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Sunday, September 26, 2021

Most ridiculous covid hystericist ever

Even by the standards of covid hystericists, this guy is really something

B: Because we never learn, we repeat the same mistake. First wave from China because our borders bochap. Second wave from India because our borders flip prata. Third wave might be from Indonesia/Saudi because our borders semuanya bisa.

Me: How many years do you want sg to be closed off from the world?
Even if 1 case comes in from nz also gg

B: 3 years with a national countdown implemented

C: how many business closure within this 3 yrs, do u think is tolerable.
Not to mention the number of ppl gg nuts during this time.

B: Quite a lot of closures are due to lower footfall, SMMs, schools can’t do learning journeys lah, cinemas can’t hold enough people lah, restaurants cannot take in many people lah.. many due to our own government’s tightening up of our own movements internally.

Have a feeling that there are 2 interpretations about “reopening”.

Our Government is talking about reopening our borders to outside world which is now heavily infected by COVID. My sense is that most citizens are talking about reopening of our own day-to-day areas to be free of restrictions and loosening up of safety measures internally.

C: 1. A significant part of our economy has always been build with tourism in mind. So naturally without tourist, many of these business wld close. Our small population simply cant sustain all these businss alone.

2. This is basically whatce gov has been doing. Opening SG both internal n externally in a controlled manner. Bcos both are link. Too much lockdown will only lead to more social problems. N more mental/ emotion meltdown.

3. Opening to outside world is country specific, eg dont think we r gg to open to countries such as malayia, india and USA anytime soon.

B: 1. The 3 years is to give individuals and companies enough runway to pivot to be COVID-ready when the new non-tourism based economy reopens. Post-COVID, given health security threats and silent biological hostilities, we can no longer depend on tourism as a key pillar of our new economy.

2. Yes agreed that both border controls and our movement controls are linked. The tighter the border controls, the more freedom we can enjoy internally and we can avoid lockdowns, social and mental meltdown. The looser our border controls to new more vaccine-resistant variants, the less freedom we will have and more social and mental meltdown we will have.

Me: Countdown to what?
If 3 years later covid is still rampant how

A: Closed? Nono, we want covid to spread and infect as many people as possible so that life can go back to normal! Even better when more Singaporeans die because of covid!

Best is when you, your family AND your friends are infected! Our economy will be booming and the country will be prosperous! Business everywhere can go back to normal!

Me: good luck staying at home forever

A: Tighten border controls?

For what? We should reopen fully! Remove all restrictions too, afterall covid is harmless! Just another common flu, will must infect entire country so we will develop herd immunity!! Because the government said so! Whatever your doctor told you can’t be trusted!

Singapore cannot and will not survive without covid, we must open and live normally, so this country will once again be great!

Yes, forever, stay at home forever. Close borders forever, that’s what we want! Forever and ever!!

Hey you know what? If you have a deep cut on your body, don’t close it up and let it heal! Let it get infected too! You need to use that bodypart, very important!! After getting infected, you’d be making a lot of money!! You’d live just as well and better than when your body was well and healthy! Just learn to live with severe injuries, it wouldn’t kill you, I’m sure!

Me: if you have a paper cut, better rest at home till it's healed even if you get fired from your job

A: Yes, just like covid. I wonder what the vaccines and social distancing were for. Waste of time! Covid is harmless!

C: not sure how many n when will we ever be covid ready! Since covid is mutating so rapidly. Not even counting the amt of intelligent things so many countries n ppl r doing to help make e situation even worst.

Me: Yes, covid hystericists get very upset whenever I produce peer reviewed research showing how low the covid ifr is

A: Yah I’m sure people who died from covid are falsified information. No one has died from covid, I wonder why we went into absolute chaos, how come so many people in India died from covid, all must be a hoax!! A conspiracy!

Me: Glad to know that you don't trust the science!

C: but Even fully shutting off our borders will not make SG become a clean room. For various reason, tourism, family, business we will still need to open.

We cant keep ppl in clean room all their live.

B: yups open our businesses to global markets digitally we must, open our borders fully not so sure.

C: same same but different. Service n education industry some can pivot. But F&b n accomadation how to?

B: With freedom to open shop and reduce SMM in our F&B, our restaurants and cafes can go back to full house.

D: You mean like China and New Zealand? They have the strictest border controls and still have over the top SMM measures when cases come through.

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