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Thursday, October 28, 2021

Links - 28th October 2021 (1)

Opinion | Remote education is a failure - The Washington Post - "Whenever someone expressed concerns about the quality of remote education back in the early days of covid-19, they were all but shamed into silence. No, the spring did not go well, but that was done on the fly, with next to no preparation. No, it’s not an ideal solution, but staying with in-person instruction is out of the question. There is a learning curve, we were told. We’ll get this thing right with time.  Here’s how that worked out: In Houston, the number of students with failing grades is exploding. In St. Paul, Minn., a high school student is almost as likely to be on track to fail a class as pass it. In the junior high and high schools of Fairfax County — one of the wealthiest counties in the United States — 1 out of 10 students flunked at least two classes, and the number was almost double that for those with disabilities. Enrollment is falling in closed school districts from coast to coast and many points in between. Some children are exiting for private schools, or private pods. Others are simply MIA.  In the vast majority of cases, remote learning is a poor substitute for in-person education — no matter what efforts are made, no matter how many teacher trainings are offered. It’s not simply a matter of subpar or nonexistent Internet or computer access, something that impacts students from more than 4 million households. Small children, as it turns out, will not sit in front of a computer to listen to a teacher or complete an assignment without supervision. That means millions of parents — for the most part, moms — got conscripted as unpaid teacher’s assistants. And while older children don’t need parents next to them in order to do their work, they often won’t do it regardless. Plus, children receive emotional support in school, both from teachers and socializing with peers. Minus that, parents report their school-age children are experiencing increased moodiness, and difficulties regulating behavior and their attention. And, of course, in the way it always works in the United States, minority and low-income students are feeling the impact the most, even though their educational outcomes were already at risk. All of this could have, and should have been known. Despite the proclamations of Silicon Valley that tech would revolutionize and improve education, the opposite reality has been apparent for years."
So much for that libertarian delusion

How to Succeed by Being Authentic (Hint: Carefully) (Ep. 438) - Freakonomics Freakonomics - "MACKEY: We had supply chain problems, because the stuff that goes into restaurant supply chains are usually not usable by consumers.
DUBNER: Because of packaging, or because of size?
MACKEY: Yeah, size. Take toilet paper. Toilet paper is such an interesting thing, because studies show that, on average, Americans do about half of their bathroom work not at home. And then all of a sudden it was about 100 percent at home...
MACKEY: I can’t escape who I am, even when I’m just pretending to be somebody else. Because there’s a risk of it being found out. So, that brought more integrity pretty much in everything I do. I just assume everything I do and say is going to be public. So, that’s made me more careful. So, no, I’ve never posted on another bulletin board since then... If you want to talk about the lessons I might have learned from those things, I’ve just learned to not be quite as outspoken in the world. That’s the biggest thing I’ve learned...
So, you said I’m a staunch libertarian, I’m a staunch vegan, and “staunch” in that context is sort of pejorative, I think. And although I myself identify as a libertarian, increasingly, I identify as a “conscious capitalist.” I identify as a classical liberal. When you’re younger, you tend to be more puritanical in your political beliefs and your religious beliefs. You think you found “the truth.” And as I’ve gotten older, I just see that life’s complicated. And there’s not one set of values that are right and everybody else’s values are wrong.
Why CEOs and Senior Management either don't use social media or are incredibly bland

