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Friday, January 21, 2022

Links - 21st January 2022 (2 - Trans Mania [plus: 'females'])

Jordyn Jay on Twitter - "If you are LGBQ+ person, you have stable income, and you are able to live proudly in your truth, donations to Black trans women should be a part of your monthly budget. If you are a cis man and you have stable income, you should be donating to Black trans women as reparations."

AMAB friendly period tracker? : MtF - "As someone who does not menstrate, I am struggling to find a good period tracker that does not assume I bleed. It can be really difficult for amab transwomen to track their periods because we dont menstruate. Ive been feeling like utter shit for a few days and just now realized i am on my period again. Does anyone know of a tracker app that is amab friendly? Everyone talks about flow, but that app assumes you are afab. It does not seem to have any options for trans people who do not menstruate.
EDIT: I am assuming this got down voted by a bunch of uneducated shitheads thinking they know shit. Yes, trans women have periods. Look it the fuck up you smooth brains. The fact that I need to write this disclaimer on this subreddit is fucking alarming. Educate yourselves on your bodies ladies."
Trans mania is founded on a delusion after all

Meme - "When someone calling you by the wrong name causes you to have a breakdown and seeing yourself in the mirror causes unending mental anguish but you definitely don't have a mental illness so the solution is to cause irreparable harm to your body through mutilating surgeries and hormone injections"

‘Non-Binary’ Singer Sam Smith Gets Insanely Creepy Tattoo of a Little Boy in High Heels and Underwear - "The tattoo, done in simple black line art, features a very young boy in his underwear and high heels while looking in the mirror. Of course, this disturbing imagery is being celebrated and cheered on by the liberal media — who are doing the whole “stunning and brave” bit while claiming this rubbish is some meaningful art about his “gender identity.” Though the fawning media class was quick to assign deep sentiments about the half naked child art, Smith himself has not actually commented on his motivations. Page Six even went as far as referring to the little boy in the tattoo as a “short-haired person” to apparently avoid misgendering a tattoo."

Brown Sugar Rarely a trifle utterance utterer on Twitter - "Misgendering kills. ️ Castration, infertilization and mastectomies of teenage children is okay. 🏽"

The Yaboiposting - Posts | Facebook - "Halle Berry says she won't play the role of a transgender man following criticism"
"The 41%ers think this is a win for them, win in reality it means another piece of their propaganda never making it to the bigscreen. I’ll take it!"

Facebook - "#RedditHatesWomen Reddit has delete 7 years of women’s voice and content because it’s not trans inclusive. THEY REMOVED SUBREDDITS FOR PCOS BECAUSE HAVING AN OVARY AND THE PAIN AND COMPLICATIONS THAT ARISE FROM PCOS IS NOT INCLUSIVE. And yet they kept subreddits like r/strugglefucking which is all about rape. This is censorship. This is an erasure of female bodies. This is misogyny. Go on the men sub reddit and delete them too because they mention the male anatomy too. Nah man and when women speak up about this they are cancelled by the mob. Well cancel me bitch because I’m not afraid."

Satiria - Posts | Facebook - "Gay rights activism has historically focused on lobbying for gay people to be allowed to do gay things with their own bodies. This differs radically from modern trans rights activism, which, critically, demands that the transgendered person have access to other peoples' bodies; from being able to use bathroom facilities reserved for persons of the opposite sex at one end of the scale, to 'trans women' (men) demanding sexual intercourse with lesbians for no reason other than that they, the 'trans woman', identifies as a woman. Whereas gay rights have been fought for solely to combat exclusion, trans rights may be being fought for in order to require compliance. That this outcome is possible makes the trans rights movement a narcissistic sex cult, intent on committing a sexual assault by deception on our civilisation while demanding that we willing surrender ourselves and subjugate our own preferences and orientations to those of trans activism, when and how trans activism demands it. Discuss."

