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Saturday, January 22, 2022

Links - 22nd January 2022 (2 - Migrants)

Gad Saad - Posts | Facebook - "Some Noble Immigrants: Please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, let me settle in your country. Infinitely generous country: OK. Welcome to your new home.
Noble Immigrants: My new home is a s**thole of systemic racism & oppression. Destroy it for justice!
Our politicians:  You know what we need to do.  We must INCREASE in a suicidal manner the entry of Noble Immigrants who exhibit the latter bent. This will show that we are progressive unlike those bigots suffering from white fragility."

Sargon of Akkad - Posts | Facebook - "The 16 year old teenage Migrant who died in the channel didn't exist.It turns out he was a 28 year old man who had decided not only not to settle in any country from Sudan to France, but applied for asylum in France, but did not want to wait.He Then decided to buy a mouth inflated dingy and some shovels from a supermarket.He and a friend then tried to paddle the entire channel to the UK, his shovel punctured the dingy and he drowned.His friend lied to French, the French told that lie to the British press who ran with it."
On Abdulfatah Hamdallah

4 Afghans charged with arson for fire at Lesbos refugee camp - "Four Afghan migrants have been charged with arson for alleged involvement in fires that destroyed most of a large refugee camp on the eastern island of Lesbos... The government maintains that the fires at Moria were set deliberately by migrants protesting confinement after the site was locked down due to an outbreak of COVID-19"
So much for blaming the "far right"
Too bad those who usually champion migrants also favour lockdowns

NGO: Half of Migrants on Paris Streets May Be Coronavirus Positive - "The risk of migrants catching and spreading coronavirus has been a major issue in other European countries, particularly in Italy, where newly arrived migrants have tested positive for the Chinese virus.In August, Italian Minister for Regional Affairs Francesco Boccia inadvertently revealed that as many as 25 per cent of the coronavirus cases at the time were foreigners.Another issue facing the Italian government has been not only finding space to quarantine migrants who arrive, but also dealing with migrants who attempt to or successfully escape accommodations under lockdown."

Quarantined Migrants Grow Angry, Set Fires in Italian Hotel - "The Villa Sant’Andrea hotel, located in the town of Valderice, has been used to quarantine migrants to prevent the spread of the Wuhan virus."

Refugee teen charged with rape of social worker after finishing course on how to behave with women - "A 16-year-old Afghan refugee, who had recently taken a course on how to behave towards women, has been charged with raping a female employee at a refugee shelter in Belgium. The center’s spokeswoman told RT he had had “an eye on her for quite some time.”... Friday’s incident was just one of the latest in a string of sexual assaults linked to the Europe’s ongoing mass refugee influx.On December 4, four male refugees living in a shelter in Norway raped and beat up their 19-year-old female friend, who was later taken to a hospital in serious condition. The culprits even recorded a video of their crime, which ended up becoming key evidence in the case.In another incident last December, an Iraqi refugee raped a 10 year-old boy at a swimming pool in Vienna, Austria, after which the victim, who suffered severe internal injuries, was admitted to a children’s hospital. Following the assault, the assailant simply remained at the pool until he was detained by police, to whom he explained that that he had had a “sexual emergency,” as he had not had sex in four months.A wave of public indignation was also caused by a series of sexual attacks in Germany on New Year’s Eve... According to police documents, the suspects were mostly men of migrant origin, although the majority of them had been living in Germany for some time, and were not recent arrivals."

Swedish girl, 17, was decapitated 'by Iraqi-born boyfriend' - "Wilma Andersson vanished on November 14 last year and police found a 'body part' two weeks later - which was later revealed to be her head.Her ex-boyfriend Tishko Ahmed Shabaz was arrested at the time and has now been charged with her murder, which he denies... Shabaz is accused of hiding Wilma's head in a travel bag where it was wrapped in tape and aluminium foil.Police also found blood on the floor of his apartment and 'traces of Wilma' on a large kitchen knife... It is also claimed that neighbours heard screaming from the apartment and that Shabaz lied to Wilma's parents by claiming she had left the flat alive.However, Wilma's coat and handbag were allegedly still hanging in the closet, raising doubts over Shabaz's claims.Shabaz denies all the allegations, telling investigators: 'You forget that this is a girl that I have loved and that I have lived my life perfectly.'"

Rape jihad in Denmark: More than half of all convicted rapists have immigrant backgrounds. Iraqis, Iranians, Turks and Somalis dramatically overrepresented… - "100 percent of convicted rapists in Oslo have non-Western background. According to the Oslo police, non-Western immigrants rape because they are brought up with a view of women that makes them more likely to become rapists. It would be more precise to say that they just follow their religion, which allows them to rape non-Muslim women.In 2010, 51.5 percent of all convicted rapists had immigrant backgrounds:Translated by Nicolai Sennels, BT July 22: “Every second convicted rapist has an immigrant background“"

Merkel backs faster deportation for migrants who commit crimes in Germany
From 2016. Together with her admission that no go zones exist (though it doesn't stop people today continuing to deny that), it's surprising the left still loves her

