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Sunday, December 25, 2022

Links - 25th December 2022 (1 - Trans Mania)

New Study Suggests Playing With Dolls Proves A Boy Is Transgender - "Study author Selin Gülgöz said the study was limited in scope due to the fact that all of the transgender children were already moving towards increased identification with the opposite sex and lived with families that encouraged their dysphoria.  She notes this means the study’s conclusions might not apply to children who do not live in families who do not enable feelings of gender dysphoria. Interviewing children aged 3 to 12 who have already adopted an opposite-sex gender identity to determine a biological origin of transgender identity is, on its face, biased.   Asking a child who already assumes the role of the opposite sex if he prefers social identifiers like clothing and toys associated with that sex is not an effective method of understanding if these preferences are inherent. Yet Dr. Stuart Chipkin of the University of Massachusetts-Amherst concluded the study “helps to confirm the unique and separate reality of gender and how it is distinct from biological sex and socialization... The researchers attempt to address this by arguing that the children were treated as their “assigned sex” for a time before their behavior and preferences caused their parents to recognize their conflicting gender identity. They reason that if gender preferences were indeed socially constructed, then the children would have adopted the preferences imposed onto them by society until that point... The assumption here is that toys, clothing, or color preferences are inherently biological and strictly binary: Boys like trucks and the color blue, and girls like dolls and the color pink. This conflicts with decades of liberal and feminist argument in favor of gender neutrality and against “gendered” toys and clothing... What happened to LGBT advocates and feminists arguing against strict gender roles?   The final and most important aspect of this study that should be concerning is the absolute reliance on young children supernaturally divining their own nature in spite of their physical selves. The study notes, “Gender expression or identity for some of them might shift in the future, or their level of support and affirmation might change.”  If this is the case, then how can they advocate for an inherent gender identity when they recognize it can change over time? The study authors go to great lengths in attempting to prove that the transgender children’s identity was not influenced in any way by their parents, although their core study group fell within a small population of parents willing to transition their kids as young as age three...  This study erases gay people entirely by implying any gender non-conforming behavior in young children is evidence of transgender identity.”

Has trans orthodoxy conquered the world? - "Paul McHugh MD, the University Distinguished Service Professor of Psychiatry at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, who was also active in debunking the false memory craze, told me: “Since the 1970s, I have listened to many people such as John Money explaining this concept [gender identity] but most of them are working on a definition, not of something clear and coherent, but an idea that will permit them to do what they want with patients.” McHugh is not the only person with doubts. Ray Blanchard, a sexologist, and much-cited expert on transsexualism, told me that gender identity is a redundant term when applied to those of us who are not uncomfortable with our natal sex
'“It’s only at very unusual moments that a normal man or woman has a conscious awareness of ‘I’m a woman’ or ‘I’m a man,’ and this is often a highly emotional situation. . . The concept of cross-gender identity is really not a normal gender identity which has found itself lodged in the wrong body. Cross-gender identity is a constant preoccupation with, and unhappiness about, the individual’s gender. So, I guess you could say I believe in cross-gender identity, but I don’t much believe in gender identity.”'
Of course, the Reimer tragedy could have been an opportunity to dispassionately examine the concept of “gender identity”. But psychologists, journalists and academics have overwhelmingly gone in the other direction, retroactively redefining “gender identity” rather than learning lessons from its ugly past.   When reminded of the Reimer tragedy, transgender activists suggest that the problem was that Bruce Reimer was really “cisgender” (newspeak for a person at ease with his natal sex; or a “normal man or woman”, per Blanchard). But such people are overlooking the more obvious fact that Bruce Reimer was a boy who was told repeatedly from his authority figures that he was a girl, as well as the more credible argument that misinforming a child about his basic biology can be psychologically damaging... There are no good answers to these questions, no way out of the gnarled web of contradiction. Presumably, this is why curiosity on the subject is not encouraged. Instead, transgenderism, the new theory of “gender identity”, has become a catch-all: an ideologically fashionable belief system, promising salvation to believers and damnation for heretics.   Those who don’t believe in the new idea of gender identity have become like atheists living in a theocratic society. Imagine, for instance, if an atheist wanted to have a debate with a Christian about the existence of God. But that, as a condition of the debate, the Christian demanded that the atheist not blaspheme, as well as refer to him throughout as a “child of God”. Further, imagine if those facilitating the debate expected the atheist to acquiesce to this demand or else be considered malicious or ignorant. This is precisely what is happening with the transgender debate every time a non-believer feels obligated to use words such as “transgender”, “gender identity”, or pronouns that do not match the sex of his or her opponent... In what other debate do we allow our opponents to dictate our language?...   Ask yourself which of the following you find to be more convincing. That everybody was born “in” a body, then “assigned” a sex by some careless God or whimsical doctor. Or that everybody is a body: immutably sexed (which is, to some extent, disguisable). One of these positions is settled science: self-evident and, until recently, uncontroversial. The other is an oversimplification of a mental disorder, at best. And at worst, a superstition."

