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Friday, March 25, 2022

Links - 25th March 2022 (1)

Kate Hudson credits sex for helping her stay slim | Toronto Sun - "The 42-year-old actress took to Instagram on Wednesday to mark National Sex Day and Hudson revealed she was planning to maintain her enviable figure by having sex with her partner Danny Fujikawa, which she equated to six “FitPoints” on her WW diet. Hudson – who is a WW brand ambassador – told her followers: “Got some really interesting news that I’m very excited about right now. If anybody needs me, I’m going to be in bedroom for a good, I’m gonna say hour 20, if he can handle it.”"

Greece Officially Bans Overweight Tourists From Riding Their Donkeys - "State donkeys which give rides to tourists will be barred from carrying loads heavier than 220 pounds, which roughly equals one-fifth of their weight... The law was created after animal rights groups complained about spinal injuries and open wounds that the donkeys suffered from due to carrying heavier tourists... Other advocacy groups don’t believe this new law is enough. Maria Skourta, leader of the Athens branch of Direct Action Everywhere — the same group which was legally restrained from protesting outside a Whole Foods — says that although the new law definitely has brought the donkey mistreatment issue to light, the donkeys are still forced to carry cement, appliances, and all sorts of heavyweights even with the regulations in place.  “Our goal is not to improve the lives of slaves, it is to free them entirely”"
If the animal activists get their way, good luck to the donkeys since they will be set free since they can no longer earn their keep

I Returned to the Office and Found a Very Old Apple - The Atlantic - "Offices, as anyone who’s ever bought a desktop humidifier knows, tend to be rather dry environments, even with their human inhabitants contributing breath, sweat, and umbrella drippings on a daily basis. So it’s not totally unreasonable that The Atlantic’s HVAC system could have dried out the apple, especially if the temperature inside the office didn’t change much during those 14 months. That would explain the shrinkage, as apples are roughly 85 percent water."

India’s Democracy Is the World’s Problem - The Atlantic - "When propagandists in Beijing describe democracy as a Western ideal unsuited to non-Western peoples, having a standard-bearer from the formerly colonized rather than the former colonizers is vital. But India’s importance goes far beyond narrative... Of the world’s 10 most populous nations, only the United States and India are long-established democracies. Two (China and Russia) are undisguised autocracies, and the other six can be charitably described as “democracies in progress.”... Until recently, democracy clearly could make it there. Upon gaining independence in 1947, India established a parliamentary system and enacted a liberal, far-reaching constitution. Its sole deviation from the democratic path was a period of “Emergency” (1975 to 1977), which stemmed more from then–Prime Minister Indira Gandhi’s paranoia than any challenge to her party’s rule. With this and several other notable exceptions (periods of insurgency in Kashmir and Punjab, too-frequent local injustices against marginalized communities), rule of law has done better in India than in most other nations. But India’s democracy has seen worrisome erosion. On The Economist’s list, the country has slid from No. 35 in 2006 to No. 53 today. And the ways in which democracy is being undermined there provide a wake-up call to those watching from afar—including in the United States.  At the root of the backsliding, in India as elsewhere, is a rejection of the core democratic principle that all citizens are equal... Likewise, attacks on India’s press have grown brazen"

How South Korean Plastic Surgeons Make Passport Photos Worthless - "some Korean hospitals are now issuing a "plastic surgery certificate" at the request of overseas visitors. Customs officials, of course, are strict about making sure people match the mugs in their passports. These certificates can supposedly help make clearing immigration go smoother so officials don't have to call hospitals to confirm procedures... the increase in Chinese medical tourism was also a result of a lack of trust with Chinese doctors. "It comes from the mistrust of the system entrenched in their psyche," said plastic surgeon Park Byong-choon told the paper. "Chinese parents come to Korea even for childbirth. The death of a young singer under a Chinese cosmetic surgeon's knife a few years ago makes people think twice about doing it at home.""

