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Saturday, October 30, 2021

Links - 30th October 2021 (2) (General Wokeness)

Steve on Twitter - "As a white person, I refuse to eat at black owned restaurants. Being served by black cooks and waitresses conjures horrifying but familiar imagery of black servitude under white supremacy. My money will only go towards white owned restaurants."

Wilfred Reilly on Twitter - "A Big Lie of center-left media is "No one ever criticizes white people" - which becomes a tag-line for probably one in five crime and pop-culture stories...all hyper-critical of white people. As a Black dude, I often find this more funny than outraging, but it's...noticeable."

Roads Are Getting Deadlier For Pedestrians; Fatality Rates Are Worse For Minorities : NPR
I like how the race baiting media NPR manages to spin this racially

Too Many African Americans in TV Ads? - "“By my count, nearly 50 percent of the folks in commercials are African Americans,” it began. “That is not the ratio of the general population. It is an attempt to be politically correct, but a feeble one.“There are few Asians, Native Americans or Latinos. African Americans are way more sensitive and activist about their image.“Does this diversity in advertising create more sales for the advertised product? I don’t think so, but that is only my opinion.“Mixing a social issue with product promotion may only dilute the product message.”... Andrew Rojecki, an associate professor of communication at the University of Illinois-Chicago, is co-author of “The Black Image in the White Mind: Media and Race in America,” published in 2000.He and co-author Robert M. Entman found that in their sample of 1,620 ads on ABC, NBC, and Fox, African Americans appeared in 32 percent of them.  Additionally, 3.3 percent of the ads featured only black actors, 28.7 percent featured both black and white actors, 58.8 percent featured only whites, and 9.1 percent had actors of an “East Asian facial cast.”"
White supremacy means blacks are almost 3x as common in ads as in the population

Neighbors With 'Black Lives Matter', 'Asian Lives Matter', And 'Hispanic Lives Matter' Yard Signs Getting Awfully Close To 'All Lives Matter' | The Babylon Bee - "Thankfully, a solution has been proposed to help cut down on yard signage. Many have discovered they can get the same message across by putting up a single sign that simply says "White Men Are The Worst"."

Michael Knowles on Twitter - "The Left controls every major institution in America: mainstream media, the academy, administrative government, Hollywood, Big Tech, etc. So if “institutional racism” really did exist, whose fault would that be?"

Candace Owens starches Dem candidate who replied to her message about black-on-black crime with a KKK hood - "A black woman posted a factual statement regarding black-on-black crime and followed that up with her perspective on the sOciAl jUsTiCe movement in America.This guy then replied with a picture of a KKK hood. In many such cases, a the story might have been buried. Leftists have a history of making racist statements against black conservatives and treating them as subhuman while they laud their moral superiority.Candace Owens, however, is not a person who goes quietly into the night... Candace said Twitter didn't think the tweet was a violation of their rules, so she posted Twitter's response for everyone suing the platform over bias"

Nic Rowan on Twitter - "Really wild stuff downtown. A Stop Asian Hate rally is clashing with a Pro-Uighur drive by. The pro-Uighur group is shouting “F— China!” The Asian rally is responding by calling them “racist.”"
Apparently the Chinese government is more oppressed than the Uighurs, so by progressive logic it's racist to criticise the Chinese government for genocide, or indeed anything at all

