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Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Links - 26th September 2023 (1 - General Wokeness)

TikTok Woman mocked for asking time blindness question in job interview - "An interviewee's TikTok video has caused a stir on social media after she tearfully claims that she was 'yelled at' for asking what accommodations there were for people with 'time blindness' during a job interview for a trade school... One person commented: “I have ADHD the accommodations are clocks and setting alarms and waking up earlier."  Another said: "Sure maybe time blindness is a thing, but it’s easy to combat/fix. You’re just being 'lazy' or victimising yourself if you can’t do those simple solutions."  A third flipped the script asking: “Would you accommodate your employer for paying you 5 days later due to their ‘time blindness?'” one person asked.  Another added: “Does ‘time blindness’ apply when going to a movie, concert, or anything else that starts at a certain time? Or is it just work?”"

Local Christian Would Do Anything For Jesus Except Believe Things That Are Unpopular | Babylon Bee

South African Township Squalid and Neglected Despite 25 Years of Black Rule - "The shocking conditions in which people like Ditsela live are a big problem for the governing African National Congress (ANC), which faces mounting public anger over its failure to improve the lives of millions of the poorest citizens, 25 years after the end of white minority rule.  Ditsela's Johannesburg township, Alexandra, has seen protests against overcrowding and poor public services in the run-up to a general election on May 8... "I normally vote, but the ANC is not doing anything for me, honestly," she said, sitting on a worn leather sofa in her shack and wiping away tears. "I need a job, and I need a house for my kids so that I can raise them in a dignified way."... A model of how Alexandra was meant to look once the project was completed - with parks interspersed between neat rows of houses - now gathers dust in a children's library on 3rd Avenue, its lights no longer working."
Clearly, this shows how strong anti-black racism is


Genetic and environmental contributions to IQ in adoptive and biological families with 30-year-old offspring - "While adoption studies have provided key insights into the influence of the familial environment on IQ scores of adolescents and children, few have followed adopted offspring long past the time spent living in the family home. To improve confidence about the extent to which shared environment exerts enduring effects on IQ, we estimated genetic and environmental effects on adulthood IQ in a unique sample of 486 biological and adoptive families. These families, tested previously on measures of IQ when offspring averaged age 15, were assessed a second time nearly two decades later (M offspring age = 32 years). We estimated the proportions of the variance in IQ attributable to environmentally mediated effects of parental IQs, sibling-specific shared environment, and gene-environment covariance to be 0.01 [95% CI 0.00, 0.02], 0.04 [95% CI 0.00, 0.15], and 0.03 [95% CI 0.00, 0.07] respectively; these components jointly accounted for 8% of the IQ variance in adulthood. The heritability was estimated to be 0.42 [95% CI 0.21, 0.64]. Together, these findings provide further evidence for the predominance of genetic influences on adult intelligence over any other systematic source of variation... Perhaps most importantly, our unique sample of families with fully adult offspring enables the first investigation of parenting effects on IQ in adopted offspring over the age of 30. Generalizations about how ge- netic and environmental effects on intelligence change with age tend to rely heavily on studies of the young and the elderly (Hunt, 2011; Mackintosh, 2011). Our study, which consists of offspring over the age of 30, therefore contributes to a better sampling of the entire life course. Vocabulary results are somewhat difficult to interpret, the lack of evi- dence for parenting effects on general intelligence in adulthood is far clearer. By examining parent-offspring resemblance in a sample of offspring that are among the oldest of any adoption study of IQ to date, we have effectively tested for the presence of parenting effects that would have persisted for more than a decade after the conclusion of the typical rearing period. No such persistence is found to occur in our unique sample. Although molecular methods have profoundly changed the face of behavior genetics, it is clear that adoption studies, which have been a cornerstone of the field throughout the 20th century, can continue to bear new fruit in the search for causal bases to psychological traits."
Liberals believe that IQ tests are useless pseudoscience (except when you need to grant clemency to low IQ death row prisoners, or when "minorities" have high IQ) so they will just ignore this
One tabula rasa response I've gotten is that adoption studies are invalid because adopters are screened, so they can't be generalised to the population

