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Monday, December 26, 2022

Links - 26th December 2022 (2 - Feminism)

Radical women | HistoryExtra - "‘Something you said at the start of the conversation is really intriguing. And it's something that comes up in the foreword of your book that some of these women, I guess you could describe as early feminists, but many of them were not, they were, you know, out there fighting for things that would improve the lives of women, but they didn't quite see it that way.’
‘Some of the things, some of the opinions that they had, where you know, how inexplicable to us, or worse, deeply offensive. In terms of what's inexplicable, many working class women were opposed to birth control, which, to us, it seems obvious that birth, birth control would lessen the number of births, which would make women's lives easier, and so on and so forth. But they saw it as a middle class plots to limit the numbers of working class people and thus, to control the working class. And so they were either on religious grounds or on political grounds opposed to it. And we find that extraordinary, can't imagine anybody being actively opposed to birth control on the grounds that it would damage women. It would, you know, make it easier for men to abandon them, there would be more illegitimate births, illegitimacy at the time was a very different legal status from now’"

Female avatar sexually assaulted in Meta VR platform, campaigners say - "Campaigners say the avatar of a 21-year-old researcher was sexually assaulted in Meta's virtual reality platform Horizon Worlds.  Corporate accountability group SumOfUs, for whom the researcher works, says it shows Meta needs better plans to mitigate harms in the metaverse... SumOfUs says that virtual assaults can be intensely traumatic."
Feminists weaponising claims of sexual assault as usual

After rape in the metaverse, people are debating if online teabagging is sexual assault
Some people who had been sexually assaulted were calling this insulting

What American Feminists Can Learn From Their European Sisters - "As an American woman who lived in Germany, I want to make the case that the European feminists get feminism right and that the Americans have a lot to learn from across the pond... This question lies at the heart of the feminist debate: whether womanhood is a malleable idea that we can craft into any image we desire, or whether womanhood is a concrete mode of existence, which, given the proper liberties, can prosper and flourish. The former vision of womanhood is championed by modern American Feminism while the latter is embodied in European Feminism. The American vision assumes that there are no essential properties of womanhood (socially, emotionally, and even sometimes physically and sexually); rather, we can craft womanhood into anything we want it to be. However, European Feminism relies on the belief that there are, in fact, essential and unique properties of womanhood, and if given the freedom to prosper and flourish, the entirety of society will benefit. Having lived in both Europe and America, I can say from first-hand experience that the results of European Feminism have produced astonishing flourishing for women - I would argue even more so than what American Feminism has done... You Don’t Have To Become a Man To Have Gender Equality  First, European Feminism is utterly non-conformist: it doesn’t force you to become anyone other than the unique woman you truly are. This is the most contentious, yet most important distinction, between European and American Feminism. While American Feminism attempts to attain gender equality through conforming male and female qualities - sexually, emotionally, and socially - into a new, androgynous category, European Feminism recognizes the fundamental differences between men and women. This might seem counter-intuitive to the notion of feminism, right? ... Motherhood Should Not Be Considered Second Class to a Career... European feminists are not anti-masculinity. This goes back to the fundamental belief that men and women have distinct qualities that should be allowed to flourish equally... the American feminist notion that we can craft womanhood into whatever we desire necessarily entails that we can also craft masculinity into whatever fits our agenda. In forcing men to conform to an androgynous standard of social norms - rather than encouraging them to become the best men that they can be - is it any wonder that there is a social pushback against American Feminism?"

Meme - Mark Cassara @markcassara: "Having "fun" as an adult! *sleeping*"
Elaine Freels: "Yup.... Men can just hang out and sleep. Women's rights don't really effect them. Right ?"
Mark Cassara: "go away"
Women's rights mean men cannot sleep.

Burger King UK under fire for tweeting 'Women belong in the kitchen' on International Women's Day - "Burger King's attempt to highlight gender disparity in the restaurant industry with a provocative tweet appears to have backfired.  On Monday, which is also International Women's Day, the Twitter account for Burger King UK tweeted "Women belong in the kitchen."  In a series of subsequent threaded tweets, the fast food giant pointed out the lack of female chefs in the restaurant business.  "If they want to, of course," reads a follow-up from Burger King UK. "Yet only 20% of chefs are women. We're on a mission to change the gender ratio in the restaurant industry by empowering female employees with the opportunity to pursue a culinary career."  The chain then highlighted its new scholarship program for female employees to "pursue their culinary dreams!""
Feminists are not concerned about equality. They only want 50% representation for women in high status jobs

