed six people by saying that "our hearts go out to the trans community as they are under attack right now." #NashvilleManifesto"
Stephen L. Miller on X - "No different than commenting on Islamophobia when 1,400 Jews were tortured, murdered, raped, burnt alive and kidnapped, including children and the elderly."

Reddit Lies on X - "Reddit admins are handing out 3-day sitewide bans to people who post the #NashvilleManifesto because it "Threatens violence or physical harm"
This suppression is happening all across Reddit.  The admins really do not want people seeing the manifesto, likely because the it's insane anti-white rhetoric is virtually indistinguishable from your average Reddit post."

Meme - "Make your guns totally invisible to the government by wrapping them in The Nashville Shooter Manifesto"

Meme - End Wokeness @EndWokeness: "Guess who the White House is praising for their bravery this week?"
President Biden: "Transgender people are some of the bravest Americans I know. But no person should have to be brave just to live in safety and dignity. Today, on Transgender Day of Visibility, I renew my commitment to building a healthy, safe, free, and just future for trans people everywhere."
"9-Year-Old Girl Died Trying To Pull Fire Alarm To Stop Nashville Shooter From Killing Her Friends"

The latest, disturbing trend amongst gender-bender narcissists? Becoming a ‘nullo’ by having one’s genitals surgically removed - "Might we soon have to add an N to the alphabet soup of LGBTQIA+? The number of ‘genital modification enthusiasts’ who favour complete ‘nullification’ is on the rise, as doctors promise to create “relatively smooth genital areas.”... 'Nullo’ or ‘smoothie’ is the term for men who voluntarily undergo surgery to have their genitals removed. Although still highly niche, the number of ‘genital modification enthusiasts’ is, apparently, growing... Nullification is presented as a way for gender non-conforming people “to enjoy a body that looks closer on the outside to the way they feel on the inside.” Many of us want a body that looks on the outside the way we feel on the inside. This is what motivates me to get out of bed and go for a run most mornings. But, at the same time, we accept the physical reality and the limitations of the body we have. No matter how much I run, I will never become any taller or younger. My breasts won’t get larger and neither will I become male. Sure, people ‘enhance’ their bodies with make-up, diet and exercise regimes, and sometimes even with wrinkle-reducing injections or plastic surgery.   But enhancing your appearance is not the same as denying reality. Having your genitals ‘nullified’ is to refuse to accept the fundamental biological and social reality of being male or female. It is to insist that the world conforms to you, rather than you bending to the world as it is. There is a narcissism to assuming that the physical constraints of the body should not be allowed to stop your fantasies coming true. Likewise, the practice of removing perfectly healthy body parts from such fantasists is, at best, ethically questionable.  Lego’s message that ‘everyone is awesome’ is nice. But wouldn’t it be even nicer if we could all be awesome with our genitals still intact?"

Johns Hopkins pulls 'lesbian' definition after uproar over use of 'non-men' instead of 'women' - "Johns Hopkins University removed an online glossary of LGBTQ terms and identities this week after its definition of the word "lesbian" used the term "non-men" to refer to women and some nonbinary people and fueled an online uproar.  Screenshots of the glossary before it was taken down showed that the university defined the word "lesbian" as a "non-man attracted to non-men." It added that while past definitions have referred to lesbians as women who are sexually attracted to other women, the "updated definition" is intended to include nonbinary people who may identify with the label... Screenshots of the glossary sparked an online firestorm in recent days, with many women, including some lesbians, calling the definition "misogynistic" and noting that the definition for "gay man" did not use similar language, such as "non-women." "Lesbian was literally the only word in English language that is not tied to man- as in male- feMALE, man- woMAN," tennis star Martina Navratilova, who is a lesbian, tweeted Monday. "And now lesbians are non men?!? Wtf?!?"... A global survey released by Ipsos this month found that 1.3% of the 22,514 participants — who were surveyed in 30 countries in the Americas, Europe and Asia in February and March —  identify as nonbinary, gender-nonconforming or gender fluid.  However, new research shows that the majority of Americans do not believe in gender neutral identities.  A new national poll from Public Religion Research Institute, a nonpartisan research group, found that 65% of all Americans believe there are only two gender identities — male and female. "
Trans erasure of women is a myth

Julia Hartley-Brewer on X - "When police question women under caution for stating biological facts, something is going horribly wrong in our country. So, just for the record, @northumbriapol.... TRANS WOMEN ARE MEN. You're welcome."

