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Sunday, July 10, 2022

Links - 10th July 2022 (2 - Trans Mania)

Meme - "Transwomen trying to keep their hole from closing *Captain America tearing log apart*"

Ray Blanchard on Twitter - "Autogynephilic male-to-female trans dress like the women they would like to have sex with, and homosexual male-to-female trans dress like the women they think men would like to have sex with. There are exceptions, but this is a general guideline for trans fashion choices."

Meme Video - ""Trans people are so brave"
Also Trans ppl when you accidentally misgender them *drama*"

Meme - Dr. Michelle E. Morse @NYCHealthCMO: "The urgency of this moment is clear. Mortality rates of birthing people are too high, and babies born to Black and Puerto Rican mothers in this city are three times more likely to die in their first year of life than babies born to non-Hispanic White birthing people."
"NYC's top doc apologizes to black and Hispanic 'birthing people' for calling them 'mothers'
A DOH spokesman said "we apologize for inadvertently gendering Black and Puerto Rican birthing people.""
Perma Banned - Posts | Facebook - "I’m going to go out on a limb and guess that only Americans were upset over their “progressive” unironically dehumanising wordings not being used, instead of the concerning statistics surrounding newborn mortality"

Stuart Parker on Twitter - "I don't know how to interact with friends who abet and applaud the state sterilizing their own gay and lesbian children. Or whose full time job is campaigning for more child sterilization. I feel like I need to exit this civilization. Any advice from anti-FGM Sudanese folks?

Stuart Parker on Twitter - "Imagine if people of faith required that everyone declare they believe in God and accused everyone who doesn't of denying their right to exist."
Ar-Zimraphel on Twitter - "I've long thought requiring preferred pronouns is the same as requiring everyone to use believers' terminology for religious concepts. E.g., "our lord and savior Jesus Christ" instead of "Jesus," "the Prophet Muhammed" instead of "Muhammed," etc."
"Unless you’re advocating for the death penalty for trans people, nobody is arguing against their right to exist."
There is no narcissism like trans narcissism

Meme - "When the freaks want you to use their preferred pronouns."
"The language is that of Mordor, which I will not utter here."

Stuart Parker on Twitter - "I treat "I have a female soul trapped in this male body" the same way I treat "I am born again in Jesus Christ" & "I am of the Master Race/Chosen People." People have a right to hold those beliefs and base their identity on them; they do not have the right to make me affirm them."

Doctors Now Prescribing Krispy Kremes To Kids For 'Fat-Affirming Care' | The Babylon Bee - "The American Academy of Pediatrics consulted with McDonald's, Burger King, and Krispy Kreme in forming their recommendations for minor kids who identify as trans-fat. They are prescribing steady diets of burgers, fries, shakes, ice cream, and doughnuts to ensure kids become obese as soon as possible.   "If we don't do this, kids will literally commit mass suicide," said Dr. Quack. "That's what this fake study that I didn't read says, anyway. And if you disagree with any of our recommendations, you are a bigot who wants kids to die."  "Trans-fat kids EXIST, and there's nothing you can do about it," he said while clapping his hands loudly... Pediatricians have announced that next month they will be unveiling "Anorexic-affirming care" which will starve kids who have Anorexia."

Med student who suggested she harmed patient for laughing at 'pronoun pin' placed on leave - "A medical student at Wake Forest University suggested in a tweet that she purposefully blundered a patient’s blood draw because they laughed at a pro-trans “pronoun pin” she was wearing at the time.  “I had a patient I was doing a blood draw on see my pronoun pin and loudly laugh to the staff, ‘She/Her? Well of course it is! What other pronouns even are there? It?’ I missed his vein so he had to get stuck twice,” read a tweet from fourth-year med student Kychelle Del Rosario."
TRA moral panic about "violence" has very real consequences

8 in 10 teachers say their secondary school has trans pupils | News | The Times - "A YouGov poll commissioned by the human rights organisation Sex Matters found that 79 per cent of teachers had pupils at their school who were trans or non-binary.  The same poll also found that 85 per cent of teachers reported having more students in that category now than three years ago... Forty-six per cent of secondary school teachers said that to the best of their knowledge the majority of pupils who identified as transgender or non-binary had been recorded as female at birth.  Asked what they thought had contributed to students’ altered identity, approximately 60 per cent of secondary school teachers cited there being trans or non-binary celebrities in the media... About 20 per cent said their school would not inform parents if a student changed their gender identity at school and had not told their parents."m
Clear proof social contagion and grooming aren't things