Meme - Eowyn: "i refuse to be a housewife and have a husband bossing me around"
Aragorn: "you'd rather be an "office wife" with an actual boss, actually telling you what to do and how to do it and when to do it and what it's worth to do it and deciding whether or not you get to keep doing it?"
Eowyn: "[visible concern as woman realizes her entire feminist upbringing was propaganda]"
Aragorn: "this is why i chose Arwen"

James Damore on Twitter - "A group of women sued Google claiming it underpays women, forcing Google to do an analysis which found that it underpays 𝙢𝙚𝙣: "likely the result of intentional efforts by Google"
Google Study to Address Wage Gap Finds Company Is Underpaying Men - "A New York Times analysis found at the time that the company paid women less than men on average, but Google countered that the analysis was flawed because it did not take into account factors like tenure, location, or job performance... As a result of the "surprising conclusion," the Times reports a disproportionate amount of the $9.7 million in additional compensation allotted to employees to address pay disparity will end up going to men.   Lauren Barbato, Google's lead analyst for pay equity, told the paper it was a "surprising trend that we didn’t expect." Ironically, the anti-male pay gap was likely the result of intentional efforts by Google to target female employees for increased discretionary funds the year prior."

Daniella Herzog on Twitter - "Join the movement! Help us #BanFathersDay - It hurts the feelings of many young children who have 2 moms! #YesAllWomen"
Can we ban Mothers Day because it hurts gay parents' feelings?

The Women Rescued from Boko Haram Who Are Returning to Their Captors | The New Yorker - "An official ban on sexual violence seems to be consistent across Boko Haram’s territory. “You are supposed to protect women,” Aminu Shagari, a Quranic scholar and former Boko Haram commander, told me. “You should not allow anyone to harm them.” However, women interviewed by Amnesty International in 2014–15 reported that Boko Haram members secretly raped them at night... Many women also told me that they were pressed into marriages and then forced to have sex with their new husbands—a form of sexual violence that Boko Haram does not recognize as a crime.

Student lash out at Brauer College assembly where boys were made to apologise to female peers - "Brauer College in the south-western Victorian town of Warrnambool held an assembly on Wednesday where boys were told to stand up in a symbolic gesture of apology to girls and women... Brauer College student Craig Daniels told the Today show the assembly was 'wrong' and should 'never have happened'... Another student named Vini said there were several girls in the assembly hall that began crying because they'd been revealed in front of everyone as having been victims."
Feminists still claim that they don't believe in male guilt

Meme - DLSU Freedom Wall: "when hes: hardworking, smart, caring, loving but short" *297 reacts - overwhelmingly laughs*
DLSU Freedom Wall: "When shes: hardworking, smart, caring, loving but overweight" *96 reacts, mostly angry*

Woman ‘humiliated’ at airport after being told to remove her jacket by security - "A woman has said she was “humiliated” by security staff at Sydney airport after they forced her to remove her jacket.  Louise Milligan, a journalist for ABC, shared details of her experience on social media, calling it “creepy”, “uncomfortable” and “embarassing”... “Have never had this happen anywhere. Man in front, in big bulky jumper, not made to change. It was embarrassing, uncomfortable, creepy.”"
Subjecting women to airport security is misogynistic
She must not travel a lot - I always get told to remove my jacket at airport security
Obviously any possible differences in treatment cannot be due to different personnel doing things differently. Similarly even truly random checks must be discriminatory - so everyone needs to be treated the same way

Maggie 🕊 on Twitter - "I can't believe modern feminism convinced women that sexualizing themselves and letting random mediocre men have sex with them is "empowering".
Patriarchy takes yet another W"

Meme - "A guy tweeted that women should never show their bodies and women are DESTROYING him by replying with lingerie pics of themselves."
"he's the smartest person l've ever met."

