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Sunday, December 11, 2022

Links - 11th December 2022 (1 - Trans Mania)

Lesbians Aren’t Attracted to a Female ‘Gender Identity.’ We’re Attracted to Women - "There is commonly held to be a difference between a sexual preference and a sexual orientation. Sexual preferences include preferences for blondes over brunettes, or macho men over pretty boys. At the more exotic end, they can include predilections for cars, chandeliers, and dalliances with farm animals. None of these are sexual orientations, though. Opinions differ on what makes an orientation an orientation, but my preferred explanation says that for a preference to count as an orientation, it has to be stable in individuals, widespread among the human population, and have a range of relatively important social consequences.  Two such orientations are heterosexuality and homosexuality... this conception of sexual orientation has been rejected by trans activist organisations such as Stonewall and GLAAD. In their view, it’s gender identity, not sex, that makes you a woman or man... There seems to me at least one glaring problem with all this: if heterosexual attraction were directed primarily towards gender identity not sex, it would be pretty inefficient in terms of the continuation of the species. If we had to work out someone’s inner gender identity before we knew whom to fancy, we would die out fairly quickly... the female model Erika Linder looks very like a young Leonardo DiCaprio—so much so that her break-out photo shoot deliberately depicted her as Leo. But while a young DiCaprio looks relatively feminine for a male, Linder (at least, in that shoot) looks relatively masculine for a female. Even though Linder and DiCaprio have similar-looking features at the physical level, we interpret these features as differently feminine/masculine, relative to accompanying assumptions about their owner’s sex. So even when you think you’re attracted only to someone’s feminine or masculine presentation, perceptions of sex are still playing a significant underpinning causal role in your attraction nonetheless. This point is reinforced by the findings of a recent survey, in which 12.5 percent of participants indicated they would consider dating a trans person. For nearly half of these respondents, their stated preferences about whom exactly they would date were described by the researchers running the survey as “incongruent.” For instance, roughly two-thirds of the self-described lesbians in the group said they would only date trans men and not trans women, or would at least date trans men as well as trans women. The researchers had assumed that, to be consistent with lesbianism understood in terms of gender identity, lesbians should exclude trans men and include only trans women. The researchers explained these findings as demonstrating “femmephobia.” A less complicated hypothesis would be that lesbians are not stably sexually attracted to males. In arguments about the relevance of sex to sexual orientation, three objections tend to come up fast. One is the familiar line: “You can’t see someone’s chromosomes!” That’s like saying you can’t fancy brunettes because you can’t see the melanocytes that create pigment in their hair... A second objection goes: are you really saying that a female in a relationship with a gorgeous, feminine, post-surgery trans woman isn’t a lesbian, just because she’s sexually attracted in this case to a male, technically speaking? Equally: are you saying that a man in lust with a hot ripped trans man, post-surgery and hormones, isn’t actually gay? Actually, I’m not. Rather, I’ll say that these sorts of relatively unusual cases stretch existing concepts to their limits. Our concepts weren’t designed for them, and we just don’t know what to say (and that’s okay). There are reasons both for and against saying that this is a lesbian and a gay man, respectively... A third objection is an accusation: why are you “policing” sexualities? Can’t consenting adults just have sex with whomever they desire? My answer is: Of course they can (or at least, in an ideal world, should). This objection confuses accurate categorisation for the purposes of explanation with prohibition. I’m not setting myself up as the sex police. You can go to bed with whichever consenting adult you like. What I am saying is that if you consistently have enjoyable relations with someone of the opposite sex, you’re probably heterosexual/straight. That’s not to stop you doing what you like. It’s just to accurately describe what you’re doing. No judgement, positive or negative, is implied either way. (I’m gay myself.) The long-term effects of LGBT organisations like Stonewall and GLAAD treating sexual orientation as based on gender identity have yet to be properly established, but at least two are emerging, neither good. First, it’s reported by some whistle-blower clinicians that significant numbers of trans-identifying children and teens are same-sex attracted. Taking a cue from the prominent public messaging of LGBT organisations, they seem to be interpreting their own patterns of sexual attraction as a sign that they must have a misaligned gender identity combined with a “straight” sexual orientation... Worse, also thanks to lobbying from LGBT organisations, some professional therapist bodies now characterise any questioning of this self-narrative as a prohibited form of “conversion therapy.” Hence, there are significantly reduced opportunities for a child or teen to hear alternative interpretations of their sexual desires. As these children grow up, some are coming to realise that they were just gay all along. A wave of “detransitioners” is emerging, many of whom are lesbian and gay, and many of whom now express regret about the life-altering drugs or surgery they were prescribed in the past.  A second problematic effect relates specifically to young lesbians: that is, to female-attracted females... you will inevitably find lesbians—whether themselves trans-identified or not—pressured into sexual relations with members of the opposite sex, and in some cases succumbing.  Recently, trans activism has given the world the fairly revolting image of the “cotton ceiling”... In 2019, a University of Brighton conference, “Gayness in Queer Times,” asked, as part of its official call for papers: “How can gay space be made more trans-inclusive?” and then suggested “bedrooms” as a potential site of inclusion. Also in 2019, Oxford philosophy Professor Amia Srinivasan, writing in the London Review of Books, described “transphobia” as an “oppressive system that makes its way into the bedroom through the seemingly innocuous mechanism of ‘personal preference.’” Some legal theorists have even gone as far as to argue that the laws around “sex by deception” should be changed, so that, for instance, a trans man or trans woman initiating a sexual encounter with someone while actively falsely claiming to be of the same sex as them cannot be criminalised as fraud. Stonewall apparently agrees... With such statements coming from what seem like authoritative liberal and left-leaning voices, we get a sense of what must be the moral pressure exerted at a more local level upon younger people ill-equipped to deal with it, and especially young lesbians"
Of course, according to liberal logic, since non-normative behavior can only be suppressed but never promoted/induced, young lesbians who sleep with trans women are really revealing that they're not super straight