New Zealand stabbing rampage a ‘terror attack by violent extremist’: Jacinda Ardern - "Earlier attempts to prosecute the Islamic State sympathiser who stabbed six people in an Auckland shopping mall were stymied when New Zealand’s High Court ruled that preparing a terrorist attack was not an offence under the country’s anti-terrorism laws... Six people were injured, three in critical condition, after the man stormed a supermarket in Auckland armed with a knife on Friday afternoon.  Despite being under surveillance by New Zealand authorities, he was able to attack people in LynnMall at 2.40pm local time (12.40pm AEST), slashing at customers in the aisles of a Countdown supermarket... The man was sentenced last month to one year of supervision for possessing ISIS propaganda that promoted terrorism.  The Crown had sought to charge him under the Terrorism Suppression Act, but the application was declined after the High Court ruled that preparing a terrorist attack was not an offence under the legislation... He was shot within a minute of Friday’s attack by the police surveillance team and special tactics group that had been monitoring him 24 hours a day because of his beliefs... “He was obviously a supporter of ISIS ideology,” Ardern said, acknowledging that she was personally aware of him as a threat risk... Ardern said she believed it was in the public interest to share more about the man’s history, but said details of the man’s history with authorities in New Zealand had been suppressed by the courts and urged people to be patient while her government worked to find a way to release them...  the perpetrator had travelled from his home from Glen Eden, in Auckland’s south-west, to the nearby Countdown supermarket in New Lynn where he was watched by surveillance and tactical teams.  The man then obtained a knife from within the store and began the attack, with authorities intervening in just 60 seconds from when the incident began.
I saw gun nuts crowing about this case, claiming that an armed populace would've stopped the problem. Apparently armed civilians, unaware of the danger this guy posed, would've been able to intervene in under 60 seconds, and if the guy had access to guns, he would've hurt fewer people than with a knife (in the end 7 were injured and only the attacker died).
Ironically, gun nut logic suggests that the police should be defunded since an armed citizenry is more effective (since they like to mock police response times too)

New Zealand tightens ‘terror’ law after ISIL-linked knife attack - "The judge found New Zealand’s anti-terror laws did not specifically cover plots. That “could be an Achilles’ heel,” the judge acknowledged at the time, adding that it was not up to a court to create new laws... some of Ardern’s traditional liberal allies in parliament voted against it.  The Green Party said their members were worried the new law had been rushed through without enough consultation, and that the definition of “terrorism” had been expanded to the extent it risked capturing “direct action, activism, and protest”.  The Greens said they were also worried that some experts had characterised the new offence as a “thought crime,” and that accompanying powers allowing authorities to carry out searches without a warrant increased the risk of human rights abuses."

'Institutionally racist': New Zealand's security agencies were Islamophobic and ignored right-wing threat, says Muslim group - "It concluded security organisations were institutionally racist, Islamophobic, incorrect and misled the public... In order to avoid a terror attack happening again, the federation recommended criminalising hate crimes, denying right-wing extremism, establishing a Ministry of Super Diversity, improving how media portray Muslims, and better training for the police and security agencies."
From before the Auckland stabbing
Maybe they'll blame the Auckland stabbing on "Islamophobia" too

Meme - "When I was a kid, in the 70's, "science" went on a smear campaign against eggs. How they cause you to have cholesterol and NO ONE should eat them. Fast forward a decade, and then it was ok to eat the whites, but not the yellows. (ewwww) Forward another decade, and it's ok to eat the whole egg, but just a little bit. Now, in the 2000's they are a super-food. Science is never settled. The idea that the scientists know what's right and we should all obey them assumes they are perfect people with no agenda. Media takes a tiny understanding and blows it up into fact. We should NEVER just accept that "science and scientists" are right and therefore worthy of our obedience and worship."

