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Friday, July 15, 2022

Links - 15th July 2022 (1 - General Wokeness)

Thou shallt not look at the polygenic scores - "With the coming of Open Science principles, many scientific institutions who were previously aggressively guarding their data decided to put them out for public consumption. Mostly this means other academics look at them and maybe they get your paper retracted for fraud. But sometimes, amateur scientists also use them for decidedly other purposes than what you wanted. This then hilariously leads some people to realize that open science will help racism (in their sense). Of course, their conclusion is that we cannot accept such realities, so we must scale back open science... Paige Harden wants to step the middle ground between totally respectable and harmless individualist behavioral genetics, and the totally evil collectivist (group) behavioral genetics. Naturally, she was called out by those even further on the left. Notably, even Erik Turkheimer, her old master, decided to step it up a bit... Turkheimer is probably thinking of his own realization when writing the 1991 paper Individual and group differences in adoption studies of IQ. It puts together the unified framework for understanding adoption studies and twin studies, and group differences. Actually, it is mostly a recap of Jensen’s work from the 1970s. Turkheimer even said some nice things about Jensen...  it’s time to download the new GWAS results and have another round of results, right? Well, no! There’s now a login page, and you need an institutional email too! There’s even an agreement you have to swear to...   So we have come full circle. You must not cite the wrong people, their papers must be retracted, AND we are going to hide research results from you too, so you can’t compute the forbidden results. This is of course the exact opposite of what open science stands for. It’s straight out of a how to Soviet textbook."

The Daily Mao 🏝️ on Twitter - "How it started How it ended"
Meme - Sangeetha Thanapal @kaliandkalki: "Lol me calling you a chunk (which I didn't by the way) is like calling a white person a cracker. Reverse racism isn't real and calling your oppressor whatever you want is a-okay. You're racist trash."
Meme - "Thanks for your email. I've investigated this. The person isn't currently enrolled in studies at RMIT and has sent the messages from a private twitter address. I can see that the comments are problematic, but I have no remit to contact them about the content. Their previous supervisor has been informed and if they decide to return to study, we will discuss this issue prior to re- enrolment. All the best"

Is Canada a racist country? Poll says it depends | Toronto Sun - "Fully 85% of those surveyed said they agreed with the statement that having people from “different racial backgrounds makes Canada a better country.”... there were 12% across the country that felt some races were superior to others... Just 11% of respondents who identified as Caucasian said some races are “naturally superior” compared to 89% who said all are equal. Among Indigenous respondents that figured jumped to 13% who thought some races were superior and 18% among those identified as visible minorities... The poll also broke down participants into one of four groups on the issue of racism — detractors, guardians, accepting and advocates.  What is interesting is that advocates saw racism at a much higher rate than visible minorities.  Asked about racism towards visible minorities by police, 37% those who identified themselves as minorities said police are unfairly prejudiced or racist towards them compared to 83% of advocates who saw racism."
The subaltern cannot speak

