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Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Links - 29th August 2023 (Feminism)

Meme - "GeNdEr ROleS ArE a SOciAl ConStRucT
In the animal kingdom, males and females often take on different roles when it comes to reproduction. Most animals take on "conventional" sex roles, where males compete for access to females, females can afford to be choosy about a partner, and then take on the majority of the parental duties in raising offspring. *hyenas*"

Amit Mehta's answer to Why are feminists big bullies? - Quora - "Yes, many feminists are bullies. I would say the majority of online feminists. The problem is that most of these people have no idea what they are doing is bullying and because feminism is a protected class, they get a free pass to act however they want with no consequences.  Trying to get people fired for saying things you don't like? Bullying.  Labeling others as misogynistic, sexist, or homophobic based on limited knowledge of that individual and then openly mocking them as a group when it's denied? Bullying.  Trying to get people to quit "harmful" activities such as playing videogames with sexualized women by insulting these men and calling them misogynistic or woman haters? Bullying.  Those terms, "sexist," "misogynistic," "racist," I see being used everywhere, for everything. They are used to describe things that are not remotely hateful. They are not even really descriptors, but insults. Feminists use these words to silence debate and cut off the flow of ideas in any discussion.  It's very similar to how the word 'gay' was used when I was in school. If you were having an argument with someone and they called you gay, that was it, argument over. 90% of people just become defensive about their heterosexuality.  Calling someone sexist has the same result. It's no longer about the argument, now it's about the word. "I'm not a sexist! I don't want to be branded as sexist!" Bang. Discussion over. And just like bullies, once Feminists know you care about being called a sexist they will keep using the word over and over, and continually bring up how you "hate" them as if they personally know you [they don't].  So are feminists bullies? Many are, many aren't. But Feminism as a whole is OK with bullying, and Feminists never speak out against their own when it is done to others. No Feminist says "It's not cool to call someone a sexist just because he wants to talk about underlying problems with the female sex."  And that's the real problem. No one sees it as bullying to insult people, shut down their ideas based on nothing, get people fired, and attack their personal identity as a good person because you think the wage gap isn't real. And when a culture of bullying has become pervasive at is it, the result is that men and women both start not to care for feminism anymore.  Feminists in quora use BNBR Policy to shut down each and every critic.  This is what I receive from Pro-feminist Quora Moderators when I pointed out hypocrisy of a very popular Feminist writer on Quora."
"Quora Moderation has flagged your content as not complying with a policy on Quora:
see woman as people, not as objects you claim on a quest.
Same goes for Women..They objectify men in to various categories yet they don't want men to do the same. Why don't you behave what you preach? I read most of your answers and you dismiss every issue of a men in to MRA Conspiracy. I have no idea how in earth you become a top writer on quora with such ridiculous answers"

Meme - "I'm pregnant but my husband doesn't know that he is not the dad. What do I do?"
Veena Vinod Indian Feminist: "Nothing wrong in that as few people said. It is your body and it is completely your wish whom to allow to touch your body. Being your husband he will have the responsibility to take care of your child even if he is aware that he is not the dad. Nobody can question you and the law is there to support you. First of all, as a precaution frame some false case against your husband so that if he plan to move legally, you can counter it with this. Physical torture, Mental torture, Dowry harassment and there are many more ways you can lock him from his activities. Contact any female lawyer and make sure she is a feminist so that she can help you more sincerely. If he act more smart, then go for a divorce and claim good alimony and maintenance so that he cant marry again with his financial capability. You can live happily with your child and your lover or you can live just with your child. Being a feminist, I wish you all success for your fight against the men."
Indian feminism is especially toxic