Chase Strangio on Twitter - "I would rather my kid change their sense of their gender 200 times before puberty than die before they could live. Your anxiety over young kids claiming a truth of who they are is about you, not them, not medicine, not some grave threat. Deal with your shit and let others live."
Clearly the child needs to transition 200 times and if you disagree that's child abuse

Meme - "How to deal with extreme jealousy towards cis women?
Throwaway because I'm sick of the lurkers here harassing me whenever I post something embarrassing. I know jealousy towards cis women is pretty common for us to feel but I have this extreme jealousy- almost anger-towards my cis coworker. She is everything I want to be and more. She's Swedish/Japanese and speaks both fluently, she has a gorgeous feminine child like face, small delicate hands and feet, shes small and skinny but somehow still has she constantly smells so good and feminine, her hair is so long and shiny, everything about her is so ultra feminine it triggers the FUCK out of me whenever I have to interact with her. I cannot stop internally hating this girl even though she's super sweet and talented. I have dreams where we wake up and our bodies our switched, she cries and screams when she realizes she is no longer in her body but in mine. My big awkward body that will never look feminine or attractive. I get so much joy from knowing that I took her body away from her and she is stuck in mine. Its weird I know I am seeing my therapist about this. Ijust can't get over how unfair it is. She was so blessed with looks and femininity. Deep down I hate this girl. I day dream about doing bad things to her and it scares me. I would never actually do anything IRL but the way she inflicts so much pain on me by making me feel so ugly, worthless, and masculine sends me into a fucking rage. I can't shake this feeling of being "wronged" by her existence and needing to get "revenge". Again, I would NEVER act on it but I cannot shake these feelings. I need advice please, or sympathy please. I just want to be a fucking cute small girl this life is not fucking fair"

Meme - "A 30-year-old guy dating a 21-year-old girl is wrong. Yeah she's an adult but she could still be manipulated. She doesn't have the maturity to deal with the situation."
"Of course an impressionable 6-year-old who still believes in Santa can choose their gender. Yeah, the drugs and surgeries can have major life-long effects on their brain, body, and emotional health, but making them wait till they're older would be bigoted."

Thread by @Doc_0 on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "For decades we were told it was impossible to teach family values or abstinence. All we could do was give kids condoms and hope for the best.  Trans fascists roll in with heavy indoctrination in schools, pushing drugs and surgery. Boom, 500% increase in "trans" overnight. Clearly it *is* possible to teach values to children, with a high rate of success. The people who told us otherwise for decades were lying. They just wanted to make sure it was *their* preferred values that got programmed into the next generation of kids.  We were told teaching kids positive values in school was impossible because parents weren't doing it at home. Parents were blamed for every failing by the billion-dollar education bureaucracy. And yet, trans indoctrination succeeds in open defiance of what parents teach at home. That's the big story in education right now, isn't it? Furious parents discovering what the ed bureaucracy has been pumping into their kids behind their backs, and getting treated like al-Qaeda terrorists when they dare to raise objections at school board meetings. None of that would be happening if parents were on board with trans fascism and were teaching that stuff to their kids at home, would it? So obviously values CAN be taught by schools and pop culture, without parental involvement - or even in direct defiance of it.  Pop culture is surely part of the mix. We played this game for many years where the entertainment industry would act shocked at the very notion their products might affect the behavior and morals of children. Have you noticed they rarely bother with that vaudeville act any more? Movies, music, comic books, video games - their creators are now more likely to brag about how much influence they have over the minds and morals of children, how incredibly successful they are at teaching values to kids. Of course, it's THEIR values, or those of activist groups. Virtually every quarter of pop culture is now expressly willing to lose mountains of money cranking out totalitarian "art," infused with the values of the ruling class. They'll lose millions on ten Woke projects in a row and then immediately greenlight the next one. And if the public doesn't like the values infused in today's totalitarian art, creators immediately savage their own audience. Why aren't you knuckle-dragging primates running out and buying tickets to our brilliant shows that cleverly mock you as racist sexist homophobes? What a far cry from an earlier era, when culture made more of an effort to transmit positive values - and was remorselessly mocked as oppressive, stultifying, and dreary for its efforts. Now we know those doing the mocking just wanted to control art to transmit THEIR ideology. It turns out you CAN teach values to kids. You can change their behavior at profound levels. You can even twist them into bizarre new shapes, contrary to basic human nature. It just takes relentless effort by a titanic bureaucracy utterly devoted to transmitting those values. In a media-saturated culture where every kid carries TV and the Internet in their pockets, pop culture is a powerful instrument for teaching values too. Entertainment today is written from the ground up for that purpose. Stories are written primarily to transmit ideology. Nobody in the entertainment biz makes any great secret of that, do they? They just get red-faced with righteous anger when you call them on it. They'll happily tell you everything from plot points to casting decisions are made to transmit preferred values to the audience. Of course, the people doing this are convinced they're intellectually enlightened and morally superior - just like every totalitarian in human history. It was always possible to teach values to kids. They always knew it, and always planned to do it. THEIR values, not YOURS."

