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Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Links - 23rd March 2022 (2 - General Wokeness)

'So Sorry' — Family makes it their mission to apologize for U.S. role in slave trade - "Jacob Lienau was 13 years old when the chains were first looped around his wrists. A wooden yoke, the kind usually reserved for oxen, was fitted around his neck and he was locked in next to another person. Jacob, his family, and a small group of people were in Annapolis, Md., wearing black T-shirts that read "So Sorry" in white block letters. The group began to walk. The only sound was the clinking of chains, a haunting reminder of how slaves were once herded along trading routes to auction blocks to be sold like cattle. Jacob is white. That's why he believes he should apologize to blacks for slavery. His race bought and sold slaves. To this Camano Island farm boy, it's reason enough. "How could we?" he cried out into the quiet night. It's a moment caught on video by his father, Michael Lienau, a documentary filmmaker who is producing a television series about the marches. The symbols are shocking. They're meant to be. Men, women and children in yokes and chains on long marches under hot sun. The Lienau family has traveled the world for two years, apologizing for slavery, a practice the U.S. government officially ended in 1865. They don't have much choice in the matter; they say they have to apologize. God asked Michael Lienau and his wife to, just as he asked them to adopt five children from an Indian reservation in Oregon three years ago.  In 2004, Michael and Shari Lienau and their nine children squeezed into a motor home and drove to the East Coast to shackle themselves in yokes and chains, and to march through former slave ports with a group called the Lifeline Expedition. The London-based group believes white people must apologize for the Atlantic slave trade. Slavery spawned an ache that spans generations, said David Pott, Lifeline Expedition's founder... Lifeline marchers include Americans, Europeans and Africans. There are descendants of slave traders and descendants of slaves. Some marchers apologize. Others forgive. They weep. They hug. Michael Lienau catches it all on camera. Another group showed up for the march. These people held signs reading "No More White Guilt" and "White Pride Worldwide." Jacob, now 14, said he doesn't understand their anger. "Why are they so mad at us just for asking forgiveness?" he said. "What harm can be done?"... Janey said she apologized on behalf of the United States to all African slave descendants. It's a heavy weight for the narrow shoulders of a 9-year-old girl who spends her afternoons painting with watercolors and practicing staccato hymns on the living room piano. "I said I was sorry"...  The eldest, Jacob and Anna, traveled with Lifeline in 2005 to make apologies in the Caribbean and in Colombia, one of the world's most dangerous countries. Is a country reeling from a drug war an appropriate destination for preteens? "We travel with local people who know where the dangerous areas are," Michael Lienau said. "And there are no guarantees in life. We just heard that there's a flesh-eating disease right here in Seattle."...  Up to this point, the documentary has been entirely self-funded. The family's savings are exhausted"
Weird. I thought white guilt wasn't a thing
From 2006 to boot
Is there any harm with Muslims apologising for 911?
The same people claiming religion is child abuse cheer this

Meme - Tony Goldmark: "White privilege is very real, and acknowledging the problem is the first step."
Tony Goldmark:"I'm Jewish"
eve peyser: "White people: This isn't about us. This isn't about us. This isn't about us."
eve peyser: "I don't want to sound too controversial, but I'm a Jewish person."
coley irene: "white people are awful. like we really are the worst"
coley irene: "my ancestors were Jewish!"
BEN @Bensvoice: "there's no such thing as racism against white people."
BEN @Bensvoice: "I always remember my mom telling us as kids that we were not white, "we just looked white"
*flower*: "i have never experienced racism ever and thats because white people cant experience racism"
*flower*: "im a jewish atheist"
Simon Jester: "dear fellow white people. We are not being oppressed, the playing field is just being equalized."
Simon Jester: "I'm part Jewish"
BWD: "I don't appreciate my white privilege nearly as much as I should."
BWD: "Who said it was a argument? I'm Jewish"
Aaron Greenblatt: "White people: We were the first illegal immigrants. Don't forget that."
Aaron Greenblatt: "Uhhhhhh...I'm not white... Jewish..."
Leftist Jews are Schrodinger's White people

