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Thursday, July 21, 2022

Links - 21st July 2022 (2)

Rhodes Scholar who claimed she was abused is accused of making it all up - "A Rhodes Scholar who won a coveted scholarship at Oxford after claiming she overcame childhood abuse and grew up in foster care has been accused of lying to officials and is in fact the daughter of a radiologist who went to private school.   Mackenzie Fierceton, 24, describes herself as a 'queer, first generation, low income' student at The University of Pennsylvania. In 2020, she was given a scholarship to go to Oxford after dazzling the Rhodes Trust with her story of how she overcame welfare, an abusive mother and the foster care system.    But after a November 2020 Philadelphia Inquirer news article about the scholarship, lauded her as a 'first-generation student' who 'has been low-income throughout her life, and grew up in foster care,' an anonymous tipster contacted the Rhodes Trust and UPenn to report her for being 'blatantly dishonest'... In her application to UPenn, Mackenzie identified in application as 'queer', 'low income' and a 'first generation student.'... She maintains that she never lied and that the Rhodes Trust is attacking a 'survivor' of abuse."

Labor Union Opposes Quickly Moving Containers from Cargo Ships - "Pacific Maritime Association (PMA), a consortium of 70 companies that negotiates and administers labor agreements with the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU), has accused ILWU of refusing to allow upgrades in port technology to move “cargo productively”...  The International Longshoreman’s Association estimates equipment that will reduce the supply chain crisis could “eliminate 40 to 70 percent” of union jobs, noting, however, that “automation also creates new jobs associated with the installation and maintenance of electrified equipment, programming, and related functions.”"

Ports Are Open: DeSantis Announces Global Shipping Company Moving Part of Operations from California to Florida - "the global shipping company Sea-Lead Shipping is moving part of its operations from California to Jacksonville, Florida — another victory for the governor, whose state’s ports have increased their capacity to help alleviate the nationwide supply chain crisis."

#EmptyShelvesJoe trending amid Biden's supply chain crisis
Maybe the people who said Trump was to blame for everything bad that happened during his term (even if it was not his fault) will find some way to blame him for the global supply chain problems

Global Supply-Chain Problems Escalate, Threatening Economic Recovery - WSJ

Our Sec. of Transportation has been on paid leave for MONTHS to help his husband with their new babies while the supply chain crisis spins out of control - "our fearless Sec. of Transportation – whose qualifications include being an unpopular mayor of a small city and being gay – has taken MONTHS of paternity leave... I'm not against time off for having or adopting a baby. I thought it insane that I got only one day of paid leave for my first two children, considering the value I would bring to my then-employer if I was well-rested and knew my wife had the support system in place to care for the babies while I was away. But months??? For two dudes?? Pete might be the token Midwestern gay guy that the coastal elites like to have on retainer, but he fits into the Washington Swamp like Cinderella into her glass slipper.  He has a large enough salary (not to mention government resources and security) to hire a team of nannies to help... When you take on a Cabinet role in the White House, you know it comes with certain sacrifices. That goes double in times of crisis, and triple when the crisis is in the very area you allegedly oversee"

Pete Buttigieg Joins the Parental Leave Debate: ‘This Is Work.’ - The New York Times
Apparently employers should pay employees for family care work

Sen. Warren Tells Elon Musk to "Stop Freeloading Off Everyone Else" - "Time had just named Musk its Person of the Year, so Warren tweeted: "Let's change the rigged tax code so The Person of the Year will actually pay taxes and stop freeloading off everyone else."... Musk's best response was to counter the claim that he won't pay taxes this year—a common talking point from those who won't acknowledge that many ultra-rich founders and CEOs accrue such high net worths not via traditional salaries alone (or in some cases at all) but via a mix of stock options, capital gains, interests, dividends, and business income. Though Musk did not pay federal income taxes back in 2018 (because he took out loans against Tesla shares), he will be on the hook to pay an extreme amount this year: potentially between $9 billion and $10 billion, if he exercises soon-to-expire stock options... While Warren was hectoring Musk for failing to "actually pay taxes," 61 percent of Americans (roughly 100 million households) actually, for real, didn't pay federal income taxes last year...   The Tax Foundation noted that in 2018, the top 25 percent of taxpayers paid 87 percent of total federal income taxes. The top 1 percent pony up roughly 40 percent of total federal income taxes. Warren's spending priorities are largely bankrolled by the richest people in America—to the extent that they're bankrolled at all, as opposed to being added to the exorbitant national debt"

