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Friday, December 30, 2022

Links - 30th December 2022 (2 - Voting in the US)

StoneToss - Posts | Facebook - "Movies: "ID Please"
DMV: "ID Please"
TSA: "ID Please"
Voting booth:"

National Review comes out against democracy, explicitly. - "In the last week-plus, the nominally intellectual right-wing publication National Review has run three separate articles arguing that voting shouldn’t be easier to do, because if it is, stupid, ill-informed people will do too much of it"
This is hilarious, given the left's talk of epistocracy and mocking of "populism" (especially as embodied by Trump and Brexit) and wanting to "deprogram" Trump voters
Not to mention the mischevous misrepresentation - both the first and third article are against compulsory (or quasi-compulsory) voting - which is a serious argument in political philosophy, the first and second articles talk about ensuring only legitimate votes count, the second article is mostly about depriving convicted felons of voting rights and promoting voter ID to make voting sacred as it's supposed to be, and the third article also promotes considered, deliberative voting. Of course on Facebook the commenters swallowed the fake news and raged against their straw man

Jim Crow comparison to Georgia vote law vexes Blacks - "Linking Georgia’s newly signed elections law to the segregationist Jim Crow system is not only inaccurate, it’s an affront to Black Americans, as far as Michael Lancaster is concerned.  His forebears were among those who labored under the racist system designed to prevent Black suffrage and enforce segregation in public facilities, transportation and education in the Deep South in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. “A civil debate about voting rights is an important conversation to have, but comparing Georgia’s election reform legislation to Jim Crow is insulting to my Black ancestors who suffered through those dehumanizing segregation laws,” said Mr. Lancaster, Georgia state director of the Frederick Douglass Foundation.  As Democrats increasingly brandish the Jim Crow comparison in the fight over state and national election laws, critics — including Black conservatives — are challenging the narrative, saying it trivializes the era’s horrific abuses by likening them to standard identification requirements used for everything from boarding an airplane to buying beer.  “Comparing absentee ballot changes and ID requirements to banning Black people from restaurants and drinking fountains is absurd,” Mr. Lancaster said in an email.  Wilfred Reilly, associate political science professor at Kentucky State University, a historically Black college, said the “Jim Crow claim passes through ‘nonsensical’ into offensiveness.” The Georgia Election Integrity Act expands voting hours but also requires identification for absentee voting, prohibits handing out food and drinks for voters within 150 feet of polling entrances and bans the mobile-voting buses used during last year’s pandemic.  “I’ve read the Georgia bill, and it’s a fairly standard voting law, which attempts to respond to concerns (justified or not) on the right about election integrity, while also taking practical steps to add voting machines and reduce wait times,” Mr. Reilly said. “Whether you approve or disapprove of the law, comparing this sort of thing to lynching or mandated racial segregation, which is what Jim Crow was, is beyond bizarre.” The food-and-drink stipulation is not unique: Other states, including New York, have such limits to “prevent electioneering, such as community or church leaders handing out chilled bottles of ‘Donald Trump’ iced tea,” said Mr. Reilly... 75% of voters supported voter-identification requirements, including 69% of Black voters, a higher level of support than Democrats, who were 60% in favor... “The idea that Black residents and voters of Georgia can’t cope with the ID requirement is racist, and the facts prove that they’re wrong,” Mr. von Spakovsky said. “The law has been in effect for 10 years, and if you look at the turnout numbers for Georgia elections since the ID law was in place — not only did the turnout of Black voters and Hispanic voters not go down, it increased dramatically.”  Mr. Brooker agreed that studies about voter turnout show that “voter suppression laws … are not very effective.”  Even so, “Republicans must think it’s effective, or they wouldn’t be doing it, and the Democrats must think it’s effective, or they wouldn’t be fighting it so hard,” Mr. Brooker said. “I’m not saying they’re right, but that’s what they believe.”"
Of course, the left will call these blacks House Niggers
Maybe Republicans are for and Democrats are against "voter suppression laws" because they're not really avout "voter suppression"

73% of Blacks Say Photo I.D. Voter Requirement Needed to Ensure Fair Elections - "73% of Black voters and 81% of other Non-White voters say requiring a photo I.D. is necessary to ensure fair and secure elections... three times as many Black voters support (73%) as oppose (24%) requiring a photo I.D. and, for other Non-White voters, support (81%) is more than six times greater than opposition (13%). Among White voters, the requirement is favored 74%-19%... Rasmussen also asked the following question to gauge support for boycotts against states that require voters to provide identification... More voters (50%) said they oppose such boycotts than voiced approval (37%)... 69% of those who said that voter identification is not necessary to ensure fair and secure elections also said they support boycotts of states that impose I.D. requirements. Other groups voicing strong support for boycotts include self-described liberals (52%) and those earning more than $200,000 a year (53%).  Rasmussen's findings are supported by those of a national survey of U.S. voters conducted by the Honest Election Project, which revealed that 77% support voter I.D. requirements, including strong majorities of Blacks (64%) and Hispanics (78%). This survey also found that 64% of voters "want to strengthen voting safeguards to prevent fraud, rather than eliminate them to make voting 'easier.'""

