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Thursday, July 21, 2022

Links - 21st July 2022 (1 - Trans Mania)

Meme - "I can tell they've had pronoun training at my hospital because the check in guy said "Sir, over here. Oh! No, uh, they?" And the lady at the next cube said, "No gendered honorifics or antiquated respectability phrases, KEVIN!!!!"
"Have a good day! See you Monday, Mrsrt- buddy. Hogan Buddy." - Kevin as I was leaving"

Meme - "Driver: My pronoun is they.
Police: Then here's another ticket."

Alaska Airlines launches gender-neutral uniform policy for flight attendants and other staff - "The company has also created personal pronoun pins that employees can choose to wear with their uniforms."

Kansas teacher wins federal case, will not be forced to use students' preferred pronouns - "After a months long battle, Pamela Ricard has won her battle against transgender-accommodating policies being implemented in public schools across the nation. Ricard was reprimanded in April of 2021 for failure to use a student's preferred pronouns, despite the school not having an official policy on preferred pronoun use at the time. The school later implemented various policies on the issue after Ricard was reprimanded. Ricard sued the school after she was reprimanded, citing that her First and Fourteenth Amendment rights had been violated. In May of 2022, Ricard received a ruling by a federal court that her termination for failing to use students' preferred pronouns was unconstitutional. The decision rendered the termination unconstitutional because her refusal to use the pronouns was based on her religious beliefs, specifically Christianity... This ruling comes nearly a year after Tanner Cross, a gym teacher in Virginia was reinstated after a brief suspension for failing to use a student’s preferred pronouns. Like Ricard, Cross appealed his suspension on his Christian beliefs."

Judge Reinstates VA Teacher Suspended For Refusing To Affirm Trans Identity For Kids, Calls School Response ‘Vindictive’ - "Plowman found the “school system’s suspension was unconstitutional” and its handling of the situation was “vindictive.” The school argued that it suspended Cross not for his beliefs but because of the “disruption” he allegedly caused, but Plowman said there was “simply an absence of evidence” that any disruption to school operations took place."
Teacher Byron Tanner Cross, who criticized transgender preferred pronoun policy, reaches settlement with Virginia’s Loudoun County School Board - "Under the settlement, the school system must reinstate the teacher, remove any reference to his suspension from his personnel file, and pay some attorney’s fees."

Meme - ""Stop forcing your religion one me" says person demanding you refer to them by made up pronouns"

Indiana company doesn't allow pronouns in email signatures - "Loughery's departure was spurred by Solution Tree's new policy that doesn't allow employees to include their pronouns in email signatures... employees would be able to use pronoun identifiers internally for everyone inside the company, but not in messages sent to clients. "This is a company email and this company is about advancing the work of our authors and not bringing any attention to us as individuals or what we care about personally""
Good way to get rid of low performers

Trans: U.S. prof wins settlement after refusing to use pronouns - "A public university in southern Ohio has agreed to pay a professor US$400,000 after it disciplined him four years ago for refusing to use a transgender student's preferred pronouns, according to Shawnee State University... the philosophy professor, Nicholas Meriwether, will not be required to use certain pronouns regardless of a student's request... Meriwether sued in 2018 after he was disciplined, and a federal district court dismissed the suit for lack of standing. Then, last year a three-judge appellate panel revived the lawsuit and sent it back to the lower court, where Meriwether could have argued his First Amendment rights of free speech and religion and his 14th Amendment right to due process were violated...  Shawnee State introduced a policy in 2016 requiring the use of a student's pronouns to match their gender identity, according to Meriwether's complaint. The professor pushed back, claiming this went against his beliefs as a Christian.  A series of compromises then was discussed over months, including Meriwether offering to "use any name the student requested instead of titles and pronouns"... The school opened a Title IX investigation against the professor, ultimately concluding Meriwether's treatment of the student created a "hostile environment," and the dean of the university's College of Arts and Sciences recommended putting a formal warning in his file. Had the behaviours continued, Meriwether was on the hook for suspension without pay or even termination"

