When you can't live without bananas

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Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Links - 29th November 2023 (1)

Meme - "Background radiation
Where everyday radiation comes from
Radon gas from the ground (half)
Buildings and the ground (1/8)
Food and drink (1/8)
Cosmic rays (1/8)
Artificial sources (1/8) of which:
Medical (over 90%)
Nuclear power and weapons test
Other sources"

Meme - "Me trying to explain to the homeless guy outside 7-11 that I, too, need money for drugs"

Meme - "HEY! NO Kisses AFTER Blow jobs! I worked hard for this cum!! It's Mine! DON'T TRY TO TAKE IT"
"*Sniff* Uhooo..."

Meme - Cool Shirtz @coolshirtz: "We ran out of money for marketing, can someone please write a mean reply to this tweet so we can "clap back" to it and go viral? thanks"
"you make bad shirts"
"fuck you"


Meme - "Stop eating fast food"
"let people enjoy things ffs"
"let me enjoy things, I enjoy being a hater of unhealthy lifestyles"

Meme - "When she goes through your phone to I see if you are cheating on her and all she finds is 2 gigabits of antisemitic memes."

has opened up and showed the staff how much he loves belly rubs
stole treats from Daniel, his BLIND roommate"

Meme - "American fear the electric water kettle This strikes fear into the hearts of Americans."
">plastic parts having any contact with boiling water
miss me with that shit"
"We Americans have this amazing multipurpose tool called a pot"
"That's really great, glad you have at least one universal thing"
"Shots fired"

I'm impressed. An influencer who says the food sucks

Before Jell-O, Colorful Gelatin Desserts Were Haute Cuisine - "Gelatin proper, as opposed to starch-based “gelatin,” is basically meat or fish jelly, produced by heating and breaking down the collagen proteins found in animal tissue and bones—especially joints. This thick, cloudy jelly is quite effective at blocking air or bacteria. So as long as humans have been cooking meat and fish, we’ve likely been using gelatin to preserve it. These simple gelatins-as-preservative were seemingly, for most of history, common utility foods, and this is still the case. As Ward points out, the headcheese found in supermarket deli cases “are off bits suspended in pork jelly.”... serving gelatins, especially elaborate ones, often, rather than as a special holiday dish, was a clear sign of wealth. It showed you could hire a dedicated cooking staff to go through the arduous and (frankly) stinky process of making it. According to historian Laura Shapiro, Americans in the mid-to-late-19th century were enamored with visually stunning foods and motivated by class aspirations. So many homemakers were eager (or socially pressured) to explore gelatin desserts, and to find easier ways to make them... Gradually, the image of gelatin as cheap and easy eroded its rarified status... Gelatin dishes just got too cheap, practical, and common to be haute—at one point, a third of the average American recipe book was devoted to gelatin... “The innovation of the 1990s pre-packaged, ready-to-eat Jell-O cups was the final blow to gelatin’s place in culinary history,” says Ward, since the move positioned it entirely as convenient children’s food."

Australian retired couple books 51 back-to-back cruises - "A retired Australian couple has made international headlines after sharing they’ve spent nearly 500 days at seas and hope to continue doing so for the rest of their lives. Marty and Jess Ansen told A Current Affair they booked 51 back-to-back cruises on the Coral Princess, spending more time aboard than many of the crew members, including the captains. “We welcome the different captains on board,” quipped Jess, in an interview with the Australian program. The great-grandparents had been sailing for decades before the COVID-19 pandemic. After two years stuck at home, they returned to the high seas after Australia’s lockdown restrictions were lifted. “Eventually, I said to my agent, whatever comes just book it,” said Marty. The Ansens say they love cruising and it’s a cheaper alternative to being in a retirement home... there’s Angelyn Burk, a former accountant from Seattle who, along with her husband Richard, retired early, sold their house and lived on cruise ships full-time for about US$43 per day. Burk said an early retirement at sea made financial sense and cost less than a mortgage... “It’s not offered everywhere, but there are select cruise lines that can put together a full-year package,” he said. “And when you look at the average cost per day, in some cases it’s actually pretty competitive compared to the cost of living in Toronto or the GTA right now.” As a general rule, most experts agree that retirees need about 70 per cent of their current annual income to live comfortably in retirement."