Jordan Peterson Thanks Elon Musk For Paying $11 Billion In Taxes - ""And if you opened your eyes for 2 seconds, you would realize I will pay more taxes than any American in history this year,” responded Musk. “Don’t spend it all at once … oh wait you did already,” Musk later mocked. Warren reportedly responded by spending thousands of dollars on six Facebook ads attacking Musk"
So much for mocking him for not paying taxes

Elon Musk Responds To Elizabeth Warren Spending Thousands On Facebook Ads Attacking Him - "Billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk responded to Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) spending thousands of dollars on Facebook ads attacking him in recent days by saying that the people of Massachusetts deserve “someone better” to represent them in the U.S. Senate."

Elon Musk on Twitter - "US national debt is ~$28,900 billion or ~$229k per taxpayer. Even taxing all “billionaires” at 100% would only make a small dent in that number, so obviously the rest must come from the general public. This is basic math. Spending is the real problem."

Japanese 'Prince' Switched At Birth Was Raised A Pauper - "What happens when you find out that the life you've lived could have been better — much better? That's what a 60-year-old Japanese truck driver had to grapple with when he discovered he was switched at birth after being born to a rich family.  The man, who has chosen to remain anonymous, was raised by a single mother in a 100-square-foot apartment. A court ruled Tuesday that a social welfare organization that ran the hospital where the mix-up occurred must pay him about $317,000 for causing "mental distress by depriving him of an opportunity to gain a higher education."   The truck driver has chosen to remain anonymous. The boy who was raised in his place by the rich family became the president of a real estate company."

Meme - "When you both agree to try BDSM...
...and neither of you is a bottom
*Justice League - Superman and Wonder Woman tug of war*"

Meme - "Harassing people who owe you money is so broke. If you needed it right back you shouldn't have lended it out. Just gotta take ya L and move along"
"Imagine someone that owes YOU money calling you broke"

Protect your data with BusKill, a dead man's switch for your laptop - "the new BusKill USB kill cord. It’s a dead man’s switch for laptops designed to protect your data by locking or even wiping your computer if someone snatches it away from you while you’re using it.   BusKill is designed for journalists, activists, crypto traders and travelers, the company said. Though it seems it could come in handy for anyone at risk of losing a laptop via smash-and-grab tactics."

BA flight forced to land early because of smelly poo - "The plane was heading from Heathrow to Dubai on Thursday - a seven-hour flight... The plane had been airborne for just 30 minutes when it turned round.  The next available flight was 15 hours later, so passengers had to be put up in a hotel overnight."

How does a Jet Engine work? - "This works on the model of ‘Suck-Squeeze-Bang-Blow’."

Boringly postmodern and an ideological fantasy: Slavoj Žižek reviews Matrix Resurrections | The Spectator - "Every reader has for sure noticed that, in my description of the movie, I heavily rely on a multitude of reviews which I extensively quote. The reason is now clear: in spite of its occasional brilliance, the film is ultimately not worth seeing – which is why I also wrote this review without seeing it."

Meme - Neil deGrasse Tyson @neiltyson: "For Santa to deliver gifts to all world's Christians in one night requires hypersonic speeds through Earth's lower atmosphere, vaporizing his reindeer & sleigh. Just sayin'."
Justin Whang @JustinWhang: "That's why he uses magic, dumbass"

Meme - "whenever you question your own political analysis there's always someone worse"
Murdered Prince Said to Have Been a Militarist Who Favored, Germany's Aggressive Policy. WAS FAVORITE IN ENGLISH CIRCLES
And Was Frequent Visitor to London and Guest of King George"

SURVEILLANCE STATE: "Identify and Disrupt" Bill will Give Australian Authorities Access to Any Citizen's Social Media, Email Account Without Consent; Allow Them to Add, Delete Information and Send Messages - "When the bill was first being introduced in August 2020, officials claimed the new overly-intrusive powers would “only” be used to target “serious offenses,” such as terrorism, drug trafficking, or child pornography.  Considering the state of things in Australia a year later  – with people being dragged out of their homes by Covid gestapo, Vax-entration camps being built to house dissenters, and anti-vax or anti-lockdown speech considered to be a crime of the highest order – their bar for “serious offenses” might be a little to easy to clear."
Did they pass this due to Chinese infiltration?