Does parental education influence child educational outcomes? A developmental analysis in a full-population sample and adoptee design - "Children's educational outcomes are strongly correlated with their parents' educational attainment. This finding is often attributed to the family environment-assuming, for instance, that parents' behavior and resources affect their children's educational outcomes. However, such inferences of a causal role of the family environment depend on the largely untested assumption that such relationships do not simply reflect genes shared between parent and child. We examine this assumption with an adoptee design in full-population cohorts from Danish administrative data. We test whether parental education predicts children's educational outcomes in both biological and adopted children, looking at four components of the child's educational development: (I) the child's conscientiousness during compulsory schooling, (II) academic performance in those same years, (III) enrollment in academically challenging high schools, and (IV) graduation success. Parental education was a substantial predictor of each of these child outcomes in the full population. However, little intergenerational correlation in education was observed in the absence of genetic similarity between parent and child-that is, among adoptees. Further analysis showed that what links adoptive parents' education did have with later-occurring components such as educational attainment (IV) and enrollment (III) appeared to be largely attributable to effects identifiable earlier in development, namely early academic performance (II). The primary nongenetic mechanisms by which education is transmitted across generations may thus have their effects on children early in their educational development, even as the consequences of those early effects persist throughout the child's educational development"

Beyond Questionable Research Methods: The Role of Omitted Relevant Research in the Credibility of Research - "Governments often base social intervention programs on studies done by psychologists and other social scientists. Often these studies fail to mention other research suggesting that such interventions may have a limited chance of actually working. The omitted research that is not mentioned often shows that the behaviors and performances targeted for improvement by the environmental intervention programs are mostly caused by genetic differences between people and for that reason may be more difficult to change than implied in these studies. This is particularly true when the goal is to greatly reduce or eliminate differences between people in such domains as school achievement, impulsive behaviors, or intelligence. This problem of omitted research creates two problems. It tends to call into question the credibility of all social science research, even the studies that do not omit relevant research. And from an applied point of view, it leads to the expenditure of taxpayer dollars on programs that are unlikely to produce the desired outcomes."

Behaviorial Geneticists versus Policy Implications - "In most disciplines, experts oversell their ability to give useful policy advice.  In behavioral genetics, however, experts strangely undersell their ability to give useful policy advice... Cost-benefit analysis that ignores IQ makes educational investments look more favorable than they really are... why are behavioral geneticists so eager to downplay the practical relevance of their field?  The most plausible explanation is that these scientists already have enough trouble with political correctness.  They don’t want to amplify their public relations problem by pointing out that their science undermines a bunch of popular, feel-good policies. Critics of behavioral genetics are prone to hyperbole, but they do have good reason to fear this science"

Meme - "Country music was never right wing"
"Stand By Your Man - Tammy Wynette
Simple Man - The Charlie Daniels Band
Ragged Old Flag - Johnny Cash
No, No Joe - Hank Williams
(What This World Needs Is) A Few More Rednecks - The Charlie Daniels Band, Simple Man
If The South Woulda Won - Hank Williams, Jr.
A Country Boy Can Survive - Hank Williams, Jr.
Fightin' Side Of Me - Merle Haggard
Okie From Muskogee - Merle Haggard"

Normal people: "I hope everyone had a good Recess. It's time for math"
Liberals with coloured hair: "Whiteness is privilege. Now who is ready to hear about my sexuality?""
All the teachers and teachers' unions openly proclaiming their agenda won't stop liberals from denying it and calling it a paranoid far right conspiracy theory

Meme - Becea @BeccaBeckery: "Some ableist words you should probably cut out of your vocabulary...bc they're ableist:
- Idiot/idiotic
- Crazy
- Differently abled
- Dumb
- Insane
- Lame
- Moron
- Psycho
- Specially abled
- Stupid
There are many more, and if anyone wants add some, feel free to below!"
Jake Shields @jakeshieldsaijj: "I'm just thankful retarded isn't on that list because that list is extremely retarded"