History’s worst job? Japanese noblewomen used to hire servants to take the blame for their farts- - "The Edo period, which lasted from 1603 to 1868, was a major turning point in the history of Japan. After several consecutive centuries of bloody civil war, Japan finally had a steady central government. Freed from worrying about things like samurai from clans on the other side of the nearest mountain range violently overrunning their villages, the Japanese people could turn their energies to more cultured endeavors, such as avant-garde fashions, new artistic movements, and figuring out how to make it seem like they never passed gas. Thus was born the profession of heoibikuni. A heoibikuni was a woman who worked as a servant to young ladies of noble standing such as the daughters of high-ranking warlords or magistrates. Accompanying her mistress on excursions and when receiving guests, ordinarily the heoibikuni assumed the duties of a lady-in-waiting or chaperone. But even the most noble of women farts, and those intestinal zephyrs were the heoibikuni’s true call of duty. When her mistress’ backside let out an audible hiss, peep, or blast, it was the heoibikuni’s job to verbally proclaim to all who smelled it that in fact she, and not her employer, had dealt it... Some say that the heoibikuni’s unique services were especially prized during matchmaking sessions... Useful as heoibikuni sound, it seems that they were only employed by women, perhaps because Japan has long found male flatulence hilarious."
Makiko Itoh on Japanese Culture | Facebook - "Fulfilling the task of being a heoibikuni was not easy. It couldn't be an unmarried young woman, because farting would bring shame on her too and probably ruin her chances of ever getting married. A married woman wouldn't do either, since farting would bring shame to her family. It couldn't be someone from the lower classes who wouldn't understand the dire humiliation of farting. And it couldn't be someone elderly, since they may be hard of hearing and not catch the fart sounds. So the best people for the job? Middle aged nuns. They were usually from the upper classes, tactful and very discreet. And their hearing was good enough. Since they were in high demand, they got paid very well."

Meme - Authoritarian Left: Communist waving fist: "The Rich!"
Authoritarian Right: Fascist waving fist: "The Jews!"
Libertarian Left: Man in beanie waving fist: "My Dad!"
Libertarian Right: Man in cowboy hat waving fist: "The State!"

Meme - Chinese Dynasties as Simpsons quotes:
"Xia - Dramatization may not have happened
Shang - You can't stop progress cause of some moldy old bones. Bones, schmones.
Zhou - Hmm, your ideas are intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter
Warring States - Dear Mr. President, there are too many states nowadays. Please eliminate three.
Qin - We live in a society of laws! Why do you think I took you to all those "Police Academy" movies?
Han - Literacy programs, preserving our beloved covered bridges, world domination.
3 Kingdoms - In fact, I got a real funny story about that. Actually, it's not so much funny as it is long.
Jin - I've learned that life is one crushing defeat after another until you just wish Flanders was dead.
16 Kingdoms - Would you say it's time for our viewers to crack each. other's heads open and feast on the goo inside?
Yes, I would, Kent.
Tang - To alcohol -- The cause of and solution to all of life's problems.
Song - Money can be exchanged for goods and services.
Yuan - And I, for one, welcome our new insect overlords.
Ming - What's the point of going out? We're just gonna wind up back here again.
Qing - We'll go too far, and get corrupt and shiftless, and the Japanese will eat us alive.
BONUS: Taiping - I always wondered if there was a God and now I know. There is, and it's me."

STUDY: Big Pharma Is Paying TikTok Influencers to Hook Teens on New Drugs. - "The study comes amidst a social media frenzy about semaglutide, Novo Nordisk’s “miracle” weight-loss drug which is licensed as Wegovy (for weight loss) and Ozempic (for type 2 diabetes). Popular interest in the drug reached fever pitch when celebrities such as Kim Kardashian were reported to have used it. Only a few have actually confirmed that they’ve taken semaglutide, among them Elon Musk, who admitted to his 116 million followers on Twitter in November of last year that he had used Wegovy to shed at least 30lb. In the case of most celebrities, however, we must rely on rapid weight loss and other tell-tale signs of semaglutide use, including so-called “Ozempic face” – a hollow look due to loss of facial fat – to decide whether the drug has been used. “Ozempic face” is just one of the main side effects being reported by ordinary users of semaglutide, many of whom have been “sold” the drug by one of their favourite influencers on Instagram or TikTok. Among other commonly reported side effects is explosive diarrhea. The hashtag #ozempic has hundreds of millions of views on Tiktok as at the time of reporting."

A parasite makes wolves more likely to become pack leaders - "Toxoplasma gondii is sometimes called the “mind control” parasite: It can infect the brains of animals and mess with their behavior in ways that may kill the host but help ensure the parasite’s spread. But now, researchers have found that infected wolves may actually benefit from those mind-altering tricks. A Toxoplasma infection, they found, makes wolves bolder and more likely to become pack leaders or disperse into other habitats, giving them more opportunity to reproduce... The study is one of very few that examine Toxoplasma in the wild"

Meme - "My dog destroyed her toy cactus and there was a sad cactus inside. this company understands dogs"

How many Saudis are only working one hour a day? - "According to civil service minister Khaled Alaraj, many Saudi government employees are really only working for an hour each day. "[The amount worked] doesn't even exceed an hour -- and that's based on studies," he said... Almost 70% of employed Saudi nationals -- more than 3 million -- hold jobs in the public sector, according to McKinsey. The cushy positions are highly coveted because they offer ironclad job security and lucrative salaries."

