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Sunday, December 11, 2022

Links - 11th December 2022 (2 - General Wokeness)

Met's anti-terror chief accused of 'woke stunt' after wearing a vest to 'understand' the menopause - "Britain's anti-terror chief has been accused of a 'woke stunt' after he donned a special jacket that simulates menopausal hot flushes at Scotland Yard. Assistant Commissioner Matt Jukes, the Metropolitan Police's new 'HeForShe Gender Equality Lead', wore the 'Menovest' garment in a meeting to mark Menopause Awareness Month... Mr Jukes said wearing the jacket had given him 'heightened awareness' of the experiences of menopausal women and vowed to 'redouble my focus to normalise our conversations about the menopause at work'. It comes amid widespread criticism of police chiefs across the country for engaging in 'woke' gestures while many crimes go unsolved... the Metropolitan Police is currently in 'special measures' because of its appalling performance and crime fighting record. In June a scathing inspection revealed a catalogue of new failures by Britain's biggest force, which failed to record tens of thousands of crimes, ignored almost all victims of anti-social behaviour, let down vulnerable victims and neglected a huge backlog of online child abuse referrals. Former Scotland Yard chief superintendent Phil Flower told the Mail: 'Growing public concern about the police's ability to deal effectively with crime and public disorder will be further undermined by this woke stunt. It's simple really: arrest and lock up criminals. 'Perhaps Matt Jukes could be encouraged to put on a blue uniform next time and walk on the streets at night to understand what it is like to be a real policeman.' Another retired Yard chief superintendent, Dai Davies, said: 'Mr Jukes should concentrate on arresting burglars and people who attack women to counter the appalling level of arrests and charges in the Met, let alone convictions. 'He should leave women to be women, and encourage male and female officers to go out and do what they are paid to do: arrest criminals and protect the public.' A serving senior officer at Scotland Yard, who saw the Menovest article on the force's intranet, added: 'At a time of crisis in the Met, this beggars belief. It's politically correct nonsense.'...
The ‘woke mindset’ of top officers is hindering the fight against crime, a rank-and-file police chief has blasted. Richard Cooke, Police Federation chairman at the country’s second biggest force, said too much time was being wasted instead debating issues such as ‘white privilege’. His comments came after Home Secretary Suella Braverman called for a return to ‘common sense policing’ and told bosses she wants officers fighting crime, not ‘debating gender on Twitter’. Sergeant Cooke, who represents around 7,500 West Midlands Police officers, said: ‘I agree with the Home Secretary; there is a “woke” mindset at the top that leads to much time wasted discussing... ‘critical race theory’ or ‘white privilege’ or whether there should be extra categories of hate crimes."
No wonder leftists hate Braverman so much

Meme - "*white woman* 'You have more rights in Russia, China, & North Korea'"

Meme - "Then
I'M HOMOSEXUAL *Upset parents*
I'M HOMOPHOBIC *Upset parents*"

Meme - Dr Charlotte Proudman @DrProudman: "You know when someone says "I was bitten by a spider and now I'm afraid of them" everyone is like "oh yea fair enough" and no one, not one person says "not all spiders""
So does this mean it's okay to "stereotype" "minorities"?

Meme - Autistic, Typing: "Our babies are born knowing everything, remembering everything. They're the closest to creator. Waiting for the racists to laugh react so I can ban them."
Laugh reacting a stupid post that doesn't mention race means you're a racist

French far-right MP De Fournas suspended for shouting 'Back to Africa' - "A far-right MP has been given a 15-day ban from France's National Assembly for shouting "they should go back to Africa" as a black colleague talked about immigration. Grégoire de Fournas of National Rally (RN) said his remark had not been aimed at Carlos Martens Bilongo but at migrants trying to reach Europe by sea. Mr Bilongo said he had been born in France and the remark was "shameful". MPs voted on Friday to suspend him and dock half his allowance. The decision is described as the harshest sanction available to the Assembly... The exact meaning of the National Rally MP's remark is disputed, because theoretically he could have referred to more than one person. The official account of the session recorded his off-microphone remark as Qu'il retourne en Afrique - "he should go back to Africa" - but the plural Qu'ils retournent en Afrique sounds exactly the same."
It is racist to tell illegal immigrants to go back to their country

Meme - "The irony of The Other 98% posting this lol."
Rev. Benjamin Cremer @Brcremer: "Dear Christian, If your preferred news source stokes your fear, anger, and hatred towards others rather than inspiring you to want to learn more, empathize, and understand others better, then it is discipling you in the opposite direction from the love of Jesus."

