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Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Links - 10th May 2022 (2 - George Floyd Unrest)

Teen Daughter Of Murdered Officer Slammed By Anti-Police Activists After Posting Tribute To Her Father - "The 16-year-old daughter of slain McAllen Police Officer Ismael Chavez was attacked on social media by anti-police critics for posting a heartfelt tribute to her murdered father.  Officer Chavez, 39, and Officer Edelmiro Garza, 45, were murdered in the line of duty in an ambush attack"
They believe ACAB after all

Prosecutors drop many rioting charges as dozens charged in D.C. protests appear in court - The Washington Post - "Dozen of people arrested over the weekend when mass protests in the District erupted in mayhem were released from custody Monday after appearing in court on an array of charges, including burglary, destruction of property and violating a municipal curfew.  Although many of those arrested were charged by police with felony rioting, that charge was dropped by prosecutors in most cases... Joel Dilone, of Montgomery County, Md., said he felt compelled to join the protests Saturday and Sunday, and has no regrets, despite being arrested and charged with burglary and rioting.  “I feel like being silent right now is still being pro-racist,” Dilone said. “I know other people were in the cell for a good cause, too.”"
Explicit equating of burglary and rioting with anti-racist protest

It's Time to Stand up to Progressive Prosecutors - "The streets of Waukesha, Wisconsin, ran red on Nov. 21 after Darrell Brooks, a 39-year-old black man, intentionally drove his Ford Escape into a Christmas parade, killing six and injuring more than 60 people... Brooks should have been behind bars, not the wheel of an SUV, that night. His violent criminal record stretches across two states and two decades... Those looking for answers as to why Brooks wasn't already locked up should ask progressive prosecutors like Milwaukee County district attorney John Chisholm. The Waukesha killings were a result of policies promoted by reform-minded activists like him.  Chisholm claimed that Waukesha was a freak accident while admitting that his office had set Brooks' bail for the November incident "inappropriately low." In a statement, he said that the "bail recommendation in this case is not consistent with the approach of the Milwaukee County District Attorney's Office toward matters involving violent crime." But the district attorney sang a very different tune in a 2007 interview with the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, explicitly defending this approach. Not only was Chisholm fully aware that diverting offenders from prison time could get someone killed—he insisted that the resulting deaths shouldn't impede his criminal-justice reform project.  "Is there going to be an individual I divert, or I put into treatment program, who's going to go out and kill somebody? You bet," Chisholm said. "Guaranteed. It's guaranteed to happen. It does not invalidate the overall approach." Releasing Brooks into the public, then, was consistent with Chisholm's stated views and objectives. Indeed, new documents obtained by FOX6 News show his office interviewed and deemed Brooks "high risk" in a pre-trial safety assessment after the November incident. The records also show that Brooks is the subject of an active hold with the Waukesha County Sheriff's Office. Yet all this was apparently overlooked because the death and injury of innocent people are a price Chisholm's willing to pay for his grand vision of progress. This isn't Chisholm's first time at the center of a scandal. In 2013, Wisconsin prosecutors launched a secret criminal investigation at his behest that targeted virtually every conservative advocacy group in the state. Chisholm had armed law enforcement conduct predawn raids in connection to allegations that Republican governor Scott Walker's campaign had inappropriately coordinated with outside groups during the 2011 and 2012 recall elections. One 16-year-old victim woke up to find half a dozen armed agents surging through his family's home. "He was told he couldn't move, that he couldn't call a lawyer, that he couldn't call his parents. He was a minor and he was isolated by law enforcement"... Although the investigation was framed as a nonpartisan ethics probe, it only targeted prominent conservative political figures and organizations, while ignoring similar abuses by left-leaning groups and operatives. The Wisconsin Supreme Court declared it unconstitutional and ordered it shut down in 2015.  Chisholm is only part of the much larger problem of prosecutorial malpractice among progressive district attorneys... An analysis by the Law Enforcement Legal Defense Fund found that districts nationwide saw a 19 percent decline in guilty verdicts or pleas and a 20 percent increase in dropped or lost felony cases under reform-minded prosecutors.  Waukesha has already paid the most extreme price, but other parts of America feel the pain daily as these prosecutors reshape the justice system. In Illinois, Cook County State's Attorney Kim Foxx dropped all charges for nearly 30 percent of felony defendants, a drastic change from her predecessor's 19 percent. She manages the second-largest prosecutor's office in the country, and homicide rates in her jurisdiction are reaching historic highs. But instead of getting tough on crime, Foxx is using legal tactics to avoid applying murder charges.  A move prosecutors call "mutual combat"—depicting murders as consensual physical confrontations between individuals—turns communities in a politically correct Wild West. The Cook County State's Attorney's Office recently cited this doctrine to decline to file murder charges against a teen who stabbed a peer to death. "They're saying that it's mutual combat," said the victim's father, who noted his son was unarmed. "He stood over my son and finished him," he added, "and that's not murder?"... The best way to protect ourselves and our communities would be to bring charges against—and remove—activist law enforcement officials. The problem, of course, is that Republicans who could do so instead content themselves with impotent complaints about the nefarious influence of progressive prosecutors funded by liberal billionaires. So far, they've done nothing about the problem except fundraise. In fact, the only people being purged from the system are those with conservative sensibilities."

