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Sunday, September 24, 2023

Links - 24th September 2023 (2 - General Wokeness)

Professor fired for 'faking data to prove whites want longer sentences for blacks' - "Florida State University criminology professor Eric Stewart was a guru of the claim that “systemic racism” infests America’s police and American society.  Now he’s out of a job on account of “extreme negligence” in his research.  The academic was fired after almost 20 years of his data — including figures used in an explosive study, which claimed the legacy of lynchings made whites perceive blacks as criminals, and that the problem was worse among conservatives — were found to be in question.  College authorities said he was being fired for “incompetence” and “false results.”  Among the studies he has had to retract were claims that whites wanted longer sentences for blacks and Latinos...   When the investigation into Stewart began in 2020, he claimed he was the victim and that Pickett “essentially lynched me and my academic character.”... the disgraced professor was able to rise to prominence as an influencer in his field despite his studies from as early as 2003 now being retracted. Stewart was a widely-cited scholar, with north of 8,500 citations by other researchers, according to Google Scholar — a measure of his clout as an academic.  He was vice president and fellow at the American Society of Criminology, who honored him as one of four highly distinguished criminologists in 2017.  He was also a W.E.B. DuBois fellow at the National Institute of Justice.  The professor received north of $3.5 million in grant support from major organizations and taxpayer-funded entities, according to his resume. The Florida Department of Juvenile Justice, the National Science Foundation, which is an arm of the federal government, and the National Institute of Justice, which is run by the Department of Justice, have all funneled money into research Stewart presided over.  The National Institute of Mental Health, a branch of the NIH, poured $3.2 million into research on how African Americans transition into adulthood.  Stewart presided over that initiative as co-principal investigator from 2007 to 2012.  Meanwhile, he reportedly raked in a $190,000 annual salary at FSU, a public university.  While there he served on the school’s diversity, promotion and tenure committees, giving him a say over who got ahead on campus. He even passed judgment on students accused of cheating and academic dishonesty themselves, as a member of FSU’s Academic Honor Policy Hearing Committee."
Clearly retaliation by white supremacy as part of a backlash against anti-racism

Meme - "Star Wars, Dr. Who, Star Trek, Snow White, Marvel, The Wheel of Time, Lord of the Rings, DC, Disney, Pixar, Saints Row, modern comics in general... Turns out if you hire someone who doesn't like what you do, where you came from, or who your audience is, they don't make a very good product. Who knew?"
"Hire people who hate the source material"

Meme - "The duality of man ($140 bottle of bourbon is on the open shelf, the $13 bottle of Cognac is locked up)"
Greedy companies are more evil than they are greedy, so they waste money being racist by locking up cheap alcohol that "minorities" like but leave the expensive alcohol unlocked

Meme - "WHAT WAS ONCE NORMAL IS NOW SEEN AS EXTREME *large family with many kids*

Meme - "Uplift Trans Voices 2.0: Me: hey, a fb page I haven't followed, I'm gonna check their content.
Page: wyt person using the word 'v00d00' and the N word.
Me: nope."
Axel Forrest: "Wait what's wrong with voodoo?"
Uplift Trans Voices 2.0: "it's a closed practice. Not for Ca.uca.sians"
Some liberals claim that if you must obfuscate your language, it shows you're using hate speech. Ironic, given that lots of liberals do that.

'Turning Pointe' Explores Ballet's White Supremacy Problem - "Discipline, order, adherence to strict and unquestioned rules. That’s what ballet is. When Gottschild asked Seán Curran, a white dancer and choreographer who performed with the Bill T. Jones/Arnie Zane Company, what he pictured when he thought of white dance or white dancing bodies, he said, “Upright. . . . For some reason, ‘proper’ stuck in the head a bit, something that is built and made and constructed rather than is free or flows.” A body that is rigid, obedient, and disciplined, remade from something natural and unruly into something refined and well behaved. Proper. “Whiteness,” Curran said, “values precision and unison.”... It’s little wonder, then, that ballet—with its fixation on control, discipline, and uprightness—wraps itself so neatly around whiteness. It makes sense that white Americans, reared on the belief that whiteness is synonymous with order and refinement, also believe that people of color have no place, or a limited place, or a conditional place, in classical ballet.
Race is the only possible way to interpret remarks from the competition
Naturally, obsessing about how ballet is racist cannot be why "minorities" are less drawn to it.
Since we are told order is white supremacist culture and ballet values order, the inevitable conclusion is that ballet needs to be destroyed because it can never be non-racist