Not OK Boomer: Ofcom unveils new list of 'offensive' words - "“Gammon” and “Karen” have been added to a list of offensive words by Ofcom, as political labels are ranked by the watchdog for the first time  Terms including “Remoaner”, “Snowflake”, and “Boomer” have been included by the media regulator in a survey of swear words and offensive terms which could upset TV and radio audiences...   Broadcasters will also be asked to consider these words (along with racial, religious, and anatomical terms) when producing programmes, in order to avoid causing undue offence...   TERF (trans exclusionary radical feminist), a label often used by transgender campaigners for those opposed to their views, including JK Rowling, has also been revised by Ofcom.    Terms found to be “moderately” offensive included “femin-Nazi” (for femisits seen as being overzealous) and “yoon”, a word used by Scottish nationalists to describe those in favour of union.  While such terminology will factor into future Ofcom decision making, the watchdog has stressed that there is no ban on these words and that freedom of speech is particularly important when it comes to the sphere of politics... Ofcom’s research into attitudes towards offensive language now includes views on non-English words which may be heard on-air in the UK, including derogatory terms in Hindi and Urdu."
At least this isn't biased

Les 400 Culs : les plus beaux culs du monde - "Sur Les 400 culs, retrouver les plus beaux culs du monde. Cliquer ici et apprécier le travail de la création de Dieu : les femmes et des fesses. Vous êtes sans doute un fan de jolie fessier et l’objectif de Les400culs.com est de vous proposer tous les jours, les meilleures photos de popotins (petit ou gros) du web pour le plaisir et par amour tout simplement. Des fesses, des derches à vous faire décoller la rétine, des derrières de folie, des postérieurs de ouf, des belles fesses parfaites, bref les plus belles fesses du web sont forcements ici, régalez-vous. Consulter les culs de nos tops modèles."

Meme - Shark to divers in cage: "You'll never grow as a person if you don't leave your comfort zone!"

Strange Aeons - "In Japan, an A.I. system designed to distinguish croissants from bear claws friend out to be capable of identifying cancer cells" "Basically, market research for japanese bakeries determined that a) they sell more breads and pastries the more different varieties they have, and b) japanese bakery customers prefer items which are not wrapped, because individually wrapped things give the impression of being like, preserved or something instead of fresh and good I guess? So the obvious solution is to sell as many different kinds of unwrapped breads and pastries as you can.  But! In actual practice, that’s a nightmare. No packaging means no barcodes to scan, so the cashier needs to know all like 200 different (often very similar) items by heart and add them up manually, which means training new employees is a slow and painful process and customer service in general suffers badly. And having a person handle all those un-packaged foodstuffs to count them or examine them, in addition to being slow and clumsy, is unsanitary as fuck.  So one bakery chain owner approached this computer guy in 2007 asking for a system to automate the checkout process. It took five years and the company barely survived a financial crisis in the middle, but long story short they developed a highly specialized AI that will look at the pile of bread a customer picked out and automatically identify everything, tally it up, and charge them correctly, while the live cashier is free to make small talk or help people out or whatever. The whole process is simple, fast, sanitary, and pleasant for customers and employees alike, and to an outsider it looks like fucking magical bullshit.  But then in 2017 a doctor saw an ad for this bakery scanning system and it occurred to him that cells under a microscope don’t look all that different from weird loaves of bread. And it turns out that yeah, you can use almost all of the same code to analyze a tissue sample and pick out any potentially cancerous cells in it. Other people have started buying the same program for everything from analyzing the readout from big physics experiments to labeling charms and amulets for sale at shrines to detecting problems in the wiring on jet engines."

The 'Not Hotdog' App From 'Silicon Valley' Is Real And You Can Download It Now, For All Your Hot Dog Identifying Needs - "they tested out his app on a hotdog to find that it could in fact correctly identify a hotdog, but — in an incredible twist — the very small problem being that literally the only thing the app could do was differentiate between a hotdog and “not a hotdog.” This seemed unhelpful until Jian-Yang and the heads of Raviga realized they could use the technology for “penile imagery” detecting"

