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Monday, January 03, 2022

Links - 3rd January 2022 (1 - Covid-19)

California school district president caught on hot mic telling parent 'f*ck you' during school board meeting | The Post Millennial - "the president of the Los Alamitos Unified School District Board of Education was caught telling a parent "f*ck you" after she criticized the possibility of a child vaccine mandate in the district. Lauren Roupoli, who identified herself as a concerned parent, demanded that the school district oppose COVID-19 vaccine mandates for school children, arguing that the vaccine has little health benefits against a virus with an extremely low fatality rate in that age range."

Bhavan Jaipragas பவன் on Twitter - "#Singapore didn't have a Covid comms prob until recently. Last year big msgs were delivered by PM himself. Now it's being done by 3 covid task force "co-chairs". Naturally ppl parse diffs. Add daily FB posts by PM's unelected but influential wife, and it can be quite confusing."

DHS Labels Opponents of 'COVID Measures' as 'Potential Terror Threats' - "Underneath the headline “terror threats” are listed as those who are opposed to “COVID Measures,” believe “Trump can be reinstated,” and “9/11 Anniversary and Religious Holidays.”"

Moers: Gelber Ansteckknopf wirbt fürs Impfen.
"Yellow button advertises vaccination"
From Germany. Appropriate.

Facebook Blocks Aussie Orange Vests From Livestreaming Protests - "An Orange Vest demonstrator in Australia claims Facebook is deliberately preventing activists from livestreaming protests.  Melbourne has been rocked with unrest all week after a construction workers union demanded that all employees get the mandatory jab or face losing their jobs."

Increases in COVID-19 are unrelated to levels of vaccination across 68 countries and 2947 counties in the United States - "In summary, even as efforts should be made to encourage populations to get vaccinated it should be done so with humility and respect. Stigmatizing populations can do more harm than good. Importantly, other non-pharmacological prevention efforts (e.g., the importance of basic public health hygiene with regards to maintaining safe distance or handwashing, promoting better frequent and cheaper forms of testing) needs to be renewed in order to strike the balance of learning to live with COVID-19 in the same manner we continue to live a 100 years later with various seasonal alterations of the 1918 Influenza virus."
This suggests that covid vaccines don't reduce infection. No wonder covid hystericists love to obsess about cases, to keep their Doomsday Cult going

 Chakras, crystals and conspiracy theories: how the wellness industry turned its back on Covid science
I thought it was racist to discount other "ways of knowing"

NHS accused of 'lying' about Covid stats to promote vaccination - "NHS chief Amanda Pritchard claimed that 14 times as many Covid-19 patients are in Britain’s hospitals as this time last year. However, even the NHS itself has admitted that Pritchard’s claim uses misleading figures."

You can be as wrong as you like when you’re a Covid pessimist - "After predicting that 100,000 Covid cases a day were “almost inevitable” if the Government went ahead with “freedom day” in England, Professor Neil Ferguson later admitted that he had got it wrong, but his words were telling. “I’m quite happy to be wrong if it’s wrong in the right direction,” he said.  He must be a happy man because he and his fellow modellers could hardly have been more wrong this year. Time and again, they produce a range of scenarios with such broad margins of error that almost any outcome short of the dead rising from their graves seems to be covered. And yet they still manage to be wrong – and always wrong in the same direction. Always too pessimistic.  Remember when reopening the schools in March was going to lead to a surge in infections? Didn’t happen. Remember the claim that October would see 7,000 Covid-related hospital admissions a day in England unless the Government brought in a “basket of measures”? Admittedly, 7,000 was at the top end of their projections and Sage said it was “highly unlikely”, but even their most optimistic scenario projected 2,000 admissions per day. In the end, October came and went without admissions ever reaching 1,000.  Back in February, modellers at Warwick University projected at least 1,000 deaths a day if the Government removed all restrictions in July. Even their “best we can manage” scenario – in which “freedom day” was delayed until the start of September – led to 750 deaths a day. In reality, there hasn’t been a day since March when it reached 150...   There was no apology because there was no threat of comeuppance. The people who falsely claimed that herd immunity had been reached last summer became laughing stocks, but those who have been consistently “wrong in the right direction” (i.e. pro-lockdown) have lost no status whatsoever. The Today programme still has them on speed dial.  It is not as if pessimism comes without consequences. Ferguson’s prediction led Keir Starmer to oppose the lifting of restrictions in July. So-called Independent Sage called for the reintroduction of Step 2 of the roadmap (no meeting indoors). Thankfully, the Government ignored these demands, but what if it hadn’t? It would have cost the economy billions and ruined what was left of the summer.  With the same people now lobbying to ruin the winter, let’s keep their track record in mind. The “direction” in which they erred isn’t important. What matters is that they were wrong."