Top dance school in Leeds scraps BALLET auditions branding it an 'elitist white art form' - "A top British dance school has dropped ballet from its auditions after branding it an 'elitist art form', built around 'white European ideas and body shapes'.   The Northern School of Contemporary Dance (NSCD) reviewed the dance as part of a wider plan to 'decolonise the curriculum', and consider the impact of race and gender on dance. The Leeds-based school will no longer require ballet as part of its auditions, due to the cost of learning the dance style, its idealisation of particular body shapes and gender-divided roles, staff have said. Head of undergraduate studies at the conservatoire, Francesca McCarthy, called ballet an 'elitist art form'.   Ballet's traditional terminology uses 'ballerina' for women and 'danseur' for men, with female dancers focusing on pointe work and lifts and leaps for men. Ms McCarthy said the ballet's terminology has 'strongly gendered roots' and was, 'problematic in relation to inclusion of non-binary and trans dancers.'... In 2019, staff at the conservatoire began learning more about 'unconscious bias' in dance, in a bid to 'decolonise the curriculum'.  This was further prioritised following the Black Lives Matter protests in 2020.   That year, students launched an LGBTQ+ group, which advised on 'pronouns and the implications of gendered movement vocabularies such as in ballet classes'.  The school is also a member of the Conservatoire of Dance and Drama, which launched plans to scrap leotards and tight dance-wear to help transgender people feel more comfortable."
In Latin dance men and women have different roles, but good luck condemning that for being sexist, because it's racist to criticise non-white stuff

If That's What It Means to Be a Writer, I Quit - "Back in 2009, I wrote an article for Canada’s Globe and Mail titled If that’s what it means to be gay, I quit. “If you speak to the leaders of most gay and lesbian political groups about what it means to be gay today, they will probably answer using the words ‘love’ or ‘family’ or ‘caring,'” I wrote. “Well, the world of pretty rainbows, church on Sunday, monogamy, respectability and good citizenship is not the world I signed onto when I filled out my gay card.”  I have been an out gay writer and activist in Toronto for nearly 40 years. For some time, I have complained about gay assimilationism—our cultural identity switch from gay sexual revolutionaries to obedient corporate citizens. Perhaps that’s because I come from another time... Theatre attracts gay men because the theatre is a closet... Also, theatre is a disguise; it’s about hiding... theatre is an escape... gay men were not just afraid of [AIDS], they were afraid of of being demonized. So they learned how to present themselves as respectable citizens, not only by practicing safe sex, but by pretending to act like straights.  AIDS taught gay men how to lie again... If you were to ask most gay men what part their sexuality plays in their lives today, they would probably say “none.” Gays and lesbians today say their sexuality is only related to a genital preference—something many consider inconsequential. They aspire to the same values as middle class heterosexuals, which means they wish to get married, have children, buy things and support their local police. The only problem with this is that the monogamous heterosexual model, which most gays and lesbians now ape faithfully, isn’t very practical...  The truth is that gay men have not become less promiscuous, they have just learned to lie like straights. The gay bars (although there are fewer of them) are still busy with horny gay men, as are bath houses, parks, toilets, crack/meth sex parties—and the ubiquitous online “hookups.” Modern straight and gay hypocrisies are wonderfully facilitated by modern technology. We hook up on cellphones, and do not have to actually appear in public to get laid. This is a godsend for straight men who want to cheat on their wives, or gay men who are still in the closet—and/ or who want to appear non-promiscuous, or monogamous. Hence the popularity of Grindr... The increasing marginalization of queer work—or any sexual work at all, really—is related to two political movements: trans politics, and #MeToo...  the politics of trans theory and #MeToo can be significantly anti-sexual, in direct opposition to pre-AIDS political movements—women’s liberation, sexual liberation and gay liberation. #MeToo is considered by some critics—particularly French feminists such as Catherine Deneuve— to be an anti-sexual. Many trans theorists state over and over again that being trans has everything to do with gender and nothing to do with sex. What is most frightening about the #MeToo movement in terms of aesthetics is that it demands the rigorous analytics of social justice be applied to creative work. Michele Perrot, speaking of the public letter signed by Deneuve and other prominent French women in opposition to the excesses of #MeToo (“Nous défendons une liberté d’importuner, indispensable à la liberté sexuelle”), notes that the authors “fear that the #MeToo movement dents creative, artistic and sexual freedom, that a moralist backlash comes and destroys what libertarian thinking has fought hard to obtain.” Has this actually happened? Absolutely. A female Canadian filmmaker I know told me recently of her difficulties in acquiring permission from the actors’ union to make a film involving—as she described it—”a plus-sized woman having rough sex with a man, in which they would hit and bite each other.” The union denied permission, saying effectively that that the scene was “too much” in the #MeToo era... The reason some trans theorists object to drag is because they think that drag serves to mock or satirize trans people... all great art is amoral.  As a rhetorician, Shakespeare was more interested in presenting eloquent and uniquely persuasive arguments on both sides of any issue, than in celebrating the good and punishing the evil. In fact Shakespeare’s work presents the most passionate arguments in favour of evil you will ever find in serious literature. Samuel Taylor Coleridge called Iago, famously, “the motive-hunting of motiveless malignity.”... #MeToo works doggedly to rip Annie Hall and Manhattan from the canon, citing Allen’s personal crimes and misdemeanours. But I predict that ultimately they will not succeed—because these works of art ask big questions, but don’t answer them, which is what makes art art... artists’ personal lives are now being used as an excuse to ban their work at a cultural moment when we risk slipping back into an earlier, puritanical era... We seem to be going through another era in which poets are to be silenced in the name of morality. Let’s just hope it doesn’t last quite as long as its precursor. My job as a poet is not to improve you morally, or to present a clear, kind, socially approved message.  In fact, if that’s what it means to be a writer: I quit."