Libs of TikTok on X - "Checking in on our woke Armed Forces… The Air Force is giving lessons to airmen on how to properly put their pronouns in their signature. Source: @samosaur"
I remember someone mocking me when I said the US military was woke

Billboard Chris 🇨🇦🇺🇸 on X - "8 years ago, @benshapiro  asked @ZoeyTur , a man pretending to be a woman, what his genetics were.  Ben’s response from the cult member in womanface was “You cut that out now, or you’re going home in an ambulance.”  Not one of the other guests, including @drdrew  with his brain scan lie, had the courage to tell the truth.  A delusional man using threats of violence received support. The only truth-teller in the room was shamed.  Is it any wonder why we now have tens of thousands of children being harmed?  We have a crisis of courage. Stop lying to support liars."
Weird how this "persecuted minority" keeps threatening violence for disagreement

Woman with child: "Hello, FBI?!"
Woman with child: "Yas, Queen, slay!""

Meme - Dr. Anastasia Maria Loupis @DrLoupis: "What are the odds of having 3 sons who all turned out to be transgenders? Megan Fox sure is special."

Meme - "The nonbinary urge to not smile in pictures"
Mental illness is correlated with unhappiness anyway

Canadian Powerlifting Union is set to suspend female bodybuilder April Hutchinson for two years, after she slammed transgender rival who's smashed records and bragged about it - "A Canadian female powerlifter is set to be suspended from the sport for two years after slamming a transgender record-breaking rival as a 'trans identifying male.'   April Hutchinson is facing a lengthy ban from powerlifting for her remarks on competitor Anne Andres, a transgender woman who sparked backlash after destroying the Canadian women's national record in August.   Following Andres' dominant display, where she beat her nearest challenger by over 200 kilograms in total, Hutchinson appeared on TalkTV's Piers Morgan Uncensored to condemn the victory as unfair. 'It's been very disheartening, that national record that he broke athletes have been chasing that for years,' she said. 'It just goes to show the physical advantages that a male has over a female.'   In response, the Canadian Powerlifting Union says it has recommended that Hutchinson be suspended for two years, which she said was for 'speaking publicly about the unfairness of biological males being allowed to taunt female competitors and loot their winnings.'... Despite being warned almost immediately she would be banned for her stance, she said she continued speaking out for the past year because, essentially, 'we have no policy at all to protect women and girls in sports.'  'Canada is very lenient with policies,' she explained. 'You do not need any proof, my boyfriend could basically walk in tomorrow, identify as a female and compete, and the next day go back to being a man again.'   Hutchinson noted the example of Avi Silverberg, a male powerlifting coach who protested Canada's lenient self-ID rules by entering a competition as a woman before smashing a bench press record in April.   'I will keep speaking out about fairness, because women deserve that. It's completely unfair, it's bodies that play sports not identities,' she continued, adding that many biological women she knows who regularly compete in powerlifting will withdraw when they see Andres' name against them.   After slating the transgender athlete on TV, Hutchinson became the focus of an ethics investigation by the governing body, which she tweeted the results of on Tuesday... Alongside her habit of breaking records, Andres previously faced backlash in the powerlifting community for appearing to mock female competitors and asking why they are 'so bad' at bench pressing in comparison.   In a viral social media video, Andres began: 'Why is women's bench press so bad?   'I mean not compared to me, we all know that I'm a tranny freak so that doesn't count... I mean standard bench for women in competition, I literally don't understand why it's so bad.'  She noted that her young son was able to almost lift as much as her competitors as proof of why they should be doing better, adding 'I just don't understand.'   Andres even characterized a female rival as having 'little T-Rex arms'... when Andres won another contest, watching her put a stuffed toy T-Rex on the podium appeared particularly pointed - especially as she noted that the only two others on the podium were only there as every other competitor had dropped out... 'Everyone knows this is unethical. But the federation has been too cowardly to do anything because the Canadian government protects 'gender identity' from discrimination, alongside race, gender and sexual orientation.  'As a result, the rights of biological women are trampled.  'Women must demand fairness, but even that is not enough.  'If and, hopefully, when the CPU comes to its senses, the records of biological men must be wiped away.  'Only women are entitled to these honors.'"
There's nothing wrong with mocking real women - only with being concerned about men