Transgender prisoner attacked guards after razors were taken away meaning she could not shave - "Marcia Walker, 47, a child rapist formally known as Mark Walker, is legally recognised as female by the prison authorities but has been in a long-running dispute over access to gender realignment surgery. Durham Crown Court was told that Walker reacted angrily when prison officers from Frankland jail objected to her having razor blades. She claimed being unable to shave herself worsened her gender dysphoria and, when prison officers entered her cell, spat at one and told him: "I have Covid." During the same incident, Walker also made a specific threat to kill the prison's custody manager, Michael Roachford, as well as threatening another inmate. The court heard that Walker was already angry that copies of National Geographic magazine – sent into jail by a charity – had been confiscated from her cell because they contained pictures of naked children."

¿jordan¿ on Twitter - "misgendering sucks, but what feels even more violent is when people get my pronouns right and i can tell they still perceive me as a man"

Meme - "I'm a type 1 diabetic. The insulin that keeps me alive cost thousands of dollars a month. When trans people say their hormones are "lifesaving' it's an ableist insult. No, trans people will not LITERALLY die without hormones. I don't care how much they will "hurt" or want to ell themselves, they will ACTUALLY survive. Check back in a month, and their bodies will still be functioning. Type 1 diabetics will physically and undeniably be dead. And not only dead, but will have died a HORRIFIC and preventable death. These two claims are not and will never be the same."

ayybates on Twitter - "not wanting to date trans women stems from y’all not viewing them as “real” women... so yes your “preference” is transphobic."
"Man, we went from "someone else's sexual preferences are none of your business" to "shut up and take the dick, lesbians" real fast"
The "myth" of the slippery slope strikes again!

Meme - "RAPE CULTURE Is When MEN Feel Entitled to Sex From a Woman! This Is Oppressive! And Women Don't Owe You Anything!!!
Also if You're a Lesbian Who Won't Date Me Because l'M a Non-Binary Transtren- I Mean Transwoman Then You Are a TRANSPHOBIC BIGOT and You Should Feel Bad for Rejecting Me!"

‘Bitty Bug Soft Packer’ Crocheted Penis for Young ‘Trans' Children - "A transgender crafter is advertising a pattern for a crocheted prosthetic “penis” that can be worn by young “trans and non-binary” children. Bethany Amborn describes at knitting and crocheting website Ravelry the “Bitty Bug Soft Packer” is for use by children, while the “Lil’ Bug Soft Packer” is “for use by trans and non-binary folks, or as an anatomical model.”"

YOUTUBE.COM / VITO on Twitter - "The transgender community has declared that purchasing Cyberpunk 2077 is an act of transphobia. They are asking everyone who purchases the game to donate $70 to a transgender individual as a form of reparations. Will you be donating?"

EPIC: Some Michigan Residents Use Transgender 'Logic' to Go Maskless - "“A lot of people are using the phrase, ‘I identify as fully vaccinated’ and taking their masks off,” Kerry Ott, public information officer for the Luce, Mackinac, Alger, and Schoolcraft (LMAS) health department told Michigan Radio. “I’m not kidding …They’re not vaccinated, but they’re going to take their masks off.” So? What’s good for the goose is good for the gander, right? When so many buy into the idea that if you feel like you’re a woman when biologically you are a man, there’s no justification for saying one can’t identify as “fully vaccinated” when they are not."
Of course liberals will claim that you hurt people if you're not vaccinated but claim you are, ignoring the fact that even the added risk of not wearing a mask is conditional on being infected, and the added risk isn't even that much, as well as ignoring how biological men in women's sports hurts women

Megan Rapinoe slams Caitlyn Jenner after trans athletes comments - “"You were an exceptional athlete. You’re not an exceptional politician.”... Speaking from her private Malibu airplane hangar, Caitlyn Jenner also praised Donald Trump as a “disruptor”, and whined that her super-rich friends were leaving California so they don’t have to see homeless people."
Exceptional politician = one who agrees with liberals

WOKE WATCH: Caitlin Jenner not the right kind of trans pioneer - "They said she was “stunning and brave.” But now that Caitlyn Jenner is poised to make a run for California governor on the Republican ticket, the state’s LGBTQ community has gone ballistic."