Political Compass - "Authoritarian Left: Unironic tankie, Likes Stalin, Defends China Online, Fantasizes about genocide, INGSOC FAN, "Trotsky deserved it", Denies Genocides online, "I don't care that your family suffered under communism", "For the Motherland!", "Assad is a cool guiy", Hates Soc Dems and Champagne Socialist, Calls anyone with a different oinion a "Reactionary", Has a strong hatred of Capitalism, "GDR was kinda cool ngl", Likes Tanks, Wants larger safety nets, LARPs as a revolutionary, Likes Soviet Machinery, "Tito was Based", Likes Soviet Posters, "Death to AmeriKKKa!!!", Thinks Antifa are the good guys, Votes SocDem parties, College student, "AK-47 is kind of a cool weapon!"
Authoritarian Right: NSDAP FAN, HATES (((THEM))), Holocaust denier, Hates Black people, "Absolutism is the way to go", Hates Bankers, "Israel is not a legitimate state", Nationalist, Anti LGBT, Fan of Pinochet, Patriot, Visits Church on Sunday, "Law and Order are necessary for society", /pol/ user, "Antifa are domestic terrorists", Listens to Yugostav war music, Loves his Family and respects parents, Proud of their ancestry, Gets called Transphobe a lot, Looks down on homeless people, Likes outdoor gnilling , Anime Fan, Likes United States of America, Hates Left Wingers and their opinion, Unironic Social Darwinist
Libertarian left: Bashes Christianity 24/7, Pronouns in the Bio, Doesn't have a job, Visited/visits art school, Uses Twitter regularly, Hates their Landlord, LGBT member, Grew up without the Father, Pacifist, "Why can't we all just get along?", BLM Supporter, Vegan, Calls anyone with a different opinion a Nazi, Childhood bullying victim, DMT user, "Duuude read Kropotkin", Furry convention visitor, Has a FemDom fetish, ACAB, Breaks the law on the daily basis, Unironic Ancom, Thinks that AnCap is an oxymoron, "Fuck the authority", Unironically wants to be a domestic terrorist, "Fuck CIA and FBI"
Libertarian right: Junk-Food addict, "Oh, please, don't tell me what to do", Crypto enthusiast, r/LoveForLandlords user, Frequently visits shooting range, "Duuude..weed..lmao", Likes Joe Rogan, SIMPs for Elon Musk, Parents lived in a socialist country, WallStreet Bets user, Likes Shrooms and LSD, "Gun ownership should be a right!", Hates Taxes with passion, "Hoppe is based", Uses "Commie" as an insult, "Fuck ATF", Tried Meth, "Abolition of the gold standard was a mistake", Unironic Minarchist, "I just want to be left alone", Fan of Max Stirner, "Selling drugs shouldn't be a crime!", "Selling and Buying slaves is based", Thinks NAP principle is legit, Unironic AnCap"

Being Libertarian - Posts | Facebook - "My left leaning high school art teacher said the guy who attacked Rand Paul should've finished the job. I asked him how he could advocate for murder while preaching we need to mask to save lives. Unfriended."

Libertarians: Diligently Plotting on Twitter - "Blaming “greedy landlords” for market conditions caused by government regulations restricting supply & government inflation is the sort of shallow thinking I expect out of people who don’t understand economics."

Meme - "For all the women mad that we don't find Lizzo attractive"
"Ladies, y'all gonna choose the man on the right because he's comfortable with his weight and promoting body positivity right?"

Meme - "Fox News showing news about foxes
Sky News showing news about the sky
BBC News"

The Invention of the word BOOB (Top View, Front View, Side View): a humorous and sassy, slightly naughty style journal notebook, perfect for those occasions you need a laugh and when a swear word just sums things up the best. Make a statement!

My God, It's Full of Stars - "ah yes i was looking for a soap dispenser labeled “ketchup” with a picture of grapes"
"I really want this bottle in my bathroom. I’d place it next to matching decorative soaps and towels as if it seems like it fits, but I’ll actually fill the thing up with ketchup. So when I have guests over and they decide to use the bathroom, they will see this bottle and have a moment of cognitive dissonance, “This [Soap Bottle] in the [Bathroom] is labelled [Ketchup], so surely it must dispense [Soap] instead of [Ketchup] despite the label saying [Ketchup] right?” and then let them have a moment of realization followed by abject horror as they pump viscous ketchup all over their hands instead of soap"


Memes - "If you one up conspiracy theorists they dont know what to do.
'The moon landing was fake'
'Oh youre one of those guys that believe in the moon?'"

