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Monday, November 08, 2021

I hope Xi sees this: Lefty Memes for Christian Teens

China Xinhua News @XHNews China state-affiliated media: "This hydrogen-powered train emits only water. China's first hydrogen fuel cell hybrid locomotive has begun a trial run in Inner Mongolia. #GLOBALink"

Danny Haiphong on Twitter: "What a country can accomplish when it doesn't spend trillions on bombs, prisons, and cops."

Lefty Memes for Christian Teens: I’m going to ban everyone who likes these suspicious comments as well as the posters

Lefty Memes for Christian Teens: If anyone needs help doing research start with greyzone https://thegrayzone.com/2021/01/28/ny-times-uighur-china-genocide-falun-gong/ [Ed: "NY Times’ pseudo-expert accusing China of genocide worked for far-right cult Falun Gong’s publicity arm"]

Tyler Lee: Truthful sentiment. WRONG country to pick for your example. 😆👍

Lefty Memes for Christian Teens: the country that has eradicated poverty?

William Halfy: Have you seen Beijing after dark? Homeless people sleeping on the street from one end of the city to the other.

Tyler Lee: A nation that classifies a couple of bucks per day as the poverty line. By their own admission.
That aside, they have concentration camps. Can't really advocate for the benefits of fewer prisons while simping for a country that uses prison labor.

Lefty Memes for Christian Teens: not today cia

Mica Baker: Bunch of folks in these comments should be collecting paychecks from the US State Department instead of doing their work for free

Lefty Memes for Christian Teens: most paid trolls

Anthony Reid: they uh... they definitely spend a buttload on all those things.

Neil Taylor: But China is the world’s #2 spender on bombs, prisons and cops. It has the world’s biggest army, navy, militia, police force; concentration camps and black jails beyond count, on track to 1,000 nuclear missiles.
Oh yeah. And they have a train.

Chris Anthony: Queue the "both sides are bad" geopolitical centrists, who don't believe anything the corporate owned western media says except what they say about socialist states threatening US hegemony.

Elliot Fartsneed: Not even gonna mention that China spends a lot of money on even worse shit? Chinese shit is flimsy as fuck and they rip everything off. They've spent billions on houses no one will ever inhabit and they're gonna call US cops bad when you're comparing them to CHINESE COPS THAT WILL DETAIN YOU FOR NO REASON. God admin is retarded

Eric Ogburn: A New Estimate of China’s Military Expenditure | SIPRI

Jeremy Stolz: If only we were a single party system who puts Muslims in concentration camps & disappears anyone who speaks out against the party.

I had to look at the page to see if this was a satire page.

Apparently it's not one - just a tankie page. Which is not surprising, given how many tankies blame the CIA for everything bad about Communist countries (whether just in appearance or also in fact). The loads of tankeis in the comments is telling too.

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