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Monday, November 27, 2023

Links - 27th November 2023 (2 - Women)

Meme - "Amber, 20
The one with the tits"

Meme - "Ocean explorer, have I ever told you about my former fiance, Caledon Hockley? He I once took me on a luxurious trip aboard the most majestic vessel created by man. A great man of many virtues and success, he used to pamper me and shower me with expensive gifts, basically treating me like a Queen. Oh, he loved me so very dearly and with utter loyalty, this made me hate his guts and thus I was even considering suicide just to escape from his kindness and affection I showed him how grateful I was by cheating on him with poor lower-class bum, who hadn't taken a bath in month and had achieved nothing of worth in his entire life. After spreading my legs for him, I watched him die horribly in freezing water, from the comfort of a piece of wood that had room for two but that I kept only for myself. I'm telling you this, because even though I've only known this bum for a couple of days and I now have a loyal husband, loving children and grandchildren, even to this day, the thrill of cheating with a dirty no-gooder just to spite Cal and watching the life escape from his eyes as his body shut down from agonizing hypothermia is still the best memory of my life and still gives my old vagina shivering tingles. I stole one of Cal's most valuable diamond necklaces, but not before leaving him a gratuitous letter filled with poisonous insults, and after we made it back to shore, I never talked to him again. Cal killed himself shortly afterwards due to financial distress. Although the diamond necklace is still to this day worth an immense fortune and holds significant historical value for you, I just threw it in the ocean on a whim. Did you know it belonged to the great King Louis XVI? I can't imagine the trouble Cal went through just to obtain it for me. He was a good fiance."
On Titanic

Meme - "Kelly, 19
I'm the blonde. Don't worry."

Meme - "Sarah, 23 *6 other girls cheering and pointing to her*"

Meme - "Sarah, 20
Clever pick up lines are the way to go
I'm just going to answer the question for you: yes they are real"

Meme - "Julia, 21
Listen up fives, a ten is speaking."

Meme - "Allyson, 19
Sisters sharing Tinder. 19 and 27. Choose wisely."

Meme - "Alicia, 21
It doesn't matter which one I am, you'll get us both anyways."

Meme - "Alexandra, 19
You can use me to get to my mom
Williams College"

Meme - Dx @daaniyaa_nk: "6-figure salary is a fair demand.
6-figure salary is a fair demand.
6-figure salary is a fair demand.
6-figure salary is a fair demand.
6-figure salary is a fair demand...."
Safwan @HocEstBellum__: "Intact hymen is a fair demand.
Intact hymen is a fair demand.
Intact hymen is a fair demand.
Intact hymen is a fair demand.
Intact hymen is a fair demand.
Intact hymen is a fair demand.
Intact hymen is a fair demand.
Intact hymen is a fair demand.
Intact hymen is a fair demand."
RUDRA @invincibl39: "No male friends is a fair demand.
No male friends is a fair demand.
No male friends is a fair demand.
No male friends is a fair demand.
No male friends is a fair demand.
No male friends is a fair demand."

Meme - "Guy: Damn girl are you a newspaper?
Girl: No why?
Guy: Cuz there's a new issue with you every fucking day"

Meme - lil uzi hurt @thesilkysmithj: "Don't tell women to choose better men. Tell attractive men to be better humans. We cant choose who we're attracted to, but attractive men can choose to be better people."

SGWhispers | Whispers SG - "Genuine post looking for advice, no bashing please. My wife and I are in our mid to late thirties with 2 kids, a preschooler and toddler. I am working (~70hrs a week) whilst my wife has quit her job to look after her kids. We have a full-time helper. My wife would often complain that she gets little support from me around the house. I try to help/spend time with the kids when possible but it'd be fair to say my wife manages the kids the large majority of the time.  Whilst there is no doubt about the importance of a father in a child's upbringing and spending time with the kids is enjoyable, I find it tiring that she believes she lacks support from her hubby and therefore lacks time for anything else. Looking to see if I should change my perspective. Thank you."
Women are never happy and are always complaining

Meme - "Playing Piano on youtube
Men *suit*
Women *cleavage and skimpy outfit*"
Meme - "Playing Piano On YouTube
Men *suit and top view*
Women *view of tight jeans from bottom*"