Teacher who taught 'gender fluidity' lesson cleared by rights tribunal - "When a Grade One teacher at an Ottawa elementary school told her class about gender fluidity and that there was no such thing as boys and girls, Pam Buffone’s daughter was left confused and unsettled...   “A girl can go to school knowing she’s a girl and come home unsure of who she is because schools are meddling with children’s identities by completely disregarding biological reality as a relevant and important personal characteristic — now with the full support of the (tribunal),” she said by email.  The Buffones’ lawyer, Lisa Bildy, said she was also disappointed by the ruling, but not surprised.  “Quite frankly, there is an irreconcilable clash of worldviews in our society right now, and that is reflected in this decision,” she said in a statement.  “Respecting the inherent human dignity of gender-diverse people, through inclusion and acceptance, is a very different goal than inculcating all children into thinking that their sex is a fiction or that they must have a gender identity.”...   The dispute dates from early 2018, when Buffone’s daughter mentioned that her teacher had told the class there was no such thing as girls and boys. The girl later declared that she would just own a dog and not be a mommy when she grew up, and asked about doctors changing someone’s gender identity... Buffone is not the only parent to voice concerns. Some told the National Post about schools recognizing name and pronoun changes for their minor children without informing the parents, or large groups of pupils in a single class come out as transgender.7"
There is no indoctrination going on in schools and they "follow the science"

Meme - Erika Hart (She/They): "Left a present in the men's bathroom as a reminder that any gender can get their period and use whatever bathroom they want"
Foz Williams @FozWilliams: Replying to @iHartEricka: Left a present in the women's bathroom as a reminder that y'all don't want to play this game with us"
I tried to upload a version which included "Good news! It's not mental illness..." but it got blocked

Meme - "Assigned Male Comics
Let yourself be loved
We are still told heterophobia is a myth

Meme - Horny-Bi-Boy24: "Oh god don't post this, you'll attract the cishets who love explaining that having sex with a post-op trans girl is completely different than a cis girl."
SexierThanMostFish: "please... Yeah every time this topic comes up this sub becomes a dumpster fire of "I'm not transphobic, I just find the fact of a person being trans inherently off putting even when there is no material difference between them and a cis person. Def not transphobic tho.""
I still see TRAs pretending that no trans people think there is no difference between them and cis people

Mother Of Sarcasm on Twitter - "This generation wanted to change the world but ended up changing their gender and called it pride."

Meme - Femboy Firearms History @femboy_firearms: "Get in mf"
*LGBT steamroller crushing Traditional Family, Christian values, Sanctity of marriage, Etc*
Weird. I thought only deluded right wingers believe this

Meme - Sophie XY @SophieXY44: "Transwomen aren't women. We're men who wish we weren't. We don't have intimate knowledge of womanhood. We don't know their lived experiences. We don't get periods, or pregnant, or require abortions. We are not oppressed for our biology. We are not the primary victims of violence."

BLAIRE WHITE on Twitter - "If your identity requires constant validation from strangers, you don’t have a gender issue. You have a narcissism issue."

Transgender movement rejected by growing body of research - "One of the authorities frequently cited in Mr. Anderson’s book is Dr. Paul R. McHugh, university distinguished professor of psychiatry at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.  In his capacity as psychiatrist in chief at the Johns Hopkins Hospital, a position he held for 26 years, Dr. McHugh pioneered sex change surgery as a way to treat gender dysphoria. After studying the results, however, he concluded that the procedures brought no benefit to his patients and stopped offering the treatment in the 1970s.  Today, he recommends that patients with gender dysphoria seek psychosocial treatment, and he compares the malady to anorexia and other body-dysmorphic disorders."

Chloe Cole ⭐️ on Twitter - "A row of detransitioners come together to testify for The Board of Medicine in Orlando, FL."