Meme - "-Free housing
-Vibrant gay culture
-Diversity through the roof"

Meme - "You liked Teah's video"
"I do not date white man, you're a menace to society"
"What? I'm Mexican"
"I'm so sorry"

coco 🕊 on Twitter - "i hate LA so much this white girl spilled her entire drink on me last night and when i confronted her she said “you’re so brave. i’m listening and learning”"

Meme - ""Lenin" otherwise known as Lehana, was an African revolutionary who was exiled to Russia following a failed revolution against British rule in SA. During his journey, he contracted an illness that made his skin lighter. With modern tech, we can see what he would've looked like."
At first I thought this was from Mr Imhotep

A Rescue Plan for Black America (Ep. 453) - Freakonomics Freakonomics - "The idea grew out of Blow’s reckoning that white supremacy is an enduring feature of America. And what some people accept as progress really isn’t.
    BLOW: I simply cannot accept the progress argument, because the progress argument is premised on this: “You should be happy with and applaud the fact that I am inching my way out of oppressing you. And it has only taken 400 years so far and soon, maybe another 100 years or so, we may be finished. My growth may be complete. I may come out of my cocoon and be a butterfly.” That’s crazy to me. I was born into it, it is very likely I will die with these bodycam videos of Black people being killed, because nothing about that architecture has changed. My liberation cannot be contingent on your evolution. I can’t wait for you to grow. It is such a passive position for me to have to take. And I won’t take it...
BLOW: I always felt safe in my majority-Black hometown and my majority-Black college town. I never understood how much of a gift that was until I ventured north and that sense of safety was replaced by a stalking sense of dread... This book is my big idea. Black people in America should reverse the Great Migration, and return to the states where they had been at or near the majority after the Civil War, and to the states where they currently constitute large percentages of the population. In effect, Black people could colonize and control the states they would have controlled if they had not fled them... to me, it’s completely logical. It was important to me that I wasn’t centering whiteness in the narrative of this book, I was literally talking to a young 20-something Black person, hasn’t committed to a job, still not married, just trying to get their toe in the world, still free enough to be anywhere in the country who might be considering where they want to call home...
DUBNER: You call [Obama], “a feel-good Black leader, who would allow white liberals to purchase absolution on the cheap.” So my sense is that you don’t feel that he would be interested in it, correct?...
BLOW: White supremacy cannot be appeased. It can’t be bargained with. It can’t be convinced. It is America’s embryonic fluid. America was born in it and genetically coded by it. No amount of hoping or waiting, coalition-building or Kumbaya can redress that reality. Hope, as a religious tool, may well be essential; but hope, as a political tool, is folly...
Too many of the Black elite get drafted into a white-adjacent privilege, suckled by personal prosperity and personal comfort, blinded by the glamor of the high society. They become the neo-house Negroes, placated, passive, a resurrection of an antebellum relic in which the best and brightest of Black society, those who would otherwise be the generals in resistance and rebellion, are lulled to sleep by luxuries. The more talented and successful you are, the more tightly the moneyed establishment embraces you, cleaves you from the struggling plight of your people, and beknights you as an honorary member of theirs. It is easy to get lost in this, seduced by it, convinced of it... Black density wouldn’t prove beneficial only for political reasons. Black people also need to reunite to combine purchasing power, brainpower, and cultural power. Our dispersal has exposed us to exploitation, for which density could prove curative. Black people have $1.2 trillion in purchasing power and Black talent produces untold billions for other people. How powerful would the Black community be if that money and talent remained and revolved internally, between Black people and Black business?...
It is undeniable to me that it is better not to live under white supremacy than it is to live under it, because in the aggregate, the people who don’t live under it do better than those who do. And I am saying, if racism is almost universal in this country, it is better to consolidate your power, that you have enough power to actually fight it than not."
Race hysteria and grievance mongering mean that anything less than perfection is unacceptable, and one will always find some new nonsense to bitch about and so pretend that nothing has improved
Since most black men are killed by other black men, maybe he shouldn't have felt so safe after all
When you get so woke you start proposing segregation
Of course, since "white supremacy" is the eternal enemy, if this proposal is ever implemented all its failures will be blamed on it
Apparently black people in Africa who don't live under white supremacy are doing better than blacks in white countries