Georgia voting: Fact-checking claims about the new election law - "President Biden has said: "What I'm worried about is how un-American this whole initiative is. It's sick. Deciding that you're going to end voting at five o'clock when working people are just getting off work."  But it's not the case that voting has to finish at 5pm.  The law allows counties to set voting hours anywhere between 7am and 7pm, as was the case previously... Drop boxes allow voters to submit their ballots early into locked containers, rather than relying on sending them in via post or standing in long lines on election day.  Democrats say the new law reduces the number of these boxes, making it harder to vote.  There will be fewer in forthcoming elections, but this needs to be put in context.  Prior to the 2020 election, drop boxes weren't used in Georgia. They were brought in as part of emergency Covid action... One of the most controversial elements of the bill initially proposed by Republicans was the elimination of Sunday early voting.  Sunday voting is especially important for black worshippers in Georgia - a strongly Democratic voting bloc - with church goers often encouraged to vote after Sunday services, with initiatives known as "souls to the polls". Democrat Senate Majority Leader, Chuck Schumer, said: "Republicans recently passed a bill to eliminate early voting on Sunday."  But this element of the bill wasn't passed, and Republicans backtracked following criticism."

YouTube reinstates professor’s video that mocked criticism of voter ID and Georgia’s election integrity bill - "YouTube reinstated a video by Canadian Professor Gad Saad that mocked criticism of voter ID laws.  The video, called “Voter Photo ID Has Sent Me Into Hiding,” showed Saad sitting in darkness and listing a variety of services that require photo ID, such as buying alcohol or entering a nightclub or obtaining a driver license.  He said there were “13 trillion” other examples of when voter ID is required and said he “just found out” that Georgia was “setting up concentration camps” because the state also planned to require photo IDs for mail-in ballots. The video apparently upset someone at YouTube, which removed the video on either April 4 or 5, after it said the Concordia University marketing professor violated “Community Standards.” The Big Tech company said that the video broke its policy against “glorifying or inciting acts of violence.”"

Leftist armed militia members show up outside Georgia State Capitol - ""Masked, helmeted private militia carrying AK47s and AR15s showed up today at the State Capitol. You have not heard about it because the gunmen are radical leftists. Imagine the news coverage if one of them was wearing a MAGA cap," the post made by former US Senator David Schafer reads."
It's only wrong when the right does it. Time to memory hole the hysteria about armed protests against lockdown - until it's convenient to resurrect it

Stacey Abrams Brags About Lack of Signature Verification in Georgia - "Stacey Abrams, the failed Georgia gubernatorial candidate (who still hasn’t conceded her 2018 defeat to Brian Kemp)... couldn’t help patting herself on the back for getting rid of exact-match signature verification on ballots—a provision meant to verify that the voters who cast the ballots are actually the individuals they claim to be."

Actors Vow To Boycott Georgia And Only Film In The Xinjiang Region Of China | The Babylon Bee - "Hundreds of Hollywood actors have come forward, vowing to boycott filming in Georgia in favor of places that actually respect human rights and whose values align with theirs, such as the Xinjiang region of China...  “After intense reading on Twitter, I’ve learned that in China, there are NO voter ID laws. And guess what, you dumb Republicans – there has never been a single recorded case of fraud! Until Georgia can be a little more like China, we need to do the right thing and make Georgians suffer.”"

John Robson: Companies would be right to boycott Georgia, if they had a leg to stand on - "It’s curious since the left was long so wary of business in politics as to embrace conspiracy theories about corporate influence on everything from the 1973 coup in Chile to climate change and election finance. But suddenly when it’s going their way, they’re jubilant... too often, for the left, any issue they favour is a vast moral imperative comparable to the civil rights struggle in the 1950s and ’60s. Indeed, too often any issue they favour is the civil rights struggle of the ’50s and ’60s, with a corresponding mean streak toward anyone who does not share their views in agonizing detail... Thus the trendy corporate boycott of Georgia over tightened voting rules must be justified on moral grounds or not at all. Including truth, which is where things get awkward.  For instance, Major League Baseball (MLB) is moving its all-star game to Colorado. But Colorado has similar voting rules to Georgia (like Canada) and the league must know it. So MLB’s decision looks cynical, especially given that it’s not boycotting airlines for requiring photo ID before boarding a plane. And if voting fraud is rare in America, it only makes Georgia’s new laws unnecessary, not harmful or evil.   Which brings us full circle. If these companies are aware that nothing sinister is going on in Georgia but consider it good business to pretend otherwise, for fear of their customers or a shrill vocal minority of staff, they might be wrong narrowly, as I suspect major league sports will one day regret calling their customers bigots. But the real problem is allowing greed, or cowardice, to override morality."

