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Sunday, January 02, 2022

Links - 2nd January 2022 (3 - Waukesha Parade Attack)

BREAKING: Suspect in Waukesha ‘mass casualty incident’ identified as career criminal Darrell E. Brooks | The Post Millennial - "A suspect has been identified and is in custody for the 'mass casualty incident' in Waukesha, Wisconsin when a red Ford Escape plowed into a holiday parade. So far, five have been confirmed dead, more than 40 injured... 39-year-old Darrell Edward Brooks Jr. has been arrested as a suspect in the incident. Brooks is a career criminal with multiple priors and was released from jail two days prior to the incident after posting a $1,000 bail for three misdemeanors and two felonies. He has a history of resisting arrest, obstruction, battery, statutory sexual seduction, strangulation and suffocation, property destruction, illegal firearm possession, bail jumping, domestic violence, drug related charges and is a registered sex offender."

TV Anchor RIPS Eyewitness Who Identified Driver in Christmas Parade Attack as 'Black Guy'

Meme - "Me waiting on CNN to show the mugshot, criminal history and name of the Wisconsin Parade killer, knowing it won't fit their agenda."

Facebook - "It was a RED SUV. That’s an important point to cover. All of the media reports I’ve seen confirm the colour of the vehicle that ploughed into a Christmas parade of grannies and schoolchildren killing at least five people in Waukesha, Wisconsin.  Reading the circumlocutory language of mainstream media reports when these things happen is almost as depressing as the murderous events themselves. The words ‘killed’, ‘murdered’, ‘slaughtered’, ‘mown down’, ‘terrorist’, ‘savage’, don’t appear, let alone any moral judgement along the lines of ‘evil’, ‘vile’, or ‘hideous’.  Instead we read that “an incident” occurred in which “some fatalities happened”. We might get a “tragedy” or a “pray for Waukesha”. But we don’t get who the murderer was, what their politics were, what groups they supported or were affiliated with. There is an absence at the heart of the reports, with dainty steps all around the key facts.  If we have been paying attention and know what a sewer the mainstream media is, we know why that absence exists. Police on the scene may say “the investigation is fluid”. Politicians may say “we don’t know yet”. Media may give us nothing more than “a person of interest has been detained”. But we know. We know what this curious reporting that is not reporting means.  We know that the colour of the SUV isn’t the key bit of information here.  Omission is now revelation. If it had been ‘a white supremacist’ (that largely imaginary breed that is akin to an urban unicorn) or even a Trump voter, a Republican, anything that might be or seem ‘white’, we’d have a name, a photo and ten thousand lengthy articles on his voting record by now. We wouldn’t have this evasive, non-judgemental language in the reports (which is consistent in ‘rightwing’ media as well). We wouldn’t have murder described as if it were not the result of human evil, but a sort of natural phenomena that spontaneously occurred, that few details can be gathered on, and that is just a very sad thing that we should pray about and then forget. In the era of climate hysteria and race hypocrisy, natural events are human evil, and human evil is a natural event. And when reports don’t tell you the colour of the killer, call murder, murder, or focus any attention on the person doing it, you know that they will be non white, or Antifa, or BLM, or Muslim, or all of the above."

DuPage Democratic Party’s social media director fired over Waukesha parade tweets - "DuPage County Democrats fired their social media director following “callous and reprehensible” posts likening the driver who plowed into a Christmas parade Sunday outside Milwaukee — killing five and wounding 40 — to Kyle Rittenhouse.  “It was probably just self-defense,” Mary Lemanski tweeted Sunday on her personal Twitter account...   “Living in Wisconsin, he probably felt threatened,” Lemanski tweeted about the SUV driver...   In later posts Lemanski expressed sorrow over Sunday’s tragedy in Waukesha, Wis.  “I’m sad,” she said. “I’m sad anytime anyone dies.”  “I just believe in Karma and this came around quick on the citizens of Wisconsin.’  She also tweeted: “You reap what you sow, Wisconsin.”"
On the liberal media Facebook pages, I saw a lot of muppets throwing shade at Rittenhouse, claiming it was self-defence

Meme - Mary Lemanski: "Nobody cared about me like my whole life. My mom used to leave me for hours at a time alone in my play pen. I've put out music for 20 years nobody gave a shit. Why do people all of a sudden care about a stupid remark? I can't believe my 15 minutes of fame is for this shit."
@MaryLemanski: "This account doesn't exist Try searching for another."

WeaponizedSmirk on Twitter - "Good news, the media that has spent the last 5 years blaming everything on white people and white supremacy assured us that the black man that ran down and murder white people at a Christmas parade had nothing to do with race. Whew! I was getting real worried there."