Meme - "My Trans-Juche flag just arrived!"
Are there gay people in North Korea? | NK News - "I can tell you with full confidence that it is impossible to be a transgender in North Korea solely for your sexual orientation"
This person is in Iceland - it's not just Anglo madness

Meme - "Poetry I wrote when I was pissed bc I cut myself shaving me armpits
I am a woman. Im a woman, not because I want to be, or because I was manipulated into thinking so, but because god made me a woman. I am a woman, although the body he put me in is male. I'm a woman, blessed with strength few women are able to experience, and thus obligated and proud to protect those whom I love. Im a woman, not a caricature of femininity. I'm not a pedophile or a groomer. I'm not a fetishist, nor am I afflicted by any sick depravity or fantastical delusion. I'm not an attraction, to be poked, prodded and picked apart by the people I see around me, nor a victim, to be mocked, insulted and beaten down by those who say they love me. I'm not defined by my womanhood, I define it. I'm a woman, and my deep voice is a woman's voice, my broad shoulders are a woman's, my flat, barrel shaped chest, my long hairy legs and my square jaw are a woman's. My penis is a woman's penis."

Emma D’Arcy: ‘I really like playing women and I’m really good at it’
So brave. So stunning. I wonder how it does it?

Meme - "We are so incredibly deep into the 'Emperor's New Garments' allegory at this point, that a woman who pretends to not be a woman in real life, brags about being so good at pretending to be a woman in a TV show."

Meme - "Oh my god here we goes:
1 be sure to lubricate first, use a fragrance free one and be sure to dilate 1 hr prior since ull be very tight at 4 month. 2 Do not, and I repeat, do not let him go down or he will clock u. I had plenty of stealth sex and I can assure u men want to go down. Also no fingering. Say u had an irritation or something. 3 depth. I don't know your depth but usually men can right away sense sonathing is off, like a wall at the end. Ifthis is your case, tell u have a diaphragm. 4 position. Since u didn't had sex u probably don't know your best position yet. From behind is usually the best but if u comfortable at him looking close at u go missionary. 5 most important. Take command. Since it's your first time u probably dont know but man are really pushy. He will want to touch u there. he will want to finger u and rest sure he will bang the out of u, so take command, control the whole thing and NEVER let him go crazy. Keep a pepper sptray in your bag every time. 6 if things go down hill, never disclose who u are. NEVER. if he notice something is wrong say u had surgery to fix some kind of problem down there. Now, I know it's a lot. I know most of the other girls will tell u to hesitate, but if thats want U want to do go for it. Check your nerve first. take a xan and have a good time girl."
*Transwoman is discovered while making out when fingered and guy discovers his hands are covered in disgusting shit. It sprays him and runs off, with the wig falling off, leaving him puking on the ground*

