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Thursday, October 28, 2021

Links - 28th October 2021 (2) (General Wokeness)

Say NO to Foreign Intervention in Singapore's Politics - Posts | Facebook - "2021 Pinkdot garnered 6800+ viewers, very slight increase from last year. So now we know what is their true support base. Hong Lim Park can fit around 3000-4000 plus overseas viewers so 6800 that's about all. Obviously Pinkdot was lying about the 27,000 physical attendance."

Meme - "Looks like the whites are at it again. Are you sick of the white race doing dumb shit? Hey look a tag group...
Group Rules from the Admins
Don't be a bigot. No transphobia or homophobia."
At least they didn't say "no racism"

The Sniper Ghost Warrior Press Event Made Me Pretend To Kill Arabs And I Hated It - "A recent press event for Sniper Ghost Warrior: Contracts 2 highlighted just how casual American culture is about violence towards Arab people."
It's a Polish game
Comment: "Wait till he hears what we do to Germans every other Battlefield game."

Meme - Katie Dupere @ @katiedupere: "I wrote about stigma around fake nails in the queer community, and about how I won't take off my long nails for sex. Tinder link in bio."
"ppl not wanting to have their box torn up by your talons is not a "stigma," Katherine"
"its not that deep kate"
"so, what you're saying is that you're sad no one will ever sleep with you, even though there is a very clear reason why??"

OPINION: A Lamento Borincano in the Shooting Death of a Puerto Rican Couple - "The couple was celebrating Chicago’s Puerto Rican Day Parade, flying a big Boricua flag attached to their car when they were ambushed. The graphic video of the attack went viral and blew up a story that otherwise would have slipped under the wire as just another violent day in an American city... This also happened to be the first official federal celebration of Juneteenth... “As you saw from the horrific video, it wasn’t just one person. There’s one person who dealt the fatal shot. But there were others who were standing by who dragged that poor woman out of the car. The man who was killed literally used his body as a shield and paid for that with his life,” the mayor said... The couple was one of 10 victims who died and 65 wounded in a weekend of violence. Most of the United State’s media categorized the brutal attack as a local story—one fit for the city’s crime blotter. It hardly made national news. No hashtags, no thoughts, and prayers, no protests on the street, and just a small fist of flowers in a makeshift memorial. Un lamento borincano. Instead, the lead story this week that featured Latinos was the growing outrage at a high school coach in California who had been fired after tortillas were thrown at Hispanic opponents after a championship game. The incident was also caught on video. Tortillas vs two Boricuas killed brutally. What a choice. In Puerto Rico, the story received even less coverage. It gained some traction when a popular social media figure, Molusco, said that the couple was killed because they were flying a Puerto Rican flag... The story only began to gain traction after the graphic video went viral on social media. By Monday morning, at least 571,000 people on Twitter had viewed the fatal shooting. This focused national attention on what had happened and on the escalation of violence in Chicago and nationwide. The video is the reason so many people are talking about it, not the media... The fact that two young people —Puerto Rican— can be executed out in the open and the media considers it just a horrible local crime —and not much else— should give us ample cause for concern. If there wasn’t a racial element to the attack, then we should look at how the coverage was approached. This was an attack that speaks volumes about the state of the U.S. now. We must also not allow the narrative to be hijacked by political agendas. Conservative columnist Ann Coulter shared the video and claimed that the media ignored because African Americans gunning down Puerto Ricans in Chicago doesn’t fit the Democrat’s narrative about racism in the United States. A Democrat activist named Richard Taite snapped back that the couple had it coming because they were flying a Confederate Flag."
Considering she also pointed out the media ignored the story it's odd she slams Coulter

Meme - "Psychosispsositivity: PSYCHOTIC PEOPLE HAVE THE SAY ON PSYCHOSIS ISSUES. We are the experts on our own lives Non-psychotics, no matter how much ti..."
This is a logical endpoint of identity politics

Meme - Zachary Miller @_ZecharyMiller: "Modernity is so lame. We used to be ruled by kings, samurai, warrior priests, and polymaths. No we're ruled by Jeff Bezos, sociology professors, and Janet from HR."

