Facebook - "So, now that we're tearing down idols to the unacceptable, I'm looking forward to never seeing a Che t-shirt again, given that he put gay people in camps as 'agents of imperialism'."
James Lindsay, a better human on Twitter - "The Democrats constantly tell us they're the ones fighting to end systemic racism, but when given a simple opportunity to stop ongoing (not "historical") discrimination happening TODAY against Asian-Americans, Senate Democrats did a party-line vote to maintain systemic racism."
On university discrimination against Asians
Sean Last on Twitter - "A challenge: is one person from the Editorial Board of @JConIdeas willing to state publicly that they agree with the content of this article? If not, why exactly did they publish it?"
"Social scientists have become so conformist and status quo pushing they they literally can’t understand the very idea of publishing controversial work if you don’t openly agree with it. Attitudes like this would be funny if they weren’t doing so much damage to science."
On the Journal of Controversial Ideas publishing an article on Cognitive Creationism (i.e. Liberal Tabula Rasa)
Replies: "The social sciences wield immense power (not least, as teachers & advisors of our politicians), but are hardly more knowledgeable of society than were the medieval clergy, trapped as they are in a pre-Darwinian dark age."
Meme - "I have the same opinions as every major tv news channel, newspaper, and social media giant.
I have the same opinions as every major corporation
I have the same opinions as the UN and almost every state and local government in the world.
I am a rebellious, free thinking renegade who is impervious to propaganda"
Good Samaritan Church Pinellas Park - Posts | Facebook - "We worship a man of color murdered by keepers of the law"
Jews are people of colour? The outrage squad is going to descend
Not to mention the conflation of the judicial process with murder. Then again, liberals believe that, so
℃hris™️ on Twitter - "•Holocaust was legal
-People who hid Jews were criminals
•Slavery was legal
-People who freed slaves were criminals
•Segregation was legal
-People who stood up for equality and justice were criminals
Our government and laws aren’t a guide to human decency and morality."
But of course liberals love laws they agree with
Cotton picking lesson leaves Black middle school students reeling in Spokane - "It’s been almost a month since Emzayia and Zyeshauwne Feazell, 14-year-old twins, have stopped attending classes at Sacajawea Middle School in Spokane. That’s when, they said, an activity in their 8th grade social studies class left them feeling hurt, angry, and traumatized. The class was in the middle of a unit about industrial economics. As part of a classroom activity, their teacher pulled out a box of raw cotton and told the class they were going to do a “fun” activity to see who could clean the cotton the fastest. Emzayia and Zyeshauwne, who are Black, said their teacher’s activity made them feel uncomfortable... The twins were the only Black students — and only students of color — in their social studies class that day... What happened to the Feazell girls at Sacajawea Middle School is just one occurrence of a larger trend of using problematic activities to teach students about slavery. In 2019, a fifth-grade teacher in New York was accused of holding a mock slave auction. In March, an official at a middle school in Mississippi apologized for an activity that asked students to pretend they were enslaved and write letters that glossed over the reality of enslavement."
It doesn't pay to try to plan creative, hands-on lessons, since grievance mongers are everywhere
Maybe the moral of the story is that schools should be segregated again so minorities won't be triggered
Amiri King on Twitter - "I don’t know who needs to hear this, but visiting Mount Rushmore does not make you a racist. Neither did using a particular pancake syrup. You all have diminished the meaning of that word. That word is about as useful as a rape whistle on Epstein Island."
Brian 🇩🇴 on Twitter - "You racist Latinos are worst than racist whites. At least they’re privileged...you just wish you were."
Since anyone who disagrees with a liberal is racist...
Michelle Byrne on Twitter - *Straight pride sign* "Homophobic hate on show in Waterford City again tonight - covered the place in ‘straight pride’ posters. This follows the burning of a Pride flag and the cutting down of the replacement Pride flag in just over a week. #Pride"
Does this mean gay pride is heterophobic?
Breitbart - Posts | Facebook - "Millionaire Hollywood Elite Anthony Mackie says taking on the role of Captain America was humbling but difficult because America prevents black men from succeeding."