Meme - "The Left when Caitlyn Gender decides to run for Governor of California as a Republican
"First trans governor"
"Vote blue no matter who""

Caitlyn Jenner faces backlash amongst LGBTQ community over campaign for California Governor

Caitlyn Jenner Slammed for ‘Blatant Transphobia’ After Reposting Donald Trump Jr. Meme Mocking Dr. Rachel Levine
You're not allowed to criticise trans people, even if you're trans. But if that person isn't a liberal that's good.

PinkNews - Posts | Facebook - "We need to fight the stigma around menstruation. All menstruating people must be considered in the conversation around period care, including trans, non-binary and intersex people. ️"
"Not all women have periods and not all people who have periods are women"
Top comment: "By TERF logic, a kid who starts their first one at age 11 is automatically a “woman” and that’s a line of logic that gets incredibly dark incredibly fast. There aren’t many groups of people with the best interests of children at heart who perform that amount of mental gymnastics to pretend that preteens are indistinguishable from adults to them."
Ironically, it's a good bet that it also claims that only incel call women "females"

If you call women "females", I will automatically and correctly assume your a virgin - Raw Confessions
So much for "inclusive language" being good.
Objectification of women is bad. Unless you're calling them people with vaginas and literally reducing them to their body parts because trans women are bigger victims than women in general

Is “female” as a noun misogynistic? : AskFeminists
Apparently 1 year old girls are "women" too

Why do incels/niceguys call women "females"? : NoStupidQuestions

Here's HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL referring to women as "BIRTHING PEOPLE" - "'The webinar panelists used the term "birthing person" to include those who identify as non-binary or transgender because not all who give birth identify as "women" or "girls." We understand the reactions to this terminology and in no way meant for it to erase or dehumanize women.' Yes, they now call women "birthing people" so as to not offend any women who may identify as men. "Not all who give birth identify as 'women' or 'girls,'" they say. This is not Huffington Post or stinking Jezebel; This is Harvard Medical School. This is real life, this is our world now."
Of course, we are told that only misogynists call women females

Barbara Kay: The complicated truth about transwomen in women’s prisons - "tected single-sex spaces like sport, abuse shelters and prisons have been compromised. That this double-cross of women is happening with the full-throated complicity of policy-makers who call themselves feminists is especially confounding... It is now government policy that men who identify as women — or say they do — are permitted to request transfer to women’s prison, where conditions are more pleasant, since violence there is not the issue it is in men’s prisons. These natal males are not required to undergo sex reassignment surgery, as used to be the case, which set a numerically low limit to those qualifying, or even required to embark on a hormone program. Amongst those natal males who have been permitted to transfer to Canadian women’s prisons have been a serial pedophile, a serial sex offender, a contract killer, a child killer and a murderer... According to Pierini, and not disputed by CAEFS, in a room of more than 60 women — mostly CAEFS directors, staffers and regional volunteers — Kathy’s story was met with stony silence. She was ushered from the room in tears. After she left, comments began to buzz, such as: “I’m sorry for what happened to her, but you don’t need a vagina to be a woman”; and “I am concerned about the transphobia in this room.” The discussion reverted to the need for full support of transwomen from CAEFS, as though Kathy had not spoken at all. The meeting ended with CAEFS adopting a blanket resolution of trans inclusion that, among other things, would come to mean supporting the transfer of any trans-identifying males from men’s prisons to women’s prisons. Before it was passed, a number of staffers and volunteers attempted to insert an amendment that would exclude prisoners with a history of sexual assault, and that would maintain female-only spaces. But they failed, and the resolution passed with a solid majority. Afterward, Pierini told me, regional advocates with whom she had up to then enjoyed warm relations, snubbed her as they left the room. The discussion reverted to the need for full support of transwomen from CAEFS, as though Kathy had not spoken at all. The meeting ended with CAEFS adopting a blanket resolution of trans inclusion that, among other things, would come to mean supporting the transfer of any trans-identifying males from men’s prisons to women’s prisons. Before it was passed, a number of staffers and volunteers attempted to insert an amendment that would exclude prisoners with a history of sexual assault, and that would maintain female-only spaces. But they failed, and the resolution passed with a solid majority. Afterward, Pierini told me, regional advocates with whom she had up to then enjoyed warm relations, snubbed her as they left the room. It was a pivotal moment of disillusionment for Pierini and a cadre of other CAEFS staff and volunteers, who stepped down from CAEFS involvement. A resistance movement coalesced and, under the leadership of Heather Mason, an outspoken former prisoner/activist (who brought me this story), materialized in a June 2 open letter to the CAEFS executive director and board members, signed by 22 CAEFS dissidents with prison experience, in which Kathy’s humiliating experience was described as a tipping point in their dissatisfaction. The letter’s most powerful lines are these: “We think back to the situation for women in the 1930s when a tunnel was built between P4W (Prison for Women) and Kingston Penitentiary so that women could be carried underground, to be sexually abused by male prisoners. What has changed? The tunnel is now ideological, and all it takes is a transfer.”... Mason cites a May 2019 meeting between stakeholders in the male-transfer issue with former Deputy Commissioner for Women, Kelly Blanchette, who “reported that of all transfer requests from men’s prisons, 50 per cent came from sex offenders who offended as men (accounting) for 20 per cent of the male prison population overall.” (Sexual crimes are attached to about two per cent of women prisoners.)... Elizabeth Fry would have known that limits to “inclusion” for natal males must be set at the point where women start paying for trans inclusion in fear, heightened risk and abuse. And so should any organization that bears her name."

