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Sunday, December 25, 2022

Links - 25th December 2022 (2 - Capitol Riot)

Government funding bill would give DOJ extra money for Jan. 6 prosecutions - "The package would give U.S. attorneys a budget of $2.63 billion for the coming fiscal year, a $212.1 million boost above current levels. One reason for the additional money is “to further support prosecutions related to the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol and domestic terrorism cases”"

EXC: Jan 6th Committee Producer Posted About Assaulting Trump Supporters With a Car, As AntiFa Rioted Through D.C. - "The unearthed posts from Twitter are the latest piece of evidence undercutting the alleged independent, nonpartisan efforts of the committee, as well as the hypocrisy of those now claiming to be working to expose violence towards elected officials or law enforcement. The news comes after the committee’s own chairman, Bennie Thompson, was exposed for his links to violent, secessionist movements in the 1960s and 70s.  But producer Dan Przygoda’s threats aren’t 50 or 60 years old. In fact, they appear to have been posted on the day of President Trump’s inauguration, on January 20th, 2017. On the same day, violent left-wing activists descended on Washington, D.C., burning cars, assaulting people, and smashing windows. On that day, at least 217 people were arrested. It is unclear if any of them were incited by Przygoda’s Twitter feed."

Meme - Arnold @A73389247: "Jan6 was worse than 9/11 anyone who thinks otherwise is a gop privileged white male"
"We're not gonna make it, are we? People I mean."

Meme - AlecGaldwin(HABF) @AlecBaldwin: "Let's be clear: no one deserves Rikers."
AlecGaldwin(HABF) @AlecBaldwin: "All of the Insurrectionist/Terrorists should serve their sentences in Angola, Rikers, some horrible shithole prison. Make some special arrangements. You know, to really open their eyes."

Wilfred Reilly on Twitter - "Serious question for both sides: how would the "It was an insurrection" left have reacted had diverse right-wing mobs rioted throughout summer 2020, causing $2B in damage, and killing ~30 people? Would this have been treated as more or less serious than "One Six?""

Meme - BrooklynDad_Defiant! @mmpadellan: "I am traumatized all over again while watching this video recap. Don't try to tell me January was NOT worse than These rioters were "Americans.""

Facebook - "Will Smith got in more trouble than the people who stormed The Capitol."
Imagine believing this

Scott Adams on Twitter - "Harvard Study: Only 8% of Capitol Rioters Wanted 'Insurrection'. Many believed they were defending democracy from 'imminent, existential danger'"
"I like it when a Harvard Study tells you what I already told you."

NYT writer praises Sri Lanka presidential palace takeover as ‘much more peaceful’ compared to Jan. 6 riot - "New York Times writer German Lopez interviewed colleague Emily Schmall about Sri Lanka protesters' takeover of their country's presidential palace in a newsletter published Sunday. During the interview, Lopez compared the Sri Lanka riot to the January 6 riot. The interview also highlighted root causes of the Sri Lanka protests, but neglected to mention the country banning chemical fertilizers... The New York Times newsletter did not mention that the Sri Lankan government had also banned chemical fertilizers which environmentalists had blamed for water pollution... Because of this, Schmall argued, the protesters intruded the palace. "But the protesters didn’t ransack the place. They started inviting the public to come in, but in an orderly fashion," she said. "After about 24 hours, a gleefulness overtook the place, and some people swam in the president’s pool."   "They’d done it: They had forced this extremely powerful president — who was accused of war crimes, who was feared — to leave his own home and even the country. But they did it peacefully, without taking up arms," she said. She described these events as "a very Sri Lankan sort of revolution" that was "relatively low-key and polite."   "I can’t help but compare this to the insurrection at the U.S. Capitol. This seemed much more peaceful," Lopez remarked... Some, such as comedian Tim Young, slammed The Times for the comparison. "YOU CAN’T MAKE THIS UP! The New York Times says that Sri Lankans forcefully overthrowing their government was ‘much more peaceful’ than January 6. And I bet they still wonder why they're called Fake News…""
Maybe the Capitol Riot should have actually "succeeded" in the alleged attempt to change the the government

