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Thursday, December 15, 2022

Links - 15th December 2022 (1 - Trans Mania)

'Misgendering' incident plunges Green Party of Canada into renewed turmoil - "Just one year after its partial meltdown during the 2021 federal election, the Green Party of Canada is once again in crisis over an incident of “misgendering.” It all started at a Sept. 3 media event in Vancouver kicking off the party’s leadership contest. In a Zoom appearance, Interim Leader Amita Kuttner was identified using a caption bearing the pronouns “she/elle.” Kuttner, 32, identifies as non-binary and pansexual (attracted to all genders and orientations), and goes by they/them pronouns. In a subsequent statement, Kuttner slammed the “misgendering,” saying the incident “made me feel hurt and isolated” and hinted that it was “reflective of a larger pattern of behaviours that a few in the party are perpetuating.”  The statement added, “in moments like these I wonder — how can I ensure other people’s safety if I can’t even ensure my own?”  Kuttner’s statement was followed by a joint letter — signed by leadership candidates as well as the party’s two MPs, Elizabeth May and Mike Morrice — calling for a “restorative process” to root out “harassment” within the Greens... Green Party President Lorraine Rekmans was the first to resign. A volunteer who estimated that she has worked 40-hour weeks for the past year on party business, Rekmans implied in a Saturday resignation letter that leadership candidates were subtly blaming her for the “she/elle” mistake... Krystal Brooks, the Ontario representative to the party’s federal council, also resigned. In a lengthy Sunday Facebook post, Brooks criticized the party for continuing its leadership race even while candidates were calling for an investigation into “systemic” harm within the party. The contest should have been postponed “pending the investigation”... Notably, both resignees are Indigenous, with Rekmans having been celebrated only 12 months ago as “the first Indigenous woman to be president of a national political party in Canada.” Amidst all this, Kuttner launched a fundraiser last Wednesday intending to spite Jonathan Kay, an editor with Quillette and occasional National Post columnist. Kay had tweeted that the misgendering controversy sounded “exactly like satire,” prompting Kuttner to ask supporters to donate $68,000 to counter Kay’s “hate.”  As of press time, the fundraiser has pulled in $226.69, $10 of which was donated by Kay himself.   The whole misgendering fracas is occurring as the party struggles to recover from its disastrous performance in the 2021 federal election.  Several months before the election, then-leader Annamie Paul had gone public with accusations that she had been repeatedly subjected to “anti-Semitic” and “racist” attacks from within the party (Paul is Jewish and Black). Paul then limited her campaign almost exclusively to her personal bid for a seat in Toronto Centre. She would ultimately win just 3,921 votes, putting her in a distant fourth place behind the NDP, the Conservatives and the victorious Liberal candidate (who won 23,000 votes).  Paul would later deem her leadership as the “worst period of my life.”  Although the Green Party retained both of its MPs, its share of the popular vote dropped off a cliff in the 2021 vote. In 2019, under May, 1.2 million Canadians had cast Green ballots. Under Paul, that was down to just 400,000 — the party’s worst showing since 2000."
When you're not a serious party

Meme - "White left wingers: Misgendering is literal violence.
Also white left wingers: *Forever refer to Mexicans as Latinx despite literally all of them hating it*"

A.I.D.S. (Awesome Intelligent Dickbutt Sensation) ANAL FISSURE (Super #epic!)
The dishonesty of liberals objecting to "grooming"/sexually explicit [sex] education by claiming it's already being done and no one has a problem with it. This also applies to liberals who claim that if you're against promoting sexuality and gender ideology to kids, you're a hypocritical bigot X-phobe since society "promotes" heterosexuality

Meme - "If you applaud feminine cis men... you'd better support feminine trans men"
""A feminine trans man." So, a female, that wants to be a male, that looks like a female?"

Meme - "If using the wrong pronouns is an act of violence, what do you call erasing an entire vocabulary to describe women."

Meme - "And then these ppl write posts about not being validated or unable to find partners"
"Good! Watch what you're saying"
"I will keep my curiosity to myself"
"Even better!"