Tonka Beans - "The tonka bean, which gives off notes of vanilla, cherry, and almond, infuses desserts, drinks, and even perfumes around the world. British chefs mix it into cocktail syrups and grate its shavings over pastries, while pâtissiers in France whip up tonka bean–infused ice creams and custards. In fact, the French love the bean so much, they’ve dubbed their obsession fièvre tonka, or “tonka fever” (a play on fève, the French word for “bean”).  And yet, if you’re in the United States, stocking these wrinkled, raisin-looking beans in your spice cabinet could get you raided by the Food and Drug Administration. Tonka beans, a product of the South American cumaru tree, contain a naturally occurring chemical known as coumarin. Since coumarin can cause health problems such as liver damage, the FDA has enforced a ban on tonka beans since 1954.   However, it would take eating 30 whole tonka beans to experience any negative effects from this toxicity. And no one eats the beans whole. Due to tonka’s potent flavor profile, a sprinkle of its shavings is enough to create a rich and heady aroma. By some reports, a single bean can flavor as many as 80 dishes. The low levels of coumarin, coupled with the fact that the chemical appears in many other legal ingredients (such as lavender and cinnamon), has led many American chefs to ignore the ban. In 2006, the FDA raided Chicago restaurant Alinea after hearing that chef Grant Achatz used the beans. It mustn’t have been too discouraging: Two years later, Achatz’s Alinea cookbook featured a recipe for tonka bean sponge cake. Restaurants around Europe serve up dishes that incorporate tonka beans and tonka bean extract. Even in the United States, where they're illegal, you can still buy the beans from online retailers."

Benjamin Law 羅旭能 on Twitter - "As a horny teen I thought I’d be a great sex worker, then saw an interview with a sex worker saying you could only be one if you got on a bus and could bring yourself to have sex with each adult on board. My respect for sex workers has never wavered; my bus rides changed forever."

Is the Meaning of 'WAP' Too Explicit for Children? - "WAP (which stands for “wet ass p***y”) is not exactly kid-friendly. So what do you do when your kids spring the “mom/dad, what does “WAP” mean?” question on you?... in terms of the song WAP, certified therapist Ashley Sivells says you can tell a young child that it is a song about women feeling strong and happy"

Owen Jones 🌹 on Twitter - "cats are socialists' best friend"
Why in once-prosperous Venezuela, its citizens are now eating cats to survive

Has One Parasite Accomplished What No Other Has? - The Atlantic - "like a human tongue, the fish tongue does offer a highly accessible strip of blood-rich meat, parked in an oft-opened hole in the head—excellent bait for a parasite. Some eons ago, a few pillbug-like crustaceans called isopods happened upon this revelation. They became teeny terrors known as tongue biters, and several have since gained a reputation for nomming away at lingual appendages until little to none of the soft tissue is left. Their host’s mutilated mouth becomes their forever home, to the detriment of fish and to the shock of many of the humans who stumble upon them. “You look into a fish’s mouth and there’s eyes staring back at you,” Jimmy Bernot, an evolutionary biologist and parasite expert at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, told me. The isopods are built like wood lice, with rounded, segmented backsides and seven pairs of spindly legs. They’re cute, but also very creepy. “Every time is as bad as the first time,” Kory Evans, a fish biologist at Rice University, told me. “It’s like being Rickrolled.”... Some researchers think that a couple of these parasites can, under rare circumstances, take the place of a fish’s tongue and help the host swallow food. If that’s the case, then these critters have accomplished what no other known parasites have: usurping the role of another animal’s organ and, in effect, forcing their host to almost become dependent on them... Some of the most successful parasites barely hurt their hosts at all, choosing instead to strike up a prolonged armistice"

Two trespassers arrested for stealing 34 panties from man - "A man and a woman were arrested for breaking into a house in Japan and stealing panties from the home’s male occupant.  Twenty-five-year-old Koki Mori was arrested last week for stealing 34 panties from Nagoya resident Moriyama Ward, as per Tokai News via Sora News yesterday, April 26. Mori’s accomplice was identified as a woman in her 20s and was arrested as well...   It is unclear if the thieves knew that Ward was keeping the underwear in his home or if they simply stumbled upon them. It was also not stated why Ward kept a stash of panties."

