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Friday, May 13, 2022

Links - 13th May 2022 (1 - Will Smith & Chris Rock at the Oscars)

Will Smith apologises to Chris Rock for Oscars slap as Academy Awards launches ‘formal investigation’ - "The 94th annual awards show was thrown into chaos when Smith went onstage and hit Rock after the comedian made a joke about Smith's wife, Jada Pinkett Smith, and her hair loss...   Smith appeared to laugh along at first but then strode up to the stage and struck Rock.  When he returned to his seat he shouted twice: "Keep my wife's name out of your f---ing mouth.""

Dr Joke Anderson on Twitter - "Jada Smith's grandmother taught her at NINE years to pleasure herself because she didn't want her to think she needed a man. Four generations of women brainwashed with this anti-relationship absurdity. Will Smith walked into a booby trap fr. He can never satisfy her. NEVER."

Meme - "The Will Smith Slap As Covered By 14 Different News Outlets
Fox news: Oscars Plagued By Rise In Black-On-Black Crime
Huffpost: The Patriarchal Roots Of Slapping, Exposed
CNN: Mostly Peaceful Oscars Threatens To Distract From January 6 Commission
OAN: If They Hadn't Stolen The Election From Trump, This Never Would Have Happened
Salon: White Supremacy Has Gotten Out Of Hand
Snopes: FALSE: Will Did Not "Slap" Chris. Chris's Cheek Struck The Palm Of Will's Hand
Vox: Rethinking The Slap: Why Getting Slapped Is Actually A Good Thing
The Daily Wire: "Will Smith DESTROYS Chris Rock With This One Simple Gesture"
Teen Vogue: "Will Smith's Totally Hot Slap And How You Can Use It On Your Genderqueer Partner In The Bedroom"
Infowars: "Illuminati Members Stage Fake Slap To Distract Us All From Implementation Of The New World Order"
Vice: "I Slapped Myself 100 Times And Smoked Crack To Better Understand The Black Experience In America"
The View: "Hurrr Durrr hurrr duh duh durrrr...."

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Slams Will Smith For 'Perpetuating Stereotypes' - "  “By hitting Rock, he announced that his wife was incapable of defending herself—against words,” Abdul-Jabbar wrote.  “This patronizing, paternal attitude infantilizes women and reduces them to helpless damsels needing a Big Strong Man to defend their honor least they swoon from the vapors”"

Meme - Kimberly Nicole Foster @KimberlyNFoster: "No one (except maybe Tom Cruise) has more carefully crafted their public image than Will Smith and the whites turned him into a Black Brute overnight. It's quite remarkable.
Violence is America's favorite pastime and largest export. We're talking about an open-handed slap. This is hilarious."

Is Trump to Blame For Will Smith Slapping Chris Rock? - "Howard Stern, who thinks Trump created COVID, says Trump’s personality inspired Smith to hit someone...   Whatever code Stern is speaking, CNN understands it. CNN analyst Asha Rangappa, too, says Trump inspired Smith to slap another man on stage...   Rangappa used to work for the FBI. I thought that was worth noting as well...   I will say, I’m a bit disappointed no one has yet blamed white supremacy for the assault at the Oscars. Don’t let generic white people off the hook for Smith vs. Rock, please."

Meme - Black Lives Matter St. Paul / Minneapolis: "I know some of you might be confused about Will Smith, an accomplished actor, slapping Chris Rock during the Oscars on live TV for making a harmless joke about his wife, Jade Pinkett Smith, being bald. So let me break this down for you from a cultural perspective. #1 The joke was not harmless. Jada has spoken publicly about her longterm struggles with hair loss due to Alopecia. #2 Will Smith is a very successful actor, rapper, & producer, but above all else he is a Black man. Furthermore, Will Smith is a Black man who is married to a Black woman. Within the Black community, there is an unspoken rule that you should never disrespect another man's wife. If you do then you could face the wrath of that woman's husband. It's a rule that is put in place as a protective measure to cover the wife. Chris Rock knows this rule because he is also part of the Black community. However, Chris Rock has chosen to violate this rule on more than one occasion & tonight he messed around & found out. While some may say that Will Smith should be arrested for his actions, I believe that at least within the Black community, he will be celebrated for protecting his Black Queen. However, violence isn't the answer."
Isn't it racist to say black people promote toxic masculinity?

Tiffany Haddish Gives Fierce Defense Of Will Smith Slapping Chris Rock At Oscars - "“The Afterparty” star, who was a presenter at the ceremony, called the moment “beautiful”... Rock, trying to stay composed, said: “That was the — greatest night in the history of television.”"