Black Tampa Police Officer Fired for Using Racial Slur - "Delvin White, a Black police officer, was terminated Tuesday after Tampa Police say he used the N-word while wearing his body camera."

The word Caucasian is ‘racist’ and must be banned, say academics - "The word Caucasian should be banned in scientific studies and papers because it is "associated with a racist classification of humans", according to a group of leading academics."

Lindsey Shaw Apologizes For Racist TikTok Video - "Lindsey mocked a TikTok dance trend started by Black creators. "Hey, are we OK? What the fuck is this?" she said, before showing a clip of the popular movement."
Nothing black can be criticised and anyone who doesn't like anything black is Racist

Meme "You shouldn't feel proud of your ancestor's accomplishments. But you should feel crippling shame over their wrong-doings.""

Jesse Singal on Twitter - "The people who litigate every single conflict by simply defaulting to who has the more 'oppressed' identity are outraged -- outraged! -- that people seem to view 'oppressed' identities as some sort of currency or something"

Meme - "Kj shakur @kjgbrks: ALL WHITE PEOPLE ARE RACIST. you cannot decide whether or not you are, you can actively unlearn it, but there are still inherent biases and privileges that you have that contribute to and maintain the structure of racism."
"So basically you are judging people by the color of their skin? Interesting..."
Imagine saying this about any other race. Meanwhile liberals continue to gaslight us about "white supremacy"

Meme - "Racism against nonwhites is viewed as the most evil, unforgivable and irredeemable thing a person can be in American society. Racism against whites is either outright encouraged, ignored or treated as a mere disagreement we have with the person expressing it."

In 'It's A Wonderful Life' Remake, Angel Tells George Bailey To Kill Himself Because He's White | The Babylon Bee - "The film will be only 20 minutes long and it will end with George Bailey asking forgiveness for his oppression. He then donates all his life insurance money to BLM and jumps off a bridge."

Coca-Cola’s posts are getting ratioed hard for their “be less white” training and the comments are - "Coca-Cola was requiring employees to take aNti-rAciSt training from author Robin DiAngelo that literally told them "try to be less white."A noticeable shift has occurred on Coke's social feeds since then."

To Fight White Supremacy, Coca-Cola Discontinues Vanilla Coke | The Babylon Bee - ""We will do better," he said before resigning, canceling and doxing himself, and banishing himself to a remote island in the Caribbean to think about his whiteness."

Coca-Cola is now requiring even their AFFILIATED LAW FIRMS to meet intersectional diversity quotas! - ""Coke said it will require quarterly reporting about the makeup of legal teams that do work for itand self identify as American Indian, Alaska Native, Asian, Black, women, Hispanic/Latinx, LGBTQ+, Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islander or persons with disabilities," said the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. "For those working on new matters for Coke, 'at least 30% of each of billed associate and partner time will be from diverse attorneys, and of such amounts at least half will be from Black attorneys.'"
The soft drink maker wants that percentage to hit at least 50% of time from "diverse attorneys" with half of that time from black individuals. Any company that fails to meet these quotas will lose 30% of their contract fees (or be kicked to the curb entirely).Yep, instead of being hired or promoted based on character, merit, and capability, company lawyers instead will need to work on upping their intersectional game in order to get a raise or advance in their careers."

Woke Coca-Cola Was Invented By Slave Owning Confederate Colonel Who Was Addicted To Morphine - "the Coca-Cola company is seemingly running away from its own history and creator: slave owning Confederate Army colonel and morphine addicted John Pemberton."

