Hot Air: No Global Warming for Eight Years - "Recently published data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) shows that there has not been global warming for the past eight years. And NASA satellite data reportedly confirms that evidence, showing no global warming for eight years and five months, according to JunkScience’s Steve Milloy. But leftists are quick to warn people against drawing the obvious conclusion that the world isn’t about to become a burning ball of fire... Reuters actually issued a Feb. 3 “fact check” of the above Milloy tweet. The outlet can’t explain away the data, of course, but it hastened to assure readers that the eight years of global cooling are not a trend. Whole decades of such data must occur before we can stop expecting the imminent end of the world. Please fear, people!... Reuters ignores the fact that climate alarmists have in fact been wrong for decades — at least fifty years. But this time the “experts” are sure to be right. Your car is still killing the planet — trust Reuters. I like how we are not allowed to question scientists who extrapolate relatively minor temperature changes to predict the end of humanity and civilization, but we’re not allowed to “extrapolate” years of data to reach an obvious conclusion."
Biden Admin Pushes Solar Panels — While Looking to Block Sunlight?!
Don Braid: Danielle Smith won't sing the climate change tune, for good reason - "Whatever Alberta does, there’s always an objection. When the province got on side with carbon capture for underground storage, that was suddenly problematic. For many of the climate policy types in Ottawa, nothing will be acceptable short of complete shutdown of the oil and gas industry. Meanwhile, revenue spun off from oil and gas will help pay the massive subsidies for battery factories in Ontario — $13 billion in just one case."
Britain fires up coal plant as weather becomes too hot for solar panels to work efficiently - "Britain has started burning coal to generate electricity for the first time in a month and a half, after the heatwave made solar panels too hot to work efficiently... Alastair Buckley, professor of organic electronics at the University of Sheffield, said: “Both days were largely sunny in the morning, so a good part of the reduction in output will be due to the efficiency reduction from higher temperatures on Saturday compared to Friday. “Compared with a cool cloudy day, the cells might be a maximum of 25pc less efficient.” Supply was also lower because of depressed wind speeds, which hit turbine output, and some gas power plants being shut for maintenance."
One climate change hystericist denounced this. Too bad he wasn't aware of the science (even ignoring how he didn't trust the experts)
Solar panels are feeling the heat too: How heatwave temperatures are hampering solar power - "Days of scorching sun are fuelling Europe’s grid with record-breaking amounts of solar power - but the current heatwave is actually bad news for solar panels... Solar panels absorb sunlight with their photovoltaic cells, with the photons soaked in by the panels knocking electrons loose from their atoms and forming an electrical circuit within the semiconductors of the panel, generating a flow of electricity. Most solar panels are tested at a temperature of 25 degrees Celsius, an ideal temperature at which this process occurs within solar panels under optimal circumstances. But above this temperature, no matter how bright the sun is shining, efficiency starts going south for the panels. The heat causes an excessive number of the panel's electrons - the ones responsible for converting energy from the sun into electricity - to be excited, eventually reducing the panel’s generated voltage and its efficiency... For every degree Celsius more reported by a solar panel, its efficiency drops by 0.5 percentage point... There are, obviously, thermal solar panels too, which would not be affected by the increased heat. But these are much rarer panels, especially in homes, and are considered less reliable in generating electricity."
Spanish Leader Goes Viral After Pulling A Buttigieg With Fake Bike Ride - "Spanish leader Teresa Ribera went viral after she pulled a fake bike ride to a climate conference held by the European Union, a move reminiscent of U.S. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg’s 2021 bike stunt. Video surfaced on social media on Tuesday from the EU 2023 ES conference held in Madrid, Spain, that showed Ribera riding a bike to the conference. However, now Ribera is facing a backlash after it was revealed as nothing but reportedly a PR stunt... Ribera reportedly took a private jet and chauffeured cars to the conference — which is supposedly focused on dealing with the effects of carbon dioxide emissions on the climate — before getting out of the vehicle around 328 feet from the event and riding a bike the remaining distance to the venue. Ribera’s official title is the Minister of Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge for Spain
Fast-food drive-throughs face future ban after idling vehicles linked to climate change - "Multiple councils in the US have recently imposed bans on fast-food drive-throughs after the much-loved feature used by restaurants and other businesses was linked to climate change. Drive-throughs, which allow a customer to pull up to a business’s window in their vehicle while exchanging cash for goods, often fast food, are beloved for their speed and convenience. But they require waiting in a line of other cars, which all have their engines running. Drive-throughs have recently been linked to vehicle noise, air pollution and litter, and several councils across the US have moved to ban restaurants from adding them to their business."
