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Saturday, March 26, 2022

Links - 26th March 2022 (1 - Feminism)

Why I won't date another 'male feminist' - "when we talk about “having it all”, we also want a feminist boyfriend, right?... Unfortunately, it wasn’t quite so simple. From the man who opened a text conversation with a photo of his naked chest and encouraged me to reciprocate in the name of the Free The Nipple movement, to the fellow who agonised over accepting a blowjob because, despite enjoying them, he found the act simply too degrading to let me perform; dating male feminists turned out to be one of the least empowering decisions I’ve ever made... men looking for feminist-sanctioned romance tend to fall in to one of two categories: those who use our attraction as a sign of approval and seek out trophy feminists to clear their conscience of any inherent patriarchal wrong-doing, and outright predators who employ a bare-bones knowledge of feminist discourse to target any young woman whose politics so much as graze the notion of sex-positivity... For every male feminist horror story I have lived, I’ve been told a dozen more by equally-frustrated female friends... It’s not that I don’t think men can be feminists... But these men are in a disappointing minority compared to the rest of the male feminists I, and many other women, have encountered: men who use the term “feminist” as either bait or an alter-ego, assuming that their opt-in respect for women will entitle them to legions of adoring lovers – really the most anti-feminist act of all."
This coheres with the study finding that even feminist women don't want to date feminist men

‘Every woman police officer I know has been sexually assaulted by a colleague’
Maybe keeping certain professions single sex, or segregating the sexes in them, was really a way to protect women

University Feminists Are Betraying Their Movement’s Liberal Past - "University feminists are tired of tolerance. Universities are banning anyone and anything their feminist professors and students take issue with. Cardiff banned Germaine Greer; apparently, she’s the wrong kind of feminist. Goldsmiths College banned Kate Smurthwaite; she’s the wrong kind of comedian. Oxford silenced a debate on abortion. For the architects of the safe space, nothing is safe from being added to the list of the unsafe. ‘Blurred Lines’ was banned for being the wrong kind of song. The Sun was banned for being the wrong kind of newspaper. What today’s feminists value, above all else, is diversity — except, of course, diversity of ideas... Momma trivialises the men who patronise women. She says they cannot handle discussing philosophy, politics, and contrarian views. Today’s patronisers of women, however, are not those old misogynistic men with illiberal standards; rather, they are the feminists who tell women what they can and cannot discuss, hear, and read. No longer are women encouraged to attack difficult and dangerous views; instead, feminists tell them to hide, avoid, censor and ban... At Edinburgh, where I go to school, students who oppose campus censorship are shut out of the feminist society. For opposing the legalisation of the sex trade, dissident feminist Magdalen Berns has been banned from future feminist society events. Feminists on campus have treated her like a sub-human traitor to women. They don’t understand — surely in part due to their own unwillingness to hear and debate those who disagree with them — how someone could ever have the kinds of beliefs Magdalen has... the Goldsmiths University LGBTQ Society announced their solidarity with the university’s Islamic Society following a talk by ex-Muslim Maryam Namazie. Members of the LGBTQ Society stood in solidarity with members of the Islamic Society, whose President described homosexuality as “a disease of the heart and mind.” This trend continues in online feminist forums. On university feminist society forums, criticising female genital mutilation (FGM) is often a cause for dismissal — it’s deemed to be an instance of islamophobic hatred. Standards of cultural relativism and censorship are pushing young women away from engaging these difficult topics."

WNBA Championship Parade Video Showing Barely Any Spectators Goes Viral
Clearly they deserve equal pay

Diane Kruger opens up about ‘inappropriate’ screen test for Brad Pitt’s Troy: ‘I felt like meat’ - "Diane Kruger has detailed the “inappropriate and uncomfortable” screen test she underwent during the casting process for Troy... Kruger, who portrayed Helen in Troy, said auditioning for Wolfgang Peterson’s 2004 historical drama in full costume for the “studio head” made her feel “like meat”.  She told Variety: “I remember testing for Troy and having to go to the studio head in costume. And I felt like meat, being looked up and down and was asked, ‘Why do you think you should be playing this?’”"
Clearly, to see who the right actress to play the face that launched a thousand ships, they should have asked her her views on world peace, and she shouldn't have auditioned in costume to avoid distracting the men

Scribbler Cards on Twitter - "Dad, Thanks For always helping me out financially…. So that I can focus on being an independent woman."