Mike Glover on Twitter - "I don’t care what you identify as, just understand if you have a sexually charged conversation with my child I will identify you as a piñata. 🪅 #ilikecandy"

I am 16 and identify as an ‘ace lesbian’ – how do I tell my parents? - "I am 16, and identify as an ace lesbian (NMLNM, or non-men loving non-men). I have questioned my sexuality since the age of 12 or 13, thinking I was bisexual. I downloaded TikTok, which allowed me to explore my identity more and interact with other queer young people. Until this summer, I questioned my identity multiple times a day (exhausting and not affirming), but I slowly began to feel confident in labelling myself as a demi-romantic, asexual lesbian (I like to use labels). However, that feeling didn’t last long. I felt dysphoric a lot of the time, and I hated my breasts. Fortunately, after about a month, I rediscovered the term “demigirl” and it just fitted. I am also trying out she/they pronouns, but haven’t told anyone. My gender is quite fluid – some days I feel more neutral, other days ultrafeminine... I contacted psychotherapist Charlie Beaumont, who has a lot of experience in gender issues. “It’s interesting that you like labels,” he said. “It seems you’re really looking for an identity, and at this stage of life, things often feel uncertain. There’s a lot of fluidity in the way you feel about yourself, and a label can help you feel more secure.”"
Clear proof grooming is a myth

MTF Bottom Surgery Reveal video

Libs of TikTok on Twitter - "For #InternationalTransDayofVisibility, @Nickelodeon- who make content for children, is celebrating a trans 12 year old and all trans kids. TRANS KIDS. Stop letting your kids consume content from woke corporations who want to push their LGBTQ agenda on them."
"This isn't happening, and it's good that it is"

Banning conversion therapy is a terrible idea - "Within the senior ranks of the Tories, Downing Street special adviser Henry Newman, equalities minister Mike Freer and the aforementioned Nick Herbert have long been advocates for a magnificently bonkers form of transgender ideology. All three pushed for a bill outlawing conversion therapy, despite this being exceptionally rare, and despite most practices associated with it already being illegal. The inclusion of ‘gender identity’ in the proposed ban was crucial to the trans lobby. Having the concept of gender identity written into the statute books for the first time would have represented a significant win for those seeking to promote trans ideology.  But banning conversion therapy on the basis of gender identity would have all kinds of unintended consequences. Most worryingly, it would potentially make it a criminal offence for therapists to try to help patients with gender dysphoria to feel comfortable in their birth sex. And so when the proposal was first put forward, groups of clinicians, safeguarding experts and concerned citizens urged the government to reconsider... news has dribbled out from the NHS’s Gender Identity Services (GIDS) at the Tavistock Clinic: of poor record-keeping, regretful ‘detransitioners’ and pressure put on staff by trans lobby groups. Outside of the medical realm, the influence of trans lobby group Stonewall has been widely called into question in recent years, with many institutions now having to cut ties with it... the government plan to ban conversion therapy was nothing more than an expensive exercise in virtue-signalling. The subsequent collapse of Safe To Be Me has been as predictable as it has been entertaining (though it has already cost taxpayers hundreds of thousands of pounds).  For much of the past decade trans activists inside the government have teamed up with those outside the government to force through controversial policies. But as media scrutiny has increased, legitimate questions have been asked about the power and influence of unelected lobby groups."
Given that most gender non-conforming kids turn out to be gay, a ban on "conversion therapy" is the true conversion therapy

Gender-identity counselling is not ‘conversion therapy’ - "Gay relationships come with the state’s blessing. Pride, now a month-long festival of all things queer, comes with celebrity endorsements, corporate sponsorship and local-council permission. Even the very youngest children are taught that having two dads is more normal than motherhood and apple pie. Being gay is legal, socially acceptable and, frankly, no longer terribly interesting.  So why ban conversion therapy now? Today the practice boils down to a miniscule number of people who are conflicted between their sexuality and their deeply held religious beliefs, and seek help from a priest, rabbi or imam. Banning conversion therapy would stop religious leaders engaging in these conversations. They would still be free to counsel heterosexual people struggling with sex or relationships, but would be forbidden from offering the same advice to homosexual people. Treating gay and straight people differently would, once more, be legally enshrined in law... even for consenting adults, having sex and changing sex are two very different things. Having sex rarely leads to a person undergoing medical interventions that fundamentally alter their body. Changing sex, on the other hand, often does. Regret having sex and you’ll eventually get over it. Regret changing sex and the physical scars may be with you for life"