Singapore Airlines' Kebaya-Clad Flight Attendants Have "Distinctly Fetishistic, Orientalist Undertones" Says Leading Rights Charity - "A number one ladies rights and gender high quality organisation says the long-lasting sarong Kebaya uniform worn by feminine flight attendants at Singapore Airlines for the reason that Seventies has “distinctly fetishistic, Orientalist undertones” and has urged the airline to turn out to be extra “diverse and inclusive”.  The sarong Kebaya uniform was initially designed by Parisian couturier Pierre Balmain in 1968, and the colorful batik motif design has turn out to be a cornerstone of the Singapore Airlines model ever since.  During the identical interval that Balmain unveiled his uniform design for Singapore Airlines, the ‘Singapore Girl’ – the picture of a younger and single feminine flight attendant – was born as a key advertising technique for the airline. The Singapore Girl picture has endured via the a long time and at the same time as lately as 2019, the airline stated that the Singapore Girl and “her gentle, caring ways” had been nonetheless related in the best way that Singapore Airlines portrayed itself to the world.  “The airline industry has a history of sexist practices that objectify women while putting up barriers to their being able to earn a living,” stated Singapore’s Association of Women for Action and Research (AWARE) on Saturday.  “The image of the ‘Singapore Girl’—a cornerstone of SIA’s branding—has long been criticised… the fantasy of a beautiful, kebaya-clad woman serving a (presumably male) passenger’s every whim having distinctly fetishistic, Orientalist undertones,” the highly-respected charity group continued in a collection of tweets."
When you need to justify your own relevance. If they wore Western clothing this would be erasing local culture. If they wore Chinese clothing this would be racism and Chinese supremacy

Women who kill their newborns are deeply unwell, so why are they being tried for murder?
Feminism means women have no agency, are always victims and should not be treated equally by the justice system. But then again, the left think there's nothing wrong with abortion at 40 weeks, so infanticide is just a step further
Comment by a woman: "Saw a recent true crime documentary about a woman who fatally stabbed her husband - seemingly 'unprovoked' and with pre-meditation - ie she was carrying a knife. Initially she was arrested and convicted of murder - because that's what it was... but then some unrelated female attorney started questioning what drove this woman to murder? Like, why would a woman unalive her husband (seemingly unprovoked) and could we find some reason to sympathise? I mean, we should. Right? Turns out she had been with the husband since 16 (he was 24) and the husband was demonstrably a controlling, gaslighting, cheating pr*ck - granted. After an appeal (mitigating circumstances) she had her conviction overturned and was released. Based on back of newer U.K laws prohibiting 'coercive control' - those laws seem a slippery slope to me... Anyhoo, it occured to me that would never happen for a man. Noone would attempt to empathise with a guy who 'finally had enough' and unalived his wife. She could be the biggest cow in the world, he'd still be a bloody misogynistic murderer - according to the rabble Anyhoo two. No alternate viewpoint was presented, everyone seemed happy she was released, even some of his family... but I still thought it was actually an injustice"

Meme - Definitely Not Commie Gibberish of the Day: "*Devious scheme to break into Capital One Arena with my mates and play a 3 hour game of pickup basketball intensifies* Seriously though, who's gonna tell Shitlib women that money doesn't just fall out of the air when you start playing games?"
Women in Power: "If the rules of the sport, the playing time, and the venues are the same stadiums, women deserve equal pay."

JiDion banned from all NBA related events for sleeping at WNBA game - "JiDion is a prominent YouTuber who is best known for his over-the-top pranks, which sometimes take place at high-profile sporting events... he laid down on some courtside seats and took a nap – blanket, pillow, and all.  However, he ended up getting booted out of that game, as well – and subsequently banned from “all NBA-related events” by staff.   JiDion’s fanbase has seemingly taken to the comments section on the WNBA’s official Instagram account, as a result of his latest pranks, spamming sleeping emojis to match the title of JiDion’s video: “Don’t Sleep on the WNBA!”"