Sex, Awkward and Intimacy: Split second - FML - "Today, I accidentally said the wrong name during sex. That name just happened to be "Sarah", which is both my ex-girlfriend's name and my wife's sister's name. When she asked me which one I meant, I panicked and said, "Both." FML"

Meme - "There are exactly two types of D&D parties
*Lord of the Rings*
*Monty Python*"

Penguin: "Oh"
*Penguin with shotgun in igloo with sleeping penguins*

Meme - "When you realize chickens are raised better than you:
Raised in stress-free environments"

Kit Yates on X - "I'm sorry, but you can't *always* be experiencing a higher volume of calls than average. That's not how averages work."

Meme - "Say it, Peggy. Say you love propane and propane accessories."
"No Hank. I love charcoal briquettes already infused with lighter fluid!"
"Gotdangit, Peggy! You street walker!"

Do Quokkas Really Throw Their Babies? - "This question started as an online joke, and as time went on, people started taking it seriously. The answer to the question isn’t that simple, however. Firstly, it should be noted that no, quokkas don’t throw their babies at predators. That is a joke, but it is somewhat based on reality. Quokkas keep their young in their pouches, and while fleeing from predators, babies are known to fall out and are then left there by their parents. The thing that is interesting here is that the part where they fall out of the pouch may be done on purpose by the mothers. Research shows that this may be an actual anti-predator characteristic of quokkas. They normally have very strong control over the muscles in their pouches, so their response to the threat of predators may be to release those muscles. The babies are left there to attract the attention of the predator, and the parents can safely escape. Mothers want to save themselves because they have proven that they are fertile, while the young might not be."

How old is too old to stay in backpacker hostel? Do young travellers secretly hate older guests? - "I used to have a golden rule when staying in hostel dorms: if you can’t figure out who the creepy old guy is, then it’s probably you. Because there always seemed to be at least one creepy old guy. In retrospect that guy was probably not creepy at all, and definitely not what I would now classify as “old”; but still, if you did a quick scan of the bunk beds you could usually figure out who it was. And, as I moved towards the latter stages of my dorm-staying career, I increasingly had to realise that that person was me"

Meme - *Weightlifting* "YOU GOT THIS, BRUH! I BELIEVE IN You!"
"*SIGH* OKAY..."

Meme - "It started out with a kiss how did it end up like this *Hershey's Kiss* *Pile of Candy*"

Pakistan Untold on X - "No. of mosques in India= 400000+
No. of Hindu-Sikh temples left in Pakistan= 31
'Muslim genocide' and 'Hindutva terror' were never so disturbing."
MeMara on X - "Number of mosques in western Europe: Lost count.
Amount of churches in Saudi Arabia: Zero."
Al on X - "Very similar story for Jewish synagogues across the Middle East"

Meme - "Detonator. Bombs Away *Woman in Full Face Veil*"

Meme - "I'm not sure Disney fully understands what a pirate is"
"A good pirate never takes another person's property"
gadjeman: ""A good pirate buys someone's intellectual property then extends the copyright forever" - Disney"

Meme - bri @bri1869: "Who got STDs? I need you to fuck someone for me"
kira @kirawontmiss: "calling an STD hit is absolutely insane"
"Biological whorefare" - grumplz

Meme - Jace Mullen: "Paramedic school never taught me how to respond when a gangster responds to you treating them with dignity and kindness by offering their services as a hit man."
Dawn: "Nurse here, cared for a MS13 gang member, treated him like everybody else, addressed him as sir. At the end of the encounter he wrote his # for me and said "u need someone taken care of, you call me, no charge". It is very weird"

Offline: What is medicine's 5 sigma? - The Lancet - "The case against science is straightforward: much of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue. Afflicted by studies with small sample sizes, tiny effects, invalid exploratory analyses, and flagrant conflicts of interest, together with an obsession for pursuing fashionable trends of dubious importance, science has taken a turn towards darkness. As one participant put it, “poor methods get results”."
Richard Horton (editor) - Wikipedia - "Richard Charles Horton OBE FRCPCH FMedSci (born 29 December 1961) is editor-in-chief of The Lancet, a United Kingdom–based medical journal. He is an honorary professor at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, University College London, and the University of Oslo."
How ignorant. Why doesn't he "trust the science"? Obviously he knows nothing about science and needs to be deplatformed and ignored