Is your baby racist? - The Spectator World - "Antiracist Baby is a brisk read at 24 pages. Rather than telling a story, Kendi has translated his adult books into nine miniature antiracist commandments for kids. Each of these takes up a double page spread, paired with Lukashevsky boldly colored, beefily outlined cartoons of babies, parents, caregivers and animals. At the back of the book Kendi addresses parents, who are the real audience: ‘we should teach our kids to be antiracist before they fully understand what it means to be antiracist.’ Cool.  Still, I thought I owed The Spectator’s readers a review of Antiracist Baby with an actual baby in tow... She is 21 months old, going on 22 months. She has a wide, even expressive vocabulary at her command: Mama and Dada. Not to forget the usual speech menu: colors (rainbow varieties) and animals, farmyard beasts especially, all accompanied with a woof-woof-here and a quack-quack-there...   So I read Rosie Antiracist Baby, once before her afternoon nap, once before her evening slumber. The great difficulty of this book is reading it. Kendi, no doubt inspired by centuries of light verse aimed at children, has decided to write his nine commandments in rhyming couplets. Now, it would be fair to say that these couplets do not always scan evenly. Take commandment no. 7: Nothing disrupts racism more than when we confess/the racist ideas that we sometimes express. That commandment is typical. Most of them mingle the sinister with the confused — imagine a heroically drunk Robin DiAngelo incautiously going ahead with delivering a social justice PowerPoint to some corporate middle-managers.  The vocabulary Kendi uses is ceaselessly complex. Try and explain what ‘equity’ or ‘policies’ or ‘violent’ means to a toddler. See how far you get. Rosie, baffled by the words, was at least engaged by Lukashevsky’s cartoons, though I have seen her more enthused by others before. Her greatest joy came when we reached the end. It was here that Rosie saw color — the endpapers are block purple. BURBLE, said Rosie. She happily drummed the pages with her little hands for the next 10 minutes, about the same time it took me to read Antiracist Baby to her. If that’s not getting your money’s worth, then what is? Kendi wrote Antiracist Baby because ‘you don’t want to assume children are “blank slates” — this leaves room for racist societal messages to shape their understanding of racism instead.’ I realize that Kendi must have spent the last few years in the library, but if he thinks that the messages transmitted to children in the current year are racist, then he is hopelessly mad. Tolerance, love, harmony, and acceptance are relentlessly beamed at the adults of tomorrow. They have been for decades. Antiracist Baby is merely a foothill in the ever-extending Hindu Kush of social justice books aimed at children. The sad persistence of racial conflict, racial grievances and social inequality more generally, suggests that they cannot be taught away by candy-colored didacticism.   The larger problem with Kendi, and with the movement he represents, is how plodding his intellectual scheme is. First he takes human society, the most complex mechanism in existence, and draws a line down the middle of every cog in it. Then he declares one side of the line Good (Antiracist), while the other is Bad (Racist). That’s about as crudely reductive as an idea can be. It’s like suggesting the Ninth Symphony can be adequately played with a couple of coconut shells."


Blaming Jim Crow, Northwestern student journalist says the way White people walk on sidewalks is too racist

Anti-Semitism and Israel: Right-wing Zionists play a deadly word game - "A right-wing description of the Democratic Party as made up of "billionaires and Bolsheviks" is thinly disguised classic anti-Semitism... Zionists seize upon and magnify any real or perceived anti-Semitism on the left — the recent case of former British Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn comes to mind — when right-wing anti-Semitism is much more prevalent and dangerous"
This is a convenient way to insulate rich people and Communists from criticism. Yet selective criticism of Israel doesn't count. Weird how elsewhere we are told that black people getting harsher sentences is proof of racism
Naturally there is the fact-free proclamation that right wing anti-Semitism is the real problem

Bret Stephens: Yes, anti-Zionism is anti-Semitism - "There is a common misconception that anti-Zionism amounts to nothing more than very strong criticism of Israel, and I’d like to begin by dispelling that notion. People who don’t like the Netanyahu government, that includes me, are not anti-Zionist. That is part of the normal democratic debate. People who oppose Israel’s settlement policies or its policies, vis-a-vis Gaza or anywhere else, aren’t necessarily anti-Zionist. There are many patriotic Israelis who feel just the same way. Anti-Zionism is unique because its view is that the Zionist enterprise, that is to say, the state of Israel, is misconceived, it’s wrong, and at the end of the day, it isn’t simply Israeli policy that has to change, but it is Israel itself that has to go... even if you accepted the premise for one second that anti-Zionism is not anti-Semitism, you have to come to grips with the eliminationist ideology that is at the heart of anti-Zionism.   Anti-Zionism is anti-Semitism. It’s anti-Semitism because it singles out the Jewish state for opprobrium, and with a prescription that anti-Zionists, with very few exceptions, apply to no other state. So, if you just happened to be opposed to the concept of the nation state altogether, nation states like Denmark or other nation states, then it’s plausible you can just simply be an anti-Zionist in the same way that you’re against all states founded on nationhood. But otherwise, it is singling out a Jewish state for treatment that isn’t applied anywhere else."