When must an organisation report case to police? - "Must organisations report a case of sexual violence to the police under Section 424 of the Criminal Procedure Code, even if the complainant does not want them to do so?  It was reported that the police issued a written advisory to a 64-year-old man to remind him of his reporting obligations under Section 424, unless there is a "reasonable" excuse (Police issue advisory to man for not reporting sex crime, May 7). The church then clarified that it had not made a police report because the survivors did not want to do so. It is very rare for the police to issue such advisories. Practically speaking, most organisations who work with survivors of sexual violence (including Aware's Sexual Assault Care Centre) do not report every single case to the police.  When, then, is an organisation required to make a report? Is it only in the case of minors? Does the severity of the crime and the number of alleged offences make a difference? What is the obligation when an adult survivor does not wish the organisation to make a police report?  While law enforcement has a duty to prevent and punish crime, this duty should not be the only consideration here. Reporting sexual offences without survivors' consent robs them of their agency in determining how their complaint is handled. It can thus exacerbate their feelings of powerlessness and helplessness.  Further, the prospect of an unwanted report can have the unintended effect of deterring survivors from seeking help in the first place, for fear that they may become involved in a police investigation against their wishes. It is already difficult for victims to seek help after sexual assault; concern about mandatory reporting places another barrier in their way."
Facebook - "Imagine if your best friend told you she had been sexually assaulted and wants your comfort. She doesn’t want to report to police however much you try to persuade her to. So…you go ahead and report it anyway??? Even if it involved a minor and the parents said no, you report it anyway? How to balance the need for justice and giving comfort to victims?  PS. I keep wondering about the woman who committed suicide in that ex-history teacher sex case. He molested her when she was a student and it only came to light later when she became an adult. I believe the principal made the police report."

New study finds that fewer than 6 per cent of signature electric guitars are made for female or non-binary players - "According to a new study conducted by the internet guitar database Find My Guitar, only 5.7 per cent of all signature electric guitars are made for female or non-binary guitar players.  Find My Guitar’s methodology excluded acoustic guitars and limited edition instruments. The study polled 21 leading guitar brands and reported that out of 214 signature guitars only 13 were not designed for male players.   Referencing Fender’s 2018 survey (opens in new tab) in which its research concluded that half of all all beginner and aspirational players were women, Find My Guitar (opens in new tab)’s Rachel Aguirre argued that designing signature guitars with and for women both “recognised and validated” female guitar players, helping to boost their profile and in turn provide role models for a new generation of players."
Clearly beginner and aspirational players are the ones buying signature guitars!
How do you design a guitar for a "non binary" person?

Stephen L. Miller on Twitter - "Feminine care products are in short supply in some stores, with manufacturers acknowledging consumers are frustrated."
"Putin's Tampon Shortage."
Reply: "Can you imagine the firestorm of "the war on women" if a Republican was in the White House and there was a supply shortage of feminine hygiene products?"

NeverTweet on Twitter - Nancy Pelosi: "Nearly six decades ago, President John F. Kennedy signed the Equal Pay Act, enshrining the principle of ‘equal pay for equal work’ into federal law. Today, Americans proudly commemorate this momentous step forward in the fight for workplace justice."
"wait a minute: JFK fixed this thing y'all keep bitching about 60 years ago?"

Ditto for other liberal attempts to censor everything - it's not just feminism

This lady stopped plucking her bushy eyebrows and removing her mustache in order to "weed out conservative people" from her life - "Oh also she doesn't shave her legs anymore."

#IWD2019: This International Women's Day, It's Time For Men To Shut Up - "I, for one, have always been unsure about the role of men in a feminist movement... Pretend allies aren’t just in parliaments. Women know all too well that one doesn’t have to go looking for them on social media either. For every Tweet or Facebook post on an issue that affects women, there are dozens of men who will pop up solely to contribute three words: ‘Not All Men’...   Responding to these defensive comments, which side-track the conversation away from women’s issues, takes up a lot of time and energy. I’ve mostly found myself rolling my eyes and moving on, but this year’s IWD theme has got me thinking about what it would take for these self-professed allies to make a genuine difference."
Weird. I thought it was fashionable to pretend that feminism was about gender equality, that everyone can be a feminist and that feminism helped men too
Of course, she pretends that feminists don't also get very upset when women oppose the feminist agenda, since that exposes feminism's quest to grab power and remake society, instead about being about women's rights and voices, or even gender equality
Yet more proof that allies are people who are despised for existing because of who they were born as

Forum: Ensure pregnant women are considered fairly in job recruitment - "Legislation should lay out examples of what constitutes discrimination during recruitment, and send a clear signal that candidates must be judged purely on merit. Fair consideration of pregnant candidates for a role provides much-needed employment opportunities for them, and also capitalises on their contributions to the economy."
As usual, feminists want equal pay for unequal work
Apparently someone who takes a long time off work has as much merit as someone who is working

Being a Disney princess fan may encourage progressive views on gender: study - "children who were interested in princesses at five years old were more likely to hold progressive opinions about gender roles by age 10.  Dr Coyne said she had expected to see opinions such as negative body image among the children in the follow-up study. But she found that those who watched Disney princess films and played with related toys aged five had more equal views toward women by age 10.  The first group also agreed that men should be able to show emotion more than the second group.  “Princess culture gives women key story lines where they’re the protagonist”...   Children who preferred the more independent princesses, such as Mulan and Moana, did not display less gender-stereotypical views than those whose favourite was Cinderella, she said.  “The results indicated that early engagement with princess culture was not associated with later adherence to female gender stereotypes,” the authors wrote. “However, princess engagement was associated with lower adherence to norms of hegemonic masculinity and higher body esteem.”"