What is conversion therapy and when will it be banned? - "the plans do not cover attempts to change someone's gender identity... The proposed law will protect under-18s. However, it won't apply to people over 18 if they've consented and haven't been coerced... Its decision came on the back of an NHS-commissioned report which called for a re-think of children's gender identity services in England.  The Cass Review interim report said that some healthcare professionals already felt under pressure to "take a purely affirmative approach" to young people who said they wanted to transition... More than 100 organisations called the decision to exclude trans people "unacceptable" and pulled out of this summer's first global LGBT+ Conference that was due to be held in London, leading to the event being cancelled... Some religious groups oppose any ban on conversion therapy, and argue that it would infringe on traditional religious teachings, such as the belief that all sex outside a heterosexual marriage is sinful."
At least trans mania did not infect it.

Women prisoners who call transgender inmates ‘he’ or ‘him’ face extra jail time

Two women at N.J. prison are pregnant after consensual sex between inmates, DOC says - "Two women incarcerated at Edna Mahan Correctional Facility — the state’s only female prison — have become pregnant after having sex with a transgender inmate... Although Sperrazza did not identify the inmates in question, Edna Mahan houses 27 prisoners who identify as transgender... The revelation presents a thorny problem for state corrections officials, who have been grappling with the sexual abuse and exploitation of inmates by staff at the prison for the past decade.  The developments follow a settlement agreement with the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of New Jersey last year, which stipulates that transgender prisoners should be housed in line with their gender identity... Advocates hailed the agreement as necessary reform that moved New Jersey to the forefront of trans rights along with states like California and Massachusetts that have implemented policies on how transgender prisoners should be housed and medically treated... Last year, two Edna Mahan prisoners filed a class-action lawsuit seeking to immediately remove “any and all male pre-operative transgender inmates,” alleging that some had harassed them and engaged in sexual contact with other women."

Meme - "You know a lesbian is really single when she lets her nails grow out"
"Not to start shit but can y'all not forget trans people exist for 10 fucking seconds?"
"No, we literally cannot, because you insufferable shitheads literally never fucking shut up about yourselves."
Trans narcissism strikes again

Freight Tran Lesbnyun on Twitter - "Some of y'all aren't ready to hear this but it's transphobic for gynecologists not to treat pre-op transfemme patients under HRT. My girldick is as much a feminine organ - that my body treats just like a vagina - as the next girl and deserves specific, woman-oriented healthcare."

Meme - Bork bork @little_froggy: "I have personally sent black market hormones to more than one person who was under the age of 18. yes I am indeed trying to turn your kids trans. and I am succeeding."

Ben Rimmer relives horror axe attack by stranger who 'nearly cut my head in half' as he slams ‘easy’ 4½ year sentence - "A DAD whose head was almost "cut in half" in an axe attack by a drugged-up stranger has slammed her soft 4½ year jail sentence.  Ben Rimmer, 32, revealed his horror injuries as he launched an appeal for Evie Amati to be locked up for at least ten years for trying to kill him and two others... Amati stalked round the petrol station 7-Eleven with a long-handle 4lb wood chopper.  After circling the shop in an agitated manner she struck up a conversation with Ben, who had popped in to buy a pie on his way home at 2.20am.  Suddenly Amati swung the axe at Ben's face before using it to club Sharon Hacker, 43, who was saved from death by her thick dreadlocks.  Ben said today: “If I hadn’t turned my head at the last minute she would have cut my head in half.  “She went there to kill. It’s only pure luck that I’m alive.”  A court heard the blade missed his brain by millimetres as it sliced through his nose and eye socket... she was "calculating" and "not remorseful", adding: “She’ll do her time easily and get paroled in mid-2021. It’s played out perfectly for her, perhaps better than she expected.”  Amati was handed a sentence of nine years with a non-parole period of 4½ years after being convicted of three counts of attempted murder.  A petition demanding a tougher sentence says the standard penalty for attempted murder is ten years without parole. Transgender Amati, a trade union organiser, went prowling with the axe after storming out of a disastrous Tinder date hours earlier.  She was dosed up on psychedelic “love drug” MDA, antidepressants, cannabis, vodka and transgender hormones, the court heard.  Just after 1am she wrote online: “One day I am going to kill a lot of people”, and sent a message to one of the women she had been on a date with saying: “Most people deserve to die, I hate people”.   She listened to the dark-themed song Flatline by US metal band Periphery and changed her Facebook status to: “Humans are only able to destroy, to hate, so that is what I shall do.”  After doing a lap of the shop and attacking Ben she swung the axe at Sharon, who was at the counter buying milk.  Amati tried to hit her a second time as she lay sprawled on the ground but narrowly missed.  CCTV showed her then calmly walking away across the forecourt.  She also tried to kill a homeless man nearby, then feigned unconsciousness when cops tracked her down in the front garden of a house. Her police interview hours after the bloody rampage showed her coldly refusing to answer questions.  In a steady voice, Amati says over and over: “I respectfully choose to exercise my right to remain silent”.  Her lawyers tried to claim insanity but that was rejected by the jury. While on remand she spent time in three women's jails where she bullied other inmates... shopkeeper Sharon described the terrifying attack which left her with a skull fracture."