Analysis: Why the second Covid wave is nothing like the first - "Dig into the data, and the narrative that the current wave is deadlier than the one that hit in the spring begins to unravel... at least 20,000 people who died from coronavirus last year would have been likely to have died from something else. The figure is likely to be higher because many more people have died from the impact of lockdown and cuts to NHS services, which will also be caught in the excess figures...   Looking at crude death figures also fails to take into account the changing population. In recent years, the population of England and Wales has grown and its average age has increased. This would have led to deaths in England and Wales rising by around 1.5 per cent between 2019 and 2020 anyway, even if mortality rates did not change – an increase of nearly 8,000.  Some commentators have also pointed out that 2019 had lower levels of death than normal, two per cent lower than 2018, so we entered 2020 with a more vulnerable population than usual."
From January 2021. Didn't stop all the hysteria and lockdowns

NEW Meme - "German quarantine breakers to be held in refugee camps, detention centers"
"That's what the US should do but we don't have the balls"
Concentration camps are only wrong when the left decides so
Comments: "The same people that thought for sure Trump was going to put people in camps four years ago are the same ones so eager to do it today."
"But... don’t they think trump is hitler? Or something about border detainment? It’s all so tiresome"
"In a decade when it’s out of hand and is a mistake on humanity, they’d pretend they were against it all along"
"Man... the anti-authoritarian party is surprisingly pro-authoritarian here lately"
"germans and camps do not go well together"
"Didn’t we do something similar with the Japanese and people still bring that shit up today. Can only imagine what nationality will be in the camps the most....."

Gene Weingarten on Twitter - "Is there a point at which the "unvaccinated" need to be prosecuted?"
Soon, being against this will mean you are "anti-vaxx". Of course, anyone making Nazi comparisons is deluded

Glenn Greenwald on Twitter - "This is demented beyond words, but as I wrote yesterday, a punitive and sadistic desire to see people imprisoned who dissent from their worldview is an increasingly central and defining feature of American liberalism"

Popular Democrat Operative Bill Palmer Calls For Forced House Arrest Of Unvaccinated Americans - "In a July 19 tweet, Palmer made a suggestion for controlling the pandemic that got hundreds of replies from among his 398,300 followers. He tweeted, “Place unvaccinated people under house arrest until the pandemic is over. It they don’t like it, they can get vaccinated. Problem solved.”...   “If people are afraid to get covid they should self isolate until pandemic is over,” BlameItOnTheRain tweeted @MiliVanili2020. “I’m vaccinated but your take is stupid. You’re infringing on persons right to dictate their health. That’s the most personal of choices.”"

Unvaccinated will have ‘miserable, very lonely life,’ top Australian doc warns - "The head of the Australian Medical Association in Queensland has issued a dark warning to those who refuse anti-Covid vaccination, saying they not only face fines and fraud charges, but will be separated from the rest of society.  “Life will be miserable without being vaccinated. You won’t be able to hide,” Dr. Chris Perry said... Even those who have an exemption from mandatory vaccination will face difficulties, as they “won’t be able to get a doctor to sign [that] off,” Perry said during his speech, warning clinicians of possible fines for deciding to exclude someone from the jab"

ÖVP politician describes the unvaccinated as “angel of death” - "The Styrian ÖVP health councilor Bogner-Strauß causes outrage with statements about unvaccinated nursing staff. Now she is rowing back."
From Austria

Meme - "Joe Rogan is NOT a doctor. And now, a special message from Big Bird about boosters."