Widow of NYPD Officer Jason Rivera delivers heart-wrenching eulogy - "The widow of slain NYPD officer Jason Rivera ripped Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg in her husband’s eulogy at his funeral... “Although you won’t be here anymore, I want you to live through me. This system continues to fail us. We are not safe anymore, not even the members of the service. I know you were tired of these laws, especially the ones from the new DA. I hope he’s watching you speak through me right now”... Rivera and his partner Officer Wilbert Mora were responding to a domestic violence call in Harlem when they were allegedly ambushed by career criminal Lashawn McNeil and killed."

Thousands Of Police Officers Attend Funeral For Slain NYPD Cop

Video: Actress Fired over Tirade About Road Closures for NYPD Cop's Funeral - "“We do not need to shut down most of Lower Manhattan because one cop died for probably doing his job incorrectly. They kill people who are under 22 every single day for no good reason, and we don’t shut down the city for them,” said Jacqueline Guzman in the video on TikTok under the title @vinylboobs...   Guzman’s profile on the Face to Face website, which was eventually taken down, said the woman is a Cuban American actress hailing from Hialeah, Florida"
She can blame "racism" for being fired

What is the NFAC? An all-Black group arming itself and demanding change - "Started in 2017, the group has marched in Stone Mountain, Georgia, calling for the removal of the nation's largest confederate monument; Brunswick, Georgia, for Ahmaud Arbery; Louisville, Kentucky, demanding more transparency in the Breonna Taylor case; and most recently Lafayette, Louisiana, in the name of Trayford Pellerin... The possibility of having an armed Black group clashing with an armed White group was also a factor. A few weeks before, the NFAC had marched on a Confederate memorial in Stone Mountain, Georgia, and one of its members called for a showdown with White vigilante groups. When asked about that incident by CNN, Johnson said the NFAC was exercising free speech rights. They knew White armed groups usually gathered at that location, Johnson said, and the NFAC was responding to "that threat." Police told the Louisville Courier-Journal in July that it was investigating the incident as a negligent shooting and could result in criminal charges. The outcome of the investigation is unclear... Shots were fired at the event when a NFAC member dropped his weapon and injured three other NFAC members with buckshot. Johnson has said it was an accident...  The September 1 post on Higgins' campaign page, which has since been removed, included photos of Black armed demonstrators and warned that if such protesters came to Lafayette he would "drop 10 of you where you stand"... A Facebook spokesperson told CNN the post was removed because it violated the platform's policies against inciting violence. CNN's attempts to contact Higgins' campaign have not been successful. A spokesperson for his campaign told Fox News at the time that Higgins has a "history of speaking his mind" and he's "very candid and direct.""
Weird. Liberals tell us that armed blacks are massacred by the police

New Report Reveals Demographics of Black Lives Matter Protesters Shows Vast Majority Are White, Marched Within Their Own Cities