Facebook - "If you're a radical Leftist don't get a job in the non-profit sector. It will kill your spirit and deplete your energy and commitment to the Revolution. Instead, work for the most evil company you can find and steaI office supplies. Get hired at Chic-Fil-A and smuggle chicken tenders to hand out at Pride. Get a job at Exxon Mobile and have your friends rob you every weekend and use the money for weed. Become a janitor for Wells Fargo and piss in all the potted plants. Work as a Walmart security guard and look the other way. But whatever you do, DO NOT start working for a non-profit and think you're gonna change the world and get legally paid for it. That's not how this works."

Pregnant woman poses with thousands of BEES on her stomach - "A pregnant Colorado woman has posed for a shocking maternity photoshoot with her large pregnant belly covered in 'thousands' of bees — despite her own claims that she is allergic.  Bethany Karulak-Baker‎ shared the photos in the Beekeeping Basics group"

Grace Fu: proportion of Malays in citizen population will not shrink - "Minister in the Prime Minister's Office Grace Fu said that the pace and profile of immigration intake has been "calibrated to preserve the racial balance".  Speaking during the parliamentary debate on the Population White Paper, she reassured Malay MPs who had expressed concern that the Malay-Muslim share of the population may shrink as Singapore expands towards 6.9 million...  Ms Fu emphasised that the ethnic balance in the citizen population will be maintained "as far as possible.""
Some people are surprised Singapore's racially-calibrated immigration policy is openly stated. Then again, ICA claims it is holistic in evaluating the worth of each applicant. I guess if race is a major consideration they're not wrong

Meet STPeach - The Twitch Streamer Hated on For Dating an Asian Man - "Lisa Vannatta, perhaps better known by her gamer handle STPeach, is no stranger to attention online; with 455,540 Twitch followers, 385,000 Instagram followers, 108,000 Twitter followers, 34,958 YouTube subscribers, and 18,378 subreddit readers, she manages her personal brand as a video game streamer with the finesse only a professional could handle... Dating an Asian man has also brought out trollish comments from netizens as well, which has left her confused as to why. “I don’t understand it; I just think it comes down to people being behind their screens thinking there are no consequences in saying those type of things on the internet.” She explained that the hate she receives for being a female gamer is different than the hate she receives for dating an Asian man. “It ultimately depends on what platform I’m on or what I’m posting. For example, on my YouTube videos that have Jay in them, there are a lot more comments about me dating him verses on Twitch where it would be a lot more comments about my clothing and being a girl gamer.”... many were curious about how she had come to date Asian men. “Honestly, that is such a funny question to me,” she said of the query. “I am not certain; I have just always had an attraction to Asians. I am not sure the reason behind it, but I just do! I do think it is fascinating and fun learning different cultures all around the world!” She also offers this advice for any Asian men looking to date beautiful gamer women like her: “Be yourself! There is no point in trying to be someone you aren’t just to try and get with someone. If you be yourself from the beginning, you’ll end up finding someone that likes you for who you truly are. I think that is the most important thing.”"
Some Singaporeans think only the Straits Times uses the term "netizen"

Nicholas Pegg on Twitter - *Boris Johnson*
"Can anyone identify the fifth book along on the top shelf? Because apart from that one, top shelf from left to right goes: The Subtle Knife, Fahrenheit 451, Betrayed, The Resistance, The Toll, Crisis Point, Glass Houses, and The Twits. Supreme trolling from the school librarian."
Thereby proving that there is no bias at all and that we can trust that they will educate kids impartially

REVEALED: Georgia media suppressed story of Democrat Senate candidate Warnock's arrest related to child abuse investigation - "Media has reacted negatively to this story, including one outlet doxxing another"