"AWW, SHUCKS. *kid exiting theatre to see naked man walking person in dog outfit, with post-op FTM holding Pride flag, with naked man exposing self in background*"

Meme - Masked Liberal: "You have to accept everyone but have to hate these people and you have to worry about climate and change your diet and your behavior and expectations and you have to reject your traditions and identity unless you're in one of these groups and you have to praise them for it and also you have to wear a mask and take these shots so we can go back to normal unless it doesnt work then you need another shot until they tell us it is safe again"
"Leave me the fuck alone."

CA preschool teacher blasts 'innocence,' says toddlers should be taught 'queerness,' sexuality in classroom - "A preschool teacher repeatedly attacked the idea of "childhood innocence" and claimed that topics considered "inappropriate" can be shared with children, according to his scrubbed social media accounts.   The California teacher, William "Willy" Villalpando, has said the idea of "childhood innocence" is a "myth," and claimed topics deemed "inappropriate" – such as "queerness" – can be suitable for the pre-K age group... "There is a common mythology that children live in this world of pure innocence, and that by introducing or exposing them to the real-world adults are somehow shattering this illusion for them. Therefore, there is a banning of topics and issues that children should not be exposed to, as if they are not experiencing them already," he said. Villalpando describes himself as an expert at developing a child's gender identity... He went on to claim that 3-year-olds can be discriminating agents in society.   "With race, when a child is 3 months old they begin to visually discriminate based on race, favoring those that are the same race as their caregivers. Children as young as 2 begin to use race to reason about people's behaviors," he claimed. He concluded, "Children experience gender and race everyday. They need (and deserve) [to see] themselves to feel seen, and them to see others not like them."   On another occasion, he said on his Instagram, "I'm tired of the ‘Childhood Innocence’ argument… Stop blaming a phenomenon that doesn't exist."   He went on to attack the idea that children shouldn't be exposed to "sexuality," claiming that "such a view is a very white, Christian, upper-class, cis-gendered, and hetero-centric." "Not talking about Queerness in the Classroom, is NOT Letting Children be Children. It's Telling Those people They Do Not Deserve to Exist," he said in September 2021. "Kids are never too young."... The teacher went on to say that if parents didn't have the conversations with kids, it was up to teachers to foster classroom environments that "may make others uncomfortable."   "Children who are exposed to environments with more fluid understandings of gender, are more likely to understand that gender is fluid."  He added that educators should talk to little kids about "queerness" even if parents have avoided the topic. "
Grooming and sexualisation by teachers are paranoid far right conspiracy theory myths