DailyMed - MINOXIDIL EXTRA STRENGTH FOR MEN- minoxidil solution - "For use by men only...
Do not use if
you are a woman"
Damn sexism! What happens for trans people?

Why Male Leaders Should Mentor Women
Why would a man want to be accused of mansplaining? Even ignoring the possibility of a #MeToo

Claudia Webbe MP on Twitter - "This is still a tiny fraction of the targeted abuse, bullying, misogyny, hate and intimidation Some of this hate is born out of xenophobia, racism, a deep sense of entitlement and what appears to be long held grudges - they want to silence my socialism they want to bully me out"
MP Claudia Webbe avoids jail after threatening to throw acid at her boyfriend’s female friend - "The Leicester East MP, 56, launched a campaign of harassment against Michelle Merritt, a long-term friend of her boyfriend Lester Thomas.  She was convicted last month of harassing Ms Merritt, by threatening to throw acid in her face and release naked images of her... “I do not find the defendant to be cogent, compelling and truthful in all aspects of her evidence.  “Some of the things she said I believe were made up on the spur of the moment.”  He added: “In short, I find Ms Webbe to be vague, incoherent and at times illogical and ultimately I find her to be untruthful.”... Webbe said... “Throughout this process I have received numerous threats to my life and vile racist abuse."
Playing the victim to distract from your own guilt. Convenient (Raeesah Khan did that too)

Sarah Michelle Gellar, Others Respond to Joss Whedon Allegations - "David Boreanaz, who played Angel on “Buffy the Vampire Slayer,” has voiced his support for Charisma Carpenter following her allegations of misconduct against the show’s creator, Joss Whedon... Marti Noxon, a writer and executive producer on “Buffy” and the showrunner for the final two seasons of the show, tweeted her support of the “Buffy” actors on Friday.  “I would like to validate what the women of ‘Buffy’ are saying and support them in telling their story,” Noxon posted to Twitter. “They deserve to be heard. I understand where [Charisma Carpenter], Amber [Benson], Michelle [Trachtenberg] and all the women who have spoken out are coming from.”...   Several “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” stars — including Sarah Michelle Gellar, Michelle Trachtenberg, and Amber Benson — have responded to the allegations that Whedon abused his power on the sets of “Buffy,” its spin-off “Angel,” and the DC Films feature “Justice League.”"
Male feminists strike again

Wonder Woman star Gal Gadot has accused Joss Whedon of ‘threatening’ to make her career ‘miserable’ - "In 2020, Gadot’s Justice League co-star Ray Fisher claimed the director engaged in “gross, abusive, unprofessional and completely unacceptable” behaviour on the set of the 2017 film... Charisma Carpenter, who worked with Whedon on Buffy the Vampire Slayer and its spinoff Angel, wrote an open letter alleging the showrunner had subjected her to years of emotional abuse.  Carpenter claimed that he “called her fat” when she was four months into her pregnancy, accused her of “sabotaging” the production of Angel, and “unceremoniously fired [her] the following season” after she gave birth"

Women can get away with telling bad jokes more than men, study finds - "Making jokes – even when poorly received – is seen as an attempt to connect and 'advance communal goals' by women, as opposed to the perception that men are doing it for themselves.  The study said men were seen to commit 'mistakes of greater magnitude that make them appear less likable, competent, and funny'."
The power of "patriarchy"

The Philosophy of Life - Posts | Facebook - "Systemic Gender Discrimination is a serious issue. Unconscious bias, double standards and casual misogyny have made sexism almost invisible. Even though AWARE Singapore employs male staffs, all top positions are held by women. Double standards are so embedded in our culture we often don’t recognize when we’re reinforcing them. Given the pervasiveness of everyday sexism, there is clearly much to be done to arrive at the day where gender is a non-issue in how we parent, speak, lead and pursue our ambitions. Until then, those who recognize the chasm that needs to be closed to reach gender equality must actively speak up and call out sexism when they see it – both the unintentional, seemingly harmless everyday variety and the more menacing and ill-intentioned types. We may live in a patriarchal society in Singapore, but rest assured, AWARE is fighting workplace gender inequality by practicing workplace gender inequality."