Blind Spots in the ‘Blind Audition’ Study - WSJ - "It is one of the most famous social-science papers of all time. Carried out in the 1990s, the “blind audition” study attempted to document sexist bias in orchestra hiring... They collected four decades of data from eight leading American orchestras. But the data were inconclusive: The paper includes multiple warnings about small sample sizes, contradictory results and failures to pass standard tests of statistical significance. But few readers seem to have noticed. What caught everyone’s attention was a big claim in the final paragraph: “We find that the screen increases—by 50 percent—the probability that a woman will be advanced from certain preliminary rounds and increases by severalfold the likelihood that a woman will be selected in the final round.”... The research went uncriticized for nearly two decades. That changed recently, when a few scholars and data scientists went back and read the whole study. The first thing they noticed is that the raw tabulations showed women doing worse behind the screens. But perhaps, Ms. Goldin and Ms. Rouse explained, blind auditions “lowered the average quality of female auditionees.” To control for ability, they analyzed a small subset of candidates who took part in both blind and nonblind auditions in three of the eight orchestras.The result was a tangle of ambiguous, contradictory trends. The screens seemed to help women in preliminary audition rounds but men in semifinal rounds. None of the findings were strong enough to draw broad conclusions one way or the other.So where did Ms. Goldin and Ms. Rouse get their totemic conclusion that blind auditions dramatically improved the success of women candidates? After warning that their findings were not statistically significant, they declared them to be “economically significant.” What does that mean in this context? “That doesn’t mean anything at all,” writes Columbia University data scientist Andrew Gelman, in a recent post about the study. “Some fine words but the punchline seems to be that the data are too noisy to form any strong conclusions.” My guess is that the authors thought they had detected something with real-world relevance despite an absence of statistical rigor. But that’s a reason to call for more research, not to declare the transformative power of screens in women’s quest for equality. Still, isn’t it obvious that the screens at least contributed to equal hiring? No. The screens might have been a reflection of changing attitudes, and perhaps those attitudes, not the screens, helped women. After all, women didn’t need blind auditions to move ahead in law, business, medicine or the academy—or at the Cleveland Orchestra, which, according to the study, did not use them...  The subsequent research is a morass of baseless claims, retracted statements and contradictory findings. There is, however, one study that stands out for its rigor and transparency. In 2017 a team of behavioral economists in the Australian government published the results of a large, randomized controlled study entitled “Going Blind to See More Clearly.” It was directly inspired by the blind-audition study. Iris Bohnet, a Harvard Kennedy School dean and Goldin-Rouse enthusiast, served as an adviser.For the study, more than 2,000 managers in the Australian Public Service were asked to select recruits from randomly assigned résumés—some disguising the applicant’s sex, others not. The research team fully expected to find far more female candidates shortlisted when sex was disguised. But, as the stunned team leader told the local media: “We found the opposite, that de-identifying candidates reduced the likelihood of women being selected for the shortlist.” It turned out that many senior managers, aware that sexist assumptions had once kept women out of upper-level positions, already practiced a mild form of affirmative action. Anonymized hiring was not only time-consuming and costly, it proved to be an obstacle to women’s equality. The team plans to look elsewhere for solutions.
I previously linked the Australian study. "Women's Equality" means equal results

Here's woke guru Ibram X. Kendi making an absolute mockery of Jesus, the Gospel, and Christianity ... inside a church - "Ibram Kendi, speaking in a Manhattan church, says "antiracists" fundamentally reject "savior theology" ("the Christian is to go out and save these individuals who are behaviorally deficient") and embrace liberation theology ("the Christian is to revolutionize society")."

Racist Black Man Stabs 12-Year-Old Boy in the Neck at McDonald's While Ranting About 'White Devils' - "A black man stabbed a white 12-year-old boy at McDonald’s in Pittsburgh in what appears to be a clear anti-white hate crime.The child is in stable condition after being stabbed by Charles Edward Turner, 51... “According to the criminal complaint, Mr. Turner fought with officers as they tried to arrest him. The complaint alleges that Mr. Turner used racial slurs against officers, patrons and employees during his arrest and bit one of the witnesses.” According to local television reports, Turner was muttering “white devils” and other anti-white slurs at the crime scene, though the Post Gazette opted not to include the details about the “racial slurs” he was using... Turner is charged with criminal attempted homicide, four counts of aggravated assault, two counts of simple assault, and resisting arrest. He is currently being held in the Allegheny County Jail.He has not been charged with a hate crime."
When a white man attacks a minority, it is a hate crime and the media goes crazy. When a minority attacks a white person and shouts racial slurs, it's mental illness (or the fault of white supremacy) and the media kill the story