Three Ways Lockdowns Paved the Way for These Riots - "The Lockdowns Created an Economic Disaster...
 The Lockdowns Destroyed Social Institutions...
  As much as lockdown advocates may wish that human beings could be reduced to creatures that do nothing more than work all day and watch television all night, the fact is that no society can long endure such conditions.  Human beings need what are known as "third places."...  
The Lockdowns Empowered the Police State...
It is quite plausible that lower-income populations have more often been on the receiving end of state harassment in the name of social distancing. After all, compliance with lockdowns is something of a luxury reserved for higher-income, white-collar residents who can work from home and remain comfortable for long periods in their roomy houses. Working-class people and those with fewer resources are far more likely to need to find income and venture outside during lockdowns. This attracts the attention of police.  Lockdown advocates, apparently in their usual state of extreme naïvete, perhaps believed that further empowering police to violently enforce government decrees against petty infractions would not lead to any unfortunate side effects down the road. Yet criminalizing millions of Americans and subjecting them to heightened police harassment is not a recipe for social tranquility."

Police: Traffic stops down 80% in Columbus - "Some argue that the decrease in traffic stops means more violence.  “In my 25 years of experience as a police officer, absolutely that is where we get most of our violent offenders that have warrants for their arrests, we get guns, drugs, fentanyl,” said Fraternal Order of Police President Keith Ferrell.  Columbus Mayor Andrew Ginther agrees.  “Often times we are able to get guns off the streets, and you know there's a proliferation of guns on the street here in Columbus and in cities around the country, which is part of the reason why we are seeing this spike in violence,” Ginther said."

New Orleans DA Jason Williams prosecutes fewer battery, assault, robbery arrests, group says - "Orleans Parish District Attorney Jason Williams is rejecting more battery, assault and robbery charges than his predecessor, leading to a sharp decline in the share of violent felony arrests that are prosecuted... Williams, a progressive elected on a platform of reversing mass incarceration while fighting violent crime, is endangering public safety."
Federal tax case against Orleans DA Jason Williams moves to veteran judge

Man who threw bleach, Molotov cocktail at cops had more explosives - "The unhinged motorist who tossed a cup of bleach in a cop’s face then hurled a lit Molotov cocktail at a police vehicle had five more of the makeshift explosives in his car — and said he planned to use them on law enforcement...   Lionel Virgile, 44, told the FBI after his arrest that he created the Molotov cocktails two weeks earlier to “hurt the police” and knew the devices would “spark a fire”"

Florida sheriff shows the difference between a peaceful protest and riot with two photos - "A Florida sheriff used photographs to illustrate the difference between a peaceful protest and a riot during a press conference when Gov. Ron DeSantis signed an “anti-rioting” bill.  “Peaceful protest we encourage,” Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd said Monday while showing a photo of people protesting. "And more riot,” he then said, showing a photograph of a person standing in front of a fire.  “We can tell the difference, and I’ll guarantee you that you’ll be able to tell the difference if you come here and riot. If you come here and protest peacefully, we encourage that”"

Amnesty International has culture of white privilege, report finds - "Amnesty International has a culture of white privilege with incidents of overt racism including senior staff using the N-word and micro-aggressive behaviour such as the touching of black colleagues’ hair, according to an internal review into its secretariat... The internal review at Amnesty’s international secretariat, commissioned following the Black Lives Matter movement, recorded multiple examples of workers reporting alleged racism including:
Senior staff using the N-word and P-word, with colleagues labelled over-sensitive if they complained.
Systemic bias including the capability of black staff being questioned consistently and without justification, and minority ethnic staff feeling disempowered and sidelined on projects.
A lack of awareness or sensitivity to religious practices resulting in problematic comments and behaviour.
Aggressive and dismissive behaviour, particularly over email and often directed towards staff in offices in the global south...
In February 2019, it was revealed that Amnesty International had a “toxic” working environment. A review into workplace culture, commissioned after two staff members killed themselves in 2018, found widespread bullying."