Of course, they can't possibly have a rule against idling. It's more important to wage a war on cars
WH Does Damage Control After Kamala Harris Claims 'Reducing Population' is Critical for 'Climate Change' - "the White House "corrected" the transcript of the speech, claiming Harris meant to say "pollution," despite the vice president not addressing the "error" while speaking."
When you say the quiet part out loud
A critical assessment of extreme events trends in times of global warming - "This article reviews recent bibliography on time series of some extreme weather events and related response indicators in order to understand whether an increase in intensity and/or frequency is detectable. The most robust global changes in climate extremes are found in yearly values of heatwaves (number of days, maximum duration and cumulated heat), while global trends in heatwave intensity are not significant. Daily precipitation intensity and extreme precipitation frequency are stationary in the main part of the weather stations. Trend analysis of the time series of tropical cyclones show a substantial temporal invariance and the same is true for tornadoes in the USA. At the same time, the impact of warming on surface wind speed remains unclear. The analysis is then extended to some global response indicators of extreme meteorological events, namely natural disasters, floods, droughts, ecosystem productivity and yields of the four main crops (maize, rice, soybean and wheat). None of these response indicators show a clear positive trend of extreme events. In conclusion on the basis of observational data, the climate crisis that, according to many sources, we are experiencing today, is not evident yet. It would be nevertheless extremely important to define mitigation and adaptation strategies that take into account current trends."
A peer reviewed article pointing out climate change hysteria
The weather isn’t ‘climate change’ | The Spectator - "The fires and Gotham’s eerie haze were due to wind-fanned lightning strikes in Quebec and a rare high/low pressure system across North America called an ‘omega block’ (don’t ask). Ironically, the real problem may be that Canada hasn’t been lighting enough fires. Government regulations regarding controlled burns have gnarled into a thicket. By the time the paperwork is completed, the narrow window of cool, windless weather ideal for safely incinerating highly flammable dead branches and dry brush has often passed. Fewer controlled burns mean more uncontrolled burns. Add to that: the country has no national firefighting service; provincial wildfire prevention budgets have been cut, and tend to be spent on protecting villages and towns; over the past 25 years, Canadian Forest Service staffing levels have plunged from 2,200 to 700. But never mind those pesky details. Call it ‘climate change’, and all is forgiven. For politicians, climate has become the catch-all homework-eating dog. If President Erdogan neglected to blame this spring’s earthquake fatalities in Turkey on fossil fuel emissions – rather than the shoddy construction and corruption his administration has fostered – he was missing a trick. Given the ceaselessness of this mantra, perhaps we’ve finally discovered that scientific holy grail, a ‘theory of everything’ – a single formula that explains why anything happens anywhere (‘Because climate change!’). Yet for my entire life I have heard tell of hurricanes, typhoons, cyclones, earthquakes, floods, mudslides, tornadoes, volcanoes, tsunamis, hailstorms, droughts and, yes, wildfires ruining other people’s lives somewhere. We used to call these humbling outbreaks of arbitrary havoc ‘natural disasters’, but the expression is out of fashion now that every fit the planet throws is all our fault... now we’ve loaded the erstwhile ‘natural disaster’ with moral and political content galore. Without fail, news presenters explain every unfortunate weather occurrence as due to anthropogenic ‘climate change’. A while back, the media were obliged to dredge up some well-funded activist ‘expert’ to justify this claim, but not any more. The attribution of every rained-off picnic to human-induced ‘climate change’ is mindlessly appended to mainstream broadcasts as if the whole industry has the hiccoughs. Newscasters are safe in their surety that no one will ever demand evidence of a causal link between a drought in the western US and petrol-fuelled Land Rovers in Sussex. They’re safe in their surety that no one will ever object that, sorry, Bangladesh has suffered huge floods throughout its history, from which fewer people are dying than ever before. As we do not have an Earth control group – a second identical planet on which all humanity still gets around in donkey carts – they’re safe in their surety that blaming every cataclysm under the sun on fossil-fuel-driven ‘climate change’ is unfalsifiable. A proposal: let’s bring back the distinction between climate and weather. Climate regards patterns across hundreds