Wake Up, Singapore - Posts | Facebook - "For those dorm operators complaining - If you can't afford to give workers the bare minimum, maybe you don't deserve to stay in business."
Of course, they love to complain about how expensive things are. Apparently money comes from out of nothing

Singapore migrant workers are still living in Covid lockdown - ""This is prison life. This is a captive's life."... Singapore's government has always been open about separating dormitory residents from everyone else in the country.  They hold a different visa, work under different labour laws and the authorities do not pretend that these men have the same rights as other foreigners who do the white collar jobs in the city.  Even official daily case numbers for Covid-19 are split into three categories: "Imported", "Dormitory residents" and "Community"."
From Sep 2021
I saw someone complaining about the statistics being separated for migrant workers and others. I pointed out that this was why citizens and PRs were combined when reporting unemployment statistics - to prevent stereotyping
Ironically some of those complaining about discrimination against foreign workers also bashed the government for not controlling covid

Kids Causing Havoc - "You really can't take kids anywhere"

Meme - "The only thing keeping me sane is knowing that there's an animal called sea squirt and they look like cute blobs that are surprised"

Nicky "New Album Out Now" Flowers on Twitter - "if you know someone from nyc and they're feeling down, ask them to explain to you exactly what a bodega is. they love telling people about bodegas. now, what they're going to describe to you is a regular corner store. but act like it's just as magical as they think it is"

Dave Ramsey - Posts | Facebook - "🚗 The top 10 car brands driven by millionaires:
1. Toyota
2. Honda
3. Ford
4. Lexus
5. Subaru
6. BMW
7. Acura
8. Hyundai
9. Lincoln
10. Buick
Most millionaires don't drive flashy cars.
69% of millionaires did not average $100,000 or more in household income per year—and (get this) one-third of millionaires NEVER had a six-figure household income in their entire careers.
When people don't waste money trying to LOOK wealthy, they have money to actually BECOME wealthy."

Viagra could be a potent force in the fight against Alzheimer’s, says study
So much for that joke about spending more on viagra and boob jobs than Alzheimer's meaning that there'll be people running around with big breasts and hard cocks but no idea what to do with them

Paramedic took her own life after being shamed for littering, inquest hears - "A “well-loved” young paramedic took her own life during the national lockdown after being shamed on Facebook for littering, an inquest has heard.  Charlotte Cope, from Gelli, in Rhondda Cynon Taf, South Wales was found dead at her family home in April 2020."

U.S. Paralympian Says Strangers Shame Her For Using Handicapped Parking Spots - "Paralympian Jessica Long is shining a light on a common problem many people with disabilities face — harassment from people who don’t believe they’re disabled. The swimmer, who has won 13 Paralympic gold medals, recently posted a TikTok in which she expressed frustration over being shamed for using a handicapped-accessible parking spot, despite being an amputee and having a disabled person parking permit... “I get two to four comments per week, just going about my normal routine and parking in handicap spaces,” the caption of her post reads. “I’ve had people yell at me, leave notes on my windshield, knock on my car window, or wait for me to get out of my car just to tell me I can’t park there. My worst experience to date was an older couple that followed me around a grocery store and kept making comments because they wanted the handicap spot I took and said that I didn’t need it. I even explained I had two prosthetic legs and they told me I was a liar.” Unfortunately, disabled people being harassed by parking lot vigilantes who do not think they should be parking in handicapped-accessible spots is incredibly common.  It is important to remember that not all disabilities are visible."