Ancient Egyptian mummy genomes suggest an increase of Sub-Saharan African ancestry in post-Roman periods - "Egypt, located on the isthmus of Africa, is an ideal region to study historical population dynamics due to its geographic location and documented interactions with ancient civilizations in Africa, Asia and Europe. Particularly, in the first millennium BCE Egypt endured foreign domination leading to growing numbers of foreigners living within its borders possibly contributing genetically to the local population. Here we present 90 mitochondrial genomes as well as genome-wide data sets from three individuals obtained from Egyptian mummies. The samples recovered from Middle Egypt span around 1,300 years of ancient Egyptian history from the New Kingdom to the Roman Period. Our analyses reveal that ancient Egyptians shared more ancestry with Near Easterners than present-day Egyptians, who received additional sub-Saharan admixture in more recent times. This analysis establishes ancient Egyptian mummies as a genetic source to study ancient human history and offers the perspective of deciphering Egypt’s past at a genome-wide level."
This won't stop the crowd which keeps claiming the Ancient Egyptians were black - when current Egyptians already aren't very black. Or the cynical manipulation of Ancient Egyptian heritage for political purposes by (or on behalf of) modern Egyptians: just sharing the same geographical space as an ancient people doesn't mean you own them

'Hillbilly Elegy', Class Conflict, & Mercy - "Have you had a chance to watch Hillbilly Elegy yet on Netflix? Friends of mine who have report to me that they had the same experience I did: the movie is much better than the critics say. Two friends in Washington — both of them politically savvy — agreed with me that most critics met the film with such vitriol because they consider it a stand-in for white working-class Trump voters. It’s not at all, but this is what they projected onto the movie. It is now okay to hate Deplorables again, and maybe even mandatory. One of my DC friends said this the critical gang-up on the movie reminds him of how so many liberal elites jumped down David Brooks’s throat for an observation he made in a 2017 column about the cultural barriers elites establish that keep a lot of people out. Brooks wrote that he inadvertently made a friend of his feel uncomfortable when he took her to lunch at an upscale sandwich shop, where she did not understand the menu: Recently I took a friend with only a high school degree to lunch. Insensitively, I led her into a gourmet sandwich shop. Suddenly I saw her face freeze up as she was confronted with sandwiches named “Padrino” and “Pomodoro” and ingredients like soppressata, capicollo and a striata baguette. I quickly asked her if she wanted to go somewhere else and she anxiously nodded yes and we ate Mexican. American upper-middle-class culture (where the opportunities are) is now laced with cultural signifiers that are completely illegible unless you happen to have grown up in this class. They play on the normal human fear of humiliation and exclusion. Their chief message is, “You are not welcome here.”... Educated middle class liberals talk a lot about “privilege,” but I believe their discourse — at least among white people — is mostly in bad faith. They keep it to matters of race as a way of avoiding class. Batya Ungar-Sargon made a similar observation in a recent interview: So why does this view that erases equality and pushes oppression as the root of everything appeal so much to affluent liberals? To me, it seems like the answer is that despite the pieties they espouse, liberal elites don’t really believe in equality, either; no affluent person does. They know their prosperity comes at someone else’s expense, and a worldview that was actually invested in equality would insist they share more of their good fortune. Still, they want to believe they are good people. They’re liberals! So just imagine the relief when they are told that the inequality that resulted in their having so much while so many Americans have so little is not the result of their failure to pay more taxes or to send their kids to public schools, but that it stems from something as immutable as the color of their skin. It totally relieves them of the responsibility of doing anything about it. All they can do is feel guilty. They get to keep all their money while feeling like heroes! How perfect... Put more bluntly, I think the “privilege” discourse among middle class educated white liberals is mostly about rearranging prejudices to make lower class white people deserving of the scorn of the uppers. J.D. Vance’s book Hillbilly Elegy powerfully challenged that view, though at the same time refusing to claim victim status for his people. The Left today has no idea what to do about that. After four years of Trump, I believe that the liberal overclass is just thrilled to be able to justify its fear and hatred of poor and working class white people... In her thorough book “The Sum of Small Things,” Elizabeth Currid-Halkett argues that the educated class establishes class barriers not through material consumption and wealth display but by establishing practices that can be accessed only by those who possess rarefied information."

