Canada's teen transgender treatment boom: Life-saving services or dangerous experimentation? - "by the time the class reached Grade 10 this fall, the boy was no longer alone: At least half a dozen other biological girls in the same loose friend group, including Mary’s daughter, had also come out as transgender.“It became much more of a thing within one year,” said the mother, who asked that her full name and that of the school be withheld to protect the family’s privacy. “It does seem not statistically possible.”Yet an elementary school in Eastern Ontario experienced the same phenomenon four years ago. Within months of an outside group’s presentation on gender identity to a Grade 7 class, at least five of the 32 pupils declared they were transgender, said Carolyn, a parent at the school. Her 11-year-old son was among them, announcing he was a “demi-girl.” “It was kind of presented (at school) that if you are uncomfortable with your body you can be transgender,” said the mother, who is also a social worker and counsels troubled youth. “Lightbulbs went on, with multiple children in this class.” The surprising clusters of gender dysphoria — the feeling of having a gender identity different than one’s birth sex — arose amid another striking trend. The number of Canadian adolescents reporting to gender-identity clinics with dysphoria has soared in recent years, a large majority of them being teenagers born female... Sadie, who asked that her full name not be published, said the B.C. Children’s Hospital offered her a testosterone prescription when she was 17, after just two hour-long sessions with psychologists. She thought then she was a trans boy.“Even I was thinking it was too fast, and I wanted it,” Sadie said. “I remember one (therapist), I talked about anxiety, depression and she said, ‘Oh yeah, that will go away once you go on T.’ And I thought, ‘Oh, not helpful, but thank you, I guess.’ ”Now 21, she said she identifies as gender fluid or non-binary, and is grateful she never did medically alter her body. A professional at a mental health clinic for youth in Western Canada, transgender himself, said he tries to approach gender dysphoria clients in a balanced way, explaining both the risks and benefits of medical transition. But he said he’s been harshly criticized by superiors, accused of not caring about the patients.“I don’t feel good about transitioning someone and giving someone permanent changes to their body when they’re actually a gay woman — that doesn’t feel like ethical practice,” said the counselor, who’s not authorized to speak for his employer and asked for anonymity. “But all these fears about conversion therapy, or the narrative of never questioning anyone’s identity, has made it impossible for us to talk about this … We’ve created this very dangerous situation for kids.”Similar concerns are echoed by so-called detransitioners, people who have changed to another gender and come to rethink their decision. A new Canadian detrans group is part of what may be a growing cohort.Schools also sometimes actively support gender transition, even accepting name changes without informing parents. Ottawa resident Pam Buffone says her six-year-old came home upset after a lesson on gender identity in which her teacher said “boys are not real and girls are not real.”... “What’s happening in Canada is an uncontrolled medical experiment on children without any independent oversight or requirement to track health outcomes,” said Buffone, who runs the Canada Gender Report, a group raising questions about such issues. “We’re going into this totally blind.”There has been some pushback. At a mother’s request, a B.C. judge this month imposed an injunction temporarily delaying a mastectomy for a female-born, 17-year-old transgender boy.But rather than pause and re-assess current approaches, legislation now being considered by Parliament could further entrench the affirmation model. Bill C-6 outlaws “conversion therapy,” treatments designed to correct someone’s sexual orientation or gender identity, but critics worry that it could effectively criminalize non-medical options, like psychotherapy, for treating gender dysphoria. Meanwhile, some other countries that have seen similar trends are taking a step back.The U.K.’s High Court ruled earlier this month that it’s highly unlikely children under 16 can properly consent to taking puberty blockers, and suggested a court order would be appropriate to authorize the “experimental” treatment.Sweden’s left-of-centre government shelved its plan to lower the minimum age for sex-reassignment surgery, launching a review of gender dysphoria treatment instead.In Canada, the number of pediatric clients at 10 gender clinics across the country climbed steadily from barely any in 2004, to more than 1,000 in 2016, according to Trans Youth Can!, a