LinkedIn Removes Racist "Be Less White" Course - "The course, entitled “Confronting Racism” went viral last week, when an internal whistleblower from Coca-Cola sent Karlyn Borysenko screenshots from the course on LinkedIn Learning, and claimed that employees at the company had been forced to take it. The course teaches people to “be less white,” and implies that to be white is to be arrogant, defensive, ignorant, and oppressive... After facing severe backlash, Coca-Cola claimed in a statement provided to National File that the course was “not part of the company’s learning curriculum,” despite being accessible on the LinkedIn Learning platform to their employees. The statement differed from an earlier one attributed to the company, where they had confirmed that it was a part of their curriculum, but simply “not a focus” of their training. By Monday, the anti-white course was pulled from LinkedIn’s site. In a statement, Nicole Leverich, the vice president of corporate communications for LinkedIn, said that the course by DiAngelo is “no longer available in [their] course library, at the request of the third party content provider we licensed this content from”... It seems that the request originated from DiAngelo herself. A spokesperson for DiAngelo said that she was unaware that the course had even been created, and that “she had no involvement in it… did not approve its distribution, [and] did not know it was being used in corporate settings,” with the course being taken down as a result."

Poll: Americans REJECT Coca-Cola after woke company's political pandering | The Post Millennial - "A new Rasmussen poll has found that many Americans are less likely to buy Coca Cola after the company came out against the controversial Georgia voting laws passed in March. 37 percent of American adults that responded to the poll say they are less likely to buy Coca-Cola products due to their recent political stance. In contrast, just 25 percent of respondents said they would be more likely to buy Coca-Cola products, with another 30 percent saying that the comments the company made didn't matter much in their decision... Coca-Cola originally came out against the voting laws, calling them "unacceptable" and "a step backwards," but quickly had to change their tune. The company then backtracked and instead issued a statement to the Washington Examiner saying that they wanted to bring people together to listen and collaborate, and to find common ground."

Kaepernick made sure his new company's board has zero white people on it. Can you feel the diversity? Can you feel the tolerance? - "Colin Kaepernick, failed NFL quarterback turned Marxist, race-baiting grifter, is forming a "special purpose acquisition company" (SPAC) that hopes to acquire a billion-dollar company "to effect social and cultural change" (lol ok).Kaep's new filing with the SEC, filed just yesterday, specifies and even glories in the fact that the board of his new company contains exactly zero white people."

‘White Abolition’: New York Public School Urges White Children to Become Race ‘Traitors’ - "Rufo received a principal’s notice from a New York public school advocating for “white abolition” and urging students to become “traitors” to their race. If this type of propaganda were aimed at black people, this would likely be considered genocide training.The propaganda, sent to parents from the principal of East Side Community School in New York, classified white people into eight different groups: White Supremacist, White Voyeur, White Privilege, White Benefit, White Confessional, White Critical, White Traitor, and White Abolition. Indoctrinating children to become traitors and then to advocate for their own destruction is the end game."

Julie Gunlock on Twitter - "The Thanksgiving Tale We Tell Is a Harmful Lie. As a Native American, I’ve Found a Better Way to Celebrate the Holiday"
"This is what an ⁦@ACPSk12⁩ principal just sent around via email as suggested reading over the Thanksgiving break. At a time when ppl have lost family members and a comforting and uplifting message of unity is needed, this is the message families get. What a shame."