Merkel backs faster deportation for migrants who commit crimes in Germany : europe - "Talked to a lady who had been volunteering at a shelter for years and couldn't take it anymore.As a women you often get treated like a second class citizen. No handshake, no respect. Female doctor? Hell no!Refugees are often first class assholes. You put in a lot of effort to get them new clothing and strollers for the kids. - "Meh, I don't like that, get me a different one."You organize donations for christmas presents. Reaction: "Christmas? What's that? Oh, a Christian holiday? I won't take any presents from Christians."Trying to teach them to be generous: Could you donate 1€ for the clothing you just received? - "I'll sue your ass you cunt, you ain't taking my money."And it's getting worse, in the beginning it was mostly richer Syrians who spoke English and so forth. Now it is scum from all over the world, they often even refuse to take their once-a-week mandatory German class. "I demand a translator"...They steal a lot, even from staff, they broke into the storage room, then started fighting each other for the contents until police arrived. The whole area is littered with human poop.There were nice moments and extremely nice people too. But the lady couldn't take the shit anymore, especially the new waves of scumbags. Seeing the desperation in this really nice woman was scary as hell.I mean, what do our politicians expect? The whole Arabic world creates the same amount of patents as our federal state of Hessen. The reasons why these regions are so far behind is deeply rooted in their societies. It's not simply oppressive leaders or former colonialism. We are not enriching our culture, we are importing humans who'll likely be a burden on society for many decades."

Why Sweden Is Deporting High-Skilled Labor Migrants - ""Large numbers of global talent that have come to Sweden to work and contribute to Sweden’s welfare have been deported by the Swedish Migration Agency due to trivial mistakes. These mistakes are usually petty and are rarely committed (intentionally by the migrant)."... The Kompetensutvisning problem dates back to the so-called "New Law" of 2008, which sought to address a disparity in the famously-complicated Swedish labor system. Up until this point, high-skilled labor migrants could expect to receive a permanent residence permit on entering the country as employees. This was considered unfair to lower-skilled migrants, who had far fewer opportunities to enter Sweden and often worked under poor conditions when they did. The New Law was brought in to make sure all migrants came into Sweden on the same terms, regardless of their skills, salaries or professions."It was a way to make it equal opportunity for all, and this meant conditions were more tailored towards the low-skilled," said Henrik Emilsson, a doctor in International Migration and Ethnic Relations at Malmö University. "They introduced a lot of new control mechanisms so the low-skilled wouldn't be exploited on the Swedish labor market. (And) because we treat every labor migrant the same, the high-skilled also had to go through these extra controls."... the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce issued a report outlining the difficulties Swedish business is facing in attracting skilled labor."Workforce shortage has reached record levels in Sweden," said Andreas Hatzigeorgiou, CEO of the Chamber. "It is noticeable across the entire country."... "I thought Sweden was my home, and I got deported from there twice, even though I started a business, paid millions in taxes and even hired people in Sweden myself. I contributed as much as I could during my time there, but two deportations left a really bad taste in my mouth, in terms of how far away they are from humanity.""
They should just claim asylum instead
Once again, trying to prevent "exploitation" just makes people worse off

'Don't like to see little girls in veils? Move out of Sweden': Muslim teacher & Muslim politician clash on live TV - "Two Muslim women with opposing views on a headscarf ban in schools clashed in a fierce TV debate in Sweden. The teacher told the politician that people uncomfortable with the veil should just leave the country.The heated exchange between Naouel Aissaoui, a school teacher in the Swedish municipality of Skurup, and local politician Loubna Stensaker Goransson was over a ban on veils in public schools, which Goransson and other council officials enacted in December. The decision angered many educators, and Aissaoui is among those leading the pushback... Both women are Muslim and of immigrant background, but have opposing views on what the headscarf represents and whether it has a place in modern Sweden. During the debate, Goransson said people could not expect to "come to a country that is secular and equal and live with medieval values.""

Syrian man who circumcised 9 boys with SOLDERING GUN in Sweden gets suspended sentence & fine - "A Syrian man, who claimed to be a doctor and performed circumcisions on nine boys using a soldering gun has been given a suspended sentence, community service and a $10,000 fine.A resident of the city of Gavle, he is said to be in his 30s, he was charged with assault, causing bodily harm and violating Sweden's law on circumcision... A board member from the Bilaal school, who served as a go-between, has since been suspended and is facing deportation. The school was shut down in December last year by the municipality over a failure to meet the requirements of Swedish education laws. According to local media, law enforcement also found connections between the school’s management and an extremist network operating in Soderhamn."