Meme - "Words cannot express how much I love this TikTok of stacey abrams visiting Target. Wholesome in TikTokCringe by Rollyman1"
Ipeeincoffeecups: "I felt a surge of black proudness and I'm a 43 white male from Canada. Let's go America you can do this!"

John Leguizamo slams the 'all-white cast' of Super Mario Bros. film and lack of 'Latinx leads' - "John Leguizamo has slammed the all-white cast of Super Mario Bros. film and lack of 'Latinx leads' on Saturday. The actor, 62, who played Luigi in the 1993 live-action, critiqued the casting choices as the film sees Chris Pratt take on the iconic role of the Italian plumber Mario."
Italians are now Latino

Meme - "When you're watching a show and that woke part comes on that feels more like a lecture from the writers than actual plot"

Girl Guides of Canada: 'Brownies' to be renamed - "it says the name has caused “personal harm” to racialized girls and the change will reflect its goals of empowering girls."
Brownie (folklore) - Wikipedia - "A brownie or broonie (Scots),[1] also known as a brùnaidh or gruagach (Scottish Gaelic), is a household spirit or Hobgoblin from Scottish folklore that is said to come out at night while the owners of the house are asleep and perform various chores and farming tasks."
Guess they can't serve brownies at their events anymore either. If the Scots can be framed as a minority maybe this can be framed as erasing minority heritage

Get Ready for the Struggle Session - "In the struggle sessions the accused, often teachers suspected of lacking proletarian feeling, were paraded through streets and campuses, sometimes stadiums. It was important always to have a jeering crowd; it was important that the electric feeling that comes with the possibility of murder be present. Dunce caps, sometimes wastebaskets, were placed on the victims’ heads, and placards stipulating their crimes hung from their necks. The victims were accused, berated, assaulted. Many falsely confessed in the vain hope of mercy. Were any “guilty”? It hardly mattered. Fear and terror were the point. A destroyed society is more easily dominated... the spirit of the struggle session has returned and is here, in part because of the internet, in part because of the extremity of our politics, in part because more people are lonely. “Contention is better than loneliness,” as my people, the Irish, say, and they would know. The air is full of accusation and humiliation. We have seen this spirit most famously on the campuses, where students protest harshly, sometimes violently, views they wish to suppress. Social media is full of swarming political and ideological mobs. In an interesting departure from democratic tradition, they don’t try to win the other side over. They only condemn and attempt to silence. The spirit of the struggle session is all over Twitter . On literary Twitter social-justice warriors get advance copies of new books and denounce them for deviationism—as insensitive, racist, appropriative, anti-LGBTQ. Books on the eve of publication have been pulled, sometimes withdrawn by authors who apologize profusely. Everyone’s scared. And the tormentors are not satisfied by an apology. They’re excited by it and prowl for more prey. A few weeks ago a young woman on Twitter thought aloud: “What if public libraries were open late every night and we could engage in public life there instead of having to choose between drinking at the bar and domestic isolation.” This might get people off their screens and help them feel “included and nourished.” A nice idea. Maybe some local official would pick it up. Instead there was a small onslaught of negative reaction... Joe Biden understands the moment. He quickly apologized last week after calling Vice President Mike Pence “a decent guy.”... All the Democratic candidates have apologized for something. Elizabeth Warren is abjectly sorry she took a DNA test. Leaders of great liberal newspapers are in constant fear because so many of their readers—and writers—are more doctrinaire in their views, and angry. The struggle session is in the internal chatroom."