Saagar Enjeti: Former SEC Commissioner Likens Redditors To CAPITOL RIOTERS For Destroying Hedge Fund - YouTube

Trump is embracing a dangerous racist conspiracy theory about Ashli Babbitt’s death
Officer who shot Ashli Babbitt during Capitol riot breaks silence: 'I saved countless lives'
Bizarrely, contesting vote counts in counties with more black people is somehow the same as claiming that "Black voters in particular were behind the “fraud.”"
Given the left's obsession with the race of those who kill "minorities", it's no surprise they were projecting (together with all the other usual nonsensical claims). The article slimes Marjorie Taylor Greene and Tucker Carlson even though it doesn't even try to quote mine them to prove racism. And so much for it being a conspiracy theory that he was black

Thread by @ByronYork on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "Just watched NYT video on Capitol riot--twice, once without sound, once with. Prefer without narration. In any event, a valuable compilation and timeline. A few thoughts:
1) Proud Boys did incite in a couple of places, notably Pezzola's initial breach, but overall there has been too much emphasis on them and Oath Keepers. The crowd that surged toward the Capitol was large, amorphous, and mostly un-led.
2) On the minority of Trump rally-goers who ended up inside the Capitol: Whenever they got where they were going, they didn't appear to know what to do then. Mostly milled around, took selfies, and yelled about being inside the Capitol. Then left.
3) The lack of preparation by Capitol Police was even worse then you think. Grossly irresponsible on part of leadership. Also puts killing of Ashli Babbitt in better context.
4) Babbitt aside, police showed incredible restraint in not using firearms against the most aggressive elements of the crowd. Undoubtedly kept situation from becoming much, much worse.
5) On other hand, the riot was dispersed after arrival of more heavily armed, better armored law enforcement. The way to end it was to show force. End."

Incitement Frenzy Carries Free Speech Risks on All Sides - "To "incite" is to encourage a person to commit a crime. No perusal of Trump's remarks that morning can find any explicit encouragement of lawless behavior. But in order to bolster an article of impeachment, the president's accusers say we no longer need an actual, clear call to illegal action. They point to the sharpness of the rhetoric and the frustrations of Trump's base, claiming he must have foreseen the riots... Consider the infamous words of California representative Maxine Waters from the summer of 2018, when she issued recommendations to followers regarding members of the Trump administration: "If you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them and you tell them they're not welcome." Rep. Waters remained a free woman in the days following what looked—to my untrained eye—like a directive to greet political opponents with public verbal assault at the very least. One wonders whether, if someone had punched a cabinet secretary the following day, Waters' Democratic colleagues would insist on the same definition of "incitement" that they do today. No such attack occurred. But the congressional baseball shooting did, a year earlier, when a Bernie Sanders devotee sought to assassinate as many Republicans as he could on a baseball practice field. Sanders has never been shy in his condemnation of conservatives (and Trump in particular) as racist, sexist homophobes whose policies are catastrophic for the poor and the planet. But was there ever a wave of sentiment claiming the blood of that shooting was on Sanders' hands? There was not, because we used to have a grasp on the difference between words and actions. We used to hold actual criminals responsible for their actual crimes rather than launch into a retroactive scapegoating rodeo, searching for anything anyone might have said in a search for possible accomplices. In this time of heightened passions on various issues across the political spectrum, we need to rediscover the intellectual discipline to discern what does and does not amount to incitement. Protesters who set various American cities ablaze over the summer were surely aware of claims by athletes and Hollywood stars proclaiming that police are indiscriminately gunning for the nation's black citizens. Were those celebrities also guilty of incitement?"
Any criticism of Jews that happens to resemble historical "stereotypes" is anti-Semitic and so these criticisms are not kosher - so journalists and bankers are immune to criticism. But criticism of the right that is the same as what motivated a shooting is fine