study on hormone treatment of dysphoria.More than eight in 10 of them were children born as girls who came out as trans boys, and two-thirds showed up at the clinics at age 14 or 15, the project’s data suggests... The parents claimed to have open-minded and accepting views about sexual orientation and gender identity, but felt their own children were being pushed too fast toward transition.They described offspring who had been suffering emotional or psychological problems — depression, anxiety, eating disorders, self-harm, ADHD, bullying — then declared abruptly in the midst of puberty or early adolescence that they were transgender.Some eventually abandoned their transgender identity, turning out to be gay, lesbian or bi-sexual... staff at the transgender clinic at Toronto’s Hospital for Sick Children recommended after the second of two relatively brief sessions that the child start puberty blockers... James Cantor has a provocative theory to explain the sudden flood of girls identifying as trans boys in adolescence.A former sexual behaviour scientist at Ontario’s Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH), Cantor is critical of the current treatment paradigm. He believes those girls are simply being misdiagnosed, much like a previous generation’s mental health troubles were often blamed on suppressed memories of childhood sexual abuse, a practice that has been largely discredited.Cantor suspects many are suffering from borderline personality disorder, a condition marked in part by confused self-identity and suicidal thoughts. “As a clinician-scientist, one should be curious,” said Ken Zucker, who headed the CAMH gender clinic until it was shut down in 2015 under contentious circumstances. “We’re seeing a whole group of kids we never saw before. What is this about? … Anybody who sees adolescents with gender dysphoria needs to think about it.”A hotly debated paper published in 2018 by Brown University public health professor Dr. Lisa Littman even coined a term for the possible phenomenon — rapid onset gender dysphoria (ROGD) — and theorized that social contagion could be one explanation for it... her son had his revelation at a time when he was emotionally fragile, socially rejected by other boys in his class, depressed and anxious.Four years later, he now identifies as a heterosexual boy, and even has a girlfriend. But the episode made it clear to Carolyn that the health-care, social-service and education systems are determined to be affirmative. She notes that her husband, a child-protection worker, must ask every young person he deals with, unsolicited, about his or her gender identity... “If you make a mistake about being gay, there’s no harm, no foul, really in the end.” Mary said. “But If you think you’re transgender at 15 and have a mastectomy, and then at 25 you go, ‘Oh, my God, what did I do?’ — that’s why parents are terrified.”"
GRAHAM: Transfixed By Trans Fiction - "Our dominant media’s celebration of transgender people must inevitably include the distorted sounds of our tastemakers becoming transfixed by trans fiction.Exhibit A is a new novel titled “Detransition, Baby” by trans woman Torrey Peters... Subverting the “dominant narrative” of the gender binary draws many earnest, if unsurprising, endorsements — from Vox, BuzzFeed, O: The Oprah Magazine and so on. The publisher especially likes The New York Times Editors’ Choice blurb from “trans lit” author Andrea Lawlor, who proclaims, “‘Detransition, Baby’ might destroy your book club, but in a good way.”... Now everyone on the libertine Left wants to be part of an “evolution” in the literature of “marginalized people.” NPR promoted this novel twice over, since NPR is a taxpayer-funded sandbox for the Revolution... Gender is a “performance,” not a biological fact. Thanks to NPR and the rest, Peters insists we’ve arrived at the moment “where the dominant culture begins to understand itself through the terms set by the marginalized culture,” and that we should now define ourselves by the lights of “queer scholars.” The NPR host did raise one expected critique from the Left: that the subject of detransitioning could be used as an “aha” moment for right-winger critics. Peters insisted that “in order to detransition, you have to first transition. So therefore, detransition belongs to trans people. It’s ours. And we shouldn’t let other people weaponize it against us.”Grooving on the usual NPR vibe, Sanders and Peters agreed the “strict nuclear family” paradigm “isn’t working.” The incoming new age will reject “constraining gender roles” and welcome an inevitable arrival of — wait for it — “heteropessimism.”... This is another reason why a new Gallup poll found that almost 16% of Generation Z adults (ages 18 to 23) identify as LGBT. The propaganda mill for “heteropessimism” is picking up speed."