Meme - "Hard to swallow pills: Even if school taught you life skills like how to do taxes instead of latin or geometry you wouldnt have paid attention to that either"

Meme - "Employees stay
When they are

The Motivational Power of Pizza - "In a research conducted by the psychologist, Dan Ariely, as a portion of his book, Payoff: The Hidden Logic That Shapes Our Motivations, he wrote that offering pizza to workers would motivate them to become more productive in contrast to providing more money... the free pizza was the most motivational message out of all. In contrast to the control group that received no messages, the workers that were offered free pizza demonstrated an escalation in productivity by 6.7%. The promise of recognition from the employer showcased similar results, with an escalation in productivity by 6.6% ahead of the control group. However, what astounded Dan Ariely was that the reward for money only improved productivity by 4.9%.  And, the workers that were offered the $30 reward demonstrated a 13.2% decrease in productivity. At the end of the week, Dan Ariely observed that these workers showcased an overall decrease of 6.5%.  However, it turned out that over the duration that these observations were made, the workers that were receiving recognitions from their employers were becoming more productive as opposed to the ones that were receiving free pizza."

Meme - "Pizza Hut Taiwan unleashes cilantro century egg pig's blood cake pizza...   In recent years, Pizza Hut and Dominoes have marketed a number of eclectic pizza flavors based on foods and beverages popular in Taiwan, such as pearl milk tea, durian, strawberry stinky tofu, zongzi, and spicy hot pot... In its post, Pizza Hut wrote that although preserved eggs, pig's blood cake, and cilantro may all seem to clash, "once melted mozzarella cheese ties them together, the explosion in your mouth is better than you had imagined." The pizza company added that the cilantro is grown by small farmers in Yunlin County and is complemented by peanut powder also from the southern Taiwanese county...   When asked for his take on the new pizza, Taiwanese actor Aaron Yan (炎亞綸) described it as "Michelin level." This prompted some netizens to suspect that he had been paid by the company to promote the new product, but he denied any deal with Pizza Hut, saying, "I really didn't even get a dime.""

America's 15 best pizzas

Meme - "Swedish literally translated names for animals...
Riverhorse - Hippo
Blubberhunter - Orca
Inkfish - Squid
Latewalker - Sloth
Leechcone - Anteater
Beakanimal - Platypus
Flappingmouse - Bat
Sheildtoad - Tortoise
Washbear - Raccoon"

*In blanket* "NO I'M GOING AS YOU"
"DON'T COME IN MOM!" *Fwop Fwop*

The Meme Policeman - Posts | Facebook - "Friendly reminder when you see locked up baby food, a company would rather children starve than to lose a small amount of money to theft."
"A) It’s not a small amount of money lost to theft, and
B) Locking up baby food does NOT cause children to starve.
But why is baby formula often locked up? That question became far more interesting than I thought before I researched this lousy meme.
▪️When thinking of high-theft retail items, the first things you’d think of would probably be electronics, designer clothes, liquor or tools. Few outside the retail industry would think of baby formula.
▪️Yet, in the National Retail Federation’s 2018 crime report, infant formula ranked the 3rd most targeted item in the US! Only designer clothes & laundry detergent were stolen more. In their 2020 survey, formula was tied for 6th, beating out items like cigarettes and cell phones... it’s so big that there have been entire organized theft rings targeting it for decades. Police busted the “Hernandez Group” in 2010, who stole $2.5M in formula from Safeway stores in CA and OR. Feds carried out “Operation Milk Money” the same year, busting a ring in NJ...
Infant formula is surprisingly (and unnecessarily) expensive. A 30 oz can typically costs over $30, with specialty formulas going for 2-3X that or more. For dehydrated milk and some vitamins. Just 3 companies (Abbot Laboratories, Mead Johnson & Gerber) control 98% of the market. This is due to a combination of strict manufacturing regs & huge gov’t subsidies. 57-68% of all infant formula in the US is purchased with gov’t funds through WIC, the welfare program for infants and children.
This effectively eliminates price sensitivity for the most price-conscious buyers of formula (and also why locking up formula doesn’t result in babies starving). For low income mothers needing special formulas for medical reasons, Medicaid covers it, again eliminating the price sensitivity...  Small retailers, who can’t buy in bulk like the big box stores, have an incentive to purchase formula from “outside sources” to improve their bottom line. This provides an avenue for thieves and organized crime to sell formula to, a consistently high demand but legal item. Mothers on WIC or Medicaid could sell their excess formula for some cash, as could small-time thieves stealing a few cans from their local store...
Of course, those stealing formula aren’t doing so for their own use. Many are drug addicts looking for a quick buck. Some retailers, like Publix, spent significant effort to figure out their often sophisticated methods and identify repeat offenders. In the case of Formula Mom, they helped police bust that ring...
the only avenue left to retailers is be responsible for their own loss prevention. One obvious action to reduce theft is…to lock up baby formula! Like they do with razors, video games, drill bits & other small, high-value items. It’s a sad reality, but ridiculous to blame the store."
Liberals get upset when stuff is locked up too. So the only solution is for stores to close down in high crime areas. They'll get accused of "racism" regardless, but at least they won't be losing money