Newsom needs to halt transgender mixing of prison populations, women advocates say - "A California law allowing transgender inmates to pick the prison gender of their choice has come under fire from a women’s rights group citing abuse of females by men. In a letter to Gov. Gavin Newsom, the Women’s Liberation Front accused the state of violating the constitutional rights of incarcerated women by allowing men into their living quarters to “prey on women.” Since the law took effect on Jan. 1, WLF has received numerous complaints of assaulted, abused, and traumatized women at the hands of male inmates transferred into their prisons"

California women inmates decry being housed with male prisoners - "At medical clinics inside the Central California Women’s Facility, newly available resources suggest that women housed there should anticipate a heightened risk of being raped... Posters displayed in these medical clinics advertise a variety of options for “pregnant people” who might become pregnant while in prison. The methods available to female inmates to prevent pregnancies are condoms and the emergency contraception Plan B. Yet these measures were only deemed necessary after the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation started allowing men, who claim a gender identity other than their biological sex, to be housed with women earlier this year... three out of the four trans-identifying men that she wrote about are HIV-positive, according to a CIW officer. The department’s push to distribute condoms to the prison population for the purposes of avoiding liability was too late... In 2015, access to condoms became law in the Golden State. It was the second state in the nation, after Vermont, to allow all state prisoners to have access to condoms even though sex between prisoners is unlawful... “What kind of human being would intentionally cause harm by placing a number [of] HIV-infected, anatomically male prisoners among the female prisoners?” she asked, adding that the general public is not aware that this is happening... "We have male officers who have to announce their presence when they even walk down the hall! In case we're undressed! Yet, now men can share our showers.”"

Meme - "It's easier to come out as gay now than it is to come out as a Conservative"
"And that's because there's nothing wrong with being gay..." When you prove the point

Jasmine('s boobs hurt) on Twitter - "Can't understand guys that don't want a trans girlfriend. Like bro, you could have had a girlfriend that wears lingerie AND plays Smash Bros with you, but you had to be transphobic, smh 🤦🏻‍♀️"
Normally this sort of sentiment would be misogynistic, but since trans women are above cis women in the progressive stack...

Meme - "@MairuFox: Whoever said "you can just be a girl" is a fucking liar. I've been on hrt for 7 years. 7!!! When the fuck does the girl happen?!?!"