How Did Fish Sticks Become So Popular? - The Atlantic - "the fish stick solved a problem that had been created by technology: too much fish. Stronger diesel engines, bigger boats, and new materials increased catches after the Second World War. Fishers began scooping up more fish than ever before, Josephson says. To keep them from spoiling, fishers skinned, gutted, deboned, and froze their hauls on board... The appeal of fish sticks is somewhat paradoxical. They contain fish, but only that with the mildest flavor—and that fish has been dressed up to resemble chicken tenders.  The battered disguise may be needed because, at least in North America, seafood tends to be second-tier. “We’ve mostly considered the eating of fish to be beneath our aspirations,” writes the chef and author Barton Seaver in American Seafood. Traditionally, fish was associated with sacrifice and penance—food to eat when meat was unaffordable or, if you were Catholic, to eat on the many days when red meat was verboten. Fish also spoils fast, smells bad, and contains sharp bones that pose a choking hazard... Josephson calls fish sticks “the ocean’s hot dogs.” Served as casseroles or alongside mashed potatoes, they quickly became standby components of school lunches and family dinners. During the pandemic, demand has risen as families stock up on convenience foods during lockdowns. Surprisingly, fish sticks are fairly sustainable. Today, most contain Alaska pollock, which is largely sourced from well-managed fisheries, says Jack Clarke, a sustainable-seafood advocate at the United Kingdom–based Marine Conservation Society. The climate impact of fish sticks is small, too. “I was surprised at how low it was,” says Brandi McKuin, a postdoctoral researcher at UC Santa Cruz, who recently studied Alaska-pollock products. Each kilogram of fish sticks produces about 1.3 kilograms of carbon dioxide, which “rivals the climate impact of tofu,” she says. Beef, by comparison, produces more than 100 times that amount of carbon dioxide per kilogram. But not everyone seems confident about what exactly they’re eating when they consume the breaded fish. In the United Kingdom, where fish sticks are known as fish fingers, a survey revealed that one in five young adults believes they are actually the fingers of fish.  They still eat them happily."
Also titled "fish sticks make no sense"

Why is Manga Outselling Comic Books?
Stupid article that doesn't even try to address the question it poses
Maybe readers are sick of social justice being crammed down their throats

Stress Relief Anxiety Toys Blackheads Remover Toy Set With Tweezers Stress Relief Squeeze Toys For Kids _ - AliExpress Mobile

"Friends" Reunion Director Addresses Diversity Criticism - ""We have Malala, Mindy Kaling, BTS," Winston said. "There are three women from Ghana, one who talks about how Friends saved her life. Two boys from Kenya. Three kids in India."  "What more diversity do they want in this reunion?" he went on. "The cast is the cast. It was made in 1994. I think it's remarkable how well it does stand the test of time.""
Apparently they should have pretended minorities were in the cast

Jennifer Aniston's Nipples Joined 'Friends Reunion', Twitter Pays Tribute - "The highly anticipated Friends Reunion dropped on HBO Max last week, marking only the second time that Jennifer Aniston, Courteney Cox, Lisa Kudrow, Matt LeBlanc, Matthew Perry, and David Schwimmer all managed to be in the same place at the same time since Friends went off the air way back in 2004. The cast was paid handsomely to reunite — some reports suggest each cast member took home at least $2.5 million for participating — and the reunion, while busy and arguably a bit overproduced, delivered on just about every level. We got to see Chandler and Joey return to their familiar recliner seats, we got to see Lisa Kudrow and Lady Gaga sing “Smelly Cat,” and we were all treated to a special appearance from two of the show’s most prominent, memorable, and notorious props: Jennifer Aniston’s nipples.  It might not necessarily be something that would come up in what my grandmother would have described as “polite company,” but everyone who has ever spent any length of time bingewatching Friends has (of course!) noticed this particular phenomenon... Rumors that the show’s producers ordered the wardrobe team to cut holes in Aniston’s brassieres to drive buzz for the show have circulated for decades at this point, and this urban legend grew to such proportions that an enterprising reporter at the fashion bible Vogue (!!) even asked Aniston about the prominence of her nipples in an interview conducted back in 2017:
VOGUE:Someone recently called you the OG of #FreeTheNipple because of how often Rachel’s nipples showed through her outfits.
ANISTON: “Yeah, I don’t know what to say about that! It’s just one of those things, I guess. I wear a bra, I don’t know what to tell ya! And I don’t know why we’re supposed to be ashamed of them—it’s just the way my breasts are! But hey, OG, I’m not going to complain.”"