Steve Sailer on Twitter - "I've been lied to by the last 30 years of "Law & Order."From watching "L&O," I'd assumed that most New York City shooters were Park Avenue corporate attorneys named Lippincott Saltonstall IV. But 2017 NYPD stats on shootings tell a different story:"
"On NYPD Blue, Det. Sipowicz's son and wife are shot to death, in separate incidents, by White people. The show did have black perps, but definitely not in proportion to reality."
"I knew a young blond guy who was trying to make it as an actor. The only roles he got were as a burglar in a home security commercial and as the South Side Rapist on a show set in Chicago. He decided to learn to code."

Warner Bros Omits Johnny Cage From Latest Mortal Kombat Film Because He’s White - "The character of Johnny Cage is an arrogant action movie star who enters the Mortal Kombat tournament as a hero and later becomes a love interest of Sonya Blade, another original character. However for this new movie, WB introduces the character of Cole Young played by Asian actor Lewis Tan. Why you ask? Because casting white men as heroes in 2021 is not progressive... white men are not allowed to be heroes in movies, even if the movie is based on a series in which said white guy is the hero.The decision was very telling seeing how Kano, another original white character IS in the movie however Kano is a villain. So the filmmakers had no problem displaying white characters that are evil, they just couldn’t allow a white guy in the film to be perceived as good. Other questionable decisions the film makes is casting a black woman in the role of ‘Mileena’ and toning down the violence from what is seen in the games."

Lauren Chen on Twitter - "Asians are successful because our cultures tend to value family and education. It's not because white people treat us better as pet minorities or some other garbage. It's freaking ridiculous that I even need to explain this."

| PLUM | VK - "Black lives matter is not an anti white movement.
Feminism is not an anti men movement.
Pride is not an anti straight movement.
This is not about you." - _kill.all.men

Meme - "My husband's white co-worker came in today so proud. He had some "Chinese" snacks and jokingly asked my husband if he wanted some. They were Mandarin snacks. My husband is Cantonese and can't read Mandarin. This is an example of well meaning micro aggression."
From Pam Pho @NerdyPam
When you want to grievance monger and start talking rubbish

Battlestar: Falcon and Winter Soldier may be committing a cardinal MCU sin - "Lemar Hoskins (Clé Bennett) first appears early in the episode as John Walker’s friend, but when the new Captain America later shows up to help Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes out of a jam, Lemar is quickly elevated to sidekick status... his appearance in the Marvel Cinematic Universe opens up a conversation with one of the superhero franchise’s worst and most dangerous tropes — one that we had hoped was already behind us... When Battlestar is introduced in Falcon and the Winter Soldier, Marvel is careful not to make the same mistake again. Lemar Hoskins clearly identifies himself as John Walker’s “partner,” not sidekick.The way the scene is framed also echoes this idea. Sam and Bucky (clearly equal partners) sit opposite these two new characters. Marvel’s message is clear: there are no sidekicks in this car.But is that what’s really what’s happening? And will anyone who watched Falcon and the Winter Soldier Episode 2 come away thinking Battlestar is anything but John Walker’s sidekick? From their corny high-five on top of a moving truck to Lemar’s already apparent role as the tech guy, it seems like Marvel is slipping into sidekick territory, and not for the first time. The MCU has a long and documented history of casting actors of color as sidekicks to white superheroes. From Ned in the Spider-Man movies to Maria Rambeau in Captain Marvel to even the Captain America franchise with Anthony Mackie in Winter Soldier, it’s hard not to see a pattern of white superheroes supported by non-white sidekicks"
The lengths people go to to grievance monger
Given that for blacks alone, War Machine, Falcon, Black Panther, Valkyrie and Monica Rambeau are all superheroes in their own right, and Nick Fury is black too, this is rich