if not thousands of years. Check out the graph of global mean temperatures for the last 500,000 years, which resembles an ECG. With a periodicity of approximately 100,000 years, the planet’s mean temperature has steadily dropped to about 5˚C, then swooped up to between 10˚C and 12˚C, rising on virtually identical gradients each time (without the help of a single coal-fired power plant). We’re now atop another 20,000-year upward swoop – thankfully, since my forehand would be really crap if I had to chase the ball on a glacier. Industrialised modernity since 1880 takes up so little space on this graph that it’s indiscernible. That is ‘climate’. Accordingly, I even dismiss climate sceptics’ observation that, according to satellite readings, warming has nearly flatlined for the past 20 years, because in climate terms 20 years is meaningless. The media’s knee-jerk ‘Because climate change!’ is numbing in its repetition and suspicious in its constancy. As it smacks of propaganda, on a popular level the incantation backfires. I’d have more faith in the reliability of these incessant attributions if newscasters occasionally tacked on to, say, a report on a deluge, ‘This event had no connection with climate change. It happened to rain a shedload in one place, but that’s occurred for ever. While locals might take councils to task for allowing rampant house-building on a flood plain, otherwise this story has no moral or political content and mostly amounts to bad luck.’ But I’m not holding my breath."
Climate activists glue their hands on German airport runways; amputation seems only option - "Two climate activists from the “Last Generation" Group have taken the fight against climate change policies to a different level as they glued their hands to the runways of local airports in Hamburg and Düsseldorf causing widespread disruption in aviation operations. Moreover, the glue they used was a blend of concrete and epoxy resin which can result in their hands being permanently stuck, with amputation remaining the only option."
They're going to claim that politicians forced them to get amputated
Where more people will die — and live — because of hotter temperatures - Washington Post - "if cold was deadlier than heat, and the planet was getting hotter, global warming might actually save lives... Many studies that project future temperature deaths do not account for adaptation — not because they don’t believe humans will adapt, but because adaptation is hard to quantify. Those studies are likely to overestimate the number of temperature-linked deaths because the people in them act more like coral reefs than humans."
Presumably they won't get fact checked, since when non-leftists say something it is misinformation but if the leftist media say the exact same thing it's true
Major blow for renewable energy industry as Vattenfall halts plans for Norfolk Boreas wind farm - "An energy company has stopped development on a major wind farm off the East coast, blaming rising costs for halting a project which would have powered 1.5 million homes. The decision, announced in the Swedish firm's Vattenfall's quarterly results, comes at a cost of £415m and has prompted questions from unions about the future of similar projects elsewhere in the UK. Vattenfall said a rise in costs of 40% had made the project unaffordable at the moment."
It must be the fault of the fossil fuel lobby, since everyone Knows that renewables are the cheapest form of generating energy! When will the subsidies come?
As Predicted, UK Offshore Wind Is Dead In The Water - "As one of the world’s biggest wind power developers halts its top UK wind project and warns about further cancellations, Net Zero Watch reminds ministers that they have been warned for years about this inevitable fiasco... Net Zero Watch, amongst others (see publications listed below), has long warned that the low CfD bids made in the UK had no basis in economic reality. The capital and operating costs of wind power, particularly offshore are still very high. This technology is unattractive and imposes very high system costs when compared to gas generation even at today’s elevated prices. It is completely uneconomic if the gas prices continue to revert to their historic levels. Net Zero Watch notes that Vattenfall has said it will be considering the future of all its wind projects in the Norfolk zone, with a total of 4.2 GW, placing pressure on the UK government to make extra support available to ensure construction and meet the targets for offshore wind. Professor Gordon Hughes (University of Edinburgh), the author of many of the studies exposing the reality of wind power costs, said:
“It is obvious and now increasingly widely recognized that wind industry claims about costs and performance should not be taken seriously. Very high costs have been clear in the financial data for a long time, and are not the result of recent inflation and supply chain difficulties, though these may be making a bad situation still worse.”