Police: Suspect in church stabbings has criminal history - "A man suspected in the fatal stabbings of two people and the wounding of three others at a San Francisco Bay Area homeless shelter has a history of domestic violence and had been deported at least three times, officials said Wednesday.Fernando Jesus Lopez, 32, was on probation in San Joaquin County for felony domestic violence and was wanted in Santa Clara County on a misdemeanor domestic violence charge when he allegedly stabbed five people Sunday at San Jose’s Grace Baptist Church, San Jose Police Chief Eddie Garcia said.After his arrest in June in Santa Clara County, a judge released Lopez despite the fact that he had violated the conditions of his five-year probation out of the San Joaquin County and Santa Clara County had received a detention request from Immigration and Customs Enforcement... Garcia said the deaths were preventable and pointed to the county’s so-called sanctuary law that limits cooperation with federal immigration authorities... San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo echoed Garcia’s frustration with the judge’s decision to release Lopez “over the strong objections of our district attorney.”“This suspect had a long record of domestic violence and drug use, and he should have been in jail, in federal custody, in drug treatment, or in jail in his own country but not on the streets in our community,” Liccardo said.Liccardo has been pushing Santa Clara County to reconsider a policy that ignores federal hold requests for felons, urging officials to treat violent criminals in the country illegally differently from the rest of those who entered the U.S. without legal permission.“These failed policies are all within our control to change and we need to change them,” he said. The Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors voted last year to retain the county’s policy of not holding immigration suspects unless ICE agents present the county with a warrant or a judicial order despite pressure to change it after the February 2019 slaying of 54-year-old Bambi Larson.Police arrested Carlos Eduardo Arevalo Carranza, an immigrant from El Salvador and self-admitted gang member with a long criminal history in the San Francisco Bay Area and Los Angeles, in Larson’s killing. Arevalo Carranza had been on the radar of ICE since 2013, when officials said he failed to show up in immigration court."

Crime and Immigration: Evidence from Large Immigrant Waves - "This paper focuses on empirical connections between crime and immigration, studying two large waves of recent U.K. immigration (the late 1990s/early 2000s asylum seekers and the post-2004 inflow from EU accession countries). The first wave led to a modest but significant rise in property crime, while the second wave had a small negative impact. There was no effect on violent crime; arrest rates were not different, and changes in crime cannot be ascribed to crimes against immigrants. The findings are consistent with the notion that differences in labor market opportunities of different migrant groups shape their potential impact on crime"

Understanding the Impact of Immigration on Crime - "Almost three quarters of Americans believe that immigration increases crime. Yet, existing academic research has shown no such effect. Using panel data on U.S. counties, this paper presents empirical evidence on a systematic, but small impact of immigration on crime. Consistent with the economic model of crime this effect is stronger for crimes motivated by financial gain, such as motor vehicle theft and robbery. Moreover, the effect is only present for those immigrants most likely to have poor labor market outcomes. Failure to account for the cost of increased crime would overstate the “immigration surplus,” but it would not reverse its sign."

Crime rises among second-generation immigrants as they assimilate
They're almost the same as natives overall. So among some subsets of immigrants, it's pretty much a fact that they commit more crime than natives

BBC Radio 4 - From Our Own Correspondent Podcast, From Our Home Correspondent 19/01/2020 - "Being a foreigner who doesn't speak English to a high standard means he can never be part of what he calls mainstream British society. For him, the fact that he's still in the UK offsets all the hardship, uncertainty and humiliation he's been through over the years. This is something that I, as a fellow Chinese, am still unable to understand. Like many undocumented Chinese immigrants here, he's worked in Chinatown restaurants. Now, you might think that doing this, he would have found his community. But in fact, the opposite was the case. He tells me that one of the ways men in Chinatown restaurants compete with each other is to report to the authorities when their rivals employ undocumented workers. One day he was caught out by this practice, and was then put in the detention center awaiting deportation. But Gary is cunning. He knows the commonly used device for many illegal migrants. That is seeking asylum. How did he do that? Well, he claimed that he had been an ardent Christian since his childhood. And if he was deported to China, he’d have faced religious persecution there. So as soon as his immigration lawyer stepped in, he was released and went underground once again. This is how he managed to stay in the UK, and the result of his asylum case is moot"
So much for nobody leaving home unless home is the mouth of a shark, and a philosophy functionally equivalent to #BelieveMigrants

Scottish Greens bid to give refugees right to vote - "Refugees and asylum seekers could be given the right to vote and stand as a candidate in Scottish elections under new proposals."
Doubtless they want open borders too. So...

76% of Muslims in Denmark want to ban criticism of Islam - "Almost eight out of ten Muslims living in Denmark want to make criticism of Islam illegal, according to a report from Denmark’s Ministry of Justice released called "Freedom of Speech in Denmark"... only 59 percent of people in the same group would welcome a law that would prohibit the introduction of sharia law in the country.However, putting the results of the study into a broader perspective, only 18 percent of Denmark’s population, including migrants from Muslim countries, would support banning criticism of Islam.As Voice of Europe reported, Dutch researcher Ruud Koopmans, who has been analyzing Muslim migrants living in Europe for more than 20 years, came to similar conclusions. His report from last year showed that two-thirds of Muslim migrants in Europe consider sharia law to be more important than the laws of the European country they reside in.Other studies in the past have shown other worrying results from Denmark, with four out of 10 Muslims in the country saying that Danish laws should be at least party based on sharia law, and over 10 percent even said Denmark's laws should be solely based on sharia law.Other countries like France have shown similar results. There, a survey showed that nearly half of Muslims support sharia law in the country. Danes are increasingly migrating to anti-immigration parties over concerns about Denmark's changing culture. The government also instituted a ban on burqas in 2018 and a petition to ban circumcision in the country received the 50,000 signatures required for a vote in parliament."

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