‘They’re stealing our customers and we’ve had enough’: is Deliveroo killing restaurant culture? - "with Deliveroo’s commission amounting to 35% plus VAT on every order, he was forced to increase his prices to avoid losing money on each sale. It meant anyone buying his huge adana kofte or mixed shish kebabs through the Deliveroo app was in effect paying three surcharges for the convenience, as Deliveroo was also charging them a delivery and service fee. That went down badly with previously loyal customers who were presented with a vast number of often heavily discounted competitors when using the app. The more Kurt thought about it, the more he wondered what his restaurant was supposed to be gaining from this arrangement. When things went awry, such as a delivery driver not turning up or someone complaining about a missing item, he could be hit with a financial penalty, and it was almost impossible to reach a human being at Deliveroo to resolve it. And, as time went by, Deliveroo was learning more and more about his clientele, while his customers grew ever more remote from him. “It just felt like Deliveroo were taking in money and information from every angle, while other people – us at the restaurant, the drivers who came to pick up the orders – did all the work”... That was when strange rumours first began swirling around the local restaurant scene. Word was that Deliveroo had started building its own kitchens on a piece of wasteland up the road, just the other side of Hornsey railway line; the newly installed units had no windows, people said, and a security guard was posted on the door. Kurt couldn’t understand it. “What do you think is going on in there?” he asked fellow restaurateurs. “What do Deliveroo know about cooking?”... the company that the chancellor, Rishi Sunak, calls a “true British tech success story” has never turned a profit – even during the Covid lockdowns. It’s hard to imagine a more fortuitous set of circumstances for Deliveroo’s business model than the pandemic, which has led to most people spending several months in effect under house arrest while pubs and dine-in restaurants shut their doors. But despite seeing a huge surge in demand (total orders for the first quarter of 2021 were more than double those for the same period last year), the firm ended up cutting a quarter of its staff jobs in 2020 and relied upon a big cash injection from Amazon to stave off ruin; this year, it is on course to make a loss of almost £300m. And yet financial markets still value the firm at nearly £5bn... The Observer has spoken to several cafe- and restaurant-owners in the neighbourhood and, with one exception, who is broadly neutral, all of them are critical of the company. Everybody insists that the commission levels are far too high and that local independents are paying over the odds compared with national chains and prestige brands. There is anger too that restaurants are at the mercy of Deliveroo’s way of ranking them within the app, with little transparency over why some outlets are at the top and others become lost to obscurity down below. “They woo you with honeyed words and push users towards you at the beginning, so it seems like it’s working out, then you drop like a stone,” claims one. “They’re stealing our customers and we’ve had enough – we’ve told them to come and remove their machines,” says another, referring to the fact that when a restaurant joins the platform it can bring with it a host of devoted fans who Deliveroo can market to other restaurants. “It’s robbery, pure and simple.”... Speculation abounds that favoured restaurant names, of the type rarely to be found in this part of the city, are able to cut better deals than smaller outlets that are rooted in their communities but have no economic clout when it comes to negotiating fees. Many refer to the fact that unlike their own firms, Deliveroo pays no UK corporation tax, and the restaurant owners suspect the net effect of the company’s operations is that money flows out of a poor neighbourhood – Tottenham’s unemployment rate is currently the fastest growing in the country and its level of child poverty is almost double the national average – and into the pockets of far-flung global investors. But despite these complaints, almost every restaurant owner says they have no choice but to remain on the platform because that is where the customers now are. Nearly all requested anonymity in this article for fear that speaking out against Deliveroo could see them relegated down the app’s search rankings. The Observer requested an interview with a representative of Deliveroo to discuss criticisms made by its restaurant partners but was told that no one was available... Established restaurants in West Green Road may have spent years building up fixed infrastructure, a trusted reputation and a place for themselves in the area. But when it comes to being able to adaptively predict, produce, advertise and cheaply deliver whatever particular meals are wanted in nearby postcodes at any particular moment – burgers and wings on a Saturday afternoon during an England football game, for example, or comforting bowls of pasta on a rainy weekday evening – Cranford Way [Ed: Dark Kitchens] blows them all out of the water... Most people currently think of Deliveroo as an app that connects local restaurants with delivery drivers. But standing in West Green Road, with dark kitchens rapidly closing in, it’s hard not to suspect that the ultimate aim of the venture-capitalist subsidised food tech industry might be to do away with both."