Mothers of boys with gender identity disorder: a comparison of matched controls - "This pilot study compared mothers of boys with gender identity disorder (GID) with mothers of normal boys to determine whether differences in psychopathology and child-rearing attitudes and practices could be identified. Results of the Diagnostic Interview for Borderlines and the Beck Depression Inventory revealed that mothers of boys with GID had more symptoms of depression and more often met the criteria for Borderline Personality Disorder than the controls. Fifty-three percent of the mothers of boys with GID compared with only 6% of controls met the diagnosis for Borderline Personality Disorder on the Diagnostic Interview for Borderlines or had symptoms of depression on the Beck Depression Inventory. Results of the Summers and Walsh Symbiosis Scale suggested that mothers of probands had child-rearing attitudes and practices that encouraged symbiosis and discouraged the development of autonomy."
Clear proof that Munchausen syndrome by proxy is not a thing and that these mothers are supportive and should be praised for not being "transphobic"

Meme - Monikathrowaway88 [VENT] Rejected at a lesbian bar
First post and sorry if its a little all over the place and scrambled, Im just kinda shaken up and upset. A group of friends invited me to join them at a lesbian bar called Roxys in my hometown, and being a single lesbian, I thought it would be fun and said I would go. So we go on Saturday night, and were just drinking and talking and having fun and all that jazz and I see this one girl sitting by herself at the bar and I thought she was pretty cute which was weird because she looked like a total tomboy and _usually am only into feminine girl because I like my partners to look like girls and Butches and tomboys make me feel kinda dysphoric. My friends hyped me up to go talk to her so I did. I sat in the seat next to her and literally just asked her how she was doing. She takes one look at me and downs the last of her drink before literally saying "fuck no" and getting up and going into the bathroom. felt so fucking embarassed. My face was burning and I was trying not to cry as I went back over to my friends. I kept an eye on the bathroom and she came out a little while later to pay at the bar and leave and on her way out she gave us a dirty look. I feel so fucking horrible about myself and Im still upset about it and dont know what to do with myself"

Meme - "believe it or not, one of the women in this photo is trans"
Literally indistinguishable!


Meme - "Daniel James Ceri Fisher"
Rest in Power!"
"tranny's fake identity is a cheap flag that will deteriorate and wither without constant maintenance and repair
tranny's true identity is carved in stone, unchangeable, and still obviously visible behind the facade"
Comments (elsewhere): "Imagine losing your kid because he was recruited into the cut your dick your dick off and deal with not being able to cum cult and committed suicide, then catching his recruiters desecrating his grave."

Meme - "Your parents will use your real name when they bury you.
time to start a new account"

Meme - "Ellen "Elliot" Page
Bruce "Caitlyn" Jenner
Dude, Where's my cock?"

Blaire White on Twitter - "Trans acceptance would be in a way better place if they stopped pushing the kid stuff. Most reasonable people can support adults making choices about their own bodies. Only insane people think kids can consent to sterilization or removing body parts before they can drive a car."

Blaire White on Twitter - "If you’re not old enough to consent to sex, you’re not old enough to consent to changing your sex."
One reply: "If you're not a parent of a transgender child, it's none of your gd business."
Ironically these are the same people who want parents who spank their kids to go to jail

Super straight on Twitter - "What is super straight? This is a new sexuality that means that you are only attracted to cisgender women or men. This was made due to an influx of people saying that you aren’t straight if you aren’t attracted to trans women/men. We are part of the LGBTQ+ now. #superstraight"

*Super straight*

People are starting to use Lefties' nonsensical language against them and it’s absolutely beautiful: Meet #SuperStraight and #BlueAnon - "  One of the biggest issues conservatives have faced in recent decades is a lack of control over shaping language. See, everyone right of Marx believes in objective, scientific definitions. For example, a tree... is a tree.  For the Left, however, a tree might not be a tree. A tree might be an animal. A man is a woman. An expensive death sentence is "affordable healthcare." War is peace. Ignorance is strength. Now you begin to understand me. This is how we've come to a point where most labels in mainstream culture are created by the politically-correct Left, whether it be "income equality," "social justice," "inclusion," "cultural appropriation," or "anti-racism."  But with their destruction of meaning, the Left's ideology that language (and reality) can be molded in whatever form you fancy is starting to backfire on them.  It turns out, when you say nothing is true, even your own statement becomes false. And so, after years of waiting, the Right has begun to parody the Left by playing their own stupid game. This led to the creation of two terms this week that began trending: "Superstraight" and "Blue Anon.""

Meme - "Yes, ALL sexualities are valid, you bigot!"
"I identify as SuperStraight"
"No thats not a real sexuality you can't just make things up thats transphobic!!!!!"

Meme - "WE. EXIST. Don't be a bigot. #superstraightpride"
"ITS.NOT.A.SEXUALTY it's a preference and you're being fucking transphobic"
"Please don't use the term "preference" like that. Preference implies choice. We were born this way. Don't be straightphobic. My sexuality isn't transphobic. Please don't be hateful."