Transgender woman forced to remove makeup for driver's licence photo - "I was sobbing"
If you are so fragile that you cannot remove your makeup without breaking down, you need therapy
Coven of Sex Workers on Twitter - "Can we also talk about how it’s not just women who strip? It’s non binary strippers too. By saying that strip clubs “objectify women”, you’re saying that you view non binary bodies in strip clubs as inherently female. That completely erases non binary workers."
This is what is meant by trans mania erasing women
Manchester University scraps the word ‘mother’ | The Spectator - "The guide begins with a fatwa against age, saying that it should not be brought up unless strictly relevant, and even then only objective terms can be used. So the words ‘elderly’, ‘OAPs’, ‘pensioners’, ‘youngsters’, and ‘mature workforce’ are now banned, to be replaced by ‘over-65s, 75s and so on’.When it comes to illness and disability, for some reason using the word ‘diabetic’ is no longer allowed and staff are instead encouraged to use language that focuses on people’s ‘abilities, rather than limitations’. In the eyes of Manchester University, someone is no longer ‘suffering from cancer’ but are a person ‘living with cancer’. Similarly, the university no longer says that someone is a ‘victim of dementia’ – presumably because dementia is something to be appreciated in the eyes of the inclusivity team. Arguably though it’s on gender where the most radical changes take place. From now on gender-neutral terms are in vogue in Manchester, which means that ‘man’, ‘woman’, ‘mother’ and ‘father’ are no longer appropriate for use in university materials, to be replaced by ‘individuals’ and ‘guardians’. Mr S imagines that things might become tricky on Mother's Day this weekend, which will presumably now have to be styled 'Guardian's Day'."
My Eating Disorder Was My Identity
Clearly, trying to treat eating disorders and denying people's rights to starve themselves is saying that people with eating disorders don't exist.
Basic human rights are not up for debate!
Why Can't My Famous Gender Nonconforming Friends Get Laid?
Comment: "TRAs ARE incels. The two groups are interchangeable, the real difference being that TRAs spend more money on photoshoots"
Academics called breastfeeding 'ethically problematic' because it endorses 'gender roles.' Their view is gaining traction. - "U.S. academics wrote in study published in 2016 that the promotion of breastfeeding as the "natural" way to feed infants is "ethically problematic."
The academics argued that the term "breastfeeding" could "endorse controversial set of values about family life and gender roles."
In early 2021, Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals in the United Kingdom drew international criticism for swapping the word “breastfeeding” for “chestfeeding” in an attempt to be more inclusive of transgender individuals.Likewise, Harvard Medical School referred to women as “birthing people” in an effort to “include those who identify as non-binary or transgender"... “We are concerned about breastfeeding promotion that praises breastfeeding as the ‘natural’ way to feed infants,” wrote Jessica Martucci of the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine and Anne Barnhill of Johns Hopkins University in the journal Pediatrics. “Promoting breastfeeding as ‘natural’ may be ethically problematic, and, even more troublingly, it may bolster this belief that ‘natural’ approaches are presumptively healthier."... As recently as 2012, the American Academy of Pediatrics reaffirmed its stance that “breastfeeding and human milk are the normative standards for infant feeding and nutrition.”"
The ‘chestfeeding’ debacle is yet another example of women being written out of the picture - "A friend who wants to get pregnant told me the other day how, on registering with a fertility clinic in the US, she was asked not just what her gender is but whether she was also born female. My friend was confused. Has 'inclusivity' gone so far that someone might actually be under the illusion that, were they born male, they could conceive a child?It's not impossible, for we live in mad times. Nobody – trans, non-binary or otherwise – should be persecuted, attacked or denied healthcare because of who they are. But it seems we've moved well beyond that goal... Staff will also say ‘chestmilk’, the queasy-making ‘human milk’ or the longer, more jargonny option typical of the paranoid cadences of our times: ‘milk from the feeding mother or parent’. It seems that breast, by some peculiar logic, is now an offensive word to people who want to feed from breasts but don’t want them called breasts. This is odd, since men also have breasts. Me can get breast cancer. They can have moobs. They do breastroke and, at least in more poetic days gone by, they beat their breasts... the policy document outlining these bizarre changes tells us that it will not be outlawing the word “woman” – what largesse! – only adding to it. So it’ll be ‘human milk’ for the person in Bed 23, ‘chest milk’ for Bed 25, ‘mother’ at Bed 19, ‘biological parent’ at Bed 21 and ‘breast milk’ for Bed 31. A good bit of the mental energy that should be spent on keeping mothers safe and healthy will now have to be rechanneled towards getting the lingo right... It is also odd that when it comes to listing 'inclusive' terms denoting biological male body parts and processes for those who become, but were not born, men, the mind goes blank. The problem, curiously, seems to begin and end with all things 'woman'. Strange that... But when an idea like this leaks out of academia and, incredibly, spreads like wildfire through culture and society, things go bad. The line between the politically expedient and the true is so manipulated that it begins to disappear altogether. And as women are finding out, the line between being a woman – a breastfeeding, womb-having, mothering woman – and a person told not to dare assume such an exclusionary category, is fast disappearing. Thus instead of making the world a more "inclusive" place, policies like Brighton's are actually making it feel a rather more misogynistic one.