Former US Treasury Secretary Larry Summers says Republicans who dismiss Jan. 6 attack risk worsening inflation - "Former US Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers argued that Republicans who reject the severity of the Jan. 6 attack risk worsening inflation.  "If I can step out of my area for one second, I think the banana Republicans who are saying that what happened on Jan. 6 was nothing, or OK, are undermining the basic credibility of our country's institutions — and that in turn feeds through for inflation""
Oh boy. There's nothing wrong with letting cities burn or trying to assassinate Supreme Court Justices, of course, since BLM and abortion are liberal causes

Attack on Capitol was a victory for white supremacy — can Joe Biden rise to the challenge?
Anything liberals don't like is "white supremacy". Of course they don't even pretend to try to provide evidence for the claim

Auron MacIntyre on Twitter - "Two years ago.  Rioters in DC tear down barricades outside the White House.  Over 50 Secret Service agents were injured."
"America is an anarchotyranny where the right to assembly and even political violence is granted based on political affiliation"

Auron MacIntyre on Twitter - "The FBI arrests @RealPNavarro for not complying w/ the sham J6 committee but couldn’t be bothered to arrest antifa as they lit our cites on fire.   The FBI is the pretorian gaurd of the left, protecting the regime from political rivals.   We must bring the FBI to heel."
"Law enforcement in the US is now an entirely political exercise Comparing it to a banana republic is an insult to banana republics who are at the very least able to arrest rioters"

Nigel Farage warns Democrats: If you 'martyr' Donald Trump what follows 'could be very sinister indeed' - ""If you take Trump out of the picture, you silence him completely. Then there is a real danger that somebody who is genuinely demagogic comes along."  "And  you know, honestly better the devil you know, in this situation, because it is a very dangerous situation in the USA right now.""

The Supreme Court denies Trump's bid to block release of records to Jan. 6 panel
This won't stop liberals from claiming that 6 of them are Trump's judges

The Mob on the Hill Was Far From a Coup - WSJ - "The usual purpose of mobilizing a mass of people and deploying their sheer momentum against the edifices of power, a royal or presidential palace, or a parliament is to seize power—through the act of seizing that iconic building. But that is logically impossible when the ruler is not the enemy to be replaced but rather the intended beneficiary of the insurrection.  What happened was certainly not an attempted coup d’état, either. Coups must be subterranean, silent conspiracies that emerge only when the executors move into the seats of power to start issuing orders as the new government. A very large, very noisy and colorful gathering cannot attempt a coup. There have been quite a few cases around the world of what is best described as mass intimidation directed against parliaments. But in all such cases it was some specific law that was wanted or not wanted, which legislators under the gun might then vote for or against. For that to happen, the legislators have to be all gathered in the legislature and kept there to be coerced... Given all these exclusions, only one description remains: a venting of accumulated resentments... Overwrought talk of a coup attempt or an insurrectional threat seems to induce a pleasurable shiver in some people. But on Wall Street the market was supremely unimpressed: Stocks went up, because investors know it will all be over in two weeks."

The Independent retracts claims that Andy Ngo associated with Nazis and supported Capitol riot

The coup was in Silicon Valley - "A handful of unelected, billionaire, elites in Silicon Valley took it upon themselves to decide that they alone have a right to control the exchange of information between 330,000,000 American citizens, including the current sitting president of the United States of America.  You do not need to like the president to find this behavior alarming. Was it not just a few years ago that we learned Mark Zuckerberg called us all "dumb f*cks" when he thought we can't hear him? To give this man the control over the free exchange of ideas is to jump from an orange strongman to a pale one."

In Brilliant 4D Chess Move, Trump Tricks Media Into Condemning Riots | The Babylon Bee - "President Trump, whose genius is only surpassed by his incredible stability, has pulled one over on the mainstream media once again. In a brilliant move that only he could've come up with, he has tricked the media into condemning riots by starting one himself.  To add to the genius of this move, sources say, Trump didn't even start the riot. Instead, he talked in a secret, complex code that only Q-people can understand, telling them to invade the Capitol without even telling them to invade the Capitol."