Drew Brees and the New "Struggle Sessions" - "New Orleans Saints quarterback Drew Brees stated he would "never agree with anybody disrespecting the flag of the United States of America," citing the military service of his grandfathers. Brees didn't say people couldn't disrespect the flag, which is a constitutional right. He simply said he didn't agree with it. Nevertheless, Brees soon received enough backlash on social media and from talking heads—"Down with Drew Brees!"—that he issued an apology on Instagram. A second apology soon followed... The quest to enforce social justice, however, is beginning to threaten other values—free expression, tolerance and individualism—necessary to a vibrant and free society. Social justice advocates, of course, have a right to champion their ideas, but some ideas increasingly are being treated as dogmas, defined as "a principle or set of principles laid down by an authority as incontrovertibly true." Black Lives Matter is doing work that might very well help reduce police brutality in America. That would be a wonderful thing. But to say that the premise implicit in its name—that our nation doesn't value the lives of black Americans—must not be questioned is a kind of zealotry... To question the dogma that black Americans are uniquely threatened by police is to invite humiliation and denunciation from Twitter mobs, reporters and a "new guard" of young people marinated in critical theory and neo-Marxism. As New York Times op-ed staff editor Bari Weiss recently observed, this "new guard" emerging from America's institutions is not exactly a tolerant bunch. Raised in the cocoon of "safetyism," a concept coined by Jonathan Haidt and Greg Lukianoff that places the right of individuals to feel emotionally safe above traditional liberal values like free speech, many are now more comfortable using illiberal tactics to suppress "problematic" ideas than wrestling with challenging questions. This is a dangerous path for a diverse, multicultural society. Classical liberal values of free expression, free speech and tolerance for others are more important in a pluralistic society—not less important. America's problem with police brutality—and it is a problem—will only be solved by openly, honestly and freely discussing the policies that enable it, such as qualified immunity and police unions that make it difficult to fire bad cops—not by seeking to humiliate and punish those who don't embrace the right symbols (kneeling) or slogans ("black lives matter")."

Zimbabwe Gives Land Back to White Farmers After Wrecking Economy - "Two decades after President Robert Mugabe wrecked Zimbabwe’s economy by urging black subsistence farmers to violently force white commercial farmers and their workers off their land, his successor has thrown in the towel. Emmerson Mnangagwa’s government has proposed settling all outstanding claims against it by farmers by offering them land... The seizures that began in 2000 were ratified by the government, which said they were needed to redress colonial imbalances. A vibrant agricultural industry that exported tobacco and roses and grew most of the food the nation needed collapsed. Periodic food shortages ensued, inflation became the world’s highest and the manufacturing industry was decimated. What was one of Africa’s richest countries became one of its poorest. Almost 4,500 white-owned properties and others protected under government-to-government agreements were affected by the program."
Too bad white supremacy ruined the land

VIDEO: Vice President of Zimbabwe Says Country Starves Because White People Didn't Teach Them Economics - "“Zimbabwe’s Vice President Kembo Mohadi has blamed the country’s former colonial masters, Britain for not teaching Zimbabweans how to run their economy. He says since gaining independence from Britain in 1980, Zimbabweans only know how to run small businesses,” a local news outlet ran an interview where the Vice President blames white people for the long-lasting hardship... “They blame whites for their complete failure to feed themselves and run the economy. Kill, torture, rape white farmers or burn them out. They’re good at that and brill at corruption. Reap what you sow was never truer than in Zimbabwe.”"
I thought the white man's burden was racist

College assignment tasks students with ‘calling out’ someone for racism or homophobia - "An assignment in a course offered at the University of New Hampshire tasks students with “calling out” another person for their alleged racism or offensive language. The assignment is part of an “introductory communications course on social interaction” taught by Edward Reynolds... “In this challenging activity, you will be asked to call in someone on their ableist racist or homophobic use of language, for micro aggressions (or an act of racism) towards a person of color, homophobia against LGBTQI+ or ableism against a disabled person,” states Reynolds’ description of the assignment, titled “Calling-in.”... Reynolds specified it cannot be done for something posted on social media, it must be “something in real life.” Students are expected to make an audio recording and written transcription... Under New Hampshire law, all parties being recorded must consent to a recording... The assignment is noted to be worth 10 percent of students’ final grade. UNH is not the first New England university that has actively encouraged students to report incidences of alleged bias. In August, The College Fix reported that the University of Connecticut’s bias reporting system allows students to anonymously flag perceived uses of offensive speech. Among material flagged at the time was a group photo of the school’s College Republicans in which one student appears to be flashing the “OK” hand signal, as well as various other instances of students using non-racial expletives in disputes with one another. Police were called to address several of the reports."
The same people who cheer this get upset at police quotas