Racism in ‘Harper’s Magazine’ - "EmailThere’s a certain type of black public intellectual who is becoming increasingly common. A leftist identitarian, as it were, his constant subject is racism—namely, what he believes to be the ongoing systemic white oppression of blacks.His justification for this belief, however, is quite facile. He references group differences (or inequalities) and the past slavery and other past mistreatments of blacks, as if these things by themselves suffice to prove his case. They don’t—not even close.What is more, for all his indignation and high-toned words, in many instances, it’s plainly he himself who is the racist. What really bothers this hypocrite, his reasoning reveals, is not racial injustice, but lack of black dominance. He is motivated by envy, not righteousness. He wants power, not equality... whether it’s commissioning an article “on police violence” or teaching A People’s History of the United States, the white liberal intellectual is usually self-serving. He doesn’t really care much about blacks or other victim groups, but is like a big child playing ping-pong. Today he bats around race, tomorrow it’s class, next week it’s feminism, and on and on. Fundamentally, the game doesn’t vary, and as with Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and other Democrat politicians, he isn’t serious about changing the status quo. On the contrary, in effect if not in intent, he uses pseudo-moral manipulation to preserve it, so that he himself continues to benefit. Smith and other black public intellectuals see through this pretense, and it’s to their credit that they frankly say so. And yet, there are profound problems with this passage, which ought to embarrass the magazine’s unexacting editors. Does “a white audience” really need anyone to argue “in favor of black people’s humanity and right to life”? No. It’s 2018, not 1818. The trouble is that Smith has evidently given no thought to the context in which police violence against blacks occurs. Although they constitute only 13 percent of the population, blacks commit 53 percent of all homicides and are disproportionately represented in violent crimes generally. Most violent black crimes are committed by black men under 40; that is, about 4 percent of the population. Disproportionately represented in violent situations, this group seems disproportionately shot and killed by police. But once you account for the criminal disparities—something few people want to do—the notion of an epidemic of police violence against young black men becomes untenable. Of course, there are instances in which police unjustly commit violence against and kill young black men, and needless to say, each is a great evil. But again, the data don’t bear out the common belief that there’s an epidemic of police violence against this group. In fact, a police officer is 18 times more likely to be killed by a black man than vice versa. Though they’re only 6 percent of the population, black males have made up 42 percent of all cop-killers in the past decade. The actual epidemic in this country is young black men killing young black men... He asks us to “consider the amount of energy expended by black writers and pundits defending the character of victims of police violence.” Yet he doesn’t mention that violent thugs like Michael Brown don’t merit such defense.Not that we should be surprised by these omissions, for the problem here is the irrational nature of human morality itself, which produces endless confusion that people take for wisdom and virtue. Much of morality consists of trying to apply certain a priori intuitions—values we have because of the sort of person we are—to matters wherein they may or may not be applicable. Thus, in their pity, or resentment, or in some complex of both, and with the frequently unjust American history of black and white relations in mind, people are motivated to believe in a terribly simplistic story: the bad white cops versus the innocent young black male victims. This falsehood the media, whose god is lucre, propagates incessantly. Meanwhile, the truth is far more complicated... “To participate in this dialogue requires an excavation of black pain for the consumption of a white public.” Cheap and implausible, this series of mere assertions suggests that Smith’s underlying intent is to make blacks seem like endless victims who never do any wrong. If an editor asks you to write about a certain subject, then you can take on the assignment if you wish. If you do, that will mean you write about that subject, as opposed to countless other possible ones. But it doesn’t follow that you can’t write about other subjects (“the questions we are able to ask”), or about ones that you think are more important, elsewhere. Nor is it true that by writing about a certain subject you leave “no room for new ideas or even real debate.” Utterly devoid of substantive support, Smith’s thought is incoherent, paranoid, and melodramatic... Smith takes it for granted that a mostly white staff and readership are moral evils. But