Thread by @knrd_z on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "Still there are grad students who tell me they're unwilling to sacrifice the freedom of academia by applying for private sectors jobs and, in the same breath, ask me what "environmental justice" and "global gender politics" is because that's what they must write to get published
You can be a serf without a master and have a dictatorship without a dictator-- postmodern societies deal in the appearance of freedom. Funny that brain-wormed academics who pretend to read Foucault missed it
"Do x and we'll pay you" is freer than "do what you want, but you need to do x to get a job, z is fine, but we'll reject your papers on z, at least you have no boss, but everywhere petty tyrants will nitpick you to death". You'll let others reconstitute you and call yourself free"

Facebook - "Met up with an old friend I had not seen in years. This person serves on a law faculty at a prestigious university.  One topic she has lectured on is various disparities in various areas along lines of race. (Won't be specific to protect her privacy). She has delivered series of lectures on this topic for years and has a considerable degree of expertise in this area. However, thanks to numerous complaints from *students* that this person is not African American, this year this lecture series has been taken away from her. These students apparently know in their hearts that she does not have 'relevant expertise' on this subject, and an African-American female lecturer was given this in her stead.  A few weeks go by, and my friend gets a phone call from the new lecturer. "Hey, so I don't actually have any expertise in this - any chance you would be willing to assist me in getting up to speed, and would you like a slot as a guest lecturer on this series?""

White women voters and the dismantling of democracy - The Boston Globe - "When they vote for Republicans, white women generally are sustaining white supremacy."
Apparently it's only Democracy when you vote for Democrats