Matt 🟧⬛️🟧⬛️ on Twitter - ""super straight" lmao if you wanna tell people you're a cunt just say that"
"That’s superphobic of you. We just want to be understood. We have nothing against the other categories in the BGLST+ community. Try to be more open minded please."

Straight people who don’t date trans people are now calling themselves ‘Super Straight’ - "Of all the social movements TikTok has birthed, the new ‘Super Straight’ movement may be the most controversial.It originated when user Kyle Royce told his Tik Tok followers that because so many people were calling him transphobic for not wanting to date trans women, he decided that he would identify as Super Straight, a sexuality for people who only want to date people born as the gender they identify with.Royce’s Tik Tok blew up immediately, racking up millions of views and millions of supporters who joined in to identify as Super Straight. A flag was created and lines were drawn as many others quickly trashed the trend as transphobic and bigoted."

Nocissexual | LGBTA Wiki | Fandom - "Nocissexual also called Noctic or Undisexual is the attraction to all genders, except, either:
    One's attraction fades once it is known someone is cisgender.
    One does not feel attraction to people until it is known that the person in question is not cisgender.
    One chooses not to date cisgender people/chooses not to date people unless they know the person in question is not cis."
Of course only superstraights are a problem. Cisphobia is good

Meme - "The year is 2042. Rachel Levine is the first woman President. There are 92,109 genders. The only small businesses left are black owned hair salons and drive through strip clubs. They released Chinese built Fauci-bots to hunt down the last of the "Unvaxxed". Sex with anyone but transgenders has been outlawed. l am the last Super Straight white male and this is my story."

Meme - vanesaproductions: "they took down the super straight video"
kyleroyce Creator: "i removed it bcz they sent death threats to my mom over it"

The Trans Movement Is Not About Rights Anymore - "An unusual thing happened in the conversation about transgender identity in America this week. The New York Times conceded that there is, indeed, a debate among medical professionals, transgender people, gays and lesbians and others about medical intervention for pre-pubescent minors who have gender dysphoria. The story pulled some factual punches, but any mildly-fair airing of this debate in the US MSM is a breakthrough of a kind.  Here’s the truth that the NYT was finally forced to acknowledge: “Clinicians are divided” over the role of mental health counseling before making irreversible changes to a child’s body. Among those who are urging more counseling and caution for kids are ground-breaking transgender surgeons. This very public divide was first aired by Abigail Shrier a few months ago on Bari’s Substack, of course, where a trans pioneer in sex-change surgery opined: “It is my considered opinion that due to some of the … I’ll call it just ‘sloppy,’ sloppy healthcare work, that we’re going to have more young adults who will regret having gone through this process.” Oof.  The NYT piece also concedes another key fact: that puberty blockers are neither harmless nor totally reversible... I would think that, just as a general rule, minors making permanent, life-changing decisions should receive more psychological treatment than adults. How on earth is this not the default? In what other field of medicine do patients diagnose themselves, and that alone is justification for dramatic, irreversible medication? The NYT doesn’t give you the data for the “increasing number” of transitions because it’s hard to find in the US. In the UK, however, the data show a 3,200 percent rise in adolescents seeking transition over a decade — 70 percent of whom are girls seeking to become boys, a break from historical norms where boys/men were much more likely to seek transition. Nor does the NYT give any data for “detransitioners.” But any brief look online suggests they are not exactly “quite rare.” They are, in fact, becoming a small but recognizable and tenacious part of the trans landscape. And among the risks of puberty blockers that the NYT does not mention are neurological damage, bone-density loss, and a permanent inability to experience sexual pleasure. And in almost every case (98 percent in one report), puberty blockers are never reversed... “What rights do trans people currently not have but want that don’t involve replacing biological sex with one’s subjective ‘gender identity’?” And the response was, of course, crickets. The truth is: the 6-3 Bostock decision places trans people in every state under the protection of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. It’s done. It’s built on the sturdy prohibition on sex discrimination. A Trump nominee wrote the ruling. What the trans movement is now doing, after this comprehensive victory, is not about rights at all. It is about cultural revolution. It’s a much broader movement to dismantle the sex binary, to see biology as a function of power and not science, and thereby to deconstruct the family and even a fixed category such as homosexuality. You can support trans rights and oppose all of this. But they want you to believe you can’t. That’s the bait-and-switch. Don’t take it. The radicalism of this assault on nature, science and bodily integrity is not hidden. Just before Christmas, for example, New York Magazine ran a first-person cover-story that celebrated “an asexual gay man with a penis and a vagina.” His hatred of his natal femaleness stemmed in part, he says, from being groomed to “live as a sexually available cute-lady vessel capable of carrying white babies” as part of “patriarchal, heterosexist, racist, capitalist acculturation.” He insists that he has always had a “native penis, which some people call a clitoris.” Now, surgeons have carved out flesh from his thigh to create a simulacrum of a non-native dick... What’s interesting here is not the person’s evident mental instability. (The author had previously organized his own rape as therapy for meeting rape victims in Haiti, and published a piece about it.) It’s the decision by the editors of the magazine to elevate and exploit this assault on bodily sex, to épater les bourgeois one more time, to insist on the normalcy of this, as if it were a matter of civil rights rather than a foray into the nihilist and grotesque... This is what the editors seem to promote: a view of the body as beyond sex or gender, to be created and recreated at will and indefinitely, and an abandonment of any stable notion of sex at all. Whatever else this is, it is not a matter of civil rights."

