Meme - UnicornsRock @UnicornsRockUK: "Got a Gender Recognition Cert question for you all. My dad dJessica Konen
Rights watchdog 'should lose status' over trans row - "campaigners say they want the Equality and Human Rights Commission's status as an independent group revoked. It comes after the EHRC was criticised for asking Scotland to pause its plans to make it easier for people to change their sex on their birth certificate... LGBT charity Stonewall, backed by the Good Law Project, has drawn up a submission to the Global Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions, calling for the EHRC to lose its "A rating". This would prevent it from being able to make representations at the UN Human Rights Council, or its committees on human rights."
Sall Grover on Twitter - "I just can’t shake the feeling that wanting a Human Rights watchdog to lose status *because* they’ve acknowledged womens rights actually *proves* it’s a mens rights movement. 🤷♀️"
Craig Prescott on Twitter - "It whiffs of aristocracy doesn’t? “You shall address me as”… it is a narcissistic attempt to gain power over others because it compels people into forced unnatural speech patterns."
Transgender Activist Yaniv 'Shocked' Gynecologists Don't Treat Men - "Transgender Canadian and semi-professional complainer Jessica Yaniv, who is a biological male, tweeted Monday that he was “shocked” to be turned away from a gynecologist. “So a gynaecologist office that I got referred to literally told me today that ‘we don’t serve transgender patients,’” Yaniv tweeted. “And me, being me, I’m shocked.. and confused… and hurt. Are they allowed to do that, legally? Isn’t that against the college practices?”... Center-right transgender YouTuber Blaire White tweeted in reply to Yaniv’s thread: “You don’t go to a gynaecologist if you don’t have a vagina. You don’t go to a repair shop if you don’t have a car. Stop trying to f-cking bully people into touching your privates.”... “Trans rights” are fundamentally coercive. You must refer to me by my preferred pronouns. You must accept my presence in your locker room. You must accept my participation in women’s sports. You must bake me a celebratory cake. You must wax my genitals... Yaniv is a vindictive, bigoted, deceptive tyrant. But he is, arguably, the personification of an entire ideology. Like Yaniv, the far- (and increasingly center-) left says they are dismantling oppression, keeping people from “forcing their beliefs on society.” But the things they demand are unequivocally tyrannical. Which is more despotic, me politely declining to create a custom cake for you, or you demanding I do it? My business setting the rules for my own bathrooms or you demanding I let men into women’s spaces? Me politely declining to use preferred pronouns, or you demanding I do so under penalty of losing my job, getting fined, or being thrown in jail? My withdrawal from medical work associated with killing children, or you forcing me to participate in an act that’s already fundamentally the worst form of oppression?"
Council axes controversial sex education programme teaching kids about masturbation and porn - "A sex education programme teaching children about masturbation and porn has been scrapped. The Warwickshire County Council scheme sparked opposition for being too graphic with young people. The All About Me (AAM) programme sought to teach children about sex. However, parents claimed their children were being exposed to explicit sexual content that promoted “experimental transgender ideas in school.” They also said it “encouraged masturbation” and encouraged an unhealthy view of pornographic material"
The Fighting Infantryman: The Story of Albert D. J. Cashier, Transgender Civil War Soldier by Rob Sanders
"Trans history", i.e. making shit up
Meme - Bailey Jay: "As a Little Boy Bullies Called Me a Girl. Now Bullies Call Me a Man. You Can't Win. Only I Do Because I Have a Killer Rack and a Big Dick"
Abigail Shrier on Twitter - "Here are forms sent to me by a Chicago public school teacher, explicitly requiring teachers to keep kids' newly declared gender identities from parents. We need legislation NOW to stop schools from sneaking behind parents' backs to change their minor child's name and gender."
Trans bean dance - "You have no womb
You have no ovaries
You have no eggs
You are a homosexual male twisted by drugs and surgery into a crude mockery of nature's perfection
All the validation you get is two faced and half hearted
Behind your back, people mock you
Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you
Your friends laugh at your monstrous appearance behind your back
Men are utterly repulsed by you
You will never "pass" and even if you ever did your bone structure would be a dead giveaway
Even if you managed to drag a drunk man home with you
He would catch one sniff of your disease ridden, infected poop-wound and turn tail and run.