Meme - "Yo ok what if there was a Cinderella story where Cinderella is a trans woman and that's really why her stepmom treats her like shit and won't let her go to the ball and when the prince and his men come around looking to try the slipper on every woman in the land her stepmom tells the prince there aren't any women left in the house because she insists that Cinderella is a man, but Cinderella comes out and the prince recognizes her and says something along the lines of "well I'd say that's a woman if I ever saw one""
"That would explain the shoe size not being common among women as well."
"love when LGBT+/MOGAI headcanons actually make more sense than conventional canon."
The narcissism is amazing. And MOGAI is even more ridiculous than the usual acronyms (but at least, presumably, it won't keep expanding)

Thread by @iandprior on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "Virginia Democrats to introduce legislation that would allow parents who don’t affirm their child’s “gender identity” to be criminally prosecuted. @NickMinock  is reporting that @guzman4virginia  is leading the charge to “expand the definition of child abuse to include parents that do not affirm their child’s gender identity.” @guzman4virginia said that there would be a CPS investigation and “it could be a felony, it could be a misdemeanor, but we know that a CPS charge could harm your employment.”"
Auron MacIntyre on Twitter - "Slippery slope remains the undefeated champion. This was always the inevitable destination, the natural conclusion of the ideology was always destined to take us here From "how does it affect your marriage" to "the state will take your child if you don't agree to mutilate them" in under a decade"

Orietta Rose 🇺🇲 on Twitter - "Not long ago they wanted to abolish boy/girl toy aisles & clothing sections because "gender is a social construct". So what's gender affirming care then? Affirming "feeling" like a boy or girl, based on those socially constructed stereotypes."
MelloVox on Twitter - "I get the feeling that the goal is to systematically strip away your long standing principles, morals and ethics."
Thou Mayest on Twitter - "Agreed. I think fundamentally it's about driving a wedge between child-parent and a destruction of the nucleur family. Mao's red army 2, commie kid boogaloo"


Meme - "I am looking for a room. Budget: $600 for rent and $100 for utilities
About me: You can call me Onyx. I am a non-binary dragon who seeks a den. I am 19 years old, trying to move out of my parent's house. I adore all sorts of animals, especially the ones deemed "creepy or ugly." I collect rocks and add them to my "hoarde" of treasure. I love photographing mushrooms and plants. I am an artist. I sometimes do modeling and create characters like in movies like Toy Story and Frozen as a hobby. I also like to use pastels. On top of being an artist, I also am a singer and I write I practice magick and I am exploring pagan beliefs. have an eclectic world-view. I self-identify as a dragon. Sometimes I will mentally turn into more of a dragon. When that happens, please be patient and don't force me to speak because when I am like that, I am almost non-verbal. Also, I am plural. What does plural mean? Well, it means you have more than one person in the same body. You have probably heard of Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID). It is on the plural spectrum. I don't have DID but I am plural. My active headmates (they share the body with me) are Reggi, Tyrene, Jackson, Michael, and Ells. Elia is non-binary and the rest are trans guys."

Meme - "TechCrunch: 'Gaming disorder' is officially recognized by the World Health Organization
JEZEBEL: "World Health Organization Finally Stops Classifying Trans People as Mentally III""

Meme - "Dad thinks LGBTQ+ is a cult. WTF? Hello everyone, I'm an almost 20 years old Italian trans girl who cracked around a year ago. I'm not really secretive about my gender identity but I'm not out to everyone either. I guess I'm socially transitioning?  Anyways, my parents are sending me to various therapists in the hope they "fix" me (they won't say it but yeah, that's their goal), which is really funny when the therapists tell them there's nothing to fix.  2 days ago I was just coming out of one such appointments, and the therapist (first time I saw him) was very nice and suggested the idea of talking with my dad as he's usually the most understanding of my parents. So in the car I do talk with him and it turns out he thinks LGBTQ+ is a Scientology-like cult because he has been on websites (didn't tell me which) and the "marketing strategy" is very similar. The thing he insisted the most about was that "both [LGBTQ+ and Scientology] will tell you that others are going to hate them or tell them they're wrong and to not listen to them because they are not believers".  I was baffled, I never heard anything remotely close to this, not even from bigots. After some confusion I asked him if he thought I was brainwashed to which he answered yes. I also told him that I had never heard this comparison before and he said something like "those who oppose the DDL Zan [law that protected vulnerable minorities, including LGBTQ+, that has been repelled earlier this month] say that". I can't even.  I am still confused and hurt. I don't really know what to do or what kind of help to ask.  My dad is the more stable of my parents (so just imagine how's my mum) and I'd hate to lose him completely."