Google Censorship Is a Danger to Public Health - "The banning of the informal research paper fit with a larger push by Google and other leading tech companies to actively regulate information in the name of “public safety”—a self-assigned brief that began with the coronavirus but seems unlikely to end there. In an appearance on CNN’s Reliable Sources, Susan Wojcicki, the CEO of YouTube—a subsidiary of Google—described how the platform’s publishing policy calls for “removing information that is problematic.” Examples of “problematic” information cited by Wojcicki included people advocating vitamin C and the spice turmeric as cures for the coronavirus and “anything that would go against World Health Organization recommendations”—a category which at various times during the pandemic would include wearing masks, travel bans, and asserting that the virus is highly contagious... The supposedly authoritative study that led the world’s leading public health organization to ban all clinical trials of one of the only drugs suggested as a possible treatment for COVID-19 was based on fraudulent research carried out by Surgisphere—a fly-by-night company with barely any presence on the internet. Among the six employees listed on Surgisphere’s website, one was an apparent science fiction writer and another was an adult model/events hostess.  None of this back-and-forth, you may have noticed, actually tells us whether hydroxychloroquine is in any way an effective treatment for a disease that has already killed more than half a million people and may kill several million more. What it does show is that WHO—whose recommendations are as good as law on the YouTube, according to its CEO—was duped into changing world health policy by a shoddy con job; one that was exposed, in part, by someone whose own work was deleted by YouTube’s parent company, and who was widely derided by the press as a MAGA conman.  Perhaps the most messed-up thing about the case of the purged Google doc is that no one seems to care that it happened, aside from those publications that celebrated the monopolist’s censorship. And since no one cares, Google has zero incentive to answer questions about its actions or scrutinize the precedent it is setting. It’s a private company, right? And they’re on our side. And they own all our data anyway. Protest is futile. Besides, we want Google to censor us—meaning, we want Google to censor the views of people we disagree with, and not just their views, but any evidence they present that an activist and openly partisan press tells us is false. There is a class of people who you might expect to take a professional interest in such matters: tech journalists. The problem is that tech journalism is not an autonomous, independently funded enterprise able to investigate the technology sector without fear or favor. Far from it.  All forms of business journalism have always included some degree of industry capture... With the collapse of the journalism industry, much of the money and space that had once been devoted to a citizen-based approach to the operations of power now goes into the cheap manufacture of grand opinion narratives and status-anxious, in-group gossip. Often these two categories are intertwined, as is the case with tech journalism’s sneering commentary about “tech bros”—which, when you step back from it, sounds a lot like the pizza delivery guys bitching about the personalities of the managers at the local Pizza Hut. They may be right, but they are unlikely to give you much insight into the corporate operations of Pizza Hut or the nutritional value of their pizza. Again, ask yourselves: Did you know that a Google doc you created can be deleted with no warning or explanation by Google? If the hydroxychloroquine white paper was so dangerous it had to be voided out of existence, shouldn’t Google educate the public about that danger—and take ownership of whatever process they used to make their determination? Does Google conduct its own research studies and clinical trials? Is Google an arm of the U.S. government with the power to censor speech, and on what laws does it base this authority? Now ask yourself why you didn’t hear any outcry over any part of this. Part of the answer is that the journalists who might have been putting pressure on Google in fact work for Google and other monopoly speech platforms... The question for many isn’t “did Google purge a Google document?” It’s whether it purged the right one, which is not how free societies are supposed to work. But hey, clearly Google’s intentions were in the right place, and having the global surveillance operating data monopolies censor the internet beats depending on Donald Trump for information about science. That is, unless the next document that is disappeared contains information that you believe is vital to making decisions about the safety of your family—like the fact that the next WHO recommendation is a danger to public health, or the next Lancet study is a fake."

How fatal is covid-19 compared with seasonal influenza? The devil is in the detail. - "Accurate assessment of the chance of death following exposure to covid-19 is important, since this statistic has been used by governments to direct lockdowns in an effort to mitigate these deaths. In correspondence to the BMJ, professors Baker and Wilson, both proponents of New Zealand’s lockdown, have criticised our assertion that the infection fatality proportion (IFP) of covid-19 is similar to seasonal influenza...   Evidence for lower mortality comes from countries that have many covid-19 cases yet few deaths. At the time of writing, Singapore had 57,883 recovered cases and 28 deaths, yielding a case-fatality proportion of 0.05%. We believe, because of Singapore’s adherence to the case definition when assigning covid-19 deaths, its numbers more reliably assess mortality, and illuminate the bias present elsewhere. Further, the denominator is large, likely due to aggressive testing. If serology were estimated, the IFP of this city state would likely be lower still... an eightfold increase in positive antibody prevalence in Tokyo occurred during summer, rising from 5.8% to 46.8%, yet little increase in fatality from the virus occurred. So, what is a reasonable IFP for covid-19? The overall corrected median IFP from 61 studies in a meta-analysis is 0.23%"