Powerlifter removed from Museum London exhibit after comments on trans athletes
Of course, they slime her by associating her with the "right wing" and ignore what Andres said. But liberals love CBC's biased reporting

Linda Blade on X - "SHOCKING ⚠️ I just learned the reason for the baffling 🇨🇦silence  at outcome of TOTALLY UNFAIR outcome of the 2016 #Olympics 800m women’s podium that featured three MALE winners, leaving #Canada’s #MelissaBishop in 4th place instead of winning 🥇 GOLD as she deserved: A lawyer from @TeamCanada  threatened #Canadian head coach @Head1Coach as follows: “I was threatened by COC lawyers in 2016 not to speak up. If I said something I was told that I was going to be banned for life from sport.”  I do have his blessing to post this for the first time in public.  #UNSPORTING  #UNETHICAL  #cdnpoli"

Transgender Women in the Female Category of Sport: Perspectives on Testosterone Suppression and Performance Advantage | Sports Medicine - "some 6500 genes are differentially expressed between males and females with an estimated 3000 sex-specific differences in skeletal muscle likely to influence composition and function beyond the effects of androgenisation... Males have: larger and denser muscle mass, and stiffer connective tissue, with associated capacity to exert greater muscular force more rapidly and efficiently; reduced fat mass, and different distribution of body fat and lean muscle mass, which increases power to weight ratios and upper to lower limb strength in sports where this may be a crucial determinant of success; longer and larger skeletal structure, which creates advantages in sports where levers influence force application, where longer limb/digit length is favorable, and where height, mass and proportions are directly responsible for performance capacity; superior cardiovascular and respiratory function, with larger blood and heart volumes, higher hemoglobin concentration, greater cross-sectional area of the trachea and lower oxygen cost of respiration... Given the maintenance of BMD and the lack of a plausible biological mechanism by which testosterone suppression might affect skeletal measurements such as bone length and hip width, we conclude that height and skeletal parameters remain unaltered in transgender women, and that sporting advantage conferred by skeletal size and bone density would be retained despite testosterone reductions compliant with the IOC’s current guidelines. This is of particular relevance to sports where height, limb length and handspan are key (e.g. basketball, volleyball, handball) and where high movement efficiency is advantageous. Male bone geometry and density may also provide protection against some sport-related injuries—for example, males have a lower incidence of knee injuries, often attributed to low quadriceps (Q) angle conferred by a narrow pelvic girdle... available evidence is strong and convincing that strength, skeletal- and muscle-mass derived advantages will largely remain after cross-hormone therapy in transgender women
Clearly 12 months on hormones negates the advantage of a male skeleton Trans women's advantage in sports analyzed and in photos - "Olympic medalists were among critics who joined the backlash to Chloe Barnes' role in Brookline High School's victory in Massachusetts. Barnes is a junior who competed under rules that allow students to 'participate in a manner consistent with their gender identity'... Tommy Lundberg, a lecturer in physiology at Sweden's Karolinska Institute and leading researcher on the subject, told DailyMail.com: 'The most important thing is whether or not you have benefited from male development and male puberty and if you've done that, you're going to have advantages you cannot undo later.'  Supporters of inclusion for trans women argue that a sustained course of gender-affirming care to suppress testosterone levels eliminates the advantage.  But Lundberg's landmark 2021 study with Emma Hilton, a developmental biologist at the University of Manchester in the UK, disputes that.  The research found that men typically have a 10-50 percent performance edge over women. After a trans woman has completed 12 months of testosterone suppression, the loss of 'lean body mass, muscle area and strength typically amounts to approximately 5%', according to the paper.  'The muscular advantage enjoyed by transgender women is only minimally reduced when testosterone is suppressed,' the study said.  Other studies have recorded similar findings. A paper published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health last year said 'the former male physiology of trans woman athletes provides them with a physiological advantage over the cis-female athlete.'  