Meme - "I'm going to explain to you why Peterson is right to not use your preferred pronouns. I understand that for people suffering with gender dysphoria, using pronouns that signify traditional gender stereotypes (he, her, she, him) can contribute to that dysphoria. I am aware of that and sensitive to that (based on what my trans-friends and acquaintances have told me). Nevertheless, it is still ludicrous to ask the vast majority of the human population that are not trans to change their common parlance in order for you to not suffer this dysphoria. Why? Let me speak from my own experience as somebody with Asperger's syndrome. Some of the problems I encounter include having a sensitivity to loud noises, not understanding sarcasm and linguistic cues, and not being able to look people in the eye. These things have made it difficult for me to get jobs and get along with other people. If people, plus the world around me, were to change the way they interact with me to benefit my existence, that would be helpful, sure. If they don't, that doesn't make them disrespectful, bad people. It doesn't mean they hate people with autism. Sometimes people with autism don't fit as well into certain societal but do in others. Now... If I were to go around telling normal people to change their normative way of life... to keep things quiet, to change the way they speak, and to change their work dynamics to suit my issues... and if they don't, call them a prejudiced, ignorant, terrible person... that wouldn't make me a socially conscious, moral person. That would make me a cunt."
Too bad trans people are more important than autistic people to SJWs

Transgender youth: My daughter needs mental health care — not hormones - "In April 2016, my then 14-year-old daughter became convinced that she was my son. In my attempt to help her, her public school undermined me every step of the way.  Throughout my daughter’s childhood, there were no signs that she wanted to be a boy... The only difficulty she had was forming and maintaining friendships. We later learned why: She was on the autism spectrum... At her high school, my daughter was approached by a girl who had recently come out at school as transgender. Shortly after meeting her, my daughter declared that she, too, was a boy trapped in a girl’s body and picked out a new masculine name. She first came out as transgender to her school, and when she announced that she was a boy, the faculty and staff — who had full knowledge of her mental health challenges — affirmed her. Without telling me or my wife, they referred to her by her new name. They treated my daughter as if she were a boy, using male pronouns and giving her access to a gender neutral restroom... the ACLU has sent threatening letters to schools stating that it is against the law to disclose a student’s gender identity, even to their parents. But this letter appears to misunderstand federal law. The federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act requires that schools allow parents to “inspect and review” their child’s education records as long as the child is under 18. My daughter told me that the school social worker was advising her about halfway houses because he thought we did not support her. The social worker confirmed this when I scheduled a meeting with him to discuss it. This felt like a horrifying attempt to encourage our daughter to run away from home. We had our daughter evaluated by a psychologist approved by the school district. He told us that it was very clear that our daughter’s sudden transgender identity was driven by her underlying mental health conditions, but would only share his thoughts off the record because he feared the potential backlash he would receive. In the report he submitted to us and the school, he did not include these concerns that he would only share in person. In my attempts over the past several years to get help for my daughter, what I have learned has shocked me.  The National Education Association has partnered with the Human Rights Campaign and other groups to produce materials advocating automatic affirmation of identities, name changes and pronouns, regardless of parents’ concerns. In 18 states and the District of Columbia, including in my home state of Illinois, there are “conversion therapy” bans, which prevent therapists from questioning a child’s gender identity. No wonder my daughter’s therapist would only speak to me off the record. Some agencies, like the New Jersey Department of Education, warn school districts to “be mindful of disputes” between children and their parents over gender identity. The department's “Transgender Student Guidance” document refers educators to the state’s "Child Abuse, Neglect, and Missing Children" webpage, suggesting that school staff might be encouraged to report parents if they disagree with their child transitioning."
And this was in 2016, too

Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon, Gary Alter, MD, Performs Gender Reassignment Surgery on Youngest Transsexual Patient in the United States - "Successful Sex Change on 16-year-old transgender Male-to-Female teen by using scrotal expander to avoid flank grafts and large linear scars."
From 2014.
Weird. I thought this never happened. But it turns out it's not just mastectomies. Minors keep being mutilated while we're told it enver happens

