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Monday, May 09, 2022

Links - 9th May 2022 (2 - General Wokeness)

Meme - "The Great Identity Politics Competition (Semi-Finals)
"As a Gay Man Of Color, I think..."
"As a man of a more Oppressed Nationality Than You, I Disagree"
"As a Woman Who Is More Oppressed Than Any Man, My Opinion Is..."
"As a Trans, Differently-Abled Victim of Genocide, I Must Insist..."
"Rich capitalist: "Heh"
"The Democrats Have Made a Party of Nothing More Then Victims Fake Oppression and Whinners. There Is No Honor No Self Reliance No Nothing Good Among Their Ranks"

Meme - "Legalize *Marijuana*: "YEAH, I'M PRETTY EDGY"
Legalize Jokes: *VROOOOMMM*"

InordinateFondness is a Bi Lez (18+) on Twitter - "“Based”
“Cope and seethe”
Y’all are welcoming fascist terms into our spaces, making me feel unsafe even among friends, and I deeply resent it."
The "white fragility" crowd strike again

Meme - Chat @Renarchat: ""Swag"
"Stay mad"
Y'all are welcoming fascist terms into our spaces, making me feel unsafe even among friends, and I deeply resent it.
Words have power, have ideas within them. And none of you bother to care."
Does this mean liberals can't call everyone they disagree with a troll anymore? Then again they have since moved on to calling everyone they disagree with a Nazi

Facebook - "Trump was the 15th President to have visited Mt. Rushmore - guess things changed. In 1996, when Bill Clinton visited Mt. Rushmore during his re-election campaign, ABC news called it a place where American ingenuity and American creativity came together and formed an amazing American accomplishment. In 2008, when Barrack Obama campaigned there, CNN called Mt Rushmore a majestic site and every president should visit. In 2016, Bernie Sanders campaigned there and said he was humbled to be in the presence of 4 of the greatest American presidents.. CNN described the scene as awe-inspiring . In 2020, When Trump visits, CNN called it a celebration of white supremacy and Trump will stand before two former slave owners on land wrestled away from Native Americans."
Either that or an illustration of the slippery slope

Tensions Rise In Middle East As One Side Wants To Kill Jews And The Other Side Are Jews Who Don't Want To Die And Neither Will Compromise | The Babylon Bee

Meet Arwa Mahdawi: The Guardian columnist who has turned into a joke - "History becomes legend, legends become myth... In the world of the mainstream media, with the passage of time, truth becomes lies, fiction becomes fact, journalists become a joke and when enough time has passed, ‘legendary’ journalists turn into something more. They become a meme. Such is the story of The Guardian columnist Arwa Mahdawi.  According to her bio on The Guardian, Arwa Mahdawi is a “Guardian columnist and brand strategist based in New York.” In addition to these, she is also a gargantuan hypocrite and the stereotypical media hack whose sole objective is to peddle propaganda. The headlines of her column which have gone viral on social media recently illustrate it beautifully... During the Antifa riots in the USA in the aftermath of the death of George Floyd, she explicitly defend the rioting and suggested that violence is the only way to end police brutality and ‘systemic racism’. In her column titled, ‘If violence isn’t the way to end racism in America, then what is?’, she stated, “The uncomfortable truth is that, sometimes, violence is the only answer left.”"

Twerking Black Women Cause Pointless Controversy - ">True Kitchen + Kocktails is a black owned restaurant that recently opened up in Dallas Texas. They have a DJ in the background playing music. Some black women took it upon themselves to stand up from their seats and start twerking...
>The viral video, only showed him ranting. It didn’t show the lead up to the rant. It didn’t show him conducting himself professionally the first 2 times when he asked them to stop. It only shows his angry reaction the 3rd time, yelling at them...
>Black women took to Twitter to call the owner out for telling black women what to do with their bodies. Implying that they should be allowed to twerk wherever they want without repercussions. He was also criticized for swearing at the customers and telling them to get out, which was seen as “unprofessional”.
>Kevin defended himself. He posted the lead up to his rant on Instagram. He also went to the media to clear up the whole situation. He also questioned whether or not these women would have done this at a white owned restaurant.
>Kevin got accused of “misogynoir” and hatred of black women. Claiming that his criticisms were deeply rooted in his hatred for black women. Some women even tried to claim that the music playing is an explanation for women to twerk in a restaurant.
>Despite the social media backlash, Kelly claims that True Kitchen has actually boomed in sales. So the controversy didn’t seem to effectively hurt the business.
At the end of the day, the action and reaction of these women were completely ridiculous. Why twerk at a restaurant-as opposed to a club or at your own house? Why record an out of context video and post it for controversy? Why try to destroy his business for being told to behave maturely? Why were so many black women obsessed with tone policing him when the female customers were clearly at fault? None of their actions make sense. Luckily, this silly controversy didn’t seem to hurt his business."
Since dress codes are racist, it's no surprise not allowing black customers to twerk is racist