"Marvel Star Anthony Mackie: America Keeps Black Men from Seeing Their Potential"
Comment (elsewhere): "Two hyper-privileged millionaires pretending to be victims. My pet theory is the easier someone got to their privileged positions in life (let's be real acting isn't as tough as most real jobs or say being born a royal/children of rich people) the more likely they'd want to assuage their guilt from feeling they are unfairly lucky via creating imaginary oppression and oppressors."
No, the British government is not 'white nationalist' - "the Guardian... published an interview with Halima Begum, head of the Runnymede Trust, a ‘race equality’ think tank, in which she accused the UK’s Conservative government of pursuing a divisive ‘white nationalist’ agenda – one which supposedly prioritises the white working classes at the expense of non-white ethnic minorities in a bid to consolidate the Tories’ newfound support in Labour’s traditional heartlands. She also criticised government ministers for failing to respond meaningfully to the ‘seismic shifts’ represented by the Black Lives Matters (BLM) demonstrations and the disproportionate effect of the Covid-19 pandemic on BAME communities. In many ways, Begum’s intervention is not surprising. It just further confirms how the ‘anti-racism’ industry is being colonised by ideologues intent on keeping non-white people locked into a perpetual state of grievance and victimhood. The reality of the matter is that some of the most severely disadvantaged communities in the UK are predominantly white. These communities can be found in Britain’s long-abandoned post-industrial and coastal towns, which have suffered from long-term economic decline, and political and cultural exclusion – thanks to decades of free-market globalism and liberal cosmopolitanism. To suggest that devoting greater political attention to these neglected communities is a form of white nationalism is exactly the kind of hysterical identitarianism that undermines the broader anti-racist cause. Begum is right that the BLM movement has caused seismic shifts in British society. But these shifts do not represent progress. A recent poll by Opinium found that a majority of people – 55 per cent – believed that BLM has actually increased racial tensions. This view is also shared by a plurality of ethnic-minority Brits (44 per cent). Labour voters were also notably more likely to agree than disagree with the view that BLM has heightened racial tensions in British society. These survey results show how BLM has undermined social cohesion, and sown division and antagonism. No government in a multi-racial democracy should seriously entertain ideological movements which are clearly willing to sacrifice social solidarity on the altar of radical identity politics. But the liberal left has not just embraced BLM’s racial identitarianism over the past year. It has also racially weaponised Covid. In other words, the gravest national public-health crisis in the postwar era has been exploited by the anti-racism lobby in order to paint the UK government as a racist administration which does not care about its own ethnic-minority citizens. Yes, it is true that the pandemic has exposed very real socioeconomic disparities between the UK’s ethnic groups. But to ignore the myriad factors at play here – from geography and housing, to occupation and lifestyle – and blame such disparities on ‘structural racism’ is an especially crude and dangerous form of victimhood politics. Indeed, government adviser Dr Raghib Ali, senior clinical research associate at the MRC Epidemiology Unit at the University of Cambridge, has stated that structural racism is not a reasonable explanation for disparities between ethnic groups, and that focusing on factors such as occupation and housing would be more helpful... Begum’s labelling of the government’s policy agenda as white nationalist is a case in point. Racial nationalism, remember, is an ideology that frames national identity in racial terms. To be racially nationalist, as Begum claims the government is, is to want to preserve the ‘racial purity’ of a nation by facilitating the repatriation of existing racial minorities and halting flows of inward migration of other races. In the British context, white nationalists attempt to root ‘Britishness’ in racial identity, so that one can only be considered British if one is white. This reflects one of the key pillars of white nationalism internationally — namely, the commitment to the idea of the ‘white ethno-state’. The government can be accused of many things, but it hardly makes sense to suggest it is committed to forging a white ethno-state. After all, this is an administration with an Indian-origin home secretary, who recently created an immigration route for millions of Hong Kong residents wishing to flee from Chinese state oppression and start a new life in the UK."