Yes, The Vaccine Changes Your DNA. A Tiny Bit. That’s A Good Thing. - "Many articles have already been posted explaining that the vaccine can’t alter your DNA, including a wildly popular piece at Forbes and explainers by the CDC and UNICEF... It’s true that Covid-19 vaccines don’t directly alter your DNA, and it’s true that they don’t invade the cell nucleus, where your DNA resides. But that’s not the full story."
Once again, yesterday's conspiracy theory is today's fact

Meme - Blaire White: "If it was about your health they wouldn't close gyms.
If it was about your health they wouldn't promote obesity as beautiful.
If it was about your health they wouldn't lie about treatments they don't profit from."

Meme - Defiant L's: Amy Siskind: "Trump is taking a page from Putin's playbook, and trying to bully the FDA into making a Covid-19 vaccine available before Stage 3 of testing is complete! HE WILL KILLL US ALL!!""
Amy Siskind: "Boosted! Had an appointment I made last week. Listened to, and read advice of our public health officials - they are unanimous on the need to get vaccinated and keep up with vaccinations. Trust science!"
Meme Amy Siskind on Defiant L's: "I reported this account, and encourage you all to as well. It is a nub for disinformation, which has bands of trolls that follow its lead for targeted harassment. It is also a spoke for vaccine disinformation. Please take the time to report!"
Showcasing liberal hypocrisy is harassment. Recalling what liberals said about the vaccine when Trump was in charge is disinformation
A liberal with TDS (but I repeat myself) defended this sort of hypocrisy by claiming that all these people were right in 2020 because of Trump's "rushed rollout", but ignored me when I asked what had changed about the vaccines to make them dangerous in 2020 but safe in 2021

Meme - Barbara Malmet: "As a New Yorker born and bred, I don't want your stinking vaccine, Donald Trump."
Barbara Malmet: "If you are not vaccinated you should have zero contact with the public."

Meme - Pat Burke: "How friggin tragic that a little girl has to sell lemonade to pay for her brain surgery. This isn't a feel good story, it's a story of national shame. Every American should have a right to quality healthcare."
Pat Burke: "I'm introducing a bill that allows insurance providers to deny coverage for Covid related treatment to those who refuse to be vaccinated. Do your part or pay your own way. Freedom isn't free."
A right is something that you only have until a liberal decides you shouldn't have it anymore

Meme - "Gov. Charlie Baker: President Trump's Coronavirus Plan To Suspend Immigration 'Doesn't Make Any Sense"
"Gov. Charlie Baker Says Biden's Air Travel Restrictions Are 'The Right Move'"

Conservatives cry hypocrisy after Biden bans travel from 8 African countries - "

Joe Biden on Twitter - "A wall will not stop the coronavirus. Banning all travel from Europe — or any other part of the world — will not stop it. This disease could impact every nation and any person on the planet — and we need a plan to combat it."
Covid: US joins EU in restricting flights from southern Africa over new coronavirus variant

Facebook - "My entire life my views have been extremely uncontroversial.
I am against:
- suppression of debate and dissent
- forcing people to undergo medical procedures against their will
- Government having more power than it needs
How did this all become "controversial" in a year?"

Meme - "Glass ceiling
Vaccine ceiling.
BIPOC women already have enough hurdles in the patriarchal workforce. Don't add Covid-19 vaccine to requirements to the burdens they shoulder.  
“Americans have long been trained to see the deficiencies of people rather than policy. It's a pretty easy mistake to make: People are in our faces. Policies are distant. We are particularly poor at seeing the policies lurking behind the struggles of people.”  ― Ibram X. Kendi
Black Lives Matter"

What changes the unvaccinated minds? Fear. - CNNPolitics
Meanwhile, in the UK, it was recognised that it was unethical to manipulate people with fear

Austria to Target the Unvaccinated in New Lockdown - The New York Times

Austria plans compulsory Covid vaccination for all - "Those refusing to be vaccinated are likely to face administrative fines, which can be converted into a prison sentence if the fine cannot be recovered... While countries including Italy and France have made vaccination against Covid-19 mandatory for health workers, Austria will be the first country in Europe to apply such a requirement for the society at large. Outside the continent, Indonesia, Micronesia and Turkmenistan have a vaccine mandate for adults."
Vaxholes cheer this, even as not too long ago they pretended this would never happen and that it was a paranoid far right conspiracy theory. What they'll do is still pretend that it's not mandatory, since their strawman idea of a mandatory covid vaccine is someone physically strapping you down and forcibly injecting you, while in all other contexts they still apply the liberal definition where the slightest encouragement is oppressive