Mark Sparrow в Twitter - "Just a friendly reminder that u should call ur animals by gender-neutral or multiple pronouns. They CAN understand you and YES it is possible for an animal to be trans. Your cat having a penis does not make it male. It is straight up animal abuse to deliberately misgender your pets so please do not do it."
"Please don't misgender your pets. Choose a gender-neutral pronoun for them."

Todd the white man 🇿🇦 on Twitter - "I'm just saying. There's absolutely no way a 12 Yr old knows for sure that she's a polyamorous, androgynous, gender Nuetral, non binary, pansexual, demi boy who's pronouns are Xim/Xer. She got that shit from tumblr and the grown adults grooming her there. Take her phone away."

Physical fitness differences between prepubescent boys and girls - " The purpose of this study was to analyze in which physical capabilities boys and girls are closer or distant. An additional objective was to find which of the body fat, physical activity, and somatotype factors have a greater effect on prepubescent children's physical fitness. This was a cross-sectional study involving 312 children (10.8 ± 0.4 years). The physical fitness assessment employed sets of aerobic fitness, strength, flexibility, speed, agility, and balance. The boys presented higher values in all selected tests, except tests of balance and flexibility, in which girls scored better. Gender differences in the physical fitness were greatest in the explosive strength of upper (p ≤ 0.01, η(p)(2) = 0.09) and lower limbs (p ≤ 0.01, η(p)(2) = 0.08), although with a medium-size effect of gender, and smaller in the abdominal (p > 0.05, η(p)(2) = 0.007) and upper limbs (p > 0.05, η(p)(2) = 0.003) muscular endurance, and trunk extensor strength and flexibility (p > 0.05, η(p)(2) = 0.001). The endomorphic (p ≤ 0.01, η(p)(2) = 0.26) in the girls, and the ectomorphic (p ≤ 0.01, η(p)(2) = 0.31) and mesomorphic (p ≤ 0.01, η(p)(2) = 0.26) in the boys, had the high-sized effect on the physical fitness. The physical activity in the girls, and the endomorphic and body fat in the boys, did not have a significant effect. These findings can help in the planning of activities that take into account the success and motivation of both boys and girls and thus increase levels of physical activity and physical fitness at school. However, in prepubescent children, one cannot neglect the influence of genetic determinism, observed from the morphoconstitutional point of view."
I saw a liberal claiming that there was no justification for banning trans girls in high schools from playing in girls' leagues, even though he grudgingly accepted the science on adult athletes
Note that this is for prepubescents - post puberty biological males' advantages would only grow

Ðimitri on Twitter - "Non-binary is basically when a spectrum of mental illness intersects with a spectrum of attention seeking."

James Lindsay - Posts | Facebook - "The dialectical moves from the radical left are calibrated to provoke responses that further the dialectical goals. "All men are created equal" (an older variant of "all lives matter") is the dialectical target of "black lives matter."
See how it works yet?
They say "black lives matter," negating by implication (in both directions) "all men are created equal." People reply "all lives matter," a rearticulation of "all men are created equal," and they argue it explicitly erases black lives, and the dialectical process continues.
This exact same trick is utilized in gender affirmation. If you affirm gender, biological sex (and sexual relations) are negated. If you don't, you're "literally erasing existence," and the negation continues morally.
They're making young people mentally ill to effect this too.
The fact that they're literally driving young people into mental and spiritual illness to achieve a deconstruction of society to prop up their ambitions is evil. Sick and twisted. The radical left isn't liberating the youth; they're using and destroying them, and they don't care.
The reason you can't have a conversation with the radical left is because conversation requires seeing both partners as equals in some regard. No conversation is possible when one side sees itself as wholly superior. That's domination and participants are in bondage."