Meme - "My Uber driver asked if I got a man and I answered "l am a man" and he's been quiet ever since. You will not be snatching me today, sir."
Clearly, female fear of crime is rational

Meme - memequeen: ""You can't tum hoe into a housewife" but women are supposed to turn felons, cheater, community dick and liars into kings? Oh ok"
jack.briggss: "Everyone is telling you NOT to do that"

Meme - "Quand on t'a dit de l'embrasser pour la reveiller, mais que tu te trompes de lèvres... *l'extase*"

ZUBY: on X - "One advantage of being male is you get lied to less frequently."
Tyler Todt on X - "I recall being at the beach with a few friends & one of the girls walks up & every girl says I LOVE your swimsuit, that anklet is so cute etc. She goes to the bathroom later & they all start saying how that suit isn’t flattering 😂. Guys are more like, hey man you look kinda fat, hit the gym!!"

Meme - will @dtewill: "I'm not applying pressure to no woman. Shit sound like harassment to me. She either wanna fwm or she don't. Effort increases when mutual interest is shown."
protect the sweet @90sNebula: "Men are supposed to chase women tho.... tf happened to that"
Lil Baby fan acct. @KickGamePropa: "I don't know who told you that, but any man with real value not finna do that. I'm glad men are starting to wake up and realize that women need to show mutual effort."
When a lady says no, she means...

Meme - Ena Puckett: "Bare minimum season is canceled! Either apply pressure or leave us alone! Signed, Grown Women"

Chloe Roma on X - "A list of things that WILL NOT make a Woman act right:
Good Sex
Big Dick
Being Tall/Strong
Being a good Man
Paying her bills
Supporting her dreams
And here's a list of things that WILL make her act right:
When she decides to grow the fuck up."

Meme - "PJs 1900 - big underwear going to ankles
1940 - granny panties
1980 - boyshorts
2000 - panties
2020 - thong
Xavier: Evidence of global warming."

Meme - "Low Price. Mangoes 89c
Box: "Inspired Flavor Cucumbers"
OnlyFans @pinkyloveelea"

Meme - @Gacoboy1: "Girls will call everything a guy does predatory but then see someone lonely and think "how can I monetize this?" and not see the irony."
Only men can be predatory, of course

Meme - curvy: "Last week I was top 5% of onlyfans, now I'm top 6.8% lol I swear I'm gonna disappear from sex work. Y'all don't wanna see me so why the fuck am I here? Wasting my time, buying all this stupid lingerie and toys for WHAT? FOR ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!

OnlyFans creator says models shouldn't pay tax: 'Charity work' - "An Australian influencer has claimed that OnlyFans models “shouldn't have to pay tax” on their staggering incomes from the platform, as the Australian Taxation Office closely watches the industry.  Gold Coast-based Billie Beever, who won Best Female Porn Star at this year's Australian Adult Industry Choice Awards, spoke to Yahoo Lifestyle saying: “The more these girls talk about how much they're making, the less true it usually is.  “Usually just half what they say they're making and that's closer to the truth, then half it again because of tax and OnlyFans' cut."... "Also why should we have to pay tax on our body parts if I choose to use them to make money?” Billie then justified this by saying doing OnlyFans often feels like “a public service” and likened it, especially when fulfilling custom requests from her subscribers, as “charity work”... This year, the amount of models on OnlyFans has surged in Australia amid the cost of living crisis, with many finding themselves hit with huge tax bills.  Adult entertainer Tasha Paige, from the Gold Coast, was gobsmacked when her tax owing was calculated to be $86,000 but, after her accountant double-checked her work more recently, that figure was revised to just over $176,000... "It's annoying when [the government] are like, 'Oh, you guys have to pay GST now' when we're not actually, you know, selling a product per se. That kind of shows that they see us as a product because we earn by selling ourselves online," she said to Yahoo Finance.  "It's just a bit frustrating because we're not actually giving them anything that's an object; it's all virtual"."

Meme - "- Why you always post memes?
Because I don't have the body for OnlyFans. Next question please."