The Death of Eros - "A decline in commitment isn’t the only reason for the sexual recession. Today one in eight adult Americans is taking antidepressant medication, one of the common side effects of which is reduced libido. Social media use also seems to play a part. The ping of an incoming text message or new Facebook post delivers a bit of a dopamine hit—a smaller one than sex delivers, to be sure, but without all the difficulties of managing a relationship. In a study of married eighteen- to thirty-nine-year-old Americans, social media use predicted poorer marriage quality, lower marital happiness, and increased marital trouble—not exactly a recipe for an active love life.  If these were the only causes, the solution would be straightforward: a little more commitment, a little less screen time, a few more dates over dinner, more time with a therapist, and voilà. But if we follow the data, we will find that the problem goes much deeper, down to one of the foundational tenets of enlightened opinion: the idea that men and women must be equal in every domain. Social science cannot tell us if this is true, but it can tell us what happens if we act as though it is. Today, the results are in. Equality between the sexes is leading to the demise of sex... the benefits of marriage receded as women’s earning power rose relative to that of men...  Though women had often entered marriages for financial reasons, many nonfinancial benefits followed, including the formation of a stable, intimate relationship with a spouse and the sense of purpose that comes with raising a family. These are things that no job—however lucrative—can deliver...   For the typical American woman, the route to the altar is becoming littered with failed relationships and wasted years. Take Nina, a twenty-five-year-old woman my team interviewed in Denver. Petite, attractive, and faring well professionally in her position with an insurance company, Nina was nevertheless struggling when it came to relationships. She had a history of putting men she valued as confidantes in the “friend zone.” With these men, a sexual relationship seemed too risky. If it went awry, she’d lose not only a potential mate but also a valued friend. On the other hand, if she didn’t know the man well, she was willing to have casual sex while hoping for something more.  After several years, this approach had taken its toll: an abortion, depression, and a string of failed relationships. Nina now believed that a marriage ought to begin as a friendship... In her 2013 book Hard to Get, Leslie Bell, a sociologist and psychotherapist, tries to understand the lives of women like Nina. She laments that the skills they developed “in getting ahead educationally and professionally have not translated well into getting what they want and need in sex and relationships.” When it comes to relationships, their “unprecedented sexual, educational, and professional freedoms” have led to “contradictory and paradoxical consequences.”   Nonsense, I say. The only contradictory and paradoxical thing here is the unrealistic expectation of so many that the financial independence of women would have wholly positive effects on the dance of the sexes... Since 1992, there has been a 100 percent growth in the share of men and nearly 275 percent increase in the share of women who masturbate at least weekly.  Even those who marry are having trouble in the bedroom... equality is the enemy of eros. Differences between men’s work and women’s work—between breadwinner and homemaker, father and mother—are increasingly viewed as arbitrary and oppressive. And yet this loss of everyday oppositions between men and women has made Americans less, not more, attractive to each other. It was not supposed to be this way. Some sociologists have guessed—or perhaps hoped—that men who are willing to take on traditionally female household tasks might enjoy more active sexual lives with their wives—quid in the kitchen for quo in the bedroom... do men who do a greater share of the housework enjoy more sex? No. In fact, they’re penalized in the bedroom. Husbands who do little or no housework had sex with their wives nearly two more times per month than did husbands who do all of it. Meanwhile, doing a greater share of traditionally male work around the house—mowing the lawn, fixing things—correlates with more sex. Men and women are not attracted to sameness, but to difference. We long for what is missing in ourselves. Needing each other makes us want each other... We cannot have both eros and strict equality between the sexes. Saving one requires sacrificing the other."
The feminist answer, of course, is even more feminism, despite what the Nordic paradox teaches us