Why are the biggest trolls middle-aged women? - "Dr Sheri Jacobson, retired psychotherapist and founder of Harley Therapy, thinks it may be a combination of envy, being emboldened by age and – in the most extreme cases – an insecure upbringing which might cause someone to troll on social media.   “At some point, middle-aged women get to a place where they realise that their youth isn't coming back. So when bloggers promote a lifestyle that is very much unattainable it can trigger aspects of envy and jealousy”"
Damn patriarchy!

What feminists think the gender war is: hero woman vs bad businessman vs what it really is: fat woman vs family

Meme - UN Women @UN_Women: "Let's eliminate gender roles from the start! TOYS HAVE NO GENDE"
"But you have 'Women' in your name!! Why not start with eliminating gender by renaming yourself?"

Miss France beauty pageant sued for selecting contestants based on their appearance - "Three Miss France contestants who failed to make the grade have joined a leading feminist group in suing the beauty pageant for alleged discrimination based on their appearance.  Osez-le-Féminisme (Dare to be Feminist) said it had filed a complaint with the state labour tribunal... the plaintiffs argue that the organisers - Miss France company and Endemol Production - are breaching French labour law by forcing aspiring beauty queens to be more than 1.70 metres tall, single, and "representative of beauty”.  They are under obligation not to gain weight or change hairstyle and are not allowed to have tattoos or piercings other than in their ears. Candidates must also never have been married or had children.   Several previous candidates have been eliminated for doing anything “contrary to good morals, to public order or the spirit of the contest, which is based on the values of elegance”.  The three plaintiffs, who have not been named, were excluded from recent contests for smoking in public, being too short and having posed for nude pictures. Despite decades of complaints that Miss France - which turned 100 last year - is a sexist leftover of a bygone era that reinforces gender stereotypes, it remains incredibly popular among the French and draws audiences of millions for the final national vote on top TV channel TF1 in December... France's Higher Council of Gender Equality, HCE, took aim at the contest, along with a string of reality TV shows, saying they reinforced cliches of "dominating Don Juans" and "bimbo temptresses”.  “For all our protests every year against this vehicle for sexist values, nothing changes,” said Alyssa Ahrabare, head of Dare to be Feminist. “We have decided to use the law to advance the cause of women.”  The case is likely to hinge on whether judges recognise Miss France contestants as de facto employees of the organisers and TV company.  While contestants do not sign an employment contract, a 2013 ruling along similar lines regarding a Mister France contestant appears to support the claim that organisers can still be sued for discrimination regarding "morals, age, family status or physical appearance”."
We are not far off the time when it's illegal to discriminate against stupid and lazy people

Spitting Image criticised over ‘crass and tasteless’ depiction of Jess Phillips
Feminism means you can't criticise (liberal) women

Meme - "Fight back against gender-neutral language with the most gendered language possible.
Nurse - Female Almost Doctor
Stewardess - Plane Wench
Doctor - Medicine Man
President - Presidude
Letter Carrier - Maleman
Husband - Master
Pastor - Preacher Man
Scientist - Mansplainer
Video game healer - Character Option For Girls
Manager - Boss Man
Housekeeper - Wife
Secretary - Phone-Answering Lady"

Meme Mansplain me harder, Daddy: "literally a father. mansplaining how to peel oranges. a seemingly simple task. to an approx 18y/o"
Memes: "I'm not crying. YOU'RE crying!"
Megs: "My dad has been peeling oranges for my lunch since kindergarten & on my last day of high school I got this instead
It's Time Baby Girl
How to Peel an Orange"
Apparently there's nothing wrong with an 18 year old woman not peeling her oranges - only with telling her how to do so (assuming that she must know how to do so)
Ironic given that some millennials freak out over not knowing how to boil an egg