Radical Gender Lessons for Young Children - "Evanston–Skokie School District 65 has adopted a radical gender curriculum that teaches pre-kindergarten through third-grade students to celebrate the transgender flag, break the “gender binary” established by white “colonizers,” and experiment with neo-pronouns such as “ze,” “zir,” and “tree.”"

Doctors Debate Whether Trans Teens Need Therapy Before Hormones - The New York Times - "An international group of experts focused on transgender health last month released a draft of new guidelines, the gold standard of the field that informs what insurers will reimburse for care... A new chapter dedicated to adolescents says that they must undergo mental health assessments and must have questioned their gender identity for “several years” before receiving drugs or surgeries.  Experts in transgender health are divided on these adolescent recommendations, reflecting a fraught debate over how to weigh conflicting risks for young people, who typically can’t give full legal consent until they are 18 and who may be in emotional distress or more vulnerable to peer influence than adults are.  Some of the drug regimens bring long-term risks, such as irreversible fertility loss. And in some cases, thought to be quite rare, transgender people later “detransition” to the gender they were assigned at birth. Given these risks, as well as the increasing number of adolescents seeking these treatments, some clinicians say that teens need more psychological assessment than adults do"
Weird. I thought we were told that anything other than gender affirming care was child abuse, and kids couldn't be groomed into becoming trans

Aydan on Twitter - "we have “top surgery” and “bottom surgery” but personally I would like to have the option for Whole Surgery where they just remove the whole physical body and allow you to exist as a liberated abstraction"
Shared by Pink News
Nope. Not mental illness

Facebook - "One of the recent misinformation tactics used is to conflate intersex (rare genetic disorders with actual differences in chromosome number and significant disabilities / fertility issues) with transgenderism (socially transmitted mental issue with normal XX or XY genotype, sometimes resulting in self imposed fertility issues caused by unnecessary surgical intervention), by placing both under "nonbinary", and falsely implying that "biological sex is a spectrum".
Plus when they try to even dump human genetic mosaicism such as absorbed fraternal twins into the "omg nonbinary is so common" bucket. That really gets my goat since it's a pain in the neck to explain the mechanism to anyone without at least a B.Sc."

Buck Angel® TRANSSEXUAL MAN on Twitter - "I have a disorder called gender dysphoria. I wish I did not. I wish I was born male. But I was not. I live as a male because it helps me walk the world in peace with myself. I am not trying to trick anyone and why I am honest about who and what I am. Love Tranpa #biologymatters"

Dr. Money was a pioneer in gender theory. He introduced concepts such as "gender identity" and "gender role". He differentiated "gender" from "sex", thinking that the former is a social construct of sorts. During the one Reimer family got twin boys, Bruce and Brian. Bruce's penis was ruined in a botched circumcision. The concerned parents brought thelr boy to dr. Money, who saw this as an opportunity to prove his theory that gender is taught. He advised the Reimers to remove Bruce's testicles and raise him as a girl ("Brenda"), expecting that he'll become a legitimate girl. However, "Brenda" didn't feel like a girl and soon fell into deep depression. What's worse, Money forced the twins to perform sexual acts and strip for "genital inspections", and took photos of them. "Brenda" later changed his name to David and tried to return to being a boy by installing artificial penis and testicles. In the end, Brian developed schizophrenia and died by overdose from antidepressants. David shot himself after years of depression, financial instability and marital issues. Dr. Money wrote his critics off as bigots who believe that "masculinity and femininity are built into the genes so women should get back to the mattress and the kitchen"."