White outrage about Will Smith’s slap is rooted in anti-Blackness. It’s inequality in plain sight - "While it’s justifiable – important, even – to interrogate his motives for delivering the slap (was this really all about defending his wife or more about his own ego?), it’s clear that the backlash against Smith is rooted in not just anti-Blackness, but respectability politics as well... I also find it hard to believe that the same white audiences who consume violence against Black people on screen to an almost fetishistic degree (and are quite happy to have the Academy reward these gratuitously violent projects year after year) are so distraught about an open-palm slap. Again, this kind of performative pearl-clutching is only ever reserved for Black men who mess up... it’s clear that many people (even those in the community who mean well) only find the incident so objectionable because they hoped Smith would perform propriety for white people in that space."
Apparently violence is good if it's by a black man "defending his wife"
Apparently the only violence in movies is anti-black violence
Apparently violence is rampant in the black community, which is why being non-violent is performing propriety for white people

Chris Rock's 'joke' about Jada Pinkett Smith was rooted in racism and male patriarchy - "Since the encounter, there has been a lot of talk about the need to protect Black women. Some argue that Smith was protecting his wife, but Rock, in a room full of his peers, could've decided to not tell a distasteful joke about a Black woman. That is also a form of protecting Black women, especially since our hair and how we choose to wear it has been the butt of jokes for generations"
The only people you can make jokes about are white cis straight men

Amy Schumer alludes to 'month' break with 'out of office' snap after being 'traumatized' by Oscars
A break from what?!

S.E. Cupp on Twitter - "No one’s really talking about how it might have been traumatic to see actual violence - not Hollywood pretend violence - on live TV. It was deeply unsettling to watch it, and to rewatch it as we all have. No one bargained for that."
Jennifer Wiggin on Twitter - "It actually kept me up for two nights. I’m a thick skinned, strong woman and it was troubling to say the least. I felt for a moment that no one can trust anyone. That we’re all on our own. What a horrible feeling."
Why are "strong women" so weak?

Meme - Isabella Maria DeLuca: "Will Smith defends his wife on national TV with violence and gets praised. Parents defend their children at school board meetings with words and get labeled as domestic terrorists."

Facebook - "All anybody can talk about is Will Smith defending his Woman, when last week they didn’t even know what a Woman was."

Meme - Get Her, Jade! @keatingssixth: "Why do we even give this cotton- picking, shuck & jiving, "nooocee CaLVin," brittle hair Cantu using bigot and her Uncle Tom foolery cOOnery any attention #CandaceOwens" Get Her, Jade! @keatingssixth: "Chris Rock's one "joke" was rooted in misogynoir, texturism, & ableism. Degrading a Black woman, in a room full of her peers, on live TV. The fact ya'll don't see that as violent is beyond me."

Meme - "I think that Will Smith shoul- wait. *looks at hands* oh hang on, I'm quite white, so maybe I don't need to have an opinion on what a black man did to another black man because of what he said about his black wife. Maybe, I should just shut up and listen."
Comedian realizes she’s white and doesn’t need to have an opinion on a black man slapping another black man - "We’ve collected a whole lot of hot takes on Will Smith slapping Chris Rock at the Academy Awards: CNN’s Asha Rangappa, Howard Stern, Rosie O’Donnell, and Steve Schmidt all managed to lay some of the blame on Donald Trump. We’ve heard that white people being upset about the assault “is rooted in anti-Blackness” and also that “black emotions scare white people.” Forbes published a piece asking why jokes are always at the expense of black women (you’ve never heard a joke about a white man, have you?).  Sofie Hagen is a comedian and “fat activist” we’ve never heard of, but she had us preemptively blocked. That’s a shame because we almost missed her hot take: as a white person, she’s realized she should just “shut up and listen.”"
Black lives only matter when they can be used to shit on white people

Herb Powell - 🇨🇦🇺🇸🇩🇪 on Twitter - "There was more violence at the Oscar's than there was at the freedom convoy."

Meme - Michael McDonald @ElectProject: "The people who support Trump think more violence is a good thing"
Michael McDonald @ElectProject: "Will Smith just showed Ted Cruz what a real man does when someone belittles their wife"

Meme - No: "Toxic masculinity"
Yes: "Will Smith engaging in toxic masculinity"
Facebook - "BLM Twitter today."

Jim Carrey 'Sickened' By 'Spineless' Ovation For Will Smith At Oscars - "King pointed out that anyone else besides Smith would’ve probably been escorted out after the assault or even arrested. Carrey said Smith “should have been,” but that Rock — who declined to press charges — simply didn’t want the hassle... Kathy Griffin and Patton Oswalt suggested that Smith’s actions could create open season on comics simply for telling jokes the audience doesn’t like."

Will Smith Appeared to Laugh at Chris Rock Joke Before Hitting Comedian

Dre'Mont Jones on Twitter - "Will better than me I would never defend someone else girl like that"

Facebook - "If Chris Rock was smacked by a white man after he insulted his wife, end of that white man’s career, no questions asked. "

Matt Walsh on Twitter - "Will Smith will not tolerate other men making jokes about his wife. He will however tolerate other men having sex with his wife. This is a man of principle."

Meme - Blake Dylan Pilger: "I talked about in my last post how I was trying to acknowledge all the nuance in the situation with Chris Rock and Will Smith, yet I went right over the nuance that as a white person it isn't my place to comment on it. I apologize for commenting on an issue that doesn't concern me. We as white people can take this opportunity to evaluate how we may be adding flames to the fire of anti-blackness amongst ourselves instead of centering ourselves on public platforms, myself included. Sending love, and again, I apologize."

Meme - ""Black women this "black women that". Yall are so narcissistic and obsessed with your own skin color. Its pathetic. If the only thing you have is your skin color then you have nothing"

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