Maxine Waters reportedly requested police escort before Minnesota trip

Seattle police faked radio chatter about Proud Boys as CHOP formed in 2020, investigation finds - "The radio chatter about members of the Proud Boys marching around downtown Seattle, some possibly carrying guns, and then heading to confront protesters on Capitol Hill was an improper “ruse,” or dishonest ploy, that exacerbated a volatile situation, according to findings released Wednesday by the city’s Office of Police Accountability."
The left will continue to pretend that all violence associated with the left is due to false flags and/or police infiltrators, and all violence associated with the right is real

Black Lives Matter Organizer: 'Give Me Money or We'll Break Windows' - "Black Lives Matter organizer Devonere Armani Johnson had a simple and straightforward message of racial justice for Madison store owners of all races.  "Give me money or we'll break windows," the repeat offender had allegedly told them.  The “Free Yeshua” Madison riots began when the police arrested the BLM thug.   Johnson, who also goes by Yeshua Musa or Jesus Moses, was busted after following an older white man into Coopers Tavern while shouting, “you’re a racist” at him through a megaphone, before lecturing the patrons on his opinion that, “Jesus was not a white man.” "His name was Horace," Devorene/Yeshua asserted, "and he was plagiarized from ancient Egypt." He explained that Jesus had been sent by Queen Elizabeth to bring slaves to America...   After the Black Lives Matter organizer’s arrest, a mob gathered chanting, “Free Yeshua” and waving “Free Yeshua” signs.  “This is not a peaceful protest, so if you came out here for a peaceful protest, you missed it,” another organizer declared. “We’re done being peaceful. Now we demanding justice.”  Justice consisted of toppling the progressive statue of Lady Forward and a Union veteran, and violently assaulting State Senator Tim Carpenter, a gay progressive from Milwaukee, who had come out to support the peaceful protest, but unfortunately missed the peaceful protest, and was instead punched and kicked in the head, neck and ribs, and left with a concussion.   “Mandela Barnes is a friend of mine, and this is how I get treated? I had no idea. This is the first time I’ve ever been assaulted,” Carpenter whined afterward to the racist BLM mob.  Since then a more belated form of justice arrived when the Feds busted Devorene for allegedly blackmailing businesses into giving him free food, drinks, and money.  The feds say that Devorene threatened to "shut down and destroy" an eatery if he and his friends didn't get free food and drinks. He barged into a restaurant with a boombox and when the owner told him that he had already given to Black Lives Matter, the social justice warrior told him that wasn’t good enough. "Give me money or we'll break windows."  Devorene went to a bar and warned, "You don't want 600 people to come here and destroy your business and burn it down."   And if the owner wanted to bring in that instrument of white supremacy known as the police, the BLM organizer taunted, "You notice that when you call them, nothing happens to us."  That’s what defunding the police looks like.  Devorene has a long history of knowing that nothing happens when you call the police... he was no doubt blackmailing stores out of emotion and pain.  Local business owners reported that Devorene would regularly visit their stores, blast music, call them racist, threaten to burn down their stores, and demand free food.   Even after his arrest, Devorene didn't have much to worry about. District Attorney Ismael Ozanne was a leftist activist, from a career leftist family, who got started with the pro-crime Innocent Project. And his big focus has been hate crimes and pushing implicit bias training.  When Devorene and Black Lives Matter racists blocked off traffic and demanded to speak with Madison's police chief, Acting Chief Vic Wahl showed up and gave the racist organizer his card.  "I am absolutely, fully, on board with meeting with you, meeting with him, to talk about ways we can improve, build trust and move forward"...   Despite the denials by Mayor Satya Rhodes-Conway, there were signs that the police had been told not to interfere with the Devorene riots. At a press conference, Mayor Rhodes-Conway indicated that she had asked the courts to expedite and quickly resolve Devorene’s case.  Fortunately, the Feds have stepped in with a little law and order and hit Devorene with extortion charges with a maximum of 20 years in prison.  The media had romanticised Devorene as a social justice activist. The Madison State Journal had run a photo of him and his son trying to register voters. “We are demanding justice, reparations, police reform,” the publication had quoted Devorene as saying.  It didn’t ask if the boy was really the son of the man he had allegedly left paralyzed for life.  Nor did it inquire about the time Devorene had retweeted a claim that white people "are the real monkeys" and have "Neanderthal in their dna".  Black Lives Matter racists never get held accountable for their hate or their violence. But maybe in Madison, of all places, that’s beginning to change."

