Thread by @GPIngersoll on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App
"The assault on language in the name of “inclusivity” or sensitivity is
really just about making language so imprecise that regular people can
no longer speak truth.
If the base outcome of the change is to obfuscate and belabor language, then it seems clear that the people enforcing the change find the subject to be either one of much personal discomfort or just plain inconvenient to their goals, usually the latter under the shrill guise of the former.
Don’t call them illegal aliens, you bigot, these words literally hurt me!
How can we possibly be concerned about something as benign “undocumented non-citizens”?
Why in the world would we condemn something that is MOSTLY PEACEFUL?
The (absurd) argument is that people cannot be illegal. If you are trespassing, your state of being itself IS illegal.
The function is to toxify any form of dissent for issues that deserve serious scrutiny.
The distinction allows for, encourages even, wholesale ruination.
We've seen this before in history.
The most dangerous humans have almost always been the ones who felt a false sense righteousness.
It is almost entirely a manipulation, a ruse, a calculated concoction that doesn’t stand even the most minor inspection.
These are enemies of the new religion and must be hemmed, blunted or destroyed. There is no other way to maintain an unpopular and brittle world view."