Meme - "Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy. Do you see the double standard?
*Man with sculpted body, woman with flat body*"

Meme - "I NEED FEMINISM BECAUSE... I considered not getting this photo taken because I'm not wearing make up"
"Your low self esteem isn't a reason why you need a sexist hate movement."
Comments: "If you're taking silly photographs outside of Kings College Cambridge, one of the most prestigious colleges and part of one of the worlds best universities, you don't need anything at all, if we're honest."
"I love how they talk about dressing nice and putting on make up as though they do it for us. The do it so they don't get bullied and picked apart by... wait for it...other women."

Julie Bindel on Twitter - "I am on a train, and have just diagnosed myself with Complex PTSD because a fella has just opened a packet of Cheesy Wotsits. I should be cured by the time I reach Darlington (unless some homophobe reviews this tweet & says it's crap in which case I will be on a Section by York)"

J.K. Rowling on Twitter - "Laurie, you’ve been flinging terms like ‘fascist’ and ‘transphobe’ against women who disagree with you for a very long time. I don’t recall you showing the slightest empathy for other women’s trauma while you dismissed their, in my view, reasonable and rational concerns.
I have the self-awareness to know that however upsetting the death and rape threats your fellow activists throw at me are, there are literally billions of people suffering more than I am. You claim to be suffering PTSD because of *bad book reviews*
Bad reviews are part and parcel of being a writer. If they cause you equivalent trauma to being bombed out of your house or witnessing the murder of loved ones, maybe find a job where dishing it out, but not being able to take it, is a key requirement."
Reply: "What's remarkable about this rant is she accuses @guardian  of publishing anti trans stuff It just shows that even those like the Guardian who are so sympathetic to the gender religion Are captured by it Still can never do enough It's never enough for the new gods of Gender"
Laurie Penny can't even claim Rowling is a misogynist - only that she has "internalised misogyny". But while sliming JK Rowling as a "transphobe" is easy, claiming she has "internalised misogyny" is harder, given her (formerly) liberal credentials
Clearly women can't be criticised since it will cause them "trauma"

Study Concluding that Male Mentorship Is Better for Women's Careers Retracted After Backlash - "A research paper concluding that working with female mentors might hurt young women’s careers in the sciences has been retracted after fierce criticism from “group email threads” and on social media. The academic journal that published the paper apologized for “any unintended harm derived from the publication of this paper.”  A study published in the peer-reviewed journal Nature Communications was retracted following backlash from people who were uncomfortable with the paper’s findings... The research paper studied a variety of dynamics within three million mentor-mentee research pairings, including the “possibility that opposite-gender mentorship may actually increase the impact of women who pursue a scientific career”... The authors — which studied the disciplines of biology, chemistry, computer science, economics, engineering, geology, materials science, medicine, physics, and psychology — wrote that their study “suggests that female protégés who remain in academia reap more benefits when mentored by males rather than equally-impactful females.”  “Our findings also suggest that mentors benefit more when working with male protégés rather than working with comparable female protégés, especially if the mentor is female”...   The authors of the research paper say that while they “believe that all the key findings of the paper with regards to co-authorship between junior and senior researchers are still valid,” they have nonetheless decided to retract the article. "We are an interdisciplinary team of scientists with an unwavering commitment to gender equity, and a dedication to scientific integrity”"
Of course, we are told that "science" is neutral and we must "follow the science", since if the left pretends that there is no (self-)censorship in science they can then claim "science" supports their claims. Another prime example: the retraction of Johnson et al on the race of police officers being unrelated to who they shoot, not because it is bad science but for political reasons