WeaponizedSmirk on Twitter - Tariq Nasheed @tariqnasheed: "why are so many people making this Waukesha incident racial? Is there any proof race was a motivating factor?"
"The guy that makes everything about race suddenly doesn't want to play that game anymore."

Andy Ngô 🏳️‍🌈 on Twitter - "The man in custody over the mass casualty incident at the #Waukesha, Wis. Christmas parade has posts on his social media in support of BLM causes, George Floyd & black nationalism. He also has a post about how to get away with running people over on the street."

Facebook - "Risking my account by sharing, but has to be said.  The perp who ran down children, high school cheerleaders and dancing grandmothers appears to be an anti police, BLM radical. He has a 22 year long rap sheet, but has apparently benefited from a some strange force that makes it politically incorrect to lock him away from civilised society. Social media giants have commenced the scrubbing, and it is remarkable how there is still no wall to wall media coverage that would have happened had the situation been flipped, and the perp been linked to "white supremacy"."

Thread by @oaktreeupheaval on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "the face of #BlackTerorrism
he's also a registered sex offender. #BlackTerrorism
seriously there's like 25 different mugshots of this guy from multiple states. this sort of black criminality where it goes on for years and years yet he keeps getting out on 1k bail to do it again is the sort of #BlackTerrorism Americans face everyday...
turns out he's some dirtbag lowlife no name rapper. another shocker
you can see the car used in the terror attack in the back of one of his black rap music videos from his facebook
sure looks like he's a big fan of BLM/kapernick and a bunch of other causes that would indicate an anti-white motive.
"we start bakk knokin white ppl TF out ion wanna hear it" - Darrell Edward Brooks...
the FBI is going to cover this up as a "Criminal fleeing a crime"
these social media posts indicate a racially motivated anti-white terrorist
Say it with me "Racially motivated anti-White terrorist"
did @Kaepernick7 extremist anti-white content motivate the terrorist who attacked white people at a Christmas parade today?
He's a HUGE fan of him...
Posts indicating black nationalism and other lunatic shit indicative of an anti-white racist
a couple more BLM posts and a post about the @BubbaWallace nascar car... very likely that the sex offense committed by the terrorist was against children as well... here's some more, celebrating BLM burning down the police station and George Floyd shit...
just a reminder, this isn't the first instance of #BLACKTERRORISM this year
noah green killed a captiol police officer and had a very similar ideology. the media moved on quick and the feds were hush hush about it
here's a wild post about hitler and "the real jews"
pretty common for black nationalist type stuff...
in summary
#Waukesha terrorist Darrell Brooks is a sex offender (likely a pedo) who is violently anti-White, a black nationalist, supports BLM, loves @Kaepernick7 and @BubbaWallace, has been arrested many times (but keeps getting out)...
post in support of NFAC (a black nationalist militia). a NFAC member killed a florida police officer this year. media barely reported it...
i dont know how you read some of these posts as anything other than raw unfiltered anti-White hatred
this post clearly refers to White people as an "Enemy""
Clear proof BLM is peaceful and "white supremacy" is the only enemy

Meme - "Claude
>open my news extension thing
>there was a car accident in a crowd, people injured, we don't know who did it or why
>open 4chan/KF
>there was a car incident at a Christmas market, at least 5 dead, here is the car of the guy, his name, his face, his youtube, his twitter, his political views, his criminal history, the DA that freed him, and what his dog ate yesterday This is just silly at this point."
"Citizen journalists > mainstream media"

Meme - River Everdeen @NaffStuff: "I'm not trying to minimise the tragedy of #waukesha AT ALL
But FFS,Why not a trump rally? Seems like a win win to me
Rest In Peace beautiful souls that were just having a family day out
This is seriously heartbreaking but guessing the driver will plead self defence... right?"

Liberals Flock to Twitter to Defend Waukesha Attack as Updates Continue to Come In - "German-American journalist on Twitter ‘Chris Wiggins’ mocked the attack and was quickly hit with a ratio by conservatives and anyone with an actual sense of humanity. In his Tweet, user CWNewser sarcastically justifies the potential terror attack to make a point about the Rittenhouse case, saying that the driver was only acting in self defense against the children that he mercilessly mowed down.   After receiving hefty backlash for his Tweet, he seemingly got entertainment out of the backlash, claiming that right wingers were ‘triggered’ over his justifications. Many more leftists have continued to mock the attack in a sick and twisted way to try and ‘own’ conservatives about self-defense laws in Wisconsin in response to Kyle Rittenhouse’s acquittal"

Meme - jaynegreppin @jaynegreppin: "well they don't really care about laws, so, maybe karma."