You will eventually kill yourself
Your parents will be more relieved than sad
They will bury you with a tombstone with your birth name
You will decay and leave behind a skeleton which was clearly male
You will then burn in hell for eternity
Maybe this will save one person from self-mutilation
NHS trust wins legal fight to overturn ban on puberty-blocking drugs for children - "Children under 16 will be allowed to take puberty blockers without parental consent, the Court of Appeal has ruled. Last year, the High Court concluded it was “highly unlikely” that a child aged 13 or under would be able to consent to the hormone-blocking treatment which used to treat children with gender dysphoria, and that it was “very doubtful” a child of 14 or 15 would understand the long-term consequences... The decision reverses a 2020 landmark ruling that under-16s lacked capacity to give informed consent to the drugs, which delay the onset of puberty. The Trust is now liaising with NHS England to consider how this ruling will impact on its practice. The original case was brought by Keira Bell - a 24-year-old woman who began taking puberty blockers when she was 16 before later “detransitioning” - and the mother of a teenager who is on the waiting list for treatment, referred to as “Mrs A”. They are seeking permission to appeal to the Supreme Court."
Meanwhile adult women still can't get circumcised if they want
Evidence for puberty blockers use very low, says NICE - "The National Institute of Health and Care Excellence (NICE) said existing studies of the drugs were small and "subject to bias and confounding"."
Meme - "Luigi's Italian Restaurant 127 Main St, Ottawa, KS, United States
4.4, 426 reviews
Danielle Cushing 7 reviews a month ago: "Was a little disappointed. Our tablecloth was dirty and wrinkled, the waiter spilled oil and gave my mom the wrong drink refill, he seemed high or something. Food was good though. Just disappointed in the service and I'm pretty forgiving
Response from the owner a month ago: "Sorry you had a poor experience with us. Your server was not high, they are non binary."
Mother: teachers manipulated child to change gender identity - "A mother who claims teachers secretly manipulated her 11-year-old daughter into changing her gender identity and name has filed a legal case against a tiny California school district. Spreckels Union School District was responsible for “extreme and outrageous conduct” that led the student on a path toward transitioning as a boy and drove a wedge between mother and child... Jessica Konen said two middle school teachers who ran the school's Equality Club — later known as UBU (You Be You) — planted the seed that her daughter was bisexual in 6th grade and then introduced the idea she was transgender. The legal claim — a precursor to a lawsuit — follows a dustup in the district last fall after the author of a book widely criticized as “anti-transgender” quoted the two teachers speaking at a conference about how to run an LGBTQ+ club in a conservative community... When schools went to remote learning during the pandemic in March 2020, Konen said her daughter began returning to her “old self” and now uses her given name. But it wasn’t until this fall that Konen began to question how her daughter got on the path to a different identity after the article by Abigail Shrier circulated around town. In a leaked recording from a California Teachers Association conference, Caldeira and Kelly Baraki were quoted discussing how they kept meetings private and “stalked” students online for recruits. “When we were doing our virtual learning — we totally stalked what they were doing on Google, when they weren’t doing school work,” Baraki said. “One of them was googling ‘Trans Day of Visibility.’ And we’re like, ‘Check.’ We’re going to invite that kid when we get back on campus.”... Konen was applauded when she blasted school board members at a meeting in December, saying the teachers took away her ability to parent... One of Konen’s chief complaints was that she was kept in the dark by the school about her daughter’s participation in the club, literature teachers provided, and a “gender support plan” created by administrators. She said her daughter was even told how to make a binder to keep her breasts from developing. “Parents are supposed to have access to all the educational records of their children,” said attorney Harmeet Dhillon, who filed the case. “The concept that the schools have a right to be running secret, don’t-tell-your-parents clubs and don’t-tell-your-parents programs and actively coaching children how to mutilate themselves, which is you know, not growing your breasts, is certainly not consistent with California law."... Konen said her daughter is now doing well in high school. “She still deals with confusion,” Konen said. “She feels like she can breathe, you know, like she doesn't have pressure on her.”"
Quite a few claimed that this was homophobia. Ironic, given that trans mania is the true conversion therapy, since most non-gender conforming kids grow up to be gay
Addendum: So much for "let teachers choose your kids' gender" being a right wing conspiracy
Meme - "Why would anyone have an innate sense of a man-made construct that varies from society to society and changes over time?"