Meme - "my own voice is killing me
I hate my voice. Every time I open my fucking mouth I sound like a freak. I've ruined my life with my stupid decisions I made as a kid. The doctors ruined my life by allowing a barely functioning, mentally ill child, with severe ocd, and then undiagnosed bpd, go on hormones that would completely change my body. I can manage to get the pitch of my voice up relatively decently, to the point where it's always in the androgynous or low female range on a vocal pitch app. But there's always something that seems off. It never sounds female, always like a very high pitched, stereotypical 'gay male' voice, or a male trying to force a female voice and failing. I'm tempted to just stop talking altogether. In my worse moments, all I want to do is to tear out my vocal cords and be done with it. I'd been on T for around 2 years, although it was relatively sporadic and I wasn't very consistent with either the gel or the shots at all. I've only just managed to get off the hormones now, as the shots I was on were every 3 months. Thankfully, not a lot else changed whilst on T. No facial hair, no facial changes, and I never went through with any surgeries (I'm still only 17). I've tried watching yt videos like transvoicelessons, and absolutely nothing in the videos make any sense and I don't find them helpful in the slightest. Inn legitimately suicidal because of the decisions I made as a kid. It's all my fucking fault. I don't know how long I can keep doing this."

Christopher F. Rufo ⚔️ on Twitter - "In Ohio, the teachers union is promoting "fisting" and "sadomasochism." In Michigan, bureaucrats are teaching schools how to secretly facilitate child sexual transitions. In Tennessee, doctors are performing radical gender surgeries on children. It's going off the rails."
suzanne pickens on Twitter - "At Stanford they recommend permanently altering the genitalia of children under 18 because after puberty blockers it's just a non-functioning organ. Like an appendix."

Auron MacIntyre on Twitter - "Today I learned that Twitter now treats criticism of the gender transition of two year olds as a violation of its TOS"

Jacob Huneycutt ✞ on Twitter - "We may not like “being political.” I get it. Politics is often nasty. But right now, the sad reality is that wanting hospitals to not chemically castrate children *for profit* and threaten the jobs of any doctors who disagree is inherently wrapped up in electoral politics."

Katy Faust on Twitter - "It seems a large % of kids who “transition” have single moms. How could a little boy like this love and embrace his maleness when he has no consistent male figure in his immediate, every day life?"

Girls team barred from locker room after objecting to changing in front of transgender teammate - "Members of a Vermont high school girls volleyball team have been barred from using their locker room allegedly because they objected to having to change in front of a transgender teammate.  According to WCAX-3, Randolph High School volleyball team member Blake Allen said the controversy started after the trans teammate “made an inappropriate comment” to the girls when they were getting changed...   Allen intimated that team members who had objected were dealing with possible harassment and bullying charges; an email sent home to Randolph HS parents said administrators were looking into whether the girls had harassed the transgender player."
If you object to trans people making inappropriate comments, you are transphobic

Newsom signs bill allowing state to revoke out-of-state parent’s rights over trans kids - "California Gov. Gavin Newsom signed legislation Thursday allowing California to take "temporary emergency jurisdiction" over a child that traveled to the state for transgender drugs or operations, stripping parents of their authority over their kids... "SB 107 makes California akin to the Pied Piper, enticing minor children nationwide to leave their families and run away in pursuit of harmful drugs and sterilizing surgeries, all of which cause irreversible harm to the minds, bodies, and family relationships of America's precious children," the letter said. "According to the American College of Pediatricians, 80 to 95 percent of children who experience gender confusion will ultimately embrace their biological sex if they are not encouraged to pursue gender identity treatments. Children experiencing gender confusion need the love, support, and guidance of their parents.""
Liberals want to dismantle the family after all
Addendum: Weird. We kept being told that it was a myth that the government could take your children away if you didn't affirm their trans claims