Big Tech food delivery services are eating your lunch - "In nearly all cases, it is better for restaurants to do their own direct deliveries, even if that means losing the exposure that a food delivery service listing can offer.  With just a fraction of the money saved, a restaurant can use Google and Facebook ads to promote and provide greater quality control. If you’re lucky enough to have a distinct brand or product, customers may well come directly to you anyway.  Remember that listing on a food delivery service puts every restaurant in direct competition where consumers are driven primarily by price and selection over quality and brand.  Often this means established brick and mortar businesses are left competing with cloud or dark kitchens that have been specifically optimized for low-cost structures. Even darker, some of these cloud kitchens are owned by the food delivery services themselves.   Food delivery services use gamification, incentives and discounts to distort restaurant listings and prioritize companies willing to pay even more. This is in direct opposition to their own contract terms that prevent restaurants from having lower prices on-site than those listed on the food delivery service app or website, and all but restrict restaurants from listing on multiple platforms.  Food delivery services were not birthed in the F&B industry. Rather, they are the brainchild of a tech industry that is hungry to turn every possible industry into a marketplace and secure the role of aggregator, IT expert and middleman."

Communication Charts Around the World - "When meeting with French, be prepared for a vigorous logical debate. When meeting with Americans, expect them to lay all their cards on the table, get upset when there's a disagreement, and resolve as fast as possible with one or both sides making concessions...   Indian English "excels in ambiguity, and such things as truth and appearances are often subject to negotiation.""

Maker of Malaysia's Timah whiskey agrees to consider name change - "The company manufacturing the Malaysian home-grown whiskey Timah has agreed to consider changing the name and image on the label of their award-winning product, said Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Minister Alexander Nanta Linggi...  a lawmaker in Malaysia's Parliament has suggested the manufacturer change the name to avoid depicting Malay women in a bad light.  MP Rusnah Aluai went on to say drinking the whiskey was "as though we are drinking Malay women" during debates on Trade Descriptions (Amendment) Act 2021 in Dewan Rakyat on Thursday (Oct 28). Earlier, Ms Rusnah said the confusion over the whiskey brand also extended to the illustration used by the manufacturer.  "I want to say that it is truly confusing as the brand includes a photograph of Capt Speedy wearing a kopiah (skullcap).  "Isn't there any other photograph of Capt Speedy in different hats that they can use?" she added.  On Oct 16, the whiskey manufacturer explained on its Facebook page that the name pays tribute to Malaya's long history in tin mining, and the man pictured on the label is Captain Tristram Speedy (1836 - 1911), an English officer in Malaya during the British colonial era.  Several quarters from the Muslim community had voiced opposition against the use of the name for the alcoholic beverage, including lodging police reports.  Last Friday (Oct 22), deputy Parti Islam SeMalaysia president Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man emphasised that Timah is not a Muslim name, nor even a person's name.  Earlier, MP Khalid Samad said that the issue over the whiskey was played up by certain quarters for their own political agenda."

Preacher says Muslims forbidden from using FaceApp’s gender-swapping filter - "Malaysian Islamic preacher Nur Muhammad Hadi has declared the Faceapp as haram (forbidden) for Muslims.  According to the preacher, gender-swapping of one’s facial features and uploading it for all to see online is “humiliating” and “degrading” towards oneself as a Muslim... Nur also encouraged parents to check if their children have been using Faceapp because he feared that it would encourage them to switch genders or lure pedophiles"

Muslim minister for women, gender equality faces backlash after calling Taliban 'our brothers' - "Liberal MP Maryam Monsef landed herself in hot water after she called the Taliban “our brothers” during a briefing update with ministers on the military evacuation efforts in Afghanistan...   Monsef, who is the first Muslim person to serve in Cabinet, went on to plead with the Taliban to halt all “violence … genocide, femicide and the “destruction of infrastructure including heritage buildings.”"
Of course, the fact that she was not re-elected shows how strong Islamophobia is