Children's Museum issues apology, explanation on watermelon salad - "The Children's Museum of Indianapolis has issued an in-depth apology and explanation after it was met with widespread criticism for selling a Juneteenth-themed watermelon salad... 'As we understand it, the caterer – a person of color – sought to embrace Juneteenth and how this event was honored within their own family. However, in trying to make the point, they missed the historic context of how watermelon has been used in racist ways to demean African-American people.'
So much for giving minority people power. Clearly hypersensitive white liberals should be in charge of everything

Meme - "I'm not saying there IS a superior race, but if there were;
>other peoples would clamour to live in that race's nations
>other women would go to great lengths to "trade up" for men of that race
>men of all other races would lust pathetically after the females of the hypothetical superior race
>the jealously and resentment this breeds would lead other races to constantly feel threatened just by the theoretical superior race's presence
>oh and everyone on the planet would speak their language, wear their clothing and trade in their money
Purely hypothetically"
This is like how feminism holds men as the standard

Meme - Majority: "you do not fit in here
Minority in box: "okay we will make our own place"
Majority: "why are you excluding us"
Minority: "oh no"
Majority in box: "you do not fit in here"

Western civilisation, and other things I like about white people - "Of course, white people – to take them first – have also done some bad things... Of course, ‘POC’ have done many bad things as well... the greatest empires of Asia have probably outpaced the rest of the world combined when it comes to the human toll of historical conflict... Brown and black slave masters were, very often, no more merciful than Caucasian ones. A Muslim-led slave trade went on for far longer than the Atlantic slave trade, and reduced far more people to bondage. As many as 18million Africans were sold by Arab and black traders like Tippu Tip. These ruthless and amoral businesspeople also sold Europeans: more than a million captured sailors and fighters from Europe were purchased by Middle Eastern or African masters during the course of what is now known as the Barbary Slave Trade. Even today, active slave markets can be found in Libya. If this tit-for-tat point-scoring is beginning to sound pretty damned silly, that’s because it is. The ancestors of almost every living human – Chinese, British, Nigerian, Mongolian, Mexican, South African, Arabian, Russian – did both great and horrible things. More importantly, none of us alive today are the same as our ancestors. Perhaps the key principle of modern morality is that ‘the sins of the fathers’ do not attach to their descendants, and no living white or black person anywhere in the world is responsible for the atrocities committed by either side during, say, the Anglo-Zulu War of 1879. The past is the past. It may influence the present, but it lies dead, while we continue to bumble along today. But as we all know, well-meaning whites today are often placed in a unique position. They are constantly asked to repent for the sins of their ancestors (broadly defined as all white people from the past), while they are also warned away from feeling ‘white pride’ in the accomplishments of those ancestors. This position is logically unsustainable.

Scott Brockie saddled with debt - "The legal sagas of Scott Brockie continue, more than eight years after a complaint was first filed against the Christian printer from Toronto for refusing to publish gay- and lesbian-oriented literature."
From 2004. Compelled speech is good and more rights for one side doesn't mean fewer for others

Civil Rights Org CAIR Accused Of Ignoring Alleged Misconduct - "For months, stories swirled around a prominent Muslim civil rights leader, alleging secret marriages, bullying, sexual harassment. Then, late last year, some of the allegations against 34-year-old Hassan Shibly burst into public view. In a video posted on GoFundMe, Shibly's estranged wife, mother of their three children, looked directly into the camera and begged for help. She said her abusive husband had cut her off financially... Shibly's departure emboldened a slew of women to come forward with their own accusations of emotional abuse and sexual misconduct by him and of workplace discrimination at CAIR's national office and several prominent chapters. NPR interviewed a half-dozen Shibly accusers and reviewed internal CAIR documents, social media posts and email exchanges. Together, the accounts portray Shibly as a man who used his position to seduce women and bully critics with impunity. Shibly's critics say his alleged actions were shrouded by a culture of silence, rooted partly in Muslim taboos about discussing personal scandals and partly out of fear that the fallout would fuel vicious anti-Muslim hostility... leaders were aware of some of the allegations as early as 2016... A Southern California-based religious scholar, Aslam Abdullah, said that women mistrust that CAIR will handle their claims seriously. He said numerous women have come to him with what he regards as credible allegations of harassment, sexual misconduct or unfair treatment against senior men within CAIR or CAIR affiliates. These women don't believe that CAIR National's investigation will be fair and have refused to cooperate... The former employees described a range of complaints, from a gender pay gap and women being shut out of closed-door meetings at the national office to women feeling tokenized and the career development of men being prioritized over women... McRoberts said Shibly used his stature as a Muslim leader and her naiveté as a recent convert to Islam to "trick" her into a "secret marriage" behind his legal wife's back in 2016... One night she woke up and reached up to touch her long hair, and her ponytail was gone. Shibly, she said, cut it off while she slept, angry she had posted a picture of herself online without her headscarf. When she refused sex, she said, he told her that, as his wife, she couldn't say no."