Trainee doctors told not to quiz patients on transgender status - "Trainee doctors are being taught to unquestioningly accept patients are transgender if they self-identify as such, potentially leading to body changes they may regret.  Three-quarters of UK medical schools have signed up to a charter issued by The Association of LGBTQ+ Doctors & Dentists (Gladd) which promotes that trainee medics should be taught to ‘respect and affirm’ patients who say they are transgender, rather than explore other issues they may have... Thirty-three out of 43 medical schools have signed up to the Gladd charter, which equates questioning someone’s gender identity with quack ‘conversion therapy’ which seeks to ‘cure’ people of homosexuality. The charter says medical schools should ‘work with LGBTQ+ patients to respect and affirm their gender and/or sexual identity’. Gladd’s trans rep is Dr Katie McDowell, a trustee of charity Mermaids which allegedly sent breast binders to children behind parents’ backs and promoted puberty blockers to teens as safe and ‘reversible’.  Jane Galloway from Transgender Trend accused medical schools of ‘falling into a trap’ set by Mermaids.  She warned: ‘This means doctors will not be able to properly explore if a child has gender dysphoria, autism or something else.’ Figures from Tavistock clinic said 48 per cent of children treated there between 2011 and 2018 displayed autistic behaviour. Other studies found a quarter of youngsters at transgender clinics may be autistic. There are also fears many who say they are trans may be struggling to come out as gay."

Transgender schools guidance says discussing women's rights could be offensive - "Teachers who discuss sex-based women’s rights with transgender colleagues would be considered “transphobic” under a policy proposed by members of Britain’s largest teaching union.  The National Education Union’s trans and non-binary network has proposed that anyone who expects trans people “to participate in discussion or debate about their rights and/or identities” is transphobic. The draft proposal of a transphobia definition, seen by The Telegraph, also cited “propagating ideas, concepts and misinformation harmful to trans people and which erase and ignore trans history, such as trans as an ideology or contagion”, as an example of transphobic behaviour.  The policy neither outlined what it meant by “trans history”, nor what “ideas, concepts and misinformation” would be considered harmful to trans people...   A whistleblower close to the teaching union told The Telegraph: “I am extremely worried by this. I’m from a Left-wing background and I hate this nonsense.  “We need free speech. Women need safe spaces. If this definition is accepted, anyone who says ‘You can’t logically self-identify as the opposite sex’, you’ll be a transphobe.”   The source added: “I think it will mean that teachers will be too scared to speak up in schools and they will go along with the NEU policy.”...   Toby Young, the founder of the Free Speech Union, said that the NEU trans network was planning to redefine transphobia “in such broad terms that any criticism of gender identity ideology – or the agenda of trans rights activists – would be deemed ‘transphobic’.”"
Of course, not involving trans people is also transphobic. So the only non transphobic thing to do is shut up and accept everything TRAs demand

In The Genital Mutilation Market, Business Is Booming - "I’m so used to reading about “top surgeries,” “bottom surgeries,” and sterilized teenagers that I fear I’m growing jaded. Honestly, that’s a risk. But even I wasn’t prepared for the report on the “sex reassignment surgery” market just released by Grand View Research.   The U.S. market for such surgeries, we are told, “was valued at USD 1.9 billion in 2021 and is expected to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 11.23% from 2022 to 2030.” At that rate, the market revenue will grow to $5 billion at the end of this decade. Business is booming because of “rising incidences of gender dysphoria and the increasing number of people opting for gender confirmation surgeries.”  The report offers no commentary or explanation for this surprising fact... insurers such as “Aetna and Unicare provide insurance for necessary surgical procedures, such as salpingo-oophorectomy, hysterectomy, orchiectomy, or ovariectomy.”  It’s a stretch to call the removal of healthy penises, ovaries, testicles, fallopian tubes, and uteruses “necessary.” But in cutting-edge medicine, I presume one must expect some stretching of semantics.   And then there are the Medicaid dollars. “In the U.S.,” the report notes, “around 152,000 transgender individuals are enrolled in Medicaid and only 69,000 among them have access to gender-affirming care coverage under state law.”  That hinders growth in this market segment. But how long can such hold-out states resist joining the right side of history? And how long can they hold out against the “government support” which “is also driving the market”?... Simply cutting out a uterus, or cutting off a penis, may only generate revenue once. These tend to be one-and-done operations. But constructing a simulacrum of a penis and attaching it to a woman involves the rerouting of blood vessels, skin, urethra, and nerves. This is far from simple. The initial surgery can take many hours. The follow-up for complications, infections, and maintenance can stretch out for years...   And this is to say nothing of the life-long need for cross-sex hormones. You see, even after a woman has had her breasts, uterus, and fallopian tubes removed, and the skin, nerves, and muscle from her forearm stripped and refashioned in a neo-penis, every cell of her body is going to go right on thinking it’s female. That’s hard on the patient, but if she lives to be 70 or 80, can you imagine the revenue from exogenous testosterone alone? How did this financial research firm miss this part of the story?  But even as it is, this clinical market analysis applied to teenage castration and sterilization is deeply disturbing"