Avi Benlolo: Are educated people more anti-Semitic? - "Perhaps this should come as little surprise, as eight of the 15 men who approved the Nazis’ “Final Solution” on Jan. 20, 1942, held doctorates and were highly regarded in the Nazi party as so-called intellectuals. So, as we have suspected for the longest time, the correlation between education and tolerance is debatable. German society at the time was highly educated, civilized and organized. Yet its intellectual and military classes overlooked logic and reason, opting for hate and genocide instead.   Greene, Cheng and Kingsbury say they “discovered that more-highly educated people in the United States tend to have greater antipathy toward Jews than less educated people do.” They say that, “Contrary to previous claims, education appears to provide no protection against anti-Semitism, and may in fact serve to license it — in part by providing people with more sophisticated and socially acceptable ways to couch it.” This finding may in fact explain why anti-Semitism has been more tolerable in academic institutions than almost anywhere else"
Liberals like to claim that what more educated people believe is right (of course, ignoring examples such as Mensa being "alt-right") so...

Are Education and Anti-Semitism Connected? - "As Harvard professor and Yiddish scholar Ruth Wisse has argued, anti-Semitism has not thrived because of ignorance, but because it “forms part of a political movement and serves a political purpose.” Those political causes making use of anti-Semitism are increasingly favored by the well-educated in this country. Countering the anti-Semitism of the well-educated will be a political and moral struggle, not one that can be addressed by conventional approaches and conceptions of education."

Adam Zivo: A University of Toronto student union is going to war in defence of anti-Semitism - "In the face of accusations of anti-Semitism, a University of Toronto students’ union would rather face defunding than temper its support for the boycott, divestment and sanction movement that targets Israel... BDS supporters claim that its tactics penalize only Israel and not Jews themselves. In practice though, the cultural and academic embargo demanded by the movement (which opposes “normalizing Israel”) creates onerous and unreasonable barriers for Jewish people to express themselves, culturally and intellectually.  While, in theory, anti-Zionism is not necessarily anti-Semitism, in practice the two often go hand-in-hand. The BDS movement exemplifies this... the caucus’ ability to exclude student union members based on their beliefs (insufficient hate of Israel) was deemed incompatible with the university’s policies on free speech and freedom of expression — since all graduate students are forced to pay fees towards the caucus, they have a right to be present there... In 2019, a Jewish student organization, Hillel, faced resistance from the UTGSU when launching its Kosher Forward campaign. The campaign’s aim was to bring kosher food options to the University of Toronto’s campus — a laudable goal, given that Jewish dietary needs are one of the few not catered to by the university...   Imagine if a student union tried to obstruct campus-wide access to halal food, or vegan dishes. That kind of collective punishment of minority groups is outrageous, yet the outrageous is normalized when Jewish interests are at stake...   Jewish students have been raising the alarm for years about rising hate on university campuses. Choice examples of harassment, as articulated in a recent op-ed by two Jewish students in the Varsity, include being called a “dirty Jew,” being asked, “Where are your horns?” and having coins tossed at them... in 2019 Jewish-Canadians accounted for 16 per cent of all hate crime victims, behind only Black-Canadians (18 per cent) and significantly higher than Muslim-Canadians (10 per cent). However, when adjusting for population sizes, anti-Semitism is three times more prevalent than anti-Black racism and five times more prevalent than Islamophobia."

Why is anti-Semitism growing among the better educated? - "There has been a spike in anti-Semitic hate crimes in Britain. Sadly, this always seems to happen when the Israeli-Palestinian conflict flares up... While many Muslims reject traditional anti-Semitic tropes, it has been shown that they are more likely to hold such views when compared with the general population. Anti-Semitism does also seem to be growing among black British people. My own study, based on January 2021 polling, found that when compared with the wider general public, black British people were more likely to believe that Jewish people have a disproportionately high level of control over the banking system, politics and the media. The figures were notably higher for less socially integrated black British people, who are part of predominantly co-racial friendship groups... One study I ran, based on December 2019 polling, found that, when compared with British Muslims without a university degree, university-educated British Muslims were more likely to believe, for example, that Jewish people have too much control in the global spheres of banking, politics, media, entertainment and arms production... being university-educated is one of the strongest predictors of holding anti-Semitic beliefs within the British Muslim population.  There are similar trends to report from black British communities"

Meme - "I don't like porn = Antisemitism
I'm don't like crime = Anti-POC
I think we should use reason and logic = White supremacy