Homeowner Fatally Shoots 3 Teens Who Fired At Him In Robbery Attempt - "Three teens — eventually identified as Isaiah Reid, Jaime Hernandez, and Brandon Gresham, according to WMAZ — lost their lives when they donned masks and fired at a homeowner during an attempted robbery. While most can understand why a homeowner would return fire after a group of masked young men shot at him, relatives of the boys were quick to come forward to say “these little teens” didn’t deserve it."
No accountability for minorities

The Specter of Systemic Racism. - "Both the Salem witch trials and the BLM riots occurred during a period of great social and political unrest... In colonial-era Salem, too, as historian Paul Johnson observes, the “breakdown in the rule of law occurred when the entire political frame in New England was in a state of suspension and uncertainty...   In 1692, if someone was accused of being a witch and confessed, that person was cleared. However, those who dared to insist on their innocence were convicted. Shouldn’t it be the opposite? If the witch trials’ true purpose was to purge the Puritan community of the Devil and his followers, shouldn’t they have been killing the confessed witches? The answer becomes clear when we bear in mind that, as the Puritans feared, their power was coming to an end: to confess was to “take a knee” and submit to their authority. Those who admitted to witchcraft posed no threat to the nervous establishment.   The fate of Giles Corey—neither tried nor convicted of witchcraft—drives the point home. Unlike the other 19 victims who were sentenced to death by hanging, Giles Corey refused to even go to trial. For this act of defiance, he suffered an extraordinary punishment—peine forte et dure. Even as he lay dying under the stones they piled on his chest, he refused to bow to the court’s authority. This posed the greatest threat of all: “contempt of court.”   In today’s political culture, “racism—or “systemic racism” is the new witchcraft, and the body count is rising.   “Spectral evidence,” unverified and unverifiable, is no more or less tangible than today’s “systemic racism,” an accusation leveled against police departments, government agencies, and businesses. If there is racism “in the system,” who, precisely, is responsible—both everyone in general and no one in specific? And what constitutes an act of systemic racism? These claims of institutional or systemic racism are no more amenable to proof than “microaggressions,” “dog whistles,” or “triggering,” not to mention “climate change.” And yet, those who claim it—like their Salem counterparts—must be believed, per se . And while the consequences might not be as severe as for victims of the witch trials, today’s dissidents face swift retribution. Consider the case of Syracuse University student Adrianna San Marco. For writing an opinion piece entitled “Why Institutional Racism is a Myth,” San Marco was met with threats and intimidation. She was fired two days later and ultimately withdrew from Syracuse.  Like the Salem witch trials, the BLM movement is animated by the desire to dominate and control through fear. During the riots, that fear was conspicuous at every level. In response, store fronts boarded their windows and department stores, celebrities, and politicians fell over themselves in the race to confess their sins and announce fealty to the cause. They parroted phrases as empty of meaning as the movement itself: “Black lives must matter.”  “We’re committed to holding ourselves accountable.” Accountable for what, precisely? It doesn’t matter. What matters is that no one wants to be Giles Corey."