California Amazon Driver told woman to check ‘White privilege’ before alleged assault: report - "An Amazon delivery driver has been arrested in Castro Valley, California for allegedly assaulting a 67-year-old woman over a package dispute. Deputies from the Alameda County Sheriff's Office took Itzel Ramirez, 21, into custody on Thursday after receiving a 911 call from the victim, according to KTVU. The victim reportedly told police Ramirez punched her at least 10 times around the face and head... "I believe the Amazon driver said something about ‘your White privilege,’ and my tenant said, ‘You don’t need to be a bitch about it,' turned around and walked away""
Grievance mongering has real consequences

J.M. Coetzee: Yet Another Nobel Prize Winning Hypocrite - "So now, while many South Africans live in constant fear, facing perpetual violence, J.M. Coetzee is sunning himself in the vastly more peaceful continent of Australia. He’s still writing.  It’s funny how consistent these types are with their hypocrisy. People like Coetzee, and modern leftists and social justice warriors and anti-racists and all these other so called humanists and moral crusaders endlessly spew about the injustices of the world, and how we need to tear down the barriers and throw away the system and start afresh…yet they’re almost always amongst the first ones to flee once those very barriers are taken down and it’s time to get dirty and start the rebuilding.  You see it amongst the democrats in the United States, who vote in slick politicians parroting their democratic ideals—then they flee the state when those ideals are enacted, only to repeat their same idiotic choices while looking down on the less enlightened. White people spouting anti-racist sentiments then moving out of their neighborhood the moment the first non-whites begin showing up is so common it’s a cliché."

Meme - "I've been working since I was 15 I really don't understand how people are 19-20 years old with no job"
"this was clearly written by a white cishet person. some of us cant get jobs"
This person is starting to explain the causes of wage gaps

Big Brother (sorry, Big Person) is correcting you on Google - "  Among the words it objects to are "landlord" - which Google says “may not be inclusive to all readers” and should be changed to “property owner” or “proprietor” - and "mankind", which it wants changed to “humankind”.  The tool suggests more gender-inclusive phrasing, such as changing “policemen” to “police officers”, and replacing “housewife” with “stay-at-home-spouse”.  But it also objects to the technical term "motherboard" - used for a printed circuit board containing the principal components of a computer or other device... Introduction of the wording has worried many writers who feel it is an obtrusive and unnecessary interference in what should be their free flow of ideas and language.  Silkie Carlo, the director of Big Brother Watch, told The Telegraph: “Google's new word warnings aren't assistive, they're deeply intrusive. With Google's new assistive writing tool, the company is not only reading every word you type but telling you what to type.   "This speech-policing is profoundly clumsy, creepy and wrong, often reinforcing bias. Invasive tech like this undermines privacy, freedom of expression and increasingly freedom of thought.”  Lazar Radic, a senior scholar in economic policy at the International Centre for Law and Economics, said the function was an example of “nudging” behaviour, which “presumes to override the preferences of individuals on the assumption that the nudger knows better than the nudgee what is better for him or her – and, further, for society as a whole.   “Not only is this incredibly conceited and patronising – it can also serve to stifle individuality, self-expression, experimentation, and – from a purely utilitarian perspective – progress.”  Mr Radic added: “What if 'landlord' is the better choice because it makes more sense, narratively, in a novel? What if 'house owner' sounds wooden and fails to invoke the same sense of poignancy? What if the defendant really was a 'housewife' – and refers to herself as such? Should all written pieces – including written forms of art, such as novels, lyrics, and poetry – follow the same, boring template?"  Sam Bowman, the founder and editor of the Works In Progress online magazine, wrote on Twitter: “It feels pretty hectoring and adds an unwanted political/cultural slant to what I'd rather was a neutral product in that respect, as a user.”...   Surprisingly, a transcribed interview of the neo-Nazi and former Klu Klux Klan leader David Duke - in which he uses offensive racial slurs and talks about hunting black people - prompted no warnings when it was entered into a Google docs programme that included the function.  But at the same time it suggested that President John F. Kennedy’s inaugural address should say “for all humankind” instead of the original phrase “for all mankind”.  When users at Vice magazine keyed in Jesus’s Sermon on the Mount an inclusive warning objected to the phrase God’s “wonderful” works, suggesting the words “great”, “marvellous” or “lovely” instead.   Some users have also reported that phrases such as “a man for all seasons” are flagged by the programme as not being inclusive.  The function even extends to matters of style, with Google suggesting a writer uses “angry” or “upset”, rather than “annoyed”.  Google said the feature was in an “ongoing evolution” designed to identify and “mitigate” unwanted word biases."