Eric July Calls Out Actors Who Take On Race And Gender Swapped Roles: "These Guys Have Absolutely No Integrity" - "“If these black actors and actresses had actual integrity. For one, they wouldn’t even try out for these gigs because you do understand Hollywood, they have people in mind, and they have certain attributes that they want the person…”  “What I’m saying is there is no such thing as a tokenization, and even the Kevin Feige’s of the world have basically admitted all of this. But there’s no such thing as a tokenization by way of the best actor or the actress getting the job. That doesn’t happen,” he stated.  July continued, “Which is why nowadays when you see it happen, they spin all the campaign trail of the actual film, promotional videos or show, all that sort of stuff they lead with that. Like, “Oh well look at this you need to mention if you’re going to cover this, Variety, we are going to give you this exclusive scoop. Here, make sure you mention the fact that they’re black.'... “You see all these tokenizations that are happening in the live-action setting; they’re taking those gigs. They have no integrity because if they were they’d be the ones saying, ‘You know what I don’t play a black version of a classic white character. I don’t want to play a copy of a classic white character. There are mountains upon mountains of source material of original black characters that are associated with the big two that you can use. Or you can create a new one.'” He then provided an example, “You did it. John Diggle. John Diggle was not based on a comic book character. He was added in addition into the comic books around the time the show came out. Arrow. That is just something they came up with. You can do that.”  “But that’s not what we generally see. We see tokenization. Race swap, gender swap, sexuality swaps, and they dwell so much on that”...   “So I’m supposed to listen to them when get and start pontificating about race and social justice and all sort of crap. You won’t even in your own industry, advocate and demand originality. All you getting is sloppy f***ing seconds and you take that s*** every time. Every time”...  “They have zero integrity. They ain’t about any of that stuff and even from the social justice aspect all that stuff is virtue signaling. It’s something that’s advantageous to their personal careers.”... July then specifically points to DC Fandom and Batwoman, “I couldn’t take that DC Fandom s*** serious when they announced the black bisexual Batwoman.”  He continues, “Which is again tokenized version of a tokenized character. Because Batwoman itself is a knock off of Batman. And then they race swapped her. So now you got a black Batwoman and all she talking about on DC Fandom is, ‘Oh I’m just being a member of this community and being also black and being of color and all this sort of bulls***.””

Netflix Turns the Wokeness Up to 11 with a Race and Gender Swap In a Show About Vikings - "The left’s control of the big stage has come with many issues, namely the fact that it’s run out of ideas and must rely on previously established IPs, franchises, and characters that can be remade and retooled for “modern” audiences. The big stage is controlled by those who are determined to insert their political views into every production, from Ghostbusters and Lord of the Rings. Gender or race swapping is one of the more common injectables. There are many cases when this matters little, but there are times when it absolutely does, and when people point this out they’re deemed racists despite not making any points disaparaging races at all. The most infamous example thus far was the race swapping of Queen Anne Boleyn by the BBC, who decided to put black actress Jodie Turner-Smith in the role as King Henry VIII’s second wife. Showrunners were asked to explain why this was done. They said that Anne Boleyn’s personality and Anne Boleyn’s acting style were very similar, so they were side-stepping an elephant in the room.  Now, Netflix has decided to take its turn in generating a wildly out-of-place race-swap in its new show “Vikings: Vallhalla.”  The character in question is the Viking king or “Jaarl” Haakon Sigurdsson. Who was the actor who played him? Well, for starters it’s a she, and the “she” in question is black Danish singer Caroline Henderson. The Viking king, in other words, is a Black queen.  Just pointing out this would not be enough for leftists, who will then start hurling accusations of racism all over. They would say it shouldn’t matter that this blatant of a ridiculous race swap happened and that only racists would care. They would be furious if someone told them the story of Madam C.J. Walker was portrayed by Benedict Cumberbatch.  What makes it so bad is that this wasn’t just careless casting, it’s blatant politics. As God of War: Ragnorok Narrative Director Matt Sophos noted when the trailer revealed that Norse jötunn Angrboda would be protrayed by a black girl, he confessed that the move was absolutely political.  “As a writer, your job is to tell stories that are compelling & relatable,” he said. “You bring pieces of yourself to stories and your opinions shine through. So writing is *always* political—it’s just usually only called that if the politics aren’t agreed with.”   However, the introduction of politics into the mix is not necessary in the first instance. And again, if race-swapping was reversed and a black actor played a prominently African character, then there would be endless outrage. Race-swapping is only one direction. It’s political pandering at its worst, but as black culture critic Eric July once noted, this pandering is insulting to the black community, calling these race-swaps of established white characters “hand-me-downs.”  “White folks saying ‘we already developed this character for decades, merchandise is out there, generations of people have grown up understanding who this character was…now we can pass this character to you even though everybody knows the original ain’t you...   While Woke politics does not have the right to inject itself into art, it does so because those in charge believe that we must be protected from some common moral failing. According to social justice advocates, we’re all racist, sexist, and bigoted, and we need to have their politics normalized within our culture in order to break the curse. They believe that the only way to cure racism in society is for white characters to be erased from popular media.”