Meme - "How do you get a nun pregnant?"
"Have an altar boy fart in her pussy!"

Rep. Ro Khanna on Twitter - "I sent a letter to the FDA today signed by 24 of my colleagues regarding the new guidelines on homeopathic products. More clarity is needed on how the FDA plans to ensure that genuine homeopathic products remain accessible while protecting consumers from unsafe products."
You need to get the right quack medicine

People sticking objects up their bums costs the NHS £350,000 a year - "their figures may be an underestimation as they do not include data from private hospitals."

Skeletal remains of man found in Potong Pasir flat: Unit put up for sale, attracts buyers - "If the deal goes through, I will ask a priest to recite prayers before I move in, and set up an altar. There is nothing to be superstitious about."

'Even as a chef, I hope we see foie gras banned' - "The news that luxury department store Fortnum & Mason will be removing foie gras from its shelves after continued pressure from campaigners has been described as a huge step forward by chef Alexis Gauthier.  The French chef used to sell 20kg of foie gras a week at his London restaurant, Gauthier Soho, until he removed it from the menu in 2015 after protests outside his restaurant from the London Vegan Action Group.   The product, made from the liver of a goose or duck that has been force-fed in a process known as ‘gavage' to produce a smooth, rich meat, has long been a contentious issue, with many believing the practice to be outdated and cruel.  “It’s wonderful that a large company has made the decision to stop selling it altogether," Gauthier says. "Delicious food should never come at the cost of torturing an animal. Perhaps 80 years ago we may have thought this was fine, but with what we know now about the consciousness of animals, I see it as barbaric.”   The chef himself turned fully vegan in 2015 having taken part in an international vegan month organised by animal rights activist group PETA – an action Gauthier took initially simply “to test the water”, but which in addition to growing demand from celebrity diners including Stella McCartney, Tom Cruise and Al Gore, led him to make the switch to an entirely vegan menu...   Gauthier isn’t the only chef to have removed the product from the kitchen; in 2008, Daniel Clifford’s Michelin-starred Midsummer House in Cambridge was forced to take it off the menu after the exterior of the restaurant was vandalised by the Animal Liberation Front. The House of Lords also removed foie gras from the menu of its Barry Room restaurant in 2012 after pressure from animal rights groups.   Hoping to sway the Government to impose a ban on the product, as was seen in the state of New York in 2019 (where the ban will come into effect in 2022), Gauthier recently wrote a letter to Boris Johnson on the matter. “I was very surprised to get a response,” he reveals, “and even more so to get another from the Department of Agriculture! They informed me that this was an issue they were keen to look into this year. Of course, Covid may delay this, but I’m hopeful that we could see a nationwide ban in the future.”"
First, they came for the shark's fin...
We know gas stoves are already being targeted too