Meme - "Men pretend to be women. *Happy*
Kids pretend to be Indians on Halloween. *Upset*"

Meme - Frances Weetman @francesweetman: "As a uterus owner who is enduring bad cramps right now, can I just say that the male people pretending they have this pain when they don't have a uterus please stop"
MightMel @Melbelle2300: "Biological appropriation"
Jamie NicWonderbar @jamieelisefoto3: "biological purity is a fascist myth"
Frances Weetman on Twitter - "it's fascist to say that people with uteruses have periods, everyone! I'm so so sorry for any harm I may have caused. I'm taking some time out to denounce myself again"

The tide is finally turning on the trans lobby - "MSPs have backed new legislation that would grant 16-year-olds the right to apply for a Gender Recognition Certificate (GRC) without an official diagnosis of gender dysphoria. The plans also cut the time an individual has to live in their “acquired gender” from two years to three months before making an application. Soon, it might well take a man in Scotland more time to apply for a passport than to claim to be a woman, with all the allowances it subsequently provides, such as entering a woman’s space. No proof is required, let alone surgery or hormones – just a transgenderish feeling will do, even for a confused teenager. Presumably we can all now look forward to Holyrood passing a law allowing people to self-identify as teapots or even hamsters provided they’ve dressed like one for 12 weeks. (It’s not as lunatic as it sounds; I recently heard the tale of a school allowing one of its pupils to self-identify as a cat.) Naturally, J K Rowling has once again been pilloried online for daring to point out that this is a bonkers idea that will harm the most vulnerable women in society...   The activists of For Women Scotland, who gathered outside Holyrood in protest, state on their website “that there are only two sexes, that a person’s sex is not a choice, nor can it be changed”. It is, of course, laughable that such a basic statement of biological fact should now be viewed as so controversial. But such is the state of affairs.  These activists, and Rowling, aren’t just standing in solidarity with the women of Scotland but the people of Scotland who, it seems, can no longer rely on the politicians who claim to represent them. For this biology-defying Bill was supported not just by the SNP, but also by Labour and Green MSPs too. This is despite the fact that a survey conducted by the Scottish Parliament’s equalities, human rights and civil justice committee showed the majority of respondents opposed the legislation. If the SNP had that level of support in an independence referendum, it would be rebuilding Hadrian’s Wall before you could sing Loch Lomond – but of course the Nats only take seriously the survey results they agree with... The closure of the Tavistock transgender clinic is a prime example of how the tide has turned...   Attention then rightly turned to organisations like Stonewall and Mermaids, which have spent recent years gaining what Rowling has described as “unprecedented influence” over public institutions, including the police and the NHS.  They built influence among celebrities too, including Harry Potter star Emma Watson and the Duke and Duchess of Sussex – even though Mermaids, for instance, is run by Susie Green, a former IT consultant with no medical training, who took her child to Thailand, aged 16, for genital surgery that was illegal in Britain.  Last week, it emerged that one of Mermaids’ trustees, Dr Jacob Breslow, spoke at a conference hosted by an organisation that promotes services for paedophiles who need professional help. Dr Breslow stood down, releasing a statement saying: “I unequivocally condemn child sexual abuse”, but with Mermaids already facing investigation for giving children breast-binders behind their parents’ backs, common sense has prevailed at last. The Charity Commission is investigating the organisation, and the National Lottery has paused its funding. None of this would have happened without women (and trans women and men equally concerned about women and girls’ safety) taking such a courageous stand. We ought to recognise and celebrate them – many of whom have gone to hell and back to fight this worst of all forms of wokery. The wider war is yet to be won, however. This is an opportunity to get some legislative changes to protect children and families, and to safeguard women-only spaces. Liz Truss has promised to do that. She has a 71-seat majority to implement it. Then we can heap pressure on Nicola Sturgeon, who continues to act like the last Japanese soldier, refusing to down her weapons out of some sort of self-deluded desire to be seen as the “right” sort of feminist."