America itself is majority white. Whites have significantly higher mean IQs than blacks, and at the far-right side of the bell curve—that is, the domain of genius—the gap is even greater. It’s largely white people who have founded magazines (I’m currently doing so myself, for example). And as Thomas Sowell, Larry Elder, and other black conservatives have often lamented, black culture is proudly anti-intellectual. Harper’s readers are mostly white, but then so is the readership of Mind, The Hudson Review, Dissent, and of countless other magazines. Nor are white people to blame for black people’s relative lack of interest in these.Smith’s shoddy way of thinking could be applied to virtually any context, and the result would be equally absurd. To take just one example, both Asians and men are disproportionately represented at Google. Does that mean these groups are “gatekeepers” in some exclusionary sense? No.Smith lumps his white editors and white readers into the same category that he appears to put all white people, “the oppressor.” This is so ridiculous that one may feel sorry for the man. And yet, how much pity can one have for someone whose self-pity knows no bounds, and who is so contemptible besides?... Smith’s perpetual subject is race, or rather, himself—for there’s no difference in these cases. Like them, he’s written a memoir. And again like them, his mind was ruined by the dreadful academy. One sees this at the end of his essay, when Smith quotes an exchange between James Baldwin and Audre Lorde at length. “It is precisely these kinds of dialogues,” he writes, “that white people would rather we did not have.” Such resentment and jargon are quite amusing since today you can open Harper’s, The Atlantic, The New Yorker, and the like leading liberal magazines almost at random and find “precisely these kinds of dialogues.” Many of the people who edit these magazines, and who write for them, are generic ignoramuses, boring idolaters who cannot think without reference to Foucault and Derrida, Said, Butler, and other celebrated windbags and charlatans. They’re forever emphasizing the need to have “a dialogue,” and the many important subjects that, we’re supposed to believe, they aren’t permitted to discuss. It’s all so much posturing. These persons have nothing new or interesting to say. Although not indeed constrained, they dare not write anything their former graduate advisers wouldn’t approve of." People confused over Muppets’ race after new Black muppets are announced: ‘Are the red and blue and green muppets supposed to be white?’ - "People have been left confused over the race of the Muppets after it was announced that two new Black Muppets would be introduced to the Sesame Street cast.It was announced earlier this week that the franchise’s latest characters – five-year-old Wes and his father Elijah – would offer a lesson on race.The video was released on Tuesday (23 March) as part of the Sesame Street’s digital content series called “The ABCs of Racial Literacy”, which hopes to “provide families with the tools they need to build racial literacy”.The series was launched by Sesame Workshop, the non-profit organisation behind Sesame Street, as part of its “commitment to racial justice”... “But… none of the other Muppets or Monsters on Sesame Street are any clear ethnicity? Unless you’re saying Elmo, Grover, Oscar, Cookie Monster, The Count, etc. are white…? Or are we now assigning ethnicity and race to them now?”“I never thought of Sesame Street muppets as having any race,” said someone else, while a fourth user wrote: “It’s telling that despite Muppets being all manner of green, fuchsia & orange that they are still considered default white thus Black Muppets are needed.”"
When virtue signalling spoils your original message In New Sesame Street Episode, Elmo Joins Antifa And Torches Local Businesses | The Babylon Bee - "The new entry in the Sesame Street series also features a subplot where the Cookie Monster learns to be body-positive despite having diabetes and one where the Count is canceled after his old tweets reveal he believes in math, which is a white supremacist dog whistle.Bert and Ernie also get married at the end of the episode.The episode also features the Sesame Street characters singing along with fan favorites like "Q is for Q Anon," "Somebody Come and Attack a Cop with Me," and "One of These Things Is Not Like the Others (So Let's Attack It For Being Different).""

James Lindsay - Posts | Facebook - Rachel Knox, Endocannabinologit & Certified Cannabinoid Medicine Specialist: "BIL patients and clients do best when aigned (sic) with professionals who look like us. Please champion the development of BIL health and medical leaders in cannabis. Visit www.achemed.org to learn more" (Association for Cannabis Health Equity & Medicine)
"We've progressed away from POC to BIPOC and now to BIL (Black, Indigenous, and Latinx), just to make absolutely effing sure Asians and Latinos won't be included in the grift group."

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