Meme - Fear is the MindKiller @SarahEdmondsPhD: "My sister's 22 y/o son, who was in transition to become a girl, hung himself last night. Estrogen did not make him happier."
The cope is that this was due to "transphobia"
Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of South Carolina. But doubtless bullied into making her Twitter private

Benedict Cumberbatch says nonbinary Zoolander 2 character backfired - "Nearly six years after he played it, Benedict Cumberbatch says his role as a nonbinary fashion model in the 2016's Zoolander 2 didn't land with audiences as planned... "I think in this era, my role would never be performed by anybody other than a trans actor," Cumberbatch said, adding that "there was a lot of contention" around his role as All... Cumberbatch's character — who becomes the butt of Owen Wilson's Hansel and Ben Stiller's Derek Zoolander's gender-related jokes such as whether they have a hot dog or a bun — was intended to be another satirical element in the comedy following the rise of transgender models in the fashion world. But following its release, LGBTQ activists called for a boycott of the movie, which they said perpetuated transphobia.  In an online petition, critics of the performance called Cumberbatch's character an "over-the-top, cartoonish mockery of androgyne/trans/non-binary individuals" and "the modern equivalent of using blackface to represent a minority."... "We are making fun of a bunch of different things," Ferrell said in an interview. "To me, I don't feel like it was over-egregious.""
Non binary people are trans?
How come drag queens are over-the-top and cartoonish but you're a bad person if you disapprove of them?

Barbara Kay on Twitter - "Funny how blackface is about the worst thing you can do, because it mocks blacks, but drag queens mocking women are the darlings of society and we're told they are paying homage to women. Uh huh. Just saying..."
Because drag is associated with gays. Gays are above women in the victimhood hierarchy. So drag is good.

Meme - "If gender is a social construct then why aren't trans men winning in male sports???"

Meme - "Riddle me this and tell me how it can be, if gender is a social construct why do you need surgery?"


Transgender criminal makes history by appearing in court as both a man and a woman - "A person who hurled pizza and a skateboard during a series of public order offences has broken new legal ground by appearing in court as both a man and a woman on the same day.  The 50-year-old was put on a Restriction of Liberty Order for three months in Scotland as a result of offences committed as both Alan and as Alannah Morgan over the past 18 months"

Meme - Rep. Marjorie Taylor...: "I'm introducing a bill to make it illegal for children to be exposed to Drag Queen performances."
"Thank you for fighting for our children!"
"Never seen Mrs Doubttfire? OMG save us all!"
'Mrs. Doubtfire' is closing and with it, so should all problematic 'men-in-a-dress' musicals. But more are coming. - "maybe they don’t want to spend hundreds of dollars on tickets to an average-at-best show that didn’t move past transphobic and tired ‘man-in-dress’ gags? While it was reported that ‘Mrs. Doubtfire’ wasn’t as bad as ‘Tootsie’ when it came to transphobic jokes, it still had its problems."
"This was good. But this was also bad"
Plus, Mrs Doubtfire was about a man disguising himself as a woman not because of a sexual fetish but to be close to his children, and he lost custody when the courts found out what he did

Meme - "The 1993 hit "Mrs. Doubtfire," was the third- highest-grossing movie released that year- after only "Jurassic Park" and "The Fugitive." We ALL grew up watching Drag Shows!! ENOUGH with the fake outrage."
Survived the Kali Yuga: "You gotta be a special kind of idiot to get "drag show" out of a grim story about a disenfranchised father going to extreme lengths after being kept from his kids by a narcissistic ex-wife."

Meme - "Me convincing my daughter to pretend she's trans so I can get her testosterone prescription *muscly guy*"

Count Dankula on Twitter - "Children with gender dysphoria are 400% more likely to be diagnosed with autism *Comment removed (multiple instances)*"
little white cuck ball on Twitter - "r/science is a heavily moderated sub. Anything that doesn't contribute to the discussion gets deleted, no matter what topic. So yeah, if you go there and spam "hurr durr 43%" your comment gets deleted. Don't see how that's noteworthy."
xerostyle on Twitter - "Look at the thread by replacing "reddit" in the url with "reveddit" It's a heavily moderated sub but don't delude yourself that it's because of just low effort posting that everything is removed."
According to the paper, they're actually 11x more likely to be autistic

Meme - "Your profile picture *anime girls*
You in real life: *ugly trans women*"


Meme - "WHAT THE FUCK. no. I'm not "nonbinary". I'm a goddamned WOMAN who gets sick of my hair making it's way into my clothes and up my nose, and I felt like chopping it all off. IM STILL A WOMAN. bro fuck this shit."
"inside you are two frogs
one wants long one wants flowing hair
one wants a shaved head
you are nonbinary"