The Myth of Systemic Police Racism - WSJ - "A solid body of evidence finds no structural bias in the criminal-justice system with regard to arrests, prosecution or sentencing. Crime and suspect behavior, not race, determine most police actions. In 2019 police officers fatally shot 1,004 people, most of whom were armed or otherwise dangerous. African-Americans were about a quarter of those killed by cops last year (235), a ratio that has remained stable since 2015. That share of black victims is less than what the black crime rate would predict, since police shootings are a function of how often officers encounter armed and violent suspects. In 2018, the latest year for which such data have been published, African-Americans made up 53% of known homicide offenders in the U.S. and commit about 60% of robberies, though they are 13% of the population.    The police fatally shot nine unarmed blacks and 19 unarmed whites in 2019, according to a Washington Post database, down from 38 and 32, respectively, in 2015. The Post defines “unarmed” broadly to include such cases as a suspect in Newark, N.J., who had a loaded handgun in his car during a police chase. In 2018 there were 7,407 black homicide victims. Assuming a comparable number of victims last year, those nine unarmed black victims of police shootings represent 0.1% of all African-Americans killed in 2019. By contrast, a police officer is 18½ times more likely to be killed by a black male than an unarmed black male is to be killed by a police officer. On Memorial Day weekend in Chicago alone, 10 African-Americans were killed in drive-by shootings... Police shootings are not the reason that blacks die of homicide at eight times the rate of whites and Hispanics combined; criminal violence is.   The latest in a series of studies undercutting the claim of systemic police bias was published in August 2019 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The researchers found that the more frequently officers encounter violent suspects from any given racial group, the greater the chance that a member of that group will be fatally shot by a police officer. There is “no significant evidence of antiblack disparity in the likelihood of being fatally shot by police,” they concluded.  A 2015 Justice Department analysis of the Philadelphia Police Department found that white police officers were less likely than black or Hispanic officers to shoot unarmed black suspects. Research by Harvard economist Roland G. Fryer Jr. also found no evidence of racial discrimination in shootings. Any evidence to the contrary fails to take into account crime rates and civilian behavior before and during interactions with police.   The false narrative of systemic police bias resulted in targeted killings of officers during the Obama presidency. The pattern may be repeating itself. Officers are being assaulted and shot at while they try to arrest gun suspects or respond to the growing riots. Police precincts and courthouses have been destroyed with impunity, which will encourage more civilization-destroying violence. If the Ferguson effect of officers backing off law enforcement in minority neighborhoods is reborn as the Minneapolis effect, the thousands of law-abiding African-Americans who depend on the police for basic safety will once again be the victims."
Of course, the PNAS study "Officer characteristics and racial disparities in fatal officer-involved shootings" got retracted for political reasons

Meme - Black Lives Matter: "Capitalism doesn't love Black people."
"Black Lives Matter sent millions to Canada charity to buy mansion"

Man who shot 2 Pierce County deputies has criminal history - "Jeremy Darryl Dayton, 40, was convicted of his first crime at age 14. Since then, he’s been in and out of prison serving time for selling crack cocaine, breaking his wife’s jaw and beating and robbing a man."
He doesn't matter because he's the wrong colour

Charges dropped for hundreds of alleged looters in New York City - "In late May and early June 2020, looters smashed storefronts in the Bronx and Manhattan boroughs of New York City.  Many were caught on tape, some with their faces visible. Others even posted their own videos of their actions those nights on social media. Hundreds were arrested.  But a review of NYPD data by the investigative team at WNBC, the NBC owned station in New York, shows that a large percentage of the cases — particularly in the Bronx — were dismissed, and that many convictions were for counts like trespassing that carry no jail time... Betancourt, who is also vice president of a local merchants 'association, called the numbers "disgusting." She said local business leaders are upset few are being held accountable for the destruction they caused. In Manhattan, much of the looting occurred in the upscale neighborhood of Soho. Amid the Covid pandemic, mobs and organized criminals were taking advantage of huge protests in the city after the Minneapolis police killing of George Floyd... Law enforcement expert and former NYPD Chief of Patrol Wilbur Chapman voiced anger at prosecutors for dropping so many looting and burglary cases. "If they are so overworked that they can't handle the mission that they're hired for, then maybe they should find another line of work"... Before dropping a case, Vance told his prosecutors to review defendants' criminal histories, whether police could really place the suspect at the scene, and whether the individual caused "any damage to the store."  Vance told his office, "For many of these commercial burglaries, you will be asked to reduce the initial felony charge to a misdemeanor and to dispose of the case … with an eye towards rehabilitation."  He also stressed the "continued goal to achieve consistency and equitable treatment in these cases.""
Liberals were making excuses for this, claiming that it wasn't political, but the expert quoted and the small business stakeholder were also critical of the dropping of charges, and they seem to proclaim that equity was a consideration. They definitely prioritise "rehabilitation", and we can see this coheres with the known policy of releasing violent suspects who then go on to commit more crimes