Meme - Katelyn Burns: "Listen, you're equating beauty with passing. Commonly amateur mistake. I'm 35, I look like an average 35 year old woman. *Towers over real woman*"
16-year-old boy shares his story about being forced to be trans by mother - "Lucas was only 8 when his mother dressed him in girl’s clothes and sent him to school. “I didn’t know who I was”... Lucas was told terrible things about his dad. How he basically abducted his mother and held her captive in Australia for 8 years. Words like sexist, redneck, and rapist were often used to describe him. “I don’t remember him being any of these things but hearing my grandma and mum talk about him like that made me hate him. They had painted an image of a monster and, for the longest time, I believed he was.” It was in 2014, Lucas was only 9-years-old, when his mother started putting make up on him and dressing him in dresses. “My mum would make me binge watch RuPaul’s Drag Race with her like all the time. Then one day she turned to me in the middle of an episode and told me that I’m special and not like the other kids. She asked if I identify more like her or like my dad… and from all of the terrible things I’d heard her say about my dad, I just responded, ‘like you, mum.'”... Lucas’s mother told him that they needed to get rid of all the ‘toxic items’ in his life and claimed that the only reason he thought he was a boy was because of his father’s manipulative influence... his mother was enjoying the attention just as much as he was. She’d be invited to special events to talk about ‘raising trans kids’ and things like that. She even gave an interview to a popular news magazine where she discussed the abuse they allegedly suffered through with her Australian ex-husband. “I remember reading the article and thinking it was all a load of crap. She said my dad beat me and called me homophobic slurs. I asked my mum about this and she kept insisting that it happened and that I just don’t remember it because I was traumatised. It never happened, though.” In the email Lucas claims that from the age of 11 to 14 his mother would take him to parties and other social events where there would intoxicated adults. “She took me to a high-end club that was filled with men who were practically nude. They’d have stage shows where the guys would dance promiscuously and strip. A lot of these guys would always say nasty things to me and touch me inappropriately. I didn’t like it, I told my mum yet she didn’t care. She told me to ‘man up’, which I thought was very ironic.”... “Mum shouted at me, ‘if you’re not going to where the expensive clothes I bought for you, you can buy your own.’ I was 15 and didn’t have a job so I had to wear the girl clothes to school.” His crush would bring some spare clothes to school so he wouldn’t have to wear a dress. His teachers would pull him aside and lecture him on conforming to gender norms and say that what he was doing was ‘toxic’. “I was shamed by my English teacher. She said I was setting a bad example for other LGBTQ kids”... My English teacher would call me Lucy and I would correct her by saying ‘it’s Lucas, miss.’ She yelled at me in front of the entire classand accused me of misgendering her and something called mansplaining.”"
Meme - Jay Exci @JayExci: "Stonetoss is a cunt"
stonetoss @stone_toss: "yep, something you'll never have"
Differences between male and female skeletons, heads and muscles - "The biological sex of an adult skeleton can be determined with 95% accuracy by measuring the hip bones alone, 83% accuracy by the skull, and 80% accuracy by the long bones (femur & tibia)."
Meme - "I came out as a Zoosexual and now my parents wont allow me to be alone with the family dog
Trigger Warning
I have been a furry since birth but realised it in my mortal form at 15. The hot meat under my fur got rilef up everytime I saw a strong fur covered figure barking with all its might. I know that the society hasnt accepted us yet but they also didnt accept my LBGTQ+ allies for a long time. I recently realised my true sexual orientation as 'Zoosexual' with help of twitter and am using neo pronouns. was very proud of my courage and wanted to share this accomplishment with my parents. I thought they would be understanding. Instead they started shouting at me and asked "why I can't just be normal". Also they forbid me from taking the family dog for walks saying that it acts weird after being alone with me and they had their suspicions and can't trust me. I tried to reassure them that I would never never do anything without consent and they are overreacting. Taking my dog out to the park got many handsome fur beasts attracted towards her and it was so fun for me. Also they stopped leaving me alone with the dog and always keep eyeing me around in the house. This makes me so angry not just because of blatant Zoophobia but they look at me like I am some weirdo. I wish they get educated about my identity and are more accepting towards xer."