The Bad Science Behind Campus Response to Sexual Assault - The Atlantic - "some schools have come to rely on the work of a small band of self-styled experts in the neurobiology of trauma who claim that sexual violations provoke a disabling, multifaceted physiological response. Being assaulted is traumatic, and no one should expect those who have been assaulted to have perfect recall or behave perfectly rationally, but this argument goes much further... the absence of verbal or physical resistance, the inability to recall crucial parts of an alleged assault, a changing story—none of these factors should raise questions or doubt about a claim. Indeed, all of these behaviors can be considered evidence that an assault occurred... In her 2012 talk, Campbell acknowledged that she is not a neuroscientist, but rather is translating others’ work... Janet Halley, a professor at Harvard Law School, has written of the intended effect of the training on recipients: “It is 100% aimed to convince them to believe complainants, precisely when they seem unreliable and incoherent.”... I talked with Richard McNally, a psychology professor at Harvard and one of the country’s leading experts on the effects that trauma has on memory, about the assertions Campbell made in her presentation. He first said that because assaults do not occur within the laboratory, “there is no direct evidence” of any precise or particular cascade of physiological effects during one, “nor is there going to be.” But there is plenty of evidence about how highly stressful experiences affect memory, and much of it directly contradicts Campbell... it’s almost the opposite: “Extreme stress enhances memory for the central aspects of an overwhelming emotional experience.”... Notably, survivors of recent horrific events—the Aurora movie-theater massacre, the San Bernardino terror attack, the Orlando-nightclub mass murder—have at trial or in interviews given narrative accounts of their ordeals that are chronological, coherent, detailed, and lucid... Campbell’s claim that a sexual-assault victim’s memory consists of completely accurate but disorganized fragments contradicts fundamental scientific knowledge of the nature of memory... All the experts I spoke with expressed concern about the malleability of memory, especially when people are being encouraged to clarify murky experiences. A 2015 study by the education insurance group United Educators, examining 305 claims of sexual assault at 104 schools, found that about 40 percent of students delayed reporting an assault (there are many valid reasons why they might do so, including fear of stigma). The average delay was 11 months, and “in most cases, the victim labeled the incident a sexual assault only after talking with friends or attending prevention training.” Elizabeth Loftus, a professor of psychology and social behavior at UC Irvine, has done pathbreaking work on memory manipulation. When I described to her what’s now being taught to administrators and students, she said it sounded disturbingly like a return of “recovered memory” theory, with some neurobiology thrown in “to give luster” to the argument... many therapists were implanting false memories in vulnerable people, resulting in baseless accusations that tore families apart... Loftus also talked about the effects of drinking on memory. She said that with alcohol-induced memory fragmentation, attempts to reconstruct events are “very vulnerable to post-event suggestion.” This can include someone, especially an authority figure, labeling a consensual act as rape. She said it’s then easy for exaggerated, or even entirely false, memories to be created, ones that feel completely real. “This is extremely worrisome,” she told me. “The universities are under enormous pressure to do something about sexual assault, and they sometimes fill these offices with people whose bias and agendas lead them to create victimhood.”... Tonic immobility might occur in people, but science hasn’t definitively shown this yet. Even if it does occur, we cannot say with any certainty that it affects nearly 50 percent of sexual-assault victims, as Campbell claims is likely in her presentation. Tonic immobility’s frequent precursors in prey animals—physical restraint combined with an imminent threat to life—do describe some instances of rape. But the conditions that lead to many sexual-assault complaints on college campuses—alcohol combined with miscommunication—do not fit this template... Lawyers for accused students are starting to challenge the way such ideas about trauma may bias campus adjudications"
As usual, feminist science is nonsense
A followup to The Uncomfortable Truth About Campus Rape Policy - The Atlantic

The Question of Race in Campus Sexual-Assault Cases - The Atlantic - "He said students are pushing their boundaries and that many hook up with a partner of a different ethnicity for the first time. But then, “if there is any kind of perceived injury—emotional or physical—when you cross racial lines, there’s likely to be more animus. It needs to be talked about and hasn’t been.”... In 2015, in The New Yorker, Jeannie Suk Gersen, a Harvard Law School professor, wrote that in general, the administrators and faculty members she’d spoken with who “routinely work on sexual-misconduct cases” said that “most of the complaints they see are against minorities.” For two years I have received a daily Google Alert on college sexual assault. It captures only those cases that make it into the news, and is not a comprehensive or statistically valid measure. But it is illuminating. Usually the reports don’t disclose race, but sometimes it is mentioned, and if the accused is named, it’s often possible to determine his race through photo searches or other online information. Black men make up only about 6 percent of college undergraduates. They are vastly overrepresented in the cases I’ve tracked... In several recent civil lawsuits against their schools, male students found responsible in campus tribunals for sexual misconduct have made the racial aspects of their experience explicit... In the 2013–14 academic year, 4.2 percent of Colgate’s students were black. According to the university’s records, in that year black male students were accused of 50 percent of the sexual violations reported to the university, and they made up 40 percent of the students formally adjudicated. During the three academic years from 2012–13 to 2014–15, black students were accused of 25 percent of the sexual misconduct reported to the university, and made up 21 percent of the students referred for formal hearings. Fifteen percent of the students found responsible for assault in those years were black. During that same three-year period, Asian students, who constituted a little more than 3 percent of Colgate’s student body in 2013, were more than 13 percent of the accused, 21 percent of those referred for hearings, and 23 percent of those found responsible"
To liberals, it only matters when "minorities" suffer