The fact that "transmen" don't make such a fuss is suggestive
Forcing midwives to say 'chestfeeding' can only undermine the trans rights cause - "Thanks to this decision, a myriad of unashamed transphobes will leap onto the offensive, saying that trans people are attacking women’s rights – and they will specifically attack trans women, because we’re always blamed for everything. (Now do you believe we’re female?!)But here’s the thing. This has nothing to do with us.For one thing, we will never get pregnant. And we certainly do not want to attack femaleness, or women’s rights, because we’re going to a gigantic amount of trouble, pain and expense to live the most female lives we can. In fact, this whole motherhood/breastfeeding issue is essentially a female-to-male trans problem, because trans men want to be known as men, and live as men, which is their moral and legal right. But many also want to reproduce and the only way they can do that is by retaining their natal female reproductive system.Trouble is, giving birth is, by definition, a female act. The capacity to do so is what makes female mammals female... I am a massive believer in trans rights. I feel strongly about the astonishing degree of casual transphobia in society. But I am also a believer in rational thought and empirical facts.If we trans people want the recognition, the rights, care, and the freedom from abuse and violence that we deserve, then (a) don’t demand respect for our gender identity while showing scant respect for the identities of conventional men and women, and (b) don’t encourage haters who think we’re all delusional nut jobs by insisting on things that might easily be seen as delusional and nutty. Both (a) and (b) apply, times ten, to organisations who think they are acting in our interests."
Largest study to date confirms overlap between autism and gender diversity - "People who do not identify with the sex they were assigned at birth are three to six times as likely to be autistic as cisgender people are, according to the largest study yet to examine the connection. Gender-diverse people are also more likely to report autism traits and to suspect they have undiagnosed autism... It also indicates a need for clinicians and educators to talk with autistic people about gender identity, Dewinter says, and to be aware of potential mental health impacts that can result from ‘minority stress’ — or the difficulties associated with being part of a marginalized group. Being both autistic and gender diverse can intensify such stress. “Clinicians and practitioners in both fields — autism and gender identity — need to be aware of this association, and to factor it into how best to support the person’s mental health”... Nearly 70 percent of autistic gender-diverse adolescents say they need medical gender-related care, according to a small 2018 study, and 32 percent say their gender identity has been questioned because of their autism diagnosis.“It’s really, really distressing to read sometimes, where you have people who have very strong gender dysphoria and want to transition, and their therapist says, ‘Well, we need to first cure your autism before we transition,’ which is wrong on all levels”"
Too bad they're drawing the wrong conclusions
Woman 'arranges for psychologist to pour drain cleaner in her eyes after fantasising about being blind' - "A woman who fantasised about being blind claims to have arranged to have drain cleaner poured in her eyes to live the way she was “supposed to be born”, it has been reported.Jewel Shuping, from North Carolina, said she was diagnosed with Body Integrity Identity Disorder, a psychological condition where healthy people believe they are meant to be disabled.The 30-year-old’s desire to be blind reportedly began in early childhood. At the age of six she would spend hours staring at the sun after being told it could damage her eyes... The agency reported that by the time she was a teenager, Ms Shuping started to wear thick, black sunglasses, getting her first white cane at 18, and was fully fluent in braille by 20.Ms Shuping said she was “blind-swimming” or pretending to be blind. “The idea kept coming up in my head and by the time I was 21 it was a non-stop alarm that was going off”... BIID, a disorder coined by Dr Michael First, affects a small percentage of the population and is typically associated with the desire to have a specific body part amputated. Suffers often become envious of people who have the disability they crave. A theory as to the disorder’s cause is that “the brain is not able to provide an accurate plan of the body” causing it to see the offending body part as “foreign and not actually part of the person, thus the desire to have it removed”... Ms Shuping said she was sharing her story to raise public awareness of BIID and encourage people with the condition to seek medical help."