An ideology-infused paper on how to teach college biology - "The article tells instructors in college biology classes how to teach the subject so that teachers do not “harm” the students by making them feel “unwelcome”, by implying that their behavior—particularly that related to sex and their gender—is “unnatural”, or by failing to represent the students’ identities while teaching biology...
'Sexual and gender minorities face considerable inequities in society, including in science. In biology, course content provides opportunities to challenge harmful preconceptions about what is “natural” while avoiding the notion that anything found in nature is inherently good (the appeal-to-nature fallacy). We provide six principles for instructors to teach sex- and gender-related topics in postsecondary biology in a more inclusive and accurate manner: highlighting biological diversity early, presenting the social and historical context of science, using inclusive language, teaching the iterative process of science, presenting students with a diversity of role models, and developing a classroom culture of respect and inclusion. To illustrate these six principles, we review the many definitions of sex and demonstrate applying the principles to three example topics: sexual reproduction, sex determination or differentiation, and sexual selection. These principles provide a tangible starting place to create more scientifically accurate, engaging, and inclusive classrooms.'
The principles, which I’ll give below with quotes, are designed to buttress the appeal to nature (closely related to the “naturalistic fallacy”)—the idea that a person’s identity is good because it is analogous to what we find in nature.  Thus there is great emphasis on the diversity of sexual reproduction and a de-emphasis of generalizations (e.g. promiscuous males vs. picky females) that, the authors say, harm people... The explicit aim of this pedagogy is not just to teach biology but largely to advance the authors’ social program. As they say... Somewhere along the line, the authors of this paper have forgotten that the purpose of biology class is to teach biology as it is understood today, not to coddle the identities of students.
I remember when people were saying it didn't matter if the arts were compromised, since science would be safe.
Even more recently, people have claimed there's no problem because scientists are not saying things like biological sex being a myth, even if science journals and publications are putting out this nonsense. But Ash T Zemenick has a PhD in Ecology and teaches ecology and evolution, Shaun Turney has a PhD in Natural Resource Sciences and publishes in biology, and Marjorie G Weber and Alex J Webster are biology professors. Though Sarah C Jones only has "University-Educated parents" (Shaun Turney also lists that bit on his bio, bizzarely)
Of course, despite this open proclamation of their goals, we will still be told that indoctrination in education is a paranoid right wing conspiracy theory

The largest Lutheran denomination in Europe just announced that it is "trans." No I am not kidding. - "The Church of Sweden -- which happens to be the largest Lutheran denomination in all of Europe, and the single largest Christian denomination in Sweden -- just announced that it, as a denomination, is trans... The church says that if you do not completely reject the clear biblical and biological view of God's creation and embrace the new religion of sexual fluidity, then you are full of hate and should not be allowed to have a voice in society. Cuz that's what God wants. Got that?  In the last bit of this insanity I will subject you to, the Church of Sweden goes on to condemn trans-exclusionary feminism by comparing it to "radical right-wing Christian groups and right-wing populists.""

HUNTER EXCLUSIVE: Offender who IDs as woman busted for shelter attack | Toronto Sun - "Shane Jacob Green — sometimes known as Stephanie — was looking for a place to stay while visiting Parry Sound. So, the convicted sex offender went to a local women’s shelter and told them that, yes, Green identified as a woman and needed a place to stay... Green was allowed to stay, but allegedly made sexually inappropriate comments to staff and clients.  Two days later, Green allegedly sexually assaulted one of the women, a client, at the shelter... “Green really seems to know how the shelter system works and because it’s 2022 and in the current climate, workers at the shelters feel they have to let Green stay”... “So you have these extremely vulnerable women in distress, and they have to deal with Green because of political expediency”... needless to say, it isn’t Green’s first rodeo. In fact, the hulking 6-foot-2, 230-pounder has also been flagged by the shelter system in Strathroy, west of London. Sources say that Green will also allegedly identify as a woman and then claim to have a child just to get in the shelter door.  In 2018, Green was convicted of sexual assault after he dragged a 15-year-old female McDonald’s employee into a bathroom stall at one of the fast food giant’s restaurants. Inside the stall, Green attacked the victim who was cleaning the washroom... At the time of the 2018 McDonald’s incident, Green was on probation for a 2016 theft under $5,000 charge. Green got a suspended sentence on the latter... “Green is very familiar with policies at women’s shelters, and will make comments about his gender identity as a way to intimidate their staff,” the source said.  “Green tries the same stunts with law enforcement.”  Sometime in the past five years, it was decided that biological women were expendable in the steamroller of equity. Particularly vulnerable women struggling with drugs, domestic violence and other plagues."

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