Sydney Watson on Twitter - "Women have nothing left that's ours. Anyone can appropriate our sex. We are referred to as "bleeders" and "pregnant people". Biological men beat us out of our own spaces. "Woman" doesn't have any definition or meaning. And we're expected to accept our own erasure. It's gross."

Meme - "Consent involves divulging all information that your partner needs to know before they can make a choice, or else it's manipulation"
"I dont need to tell people I date that I am trans"

Meme - Queen Of The Rings @CircaStarr: "Literally devistated.. I was on a date with a guy and he asked "where you wanna go ma'am" and I told him to be careful not to misgender someone before you call them the wrong thing, and he said "I can tell this won't work out" and pulled over and made me get out of his car then called me "faggot". WHY ARE MEN??"

Bright neon colored hair is often used to attract a childs attention
Rainbow clothing and accessories are worn to present a 'playful' appearance to children
In African-American communities, the term "BLM" is often used to mean "Boys Loving Men" and for "All Children Are Beautiful"

Sanaz Ahmadi on Twitter - "Kajsa Ekis Ekman (KEE) wrote last week about Kristoffer Johansson who will be moved from class 1 security men’s prison to class 2 security women’s prison. There are no class 1 security women’s prisons in Sweden. Take a guess why. #peaktrans #radicalfeminism #marxism #swepol
We can no longer coddle men’s emotions. Kristoffer Johansson raped, smeared his sperm on his victim, murdered and butchered her. He then feigned concern and joined the search party for her body. The butchering of Vatchareeya Bangsuan is a part of men’s terror against women.
Vatchareeya’s murder is a terror that women grow up with and is normalized by societal institutions. It is not random that he was a man and she was a woman. That Kristoffer’s emotions has higher priority than women’s lives is a natural consequence of institutionalized patriarchy.
That Vatchareeya’s life as a brown woman was so worthless that Kristoffer’s sentence was reduced and lowered to manslaughter was not a big enough ball of spit in women’s faces. Now the women he hasn’t yet reached will also be spat on.
A man so psychosexually disturbed that he sexually enjoys butchering women, also enjoys wearing women’s skin. That is what happens in Kristoffer’s head when he wears his feminine costume – he wears women’s skin, a form of autogynephilia.
It is not strange that such a psychosexually disturbed man would be tired of being surrounded by other men. It is not strange that he’d rather be surrounded by women he has a patriarchal advantage over and sexually enjoys torturing, terrorizing and murdering...
Kristoffer going to a women’s prison is the ultimate psychosexual confirmation for him. For the inmates it is a continuation of the same terror they have endured their whole lives. And now they cannot even flee.
I haven’t even touched on the fact that medical treatment is not necessary for Kristoffer to change legal sex. He can do so because Woman is no longer a biological and material reality. Woman is a feeling a man has.
The Eigth Rule of Misogyny: “Men are what men say they are, and women are what men say they are”.
KEE cannot stand against the misogyny of trans ideology by herself. Swedish sisters, you need to join and raise your voices. Men know they cannot divide feminists, so they have decided to label themselves women to divide us from the inside."

Meme - "I like this game lol
Mathematician: triangles have three sides
Trans activist: what about those with five
Mathematician: those are pentagons
Trans activist: why are y'all still stuck in this reductionist, kindergarten definition of triangle? Feel free to join"

Meme - "Biologist: insects have six legs
Trans activist: what about those with eight
Biologist: those are arachnids
Trans activist: why do you HATE eight-legged insects so much?"
"Biologist: Homo sapiens are vertebrates

Meme - "> Working at IT department in bank
> Company currently joined the woke- train and now we get all kinds of workshops on why straight white men are the devil
> Roll eyes - none of the Directors/VPs are of color...
> People start to insert moronic and to their signatures >
Getting so annoyed by this, I insert 'they/then' in my signature
> One of my colleagues (and one of the drivers behind this whole moronification of signatures) asks me about my signature
>I reply "I don't think it's appropriate to talk about these things at work - please just respects my pronouns"
> This person goes mad, accusing me of mocking the pronouns
> I think "Fuck it. No way for her to prove it", and step to HR to complain
> Colleague is being asked to stop her questioning (and gets her first official warning), but still brings it up two more times
> I go to HR again, she gets her second official warning
> I'm enjoying that this moronic shit is now biting the proponents in their ass
> Again, she's alluding to my pronouns not being genuine during a meeting
> I make a big scene of it (lulz), and HR gets involved again
> Last Friday was her last day.