NHS trusts ask men if they are pregnant before having scans - "Men are being asked if they are pregnant before undergoing scans at NHS trusts in England, it has emerged.  Male cancer patients and those having X-Rays and MRI scans are being asked if they could be expecting after the Government removed the word “female” from the law governing the medical procedures and replaced it with “individuals”...   One woman whose husband has cancer says that the question before a scan had caused “unnecessary confusion and agitation” and was “unfair” as a combination of steroids and brain surgery had made him emotional.  She added: “This was very confusing for him in his post-surgical daze, his vulnerability and needs completely ignored.”   Medics are required to find out if a patient could be pregnant before carrying out procedures involving radiotherapy, diagnostic imaging and nuclear medicine because of the risk it poses to any unborn child.  The Department of Health updated the regulations regarding the procedures in 2017 and changed the wording surrounding those who should be questioned from “females of childbearing age” to “individuals of childbearing potential”.  Campaigners warned on Monday that the policy was part of a “clinically dangerous” practice to record gender and not sex on medical records. They pointed out that those born male cannot get pregnant.   NHS guidance states that patients can change their name and the gender on their official documents without going through the legal process or any medical intervention."
To cater to a tiny minority, they degrade care for everyone else
Apparently sex is of no medical use. But of course the medical establishment will be blamed if anything goes wrong, like when a transman miscarries because of inaccurate medical documentation

‘Vagina Museum’ Celebrates International Women’s Day By Honoring Biological Men - "An British museum which bills itself as “the worlds’ first bricks and mortar museum dedicated to the gynaecological anatomy” decided to honor International Women’s Day by focusing on biological men, tweeting proudly, “This #InternationalWomensDay we’re going to talk about trans women in history.”  The Vagina Museum wrote defensively, “We’ve turned replies off, because we know some people would prefer these stories to be erased and silenced.”"

With Birthing Person's Day Over, Families Prepare For Lawnmowing Person's Day | The Babylon Bee

LA protests erupt after viral video of complaint about trans woman disrobing in upscale spa - "Black-clad counter-protesters — including one wearing an “Antifa” flag as a cape — clashed with demonstrators outside a Los Angeles spa where a customer complained that a transgender woman exposed their penis in front of children...   “So, it’s OK for a man to go into the women’s section, show his penis around the other women, young little girls — underage — in your spa? Wi Spa condones that, is that what you’re saying?”"