Dawn Butler and the ‘racial gatekeeper’ slur - "Just when you thought the beleaguered Labour Party could stoop no lower…  Yesterday in the House of Commons, Tory equalities minister Kemi Badenoch condemned left-wing racism towards non-white people, including the use of deplorable slurs such as ‘race traitor’, ‘Uncle Tom’, ‘coconut’ and ‘house negro’.  This came after the tsunami of racial insults directed at the ethnic-minority authors of the new report on race and ethnic disparities. Badenoch called for robust debates on race to be guided by mutual respect and a nuanced understanding of existing evidence.  However, it soon became clear that Labour backbencher Dawn Butler didn’t get the memo. The Brent Central MP got up and quoted the ‘works’ of Dr Shola Mos-Shogbamimu and Professor Kehinde Andrews – two of the most toxic voices in the race-relations debate today – to support the use of the phrase ‘racial gatekeeper’.  Mos-Shogbamimu has labelled Dr Tony Sewell, the lead author of the race report, a ‘token black man’. Andrews once referred to acclaimed writer and broadcaster Trevor Phillips as the embodiment of the ‘modern day Uncle Tom’.  Even worse, Butler – who once evoked the death of George Floyd by ordering the UK government to get its knee off the neck of Britain’s ethnic minorities – referred to Byline Times as a source of authority.   She cited a shoddy Byline Times piece by Musa Okwonga. In it, he takes aim at home secretary Priti Patel’s ‘racial gatekeeping’. He suggests that ethnic-minority Tories adopt hardline positions on race, law and order, and immigration, in order to be ‘embraced by their peers’. He also criticises former Conservative Party chairman James Cleverley, and former chancellor Sajid Javid.  Here, Okwonga seems to forget that traditional values and conservative positions on law and order actually run deep in many non-white communities across Britain. Framing conservative positions among ethnic-minority people as a craving for white acceptance is a woeful take which only serves to stoke division. Make no mistake – phrases like ‘racial gatekeeper’ are racist slurs designed to intimidate non-white individuals who refuse to toe the identitarian line. Instead of being treated as independent citizens who are able to think for themselves, ethnic-minority public figures such as Kemi Badenoch, Priti Patel or No10 policy chief Munira Mirza are caricatured as mere ‘puppets’ of their ‘white masters’, who ‘use’ them to press ahead with supposedly reactionary and unjust political agendas."
Trust the experts. Unless they contradict the liberal party line
Clearly statistics are white supremacy

Ernest Hemingway masterpiece gets a trigger warning by publisher - "Ernest Hemingway’s work has been given a trigger warning by publishers over concerns about his “language” and “attitudes”, the Telegraph can reveal.  The Nobel Prize-winning writer’s novels and short stories have been reissued by Penguin Random House with a new cautionary note.  Would-be readers of Hemingway are now warned about the “language” and “attitudes” contained in his writing, and alerted to the novelist’s “cultural representations”... The decision to add a disclaimer to the works of the Nobel Prize-winner has raised concerns that classics of English literature are being treated like “cigarette packets” in need of health warnings... The Sun Also Rises is considered by some to be Hemignway’s best work, and follows a coterie of “Lost Generation” American expats in Paris in the 1920s. They travel to the bullfighting in Pamplona while dealing with romantic jealousy within their group.  The novel, based directly on one of Hemingway’s own trips to Spain with compatriots, explores the new spirit of the age, sexuality, violence and the “tough guy” author’s view of masculinity.  His follow-up story collection, Men Without Women, contains tales on subjects from Hemingway’s passions of bullfighting, skiing and boxing, to abortion, drug-use and war... Prof Richard Bradford, author of the 2018 Hemingway biography The Man Who Wasn’t There, told the Telegraph:  “The publisher’s comments would be hilarious, were they not also alarming.  “They state that despite reprinting the book unaltered they do not wish to endorse the ‘cultural representations or language contained herein’.  “This would be understandable had they brought out a new translation of Mein Kampf... “Scrutinise any novel or poem written at any time, and search for a passage that could create unease for persons who are obsessed with themselves, and you’ll find one.  “And then every publication will need to carry a warning like this, the verbal equivalent of photos of cancer ridden lungs which now decorate cigarette packets.  “Publishers and the literary establishment as a whole now seem to be informed by a blend of stupidity and bullying regarding what readers should be allowed to think.”"
The "myth" of the slippery slope strikes again

Meme - Everyday Feminism @EvrydayFeminism: "A LOT of people need this reminder...
[Image: A black-and-white photography of Black activists standing. One of them is holding a sign that says "Pro Black isn't anti white."]"
Layneg31 @LayneGreuel31: "Pro white isn't anti black then"

School board member tells grads to remember 'jihad' in a world full of 'white supremacy' - "Fairfax County school board member Abrar Omeish gave a speech to graduating high school students on Tuesday where she told the graduates they're going into a society filled with "racism, extreme versions of individualism and capitalism, [and] white supremacy." Omeish then went on to tell the majority-immigrant group of students graduating from Justice High School in Falls Church, Virginia, that they should remember their "jihad" and avoid objectivity and neutrality."