Despite Covid, the Swiss are reluctant to surrender the Alpine good life | Financial Times
Weird. The Swiss vaccination rate is even lower than in Austria. Yet they're not anywhere as near to panicking. Amazing what political will does. My friend who lives in Switerland points out they are very freedom loving: I think they're the only place which had referenda on covid measures

Germany locks down unvaccinated people, as leaders plan to make shots compulsory - "Germany on Thursday announced a nationwide lockdown for the unvaccinated, as its leaders backed plans for mandatory vaccinations in the coming months."

Teenagers from remote NT community arrested after escape from Howard Springs COVID quarantine facility - "the teenagers, aged 15, 16 and 17, tested negative for the virus yesterday.   He said all three were from the Binjari community near Katherine and had been sent into quarantine as close contacts of positive cases.  NT Police Commissioner Jamie Chalker said officers found the trio on the edge of Palmerston and arrested them after a chase on foot... The facility is housing people affected by the  Katherine region COVID-19 outbreak as well as returned travellers from repatriation flights, including a man who tested positive for the Omicron variant on Monday... He also said health teams would discuss whether some people in the facility could have more contact to combat the isolation that "may [have been] a trigger" for the young people's escape.  "I also want to point to the overwhelming compliance that we've had, given several hundred people have been placed into the Centre of National Resilience linked to the clusters from Robinson River, Katherine, Binjari and Rockhole""
Apparently to the left, covid is more important than anti-racism or being against "concentration camps"

New Zealand to ban smoking for next generation in bid to outlaw habit by 2025 - "Legislation will mean people currently aged 14 and under will never be able to legally purchase tobacco"
I reminded a covid hystericist praising this that he dismissed concerns about covid apartheid and its implications

Twitter Censors American Heart Association Article on mRNA Vaccines and Cardiac Health - "On Nov. 8, 2021, the American Heart Association (AHA) journals published the abstracts that researchers and clinicians would present during online scientific sessions beginning on Nov.13. The scientific sessions are rigorous events, and content must be submitted and selected. One of the abstracts published in the journal Circulation dealt with mRNA vaccines and cardiac health. When Twitter users tried to share the information in the abstract, people interested in reading it encountered a warning that it could be an unsafe link. Astonishingly, Twitter content moderators feel emboldened to censor information published in a journal maintained by a well-respected, mainstream professional association. Further, the data appeared in a rigorous online conference for medical professionals. It also seems to provide a signal for potential vaccine side effects that are not terribly surprising and reasonably strong.   Dr. Steven R. Gundry of the International Heart and Lung Institute wrote an abstract that raised a concern about mRNA vaccines for COVID-19 potentially raising the inflammatory markers in the blood. Gundry’s group has been conducting a long-term study of the risk for a new Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS). Patients in the clinic have received a clinically validated measurement of multiple blood protein biomarkers called the PULS score every 3-6 months for eight years. The study began before the pandemic and has accumulated a significant history for participants. But Twitter decided the information that the group found is dangerous.   An increase in the PULS score means the patient is at increased risk of suffering from a new ACS, an acute illness that impairs blood flow to the heart in the next five years. According to Gundry’s analysis, a PULS test drawn two to ten weeks after the second COVID-19 mRNA dose more than doubled the ACS risk from pre-vaccine levels. The researchers concluded that the mRNA vaccines might dramatically increase inflammation on the cellular lining of the heart and blood vessels and T cell infiltration of cardiac muscle. This type of inflammation may account for the observations of increased thrombosis, cardiomyopathy, and other vascular events following vaccination. The FDA has already acknowledged the risk of myocarditis and pericarditis following mRNA vaccines. Both illnesses are cardiac diseases caused by inflammation. Gundry’s study signals the underlying cause of these illnesses and possibly other cardiac and circulatory side effects. The signal strength is decent and worth acknowledging and investigating for a few reasons. First, it involves 566 long-term subjects with a robust historical data set. Second, it reinforces information that the FDA has already provided to the public. A finding like this should be a part of the risk/benefit analysis considered by patients with their doctors.  Additionally, health bureaucrats and the media are pushing boosters. Researchers and regulators do not know if the potential for side effects from the vaccine is a cumulative risk. This would mean the risk of experiencing a side effect goes up with each additional dose. The PULS is a readily available test that researchers could deploy before and after giving booster shots to provide a partial answer to that question. Doctors have used the validated PULS test since 2013. Gundry’s group found the changes incidentally in the course of other research. Americans should expect our regulators and public health agencies to undertake a deliberate study and share the results. The idea that Twitter decided that users should not view this information interferes with the public’s ability to hold our public officials accountable to investigate further. It also interferes with Americans’ ability to make a personal risk assessment about their healthcare. It is an astonishing amount of arrogance from Big Tech and could, as the company warns about the AHA link, lead to real-world harm.  Two researchers that have experienced censorship and public attacks for dissenting views on COVID-19 are Dr. Jay Bhattacharya and Dr. Martin Kulldorff"
Science that goes against the narrative is not Science but dangerous misinformation only dangerous and deluded far right conspiracy theorists believe