How NBA star, aspiring model became victims of a massive catfishing scheme out of Canada - "As an aspiring model in Southern California with hundreds of thousands of social media followers, Paris Dunn relishes being in the spotlight.  But the 23-year-old, whose stage name is Paris Dylan, never imagined that she would get so much attention for being entangled in a mind-bending, elaborate “catfishing” scheme that would eventually include vicious threats, blackmail, search warrants, an NBA star and an international criminal investigation... When she was just 17 years old, she said she started flirting with pro-athletes online, telling them she was older. Then she thought she had caught the eye of NBA star Chris “Birdman” Andersen on Facebook... a new person started messaging Dunn on Facebook, saying his name was Tom Taylor, claiming to be a gamer and Andersen’s best friend, and they soon started communicating. Dunn said she noticed the phone numbers she had for both Andersen and Taylor had odd area codes and she asked Taylor about it.  “He just said, ‘Oh it's my Google number, you know, it's all good. I'm just switching Google numbers, it's online so people don't get my number,’” Dunn said. “Me being 17 and dumb, I just believed it.”  Dunn said she continued to text back and forth with Andersen, and their relationship turned x-rated.  “We exchanged nude photos,” she said. “I trusted that it was him and I knew he wouldn't do anything because of his position.”  Dunn said it was Taylor who suggested she go meet Andersen in person... Dunn landed at the Denver International Airport and Andersen was there to pick her up. Dunn said their “first date” quickly became awkward because they both seemed to have incorrect details about each other.  “[There were] a couple little weird things that didn't add up,” Dunn said. “Such as, he had turned on the Xbox… and he says, ‘Look, your sister must be online.’ … and I was like, ‘I don't have an Xbox and my sister doesn't play this game.’”  There were other inconsistencies too.  “He said, ‘You told me you brought a lot of Victoria's Secret stuff to wear for me.’ I said, ‘No I didn't,’” Dunn said. “And then he was like, ‘When is your trip to Africa?’ I was like, ‘I'm not going on any trip. What are you talking about?’” And then Dunn said she brought up Taylor, Andersen’s supposed best friend.  “I said, 'Well Tom said' … he was like, ‘Who's Tom?’ I was like, ‘Your best friend.’ He was like, ‘I don't know a Tom,’” Dunn said.  Thinking Andersen was messing with her, Dunn said she just shrugged it off. The two continued the weekend with Dunn hanging out at Andersen’s house in Larkspur, outside of Denver.  “It wasn't just about sex at all,” Dunn said. “We actually did stuff and watched movies on TV and then he went off to practice ... and I stayed with the dog.”... Andersen declined requests for comment from ABC News “20/20,” and instead his attorney Mark Bryant sat down for an interview.  Bryant said in February 2012, Andersen was playing an away game in Oklahoma City when he got a strange email and handed Bryant the phone. Bryant said the writer of the email claimed to be Dunn's mother and said she knew that Andersen had spent the weekend with her 17-year-old daughter. Bryant said Andersen believed Dunn was older and she had lied about her age when she booked her plane ticket to Denver.  “She booked through a travel agent of Chris's, and gave a date a birth that matched 21,” Bryant said. “How did she come through the airport and everything else with security with that date of birth?”  Bryant said the author of the email was threatening to ruin Andersen’s life and career.  “I respond back, ‘You're talking to his attorney. There's nothing that's happened here that's criminal. You're engaged in extortion. Go away,’” Bryant said.  Even if Dunn was only 17, Andersen’s relations with her are legal in the state of Colorado, where the age of consent is 15. But the nude photos of her on Andersen’s phone would be considered child pornography since Dunn was under 18. To protect Andersen, Bryant said he sent the writer of the email $3,000 over PayPal to make the whole thing go away, writing back, ‘You might have something, I don't know, but look, without any admissions, one way or the other ... this is embarrassing to us. Just go home.’”  A couple of months went by and Bryant said he and Andersen heard nothing more until Andersen was pulled over by the Douglas County, Colorado, sheriff’s department in May 2012. Their Internet Crimes Against Children Unit had swarmed Andersen’s home and seized his computers, phones and other electronic devices... Dunn said she thought Andersen betrayed her by sharing her nude photos with Taylor, who posted them online and threatened her life.  At the time, neither Andersen nor Dunn knew they both had been communicating through a stranger, who had posed as both of them, Tom Taylor and Dunn’s mother in the email to Andersen... The IP addresses were traced back to the province of Manitoba in a tiny town called Easterville... a reclusive woman named Shelly Chartier had not only been “catfishing” Andersen and Dunn, but that she allegedly had been tormenting 11 victims over three years, making numerous Facebook pages impersonating a YouTube comedian, a Playboy Playmate, and even reality TV star Brody Jenner. She was arrested in January 2013."

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