Priceless: MLB is moving its All-Star Game to Colorado ... where they ALREADY HAVE voter ID laws and it's much less diverse than Atlanta. #WokeLogic

MLB Expanding Presence in China While Pulling Out of Atlanta - "Major League Baseball faces increased public outrage on Monday after observers noted that the league pulled its All-Star Game from Georgia 24 hours after inking a deal with streaming service Tencent, a Chinese company close to the Communist Party... “Your sports league might be a little too woke if it will freely do business with Communists in China and Cuba, but boycotts a U.S. state that wants people to show an I.D. to vote.,” Sen. Paul tweeted on Saturday."

MLB's Denver Field Named after Founder of Heritage Foundation & MSLF - "Major League Baseball’s Coors Field in Denver is named after a founder of the Heritage Foundation, Joseph Coors, the former president of Coors Brewing Company, who died in 2003 after setting up a legal foundation that challenged part of the Voting Rights Act."

Watch these white libs expose their own ACTUAL racism while trying to describe why voter-ID laws are racist

Georgetown Students Support Voting Reform Proposal, Then Find Out It's Georgia's Law - "Students at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. expressed support for voting reform when asked what they thought about specific measures taken to ensure election integrity — then they found out the reforms are from Georgia’s new voting law... “We’re from Georgia, so there’s a lot of voter suppression in Georgia, and I think that there needs to be a lot more freedom and accessibility towards polls and extending hours,” said one student being interviewed with her friend.  “The, like, original system was created because, like, they thought the populace was, like, too dumb,” said another student... “Yeah, I mean, making sure that people aren’t casting more than one vote, that sounds kind of common sense to me,” said one student... when Smith asked the students, “what if I told you that this actually was the Georgia voting bill?” the students appeared shocked.  And when asked if the legislation sounds like “Jim Crow on steroids,” one student said, “no, I guess not.”  President Joe Biden has described Georgia’s election integrity bill as “Jim Crow on steroids.”  One student, however, maintained that the concept of voter identification is “classist.”  “A poll came out that showed 70 percent of black Americans do support voter ID,” Smith countered. “A lot of people are calling it ‘Jim Crow,’ suppression — but the majority of black Americans actually support it.”  “Okay, I don’t,” the student replied.   Georgia’s new election integrity legislation has sparked outrage among left-wing activists, who consider the legislation an attack on minorities, suggesting that members of the black community cannot figure out how to acquire a photo ID, among other bizarre assumptions."

Candace Owens on Twitter/a> - "Remember guys: mandating voter ID is unattainable and racist but mandating vaccine ID cards? Not a problem."
Considering that you will use voter ID a lot less frequently, and that covid vaccines are mainly to protect you and aren't so effective at "protecting" others from transmission, this is an especially salient point

Dan Crenshaw on Twitter - "Never forget the woke corporations and sports leagues that believe you’re too stupid to get an ID to vote."

Texas GOP official calls for an 'election integrity brigade' to monitor diverse precincts
Leaked video reveals a GOP plan to intimidate Black and brown voters in Houston - "the Republican Party in Harris County — which contains Houston and is the third most-populous county in the nation — is planning to organize what is described as an "Election Integrity Brigade" of thousands of pro-GOP election workers and poll watchers."
It's telling that liberals are upset at having election monitors. It's as if they don't believe their own assertions about there being no fraud

Escape The Echo Chamber - Posts | Facebook - "The balanced power is shifting within the United States. Activists are using the threat of boycott to corral corporations into financially punishing states whose politicians oppose the activist’s agendas.  On Saturday, over 100 major corporation executives attended an online meeting to strategize against states that pass voting laws the activists disagree with. Perhaps this doesn’t bother you because the goal matches your own, but this is a sidestepping of the democratic process within each state. The corporations are using economic force to override the will of the people in these states. If the laws are unwanted by the citizens, the politicians will be voted out of office. If the laws are illegal, they will be thrown out by the judiciary. The corporations are not a fourth branch of government."