Nonbinary teacher boasts on changing students' genders without parents knowing: 'They need protection' - "A California teacher named Olivia Garrison bragged about helping students hide their social transitions from parents... "My job, which is a public service, is to protect kids… Sometimes, they need protection from their own parents," Garrison told The Times. She did not immediately respond to a request for comment.   The report concerned liberal parents who were outraged about teachers such as Garrison icing them out of their child's care. The district Garrison works for is also involved in blocking parents from being in the know on social transitions. For example, the California district has a pronoun change request form that students can fill out without their parents knowledge or involvement, according to its website. The district goes on to list Garrison as an adviser at the GSA (Gay-Straight Alliance) club... A Maryland teacher – Lane Cogdill – admitted intentionally concealing students' gender changes on TikTok, "especially from parents"... Mandi Jung, an anti-capitalist science teacher from Minneapolis, revealed that she used a survey which allows students to conceal a gender identity change in her classroom.. Other teachers around the country have boasted including gender theory in their classroom libraries and curriculum.   Skye Tooley, a teacher at Saturn Street Elementary, located in the Los Angeles Unified School District, discussed on TikTok using a "gender-fluid" stuffed animal to teach children on pronouns and being non-binary."

Meme - *Gay guy singing* "We're coming for your children"
NPC: "So anyway, "groomer" is the far right's latest dog whistle..."

Yellow Imperil? - "From its official launch in January, Slippery Slope was an ill-conceived aktion with a smoky objective. The plan was fairly simple: Scour local news for all instances in which an Asian person was assaulted by a stranger. Present those incidents with no control sample (i.e., how many whites were assaulted by strangers in those cities during the same period) so that, absent perspective, an illusion is created, a mirage of an epidemic of anti-Asian mayhem carried out by white supremacists because of Covid, Trump, and “China virus” hate speech.  When a white person is savagely attacked by a black, the default official position is always “not hate crime” unless there’s extraordinary evidence to the contrary. Conversely, Slippery Slope’s handbook mandates that all assaults against Asians are default “hate crimes” regardless of the circumstances... History books will forever record that the very first Biden/Harris joint trip was a pilgrimage to grieve for six massage-parlor employees.  Praising the trip, the AP pointed out that Harris is “the first person of South Asian descent to hold national office” (wait, wasn’t she “black” just a month ago?)... Worse still, Slippery Slope’s first skirmishes have been catastrophic. The initial casualties haven’t been evil white dudes, but noble nonwhites. Media darling Alexi McCammond, a woman with literally zero skills beyond having been born black, and it’s an open question if that’s actually a “skill,” was hired away from her position as proud black reporter at Axios and MSNBC to be the proud black editor of Teen Vogue. Earlier this year, the magazine’s diapered zoomers balked at McCammond because back when she herself was a teen, she tweeted a few hurty things about Asians. But Condé Nast, owner of Teen Vogue, pledged to stand by the new hire. That is, until Rod Flanders shot up those massage parlors. Within days, McCammond got her proud black walking papers.  Following McCammond’s departure, Teen Vogue senior staffer Christine Davitt, a Filipino “fat queer femme” who led the fight to get McCammond McCanned, was herself “canceled” after angry black McCammond supporters dug up old tweets in which she called people “nigga.”  Slippery Slope’s casualty count so far? One leftist black, one leftist Asian. And another black is in critical condition, not expected to pull through. Alison Collins is the vice president of the San Francisco Board of Education. Back in 2016, she went on a tweetstorm calling Asians “house niggers” who “use white supremacist thinking to assimilate and get ahead.” She also claimed that Asian students routinely taunt and bully black and brown ones as Asian teachers look on. And she condemned merit-based admissions standards for letting in too many Asians... Even a deceitful attempt to “cancel” a white police captain in Cherokee County for “diminishing” and “excusing” the Atlanta shooter and his motives didn’t go as planned. Asian activists were more outraged over the actual diminishing and excusing done by Jewish Marxist San Francisco DA Chesa Boudin, who dismissed the 19-year-old black murderer of 84-year-old Thai man Vicha Ratanapkadee as a frustrated youth who merely had a little “temper tantrum.”  A white was targeted, but a Jew got hit.  Why is Slippery Slope so awash in misfires?  Well, for starters, any scheme that involves trying to elevate Asians or any group to the position of victimhood currently occupied by blacks is destined to fail. Jews have tried that themselves (“oy, we’re just as oppressed as blacks!”) with equally disastrous results. As I explained a few weeks ago, blacks aren’t even keen on sharing victim status with Hispanics, but at least in that case both groups can claim similarly low socioeconomic and academic achievements. But when Asians and Jews try to muscle in on the victim action, blacks balk, because those two groups have been able to achieve a level of success most blacks can only dream of.   Also, and I say this as a guy who spent his youth in majority-black public schools, blacks love a good “chinky chinky Chinaman” joke. Scratch any black Twitterer and you’ll find at least a few past tweets making fun of Asian speech, looks, or behavior. To the blacks in my school, Asians represented either the high-scoring geniuses who show them up in class, or the liquor-store owners who dare demand they not shoplift. In more recent years, the spread of “white privilege” theology has widened the black/Asian rift. If one accepts as gospel that success in America comes only via white privilege, then by logical extension one must believe that any group that succeeds is part of that privilege. That’s the only way to view the situation while still adhering to the faith. Asian success “proves” that Asians are part of the privilege power dynamic that exists to oppress blacks. Therefore, Asians are part of the problem (and as such can’t be “allies”)...   The war against anti-Asian hurty words is not gonna net guys like Bannon. It’s gonna ensnare folks named DaQuantico and J’Meretrishus. Friendly fire, like #MeToo, which took down more allies than foes (from Al Franken and John Conyers to major Dem fundraisers Harvey Weinstein and Russell Simmons to Clinton pal Kevin Spacey and now, the murderous thug Cuomo).  Losing blacks in the name of the new Asian “untouchability” will be disastrous for leftists. Yes, Asians are reliably Democrat voters (Vietnamese possibly excepted), but blacks are the heart of the party. Blacks give the Democrat Party “moral” justification for its actions, and black thugs serve as the party’s strikebreakers, its Pinkertons. If black suffering doesn’t guilt you into assent, black fists will make you a less refusable offer... The cynicism’s so thick you can cut it with a scythe. And here’s where Jews and Asians part company. Asians—the Chinese specifically—are strikingly unsentimental. Jews, on the other hand, are hobbled by sentimentality... Asians are far less inclined to be emotionally scarred if blacks don’t like them. They know they’re not “in it together” with blacks; they don’t share that lie the Jews tell themselves"
If an Asian stops a black person from shoplifting, this is "anti-blackness"