SULTANI: Shame on Monsef for calling Taliban 'our brothers' | Toronto Sun - "As a Canadian who moved to this country as an Afghan refugee, I want to be very clear, there is no cultural context in which calling the Taliban “brothers” is acceptable. Words carry meaning, and meanings imply moral positions. To call someone “brother” in Afghan culture is to recognize a mutual deep respect for them. It’s an endearing term to recognize a male friend as more than a friend, someone you’d take a bullet for. It is to validate the essence of that person and acknowledge the principles by which they live. The people of Afghanistan do not call the Taliban their “brothers” unless it is the Taliban themselves. To address a terrorist group — one that beheads Hazaras, Shia-Muslims, Sikhs, Hindus and many other minority groups — as your “brother” is to turn a blind eye on decades of war crimes committed by the Taliban."

Extreme Islamist group flexes its muscles in UK - "An Islamist extremist group which David Cameron and Tony Blair both attempted to ban has been stepping up its activities in Britain, and is behind a campaign urging the country's Muslims to support the "liberation" of Palestinians by "Muslim armies".  Hizb ut-Tahrir Britain, the UK branch of Hizb ut-Tahrir, a global Islamist party which calls for the foundation of an Islamic caliphate and has been banned in some Arab countries, appears to be increasing its presence across the country.   Last month it organised pro-Palestine protests in London and Birmingham which featured calls for Muslim-majority countries to deploy their armies to "liberate" the al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem and Palestinians in Gaza.  One former counter-terrorism officer said Hizb ut-Tahrir Britain appeared to be becoming "more confident", with its activists brandishing large banners and placards featuring with its name...   Jonny Newton, head of government relations at the Community Security Trust, which monitors anti-Semitism, said that the group's activisim in the UK had become "more visible in recent weeks", adding: "There is little doubt that they have continued to organise and recruit under the radar and without significant scrutiny since the organisation was exposed as anti-Semitic and homophobic in the 1990’s”.  Mr Newton added: “Hizb ut-Tahrir is a global Islamist group, the leadership of which states explicitly anti-Jewish hatred regarding Israel."

Lundi 7 septembre 2015 - Chez dom - "Mec Nique A Domicile sans rendez vous"

Meme - "My son just texted me this, I am going to be sick"
"What time and place was I born"
"Stay away from that girl"

Meme - Adam Kinzinger: "Tucker Carlson is the most scared and frightened little man I have ever seen. Anger is a mask to cover being afraid."
Nathan Woodside @Nathanwoodside Replying to @AdamKinzinger: "People in rural areas of Illinois continue to follow Tucker like a prophet. When my dad said he'd vote for him for president, I had to cut him out of my life. Sometimes I feel like we're in a cold civil war where families are forced to choose sides. And it's not GOP vs Dem."
Imagine being so much of a left wing extremist that you cut off family for this

The IRA's threat to kill Margaret Thatcher has somehow ended up on Facebook as an inspirational quote - "“I think I get why it’s popular, it’s a quote about revenge, and inspirational quote Facebook people are the most bitter jealous people on the planet” writes @Bgreysk.  The quote is from a statement the IRA made after the Brighton bombing of 1984 which killed 5 people and injured 31:
“Mrs. Thatcher will now realise that Britain cannot occupy our country and torture our prisoners and shoot our people in their own streets and get away with it. Today we were unlucky, but remember we only have to be lucky once. You will have to be lucky always. Give Ireland peace and there will be no more war.”
And indeed, it has leaked into internet as an inspirational quote from Thatcher, rather than as a threat to kill her"

Meme - Ascended dr. jade phd: "whats your job on the leftist commune?? im gonna be leading discussion on theory some days, making clothes from scraps other days, and making lattes whenever needed."
Amtrak-Bidenism: "political officer that beats the shit out of all the people who think reading tarot cards is labor"

Meme - "I'd be the neighborhood herbalist who teaches anarchist theory with an intersectional lens and shares their love of breath work and the healing/ transformative power of movement/ dance."
"Noo, I don't understand have fought for communism, written revolutionary essays on tumblr and reported fascists on FB"
"Shut up, Degenerate"

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