My daughter is barred from competing in girls' sports in at least a dozen states. It's all because she's trans.
The lies continue. Her child can always compete with others of the same biological sex

Meme - "*WWIII draft letter arrives*
Trans men: *Elliot Page to Ellen Page*"
We saw this in Ukraine

Meme - *Venn diagram: Trans, Jew, demons* "Their weakness is their true name"

ABA calls the inclusion of the book "Irreversible Damage" in their July mailing a "serious, violent incident" and I really wish this were The Babylon Bee instead. - ""ABA" stands for the "American Booksellers Association." This is the umbrella organization representing the retailers responsible for selling books and in so doing forming a bulwark against censorship as their very existence rests on the timeless principles of free expression and the diversity of thought... the ABA has "protected" their tweets, available only to the select few who won't disagree with them which makes sense if they truly believe words = violence. And yes, these are booksellers... the CEO of the American Booksellers Association just referred to a successful black author of a book she doesn't like, as a "right-wing extremist."... They put authors in danger through an association with someone who shares a different ideology, that ideology also being shared by roughly half the country."

Teen Who Identifies As A Cat Allowed By School To Act Feline, Not Speak - "the girl identifies as a cat and the private school she attends allows her to be non-verbal and act feline, so long as it doesn't become a distraction to other students. While the school didn't confirm the specifics, they did explain in a statement that some of their students display "a range of issues from mental health, anxiety or identity issues," noting, "Our approach is always unique to the student and we will take into account professional advice and the wellbeing of the student."  The school reportedly described the girl as "phenomenally bright," and a source close to her family explained, "No one seems to have a protocol for students identifying as animals, but the approach has been that if it doesn't disrupt the school, everyone is being supportive."  There might need to be protocols put in place though as more and more students are identifying as animals. Elsewhere in Australia, four girls have started walking on all fours and cutting holes in their clothes to make room for their tails. While the school where it's allegedly happening denies the claims, one parent said a girl screamed at a peer for "sitting on her tail.""

'Phenomenally bright' teenage girl 'identifies as a cat' and shows feline behaviour - "Our Safer Schools explained: "The internet is a constantly changing global forum that is filled with many different types of communities.  "These communities often allow people to express themselves in a way that frees them from what they consider to be societal “norms.”  "In recent years, with the explosive popularity of YouTubers and TikTokers, some members of these communities have taken to popular platforms to widely showcase their subcultures. One of these subcultures is the Furry Fandom.  People who identify this way can create a 'fursona', in which they show characteristics of the animals they identify with. Popular animals include dogs, cats, foxes, wolves, lions and tigers.  The subculture has a wide spectrum of different people and some choose to don their fursona in private, rather than in public."
When they admit that social contagion is a thing

Male prisoners changing gender under self-ID to 'escape men's jails and get access to women' - "Half of the transgender inmates in Scottish prisons only began transitioning after they were convicted... The Scottish Prison Service (SPS) confirmed there were 16 trans inmates in Scots prisons... six trans prisoners have "current or previous" convictions for sex offences. An undisclosed number of trans women – men identifying as female – are currently under consideration for a move into the female estate... Former SNP Justice Secretary Kenny MacAskill, now Alba MP for East Lothian, said the number choosing to transition after conviction suggested "an abuse of the system and a threat to vulnerable women"... In response to the FOI request, the SPS said they were unable to disclose if there were any active or current allegations of sexual misconduct involving trans women prisoners due to the cost involved, adding that complaints of this nature would be reported to Police Scotland.   The SPS also refused to disclose how many complaints female prisoners had made against trans prisoners since its transgender prisoner policy was introduced in 2014, again for cost reasons.  They did, however, disclose that there had been a total of 6758 allegations of inappropriate or sexual abuse made by female prisoners since 2014."

Scots trans killer demanding to be treated like baby with nappies and baby food - "A Scots killer who transitioned from a male to female in prison is now demanding that staff treat her like an infant.  Brazen murderer Sophie Eastwood has told the governor of tough Polmont prison that she wishes to identify as a baby and wear nappies and staff might be forced to blend the killer's meals like baby food to accommodate the bizarre requests."