Trans pupils are turned down by girls’ schools as threat to status | News | The Times - "A leading group of girls’ schools is to close its doors on boys who identify as girls to protect their status as single-sex institutions. Girls’ Day School Trust (GDST), which represents 25 schools across England, has updated its gender identity policy. Previously, most girls’ schools had been unclear in their admissions policies about whether they would accept transgender pupils. While many have pupils at the school who have changed their gender identity, asking to be treated as male or non-binary, they had avoided explicitly stating whether they would admit biological boys who identify as girls. GDST, which includes Wimbledon High School, Royal High School Bath, Oxford High School and Newcastle High School for Girls, says in its new policy: “GDST is committed to single-sex education for girls. Admissions to GDST schools are based on the prospective student’s legal sex as recorded on their birth certificate.” It says of applicants who are legally female but who identify as trans or non-binary: “Applications will be carefully considered on a case-by-case basis. Single-sex schools present a particular context for transgender students. There may be cultural challenges involved in a trans student who does not identify as a girl attending a school which deliberately tailors its ethos and educational approach to cater specifically for girls.” The trust says of children who are legally male but identify as trans or nonbinary: “GDST schools are able to operate a single-sex admissions policy, without breaching the Equality Act 2010 on the basis of an exemption relating to biological sex. GDST believes that an admissions policy based on gender identity rather than the legal sex recorded on a student’s birth certificate would jeopardise the status of GDST schools as single-sex schools under the act."
After protesting this "transphobic" outrage (possibly getting upset that trans women aren't considered 'female'), the left will go back to gaslighting us that sex and gender are different and only ignorant people conflate the two
Mattel’s “gender-neutral” dolls understand nothing about what it means to be nonbinary. - "Yes, Mattel has done away with the impossible waist, the “perfect” plastic breasts of Barbie, and the molded musculature of Ken’s pecs. But instead we have … nothing. There’s always been nothing between Barbie’s legs, nothing between Ken’s, either, and that is a fascinating statement to be unpacked in a different article, but this nothingness of the new line of dolls is more troubling. The bodily blankness erases so much of what the discussions—personal and political—about gender focus on. These dolls do not have bodies that are like ours; these dolls do not have bodies that society reads in a gendered way at all. That sort of misses the entire point."
Nothing will ever be enough for the woke
The link to the "plenty of studies" which "debunk" the "idea of inherently "gendered" toys" turns out to be totally irrelevant. Of course, the fact that even animals follow "gendered" toy preferences is proof of how powerful patriarchy is
Restaurant worker awarded $30K by Canadian tribunal after pronoun spat - "A restaurant worker who uses “they/them” pronouns was awarded $30,000 by a government tribunal after complaining about a manager who refused to abide by the request. Instead of using Jesse Nelson’s preferred pronouns, the bar manager at Buono Osteria in Gibsons, Canada, repeatedly called Nelson “she,” “sweetheart,” “sweetie,” and “honey,” according to the British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal"
I remember just a few years ago when people who raised concerns about pronouns and compelled speech were dismissed as paranoid right wing conspiracy theorists
Patriarchy Declares Victory After Taking Over Women's Sports, Restrooms, Top Military Roles | The Babylon Bee - ""Well, boys, we've finally done it: we've conquered the women," said Max Punchwell, the current president of the patriarchy, as he lit up a cigar. "And to think: all we had to do was repackage our agenda as 'trans rights' or whatever the crap we called it, and bam! We're punching women, taking over their bathrooms, and taking their roles in the military.""
Meme - gender is harmful @genderisharmful: "Golden Globes 2022:
Best TV Drama actor - male
Best TV Drama actress - male
Hilary Smiley - "Child abuse. The pictures you see below are what would put me in jail, if we lived in Texas...
PICTURE 3: The day he found out he was having top surgery. He had been binding for years, and a small malformation was beginning below his breast plate from the restriction. He hated his body so much, he would bind 23.5 hours a day, only taking it off to shower. This is a child who was told he was having MAJOR surgery, with a pretty intensive post-op, yet again, joy...
The rate of children coming out as trans or non binary is only growing (and how beautiful!). When I would post years ago, I was the only family most people knew. And through those years and stories I have heard from so many who are now walking the same path, allowing their children to be exactly who they are. How extraordinary. What’s happening in Texas - the assault on women and children - is not isolated. Anti-trans legislation and laws are being written in states all around us. And what will happen if these kids don’t receive their medicine? They will die. It’s that simple. Recent research shows that an alarming 42% of queer youth have seriously contimplated suicide. Is that what we want for our kids?"