“That’s Not Happening and It’s Good That It Is” - I present a guide to seven of the regime’s most common, oft-deployed lies...
1. The Law of Merited Impossibility
The coinage is Rod Dreher’s and goes back to the early debates on homosexual marriage. As Dreher formulates it, the Law of Merited Impossibility holds: “That will never happen, and when it does, boy will you [homophobes, transphobes, racists, sexists, whatever] deserve it.”   This Law is used, first, to disarm resistance to the latest leftist enthusiasm. Whatever the innovation is, it will have no adverse consequences. None! Puberty blockers and disfiguring surgeries have no downsides whatsoever. How dare you suggest they might!  Its second purpose is to dismiss out of hand “slippery slope” arguments—despite, or because of, the fact that every single such argument over the last twenty years at least has proved true. Worried that allowing people to “self-identify” as whatever sex they want will lead to pervy 50-year-old men exposing themselves to’ tween girls? Insist, loudly and indignantly, that that will NEVER happen and anyone who suggests it might is an alarmist bigot with a heart full of hate... The Law of Merited Impossibility has done wonders for the Left in helping to ram through a wide variety of radical societal changes and cow into silence all opposition. It’s currently busy destroying girls’ and women’s sports, an outcome that we were assured would “never” happen. Though one wonders what the ladies did do to deserve it...
2. The Celebration Parallax...
The Celebration Parallax may be stated as: “the same fact pattern is either true and glorious or false and scurrilous depending on who states it.” In contemporary speech, on any “controversial” topic—or, to say better, regime priority—the decisive factor is the intent of the speaker... On no subject is the Parallax more prevalent than immigration. Depending on who’s doing the talking, the demographic transformation of the United States is either a glorious trend that portends a permanent Democratic majority and a more “vibrant” future, or else a “conspiracy theory” that is not happening in any  way at all, no-how.   The Left insists that concerns from certain quarters that immigration policy in America (and Europe) amounts to a “great replacement” is a “dangerous,” “evil,” “racist,” “false” “conspiracy theory.” But a leftist New York Times columnist can write an article entitled “We Can Replace Them” and … nothing. Same fundamental point, except she’s all for it and her targets aren’t. A U.S. Senator can exult that demographic change will doom Republicans. Joe Biden himself can refer to an “unrelenting stream of immigration.” Except they’re celebrating it and calling for it. Anyone on the Right who uses the exact same words will not merely be denounced; the very fact pattern that is affirmed when Biden says it will be denied when the Rightist repeats it.
3. The Law of Salutary Contradiction...
“That’s not happening and it’s good that it is.” While the Law of Merited Impossibility applies to the future, this one is about the present. It’s what the ruling class immediately switches to after what they insisted would “never” happen is happening before everyone’s eyes.   Is the NSA spying on Tucker Carlson? That’s an insane conspiracy theory … which is also warranted by Tucker’s treasonous contacts with Russian officials as he seeks an interview with Putin.  Is the Biden Administration inviting in illegal immigrants, then putting them on military planes and shipping them to the heartland? Absolutely not … and these future Nobel Prize winners deserve their shot at the American Dream...
4. The Smails Exhortation...
  Our masters bleat about “democracy” but have redefined the word to mean “getting exactly what we”—i.e., they—“want.” Any ostensibly “democratic” outcome that might result in us getting what we want is ipso facto illegitimate. Border wall? Fascist! Immigration enforcement? Racist and fascist! Law and order? Double racist and fascist! Better trade deals? Economically illiterate! An end to endless wars? Catastrophic! And also, somehow, “anti-Semitic.” Penis-free girls’ bathrooms? Transphobic!  No matter is too small, too local, too private, or too inconsequential to escape their gaze and slip their punishment. Bake the cake, bigot.  Mostly what they bleat, though, is anti-American, anti-white, anti-conservative, anti-Christian, anti-rural, anti-Southern, anti-Red-state, anti-redneck, anti-working-class hate. Every media organ and cultural citadel blares this message loudly and incessantly...
5. The Lie-Back Imperative...
6. The Enmity Counteraccusation
This one is perhaps the most brazen. As I put it elsewhere, “the enemy calls you its enemy for recognizing its enmity.”...   A related point is that if you so much as speculate as to where their insane vitriol might lead the country, you will be accused of wishing for that outcome...
7. “You’re worthless, baby; and if you even think of trying to leave me, I’ll kill you”... Deplorable Americans are loudly and incessantly said to be the worst people in the history of the planet, pure unadulterated evil, with no legitimate concerns, interests or grievances.  Well, OK. Then why live with us? Why treat as anathema even the most moderate, banal, attempt to allow some measure of federalism and local control?  There can only be two answers: either our masters know (or intuit) deep down that we can live without them but they can’t live without us, or else they want to keep us around to administer what they view as deserved punishment."

Richard Hanania on Twitter - "They’re breaking up Hispanics into dark skinned and light skinned now. Couldn’t get all of them excited about enough to vote Democrat as a bloc, so need to find a new way to categorize the good guys and bad guys."

School asks boys and girls to wear skirts to show 'clothes have no gender' - "A primary school has asked both boys and girls to wear a skirt to classes in a bid to promote equality and show solidarity with a boy expelled from lessons in Spain.  Today, children in the P6 year group at Castleview Primary School, Edinburgh, took part in the 'Wear a skirt to school' day.   The initiative follows the campaign 'La ropa no tiene género' - 'Clothes have no gender’ - which was launched in the Spanish city of Bilbao after Mikel Gomez, 15, was referred to a psychologist for wearing a skirt to class...   Miss White, a teacher at the primary school, wrote on Twitter : "P6 have been learning about the importance of breaking down gender stereotypes."
Proof that kids are not being indoctrinated
It started off with toys having no gender. Now we're at clothes having no gender.