Policy experts slate SNP's Gender Recognition Act for being 'biased' and 'full of holes' - "  The Scottish Government asserts that attaching a criminal penalty to anyone who makes a ‘false declaration’ is a safeguard against bad-faith actors abusing the system. However, it has failed to set out how a false declaration would be proven.  Section 22 of the GRA prohibits and criminalises the disclosure of an individual's GRC status, apart from in exceptional circumstances.  In practice, this means, for example, that healthcare providers cannot guarantee access to a female member of staff, due to the risk of disclosure.    In 2019 the Scottish Government stated that it was considering limiting this provision and providing guidance for its use. Instead, it is extending the provision to cover all gender recognition.  There are no plans in place to monitor the effects of the legislation.  Researchers also highlight how in September 2021, the Scottish Government advised all Scottish public bodies that they need no longer collect data on sex at birth as a matter of routine, making it impossible for them to demonstrate any harms experienced by women as a result of the reforms."

Transgender TikToker Rachel Queen Burton Has Been Arrested For Alleged Child Sex Abuse - "Rachel Queen Burton (user @rachel.queen.8008) is a 44-year-old biological man from Coolalinga, and an internet personality with 36k followers on TikTok. Burton, who frequently posted content with a full face of makeup dressed in women’s clothes, has been reportedly charged with eight offenses including child sex abuse and the production of child porn... two LGBT organizations, one of which works with children, has been criticized for hiring pedophilia supporters. One group – Mermaids – initially added Jacob Breslow as a trustee, who attended conventions organized by pedophiles. Another LGBT counseling group based in Berlin had a board member who wrote about his beliefs on children and sex, stating that kids as young as four have the ability to consent to sexual acts. So while Burton’s case is definitely shocking, it seems some transgenders’ involvement with children is no longer news."
"This never happens"

KC Miller on Twitter - "Just for some perspective: this is what almost five years of hormones does to a teenage girl. Remember, I'm 21. *male pattern baldness*"
Natalie Wynn on Twitter - "This is what five years of testosterone does to anyone with genetics for male-pattern balding—should we put cis boys on puberty blockers until they’re “old enough to decide”?"
PSA Sitch🚸 on Twitter - "Why are you so threatened by someone simply talking about their own negative experience transitioning?"
Yes, 21 year old men all have male-pattern baldness.

Meme - Ashton Whitaker (with beard): "Hello! I wanted to reach out to see if you are currently hiring for any dancers/entertainers
Hello! Weird question about applying. My license says male, but I have documentation that I am assigned female at birth (without bottom surgery), and would be entirely female presenting at work. Would I be able to apply?"
"Thank you for reaching out but are currently not hiring new dancers"
When you identify as the gender you were "assigned" at birth to get work

Meme - Kyle Atkins-Weltman: "Daily update on whether transphobes deserve rights the only good thing about terfs to me as a cis male is that it gives me a reasonable and justifiable excuse to hit a woman without being a misogynist, if that makes sense"
Kyle Atkins-Weltman: "Pro Women, Pro Choice"

Why the Left Wants to Get Rid of the Term "Pregnant Women" - The Atlantic - "Only niche groups tend to care about how Americans discuss gender and pregnancy—including whether it’s better to use the term pregnant people instead of pregnant women. But those groups care a lot... Americans who don’t mainline niche political or linguistic fights probably don’t even know this is a debate. When I texted a friend in a small, liberal-ish city about this topic recently, he had no idea what I was talking about...
Green: Without specific, gendered targeting around particular health needs, women might also miss out on care... This may be another unwelcome imaginative exercise. But I’m sure you’ve heard the argument from some people on the right that the left has a culturally authoritarian streak. They embrace certain buzzwords and ways of thinking that are often reflective of academic thought, and it can seem like overnight, everyone is expected to use those words. If you don’t use the right language, you’re considered a bigot, or you get canceled.  Do you worry about that? That trying to shift something as fundamental as people’s perception of motherhood might further fuel this kind of cultural backlash?
Melling: I think this characterization is exaggerated and not true in really profound ways. Nobody is stopped from speaking about her motherhood or the importance of that."
Liberals are so out of touch with what most people think
Another example of how the claim that rights are not like cake - more for some doesn't mean less for others - doesn't work. Of course women are expected to be happy with being referred to with demeaning language for the sake of people with mental illness