Google launches ‘inclusive language’ tool to be more inclusive - "Google previously provided a guide for writing more inclusive documents, with suggestions to use “baffling” instead of “crazy”, “person-hours” instead of “man-hours” and “older adults” instead of “the elderly”.  It recommends saying someone “uses a wheelchair” rather than describing them as “wheelchair-bound”, and that a person is “living with” rather than “suffering from” a disability."

Wesley Yang on Twitter - "What’s funny about this is that no one has ever mispronounced “Hannah Kim” or “Fred Lee”. What’s sad about this is the pain and rage these people are professing to feel is real — in the absence of any real adversity their receptors have been reset thusly"
When life is too good, people make shit up. So much for the "myth" of the slippery slope

Meme - Hannah Kim @thisishannahkim: "Any Asians here tryna get "minority bonus points" by complaining? Academics, esp philosophers, idk how many of you saw this but stuff like this your silence) is EXACTLY WHY philosophy remains so white. This is problematic. Microaggression is real & harmful. #StopAsianHate"
Philippe Lemoine @phl43: "I keep seeing Asians trying to get minority bonus points by complaining that people mispronounce their name and, as someone whose name is almost systematically mispronounced when I'm in the US, I can't help but think "How did I not think of that before?""
Only "minorities" "suffer" when people mispronounce their names

Pedro L. Gonzalez on Twitter - "Critics have long suspected that predictive policing software was racially biased.   Today, we have the answer: @themarkup  & @gizmodo  analyzed 5.9 million algorithmic crime predictions. We found they disproportionately target Black & Latino areas... When we asked PredPol CEO Brian MacDonald whether he was concerned about the race disparities we found, he didn’t address the question directly, but said the software mirrored reported crime rates... The PredPol co-founders paper described how to make the algorithm more fair but “at a cost of reduced accuracy of the algorithms.”"
"Basically AI figured out what literally every normal person without a college degree who lives in these places already knows--but that is problematic because it doesn't align with shitlib diversity fantasies
We must program the machines to stop noticing patterns
Instead of addressing criminality, these people will literally just mess with the data until it reflects their vision of progress"

James Dunn on Twitter - "I love the math equations in the blog post and github repo. However, it puzzles me how someone who is data-literate could fail to use actual crime rates as a control variable before claiming the prediction software was the source of bias..."
Weiz on Twitter - "Racial bias doesn't mean inaccurate. E.g., If predictive software indicates men are more likely to commit violent crime than murder, it'd be biased. And it'd also be correct."
Tenino on Twitter - "Where's the bias, exactly? When my female patients tell me they were sexually abused, I can predict with about 95% certainty that the perp was male. This tracks with actual crime data. Am I biased?"
Gregory Cochran on Twitter - "The software conforms to reality, but you don't. What would be the use of software that predict lots of crime happening in places and neighborhoods where, in fact, it does not happen?"
Asabiyyah Promoter on Twitter - "Did you consider that the software was racially biased because half of the crime in this country is disportionately committed by black men who make up only 6% of total population"
Gregory Cochran on Twitter - "Apparently you think that whites have murder rates just as high as blacks, but hoard the bodies in the freezer. Asking for a friend - do you participate in games of chance, played for real money?"