Yes, Tennis Earnings At The Majors Are Biased. Against The Men - "the real debate isn’t whether female players can beat the men, it’s why are they making the same prize money at the sport’s elite events at a time when the fan interest gap between the men’s and women’s tours is growing...   The lack of rivalries and recognizable stars who can be counted on to go deep into the draw at majors has hurt the women’s game, as we can see in the disparity in ticket prices, television ratings, and revenue. At the French Open, tickets for the women’s final sold for one-third that of the men’s on the secondary market.  The ticket price disparity is even greater at Wimbledon, where the cheapest seat for the men’s final is going for £3,750 on Stubhub compared to just £960 for the women’s final. Stubhub and other secondary resellers also show a stubborn ticket price gap for the quarterfinal and semifinal rounds, where the men’s days go for three to four times what the women’s days are priced at.  One element of this dynamic can be attributed to the fact that women play best of three sets at the majors while the men play best of five...   That women are required to play less tennis while getting the same paychecks at the majors also gives them an opportunity to make more money in two ways. First, many more top female players compete in doubles at the majors but very few of the top men do because they need to save their energy for the best of five singles matches they play.  Women also regularly compete in warm-up tournaments in the week preceding major tournaments while most men sit the week out to preserve their energy...   The men also typically draw higher TV ratings, even in the United States, although Serena has won 17 majors since 2004 while no American man has won even one during this time span. Ratings for the men’s final at this year’s French Open on NBC were 45 percent higher than for the women (1.6 million average versus 1.1). U.S. ratings for the Federer-Nadal Australian Open final this year were 19 percent higher than for the Serena-Venus final, and more than double, 4.4 million versus 1.7 million in Australia.  The ratings gap for American audiences at this year’s Miami Open was 48 percent, while at last year’s U.S. Open it was 13 percent. Last year’s men’s Wimbledon final attracted 9.7 million viewers in the United Kingdom, with the women’s final at just 4.3 million. According to statistics compiled by the BBC, 395 million fans watched WTA Premier events on TV and online in 2015, compared with 973 million for Association of Tennis Professionals (ATP) events.  While we don’t exactly how much more money the men bring in in TV revenue, Steve Simon, the WTA’s CEO, admitted last year that the ATP makes more in TV revenue than the WTA does.   Those who advocate for equal pay for women’s tennis players can’t or won’t explain why women make far less than men in nearly every sport, save for a few of the Olympic sports. The number 100 ranked Professional Golf Association pro, Derek Fathauer, has made $686,000 this year, while his female counterpart, Becky Morgan, has made $27,000. Nneka Ogwumike, the reigning MVP of the Women’s National Basketball Association made $109,000 last year, while Lebron James made $30 million. If female tennis players deserve equal pay, why don’t female golfers, basketball, and soccer players?"

4 Feminist Lies That Are Making Women Miserable (UPDATED) - Suzanne Venker - "1. Women Don't Need Men
Biologically, women are wired to depend on men. Most women still want to be mothers, and when they do they become vulnerable. Even today, women know instinctively that they will ultimately need a man if they want to have a family and if they want the option of being home at all, if only for a period of time.  Indeed, research shows that what matters most to women—even to those who are economically independent—is knowing they have a man on whom they can rely. It’s the feeling of being safe and in good hands—yes, even financially—that matters most. That is what’s known as hypergamy, and it is alive and well in 2019.
2. Men and Women Are the Same, Or Gender Is a Social Construct
The precise moment in history when the relationship between the sexes took a nosedive is when women began to have sex like a man—casually, with no strings attached—under the guise that women are no different from men and are thus just as capable of having casual sex. From college campuses to our nation’s boardrooms, many women today have learned to pursue sex the way men often do: no commitment necessary. And they’re getting burned.  If there’s anything that proves this in spades, it’s the so-called campus rape crisis and the excesses of Me Too. For if it were true that women are “just like men” in their ability to disentangle sex and emotion, why would campus flings and office dalliances become a cause for the courts rather than a welcome ride?... Simply put, that men and women may both be capable of performing identical tasks doesn’t mean they want to do them with equal fervor. Desire matters.
3. The Biological Clock Isn’t Real
The biological clock may be politically inconvenient, but that doesn’t make it any less real. The ideal age for a woman to get pregnant is 25. Because of this, it stands to reason that men can postpone marriage longer than women can.  But we don’t tell women this. Instead, we pretend they can map out their lives with career at the center, as men do, as though they won’t hit a point in which their ability to conceive will invariably clash with a career... We lie to women, in other words. And in doing so, feminists get what they want—for women to reject maternal desire and to instead produce in the marketplace—but everyday women do not...
4. A Career Is More Meaningful Than Marriage and Children"

Toronto writer wants 'virginity' replaced with 'sexual debut' | Toronto Sun - "It’s not just replacing ‘virginity’ with a new term – it’s saying virginity is a concept that doesn’t exist, because your sexual journey never ends"

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