Medical News Lies About Doctors Who Notice Lockdowns Didn’t Work - "In October 2020, with Sunetra Gupta of Oxford University, we authored the Great Barrington Declaration (GBD). With multiple concrete proposals, we argued for better protection of high-risk older people while letting low-risk children and young adults live near-normal lives to minimize the collateral public health harm. Ours is a middle path between lockdowns and a let-it-rip strategy.  Unfortunately, Dr. Anthony Fauci and other President Trump government officials (save Dr. Scott Atlas) failed to engage seriously with our ideas. Fauci labeled the GBD’s focused protection strategy “nonsense,” claiming it was impossible to implement well-established measures to protect the elderly.  Indeed, the lockdowns did not protect the elderly; nearly 80 percent of COVID deaths were among people age 65 and up. Instead, they protected younger, low-risk, work-from-home professionals such as administrators, journalists, and scientists.  In a recent article about the newly formed Brownstone Institute, Medpage Today takes this pro-lockdown propaganda one step further by falsely claiming that the GBD “promoted the spread of COVID-19.” That is just as dishonest as claiming that work-from-home journalists promoted the spread of Covid-19 by ordering home delivery of pizza.   Medpage Today also falsely claims the previous White House “embraced” the Great Barrington Declaration. Public health scientists have an obligation to politicians of all stripes. In late August 2020, we met with President Trump, Vice President Pence, and others at the White House, with no effect.  The federal government and most governors continued to rely on the advice of the White House Coronavirus Task Force members Drs. Deborah Birx and Fauci. Our failure to sway White House officials was one reason we decided to write the Great Barrington Declaration a month later. The most dangerous example of the politicization of medical news is the attempt to smear opponents with the false anti-vaccine label. Contrary to the claim by Medpage Today, the benefits of COVID vaccines are “readily accessible on the Brownstone website.”   The three GBD authors all favor vaccines, two have long careers as vaccine researchers, and none have spread any “vaccine misinformation.” To publish a claim that falsely alleges that the anti-vaccine movement has the support of professors of medicine and epidemiology at Harvard, Stanford, and Oxford universities is damaging for vaccine confidence. Such a false charge is highly irresponsible, damages public health, and is unworthy of Medpage Today.  All journalists can make a mistake, but Medpage Today has refused to correct these errors... it was the non-medical editorial staff who refused to make the factual corrections. Just like the non-scientist Big Tech “fact-checkers” who censor public health scientists, journalists have taken over the dissemination of medical information, blindly following Fauci’s edicts. We think the politicization of medical news has led to increasing distrust in public health and medical professionals. If public trust in medicine is to be improved, trade publications have an obligation to provide accurate medical and scientific information from a variety of perspectives.  The first step should be to correct errors, a minimal obligation of all ethical journalism. A second step requires more balanced reporting about the pandemic by, for example, honestly reporting about the success of the pandemic strategies employed by Florida and the Scandinavian countries. The alternative is a continuing erosion of trust in medicine and public health."
The definition of "anti-vaxxer" grows by the day. First if you were against mandatory vaccination you were an "anti-vaxxer". Now if you're against lockdowns, you're one too
Many "skeptics" don't care about this since it challenges their beliefs, and go on shooting fish in a barrel like Dr Oz

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