Wilfred Reilly on Twitter - "Generally speaking, if you find yourself promoting the same policies as the Klan - say totally segregated school graduations or dances - you are not an "anti-racist.""

Wilfred Reilly on Twitter - "No one who thinks of speech as violence has ever been shot."

Brianna Wu on Twitter - "I grew up in the aftermath of the Confederacy in Mississippi. It was open racism, perpetual victimhood, and a deeply uncomfortable culture of casually calling for violence. Don’t overthink the confederacy and its modern supporters. It’s exactly what you think it is."
She must be a vampire at 150 years old (or so)

Soul: Danish activists criticise decision to redub Pixar film with white voice actors - "Activists in Denmark have questioned the decision to redub Pixar’s Soul with white actors in the lead roles... in the Danish-language version of Soul, Joe is voiced by white actor Nikolaj Lie Kaas, with controversy erupting after a number of activists and scholars suggested that Lie Kaas’s casting was an example of structural racism... “My position with regards to any job is very simple. Let the man or woman who can perform the work in the best possible way get the job.”"
How many black people can speak Danish? Maybe seeing the cost of finding black Danish speakers and/or the poorer quality product that will result from restricted casting (which will earn less money), Pixar will not release a Danish version and black Danes (who probably are less likely to speak other languages) will suffer

Andrew Sullivan: Campus Leftism 'A Kind of Secular Religion' - "“This is a kind of secular religion. You have to believe, if you’re on campus you have to believe certain things, or you are a heretic. What you saw here was the burning of a heretic.”  Host Bill Maher began by saying that he’s “so worried about liberalism. … I worry that liberalism is at a perilous point.”... Sullivan stated, “[I]t leads to this big climate of shut it down, shut it down. And afterwards, a mob actually attacked…and a female professor…suffered a concussion. This is not an argument. This is a religion, Bill. This is a kind of secular religion. You have to believe, if you’re on campus you have to believe certain things, or you are a heretic. What you saw here was the burning of a heretic.”...   Sullivan added that such behavior is due to faculty “fermenting this stuff.” Maher agreed, and stated that there was “something very wrong with the parents, and the way they raise their little f*cking brats.” Sullivan further argued that campus leftists would rather attack others on the left than the right, citing attacks on Yale’s leadership as white supremacy"

"A very traumatic experience": Amazon employees are so triggered over Matt Walsh's book "Johnny the Walrus" that leadership held a virtual meeting to address it - "the book hit #1 on Amazon's LGBTQ+ best sellers list back in December, which is just glorious.
Woke employees are low performing ones

Google failed to honor 'don't be evil' pledge in firing engineers - lawsuit - "A group of former Google employees sued the Alphabet Inc (GOOGL.O) unit on Monday alleging that it breached their employment contracts by not honoring its famous motto "don't be evil."  In the lawsuit filed in California state court in Santa Clara county, former Google employees Rebecca Rivers, Sophie Waldman and Paul Duke alleged that they were fired two years ago for fulfilling their contractual obligation to speak up if they saw Google violating its "don't be evil" pledge... The three former Google software engineers had raised concerns at town halls and other forums inside Google about the company potentially selling cloud technology to U.S. immigration authorities, which at the time were engaging in detention tactics considered inhumane by rights activists, including separating migrant children from their families.  The workers considered the potential immigration work "evil" under Google's policies, which call for "acting honorably and treating each other with respect" and engaging in "the highest possible standards of ethical business conduct," according to the lawsuit. The company's code of conduct says workers who think the company may be falling short of its commitment should not stay silent, the lawsuit said."

Google ex-employees accuse company of mistreatment amid NLRB case - "a string of employee walkouts, internal battles over how the company uses its artificial intelligence technology and lawsuits related to treatment of its workforce present a potentially severe strain for a company that has long prided itself on a culture of openness and inclusivity. Last December, the U.S. National Labor Relations Board filed a complaint against Google, alleging the company illegally terminated and surveilled employees in retaliation for their efforts to unionize."