Microsoft is now so woke that they're saying hello by listing their ethnicities and hairstyles during video conferences and I swear this is real

Is Slack Destroying American Companies? Q&A With Antonio Garcia-Martinez - "After George Floyd’s death last summer, corporate leaders found themselves in an unusual position. With water-cooler conversations turbo-charged by chat programs like Slack, many firms saw outpourings of anger. Employees demanded their employers do something, or at least be seen doing something, to “confront racism.”  In some shops, employers were asked to recognize Juneteenth as a paid holiday. In others, there was a demand for more diverse hiring procedures. Significant donations to political organizations, scholarship funds, or product lines targeted to African-Americans were expected.  Responses became more idiosyncratic. Walmart, CVS, and Walgreens pledged to stop putting “multicultural cosmetic products” behind locked cases in retail outlets. YouTube deleted 100,000 videos and 100 million comments as part of an expanded hate speech policy. HBO Max took down Gone With the Wind, then restored it with a disclaimer that it showed “ethnic and racial prejudices” that “were wrong then and are wrong today.” Disney later did something similar with The Muppet Show, Lady and the Tramp, The Jungle Book, The Aristocats, Dumbo, Peter Pan, and Swiss Family Robinson... What should FitBit be doing to fix police brutality? How could Pinterest contribute? (They ended up removing ads on Black Lives Matter search results, so readers could “focus on learning about the movement”). Was it axiomatic that every company had a political role to play?  Soon, a new type of controversy arose, ironically at some of the companies with the reputations for most progressive management. The questions were less about race than workflow. At cryptocurrency firm Coinbase, employees demanded that CEO Brian Armstrong make a statement in support of Black Lives Matter. Armstrong, for a while, demurred. Then some employees and executives began what Wired called a “virtual walkout,” in which “senior engineers encouraged junior staff to close their laptops in solidarity.”  Armstrong quickly got religion, or so it seemed. He went on Twitter to announce, “I want to unequivocally say that Black Lives Matter.” Then, within weeks, Armstrong and Coinbase leadership flipped completely, announcing that the firm would no longer engage in “social activism,” and any employee who didn’t like the new policy could get the fuck out.  Coinbase offered 4-6 months of severance (depending on service time) and six months of COBRA, in a statement saying — in the thickest corporate sarcasm — that the arrangement could be a “win-win” for the politically minded, as “life is too short to work at a company you’re not excited about.” Only about 60 of the company’s 1,200 employees took the buyout. At another tech firm, Basecamp, CEO Jason Fried — long the owner of a rep as a progressive corporate leader, as his company has published five books on workplace culture — put the kibosh on controversial talk at work, banning “societal and political discussions.” Shopify, an e-commerce firm that broke ground after the January 6th riots by closing online stores tied to Trump or MAGA merchandise, has now become a symbol of corporate pushback. CEO Tobi Lütke just sent an email to employees explaining that work is not life and life is not work, and employee demands should be adjusted accordingly... There’s a Frankensteinian irony to all this. Our biggest corporations spent decades steeping the public in weird Me Generation propaganda stressing the primacy of personal fulfillment, which fast became our real national faith as traditional religion lost influence. The result was a work-centric culture most of the rest of the world looked on as a kind of insanity. Alone among peoples who have a choice in such matters, Americans have long bragged about working themselves to death, feeling real pride in putting off distractions like marriage, kids, or “meaning” as they ran hamster wheels in pursuit of status and rock-hard abs, alone and at full speed toward the great beyond... we’ve come full circle. After training generations of Americans to forego personal lives and work their brains to mush in service of bigger profits, corporate leaders are waking up to find their companies staffed by people so psychologically dependent upon validation from work that they’re a net minus from a production standpoint, forcing bosses to beg them to shut up, go home, and get lives. Not many modern Americans know how to do any of those things, however, as can be seen in cases like that of Garcia-Martinez, where 2,000 employees claimed to be literally incapable of sharing a vast corporate structure with someone who once wrote a book containing passages they might have disagreed with, if they’d actually read it. “The thought of conflating your entire political, moral, social, family, and religious being with your professional persona,” Garcia-Martinez says, “I think is extraordinarily fraught and difficult.”  Another irony: despite the progressive sheen of these campaigns, Slack agitation doesn’t represent a resurgence of labor. Unions used the strength of the whole workforce to protect the rights of the individual employee, among other things insisting that management not act without due process, evidence, etc. Slack, as has been seen in cases like Antonio’s, or the oustings at the New York Times of editor James Bennet and reporter Donald McNeil, often urges companies to bypass process and act in the heat of the moment. In any case, it’s a weird kind of liberalism that tries to override management to get employees fired, but that’s where we are in the modern American workplace...
Antonio Garcia-Martinez: Kat Rosenfield was tweeting about this and I love her and it’s great that she’s defending me. Do you want art? People are saying, “Well, you should have realized the consequences… I feel like saying: “Do you realize if an artist went into producing their art, whatever it is, literary or nonfiction or whatever, and thought about the consequences, the art would be total shit?”  Looking at it bigger, there’s a lot of political ideologies like Nazism and communism that thought that art should be subservient to politics, and that art can only serve a political end. Those movements did not end well. I don’t think we want that in our liberal democratic society. I think that’s a bizarre ideological way of looking at the world, from the wokesters who treat this as a quasi-religion.""