Nancy Hogshead, a former pro swimmer who won three gold medals and one silver at the 1984 Olympics, told DailyMail.com: 'Trans women have an undeniable physical advantage. 'Their bodies do what male bodies do when they go through puberty and is the reason why we segregate sports ubiquitously around the world… Unless we're talking about just playing, just recreational sports. All competitive sports is sex-segregated.'... for researchers like Lundberg, the science speaks for itself.  'The bottom line right now that I am arguing is that you can't have both right now - we can't have inclusion and fair competition at the same time in the female category,' he added.  'Sports organizations basically need to choose between those two. Either you uphold the integrity of women's sports, but that's not compatible with the inclusion of transgender women in female sports. That's just a reality.'" Transgender track star: I’m the one at a ‘disadvantage’ racing against girls - "‘If anything, me competing against cis gender females is a disadvantage, because my body is going through so many medical implications,” Telfer told ESPN’s Ryan Smith on “Outside the Lines.” “It’s going through biochemistry changes. … Being on hormone replacement therapy … your muscle is deteriorating, you lose a lot of strength because testosterone is where you get your strength, your agility...   “And there are people who say I have the benefit of testosterone,” Telfer told Outsports. “But no: I have no benefit. I’m on hormone suppression, it doesn’t help. It’s another disadvantage. Cis women are producing more testosterone than the average trans female.  “So it’s crazy! I’m the crazy one, to be the weakest female, the weakest link in the chain, to be competing against the top ones. I should be fingered as the stupid one, for wanting to do that in the first place.”... As recently as January 2018, Telfer had been competing as an athlete for Franklin Pierce men’s team as Craig. Telfer finished eighth in a field of nine in the Men’s 400 meters at the Middlebury Winter Classic in Vermont." Weird how she was the weakest "female", yet still won Cyclist, 24, abandoned Olympic dream after 'sickening' losses to biological male - "A female cyclist who gave up her dream of competing at the Olympics after losing to a biological male has said the experience 'hurt on a million different levels'.  Hannah Arensman, 24, quit cyclocross after also receiving abuse from a left-wing, Antifa gun club which protested at her final race after claiming 'there's a massive TERF [trans-exclusionary radical feminists] problem in cycling'.  Arensman is a 35-time winner on the national cyclocross circuit and previously opened up in heartbreaking detail about her decision to leave the sport, saying the inclusion of trans competitors meant she would 'lose no matter how hard I train'. She quit the sport after losing out on a podium spot to trans rider Austin Killips in the Women Elite category at the 2022 National Cyclocross Championships in December. It would be her final competitive race... Arensman's final race was also marred by demonstrations from the John Brown Gun Club, a self-described 'leftist gun-rights group' which 'arms itself to defend against far-right violence'. Masked members of the group attended the race to 'support two trans athletes racing in the Elite Women's Division', according to a tweet which included a photograph of their protest.  The group also celebrated Arensman's resignation and said: 'Hope we helped her find the door. She won’t be missed.'  Speaking about the toxic nature of the debate around trans inclusion, Arensman said: 'It just adds to the complete disrespect. When you have to use physical violence to keep other people in check, so you can do whatever you want, there’s something seriously wrong. It’s a form of tyranny.' Footage from the race itself also purports to show Killips shove Arensman as the pair crossed paths on the course... Her comments also follow another controversy in cycling after a transgender competitor who won a women's race category was slammed after wondering why no one joined them on the podium.  SiriusXM host Megyn Kelly led the backlash after Lesley Mumford, a 46 year-old who transitioned in 2014, won the 2023 Desert Gravel Co2Ut (Colorado to Utah) race in her 40-49. Mumford, a former sheriff's deputy, posted a photo of herself on Instagram standing alone on the podium with the caption: 'I have no idea why so many people bailed before the podiums, but they did.'" Good luck to right wing gun groups which say they're defending themselves