Leonard Bernstein’s Family Defends Bradley Cooper’s ‘Maestro’ Nose - "Bernstein’s children have released a joint statement, reiterating their support for Bradley Cooper amidst complaints about his use of a prosthetic nose to portray their father... Bernstein’s three children—Jamie Bernstein, Alexander Bernstein, and Nina Bernstein—had released a joint statement standing behind Cooper. “Bradley Cooper included the three of us along every step of his amazing journey as he made this film about our father,” began the statement. “We were touched to the core to witness the depth of his commitment, his loving embrace of our father’s music and the sheer open-hearted joy he brought to his exploration. It breaks our hearts to see any misrepresentations or misunderstandings of his efforts.” The statement went on to directly address Cooper’s use of a prosthetic. “It happens to be true that Leonard Bernstein had a nice, big nose,” the statement continues. “Bradley chose to use makeup to amplify his resemblance, and we’re perfectly fine with that. We’re also certain that our dad would be fine with it as well. Any strident complaints around this issue strike us above all as disingenuous attempts to bring a successful person down a notch—a practice we observed all too often perpetrated on our own father.”"
You're not allowed to make yourself look like a character you're playing
I saw liberals bashing the family as only supporting this due to money

Seattle Municipal Employees See Identity Politics as Part of Their Jobs. - "Homelessness in Seattle has reached a crisis point. Despite more than $1 billion in public and private spending across King County, more people live on the streets than ever before (a problem that will likely get worse, following the Supreme Court’s refusal to address the legality of public camping). But rather than focus on the causes of homelessness—addiction, mental illness, and social breakdown—progressives in local government have waged war against abstract forces of oppression.   Last week, the leaders of the homelessness response in Seattle and King County hosted their annual conference under the theme of “Decolonizing Our Collective Work.”... The executive director of King County’s homelessness program, Kira Zylstra, used taxpayer funds to hire a transgender stripper to perform during the conference’s “cultural presentation” hour... municipal employees increasingly seeing their work as part of a broader agenda of radical social change. Over the past five years, the City of Seattle has rapidly added personnel under the auspices of “diversity, equity, and inclusion.” Christopher Peguero, for example, manager of the equity program at Seattle City Light, views his role as much more than providing reliable electricity to utility customers. As Peguero explained in a recent interview on the City of Seattle blog, public utilities can be instrumental in the fight against white supremacy. “Race is most central to addressing institutional oppression since it is central to historical inequity in the United States,” he says. “I feel that an inclusive model is the only way that we will ever reach collective liberation from institutional oppression.” The Seattle Public Schools’ Ethnic Studies Task Force has launched a new math curriculum based on the idea that the “Western” model of instruction has “[disenfranchised] people and communities of color” and legitimized “systems that contribute to poverty and slave labor.” To fight this injustice, the task force argues, schools must transition “from individualistic to collectivist thinking” and implement a new math curriculum that will “liberate people and communities of color.” Tracy Castro-Gill, leader of the Ethnic Studies program, identifies as a “teacher-activist,” and has radicalized classrooms across the district with the idea that “math is a tool for oppression.” In addition, she serves as an advisor to the Southern Poverty Law Center’s education advocacy program.    Identity politics has become the dominant cultural orthodoxy of the modern Left, and it replicates itself effectively through public bureaucracy. No mechanism exists by which transgender strippers can reduce homelessness, racially conscious public utilities can combat white supremacy, or a “resistance and liberation” curriculum can boost standardized math scores. But the pay is good: Zylstra earns $123,000 annually at King County All Home, Peguero makes $104,000 at Seattle City Light, and Castro-Gill earns $108,000 a year at Seattle Public Schools.   These state-funded activist-employees are embedded in government, protected by powerful public unions, and supported by the broader political culture. After the transgender-stripper episode, Zylstra was placed on paid leave, but not fired until the video was released. Castro-Gill, the agitator behind the “math is racist” curriculum, won recognition as the 2018–2019 Teacher of the Year. And Peguero, despite a stream of racially inflammatory statements on his social media feed, continues to serve at City Light.  If progressives were truly to “interrogate the current structures of power,” they would only find themselves. Progressives have controlled Seattle for a generation, yet they pretend to be outsiders fighting forces of “institutional oppression” and “structural racism.”"

You always knew it to be true, but new scientific research says conservatives are more physically attractive than progressives - "The average conservative looks happier than the average progressive. And that is one of the most repeated findings in the science of ideology over the last 50 years. Conservatives are happier than liberals.  And it turns out that attractive people are happier than unattractive people."
Liberals always get upset when I present the science on this