Retracting a Controversial Paper Won’t Help Female Scientists - "The first concern was over the MAG dataset on which the analyses relied. AlShebli and her team addressed this critique by downloading the most recent version of the dataset, which improved on many of the previous name-disambiguation errors. They re-ran all of their analyses (an arduous task) and updated their results.  Second, reviewers expressed concern that AlShebli’s team treated co-authorship as synonymous with mentorship. To establish that senior co-authors had indeed provided mentorship, AlShebli and her team sent a survey to a random sample of 2000 of the scientists. Of these, 167 responded. This is a low response rate, suggesting reports may not generalize across the broader sample. Notwithstanding this limitation, 72–85 percent of respondents agreed they received guidance on each of the skills listed in the survey. Ninety-five percent agreed they had received guidance on at least one of the skills. These findings lend some (albeit limited) confidence that senior co-authors did indeed provide mentorship to their junior co-authors. Moreover, AlShebli’s team made sure to explicitly state in the article’s title they investigated “informal mentorship in academic collaborations,” as well as in the text: “we study mentorship in its broader sense, which may involve multiple senior collaborators who may or may not hold a formal supervisory role.”  Third, reviewers expressed concern over the paper’s lack of attention to the societal factors potentially contributing to the gendered results, such as men’s greater historical career advantages and resource access. AlShebli’s team thus included an explicit acknowledgement of these forces in their general discussion... Fourth, the reviewers requested that the team tone down their causal inferences, given that correlational data do not allow for such interpretations... Authors often publish corrections or post-publication updates to addend their articles, which may be appropriate in this case.  Beyond these four primary critiques, others focused on the analytic techniques, which were addressed in the article’s supplemental materials. Although I am not in a position to assess whether these controls were sufficient, four independent scholars with relevant expertise reviewed the paper. Moreover, following recommended best practices, the authors provided open access to their data which allowed fellow academics to conduct their own analyses... Paper retractions are generally reserved for instances of data falsification and coding errors that render results invalid. Neither applies in this case... A recent study found that people evaluate scientific studies reporting a male-favoring advantage less favorably, compared to those reporting a female-favoring one. Papers demonstrating a male (versus female) advantage were viewed as less credible, less valuable, more offensive, and more harmful. These findings suggest merely highlighting a disparity disfavoring women is likely to evoke public outcry.  Science, however, relies on the dispassionate accumulation and scrutiny of data... only by documenting reality (or our closest approximation to it) can we strive to improve society. Interventions based on faulty data or incorrect assumptions will fail, wasting millions of taxpayer dollars and innumerable hours. When we bury findings that make us uncomfortable, the empirical landscape presents an inaccurate, lopsided view of reality. If policies and interventions hinge on that empirical landscape, we will only set ourselves up for failure. Moreover, by presenting an incomplete picture of phenomena, we undermine trust in science... Research finds that disparities in organizational power may corrode female-female cooperative relationships. For example, among over 60,000 working individuals, female employees judged their female managers as less competent (d= .08) and reported less close relationships with them (d= .15), compared to female employees reporting to male managers. In another study, using over 11,600 employees, female workers were less satisfied with their jobs when they reported to a female than male boss, whereas male employees showed no difference in satisfaction as a function of their boss’s gender. These negative outcomes were observed primarily among female junior/senior relationships, a pattern mirrored in AlShebli’s findings. However, this slight animosity appears to cut both ways, as female superiors occasionally distance themselves from, fail to help, or actively thwart their female subordinates, a phenomenon known as the “Queen Bee Syndrome.” For example, in a survey of 1,700 employees, minority women reported more support from their male than female supervisors, as well as more optimism about their potential for promotion. In another study, low-performing female employees who switched from a male boss to a high-performing female boss earned 30 percent less than similarly low-performing male employees who made an identical switch... This “Queen Bee Syndrome” has also been documented in academic contexts. Two studies found that senior female academics evaluated junior female academics as less committed to their careers than junior male academics, whereas no such bias was found among senior male academics"
Since liberals believe that reality is socially constructed, they think that pretending that inconvenient facts don't exist will magick them away
If you don't "believe the science", you are a "denier" (i.e. a heretic)