London: Woman marries her cat to get round pet-hating landlords - "Decked out in a tuxedo, Deborah tied the knot with India at a civil ceremony presided over by her legally ordained friend."
The "myth" of the slippery slope strikes again

Protesters destroy pro-life stand at Oxford University freshers’ fair - "A group of students threw the contents of the Oxford Students for Life (OSFL) stall into a bin bag on Thursday, before being confronted by security guards patrolling the fair."

University censorship is fictionalising history, says Universities Minister - "Universities which allow books to be censored on reading lists are risking a fictionalisation of history reminiscent of the Soviet Union, the Government has warned in the latest front in the so-called culture wars.  Michelle Donelan, the Universities Minister, said that removing key texts from reading lists was "a very dangerous and odd road to go down, and certainly it has no place in our universities".  Last year Oxford University students warned that reading lists should come with 'trigger warnings' and called on the university to publish guidance for faculties to consider whether articles on reading lists amount to 'hate speech'.  The students have voted against “ableist, classist and misogynistic” reading lists, claiming that they should not be forced to engage with any “hateful material”... "The so-called decolonisation of the curriculum is, in effect, censoring history.  "And, as a history student myself, I'm a vehement protector and champion of safeguarding our history. It otherwise becomes fiction, if you start editing it, taking bits out that we view as stains.  "A fundamental part of our history is about learning from it, not repeating the mistakes, being able to analyse and challenge why those events happened, how those decisions were made so that we don't repeat those actions in the future."  She added: "If we're going down this road of taking bits out, are we then going to end up putting bits in that we wish had happened?  "It's a very dangerous and odd road to go down, and certainly it has no place in our universities, I would argue, and it has no place in academic study.  "And it just doesn't work when governments try to remove elements of history. Look at the Soviet Union, look at China. There are multiple examples where it's been tried. It doesn't work.  "I'm all in favour of adding stuff in to enriching our understanding of history, to adding in sources from less well known and often overlooked individuals in history.  "Let's enrich our understanding and give our young people a fuller picture and a fuller and deeper understanding of our history.  "But most of the narrative that is coming out ... is about removing elements of history, about whitewashing it and pretending that it never happened, which I just think is naive and almost irresponsible."  She added: "A lot of the talk of the decolonisation is actually removing those elements, it's not about packing in extra into history...   A report by the right of centre Policy Exchange think tank last August found that pro-Brexit and right-wing academics feel forced to censor their political views, putting free speech at universities under threat.  Campuses were found to be increasingly governed by unwritten rules that mean lecturers are under pressure to muzzle unfashionable opinions for fear of being ostracised or passed over for promotion.  A YouGov poll of 820 academics found that nearly a third — 32 per cent — of those who say their political views are “right” or “fairly right” have stopped openly airing opinions in teaching and research, compared with 13 per cent of those in the centre and on the left.  Among Brexit supporters, 27 per cent said they had refrained from publishing or airing views for “fear of consequences”."

Facebook - "This is the closest case I can recall offhand using a mobile phone. It's a voluntarily causing hurt case but the accused is aged 22 as well. There's a mention of prosecution appealing but I can't find any published appeals. The case shows a very detailed analysis of what goes into determining if someone is suitable for probation.  Paras 20 to 21, and 30 to 33 show a very clear sign that academic performance has always been a relevant factor to consider suitability for probation and the suggestion that good grades give "license to molest" is plain misinformed. For if that's the case, then it would be "license to beat up people who were falsely / wrongly accused of molest as well". And in any case, the correct way to challenge the judge's decision is appeal by prosecution. Right now the outrage against the courts borders contempt of court. For avoidance of doubt, I think grades are ok to be included as long as it is just 1 facet in a basket of measurements, not the sole thing that is measured."
On the outrage over Terence Siow Kai Yuan

Facebook - "One of the things I intend to teach my kid in case they are ever tourists in Israel or the Middle East is to never touch any balloons they randomly find, no matter how friendly they look, or colourful they are. Because there's usually an explosive or incendiary charge attached to it, courtesy of HAMAS.
2020 news. Oh, never heard of it? Must be because if the mainstream media doesn't mention it, then use of colourful kids balloons to deliver hidden explosives to unsuspecting kids on a daily basis doesn't exist.
War scholars may recall the Green Parrot, a Soviet small landmine used in Afghanistan shaped like a kid's toy, and designed to blow up when squeezed, with just enough explosive force to remove a child's arm."