'Ride me all day for £3' bus advert to be REMOVED following outrage over topless posters - "A bus company plans to remove posters showing a topless woman holding a sign saying "Ride me all day for £3" – less than 48 hours after launching them.  New Adventure Travel Ltd (NAT), based in Cardiff, South Wales, posted photos of the new advert on its Facebook and Twitter accounts this morning, showing the half-naked woman in a sultry pose, barely hiding her modesty with the provocative slogan...   It later emerged today that the company also uses a topless photo of a man in its advertising campaign – but critics still say it's sexist."
Sexism is anything feminists don't like, even if it's equality

Mayim Bialik Defends Sexual Harassment Comments - "Bialik wrote about some of the “self-protecting” choices she made as a young actress to counteract the industry’s culture of complicity. “I have decided that my sexual self is best reserved for private situations with those I am most intimate with,” she wrote. “I dress modestly. I don’t act flirtatiously with men as a policy.”"
If you say you lock your house door to deter burglars, that's victim blaming. The only ones who can make burglary less likely are burglars

Shannon Hale on Twitter - "When a guy says, "You're not like other girls," he's admitting that he has a generally low regard for your entire gender but is willing to make an exception for you. This is not a compliment. Girl, run."
Of course, this sort of take comes from the people who hate men

Opinion | Maternal Instinct Is a Myth That Men Created - The New York Times - "New research on the parental brain makes clear that the idea of maternal instinct as something innate, automatic and distinctly female is a myth, one that has stuck despite the best efforts of feminists to debunk it from the moment it entered public discourse."
Patriarchy is so powerful it affects animals too
Naturally, the evidence presented for the claim lives up to usual feminist standards

Chrissie Hynde takes aim at provocatively-dressed feminists - "Feminists who don’t like being treated “like hookers” should “put some clothes on” according to Chrissie Hynde.  The Pretenders singer did not hold back in a recent interview, saying a woman who “walks around looking like a sex worker will probably be treated like one”.  In an interview with the Sydney Morning Herald, the musician said: "How you dress and how you present yourself to the world is totally how people will treat you.""

i/o on Twitter - "Despite the fact that women are soon expected to earn 60% of all college degrees, American universities and colleges continue to offer about 10 times more female-only scholarships than male-only scholarships."

Study Finds Women Are Less Likely to Fulfill Child Support Obligations - "Using 2011 Census Bureau data (the most recent year available), the report found that 32% of custodial fathers received none of their court ordered child support. In comparison, 25% of custodial mothers received no payments."
Damn patriarchy!

Stick is not a deadly weapon: Supreme Court reduces jail term of wife accused of beating husband to death - "The Supreme Court on Tuesday modified a murder conviction to that of culpable homicide not amounting to murder after noting that the weapon of attack was a stick, which the Court opined was not a deadly weapon"
If it were the other way round, Indian feminists would be upset

BBC to tackle high proportion of women prosecuted for licence fee evasion - "The BBC has set out plans to reduce the high proportion of women being prosecuted for licence fee evasion, after suggestions that the charge is sexist.  The measures including free debt advice and allowing all unlicensed households to spread payments, underlining the BBC’s determination to save the licence fee, which was frozen by the government at £159 until 2024.  Campaigners, including a woman who threatened to apply for a judicial review of the licence fee system on the basis of sex discrimination, said the changes did not go far enough.  Figures released last year showed that women made up 76% of the 52,376 people convicted in 2020 over TV licence evasion. The figures have been seized on by politicians opposed to the BBC’s funding model. During last summer’s Conservative party leadership contest, Liz Truss said: “What I’m very concerned about on the TV licence fee is how many women have ended up in prison for non-payment, a disproportionate number.”  Full Fact pointed out that no one can be imprisoned for failing to pay the licence, only fined, and that while women were more likely to be fined for failing to pay the fee, since 1995 twice as many men as women have been jailed after failing to pay fines."
When women break the law, the law is sexist