Feminism is a political ideology that is about power not women's liberation | The Post Millennial - "I first heard a woman say, "If my feminism isn't intersectional it isn't feminism" out loud and in front of people. She was, and still is, editor of The F Word and working in the UK parliament. She was more honest about the differences between feminism and women's rights, saying very clearly, "Just because a woman makes a decision, doesn't mean it's a feminist one."  The common goal of all feminisms, even ones that despise one another, is not to promote women's rights but to dismantle patriarchy, and if women get in the way of that goal, then they become legitimate targets... There is a corresponding area of research in male intrasexual competition—competition between men—but this is hardly controversial. There are vast libraries full of books about male contests from The Iliad to Jack Reacher. Indeed, around the world in all cultures, humans have built monumental arenas to worship male competition and called them sports stadiums. We experience immense joy and excitement watching men compete with other men in these arenas, and men have a hell of a time doing it too.  There are no corresponding cultural arenas for women to compete with one another. Well, not until Twitter and Instagram, that is, which are perfect environments for female relational aggression. Competition at a safe distance, which is how women (and older men), on average, prefer it. There is something called inTERsexual competition and this is more familiar to us. This is competition between the sexes, aka the battle of the sexes and is feminism's main obsession. Competition between women is not, and it is feminism's biggest blind spot by far. Research shows that competition within a sex is far more intense than between sexes, but because feminists and feminist academics in other disciplines are so focused on blaming patriarchy for their problems, they consistently fail to see the pink elephant in the feminist room. Some glimpse it, like feminist grand dame Germaine Greer when she declared in 2014 at a feminist conference,  "Men's misogyny doesn't concern me. I'm more concerned about ours, Men are trained to work in groups." And she was right. Feminism has no robust framework with which to grapple with female competition and rivalry. Some call it queen bee syndrome, others call it internalised misogyny - all are insufficient circular roads that inexorably lead back to patriarchy theory. And because there is no explanation within feminist language to describe it, feminists, overcome with dissonance, generally resort to denial. And this is the main reason Alshelbi's paper was seized upon as 'problematic'...
'Its appalling that this group of nonWestern, junior researchers, 2/3 women, were bullied by another academic social media outrage mob into submission.  Protestations of #punchingdown? Nowhere to be seen. More Social Justice Bullshit.'...
The fact is, there is no justification for retracting this paper other than it offends feminist sensibilities. Had the paper reached different conclusions, feminists would have found no issue with their methods. In fact, the degree of perfectionism feminists in STEM demanded this paper adhere to, if applied to the entire cannon of feminist and gender studies research, would wipe both off the scholarly map... Another woman to catch Medusa's gaze this month is author Jessica Cluess, who has lost her livelihood after being accused of racism by intersectional feminists, because she criticized critical race theory. Yes, you have that right. Cluess was accused of racism because she mocked the tweets of "antiracist educator" Lorena German, who doesn't seem to know an ad hominem from her elbow.  Unlike with AlShebli, this has nothing to do with science. There's barely a demand for even basic, high school level, standards of intelligence here. Both cases however, make me wonder what benefit is critical race theory and feminism generally, to women, if it schools them only in learned helplessness and intellectual fragility?... Feminist activism isn't for women's benefit. It's for feminism's benefit.  We need to remember, when feminists are lobbying for 50/50 women's representation in politics, science or business, they don't mean women at all. They mean feminists. And since the number of feminists in the general population, men and women combined, is optimistically never more than 15 percent and regularly as low as 7 percent, they are actually lobbying for a significant OVER representation of ideologues with less than liberal intentions. Feminists take the name of "woman" in vain just as woke progressives take the name of black people in vain. If we are not useful to them, they have nothing but contempt for us. We are legitimate targets for cancellation... The fundamental problem with the feminist concept of patriarchy is that it is an axiomatic, unquestioned premise upon which all feminisms stand on. That the premise may be false is never considered. But the premise is false, and therefore, so is all that follows from it... the difference between women's rights and feminism is that for the latter, women are a means to an end towards dismantling patriarchy, not helping women to self actualize as a stay at home mother, a CEO or anything in between. Remember what my learned friend who works in the UK Parliament said, "Just because a woman makes a decision doesn't make it a feminist one."  And cancel culture, the harpy"s weapon of choice? It is an organic manifestation of the dark side of female psychology, enabled and encouraged by feminist chauvinism."