Gender-neutral terms may put mothers at risk | News | The Times - "Referring to women as “birth-givers” and replacing the word “mothers” with “pregnant people” in research papers could potentially put women’s health at risk and jeopardise decades of work to improve gender bias in medical literature, a study has found. Women’s health researchers from across the world have said in a paper to be published this week that removing references to the sex of mothers in research in a bid to be more inclusive of transgender people can have “unintended consequences that have serious implications”. It comes after Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust were told last year to formally implement a gender-inclusive language policy for maternity services, including replacing the term “breastmilk” with “human milk” and using “chestfeeding” instead of “breastfeeding” as part of an effort to be more trans-friendly. The authors of the new paper, due to be published in the journal Frontiers in Global Women’s Health, said that replacing words such as “breastfeeding” with terms such as “lactating parents” risks “reducing protection of the mother-infant [bond]” and “disembodying and undermining breastfeeding”... “Confusing the idea of gender identity and the reality of sex risks adverse health consequences and deeper and more insidious discrimination against women,” she said. “Sex, gender, and gender identity are not synonymous but are being treated as if they are.” “Pregnancy, birth and early motherhood are fundamentally sexed issues, not gendered. Pregnant and birthing women and new mothers and their infants have unique vulnerabilities and also require protection.”... The paper comes after the Royal College of Midwives issued an apology in December for removing the words “women” and “mother” and replacing them with “post-natal people”. The researchers also argued that using alternative terms for women and mothers is “mechanistic” and “dehumanising” because it often involves referencing just a body part or physiological process."
Objectification is good when it advances the liberal agenda

Trans activism has mummy issues - "matricide is a core dynamic in feminism from the Twenties onward.  “The mother stands for the victim in ourselves, the unfree woman, the martyr”, wrote Adrienne Rich in Of Woman Born (1976). Faludi quotes Betty Friedan, perhaps the quintessential rejecter of bourgeois domesticity as a desirable role for women, who said: “I didn’t want to be like my mother”.  And this dynamic, Faludi argues, has translated into “a persistent barrenness” within feminism: that is, a rejection not just of individual mothers but of the movement’s ability to create a heritage over time. Instead, each generation rejects the one that went before, endlessly reproducing this second-wave feminist scorn for endlessly victimised, unfree, martyred and unsatisfied mothers – both literal and also political. It’s a push-me-pull-you dynamic that both rejects whatever came before in the women’s movement, while also longing for an ongoing, motherly warmth and acceptance... Faye draws on second-wave writers and radical feminist history, to argue that far from representing a repudiation of the second-wave legacy, trans-activism is its inheritrix. To this end, The Transgender Issue quotes Andrea Dworkin’s approving 1974 description, in Woman Hating, of how new research and fertility technology “challenges the notion that there are two discrete biological sexes” and “threatens to transform the traditional biology of sex difference into the radical biology of sex similarity”. Elsewhere, Faye correctly points out that disagreements over the place of trans women in feminist groups go all the way back to the Seventies. And, indeed, this matriarchal lineage is difficult to dispute, when it was this generation of feminists who first argued that “sex” and “gender” are separable... Against what Dworkin called the “totalitarian” idea of “man” and “woman”, other second-wave radical feminists imagined all of us liberated from the givens of biology... Faye characterises as “frankly unhinged” Germaine Greer’s argument in The Whole Woman that transgender women are engaged in a form of symbolic matricide. But perhaps it’s more accurate to say Greer didn’t go far enough. That is, it’s not just transfeminism that’s engaged in symbolic matricide, it’s pretty much all of it, from the second wave onwards.  Other strands have, of course, emerged over many decades of sometimes rancorous feminist debate. But Shon Faye makes a convincing case for transgender activism as the matricidal inheritrix of a profoundly matricidal strand in that debate."

Meme - "Woman: "*Snap* Oh, wow! I look pretty good today."
Woman: "Oh. Hi, REALITY"
Reality: "What's this then? HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA"
Reality: *Foop* *Disappears*
Transwoman: *Ugly*"

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