Breast is Best…But Not Everywhere: Ambivalent Sexism and Attitudes Toward Private and Public Breastfeeding - "Although breastfeeding is encouraged by the medical community, many women do not breastfeed because of perceived social sanctions. This experiment examines the level of positive evaluations, negative affect, and normalcy accorded a woman who is breastfeeding. 106 undergraduates and 80 older adults from the Midwestern U.S. were shown photos of a woman breastfeeding in public or private. It was hypothesized that the breastfeeding mother would be seen more positively when breastfeeding in private than in public, and that this response would be moderated by participants’ familiarity with breastfeeding, gender, and levels of benevolent and hostile sexism. Results supported these predictions. Three explanations for the negative view of public breastfeeding are discussed: familiarity, sexist attitudes, and hypersexualization of the breast."
Clearly patriarchy is why women are more opposed to breastfeeding than men and to encourage breastfeeding we need to shame creepy misogynistic men who think public breastfeeding is inappropriate

Meme - StaceyCKS @StaceyCKs1: "I took my 11 yo daughter to get a drink at Starbucks. We watched an incredibly handsome construction worker walk across the parking lot and into the store. Do you know what that little girl said to me? “I don’t know what he fixes, but mine is broken.”"
Karyn B Jules @simetra7: "What if it was your 11 year old son who said that about a young woman who walked into the store? I thought we were teaching boys not to objectify girls? Or does that only apply to boys?"
Anthony McEvoy @makivoi: "Funny thing is I read her story and just smiled…then I read your comment and thought….yeah you are absolutely right. Then I assumed your a man with a grudge…..Now I’m feeling guilty for my thoughts about these tweets and feel I need psychotherapy to sort out my “issues”."
Power relations means never having to say you're sorry
Clearly the second person has internalised misogyny

Nurse Lucy Letby found guilty of murdering seven babies on neonatal unit - "A nurse has been found guilty of murdering seven babies and attempting to murder six other infants while working on a hospital's neonatal unit between June 2015 and June 2016.  Lucy Letby - who was in her mid-20s and working at the Countess of Chester Hospital at the time of the murders - is now the UK's most prolific child killer of modern times."
Families of Lucy Letby’s victims vow to continue search for answers on why she killed - "The killer nurse launched a grievance procedure against the paediatricians which found she had been “discriminated against and victimised”, and they were forced to write her an apology letter."
Revealed: the files that show how Lucy Letby was treated as a victim - "an apology from the hospital and the doctors was not all the 33-year-old got. She was also to be offered a placement at the world-famous Alder Hey Children’s Hospital in Liverpool and was to be given support for a master’s degree or advanced nurse training... Some doctors were threatened with misconduct investigations and their attempts to escalate their worries were met with angry responses. One nurse described the consultants as conducting a “witch-hunt” against Letby... She also had an alleged close relationship with a married registrar. He had driven her home the night one of the babies died, and it was claimed in court that many of her actions were motivated by a desire to be noticed by him. Records showed she had searched for his wife on Facebook, and had sent him heart emojis in a WhatsApp message... she raised a formal grievance against the trust for victimisation and discrimination. She said she felt she had been singled out, moved away from the job she loved, and the hospital trust had not been honest about doctors’ allegations against her. Her Royal College of Nursing (RCN) union representative emailed hospital bosses outlining “grave concerns” about her treatment. Letby was demanding to know the grounds for an investigation into her practice... Doctors who had raised concerns about her being a baby killer, including Brearey and Jayaram, were forced to sit through interviews, along with their union reps, where an investigator grilled them about Letby’s bullying complaint. By now, the relationship between seven senior consultants and the hospital’s management had deteriorated. The doctors felt they had not been listened to and police needed to be brought in... The grievance process had found no evidence to justify calling in the police. In fact, it found the doctors were at fault for suspecting her of murder. “This behaviour has resulted in you, a junior colleague and fellow professional, feeling isolated and vulnerable, putting your reputation in question,” the grievance inquiry told Letby. “This is unacceptable and could be viewed as victimisation.” The report said the hospital would aid her professional development by supporting her wih a master’s degree or an advanced neonatal course. She was also offered weekly welfare meetings with a senior nurse"
Damn misogyny!
Leftists will still claim unions are always good. Except police unions, of course

Hospital bosses ignored months of doctors' warnings about Lucy Letby - "When a new medical director and deputy chief executive, Dr Susan Gilby, began work the month after Letby's arrest, she was shocked at what she found.  She says her predecessor, Mr Harvey, had warned her she would need to pursue action with the General Medical Council, the doctor's regulator, against the neonatal unit's consultants - those who had raised the alarm"

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