19 Times Hollywood Whitewashed Movie Characters - "While whitewashing — or casting a white actor to play a non-white person or fictional character, whether by making the character white or having the actor's appearance altered — seems to be less prevalent as time goes on, it's still a problem in Hollywood."
Of course, I still run across people who claim that people don't get upset at the whitewashing of fictional characters - since that lets them deny the hypocrisy when white characters are turned into another race

Meme - "You're a small fat, why are you speaking over super fats?
Small Fat Mid Fat Superfat Infinifat"
I like how the response is not to condemn the Oppression Olympics but to say she's really fatter than claimed

White Nationalists Want to Reclaim Nature as a Safe Space for Racists - "The racist roots of national parks in America has made them an attraction to white supremacists over the years...  “ecofascism,” a racist theory that has surged in the far-right in the last decade that blames immigration for environmental woes... The El Paso shooter blamed immigrants for “urban sprawl” and the “decimation of the environment.”... Leaked chats from the preppy white supremacist group Patriot Front—whose members and leaders were arrested recently in an alleged foiled plot to violently counter a Pride celebration in Couer d’Alene—revealed a pre-occupation with weight-watching, as well as abstinence from drinking, drugs, and porn. The recent upstate camping retreat also dovetails with another recent trend within the far-right: organic farming"
Nowadays environmentalism is white supremacy too, so
Envrionmentalism is misanthropic since it sees humans as pollutants. But of course immigrants have no impact on the environment, so it is racist to claim that more immigrants will increase the strain on the local environment
Liberals hate urban sprawl - but we can only blame "majority" populations with below replacement fertility for it

Mom Kicks Out Patriot Front Son After His Arrest In Pride Riot Plot: VIDEO
In liberalism, there is no possibility of redemption

Meme - The luckiest Penny @aSouthernPenny: "My son proposed to his fiancee about six months ago and she said yes. They're super happy, we love her family too. I just found out today that another girl is in love with him and plans to propose next week.... should I say anything? Oh and also, he's 4. They're all 4."
Jo Andrews: "Well, personally I'm a panromantic, demisexual, non-monogamous Relationship Anarchist who's anti-marriage, and child-resistant, but I think this is cute. Yay for expressions of love in all forms!"
Love is Love

Meme - "When its Pride Month but your parents are still not proud of you"

Church of England cancelling my route to priesthood because I'm not woke about transgenderism, says Calvin Robinson - "“There are a number of reasons, one because I’m a conservative.  “There is only one Bishop who openly supported Brexit and he was sent off to the far end of the country in penance. In contrast, over two thirds of Anglican worshippers voted for Brexit.   “Secondly, I’m an Orthodox Anglican and the Church of England has become very woke on issues in human sexuality, holy matrimony and transgenderism.  “I prefer to stick to Scripture on these issues.”  He continued: “Another reason is that I’m on GB News. We have a hierarchy of Guardian readers preaching to GB News viewers, there is a massive disconnect.  “They sneer at us and they don’t like our audience. "I have tried to promote the Good News through GB News.  "They’ve tried to silence me and asked me to come off Twitter and GB News." When asked what reason the Church gave to him as to why they cancelled his curacy, Calvin added: “They said it would be too turbulent for me to be an ordained minister and have a public profile.  “The official line will be that there isn’t enough curacies in London but that is nonsense as I have had several offers for title posts, but even then the Church says no."