Trans-abled people exist and refusing them basic medical care is denying them human rights! Too bad Shuping has internalised trans(abled)phobia
Demi Lovato Calls Gender Reveal Parties 'Transphobic' - "Only individuals can determine their own gender."
Taipei high school opens first gender-neutral restrooms in Taiwan - "Taipei’s Minsheng Junior High School has become the first public high school in Taiwan to have gender-neutral restrooms... Taipei City Deputy Mayor Chen Chin-jun said on Monday that the school’s recent addition of gender-neutral restrooms is a practical application that can help raise cultural awareness of gender inclusiveness... some universities in Taiwan such as Shih Hsin University and National Cheng Kung University have also introduced gender-neutral restrooms on campuses, but it is only recently Taiwan’s government made a push for more gender-neutral bathrooms in government departments and agencies... The single-stalled restrooms stripped of gender identifiers help build an overall gender-friendly school environment, and make going to the bathroom a nice experience for everyone"
And people claim Asia is different
please remove your shoes before entering my blog - "straight dude: what if my d&d character was like really violently homophobic. not because i am but like it would be dark and edgy
me: (internally) oscar wilde was right
'Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth'"
So all those guys who roleplay girls are trans. And those who play GTA are murderers
PinkNews on Twitter - "Ancient Viking warrior given a hero's burial may have actually been 'transgender, non-binary or gender fluid', researchers say"
Comment (elewhere): "Contemporary historians: "Be careful when you are reading older historiography. People had a tendency to inject their narratives with politics and views that were fashionable at the time."
Also contemporary historians:"
Origins of female homosexuality - "Severi Luoto and co-authors, Adjunct Professor Markus J. Rantala from University of Turku in Finland and Professor Indrikis Krams from the University of Tartu in Estonia and University of Latvia, examined 460 scientific studies from neuroscience, biology and psychology. Their review identified clusters of sex-typical traits which vary in degrees of masculinity. Non-heterosexual women tend toward higher masculinity on physiological traits such as facial structure, digit ratio, long bone growth and auditory biomarkers. For behavioural and psychological traits, they have a greater propensity to engage in risky behaviour, alcohol use, and sexual sensation seeking.While these traits vary between heterosexual and non-heterosexual women, the current findings suggest the traits also vary between different types of non-heterosexual women.Luoto says that women have increasingly more masculine traits across the spectrum of sexual orientation: from heterosexual, mostly heterosexual, bisexual, femme lesbian to butch lesbian women. “Butch lesbians show a composite of masculine biological, psychological, and behavioural characteristics. Higher bodily masculinity is an indication of higher exposure to testosterone in prenatal development. Femme lesbians and bisexuals do not have similarly masculinised bodily traits, but they do show psychological and behavioural masculinisation. So, we infer that bodies of femmes and bisexuals have not been masculinised in prenatal development but parts of their brains have. Increased masculinisation of psychological and behavioural traits may have resulted from moderate exposure to testosterone, or high exposure to estrogen. “We propose that the sex hormones testosterone and estrogen present at different times of foetal development might account for differences in masculinisation of the body and psychological traits between types of non-heterosexual women. “Our neurodevelopmental theory can provide a framework for understanding non-heterosexual women’s body morphology, psychological dispositions, behavioural outcomes and lower general health. Distinguishing between different types of non-heterosexual women leads to an improved understanding of their different developmental trajectories and behavioural outcomes."
Proof that lesbians are really trans!