'Empty shelves with absolutely no books': Students, parents question school board's library weeding process - "Harry Potter, The Hunger Games and Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry.  Those are all examples of books Reina Takata says she can no longer find in her public high school library in Mississauga, Ont., which she visits on her lunch hour most days.  In May, Takata says the shelves at Erindale Secondary School were full of books, but she noticed that they had gradually started to disappear. When she returned to school this fall, things were more stark.  "This year, I came into my school library and there are rows and rows of empty shelves with absolutely no books," said Takata, who started Grade 10 last week.   She estimates more than 50 per cent of her school's library books are gone.   In the spring, Takata says students were told by staff that "if the shelves look emptier right now it's because we have to remove all books [published] prior to 2008."   Takata is one of several Peel District School Board (PDSB) students, parents and community members CBC Toronto spoke to who are concerned about a seemingly inconsistent approach to a new equity-based book weeding process implemented by the board last spring in response to a provincial directive from the Minister of Education.   They say the new process, intended to ensure library books are inclusive, appears to have led some schools to remove thousands of books solely because they were published in 2008 or earlier... Step two of curation is an anti-racist and inclusive audit, where quality is defined by "resources that promote anti-racism, cultural responsiveness and inclusivity." And step three is a representation audit of how books and other resources reflect student diversity.  When it comes to disposing of the books that are weeded, the board documents say the resources are "causing harm," either as a health hazard because of the condition of the book or because "they are not inclusive, culturally responsive, relevant or accurate."  For those reasons, the documents say the books cannot be donated, as "they are not suitable for any learners." A PDSB spokesperson said the board supports its schools "in the disposal of books in a responsible manner by following Peel Region's recycling guidelines." Peel Region allows for the recycling of book paper, as long as hard covers and any other plastics are removed first and put in the garbage."
Weird. I thought banning books and pulping books was a bad thing. Why is Amanda Gorman not protesting the book bans?

