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Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Deadnaming Anakin Skywalker vs Ellen Page

Star Wars Funnies:

Phillip @MajorPhilebrity: "Y'all stopped deadnaming Anakin Skywalker when he became Vader but can't handle Elliot Page?"
(mirror with comment: "Anyone who's actually watched Star Wars: [visible confusion]")


"Not a good analogy, since the people who loved him still called him Anakin."

"He's more machine now than man. Twisted and evil."

"Lol you mean where he realized he was still Anakin Skywalker at the end? This take is weak as fuck"

"Nobody gets mad when someone refers to Vader as Anakin though"

"Whole Lotta fiction going on"


"But.....I do refer to him as Anakin."

"I've accepted that you were once Anakin Skywalker, my father."
"That name, no longer has any meaning for me!"
"It is the name of your true self, you've only forgotten it."

 "Dunno who Elliot page is but if they can't deliver a kickass line like "Anakin Skywalker was weak, i destroyed him" then why bother lol" 

"Lol the fact your comparing his transition to going over to the dark side and becoming a rage filed cyborg who is trying to kill off the protagonist group is somehow poetic." 

"Ok but when we watch ep 1,2,3 we call him Anikan. When we watch Juno we’re supposed to be like “that’s Elliot page. He is pregnant in this movie and pretending to be a girl.”"

"Vader was a more believable character 🤷🏼‍♂️"

"When Ellen becomes a badass Sith Lord, talk to me."

"Obi-Wan deadnames him multiple times to his face and he's a good guy so,"

"The only similarity between these 2 is that neither of them have been granted the rank of master."

"What I think is funny is all you who are talking about deadnaming Elliot, and he doesn't even know you exist. You can call him anything you want. It's not as if he's going to find out. You can call him Elliot, Ellen, or Vaginadickmouth. None of this is going to have any impact on his life."

"Just want to point out that multiple times in Star Wars media, people brought up Anakin to Vader. Ahsoka, Obi-Wan, and Luke all "deadnamed Vader."

Do with that information as you will."
"But in the end he still died as Anakin Skywalker, mutilated and damaged as he was.
Just as she will, one day."
"Yes because Elliot page is an evil, corrupted person who DESTROYED the heroic light side warrior Ellen page."

"He literally hunted every last person that knew his original name and killed them, when elliot shows a little more initiative maybe we’ll get in line."
"Great analogy. Vader and Elliot are both fictional characters."
"Bad guy realizes he was wrong and goes back to his original name after dealing with his mental health shit.
Yeah; hopeful "Ellioen" can have a similar redemption story."
"The irony that's lost on the OP is that in the end, he was still Anakin Skywalker lol"
"By that logic, Elliot will go on to endanger the galaxy under a wave of tyranny and evil, only to turn back into Ellen after realising the error of their ways and right the wrongs they unleashed and then die.
Seems a bit transphobic 😂"
"Ummm anakin regretting his transition to Vader and his arc is that he de-transitioned … not the best example"

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