Meme - "Bob's Burgers Happy International Non-Binary People's Day! Celebrate YOU with a burger like this one"
The burger looks like it's gone bad and will make you sick

Meme - "'CIS' is the latest box men built for women. ''TERF'' is the slur for women tying to get out"

Thread by @LeorSapir on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "In his testimony in favor of "gender affirming care" before the Florida board of medicine, Dr. Aron Janssen (@LGBTDoc) was asked why Europe has taken a more "conservative" approach than we have. A quick fact check thread:
Janssen: "The best data that we have, and the best longitudinal data that we have about transgender youth, comes primarily out of the Dutch clinic... That's the prevailing model that most American clinics have based their care upon."  One of those Dutch researchers disagrees. Dr. Thomas Steensma of the Amsterdam University Medical Center said in 2021 that "the rest of the world is blindly adopting our research."  He was referring to the fact that the majority of those referred to pediatric gender clinics today do not fit the profile, or fulfill the criteria for eligibility, of the patients on whom the Dutch study was conducted. It's very clear, if you just read the Dutch articles and look at the data compiled from the Tavistock clinic and by Komodo Health in the U.S.  Dr. Kaltiala, head of Finland's largest gender clinic who testified in favor of the Florida rule, also emphasized this point. The discrepancy in patient populations, and with it the real possibility that the protocol developed in the Dutch study may not apply to other cohorts, is what prompted Sweden, Finland, and the U.K. to investigate, do systematic reviews of the evidence, and slam on the breaks. No less problematic, for Janssen, is a recent finding by investigative reporters at Reuters.
 Reuters: "[D]octors and other staff at 18 gender clinics across the [U.S.] described their processes for evaluating patients. None described anything like the months-long assessments de Vries [lead author of the Dutch study] and her colleagues adopted in their research." Not only does 1 of the Dutch researchers disagree with Janssen about the applicability of their research, but American clinicians involved in this area of medicine themselves say that the Dutch protocol is not being applied here. And recall: per Janssen, this is the "best data." Setting aside the applicability problem, which is fatal to Janssen's argument, the Dutch study itself suffers from fatal weaknesses, meaning that even when applied to the intended patient population, it is very low quality evidence-based care."

The Dutch Protocol for Juvenile Transsexuals: Origins and Evidence - "It has been a quarter of a century since Dutch clinicians proposed puberty suppression as an intervention for “juvenile transsexuals,” which became the international standard for treating gender dysphoria. This paper reviews the history of this intervention and scrutinizes the evidence adduced to support it. The intervention was justified by claims that it was reversible and that it was a tool for diagnosis, but these claims are increasingly implausible. The main evidence for the Dutch protocol came from a longitudinal study of 70 adolescents who had been subjected to puberty suppression followed by cross-sex hormones and surgery. Their outcomes shortly after surgery appeared positive, except for the one patient who died, but these findings rested on a small number of observations and incommensurable measures of gender dysphoria. A replication study conducted in Britain found no improvement. While some effects of puberty suppression have been carefully studied, such as on bone density, others have been ignored, like on sexual functioning."
What Are We Doing to These Children? Response to Drescher, Clayton, and Balon Commentaries on Levine et al., 2022 - "In our paper, "Reconsidering Informed Consent for Trans-Identified Children. Adolescents, and Young Adults" (Levine. Abbruzzcsc, & Mason, 2022), we asserted that the consent process for youth gender transition is so problematic in much of the Western world that it can no longer be considered "informed.""

Argentinian man legally changes gender 'so he can retire earlier' - "An Argentinian tax worker who changed his gender on official documents after claiming to identify as female actually did it in order to retire earlier, a relative says.  Sergia Lazarovich, 60, a government worker from the northern province of Salta, applied to change her gender in June last year, having lived for decades as Sergio... Argentinian law allows any person to change their gender on identity documents to match their self-perception, without having to provide evidence of hormone treatment or gender reassignment surgery.  The law also allow women to retire on a state pension aged 60, whereas men have to wait until age 65... 'He has been working on this for more than three years and was advised by lawyers and the first plan was to make a complaint to the State citing discrimination.   'But it was an option that could have taken many years and no one could guarantee that the court would rule in his favor.'... Sergia has also never expressed an interest in living as a woman before and even made disparaging comments about gays and transsexuals, the relative claimed."
Given that women live longer this makes no sense

“People can’t change genders” insists man that believes Jesus can be a biscuit - "“We also can’t condone genital surgery,” he explained. “Unless it’s on unwitting babies.”"
Addendum: When TRAs admit that gender ideology is like religion

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