Progressives Are Killing Free Expression | National Review - "A half-century ago, progressives used to push limitless free expression, blasting conservatives for their allegedly blinkered traditionalism. They boasted of obliterating once-normal boundaries in art, music, and literature to allow nudity, profanity, sexuality, and anti-American boilerplate. Now?  The Left is Victorian — increasingly puritanical, regressive, and hypersensitive. Even totalitarian censorship and book-burning have weirdly become part of their by-any-means-necessary methods.  University of California, Berkeley, professor Grace Lavery was so outraged by author Abigail Shrier’s latest book, Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters, that she went way beyond the usual calls to ban the book. Lavery advocated burning Shrier’s book. “I DO encourage followers to steal Abigail Shrier’s book and burn it on a pyre,” Lavery tweeted last month.  Did the self-appointed liberal watchdog the American Civil Liberties Union step in to defend free expression?  No. Instead, one ACLU official poured gas on the book-burning fire.  “Stopping the circulation of this book and these ideas is 100% a hill I will die on,” tweeted Chase Strangio, the ACLU’s deputy director for transgender justice.  Note all of these melodramatic humanitarian verbs such as “steal,” “burn,” and “die.”... Peterson, who has criticized the notion of white privilege and contends that masculinity is under attack, was accused of “white supremacy,” “hate speech,” and “transphobia.” These are simply our generation’s synonyms for their predecessors’ bogeyman labels “heretic,” “witch,” and “Communist.”...   Author Alex Berenson self-published a series of pamphlets on Amazon that offer a dissenting view about the efficacy of forced coronavirus lockdowns. Suddenly, Amazon blocked his most recent installment — at least until public pressure forced the multibillion-dollar company to relent.  Amazon did something similar to Hoover Institution senior fellow Shelby Steele, declining to stream his documentary “What Killed Michael Brown?” about the fatal 2014 shooting of Brown by police in Ferguson, Mo., and race relations in America. Once again, public outrage forced the company to back down from what appears to be a systematic and ideologically driven effort to stop the dissemination of books and films that don’t advance the progressive/regressive cause.   Note the pattern here. Publishers and platforms are not arguing that these books and films are mediocre. After all, they had initially agreed to publish or disseminate all of them...  They so lack confidence in the logic and persuasiveness of their own arguments that, in fear, they increasingly try to ban whatever bothers them.  The classic To Kill a Mockingbird and other books about racial issues were banned from the curriculum in the Burbank Unified School District in California last month.  The Left did not just oppose the nomination of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh; it sought to destroy his career and reputation through smears.  Professors at Stanford University hounded Hoover Institution fellow and public-health expert Dr. Scott Atlas. His apparent crime was advising President Trump that lockdowns and quarantines might ultimately cause more damage than COVID-19 itself...   Efforts to censor, cancel, discredit, or destroy the work of anyone with contrasting viewpoints are canonized by the wealthy, powerful left-wing elites and their institutions.  In Orwellian fashion, they have redefined being illiberal and vindictive as being woke, enlightened, and progressive — and for the public good rather than their own interests."
This won't stop the left pretending that it's the right who want to burn books
Addendum: Book banning is good when the left do it

Straight Guy: "I Get it. I feel tHe  SAME WAY ABouT GAy SEX."
*Rainbow killing straight guy* "That's hate speech*


Sexual Desire Among an Online Sample of Men Sexually Attracted to Children - "Sexual attraction to children occurs in roughly 3 to 9 percent of the population. However, most knowledge about such desires comes from forensic samples, and most studies fail to assess preferred sexual activity and sexual partner. A new multimodal assessment of sexual desire was used to investigate interest in consensual and nonconsensual sex with adults and children in an online sample of men sexually attracted to children (n = 101). Desires were compared across history of sex offending behavior and preferred gender of child victim. Men who have and have not acted on their sexual attractions to children reported similar levels of sexual desire. Men primarily attracted to girls reported greater desire for sex with adults than did men primarily attracted to boys. Results highlight the heterogeneity of men sexually attracted to children as well as possible distinctions across gender of children to whom they are primarily attracted."
Yet more evidence poking holes in the claim that pedophilia is a sexual orientation

Satire Or Reality? Read This Ridiculous GoFundMe And Tell Me If It’s Just A Phenomenal Troll - "Meet Doaa Magdy, the organizer of the GoFundMe called “Help Doaa Heal from Racial Trauma.” Her monetary goal is $4,700, which is apparently how much she thinks it will cost to “heal from racial trauma” that she has suffered. Y’all, this is a real GoFundMe campaign that is still active and to which you can still donate. Luckily for the public, she gives lots of details of exactly how she suffered this trauma, so we can know exactly what we’re donating to. And it basically a how-to for fragile, entitled, snowflake, identity politics victimhood. It’s gorgeous. Masterful, even. It’s just got to be satire, right? This is fake, right? RIGHT?! Because it’s so thoroughly and completely ridiculous that I almost can’t believe it’s real. But these days, who knows. There really are people like this. There are people out there who would unironically nod along with this."
This person actually raised $3,580. There're so many suckers out there

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