TRAs have tried to gaslight me that 13 year olds are not getting double mastectomies. Now we don't just have data that this is happening - we have an anecdote with photos - and by someone celebrating it, too
Riddler Stumps Batman With Question ‘What Is A Woman?’ | The Babylon Bee - ""Someone who menstruates?" "Wrongo Batman! You just reduced a woman down to her reproductive organs! What if she can't menstruate or reproduce, is she still a woman then Bats?!" "Obviously, she's still a woman." retorted Batman growing more frustrated. "Fine. It's a trick question. What it means to be a woman is different for each woman and for them to decide." "Oh tsk tsk tsk my dear Batman! You just used the word as a part of its own definition which fails to define the word!" said the Riddler. "Tick tock, tick tock Batman. You don't have much time left." "Alright, alright. A woman is an adult human female based on genetics.” “That’s correct, but not very inclusive! Congratulations, transphobe! You just saved the hostages and got yourself CANCELED all at the same time! BWAHAHAHAHAHA!” cackled the Riddler. The Riddler then hacked into Gotham’s news feed and broadcasted the hostages walking away unharmed, followed by a recording of Batman’s hateful, narrow-minded statement defining women. Gotham City Police Department immediately issued a warrant for Batman’s arrest with orders to shoot the transphobic bigot on sight."
Media Hype Guiding Children to Doubt Their Biological Sex - "Media outlets and left-wing activists are trying to build support for transgenderism by claiming that children can choose their future lifetime sex when they are just four-years-old... Frey-Vogel promotes the Gender Unicorn website, which encourages questioning one’s biological sex and introduces sexual behavior for children. Frey-Vogel also does not believe that transgender children are just going through a phase of normal childhood curiosity."
Keanu Reeves Didn’t Know The Matrix Was a Trans Allegory - "Two decades after The Matrix was originally released, codirector and cowriter Lilly Wachowski finally revealed the franchise was a trans allegory... “No. That idea wasn’t introduced to me when we started for production on the films,” he said. “Lilly never shared that with me.”"
Weird. If it were always meant to be a trans allegory how come he didn't realise it?
Thread by @LilyLilyMaynard on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - " Gender ideology demands that we see two groups that are traditionally the under-dog, women and gay people, re-cast as oppressors so that mostly straight men can play the oppression game. And everyone is forced to play or the penalties are huge. Because they are powerful.
A truly oppressed group does not have the power to control what other people are allowed to say, or even think. An oppressed group does not get to control the logos that governments & police forces use at certain times of the year.
An oppressed group does not- could not- give children who claim membership the right to behave like entitled little tyrants in schools, colleges & sports.
An ideology with its roots more firmly grounded in fantasy than any religion is controlling even the way we speak and the words we use.
traumatised women and kids (and some boys and men) are being cut up, reshaped & redefined, and promised- by those who stand to make money out of the situation – that this will enable them to be more ‘authentic’ and escape their unhappiness
Who are the voices we hear speaking for this group, this most oppressed group? They are, almost without exception, the voices of white adult men. They are the voices of those who, as a class, have the most power in society not the least.
Does this not tell us something?"
Meme - "Respect my pronouns while I I call you a chest feeder and birthing human"
Meme - "Non binary shirts, Made in two cuts: for men and women
Non Binary Pride Flag Women T-Shirt $31
Non Binary Pride Flag Men T-Shirt $31"
Meme - "Detransitioning was the best decision I've ever made. It hes completely saved my life and made me a happier person."
Weird. Doesn't she know that transitioning is "literally life saving"?
As OU touts ‘gender-affirming’ care, ex-transgenders warn against it - "In September 2020, The American Journal of Psychiatry issued a major correction to a widely-quoted Swedish study of 9.7 million individuals, after re-analysis of the data showed that transgender surgery does not, after all, lessen the need for mental health care, nor does it lower the suicide rate. In addition, Heritage Foundation scholar Ryan T. Anderson pointed out, the study showed that patients who had sex-reassignment surgery were significantly more likely, not less, to require treatment for anxiety disorders, and that there were no mental health benefits derived from hormonal interventions. Suicide rates also remained roughly six times higher than that of the general population."