DEBUNKED: Trans health care isn’t being 'rolled back' by Trump - "Every few months, the media rolls out a new scary headline about LGBT rights being removed. You may remember the claim in 2017 that the CDC was banning the word “transgender” from their work, or in 2018 when the narrative was Trump taking away the ability for people to legally change their gender. None of these things actually happened, but the entirety of the LGBT community seemed to believe these media headlines, and never corrected themselves when they didn’t come to pass...
The claim: The Trump Administration has overturned an Obama-era protection for transgender people in health care. This will lead to transgender people being denied health care for not only elective surgeries relating to transition, but also for serious health conditions.
The truth: The transgender protection that everyone is hysterical about being revoked was ruled against in court before Trump was even president. It was never law; therefore it is impossible for the Trump administration to revoke it. The mandate was struck down in 2016 before Trump was inaugurated, which means Obama was still president...
In fact, as Director of the Office for Civil Rights Roger Severino puts it, transgender people are already protected by various statutes that prevent discrimination in health care... It is notable to state that the gravity of emotional manipulation on the LGBT community at the hands of the media. The media chose the four-year anniversary of the Pulse Nightclub shootings to blast this story out, causing mass hysteria and heartache"

Meme - "Chayse update. She has informed me today that she would rather stay a boy. I am confused and not sure how to take it. She told us when she was 4 that she wanted to be a girl. We supported her no matter what. Has anyone else experienced this?"
Addendum: Trans kids are like vegan cats. We know who's making the decisions

I escaped war in iran and immigrated to america just for my son to play dress up and kiss boys watch online

Meme - "Due to it being #Pride2021 felt safe to come out. Today is the day lam #TransRacial. I am now a black woman, I have successfully went White-To-Black. I am able to say nigga and other slurs blacks may reclaim. More info down below! #ALM #PrideMonth2021 #Pride \ ~"

Meme - "Ashley Sinclair @Ashley4Kxxx- Due to it being #Pride2021g8 i felt safe to come out. Today is the day i am #TransRacial. i am now a black woman, I have successfully went White-To-Black."

Virginia girl slams school board for trans locker room policy - "A 14-year-old Virginia girl has lashed out at her school district — claiming that its policy to allow transgender children to use female locker rooms is “dangerous” and “rooted in sexism.” “Two years ago, I was told policy 1040 was just an umbrella philosophy and you weren’t going to allow boys into the girls’ locker rooms. But here you are doing just that,” eighth-grader Jolene Grover told the school district... The teen, who was wearing a shirt that read “Woman is female,” defiantly told the board members: “Everyone knows what a boy is — even you.” “Your proposed policies are dangerous and rooted in sexism,” she added. The middle schooler then argued that “modern identities” are only “superficial.” “When woke kids ask me if I was a lesbian or a trans boy because I cut my hair short, it should tell you these modern identities are superficial”... “Now, boys are reading erotica in the classroom next to girls and you want to give them access to girls’ locker rooms and you want to force girls to call those boys ‘she,’” Jolene told the board. “You do this in the name of inclusivity while ignoring the girls who will pay the price. Your policies choose boys’ wants over girls’ needs”"

Judge apologises after calling transgender woman a man in courtroom - "Allahra Aziz, who stole the wallet from a private area of the John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford, appeared at Oxford Crown Court via videolink from prison on Thursday after admitting charges of burglary and fraud... During the outburst, she also claimed she had given birth to a son and that she had been the victim of rape during her stay at HMP Wormwood Scrubs in London... After hearing of the difficult time faced by transgender women in men’s prisons, Judge Pringle sentenced Ms Aziz to four months for burglary and one month for fraud to run concurrently."

Transgender Teen With Pattern of Violence Against Women "Anxious" to be Jailed With Women - "18-year-old Barbie Kardashian made threats of violence against two individuals... The teen, whom Gript reveals was named Alejandro Gentile at birth, has demonstrated a pattern of severe abuse against women."

Transgender Dad Grooms, Rapes His 3-Year-Old Daughter, Receives 18 Months in Women's Prison - "A 33-year-old man who self-identifies as a woman was sentenced to 18 months in prison after repeatedly raping his own three-year-old daughter."

Freight Tran Lia on Twitter - "Some of y'all aren't ready to hear this but it's transphobic for gynecologists not to treat pre-op transfemme patients under HRT. My girldick is as much a feminine organ - that my body treats just like a vagina - as the next girl and deserves specific, woman-oriented healthcare."
Catering to mental illness means the demands grow ever more brazen

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