CNN roasted for tweet saying Waukesha parade attack was caused by 'a car' that drove through parade - "CNN appeared to place the responsibility on Brooks’ vehicle, making no mention of the career criminal behind the wheel... “Someone (Joe Rogan?) is radicalizing cars,” former New York Times reporter Nellie Bowles tweeted."

The Washington Post on Twitter - "Just before midnight on Aug. 25, tensions peaked when a 17-year-old named Kyle Rittenhouse shot and killed 36-year-old Joseph Rosenbaum. Moments later, Rittenhouse shot two other men, one fatally."
Woke Washington Post is blasted over claim Waukesha tragedy that killed six 'was caused by an SUV' - "The newspaper's article chronicling the events of the massacre, failed to mention Brooks until the fifth paragraph.   It also repeatedly referred to the SUV as action-driver, not Brooks who was behind the wheel... 'Since it’s the serious position of the @washingtonpost and @nytimes that an SUV was to blame for 6 deaths and 40+ injuries in Waukesha are they going to advocate for them to be banned?' questioned podcast host Benny Johnson."

Meme - *SUV-headed Brooks in court*

Meme - "A child has died in relation to the Wisconsin Christmas parade incident, prosecutors say during the suspect's first court appearance, bringing the death toll to six "
"Police name the driver of an SUV they say plowed into a Wisconsin parade and say he was involved in a domestic disturbance before the incident"
"Initial charges are expected to be filed Tuesday afternoon against the suspect in Sunday's fatal incident at the Waukesha Christmas parade."
"The suspect in the deadly Waukesha parade crash has been charged with five counts of first-degree intentional homicide"
"There are indications the person held in the deadly Wisconsin parade incident was fleeing another scene, sources say."
I haven't seen so much talk of "incidents" since I visited the Yasukuni shrine

Meme - Bishop Talbert Swan @ @TalbertSwan: "The hell with you and every other lowlife piece of trash commenting on your tweet justifying the 17-year-old, radicalized, white supremacist, terrorist, murdering innocent people. #Kenosha"
Bishop Talbert Swan @TalbertSwan: "What does the Waukesha #ChristmasParadeMassacre have to do with race?"

Police: “Some fatalities” after vehicle plows through Waukesha Christmas parade, person of interest in custody - "Fire Chief Steven Howard says there were 11 adults and 12 pediatric patients taken to six area hospitals for injuries."
Weird way of saying "children"

Car: "Hoooonk"

Meme - "No charges to be filed against driver at Wisconsin holiday parade accident as he didn't cross state lines."

Meme The Daily Beast: "The 17-year-old shooter's Facebook page ge showcased photos with Blue Lives Matter- style pro-police slogans and imagery, as well as of an Armalite rifle similar to the one he appears to have been photographed carrying Matter in Kenosha"
The Daily Beast: "How big-time right-wing trolls Andy Ngo and Tim Pool tied the Waukesha killings to Black Lives Matter"

Cernovich on Twitter - "Nearly every corporate media ran with the false claim that the Wisconsin massacre driver had been in a knife fight and was fleeing police. This, as the Chief said today in a press conference, was disinformation. Here is WaPo lying. They all lie. All they do is lie."