Biden Admin Arrests Journalist Who Recorded Ashli Babbitt Murder As DOJ Hides Identity Of Shooter - "Video footage of Babbitt’s killing was seen around the world, documenting the tragic incident, and one journalist who filmed the “clearest” footage was Samuel Montoya, a video journalist from Texas. Montoya, however, was arrested by federal agents on Wednesday morning, and charged with four counts, including “interfering with government business,” and “disorderly and disruptive conduct in a Capitol Building.”"

Horned D.C. protester appears in AZ court, refuses to eat in detention - "The 33-year-old QAnon conspiracy theorist was a frequent participant in pro-Trump rallies in Phoenix in recent months. He often appeared in a costume of horns, fur headdress, and tan pants with no shirt... The public defender told Judge Deborah Fine in court Monday that Chansley was on an extremely restrictive diet, perhaps for religious reasons, and had not eaten since he was taken into custody... "We will abide by the judge's order," David Gonzales, U.S. Marshal for the District of Arizona, told ABC15 Monday evening. Gonzales added that Chansley will be provided food in line with a shaman's strict organic diet."

Cathy Young 🇺🇦 on Twitter - "White women, too, often get a softer side of law enforcement handling. Several white women who were part of the Capitol insurrection on January 6 could be seen on video being peacefully escorted down the steps of the Capitol building amid the chaos"
"This is pretty incredible considering that .... the only person shot by law enforcement on Jan 6 was ... help me out again, who?"

Meme - BrooklynDad_Defiant!: "Talk of impeachment is NOT enough. This election was STOLEN. That means Pence would ALSO be illegitimate 2 succeed trump. #VoidTheElection"
BrooklynDad_Defiant! @mmpadellan: "A full year after January and we still haven't seen most Republicans repudiate the Big Lie that threatens our democracy. They are COWARDS."

Facebook - "What dangerous weapons did the "armed insurrectionists" carry at the 6 Jan riot to allegedly bring down the US government?
82 out of 670 arrested were allegedly armed.
Highlights (some carried more than 1 weapon):
6 with possession (not use) of knives.
5 with Taser or stun gun.
3 with axe.
4 with baseball bat.
7 with crutch (or crutches? Double the danger when dual wielded!)
11 with a baton of some sort.
13 with pepper or other irritant spray.
19 with having a pole (usually a pole for the flags they carried).
8 with having a shield (several of them police shields they apparently took at the scene)
2 with walking sticks
1 with desk drawer
And 5 with possession (not use) of firearms, including 1 who arrived after the riot was over, and 1 who was a DEA agent who resigned and was on leave, but was still carrying his DEA badge and issued firearm. Such danger, much scary, many domestic terrorism. Truly, they were so heavily armed that they had a realistic chance of overthrowing the US government indeed*!
*especially desk drawer guy."

Uncle Herb’s Nightowls | Written by Candace Owens | Facebook - "Now that the FBI has announced publicly that the “insurgency” at the U.S. Capitol was a pre-planned attack, ALL MEMBERS of CONGRESS,(all Democrats & some Republicans), that took part In that sham of an impeachment yesterday owe President Trump & his family, 75 million Patriotic supporters and really all of America a MASSIVE APOLOGY!... Pelosi and others apparently knew in advance of the “attack”and It appears that this “insurgence” and the tragic events that followed were used by Pelosi & others as just one more last-ditch attempt by DC Democrats to damage President Trump’s name & legacy!"