'Consensual incest' should be decriminalized, advocates say - "Consensual incest advocates are rooting for an anonymous New York parent who wants to marry their own adult child.  Australian Richard Morris, who is pushing to change incest laws in about 60 countries, said he supports the legal push in Manhattan Federal Court and that such behavior between consenting adults “should not be criminalized.”... Fighting for true “marriage equality” is “the right thing to do, isn’t it?” Morris said.  “It seems to be as unjust as the law that used to imprison gay people, and the law that used to stop people of different races marrying,” he added.  Keith Pullman, who runs the blog Full Marriage Equality, also cheered on the New York lawsuit. “It is absurd to say that an adult can’t consent to marry their parent. That same adult can be sent to war, take on six or seven figures of debt, operate heavy machinery, be sentenced to death by a federal court, and consent to sex with five strangers (and marriage with one of them) but can’t consent to marry someone they love?”"
The "myth" of the slippery slope strikes again

Neil Thin: a victory for common sense - "Of all the examples of campus cancel culture, the suspension of Neil Thin was particularly alarming. Thin, an academic at Edinburgh University, was reported to his employers by his students earlier this year for expressing what were, essentially, mainstream and anti-racist views.  Thin criticised the university’s controversial decision to rename its David Hume Tower after students complained that the 18th-century philosopher’s views on race had caused them distress.  More shocking was that he was also reportedly condemned for expressing explicitly anti-racist views – for opposing racially segregated spaces on campus and for saying that the modern obsession with ‘whiteness’ risked dividing society. For challenging woke racialism, he was smeared as a racist.  All of these views are totally normal – progressive, even. Yet for woke students at Edinburgh they were beyond the pale. As spiked noted at the time, Thin was essentially hounded not for being racist, but for being anti-racist."
Anti-racism is racist after all

Victor Davis Hanson: There's nothing stranger in America now than the contemporary university - "today’s universities and colleges bear little if any resemblance to postwar higher education. Even during the tumultuous 1960s, when campuses were plagued by radical protests and periodic violence, there was still institutionalized free speech. An empirical college curriculum mostly survived the chaos of the ’60s... Imagine a place where "diversity" is the professed institutional ethos, while studies reveal that liberal faculty outnumber their conservative counterparts by over 10 to 1.  Imagine a liberal place where in 2021 race can still be used as a criterion in selecting and rejecting applicants, choosing prospective dorm roommates, organizing segregated dorms and restricting access to special places on campus. Imagine a progressive place that once renounced unconstitutional "loyalty oaths" but now rebrands them as "diversity pledges" and requires reeducation and indoctrination training.  Imagine a place with non-taxable endowments that restricts free speech and expression. Nonprofit universities make it impossible for some speakers to lecture, and often suspend constitutionally protected due process for students facing particular allegations... Imagine a place where faculty and students now selectively change the names of campus streets, centers and buildings that honored supposedly illiberal, long-dead donors, graduates and former heroes. Yet curiously, universities never alter their marquee founding brand names. Were founders or original funders such as Leland Stanford, Elihu Yale and Lord Jeffery Amherst not as illiberal as Father Junipero Serra, Earl Warren and Woodrow Wilson, whose names have been canceled on some college campuses?  As long as universities produced highly educated and open-minded graduates at a reasonable cost and kept politics out of the lecture hall, Americans didn’t care much about peculiarities such as tenure, legacy admissions, untaxed endowments, rebellious students and quirky faculty."

Joe Rogan Doubts White Supremacist March: 'Where's the Fat People?' - "Joe Rogan questioned the legitimacy of a march that took place over the weekend, suggesting that participants looked too suspicious to be white supremacists.  On Sunday, more than a hundred members of the white supremacist group Patriot Front marched through the National Mall in Washington, D.C., wearing masks and holding upside-down American flags.  Commenting on a video of the march during Monday's podcast episode, Rogan said, "Look at these guys, where's the fat people? How come they're all wearing the same clothes?" He went on to ask, "Have you ever seen anything that looks more like feds?""

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