Liberal media ignores Waukesha Christmas parade horror: Devine - "There’s a reason that MSNBC and CNN and CBS refer to it as merely a “parade crash” and quickly move on to other news.  There’s a reason that President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris have not prejudged the violent, racist, BLM-supporting career criminal charged with murder for driving his SUV deliberately into a Christmas parade in the mostly white Wisconsin town of Waukesha on Sunday, killing six innocents, including an 8-year-old boy, and injuring 62 others.  There’s a reason the media are incurious about the hate-filled, anti-white social-media posts of suspect Darrell Brooks.  Waukesha is of no interest to these people, not just because the story does not serve their political purposes, as the Kyle Rittenhouse case did when they wanted to paint Donald Trump as a white supremacist.  No, they are burying the Waukesha story because it threatens the very core of the progressive revolution convulsing the country: criminal-justice “reform.”  Six people would still be alive if Milwaukee had not been hijacked by progressive prosecutors.  “The Milwaukee experiment,” it was called in a gushing Jeffrey Toobin article in the New Yorker in 2015, praising Milwaukee’s Democratic DA John Chisholm. Elected in 2006, Chisholm is a leading light of the progressive prosecutor movement.  His office let out Brooks on $1,000 bail Nov. 16, after he allegedly punched his girlfriend in the face and deliberately ran over her with the SUV he allegedly used in Sunday’s attack. Brooks’ criminal record is over 50 pages long.   Chisholm feigns dismay at the low bail now, but it was part of his plan.  He knows what happens when you let violent, recidivist criminals out of jail, if you handicap police and strip them of their powers, if you break the adversarial system, turn prosecutors into social workers, and close prisons. Everyone knows. Crime and violence skyrocket, along with mental illness and homelessness. There is nothing compassionate or equitable about progressive criminal-justice reforms. They tyrannize the weakest and most vulnerable, the elderly, the infirm, and women and children...   Chisholm wasn’t elected as a progressive, but his priority immediately became eliminating “racial disparity.”   He didn’t care if more black people were committing crimes. It was all about the outcome.  Today, he boasts he has almost achieved his goal of eliminating racial disparity in jails: “In some areas there is almost no disparity,” he told a panel March 11, when he appeared with notorious San Francisco DA Chesa Boudin talking about the “Progressive Prosecutor movement.”...   The only obstacle he says he faces now is “fear” of crime in the community, which drives state legislators to make “bad law.” With 191 homicides last year in Milwaukee alone, “it’s really hard to make an argument.”  “We’re at a time in our nation when violence is simply overwhelming the sense of our perspective of safety . . . People do not feel that they are safe.”  I wonder why that is... "'It’s about being ‘decarceral.’ ”  This means abolishing prisons.  This is not what Americans want. But it’s an article of faith for progressives.  You just had to watch Rep. Rashida Tlaib trying to justify her prison-abolition bill in an interview this week with Axios’ Jonathan Swan to see that the policy is so absurd she has no way of justifying it. Although her bill explicitly would release everyone from jail, she simply denied that that means child molesters and violent rapists will roam the streets.   Progressives pretend that everyone in jail is just there for smoking weed, while showing callous disregard for the victims of crime.   In case you were under any illusion that this all is not an ideological strategy to destroy law and order, take a look at Boudin’s revolutionary pedigree.  He is the son of Kathy Boudin and David Gilbert, Marxist terrorist members of the Weather Underground, who were jailed for the murders of two police officers and a security guard during the Brink’s robbery of 1981 in Rockland County. Boudin was 14 months old at the time and was brought up by Barack Obama’s radical mentor and Weather Underground luminary Bill Ayers.  Last year, Boudin successfully lobbied then-Gov. Andrew Cuomo to commute his father’s 75-years-to life sentence and Gilbert was released this month. His mother was released in 2003 and immediately given an honored position as an adjunct professor at Columbia University where she works on — you guessed it — dismantling “mass incarceration,” and transforming the criminal-justice system. These people are embedded in the establishment.   Guess what else domestic terrorists affiliated with the Weather Underground did on Nov. 7, 1983? They bombed the Capitol in Washington, DC, blowing a hole in a wall and pulverizing, windows, chandeliers and furniture. Yet President Biden tells us that the worst attack on democracy was the Capitol riot on Jan. 6 this year.  One of the convicted conspirators for the 1983 Capitol bombing, Susan Rosenberg, had her 58-year sentence commuted by President Bill Clinton in 2001.   What did she do then? She was instrumental in founding and fundraising for Black Lives Matter, a self-declared Marxist organization that advocates for the abolition of the nuclear family...   Progressive criminal-justice reforms are not about equal justice. When it comes to Trump supporters, such as Kyle Rittenhouse or the Jan. 6 defendants still in pretrial detention in a DC jail, progressives are viciously punitive.  They are weaponizing the criminal-justice system to terrorize their ideological opponents and create mayhem.  This is a revolution, and we will all be its victims unless we wake up."
When the left advocates for terrorists and want to dismantle law and order, it's pretty clear what their agenda is

Thread by @JesseKellyDC on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "A racist black nationalist just mowed down over 40 white people with his SUV and he did it on purpose and he did it after a national media backlash to an obvious trial verdict where they once again demonized white people.
Do not ever ask me to demonize “dangerous rhetoric”.
Communist rhetoric almost killed Steve Scalise. Communist rhetoric killed 6 people in Waukesha. Including an 8 year old boy.
Communist rhetoric kills people. They have dehumanized you in the minds of tens of millions of Americans.
“White supremacist”
These things have been repeated for years now by the American communists. Words are powerful. Words have an affect on the mind. That’s why propaganda works. It’s why advertising works.
Weak, violent minds will respond to these words and people will die. The communist knows this. That’s why he does it. He wants to hurt you for what you believe.
They won’t stop either. Doesn’t matter how much we complain. They love it. Joe Biden hasn’t even made a statement about the largest domestic terrorist attack in some time. Didn’t even offer condolences. This is beyond outrageous. So no, I will never police the rhetoric from my side. I’ll never care about anything they do. Go get 15 DUIs for all I care. I know the game we’re in now and I know what it means if our enemies win.
Death and misery comes with these people. Death and misery.
Never let them have complete power or your kid’s kids will still be paying for it.
That’s all. "
"Dangerous rhetoric" is whatever is dangerous to the left's agenda

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