In France, workers build a castle from scratch the 13th century way - "Deep in a forest of France's Burgundy region, a group of enthusiasts is building a medieval castle the old-fashioned way — that is, with tools and methods from the late 13th century. Some of those working here are heritage trade craftspeople, others are ardent history buffs, but all say they share a deep respect for nature and the planet, and a desire to return to simpler times. "This is a place you experience with all your senses," says Sarah Preston, communications director and guide of these grounds known as Guédelon Castle. "As soon as we walk onto the site you smell the woodsmoke. There's something so evocative about these sites and sounds."... Once beyond the entrance barn doors, visitors plunge into a bygone age. There are no mechanical sounds, no motor engines — and cellphones must be turned off. The idea to build Guédelon was born in 1995 among three friends, residents of the area, who are also history buffs and nature lovers. One of the three owned a nearby 17th century château and was involved in work to restore different castles in the area... Martin said Guédelon is an example of experimental archaeology — which is a way to research how people did things in the past by trying to imitate them... The workers are all dressed in medieval clothing, except for sturdy contemporary footwear and sometimes helmets mandated for a modern construction site."

Meme - "If you want to save money at Xmas, now's the perfect time to tell the kids that Santa didn't make it through the pandemic
Modern problems require modern solutions"

YouTube Says New 5-Second Video Load Delay Is Supposed to Punish Ad Blockers, Not Firefox Users - "Firefox users across the internet say that they are encountering an “artificial” five-second load time when they try to watch YouTube videos that exists on Firefox, but not Chrome. Google, meanwhile, told 404 Media that this is all part of its larger effort against ad blockers, and that it doesn’t have anything to do with Firefox at all. Optically, this is a potentially a big deal: The US government just wrapped up arguments in a historic and massive antitrust case against Google, and the company has faced a series of other antitrust suits from state attorneys general. It is not a good time for Google to be seen as putting its thumb on the scale against a much smaller competitor... Multiple Reddit users and Hacker News users have posted videos that show them trying to load any video on YouTube in Firefox. Most of the page goes completely blank for five seconds, then the video loads. Multiple users have then used a “User-agent switcher,” which is an extension that makes Firefox act as though it’s another browser—in this case, Chrome. The user then loads the YouTube video instantly... The broader context of all of this is that Google and YouTube have been tinkering with YouTube’s adblocker detectors, and have been rolling out changes to how it does this detection regularly and in a staggered fashion. This means some people have had no problem using adblockers on YouTube, while others can’t watch videos at all if they have adblocking enabled. YouTube’s adblocker detectors have also detected some privacy-protecting scripts as being adblockers, when they actually aren’t. The bigger problem, then, is that Google is losing the benefit of the doubt with the people who use its websites every day. This is something that the uBlockOrigin adblocking team pointed out in one of its many megathreads about YouTube’s war on adblockers. The user experience on YouTube varies wildly from day-to-day and browser to browser... In 2018, Mozilla engineer Chris Peterson accused Google of making YouTube load slower on Firefox and Edge. In 2019, Johnathan Nightingale, a former Mozilla executive, explained that Google regularly pushed updates that made using Firefox worse: “Google Chrome ads started appearing next to Firefox search terms. Gmail & docs starts to experience selective performance issues and bugs on Firefox”"

Google Chrome will limit ad blockers starting June 2024 - "Chrome's new adblock-limiting extension plan is still on. The company paused the rollout of the new "Manifest V3" extension format a year ago after an outcry over how much it would damage some of Chrome's most popular extensions. A year later, Google is restarting the phase-out schedule, and while it has changed some things, Chrome will eventually be home to inferior filtering extensions... Google's sales pitch for Manifest V3 is that, by limiting extensions, the browser can be lighter on resources, and Google can protect your privacy from extension developers. With more limited tools, you'll be more exposed to the rest of the Internet, though, and a big part of the privacy-invasive Internet is Google. The Electronic Frontier Foundation called Google's description of Manifest V3 "Deceitful and Threatening" and said that it's "doubtful Mv3 will do much for security." Firefox’s Add-On Operations Manager also didn't agree with any claims of privacy benefits, saying that, while malicious add-ons "are mostly interested in grabbing bad data, they can still do that with the current webRequest API." In a later article, the EFF also points out that Google's "lighter on resources" argument also doesn't really hold water. Anyone can open the Chrome Task Manager and see that a single website can take up a huge amount of memory, often in the 200MB-plus range. On the high end now for me, Slack is drinking 500MB, while a single Google Chat tab, created by this company that is so concerned about performance, is at 1.5GB of memory usage. Something like uBlock Origin, across all your tabs, is in the 80MB range. The one part of Manifest V3 that everyone can agree on is that it will hurt ad blockers. Google is adding a completely arbitrary limit on how many "rules" content filtering add-ons can include, which are needed to keep up with the nearly infinite ad-serving sites that are out there"

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