Liberals: Racial minorities aren't more prone to crime. It's poverty. You need to adjust for confounding factors
Also Liberals: Covid hitting racial minorities more is proof of white supremacy
Since to liberals whiteness = success, maybe anyone promoting success is a white nationalist
Black Hammer Group "Liberates" Colorado Land For CHOP Commune - "The Black Hammer communist and virulent anti-semite group has “liberated” 200 acres in Colorado for their own new and improved commune... Woohoo!! The ultimate DREAM! Food, water, and housing will magically appear while the Covid Wuhan lung rot will magically disappear! The land is amazing and all who reside there will magically thrive... Hate to burst their bubble, but burst it I will. Two hundred acres of high mountain land in Colorado is rocky, it’s full of clay, and definitely not easy ground to work with while building an earthbag home or planting a garden. Furthermore, the planting and growing season in Colorado is VERY short. Oh, but wait, perhaps they’ll be as successful as the CHAZ/CHOP kiddies were in Seattle with their garden!"
How could anyone hate Anne Frank? - "Black Hammer, which calls itself a “revolutionary organization” working for “all colonized people worldwide,” tweeted monthly statements condemning the most famous victim of the Holocaust as a “colonizer” and a “bleach demon.” In one video, Gazi Kodzo, the founder of the organization, says “Anne Frank is white, and white equals colonizer.” He later calls her a “parasite.” Another post features a photo of “The Diary of a Young Girl” next to a fire, implying it will be burned... Anne Frank “benefitted from the looting of stolen land,” colonialism and slavery by virtue of living in Europe, and that “Anne Frank is literally amerikan propaganda used to silence colonized people on the harm yt jews are doing today to colonized people.” (The spelling errors were theirs.)... While Anne herself was in no way a colonizer, the fact that school systems, museums and public figures so often prioritize her narrative over those of people of color is troubling. Why is Anne’s diary so ubiquitous on school syllabuses when, for example, Toni Morrison’s work frequently makes the American Library Association’s list of the Top 10 most banned and challenged books? (Anne’s diary has been challenged but not banned.) Why is her face so widely recognized and her story so fully known, when those of nonwhite children in war-torn Syria or Gaza or Afghanistan tend to disappear in a numbing flood?... It’s worth noting that a bill expanding Holocaust education passed almost unanimously in the House of Representatives, and was signed into law by President Trump in 2020 — the same year he signed an executive order forbidding the teaching of critical race theory and “divisive concepts,” including depictions of sexism. Something has gone wrong if the diary is taught widely while our current struggles with racism are verboten in schools... She recalled the controversy when the U.S. Holocaust Museum was being planned and built in the 1980s, long before the museums of Native American and African American culture and history that now also stand on the National Mall. “People said, ‘Why are you focusing on that instead of focusing on American racism?’”"
By the logic of intersectionality, who is the victim here? The Jew who got killed in genocide or the Black Communists?
I like how they imply that it's a false flag, then mention similar logic. Clearly the sentiment is genuinely held by many
I like how Holocaust education is supposed to be the same as Critical Race Theory
Whataboutism is only bad when liberals use it as a slur
Rachel Klein on Twitter - "“Judeo-Christian” isn’t a thing. It a) positions Jews & Christians against Muslims, is Islamophobic b) elides Christian oppression & murder of Jews over more than 1000 years & c) ignores Jewish civilization worldwide & facts of key Jewish developments in Middle East & N Africa."
"Yup. The concept of “Judeo-Christian” is white supremacy, and buying into it as a Jew is a symptom of a naive hope that your proximity to western whiteness will somehow protect you, despite the historical data that suggests it never will."
All the Jewish turkeys voting for Christmas. But then Marx was anti-semitic too
Mysa Mami on Twitter - "Being a woman and dressing up in 1896 looks exhausting"
"They did all this work to go outside and terrorize black people"
Liberals claim that they want people to be taught history. But really they mean indoctrinating people into hating their country and white people
Gambia President: LGBT stands for leprosy, gonorrhoea, bacteria and tuberculosis - "Jammeh’s was speaking to mark the 49th anniversary of Gambia’s independent from Britain. “We will fight these vermins called homosexuals or gays the same way we are fighting malaria-causing mosquitoes, if not more aggressively”... He was responding to threats by Britain and other countries to stop aid to any government that passes anti-gay laws, as other African countries like Nigeria and Uganda introduced harsher laws for homosexuals recently. Jammeh said his government would not give into this pressure... “As far as I am concerned, LGBT can only stand for leprosy, gonorrhoea, bacteria and tuberculosis; all of which are detrimental to human existence.”"
Will liberals engage in cultural imperialism?