Coleman Hughes on Twitter - "Many sum up MLK's views on race with the essay, "Letter to Birmingham Jail," where he rightly criticizes white moderates. But read all the sermons he gave, his essays, & books. You'll find dozens (& dozens) of examples of him framing CR movement in nonracial, universalist terms... As you read, consider how bizarre it would be to hear a #BLM leader utter even one of these quotes.
"As I stand here and look out upon the thousands of negro faces, and the thousands of white faces, intermingled like the waters of a river, I see only one face––the face of the future."
"The important thing about man is...not the texture of his hair or the color of his skin but the quality of his soul"
"All men are one"
"All men are brothers"
"We need this movement. We need it to bring about a new kind of togetherness between blacks and whites."
“Racial segregation is a blatant denial of the unity which we have in Christ; for in Christ there is neither Jew nor Gentile, bond nor free, Negro nor white.”
"Black supremacy is as dangerous as white supremacy, and God is not interested merely in the freedom of black men and brown men and yellow men. God is interested in the freedom of the whole human race"
"Any program that elects all black candidates simply because they are black and rejects all white candidates simply because they are white is politically unsound and morally unjustifiable."
"The problem is not a purely racial one, with Negroes set against whites...it is not a struggle between people at all...Nonviolent resistance is not aimed against oppressors but against oppression. Under its banner consciences, not racial groups, are enlisted."
“Let us be dissatisfied until that day when nobody will shout 'White Power!'––when nobody will shout 'Black Power!'––but everybody will talk about God’s power and human power.”
"We do not wish to triumph over the white community. That would only result in transferring those now on the bottom to the top. But, if we can live up to nonviolence in thought and deed, there will emerge an interracial society based on freedom for all"
"What we need is a restless determination to make the ideal of brotherhood a reality in this nation and all over the world"
"As the human rights movement becomes more confident and aggressive...we will not ask our neighbor's color but whether he is a brother in the pursuit of racial justice"
"In an effort to achieve freedom...we must not try to leap from a position of disadvantage to one of advantage...Our aim must not be to defeat or humiliate the white man. We must not become victimized with a philosophy of black supremacy"
Ironically, many who point to "Letter from Birmingham" as a representative sample of MLK's rhetoric proceeded to accuse me of "cherry-picking" in my recent WSJ op-ed. As someone once said, that's not only not true, it's the opposite of the truth."
MLK was a damn White Supremacist!
Nowadays, accusing someone of "cherry picking" is a j'accuse without even pretending to try to put the "cherry picked" bits in context

NWI congressional candidate's white supremacy post condemned by party leadership - "The Republican candidate seeking to represent Northwest Indiana in Congress appears to endorse white supremacy in an item posted late Friday night to his Facebook page.GOP 1st Congressional District nominee Mark Leyva refused to discuss his rationale for posting an image of a white woman wearing sunglasses and what appears to be a bathing suit with the phrase: "Know the warning signs of white supremacy."The post then lists the "warning signs" — "1. Full time employment; 2. Literacy; 3. Professional or technical degree; 4. Regular church/temple attendance; 5. Auto insurance; 6. Good credit rating; 7. No criminal record.""
It is telling that full time employment is condemned

WOKE WATCH: Millennials rejoice! China app reports 'mistaken opinions' | Toronto Sun - "The rarified rumble infecting New York’s most elite private schools is an exercise in “demonizing white people,” one principal said. Grace Church School principal George Davison made the comments to off message teacher Paul Rossi, who taped the conversation. Rossi was booted for slamming the school’s “anti-racism” policies. He released an audiotape of his woke boss agreeing with him. “We’re demonizing kids, we’re demonizing white people for being born,’’ Davison allegedly told Rossi. “We are using language that makes them feel ‘less than’ — for nothing that they are personally responsible for. The fact is, I am agreeing with you that there has been a demonization that we need to get our hands around in a way in which people are doing this [understand].”"
One liberal tactic is to do a motte and bailey and disavow grievance mongers who get caught

“Racist” Tweet And Facebook Post Gets School Trainer Nixed - "On Facebook, the trainer posted that she will “continue challenging whites and destroying white dominance,” and she added, “Whites prove DAILY that whites must be challenged and white dominance must be destroyed. Otherwise, whites would stalk brown and Black women.”"

Aella on Twitter - "If you swap the races in a conversation and it suddenly feels like a KKK meeting, then the discourse is bad."