Dr. John Constable, NZW’s Energy Director, added:
“It is critically important that the UK government does not succumb to the tacit blackmail of Vattenfall’s announcement. The wind experiment has failed. The consumer cannot be expected to continue propping up this unfolding disaster.“"
14m trees have been cut down in Scotland to make way for wind farms
Greta Thunberg on Twitter - "Week 256. We are currently shattering heat records all over the world. Last week we experienced the hottest days ever recorded, many days in a row. We are also experiencing record high sea level temperatures and record low ice levels. This is an emergency. #FridaysForFuture"
Climate Science Journal on Twitter - "The heat records have been "shattered" because ESA has started using Land Surface Temperatures, not air temperatures at 2m above the surface, which means they have altered the standards of the past records (which means they are not actually record temperatures, except on the short-term). ESA explains "the map shows the actual temperature of the land’s surface which is significantly hotter than air temperatures"."
Meme - Chou Samuel: "The Vostok Ice Core data is as simple as it gets. Temperature leads and not the other way around. "Post-industrial caveat" is no caveat at all since it is the exact opposite of historical causation. Been saying this for years but alarmist rather look at order literature analysis than the numbers themselves."
"Reference # 220626-003391
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Hi Gregory, 'Thanks for contacting us. Your account has violated the Linkedin User Agreement and Professional Community Policies. Due to the number the severity of these violations, this account has been permanently restricted."
"Average concentration by geologic period
Fig 1-12: The dangerous 140-million-year decline in CO2"
CO2 Coalition: "It is official. Our executive director, Gregory Wrightstone has been permanently banned from LinkedIn. The last straw apparently was one of the two charts posted yesterday. Both are shown below. Both are from data used by IPCC."
Meme - *field of wind turbines*
Nuclear: "Look what they need to mimic a fraction of our power"
Meme - Brynn Tannehill @BrynnTannehill: "People don't understand the impact of climate change. Take a look at this map. Anything above 90 degrees F means that outdoor activity is likely to be deadly. 95+, and you cannot survive outdoors, even if you're in the shade doing NOTHING. 1/n"
Trust the Science! Lots of people need to die since they're currently living in places no human is able to survive in
Tables turned on Just Stop Oil as climate banquet disrupted with rape alarms tied to helium balloons - "A banquet held by Just Stop Oil (JSO) protesters has been disrupted by practical jokers with rape alarms and helium balloons. Video activists Josh Pieters and Archie Manners arranged for someone to infiltrate the protest group posing as an activist concerned about climate change. The undercover mole took part in direct-action protests and was also invited to JSO's Beyond F***** Banquet where activists could “grieve for what will die, but also to celebrate what we have achieved”. After gaining entry to the 100% plant-based feast in a disused church, the mole set off the alarms which he had tied to the orange balloons, which floated out of reach and remained stuck on the ceiling. While wondering what to do, one of the activists suggested the balloons could have been funded by the Daily Mail. The pair lambasted JSO’s decision to throw a party instead of donating the money to the climate cause, adding: "Climate change is the biggest crisis facing our generation, but standing in the road infuriating ordinary people and hosting parties isn't working."... Before the protest could begin thea group of counter protesters wearing T-shirts saying Just Stop Pissing Everyone Off surround the activists and linked arms, preventing them from reaching the road. Mr Pieters and Mr Manners said they turned the tables on JSO because the group's methods are "putting people off the climate cause and the public are bored of posh people disrupting their day". "I think it's fair we disrupt Just Stop Oil the same way they disrupt us," they added. The pair also criticised JSO activists for drinking "coffee flown in from Peru in single-use cups" and for claiming that being arrested for their cause was "really empowering"."
Warming expert: Only decade left to act in time - "A leading U.S. climate researcher says the world has a 10-year window of opportunity to take decisive action on global warming and avert catastrophe. NASA scientist James Hansen, widely considered the doyen of American climate researchers, said governments must adopt an alternative scenario to keep carbon dioxide emission growth in check and limit the increase in global temperatures to 1 degree Celsius (1.8 degrees Fahrenheit). “I think we have a very brief window of opportunity to deal with climate change ... no longer than a decade, at the most,” Hansen said Wednesday at the Climate Change Research Conference in California’s state capital."
From 2006. I guess no one got the memo that it was already too late. Of course, climate change hystericists continue to pretend that the predictions of scientists are accurate
Experts Warn We Have Only 12 Years Left Until They Change The Timeline On Global Warming Again | Babylon Bee - ""If we don't take action, then in 12 years we will have to explain why the world hasn't ended and come up with a new number," one UN scientist warned. "This is a very serious threat, and we urge everyone to hand control of the economy to the government immediately before we have no more time left to change the timeline again." The scientific consensus is that roughly 10-12 years from now, the world will be flooded with new doomsday predictions. This can all be avoided if we overhaul the economy and become socialists, according to non-political, unbiased sciencey type guys."