Coca-Cola required ID in 2020 shareholder meeting, but slams Georgia for voter ID law - "“At the entrance to the meeting, we will verify your registration and request to see your admission ticket and a valid form of photo identification, such as a driver’s license or passport,” the company wrote in reference to its 2020 annual meeting of shareholders, held before the coronavirus pandemic.  Georgia’s new voting law requires a drivers’ license or state ID number be listed to submit an absentee ballot to vote, among other new reforms. The state already required ID to vote in person. It had previously relied on signature matching to verify ballots."

It’s time for Canada to make election day a holiday
Weird. We're told that it's not a holiday in the US due to voter suppression and white supremacy

POLL: Majority of Dems, Non-White Voters Support Voter ID Laws - "62 percent of Democrats said they support requiring photo ID, while the number rose to 87 percent among Independents and 91 percent among Republicans.  Additionally, 84 percent of non-white respondents said they supported requiring photo ID, along with 77 percent of white respondents"
Damn non-white white supremacists!

What Was That About Voter Suppression? - WSJ - "‘We have classic voter suppression,” declared Kamala Harris last fall, and Democrats keep making the charge. Yet new Census voting data show these claims are as meritless as Donald Trump’s that the election was stolen.  Census figures released Thursday show that turnout in 2020 reached a near-historic high for a presidential election, with 66.8% of voting-age citizens casting ballots—0.9 percentage-points shy of the 1992 record...   Notably, GOP states with stricter voting rules didn’t experience significantly lower minority turnout. Black turnout was highest in Maryland (75.3%) followed by Mississippi (72.8%) and lowest in Massachusetts (36.4%). Liberals have lambasted Georgia for “purging” voters and restricting ballot access. But Georgia had a smaller black-white voting gap than Illinois, New Jersey, Virginia and California—all states controlled by Democrats. The states with the biggest black-white voting gaps? Massachusetts, Oregon, Wisconsin, Iowa and Colorado. Three allow same-day voter registration (Wisconsin, Iowa, and Colorado), according to the National Conference of State Legislatures. Good luck trying to discern a link between a state’s voting rules, partisan control and minority turnout. Perhaps no state has done more to make it easier to vote than California. It allows same-day registration, ballot harvesting and out-of-precinct voting. Arizona doesn’t allow any of these practices, yet it had higher turnout among all minority groups and smaller voting disparities with whites than California... Democrats know their complaints are false, but they repeat them to energize apathetic voters. The top reasons Americans gave for not voting last fall: Not interested (17.6%), did not like candidates/campaign issues (14.5%), too busy/conflicting schedule (13.1%) and forgot (13%). Few cited an inconvenient polling place (2.6%) or registration problems (4.9%). Differences across racial groups were small.   Myriad factors including the candidates, a person’s political and civic engagement as well as education are bigger determinants of voting than the ease of casting a ballot. Cynicism fed by politicians of both parties may also disillusion would-be voters. The good news is that most voters don’t see voter suppression—and their turnout proves it."

Stacey Abrams on GOP efforts to target voting: 'It is a redux of Jim Crow in a suit and tie'
Stacey Abrams and Democrats’ evolution on voter ID - The Washington Post

Rep. Clyburn’s false claim that ‘no Democrat’ has opposed voter ID laws - The Washington Post - "In 2019, he tweeted a video with these words: “55 years ago, the 24th Amendment was ratified, eliminating poll taxes. Yet we are still seeing evidence of poll taxes today in the form of voter ID laws. In a democracy such as ours, we must not have any impediments to voting.”  In the video, he outlined his view that laws that require purchasing an ID would be a form of poll tax. (As we noted, voter IDs are free in South Carolina.)  In 2020, Clyburn tweeted: “Long voting lines. Closed polling locations. Voter ID laws. They’re all voter suppression.”... We repeatedly sought an explanation for Clyburn’s pretzel-twisting, via email and phone, from his communication director, Hope Derrick, over a 24-hour period. We also tweeted that she had not answered requests for comment. But she and her deputy did not respond to our queries... A Monmouth University poll in June found that 80 percent of Americans (including 62 percent of Democrats) support requiring voters to show photo identification... Clyburn is trying to have his cake and eat it, too. He routinely decries “voter ID” laws, but at the same time he insisted on Fox News that he has never opposed such laws — and that every Democrat has supported them. In reality, he appears to be against many types of voter ID laws — ones that require photos, or a fee for a photo or which favor one voting group over another.  In other words, he’s playing word games. He supposedly is for voter identification but against most of the voter ID laws being adopted by states... The fact that his spokeswoman will not explain what he meant suggests that his staff knows he ended up with an untenable talking point. You cannot claim one day that voter ID is a new kind of poll tax and then, on another day, say every Democrat is for voter ID."

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