The Meme Policeman - Posts | Facebook - "A story in 4 memes:
They really thought this was going to be a big, violent event. When it didn’t materialize, and actual participants were outnumbered by eager media and federal agents, they couldn’t process why they fell for their own bs hysteria so instead came up with some interesting spin"
BrooklynDad_Defiant! @mmpadellan: "I'm sure I probably don't need to say this, but just in case:  STAY FAR AWAY from the pro-trump Big Lie March happening in DC tomorrow, September 18. Please. They are looking for violence.  PASS IT ON."
scottdworkin: "Just to be clear the hate rally in DC today is a Republican event, just like the insurrection was. They own this."
"Only 200 or so people showed up for the "Justice for J6" domestic terrorist rally near the Capitol. A total flop!"
"I just want to say thank you to our brave capitol police officers who intimidated Trump supporters into not even bothering to show up to today's rally. This time, the president didn't stand in their way of protecting the building. America appreciates y'all!"

Tucker Carlson suggests undercover FBI agents may have orchestrated Capitol riot
CSPAN on Twitter - ".@SenTedCruz: "Did any FBI agents or confidential informants actively participate in the events of January 6th? Yes or no?"
FBI's Jill Sanborn: "I can't answer that.""
So much for that "conspiracy theory"

CBS Hides Poll Showing Majority Believe J6 a Protest 'Too Far' - "CBS News has been taking flack for burying a YouGov poll showing a majority of Americans believe the January 6 Capitol Hill riot resulted from a “protest that went too far” rather than a coordinated insurrection...   The poll further showed there was a bipartisan consensus among those who believed the January 6 riot was “a protest that went too far” – 80 percent of Republicans, 69 percent of Democrats, and 80 percent of Independents.  However, the graphic shared by CBS News displayed only the other options, leaving out the majority opinions... As the Democrats grandstanded throughout the anniversary of January 6, with Vice President Kamala Harris equating the day with Pearl Harbor, Breitbart News’ John Nolte highlighted how the establishment media has tried (and failed) to gaslight Americans into buying the insurrection talking point"

Jayapal: Republicans Denying Capitol Riot Is 'Biggest Threat to Our National Security'
So much for Russia, China or Islamist terrorism

Michael Tracey on Twitter - "Trump doesn’t have the concentration, discipline, organizational capacity, or ideological coherence to organize an actual “coup” attempt. A bunch of morons storming the Capitol with no apparent plan to accomplish anything is actually a pretty good representation of that"

Michael Tracey on Twitter - "Do people know what a “coup” is? A bunch of clowns temporarily disrupting Congress, while certainly unusual, is not going to overthrow the government"

Feds tells us that after a “thorough investigation" which we can't see, question, or know anything about, charges won't be filed against the officer who shot and killed Ashli Babbitt January 6. - "the totally transparent investigation is missing one curious detail. The hero officer's name.  Interesting, since we seem to know an awful lot about Kim Potter, the police officer accused of shooting and killing Daunte Wright in Minnesota earlier this week... But that's totally different. Potter appears to have accidentally shot an unarmed man while the unnamed hero Capitol police officer deliberately shot an unarmed woman... Just for fun, let's imagine Babbitt was a black unarmed BLM protester shot by a white Capitol police officer instead of a white MAGA protestor shot by a black Capitol police officer."

The Slope Gets More Slippery As You Expect Content Moderation To Happen At The Infrastructure Layer - "By denying cloud hosting services, Amazon is essentially taking Parler offline and denying its ability to operate, unless the platform can find another hosting service. This might be seen as a good thing, prima facie; at the end of the day, who wants such content to even exist, let alone circulate online? But, it does send a quite dangerous message: as infrastructure intermediaries can take action that cuts the problem from its root (i.e., getting a service completely offline), regulators might start looking at them to “police” the Internet. In such a scenario, infrastructure intermediaries would have to deploy content-blocking measures, including IP and protocol-based blocking, deep packet inspection (i.e., viewing content of “packets” as they move across the network), and URL and DNS-based blocking. Such measures ‘over-block’, imposing collateral damage on legal content and communications. They also interfere with the functioning of critical Internet systems, including the DNS, and compromise Internet security, integrity, and performance"

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