Facebook - "A 13-story residential building in Gaza collapsed after it was hit by an Israeli air strike
Dozens dead as Israel and Hamas escalate aerial bombardments"
"Hidden away in the article itself with headline sexed up to look like a full residential block was blown up together with inhabitants leading to the "dozens dead". Just media "ethics" at play.
"Civilian residents in the block and the surrounding area had been warned to evacuate the area before the air strike, according to witnesses and the Israeli military. The air strike completely destroyed the building. People in other blocks reported that they received warnings from Israel to evacuate ahead of a possible attack.""

Facebook - "Overheard allegation that it was "Chinese racism / desire for purity that was suppressing interracial relationships in Singapore". Eh no. Does not compute. Even if present, it's not the sole factor at play. Simply because if it was, then why it is affecting men and women *differently*? Note the difference between Indian male / Chinese (IM/CF) female relationships (common) and vice versa (rare). Any interracial relationship requires *both* sides to want to be in it, and alleged "Chinese racism / desire for purity" is unlikely to create the aforementioned unbalanced results. In fact, it would have created *flipped* results - given that "parental relationship policing" is generally acknowledged to be stricter on women then on men. Meaning you'll expect *less* Indian male / Chinese female couples (since allegedly racist Chinese parents are allegedly forcing potential IM/CF apart), not the other way around. Ditto with White male / Chinese female couples. You would expect the opposite result if racial relationship policing was as common as alleged. There's something else at play that is resulting in the results we see. Further examination is needed, not kneejerk assumptions."

Imam Tawhidi - Posts | Facebook - "Far-Leftists: Islamist Terrorists do not represent Islam.
Me: Islamist Terrorists should be condemned.
Far-Leftists: Stop attacking Islam, you Right-Wing Fascist Islamophobic Zionist Sell-Out. Go lick Israeli boots, it’s what they pay you for. You shouldn’t have been born."

Bobby Burack on Twitter - "Past week:
— Elon Musk bought Twitter
— Shaun King deleted Twitter
— Jon Stewart found out nobody likes his show
— CNN+ died
— Rogan announced 2M new subscribers
— Jemele Hill failed again
—Bomani failed again
—Judge struck down travel mask mandate
—Spotify dropped Michelle Obama"

Personality Traits, Sexual Problems, and Sexual Orientation: An Empirical Study - "Personality traits, namely neuroticism, have been suggested as vulnerability factors for the development and maintenance of sexual dysfunction in heterosexual samples. However, no evidence was found regarding homosexual samples. This study aimed to analyze the differences on personality traits between heterosexual and homosexual men and women with and without sexual problems. Participants were 285 individuals (142 men, 143 women) who completed a web-based survey. Participants answered the NEO Five-Factor Inventory, the Brief Symptomatology Inventory, and questions regarding sexual problems. The groups of men and women with and without sexual problems were matched for sociodemographic variables. A 2 (Group) × 2 (Sexual Orientation) multivariate analysis of covariance was conducted separately for each gender. Results indicated a significant main effect for group and for sexual orientation in male and female samples. Men with sexual problems scored higher on neuroticism, whereas women with sexual problems scored higher on neuroticism and lower on extraversion when compared with healthy controls, regardless of sexual orientation. In addition, gay men scored higher on neuroticism and lesbian women scored higher on conscientiousness compared with the heterosexual groups. The present findings emphasize the central role of neuroticism on sexual problems in both men and women regardless of sexual orientation."
Clearly this is due to patriarchy and homophobia, which can be the only explanations for problems women and homosexuals face

Meme - "Big Bird comes home from freshman year of college as a online social justice activist, and xhe begins pointing out how problematic everyone is"

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