Trans woman charged with indecent exposure at LA's Wi Spa - "A trans woman who has been charged with indecent exposure over an incident at Wi Spa in Los Angeles has said she is the victim of transphobic harassment.  Agee Merager, who is legally female, is reportedly facing multiple felony charges of indecent exposure after four cis women and a girl accused her of exposing her genitals at Wi Spa"
Wi Spa suspect still at large, with history of indecent exposure - "A judge in Los Angeles County Superior Court issued a second arrest warrant for Darren Agee Merager, 52, on Sept. 8 after Merager failed to appear at a hearing related to six felony charges of indecent exposure in connection with a previous case at a West Hollywood swimming pool. Merager, a registered sex offender in California for two prior convictions of indecent exposure, identifies as a woman, but law enforcement sources said that’s a ruse to get into women’s-only areas. In the Wi Spa case, Merager is accused of exposing an erect penis to four women and a minor girl...   Though declared a “hoax” by some media outlets, Merager was eventually charged as the suspect on Aug. 30. Sources tell The Post that Merager had been banned by Wi Spa back in 2019 due to customer complaints of an erection in the women’s section, but Merager wasn’t recognized by the front desk in June because they were wearing a mask...   Five females, including “Cubana Angel” and a minor girl, came forth as victims to the Los Angeles Police Department. They allege Merager was partially erect. In Merager’s ongoing West Hollywood Park swimming pool case, multiple women and minor girls also accuse Merager of being erect in the changing room.  Merager, who stands 6-foot-2 and weighs around 200 pounds, says the women are mistaking a large appendage for an erection... Merager was convicted in 2003 for looking through the window of an elderly woman’s home in Arcadia, Calif., while masturbating, illuminated by a flashlight. “I may have been somewhere I didn’t belong but I wasn’t doing it for [sexual] gratification and I wasn’t showing myself off,” Merager contests...   Merager has also been implicated in sex crime investigations that did not result in charges. In June 2018 while on parole for a burglary conviction, Merager was identified as a suspect in an alleged indecent exposure incident at a gasoline station in Burbank, Calif. According to the police report, three customers reported to the cashier that a person with no underwear wearing a seethrough fishnet-style outfit was exposing themselves at a pump. The responding officer reviewed the surveillance video which allegedly showed the person standing by the pump for over an hour and lifting their leg onto a curb to expose themselves. Merager was identified as the suspect because of the vehicle’s license plate... on Dec. 26, 2018, police responded to the Palm Springs Swim Center after the coaches of a high school girls’ water polo team called police. According to the incident report, one of the coaches said he aggressively confronted Merager after the school girls alerted him that Merager had exposed their penis in the women’s changing room...   Merager says the confrontations and police reports are evidence of “systemic transphobia.”"

Rosie Kay: I resigned from my own dance company after I was accused of transphobia | News | The Times - "What led to Kay, 45, abandoning her life’s work was an argument at a party she held for young dancers at her home. Telling them that her next ballet was based on Virginia Woolf’s Orlando, a male aristocrat who morphs into a woman, she added: “Woolf knows anyone can change sex in their imagination but that you can’t change sex in your actual body.”  Dancers complained to her board of trustees and now, four months later, having only just seen allegations she totally denies, Kay has lost access to her company’s bank account, social media and email address. She quit her company because she believes a proposed tribunal, run by an external HR consultant, would not rule in her favour. “My lawyer advised me, ‘You are not going to win. They will find you guilty of transphobia, smear you — and that’s the end of your career.’ But I was just talking about women’s material reality and I am not going to go quietly. I am determined to put my head above the parapet.”... The cast has three female and six male roles. One of the dancers in a male role and one in a female identified as non-binary, although they had auditioned for parts that accorded with their biological sex. Kay says she was happy to use “they” pronouns but “rehearsal is a quick, pressured environment — you need to be raw and instinctual”.  During one warm-up session she asked the male dancers to perform “boy jumps” and the females to do “girl jumps”, referring to specific classical ballet steps. At the coffee break she says the non-binary dancer who was cast in the female part complained that in doing this Kay had misgendered them. Kay says she apologised and said that ballet can be a gendered business, that she herself liked to “do the boy jumps because that fits better with my physicality”... She says she is gender non-conforming, “but as a dancer you live in your body. You are under no illusion about your sex. During periods you injure more easily. When you ovulate you’re wobbly.” In August, halfway through rehearsals, Kay arranged a party. The plan was to bond, relax and cheer everyone up after a difficult year (Kay’s father had recently died). She made lentil dishes, salads and grilled salmon to cater for the young dancers’ vegan and gluten-free diets... talk turned more broadly to the difference between sex and gender.  Kay asked them to define non-binary. At that she says several male dancers shouted that she was a bigot and a terf. Kay said that she supported single-sex spaces, especially because in 2019 in a dance studio’s gender-neutral changing rooms she saw “women and girls getting undressed and in the middle a young man dancing about with his penis out. I was too shocked to complain.” The party ended in the early hours. On Monday, at rehearsals, Kay says she felt “a wall of animosity. And the show was in a week and a half. I wondered, what are we going to do?” Kay asked her chair of trustees to talk to them. “She said: ‘This is very serious. I’m getting them to write statements.’ ” Four dancers — the two non-binary dancers, one woman and one man — complained. The complaints, which Kay says she was not shown for six weeks, alleged that she was aggressive and had made them feel “uncomfortable” by showing them her child’s bedroom. “They claimed I’d said being non-binary is ‘insane’. When I was saying there is no such sex as non-binary.” Without even speaking to her, trustees cancelled Orlando.  After a board meeting Kay agreed to apologise to the dancers and undergo future “gender training”... After Romeo + Juliet’s successful first night the company broke up for four weeks... When the company reconvened, the non-binary dancer in the female part had quit (an older dancer had to learn the part in two days) and had filed a further complaint about the party, saying Kay’s use of the words “penis” and “vagina” amounted to sexual harassment. Kay was so upset she collapsed... The board of trustees wrote to the Arts Council and the Charity Commission telling them that Kay was under investigation for transphobia. It hired a lawyer and demanded that Kay be investigated by an external HR consultant. “But I refuse to submit to an investigation which does not acknowledge my gender-critical beliefs are protected under law.”  Now Kay finds herself locked out from her own company, estranged from her very name and suing her board for constructive dismissal. “All the money in the account was made by my ideas and work,” she says. Thankfully, her canny father ensured that she retains all intellectual property rights. So the Rosie Kay Dance Company is left a shell."