Meme - "TEMPERATURES IN 2017 *20-37 degrees*
Don't overstate 1.5 degrees C threat, new IPCC head says - "The newly appointed head of the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Jim Skea, spoke to two major German news outlets over the weekend, soon after his appointment to the role. Speaking to weekly magazine Der Spiegel, in an interview first published on Saturday, Skea warned against laying too much value on the international community's current nominal target of limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius compared the pre-industrial era. "We should not despair and fall into a state of shock" if global temperatures were to increase by this amount, he said. In a separate discussion with German news agency DPA, Skea expanded on why. "If you constantly communicate the message that we are all doomed to extinction, then that paralyzes people and prevents them from taking the necessary steps to get a grip on climate change," he said. "The world won't end if it warms by more than 1.5 degrees," Skea told Der Spiegel. "It will however be a more dangerous world." Surpassing that mark would lead to many problems and social tensions, he said, but still that would not constitute an existential threat to humanity."
Obviously he's been bought off by Big Oil. How come he doesn't Believe in Science?
The dirty business of medicine's carbon footprint – and what we can do about it - "Hippocrates’ famous decree, “First, do no harm”, is medicine’s most enduring mantra. So it is a tragic irony that while health workers strive constantly to cure sick patients, greenhouse emissions from healthcare are imperilling the lives of billions... Medicines are the major problem. Making them is currently a dirty business. For each pound earned, the global pharmaceutical industry has to emit 55 per cent more greenhouse gas than the automotive industry, according to a study in the Journal of Cleaner Production in 2019... the NHS faces a struggle to cut the climate-warming effects of a crucial drug class: anaesthetic gases. To go green, we may have to get used to staying awake and watching the scalpel"
Time to suffer in agony to "save the climate"
Meme - "npr HEADLINES
Insects Get a Tasty Makeover
These Pictures Might Tempt You To Eat Bugs
At Bug-Eating Festival, Kids Crunch Down On The Food Of The Future
Insects May Be The Taste Of The Next Generation, Report Says
Bugs: Not What's For Dinner - Until They're Tastier, Maybe
Maybe It's Time To Swap Burgers For Bugs, Says UN
Insect Cuisine Is All The Buzz
The Green Argument For Eating Cicadas (Plus A Few Recipes)
Your Ancestors Probably Ate Insects, So What's Bugging You?
The Joys And Ethics Of Insect Eating
Even Neil DeGrasse Tyson Is Now Munching On Bugs
Don't Bug Out! The Smithsonian Channel Is Going To Show You How To Cook Insects
This right wing conspiracy theory about eating bugs is about as racist as you think"
If NPR says it, it must be true. Even if NPR said something opposite yesterday. A conspiracy theory is a truth that liberals hate
Fed gov’t memo shows hydro costs set to surge, caused by 'green' transition - "A staff memo to Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault states that ratepayers can expect higher costs for electricity. According to Blacklock’s Reporter, the department of Environment declined to estimate the additional costs consumers and industries might have due to “green” electrification. “As the economy transitions to net zero by 2050, there will be increased demand for clean electricity to decarbonize other sectors such as transportation or buildings,” said the March 27 memo. “Some experts are predicting that demand could double by 2050.” “This expansion of clean electricity supply towards 2050 will increase costs,” said the memo. The document was prepared for Guilbeault's testimony at the Commons Environment committee... In 2016, the Canadian Electricity Association submitted a report to the Senate Energy committee, showing that infrastructure costs in the electricity sector were estimated to be $350 billion... In a 2017 report Electricity Sector in a Carbon-Constrained Future, the Senate committee stated that they could not estimate the impact on ratepayers. “Many Canadians could soon be paying higher electricity bills as the country tries to meet reduction targets for its greenhouse gas emissions,” said the report. The department of Natural Resources warned of substantial increases in electricity costs due to the government's EV mandate. It is estimated that the mandate alone would lead to a 23% increase in overall electricity demand."
Damn greedy companies and capitalism! We all Know that renewable energy is cheaper!