Thread by @ykhong - "Some companies have recently told their staff that they should not bring politics to the workplace. "Politics" has somehow become a codeword for "race" and "racism".
+ a thread
#basecamp #antiracism #antioppression
The thing is, it has been proven time and time again that not talking about racism, sexism, classism, ableism does nothing to address them. In fact, not talking about them, exacerbates it everything. It is exactly why we are here now.
Everything is political. Even coffee, chocolate (see: history of enslavement around chocolate and coffee), jelly beans are political (see: gelatin). Cars, phones, furniture, wood, water, land, food, and humans.
Our entire identities, for example being a Person of Color is political because politics are thrust upon us. We cannot NOT have the conversation about race. We cannot NOT be raced.
Privilege is when you believe you can somehow check "politics" at the door. When you don't have to think about it. When you are the default.
When you are BIPOC, trans, intersex, queer, poor, an immigrant, disabled, when you experience what it means to have power wielded over you, there is no separation between politics and life. Politics is life, whether you want it or not.
Do not let someone tell you that you have to leave part of your identity at the door, because that precisely means they do not welcome all of you."
Of course, it's a good bet that he will urge those with political opinions he disapproves of to be fired

How CEOs Can Effectively Bounce Their Woke Staffers: If All Else Fails, Pay Them to Leave - "Many CEOs she speaks with don’t want critical race theory in their organizations and are at a loss on how to proceed. According to Borysenko, Coinbase’s CEO handled it effectively:
    Well, I would look at an executive like Coinbase’s CEO that says this is not a part of our business. We’re going to be focusing on our core business initiatives. And if you don’t like it, here’s a nice severance package and you can leave. When Coinbase’s CEO did that, only 5% of their employees took that severance package. That is a fair price to get toxic employees out of your organization. They are only going to drive your organization down. That is the best strategy I’ve seen so far.

Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong wrote a blog post on the company’s position and why they do not tackle societal or political issues. It is a foundational document on building a high-performance team to pursue mission-critical activities...

We won’t:

Debate causes or political candidates internally that are unrelated to work

Expect the company to represent our personal beliefs externally

Assume negative intent, or not have each other’s back

Take on activism outside of our core mission at work

We will:

Fight to get on the same page when we have differences

upport each other, and create team cohesion
Assume positive intent
Put the company goals ahead of our teams or individual goals"

Wokeness At Work: Is The Pendulum Swinging Back? Coinbase, Basecamp & Google - "Just before I started my first job after college, my grandmother pulled me aside and told me, “Don’t talk about religion or politics at work.”  That was 35 years ago. Is her advice coming back into fashion?... Interestingly, even Google, a company with a “woke” reputation, has tightened policies over the last two years to encourage employees to spend their time and energies at work on work.  According to one blog, the new policies have apparently spooked Google “employee activists.”"