Mary Harrington on Twitter - "This whole story is another data point for my thesis that a major driving force of workplace cancellations is office politics conducted in sixth form girls’ school mode
This is pure Mean Girl crybullying: mystify the hierarchies, frame it as care and concern for the group, orchestrate a collective psychological mobbing until your rival abandons the field
The smart money says one of the leaders of the mob will presently step up into the leadership vacuum left by Rosie’a resignation from the company she started and has now been hounded from"

'No dissent is allowed': School board bars teacher from raising concerns over transgender books - "An Ontario school board is facing charges of censorship this week after shutting down a teacher’s presentation to the group, saying her comments about books on transgender issues violated the province’s human rights code. Carolyn Burjoski was discussing publications she said are available in the libraries of Kindergarten to grade six schools. She had begun to argue the books made it seem too simple and “cool” to medically transition to another gender when her presentation was cut short by the Waterloo Region District School Board’s chair...   Though controversial and opposed by most transgender advocates, concerns have been voiced before — including by leading figures in the movement itself — that gender-dysphoric young people are sometimes pushed too aggressively into medical transition. Piatkowski later told a local CTV station, however, that Burjoski’s comments were actually transphobic and “questioned the right to exist” of trans people. Meanwhile, the organization took down its recording of the meeting — a regular, public session of elected officials — and had YouTube remove another copy of the video for alleged copyright infringement.  And then the teacher was given what she calls a “stay-at-home order” and told not to communicate with colleagues or students, though she’s still being paid and is slated to retire soon. On Thursday, she says her union rep informed her the board had appointed an outside investigator to examine her actions... “I am not a transphobic person. It’s crazy that just because you ask a question, the first thing people do is call you that,” she said. “We do need to have a conversation about the intersection of biology and gender. We’re not having those conversations in our culture because, look what happened to me.”  She said the order to stay away from school was likely meant to make an example of her: “The message is clear: no dissent is allowed.”... Asked to explain how Burjoski’s comments violated the code, the chair told 570 News radio station that he would not repeat or respond to her remarks and “give them oxygen.”  But he said he stood by his decision, and that chairs of other boards in the province have told him they would have done the same thing... Two groups representing the LGBTQ community in Waterloo could not be reached for comment. Trans activists, however, often argue that statements questioning medical transition in any way can fuel transgender harassment, discrimination and violence... One Waterloo trustee who came to Burjoski’s defence on Monday, though, blasted the board’s decision and said he’s never seen a delegation silenced in that way before... The widely used “affirmation” approach to children who identify as transgender has raised some concerns in several countries, and not just among obvious critics. Two leading psychologists in the transgender medical community, one of them a trans woman, complained in a recent article about sloppy and dangerous assessment of young people presenting as trans, with overly hasty resort to hormones."

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