Ibram X. Kendi on Twitter - "So what does “not racist” mean? The term has no meaning other than denying when one is being racist. We should not have words in the dictionary that don’t have definitions."
Brilliant. He's setting himself up for perpetual employment

Escape The Echo Chamber - Posts | Facebook - "A Teen Vogue columnist believes that the Al Qaeda attacks on 9/11 were about taking down the heteropatriarchal capitalistic systems of the United States. You can’t make this stuff up."
"We have to be more honest about what 9/11 was and what it wasn't. It was an attack on the heteropatriarchal capitalistic systems that America relies upon to wrangle other countries into passivity. It was an attack on the system many white Americans fight to protect."
Wait till he discovers "patriarchy" in Muslim countries

Meme - "Omg stop 'brainwashing' your kids with religion! Let them choose!"
"Interesting. If I don't instill my own religious values in my own children then who's values will they follow instead?"
"Yours...right? It's almost like that's exactly what you want, to shift the 'brainwashing' in your favour."

This is so dumb. A judge in Virginia ruled that a black defendant wouldn't have a fair trial unless all portraits of white judges are removed from the courtroom. - "Everything is racist. Apparently, even the mere presence of portraits of judges in a courtroom can lead to "inequity." At least that's the conclusion of Fairfax County Circuit Court Judge David Bernhard... Bernhard went on and, in an apparent reference to the protests over the killing of George Floyd, added that the current moment calls for "heightened attention to the past inequities visited upon persons of color."... By the way, if you hear a judge start talking about "equity" and not "equality," RUN."

'Woke snitching forums' used to report lecturers' microaggressions could land universities in court - "Lawyers have told the prestigious Russell Group of 24 institutions that they risk infringing freedom of expression, after The Telegraph found six websites set up for students to denounce their lecturers. Durham University’s 'Report + Support' site lists "not giving someone eye contact" and "constantly criticising and never praising" as potential offences. There is also a button to "anonymously report" individuals to campus authorities. At St Andrews university, the 'Report + Support' site lists potential transgressions as backhanded compliments, avoiding or turning one’s back on certain people and asking a black person if they are wearing their natural hair... Toby Young, general secretary of the Free Speech Union, said: "These woke snitching portals are much more widespread than most people think. "The shocking thing is that most universities have just bought these portals off the shelf and have stuck them on their websites, along with some legally questionable guidance about what is and isn’t a reportable offence, without stopping to consider their legal duty to uphold free speech. "This has left them vulnerable to legal challenge… and the Free Speech Union won’t hesitate to take action." Prof Frank Furedi, a sociologist at Kent University, said: "Even in totalitarian societies, thought policing was a bit more hands off. What they were interested in is what you said, rather than these so-called hidden biases that you have." It comes after Cambridge took down its microaggressions reporting site last month where dons could be flagged for raising an eyebrow, following a revolt on campus."
The Stasi would be proud

Meme - "Left wing 1990's: "Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me"
Left wing 2020's: "Fuck you, do what they tell you""

Minnesota theater cancels Cinderella play for cast being 'too white' - " “It was 98 percent white,” the theater’s director, Michael Brindisi, said of the show’s actors Wednesday. “That doesn’t work with what we’re saying we’re going to do.” Brindisi said he considered recasting but instead decided to put a self-inflicted spin on cancel culture — and “scrap this and start fresh with a clean slate.” The production company has hired a diversity consultant and says it plans to focus on becoming “a more intentionally anti-racist theater” with “identity-conscious casting”... But the theater firm — which is based in the largely white Minneapolis suburb of Chanhassen — may have trouble finding people of color to fill roles. Chanhassen’s population is 92 percent white, 3 percent hispanic and 1 percent black"

John Hawkins on Twitter - "White people have done everything to make my life miserable. Yet I'm supposed to not hate white people?"
"Oh my gosh! I was at the white people's meeting last week when your name came up and they were discussing our plans to make your life miserable. We were so afraid that you'd blame yourself for your own failings instead of us. It's so great to see that we're making a difference!"
Pretty sure if you showed a liberal Saira Rao's tweets (with no identity), he'd claim she was a Russian bot trying to make liberals look bad

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