In a single decade, trans “feel this way” has triumphed over gay “born this way” - "somehow transgender activists have managed to accomplish what a generation of Christian political voices were utterly unable to do. They are defeating the once-proud gay movement, not by a societal sermon from without, but by imploding it from within. Transgenderism relies on the presumption that sex distinctions don't really exist; or at least that there is no binary. There is no one who can be considered "fully male" or "fully female," but rather just gender nomads fitting somewhere on society's sliding scale of identity. But rather than thoughtfully following that outrageous claim to its logical end, most gay activists still perceive conservatives as their biggest enemy, and remain blind to the Trojan Horse they have permitted within their movement's walls. Today, in increasing intensity, that horse is emptying its devious contents inside the gay rights crusade and collapsing it from the inside out."

Meme - Ben Appel @benappel: "I was not all prepared for LGBT rights groups, activists, and so many others to start advocating for the transitioning of gays and lesbians and for the erasure of homosexuality." Wesley Yang @wesyang: "It's really just cultural churn for the purposes of sustaining the appearance of "progress" in order to keep an activist class employed - cannibalizing prior subjects of progressive movements in the process"
The "myth" of the slippery slope strikes again

Midwifery students being taught how to help men give birth - "Midwifery students are being taught how to help men give birth in a textbook that experts have warned is rife with anatomical fiction.  Edinburgh Napier University told training midwives that they may be caring for a “birthing person” who has male genitalia and a prostate gland, in a bid to support transgender people.   A module guide on how to provide safe care in childbirth told students: “It is important to note that while most times the birthing person will have female genitalia, you may be caring for a pregnant or birthing person who is transitioning from male to female and may still have external male genitalia.  “You need to be familiar with the catheterisation procedure for both female and male anatomy. For this reason, where appropriate, this book refers to the birthing person.”... Midwifery students were advised that “male persons should be warned of discomfort as the deflated balloon passes through the prostate gland”, a part of anatomy that is only found in biological males.  This prompted a backlash from students at the university, one of only three Scottish institutions recognised by the Nursing and Midwifery Council for undergraduate midwifery courses, as it is impossible for men to get pregnant or give birth.   On Thursday night, experts criticised the guide as “inclusive to the point of nonsense” and warned that the simplification of procedures risked dangerous practices.   Prof Geraldine Walters, the executive director of professional practice at the Nursing and Midwifery Council, the regulator, told The Telegraph: “This workbook includes some clear inaccuracies in its current form. We’d expect the university to review and correct this.”  Kat Barber, the co-founder of the Sex Not Gender Nurses and Midwives group, added: “Women can’t have prostates, that's quite straight forward, so this policy reads to me as though it is inclusive to the point of nonsense."...   “What's more concerning is that the students have had to take to journalism to ask questions about it, which tells me a lot about the state that our nursing and midwifery institutions are in, who should be able to ask questions.”  A student backlash when the guide was released late last month led to course leaders apologising for “wording being the wrong way round”. They said they were referring to a trans man who “has surgery to construct a penis, but still has a uterus and may conceive”.  However, The Telegraph understands that the wording of the guide has not been changed and the university on Thursday stood by it.   Elaine Miller, a fellow of the Chartered Society for Physiotherapy, raised concern about scientific accuracy even for female-to-male transitioners, given the lack of evidence on those who undergo a phalloplasty to create a penis and wish to give birth.  She told Reduxx, the feminist website which first reported the guide: “A [female] with a gender difference can become pregnant but will not have male genitalia.  “Most [females] who use testosterone, at the doses used for ‘transition,’ will develop vaginal atrophy. The fragile tissue of an atrophied vagina may be unable to stretch to accommodate a baby’s head,” warning of “new types of birth injury” which have not been studied...   Debbie Hayton, a teacher who is a transgender woman, added: “Somebody needs to wake up - this is crazy. I think language is the issue - people who should know better are signing this off because they don’t want to upset people.”"

Meme - "We must stop disinformation" - pregnant man

Meme - Reddit Lies: "Teachers discusses how to "crack an egg" which, in this context, literally means #grooming a child. They suggest not telling her parents because it may "hinder the child's cracking" and scheduling a 1-on-1 summer trip with her. The subreddit is currently set to private"

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