I'm an OnlyFans model and the site has 'ruined' my dating life - "A British OnlyFans model claims that being on the site has “ruined” her dating life as men presume she is “easy.”  “I love what I do but the success has come at a price — it’s ruined my dating life,” Fenella Fox, from Worcester, told NudePR.com... The 28-year-old said she has a strict rule of not having sex until the third date, but most men she goes out with seem “impatient” to get to the bedroom.  “I would love to have sex — in fact, I’m desperate for it — but I’ve been pretty much celibate for five years because men just can’t seem to wait until the third date … they just assume I’m up for it straightaway because of my job.”"

Teachers are sharing their OnlyFans accounts with students - "Non-binary middle school teacher fired after sharing their free OnlyFans page link with students a resource page on the class’s private network. Parents want law enforcers involved. A progressive Californian teacher was fired after their student revealed that they were openly sharing their OnlyFans accounts with underage middle school student on the class’s intranet... One student alleged that the teacher’s OnlyFans page was free and the content posted on the main page was X-rated... This is not the first time a teacher has been exposed sharing inappropriate content with their underage students. Hattie Grimm, a male-to-female transgender art teacher from Brookfield Central High School in Wisconsin hyperlinked her pronouns to LGBTQ resource site that sold sex toys and graphic fetish guides."

Meme - "Destiny 25
54 miles away
Looking for: Still figuring it out
About Me: If I say, I don't want anything from the store, you better bring me a gosh darn Diet Coke anyway. Yes I have an OF. Go argue about it with a girl who needs your money. Hope you like getting about 50 ticktock's texted to you during the day"

Meme - ib @Indian_Bronson: "As in the US, but in a very different cultural matrix, China faced a remarkably similar percentage of women who initiated divorces (around 70%), and was able to achieve a 70% *reduction* in divorces by asking women to just cool it for a few months:"
"China divorces drop 70% after controversial 'cooling off' law. Law requires couples to wait 30 days before formalising divorce - but some say it has made young people more likely to avoid marriage"
Cathy Reisenwitz @CathyReisenwitz: "The Texas GOP platform calls for ending no-fault divorce. The Nebraska GOP platform opposes current no-fault divorce. The Louisiana GOP is debating the elimination of no divorce. An attempt to strengthen no-fault divorce just failed in Mississippi."

Meme - Def @conceiteddejj: "Y'all think being cute easy
Lashes be $110
Wigs be $600
Installs be $100+
TayloBeats @BeatsTaylo: "Natural hair + a gym membership could be cheaper"

Meme - Shoemaker @Gracie_oguns: "As a man, if a woman summons the courage to ask you out, you have no right to tum it down. Took her a lot of courage to do that"

SELENA (off meds) on X - "Texting ruined modern men  I LOSE respect for men who message me with perfect grammar and spelling  there’s just something feminine about it   if you notice the guys who actually write everything perfectly, and punctuate appropriately - always flamboyant and proper  too literate  the men who are blasé over text are always more masculine,   can’t be bothered to check for spelling errors - don’t care.   if u don’t understand that’s ur own fault  hot.  Drop the semicolons, Agatha Christie."

Meme - "Why do old TV stars used to look so much prettier?"
"They were not cast by female millennial uggos that resent beauty and think they are fixing the wrongs of the world through their casting choices"

Meme - "Me: I'm gunna creampie you later
Her: But I'm on my period..
Me: Raspberry pie it is
Her: *mouth open*"

Meme - "Aurora 18 *miming blowjob*
kom med noen bra sjekkereplikker a. ser etter noen som kan bli med meg pa landskamp"

Meme - "Natasha, 25
Just joined
Exact match. This person meets all your preferences.
I've been used and abused too many times. Because of this you're going to have to try way harder to actually get me. Sorry but I'm worth the effort."

Wife Sets A Glitter Trap For Husband To Test His Housework, He Pours His Heart Out Online: “I Don’t Know How I’m Going To Survive The Holidays” - "Redditor u/errandsandhousework opened up about how his wife’s temper has been getting “worse and worse lately” in a post on r/TrueOffMyChest. He shared how she keeps criticizing how he does the housework, no matter how well he does it. Things came to a head when she hid glitter underneath the coffeemaker to ‘prove’ that he isn’t thorough in how he cleans the kitchen. He moved the machine, got glitter everywhere, and it took a ton of time to clean everything up. His wife’s response was to yell at him for spilling the glitter."