REVEALED: Basecamp employees cried, threw tantrums after boss rejected woke culture | The Post Millennial - ""Two employees told me that they had found themselves crying and screaming at the screen.” It started last month with renewed scrutiny over an internal list of funny customer names maintained by the company. It was started over a decade ago, but in 2021 what was intended as harmless was now being interpreted as racist and toxic.  The renewed attention came about because last December an employee started a "DE&I" (diversity equity and inclusion) council.  According to The Verge the "DE&I council attracted significant support. More than a third of the company — 20 out of roughly 58 employees — volunteered to help... Basecamp’s head of strategy, Ryan Singer, questioned the existence of white supremacy in the company.  During the company meeting he reportedly said: “I strongly disagree we live in a white supremacist culture. I don’t believe in a lot of the framing around implicit bias. I think a lot of this is actually racist."  The debate this sparked is what reportedly caused some Basecamp employees to break down and cry...   The “no politics” rule is non-partisan. It impacts both left and right-wing viewpoints. In that way it’s fair. The only reason leftists have a problem with it is because they seek to inject politics into all aspects of everyday life. The right wingers are content to focus on product and merit... In arguing against the “funny” names list, a Basecamp employee implied that sharing jokes like that leads to genocide. They cited the ADL’s “pyramid of hate” as their evidence... What we're left with here is a clear example of the destructive nature encouraged by this far left school of thought. In an ideology designed to solely subvert all of it's opponents, the ever broadening definition of what they define as "evil" is its weapon.  Basecamp simply wanted to stop that before it eroded the entire company."
If you cry and scream at the screen because you're not allowed to bring your politics to work, you're not a professional and are not going to be productive anyway
I thought leftists always claimed the slippery slope was a myth

WTF? Nikole Hannah-Jones and WaPo’s Eugene Scott bond over their mutual racist disgust for conservative minority voters - "Also, whiteness is not static and it is expandable when necessary. A lot of folks we don’t think of as white think of themselves as white because the lines have never been entirely clear. That’s the beauty of white supremacy — it is extremely adaptable.  — Ida Bae Wells (@nhannahjones)... Here are two purported journalists openly engaging in some pretty racist talk about minority voters who don’t buy into leftism, and we’re not supposed to even bat an eye."
The beauty of accusations of white supremacy and the left's use of it as a political tool - it is extremely adaptable

I Think My Partner’s Reason for Suddenly Wanting Kids Might Be Racist - "We’d originally agreed not to have children, but now he’s saying our genes are too “smart” not to pass on."
Apparently only white people are smart

Cranky Federalist on Twitter - "You can vote for as many dark-skinned people as you want, and they will still call you racist. Funny how that label no longer has the punch it once did"

A Few Tips In Case You Find Yourself In A Mandatory "Anti-Racism" Struggle Session - "If you find yourself in one of these things, one strategy is of course to do your best to remain silent, or at least to say as little as possible... My first tip is, it is a mistake ever to make a declaratory statement of any kind, even “yes,” “no,” or “I understand.”  So, if asked to assent to something, or to say something, what do you do?  The answer is, always respond with a question.  Also, there is no need for the question that you pose to have anything to do with the question that has been posed to you.  In fact, the less related your question is to the thing you are being asked to concede, the better.  You can also try to ask a question even if no question has been posed to you.  The point here would be to try to divert the “trainer” off his or her prepared outline or script, and onto something that challenges their assumptions. Here are a few questions I have come up with if you want to have some fun: Are you a racist? (If no,) How do you know that? What facts do you base that on? (If yes,) So why don’t you stop being a racist? Can you provide us with a complete list of all words and terminology that are now deemed racist and/or disrespectful so that we can stop using those words going forward? If you can’t give a complete list, how about 20 (or 30 or 40) examples? Do all black lives matter? (Note: Don’t make the mistake of using the phrase “all lives matter,” even in a question. That will get you branded as a “racist.” The question of whether all black lives matter will be a new one on them.). Do the lives of approximately 6500 black men murdered by other black men each year matter more or less than the the lives of the far smaller number of blacks killed by police each year (under 300), let alone the number of unarmed black men killed by police each year (which is around 20 or fewer, although you can’t get a precise figure because the Washington Post data base only includes deaths by shooting)?
How do you explain the fact that Nigerian-Americans and Ghanaian-Americans have higher household median income than native-born white Americans?
Does the NBA — where average salaries are multiple millions per year and active players are about 75% black — have an obligation to make itself “look more like America”? If not, why not?"
Asking most of these questions will get you labelled a racist

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