Black conservative trainee vicar ‘blocked’ from joining Church of England over ‘anti-woke views’ - "A black conservative trainee vicar claims he was blocked from becoming a Church of England priest because of his “anti-woke views” and that he does not believe the UK is institutionally racist.   Calvin Robinson has accused the Church of obstructing his ordination plans as a result of his “anti-woke” views and criticism of “bleeding-heart liberal vicars”... Mr Robinson submitted a subject access request (SAR) to the Church of England - asking the organisation for access to the personal information it held on him.   It was then that he discovered a series of internal emails between Church bosses raising concerns over his opinions on institutional racism in Britain.   In one email, the Rt Rev Rob Wickham, Bishop of Edmonton, voiced concerns to senior church leaders after Mr Robinson suggested Britain was not a racist country.   He wrote: “Calvin’s comments concern me about denying institutional racism in this country.”   In another email, the Bishop of Fulham writes: “I wanted a word about an ordinand, Calvin Robinson. You might be aware of him.   “He is very active on Twitter and has a huge following (100,000 followers!). His political agenda is I guess what you would call libertarian anti-woke, anti-identity politics, Covid-skeptical etc.   “His tweets get him into trouble sometimes and there have been complaints to the Bishop of London that he should not be ordained.”   Mr Robinson described the Church’s approach to his views as “very narrow-minded”.  He added: “It’s not even to do with an issue that’s scriptural, it’s just woke.”  Mr Robinson also claims the Bishop of London, the Rt Rev Sarah Mullally, refused to take into consideration his lived experience as an ethnic minority when the pair were discussing institutional racism in the Church.   He alleges she told him: “As a white woman I can tell you that the Church is institutionally racist.”  Mr Robinson, a former teacher, added: “She was just ignorant. She accused me of being controversial so I said to her in a polite way that some of the things she says are controversial too - like the fact that she thinks the Church is institutionally racist. And then she turned around and said that.   “She was contradicting herself because in one instance she’s saying the Church is racist and needs to listen to the lived experiences of ethnic minorities, but then she was refusing to listen to my lived experience as a black man because it didn’t fit with her narrative.”"

Joe Hildebrand: The extraordinary scandal that nobody saw - "A dozen Aboriginal women from rural Australia made the long and torturous journey to Canberra – many for the first time – in a desperate effort to tell our national leaders of the violence and dysfunction that was crippling their communities.  And to do so they reached out to the one politician they thought might actually listen to them: Pauline Hanson... this grassroots delegation was cobbled together by Josephine Cashman, a firebrand Indigenous lawyer who has become so frustrated and enraged by tokenistic platitudes and political cowardice in tackling Indigenous disadvantage that she has, for want of a better term, gone rogue.  Her message was basically this: Forget the endless debates about changing the date or the flag or the anthem; forget the limitless accusations of racism on all sides: Can we please just stop people dying in our communities? These brave Aboriginal women came to Australia’s most progressive city and its most powerful institution in a month when politicians and pundits were bending over themselves to declare how dedicated they were to closing the gap, after yet another Closing the Gap report showed they were doing anything but.  They also came in a week when the whole nation was traumatised by the sickening murder of a mother and her three children at the hands of a monster and commentators vowed to do everything in their power to stop violence against women and children.  And here they were, survivors and witnesses of such violence from the places where it happened the most, and still nobody noticed.  And, in the irony to end all ironies, the one politician who met and stayed with them more than any other was the one being excoriated on that very day for her latest clumsy comments on this very issue... “They really liked her because she’s not a snob,” Cashman told me. “She’s open to listening.” Unfortunately the only press about Hanson that day was over her excruciatingly contorted comments on poor Hannah Clarke and her family, which are impossible to comprehend let alone defend. But you have to wonder if we are all equally contorted by a modern political and media culture that is more outraged by words than deeds."

Kimberly Klacik on Twitter - "I am so sick of these candidates talking about black people like we are helpless & hopeless. #DemDebate"

Meme - "I'm Omnisexual and asexual, I have 5 different genders though out the day, I'm transracial black/hispanic, I have PTSD, anxiety, ADHD, and many other mental lllnesses."
"Do you have any tangible skills that make you an asset to society?"