Meme - "I hate when I let men drive my car and the first thing they say Is "you need new brakes" Ok pal, are you going to fix them? No ok then no one asked you. My car gets me from point A to B. If I die I die. It goes zoom zoom just like yours. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk of things I didn't ask men if they aren't going to fix it, pipe down Kyle.
Damn mansplaining!

Meme - "I take care of myself, I pay my own bills, have my own car and have my own job! I'm a strong independent Princess!"
Mario: "No peach. You're an adult. That's what adults do. You're not special."

Meme - "Why are men *gestures vaguely* like this?
I legitimately can't even with this guy"
'Hey beautiful'
'Hey hey. Also just want to double check that you know I'm aroace before this goes further'
'Nah I got it'
'Okay cool cool cool. Up until recently I identified as a lesbian and a lot of guys didn't really get that for some reason'
'U still have intimacy with guys right?'
'I'm both aromantic and asexual so no. And even before I came out as aroace, I thought I was a lesbian so even then no'"
Going on a dating site when you're asexual and aromantic, and bashing men. Well done.

Meme - The Transformed Wife @godlywomanhood: "Whenever I have mentored women, they spend the first hour telling me how rotten their husbands are. Then I ask them simply, "What kind of a wife are you to him?" This trips them up without fail. They have no clue how to be a good wife, but expect him to be a perfect husband."

Meme - Inferno @Elle_lwani: "Those in law. Say I have a boyfriend, we aren't co-habitating, however, he pays for all my monthly expenses, and there's a paper trail. He has been doing this for a year. We break up, can I then sue him for financial support? Or perhaps he dies, can I then claim from his estate?"

Meme - "Lena wants to match as friends
Lena, 38
If you are not creative and cant have interesting conversation, lower your standards and look for basic.NOT interested in Sports, boating, golfing, TV or movies, comedy clubs, drinking alcohol, bars and clubs, politics, guns, food, real estate, how much money you make, fashion, physical appearance, gym, cars, country music and heavy metal, conspiracy theories, bonding with others over negative, polygamy/ open relationship, your college degrees and your social status, conservative religious views."

Meme - "no more, no less @42_words: "my wife yelling at me about the shoes all over the floor by the back door and then her suddenly stopping mid-WORD as she realizes that all the shoes are hers might be the single greatest moment in my life thus far"

Meme - Xerxes from 300 to Will Smith: "You really gonna let Chris Rock talk about me like that?"

Meme - "On the rare occasion that I see a woman (XX) working on a construction site, why are they always on traffic control? Do women (XX) get tired of holding the stop and go signs?"

Meme - Confessions Namibia: "Hi admin keep me anonymous. My cousin is getting married this weekend. She’s actually getting married to my ex of 6 years. We broke up in 2020 because he cheated (with my cousin) and they started dating. But We kept on sleeping together even after the break up, he was basically sleeping with both of us. But I was only doing it to get over the heartbreak. Anyway, the last time we hooked up was in April 2023 and we haven’t seen each other since. As much as it sounds petty, I’ve planned to attend the wedding so I can announce my pregnancy. Yes, I’m pregnant with his child and I’m even showing. I don’t care about what people will think, all I know is that some people are gonna be hurt on Saturday."

Meme - Tyler Todt @tyromper: "Boss babes be like:
He MUST be,
-6'2 or taller.
-Make over 6 figures.
-In shape & handsome.
-Spoil me with presents.
-Take 476 pics a day of me when we travel for my IG.
Society: YOU GO GIRL! You deserve it!
Guys be like:
She needs to,
-Not be a ho.
-Be in shape & pretty.
-Be kind & not argumentative.
-Prioritize being a mom over career.
Society: What a misogynist. It's not 1920 jerk!

New dating technique says women shouldn’t sleep with a man until they’ve spent $2,000 on her - "Dating expert Jana Hocking says there is a theory going around social media at the moment that encourages women to hold off on getting into the bedroom until a bloke has spent a decent amount of money on them.  "The first reason why this new rule is kinda growing on me is that if a guy is willing to go on enough dates to warrant $2,000 out of pocket expense, then there’s a fair chance the guy is properly invested in you," she said in an article on news.com.au.  "I mean, if a libido can withstand that many dates, then he’s a keeper.""
Yet they still express disdain for sex workers

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