Why New Zealand rejected populist ideas other nations have embraced - "Farrar, the National pollster, was wary of New Zealand declaring victory over conspiracy theorists.  “We’re not immune,” he said, adding that the 1,000 people who attended an election launch for one of Advance NZ’s co-leaders “wasn’t nothing.”  Farrar said the accepted range of political discourse had widened as a result of the party’s campaign: “There was strength there which is ripe for plucking.”"
I like how populism is equated to evil, and having a narrow range of acceptable discourse is good. As Chomsky observed, "The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum"

Canadians may pay more taxes than Americans but there's a catch - "Even with all kinds of taxes considered, including income, local and sales taxes, among others — and contrary to what President Donald Trump has repeatedly said — Americans do not pay the highest taxes in the world. Not even close. Actually, the U.S. is a little below average compared to our 34 peer countries in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)... The OECD analyzes the tax burdens of 35 countries, including the United States and Canada. According to its data, in terms of total tax revenue as a percentage of GDP, in 2010, the U.S. collected a slightly lower than average amount of taxes from its citizens ($11,365 USD per capita). Canada collected a slightly higher than average amount ($14,693 USD).  The average for OECD countries was $12,911 USD.  That total tax revenue figure includes not merely federal income taxes, but all taxes, including “taxes on income and profits, social security contributions, taxes levied on goods and services, payroll taxes, taxes on the ownership and transfer of property, and other taxes.” At times, for example, in 2000 and again in 2014, Canada and the U.S. swapped places. The U.S. paid a slightly higher than average amount and Canada paid a slightly lower than average amount. For the most part, however, both countries hover around the OECD average.  And both remain far lower than high-tax countries such as Luxembourg, Norway, Denmark Switzerland and Sweden... Middle-class Canadians probably pay more in taxes than middle-class Americans, David Macdonald, senior economist at the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, tells CNBC Make It. They also must contend with higher sales taxes and a higher cost of goods, especially in the wealthier provinces, which affects buying power.  But some rich Americans actually tend to pay a bit more than rich Canadians... they do get a lot more from their government in terms of social services. That’s part of what makes Canada one of the Top 10 happiest countries on earth, ranking seven spots higher than America.  As Vice Money puts it, “American marginal tax brackets aren’t too different from Canadians’, yet [Canadians] get universal health care and [Americans] don’t.”... Canadians enjoy the kind of perks Americans only get if they work for the most generous, prestigious corporations. Those include free health care without deductibles as well as up to 18 months of subsidized parental leave when they have children. They also enjoy access to high-quality education for children across the income spectrum. Even top-notch colleges and universities are cheaper than comparable institutions in the U.S.  Vice cites a 2009 Canadian study by the Centre for Policy Alternatives that found that “the vast majority of Canada’s population” gets a great deal: “Middle-income Canadian families enjoy public services worth about $41,000 — or 63 percent of their income. Even households earning $80,000–$90,000 a year enjoy public services benefits equivalent to about half of their income.”  In short, the study concludes, “the majority of Canadian households enjoy a higher quality of life because of the public services their taxes fund.”... Government involvement in paying for health insurance has been shown to both lower prices and help citizens live longer"

Fantastic Four's Movie Was So Bad, Marvel Killed The Actors - "Disney and Marvel hated the terrible "Fant4stic" reboot film so much, they killed all of the lead actors in a controversial Punisher comic... This was not without precedent: Marvel had been downplaying the role of the X-Men in comics ever since the rise of Fox's X-Men film series and attempted to replace them with the Inhumans. With the acquisition of multiple Fox properties by Disney in a landmark $71.3 billion deal in 2019, the Inhumans were no longer needed and were once more relegated to the C-list."
I remember this article claiming that it was a conspiracy theory that Marvel was sidelining the X-Men in comics since Fox controlled them. This is very clear shade throwing

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