Kenosha’s looting is a symptom of America’s decrepit democracy - "This summer’s unrest comes after years of failure by democratic institutions to respond to police violence... If looting and rioting have no place in a well-functioning democracy, then perhaps we should pause to consider that these are signs that Americans are not, in fact, in a functioning democracy... there is no more effective force for stopping riots than making a serious effort to stop police from killing Black people...  We tend to lionize peaceful movements — and forget the riots that also brought change... University of Massachusetts Amherst historian Traci Parker’s book Department Stores and the Black Freedom Movement... Parker writes that riots didn’t just express public rage. They were at times even an effective mode of political advocacy prompting biased stories to reflect on biased business practices...   Parker explains the decades-long persistence of both nonviolent and violent protests unfolding at retailers should inform how we understand the fight for racial justice"
Weird that the lack of political will to keep law and order and the media's role in fanning grievances (often lying, e.g. that Rittenhouse killed black people) are not mentioned. And of course they keep peddling myths about the police killing blacks - given that many riots were based on lies (e.g. pretending Jacob Blake was innocdent - especially ironic given that he's explicitly referenced in the article, and also Michael Brown's 'hands up, don't shoot') it's clear that police misconduct's link to the riots is not always clear
Strange how we are told that no one supports looting and rioting. Clearly many people do support riots

Kiersten Hening: I was forced off college soccer team after refusing to kneel - "Kiersten Hening, a former Virginia Tech women’s soccer player, is suing her former coach after she was allegedly benched and forced off the team because she didn’t want to kneel during a pregame demonstration... Hening said she “supports social justice and believes that black lives matter” but she said she “does not support BLM the organization.” Hening added that she disagrees with Black Lives Matter’s “tactics and core tenets of its mission statement, including defunding the police.”"
"Inclusiveness" is exclusive of those who refuse to follow its doctrine to the T
So much for those who asked how one person kneeling affected other people. Compulsory activism isn't activism

Staff Quit After Board Game Site Refuses To Support Black Lives Matter - "At least 17 staff (and counting) contributing to Everything Board Games have left the site after its current owner, Lake Leafty, not only refused to issue a statement in support of Black Lives Matter, but said such a statement would be “virtue signalling”. In a statement released on June 17, staff say that in response to recent events in both the wider world and the board games community, they “asked directly when we could expect to see even a simple BLM statement from EBG”, and were reportedly told “This is everything board games, not everything politics”"
"If you're not with us you're against us" is only bad when the "right" practise it. Of course, liberals are continuing to [deliberately?] misunderstand Popper's Paradox of Tolerance to weaponise it
Losing 17 probably low performing staff is not a bad thing though

Indie devs remove their games from Steam over Valve's silence on Black Lives Matter (VG247)
VG24/7: Some gamers are a “subhuman set of men” - "The glorified bloggers, sorry I mean “journalists” does not seem to understand the basic tenants of writing and being a journalist. Which as a journalist you aren’t supposed to put your rather fucken idiot opinion in your articles unless you are writing an opinion piece. If you read the article you can see the hatred and self-loathing these “journalist” have towards gamers and the audience calling them a “subhuman set of men”... Articles like this don’t inform, this doesn’t report on a public gaming figure, this does not serve a public good. If VG247 was an actual journalistic outlet with integrity they would feel some shame. And not a bunch of smarmy hipsters larping as video game journalists. These are the people working in the video game journalist industry, they absolutely hate you as a gamer and as a person. They hate video games and everything about them, the reason behind this is they have no other actual employable skills. So they are stuck in an industry they dislike surrounded by people they don’t like stuck in a dead-end job. The entire article was written because of a single forum post on Steam made by a single user, which now is being used as a brush to paint all gamers as “subhuman set of men”... The irony is that these are the same people who were screaming at us that everything in video games is political and that they have to point it all out to us. Are now attacking gamers for making everything political and pointing it out. You cannot make this shit up."
Imagine having such contempt for your customers

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