Female martial artists drop out of jiu-jitsu tournament after 'fearing for their safety' and being forced to fight against transgender women at competitions - "Female martial artists say they dropped out of a major competition last weekend saying they felt 'scared' and 'unsafe' after being forced to fight transgender women at previous tournaments. It comes as female athletes have spoken out over the past few months about feeling 'sincerely scared' fighting transgender women. Professional martial artist Jayden Alexander said she was left 'devastated' after fighting a transgender woman in July and had self-excluded from future competitions to avoid fighting them again... videos of female competitors fighting transgender challengers went viral, and sparked outcries over fairness and safety. Some noted the transgender participants were much heavier than the female opponents... The policy had stated that women would not be forced to compete against transgender fighters - but several women said that isn't the case and they boycotted a late-October tournament in Georgia. At that event, one of the transgender women, Corissa Griffith, took home four gold medals. Another transgender competitor, Cordelia Gregory, placed second in a tournament... Co-founder of Independent Council on Women’s Sports, Marshi Smith, told Reduxx: 'I have now spoken to four women who have all fought male fighters in the combat sport of Jiu Jitsu. They are extremely upset. 'They are self-excluding. They are emailing federation leadership and being dismissed.' Another professional fighter, Ansleigh Wilk, said she was not told she would be fighting a transgender woman before a July 8 competition - that wasn't organized by the North American Grappling Association - and was left in 'panic mode'. She said it was 'completely undisclosed before the matches that she was a trans competitor.'"
Bodies play sports, not gender identities. But of course, the TRAs are claiming that the transwomen are the ones who are at a disadvantage

Female boxer withdraws from championship over surprise bout against trans opponent - "During the 2023 Provincial Golden Glove Championship in Victoriaville, Quebec, female boxer Dr. Katia Bissonnette chose to withdraw from the competition upon discovering that her opponent, Mya Walmsley, was a male-born transgender boxer. This revelation came merely an hour before the scheduled match, leaving Bissonnette with limited options. Organized by the Quebec Boxing Federation and the KO-96 boxing club to provide novice boxers a chance to qualify for the Canadian Championship in December, the event took an unexpected twist. According to Bissonnette, her coach informed her at the last minute that Walmsley was not a woman by birth... As Bissonnette withdrew from the match, citing concerns for her safety in the ring, Walmsley was declared the winner by default as no replacement stepped in. However, the aftermath of this decision led to a public outcry by Walmsley, who is known for political activism at a local university. In a statement, Walmsley criticized Bissonnette for not seeking information from him directly, opting instead to involve the media. He warned of potential consequences for the sport if such accusations persisted. Bissonnette defended her decision based on safety concerns, referring to a 2020 study from the University of Utah that indicated male blows had 163% more impact than female blows, even when adjusted for weight. She argued that close-contact sports involving transgender athletes pose physical and psychological risks to women. Expressing her stance, Bissonnette said, “Women shouldn’t have to bear the physical and psychological risks brought by a man’s decisions regarding his personal life and identity. There should be two categories: biological male and female.” This is in accordance with the opinion of the WBC. World Boxing Council intended to create a new category just for transgender boxers in 2023. WBC president was quoted saying"

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