Feminist writer Clementine Ford says coronavirus 'isn't killing men fast enough' - "She said the widespread backlash she received proves how 'fragile' men are... in 2017, she hand-signed a copy of her book 'Fight Like a Girl', with a message that read: 'Have you killed any men today? And if not, why not?'"
So since feminists bitch about "misogyny" even more, they are even more fragile

Clementine Ford To Keep Grant After Misandric Tweet - "Misandrist Clementine Ford will not lose thousands of dollars in funding despite the firebrand feminist triggering a review into a grants program by tweeting “the coronavirus isn’t killing men fast enough”"

Clementine Ford Doxxes 14 Year Old Boy - "it seems Clementine Ford likes to target children, as they are easy targets. We saw a perfect example of this when she bullied school boys after giving a talk at their school (Aquinas College in Melbourne)... her feminist cronies wrote some pretty disturbing comments. One reads “vasectomies at puberty, microchip implants too“... it is her specialty in getting men fired or even boys expelled from school...    ‘What’s going on in the head of anyone who would say that to somebody?‘, she went on.  You have to love the hypocrisy here. She claims it made her feel pretty sick, yet apparently it’s perfectly okay for her to call for the genocide of men with statements such as “kill all men”. As for her comment “whats going on in the head of anyone who would say that to somebody?“. Yes indeed, what is going on indeed inside the head of a feminist who says to kill all men?"

Government To Fund Clementine Ford For Next Man Bashing Book - "Clementine Ford has announced that she received a government grant to write her third man bashing book. Yes you read correctly, your tax payer dollars are now being used by the Melbourne City Government to fund Clementine Ford so she can write man bashing books. Imagine the outrage if they funded a man to write books degrading women...   The Victorian government has unveiled a glittering $16.8 million “survival package for the arts”. Because, clearly, in the midst of a pandemic what Australia needs most urgently is to fund struggling man hating feminists like Clementine Ford.  Yes, it seems poor Clementine was suffering during COVID19, as the public focus was taken away from man hating feminists like her. In fact, she struggled so badly that she even had to launch a beauty line business in makeup. But that didn’t last very long, because we all know that you can’t polish a turd."

Growing Up, I Rejected Cooking in the Name of Feminism—But What Did I Miss in the Process?
Also headlined, "I Rejected Cooking in the Name of Feminism—Until I Had to Feed Myself"

Lies, Damned Lies, And Campus Sexual Assault Statistics - "Researchers don’t ask students directly if they are sexual assault victims but ask about a broad range of behaviors, such as “unwanted” behaviors that are open to interpretation, as being asked out by someone one doesn’t like could be considered “unwanted” even though it is in no way sexual assault or harassment. The researchers then determine that if students responded “yes” to any of these questions, it means they must have been sexually assaulted. Keep in mind, the definition of sexual assault here lies outside the criminal definition. When students who answered “yes” to any of the questions are asked why they didn’t report, the vast majority say they didn’t think the incident was “serious enough,” meaning they may not have even seen the action as “assault.”...
1-in-3 Men Would Rape If They Could Get Away With It This statistic was quickly debunked as soon as it appeared in 2015. A woman who admitted to me at the time that she was seeking grant money (a good motive for finding alarming statistics in one’s survey) claimed her study found that a whopping one-third of surveyed men had “intentions to force a woman to sexual intercourse.” Wow, right? Except, as I’ve pointed out with previous misleading statistics, this one suffers from many of the same flaws. It’s not nationally representative, and the answers of just 73 men were used to arrive at the 1-in-3 number blasted out by the media and women’s groups. Of those 73 men, 23 were found to have those intentions, based on the researchers own definition of what constituted bad intentions. Just nine guys said they would actually rape a woman. Nine guys do not an epidemic make. These guys may not have been taking the survey seriously or they were answering a question from Plato’s Republic: How many people would commit a crime if they knew they wouldn’t be caught?"