Social justice education for toddlers: ‘You just need to have those conversations’ | The Star - "From board books about decolonized history to subscription boxes that dismantle bias, there is a new wave of resources and experiences aimed at educating toddlers on concepts of gender, race and class... Tan says many parents who attended the group hoped to embed values of social justice in their child and learn from other parents. Discussions at Mama Stay Woke included how to respond to misgendering a child, or how to talk to children about residential schools... “We’re guided by the classic revolutionary slogan, ‘Nothing about us, without us!’ ” says Toronto-based Stamp, who wrote and directed for TVOKids... “Bias is reduced through vicarious kinds of learning, not instructional learning. The worst thing you can do is try to teach bias reduction through instructional learning, like civics classes. They do not work,” says Lee, whose study identified implicit racial bias in babies as young as six months."
Proof there's no indoctrination of children

Black motorist unleashes racist tirade against Hispanic deputy - "A black motorist was reportedly caught on video unleashing a racist tirade against an LA County sheriff’s deputy who pulled her over for using a cellphone while driving.  “You’re always going to be a Mexican. You’ll never be white, you know that, right?” the woman is heard telling the deputy in San Dimas after he pulled her Mercedes over...   “You’ll never be white, which is what you really want to be,” the woman adds after signing a citation. “You want to be white.”   The traffic stop began when the deputy approached the woman, who was recording the interaction with her cellphone.   “Yes, I started to record because you’re a murderer,” she tells him.  When the deputy tells her she can’t use her phone while driving, she responds by saying she was recording because he scared her.   “You’re threatening to kill me and my son,” she says, adding that her license was in her home...   When another deputy arrives, the woman begins hurling the racist insults at the first deputy."
Damn anti-blackness and/or white supremacy!

2020 College Free Speech Rankings Reveal Crisis on Campus - "A university should be a place where students can be exposed to new ideas, where they can engage freely in debate and discussion. But do college students really feel free to speak their minds on campus? Newly released College Free Speech Rankings show that, at most colleges, the answer is no... Almost 20% of students say that using violence to stop an unwanted speech or event is in some cases acceptable. Among Ivy League students, 36% said that it was “always” or “sometimes” acceptable to shout down a speaker one doesn’t like.  Self-censorship is also a major problem. Sixty percent of college students say they have kept quiet due to fear of how others would respond. Among conservative students, that number is 72%. Colleges have become perilous places to express unpopular ideas. Professors and students fear being shouted down, shunned, or, in some cases, fired or expelled. This has a chilling effect on the classroom.   Jonathan Haidt, a professor at New York University, frames the problem this way: “At my university we have a ‘bias response line.’ Students are encouraged to anonymously report anyone who says anything that offends them. So, as a professor, I no longer take risks; I must teach to the most easily offended student in the class. I therefore avoid saying or doing anything provocative. My classes are less fun and engaging.”   The University of Chicago received the highest score in the College Free Speech Rankings. Both liberal and conservative students there say that the administration supports tolerance for a wide range of views and opinions. Rounding out the top five in the rankings are Kansas State, Texas A&M, UCLA, and Arizona State.   Most of the schools in the top 10 are large public universities. Only one Ivy League school, Brown University, made it into that group.  DePauw University came in last in the College Free Speech Rankings, with both liberal and conservative students rating the school poorly. DePauw had the highest percentage of students who self-censored, a whopping 71%.  Coming in at No. 52 out of the 55 schools surveyed, Dartmouth received the worst ranking among Ivy League members... At 80% of the schools included in the rankings, liberalism is the dominant political ideology among students. Students say that racial issues are the most challenging topics to discuss.  Chicago’s top ranking is no coincidence. University President Robert J. Zimmer has taken a proactive approach to defending free speech, releasing the influential “Chicago Statement” in defense of freedom of expression on campus, which has been adopted by dozens of other universities.  The rankings demonstrate that academic administrators have real power to create a culture of free speech and open inquiry. Students who attend colleges where their political opinions line up with the majority naturally say that they are more comfortable sharing their beliefs. The University of Chicago has one of the most liberal student bodies of any school in the rankings. Seventy-four percent of students there self-identify as liberals, while only 12% identify as conservatives. Yet both liberal and conservative students rate the university relatively highly in the area of free speech.   Still, even Chicago has plenty of room for improvement. It won the top spot with an overall score of only 64.19 out of a possible 100 on the scale developed for these rankings. That shows just how poorly most other schools are doing."

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