Senior air force officers charged over inappropriate call sign - "Military police have accused the two officers of failing to enforce the military's orders on preventing and addressing sexual misconduct"
How are they going to fight a war if they can't take an "inappropriate" callsign (which is never disclosed)?

Three get life in jail for racist killing - "Three Asian men were yesterday sentenced to life imprisonment after being found guilty of the racist murder of a white teenager at a time when tensions were high following the September 11 attacks. The men pounced on Ross Parker, 17, as he walked along a dim cycleway in Peterborough after finishing work, and attacked him with CS spray, a hammer and foot-long hunting knife. Back at the garage they used as a den one of the men brandished the blood-stained knife and declared: "Cherish the blood." Northampton crown court was told the three men, Ahmed Ali Awan, 22, Shaied Nazir, 22, and Sarfraz Ali, 25, spent the evening before the murder, which happened 10 days after last year's attacks on New York, in a city centre nightclub. In the early hours of the next morning, the three, still under the influence of drink or drugs or both, armed themselves in preparation for what was described in court as a "hunting party" or "mission." Shortly after 1am, Ross was walking home with his girlfriend, Nicola Toms, after completing his work in a pub kitchen, when a voice whispered: "Better start running.""
From 2022. Imagine if a "minority" had been the victim

Death of Katie Meyer: Stanford University says it's not responsible - "Stanford University’s star athlete, Katie Meyer, was found dead inside her dorm room the morning after the university threatened her with expulsion... A coroner ruled Meyer’s death a suicide... she received a distressing email from Stanford’s Office of Community Standards informing Meyer that she was facing a formal disciplinary charge... The charge stemmed from an incident in which Meyer poured coffee on a football player after he kissed one of Meyer’s soccer teammates without consent... According to Gina and Steven Meyer, their daughter had “an acute stress reaction that impulsively led her” to die by suicide, attorneys wrote. “The actions that led to the death of Katie Meyer began and ended with Stanford University.”... The unnamed football player never wanted the school to take disciplinary actions against Katie Meyer, and he did not file a complaint with the OCS. Instead, Dean of Residential Education Lisa Caldera filed the complaint... Stanford alumni who founded the Student Justice Project criticized the university for denying responsibility in connection to Meyer’s death."
Clearly we should allow people to do anything to those accused of "sexual assault" without repercussions. And if someone commits suicide, responsibility never lies on him
Is this "white fragility"?

Psychological research has a racism problem, Stanford scholar says - "race is almost absent from top psychological publications, according to a new study led by Steven O. Roberts, an assistant professor of psychology in the School of Humanities and Sciences. His research, published June 24 in Perspectives on Psychological Science, found that prominent psychological publications that highlight race are rare, and when race is discussed, it is authored mostly and edited almost entirely by white scholars... Roberts hypothesizes that cognitive psychologists may avoid race because of their pursuit to study race-neutral, universal phenomena... “The overrepresentation of white authors in top-tier psychology journals is not explained by the quality of the research or by the quantity of the researchers. But it is explained by structural racism,” said Roberts. “These journals are dominated by white psychologists, which has implications for what and who is excluded from the scientific record.”"
Unless you're obsessed by race, you're racist
Weird how peer review is racist when the identity of the author is secret

Meme - "I'm so disappointed in LeBron for allowing his son Bronny to take that girl to the prom. The girl is stunning, she is gorgeous. However, I'm sick of seeing our sisters and daughters not put in position of elevation when it is possible from our own that have access to generational wealth. This is an unspoken message to our young black kings that our daughters are not good enough. FMOI: @black_high_performance
*Black guy with white woman*"
If it were the other way around...

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