Reduction in Mental Health Treatment Utilization Among Transgender Individuals After Gender-Affirming Surgeries: A Total Population Study
“Transitioning” Procedures Don’t Help Mental Health, Largest Dataset Shows - "In fact, in their correction to the original study, the authors point out that on one score—treatment for anxiety disorders—patients who had sex-reassignment surgeries did worse than those who did not"
Surgery doesn't reduce the trans suicide rate, nor does it reduce their mental problems. So much for "lifesaving treatment". This also showed that hormone treatment didn't help
Keywords: transition doesn't reduce suicide, transition increases mental problems
Meme - George Takei: "Haven't cisgender folks been receiving "gender affirming" therapies and treatments for decades? Boob jobs, testosterone boosters, all okay for cis people, right? Let's be honest. These new laws are rooted in ignorance and bigotry toward trans people."
Wow. I didn't know kids could get boob jobs and testosterone boosters!
Titania McGrath on Twitter - "Given the fact that some women have wombs, and some transwomen have testicles, surely we’ve reached the point where we no longer require men in order to exist as a species?"
Citrinitas on Twitter - "Was met by one of these 'Rowling is finished' types yesterday. When I asked them to provide support for their claim, they had no answer"
Trans author's book 'kills off ' JK Rowling: Backlash over Harry Potter writer's fictional death - "Gretchen Felker-Martin has received praise from some readers for her post-apocalyptic fantasy which sees a virus turn men into zombies. But the novel – produced by an imprint of publishing giant Macmillan – has also been panned as ‘misogynistic bile’ from an ‘unhinged’ writer... Miss Felker-Martin’s novel Manhunt depicts the death of Miss Rowling at the hands of trans activists in a fire in a Scottish castle... ‘I have no idea how this even got published. The existence of this book proves once again that misogyny is alright as long as you identify as a member of a certain group. ‘If you want to read a messed-up individual’s unhinged violent sexual fantasies against women then this is the book for you!’"
Clear evidence they are a persecuted, powerless minority which needs protection and that any criticism of them is unjustified and "punching down"
Dr. Matt Walsh, Women’s Studies Scholar on Twitter - "Rowling has a zillion dollars and so you might say she risks nothing by speaking out so loudly on this issue. But you could just as well say she has nothing at all personally to gain from it, and she doesn't. It takes real courage. Almost no one else of her stature is doing this."
Trans activists aim to make women fearful of speaking openly about gender. And they're succeeding - "Stories of women being subjected to abuse from extreme trans activists no longer have the power to shock. We have grown used to gender critical academics having urine thrown at their office doors or needing bodyguards to accompany them to lectures simply for defending women’s sex-based rights. We watched as Kathleen Stock was hounded out of her Professorship at the University of Sussex. JK Rowling has long been a target for the woke mob. She has questioned the erasure of the word "woman" and, recalling her own past experience of domestic abuse, argued that women need access to single sex spaces. In response, she is routinely sent graphic rape threats and has received "enough death threats to paper [her] home". This week, the Harry Potter author has reminded us why we must never turn a blind eye to the abuse faced by women who speak out in defence of their sex. Three activists staged a protest outside Rowling’s family home. They photographed their antics and posted the pictures — which exposed the address — on social media. Revealing such details online, a practice known as "doxxing", is a tactic employed by activists apparently intent on spreading fear... Rowling has spoken of watching, "appalled" as women such as Marion Miller, Rosie Duffield, Joanna Cherry, and many others with no public profile, have been harassed and abused by extreme trans activists... The mob’s censorious campaign is successful because, as Rowling points out, their threats have an impact that extends far beyond the relatively small number of high profile women targetted. Activists who engage in doxxing and harassment send a message to all women tempted to speak out: you could be next. Criticise the shibboleths of the trans movement, question whether a man becomes a woman just by declaring himself to be female, and you too could lose your job, have your privacy invaded and be subjected to abuse. Rowling is fortunate that her books give her an independent source of income and allow her to buy a degree of protection. Most women are not that lucky. So it is hardly surprising that, in the face of such intimidation, many women choose to remain silent even when their rights are being eroded and the safety of vulnerable women may be at risk... The recent celebrations of the twentieth anniversary of the Harry Potter film franchise have shown that JK Rowling risks being written out of her own famous creation."