Campus serial rapist survey debunked - "This one claims to show that the majority of campus rapes were perpetrated by a small number of repeat offenders. The study, authored by David Lisak, was first questioned last year by Slate's Emily Yoffe, who pointed out that the study's respondents were not limited to college students and couldn't be used as a representative sample of national college students... Lisak's study — which has since been used to claim that students accused of campus sexual assault are probably potential serial rapists — had nothing to do with campus sexual assault... Lisak didn't even complete original research; he based his findings on data presented in four other studies. When LeFauve asked Lisak about those other studies, he couldn't recall their topics or even who authored them.Lisak has also claimed at various times that he conducted follow-up interviews with some of the subjects of his study. This seems improbable as the surveys conducted in his study were apparently anonymous. When LeFauve asked Lisak how he was able to conduct follow-up interviews with anonymous respondents, he hung up on her."

How 'mattress girl' changed her mind - "She now listens to Jordan Peterson. She attended Reason writer Robby Soave’s book party for Panic Attack: Young Radicals in the Age of Trump. In the book, Soave writes critically of Sulkowicz.Yet, she has recently found herself engaging with many libertarians and conservatives, whom she never would have spent time with before... Sulkowicz has decided she no longer wants to fit into a fourth-wave feminist box.“As I became more and more feminist,” she said, “I think I got to a point where I was literally just straight up hating men. I just hated men, I wished all men would die.”Now she wants to listen to their perspective — not just men, but others she has disagreed with.The most remarkable part of the story, though perhaps not the most surprising, is that Sulkowicz says she didn't even know a conservative until last year. Putting everything else aside, it's incredible that someone who became so vocal on political issues could know so little about the other side. But this is not uncommon, especially on the Left.The Cut explains, "In the past, Sulkowicz dismissed opposing views without understanding them, but now she sees intellectual curiosity as intertwined with respect: she wants to disagree with people on their own terms.""

The Middle Eastern Feminist - Posts - "stop calling women "females," it's degrading thanks"
"Edit: A lot of you have missed the point. Incels and men often use this term as a derogatory and dismissive way of belittling women. Some of you make me really tired.
Important point. We are women, whether we are Black or poor or Muslim or trans or brown or disabled or Indigenous or queer or stateless or colonized or fat. We are women! -Hawzhin"
So much for "inclusive language"
Feminist stupidity is not limited to the first world
Comments: ".....so next time I fill out my information for my driver's license, I'll make sure to refuse to choose Female since it's apparently degrading."
"Use Shesheshe instead of hehehe, feminists might get angry."
"You are a woman but you won’t accept you are a female, what kind of logic is this?"
Ironic how liberals love inclusive language but hate "female" and prefer "woman"

The Problem With Calling Women 'Females'
From Jezebel

Stop Calling Women “Females”
From a UCSB publication

6 Reasons You Should Stop Referring To Women As "Females" Right Now
From Buzzfeed

The Problem with Referring to Women as “Females” - "By definition, referring to women as “females” reduces them to their reproductive abilities. That sounds a bit degrading, don’t you think?... From my observation, “female” is most often used by low-value men (and women) to debase, devalue, and criticize women...  If you are not a part of or engaging with black American culture, you probably will never come across this. The only people I’ve heard call women “females” are young, black men, and most of the time the people who have a problem with being called a “female” are black women or women who are engaging with black culture."
Apparently "pregnant women", "mensturating people" or "people with uteruses" does not reduce women to their reproductive abilities. And the fact that "trans inclusive" language is used by people who want to marginalise and harm biological women (e.g. prisons, sports, toilets) is irrelevant Will she be cancelled for "racism"?

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