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Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Links - 29th September 2021 (2) (AOC)

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Tells Sean Spicer What Capitalism Is - "Spicer took to Twitter to suggest the lawmaker—a self-described democratic socialist—selling merchandise was somehow hypocritical. Ocasio-Cortez responded to Spicer's tweet, stating that "transactions aren't capitalism." "Not sure if you know this Sean, but transactions aren't capitalism. Capitalism is a system that prioritizes profit at any & all human/enviro cost," she wrote in a tweet that amassed more than 40,000 likes in about nine hours. "But [for what it's worth] our shop is unionized, doesn't operate for profit, & funds projects like free tutoring, food programs, & local organizing." Webster's dictionary defines capitalism as: "An economic system characterized by private or corporate ownership of capital goods, by investments that are determined by private decision, and by prices, production, and the distribution of goods that are determined mainly by competition in a free market."... Other Twitter users responded to Spicer's tweet to tell him that he appeared to not understand what capitalism means. "The right continues to prove it doesn't even understand the one sacrosanct term in its lexicon," one person wrote."
Words mean whatever liberals want them to mean

Biden Is Illegally Keeping Migrant Kids in Detention for 38% Longer Than Last Week. - "The Biden regime is holding unaccompanied minors entering the U.S. illegally for an average of 107 hours – nearly one and a half days longer than the legally allowed limit.
While the numbers, reported first by CNN, would have caused outrage under the Trump administration, Democrats like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez have stayed silent on the matter."

Facebook - "So AOC skipped a memorial event for the Israeli leader who gave his life at the hands of a right-wing Israeli assassin for desperately trying to make peace with the Palestinians and give them a state - to stream video games instead? If the most ardent advocate for Israeli-Palestinian peace isn't worthy of recognition, is any other premiere worthy? And if not - well, is it time to admit that some other reason is at work?"

Pelosi trashes AOC, Squad in 'child-like' voice: book - "Veteran journalist Susan Page of USA Today profiled Pelosi (D-Calif.) for her upcoming biography “Madam Speaker: Nancy Pelosi and the Lessons of Power.”... Pelosi “offers the Squad this blunt advice: ‘You’re not a one-person show. This is the Congress of the United States,'” according to the report. Democrats have a seven-seat edge in the House, giving the band of relatively young leftists power to influence legislation."

AOC says she's effectively 'served in war' after Capitol riot - "She claimed that congresspersons have now effectively "served in war" and that she is "doing therapy" because of her experience on January 6... After the riot, Ocasio-Cortez was heavily chastised for misrepresenting her whereabouts on January 6. Ocasio-Cortez had previously claimed that rioters had made it to her office door yelling, "where is she?" She further claimed that she thought she was going to die during the riot... it was revealed that Ocasio-Cortez was in a different building entirely, as revealed by Congresswoman Nancy Moore, whose office is two doors down from Ocasio Cortez's. As many criticized Ocasio-Cortez's recounting of events as hyperbolic, the Congresswoman discussed her previous trauma from an alleged sexual assault and argued that those who dismissed her were "using the same tactics as abusers.""

AOC’s Capitol story is crumbling - "‘Squad’ leader Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has made great political hay out of last month’s storming of the Capitol. She has talked it up as an attempted terror attack. ‘We came close to half of the House nearly dying’, she said in the days after the event. She insists she was in imminent danger of being ‘murdered’. She has used her ‘trauma’ at the Capitol to bolster her calls for a war on domestic terror and for tearing up the First Amendment... The discrepancies in her story led #AlexandriaOcasio-Smollett to trend on Twitter, with many comparing AOC to disgraced actor Jussie Smollett, who organised a fake hate crime a gainst himself... She has even tried to present herself as the main victim. The real victims, of course, were the six people killed in the chaos. And the main target of the rioters’ anger was not AOC, but Republicans like vice-president Mike Pence who refused to overturn the election on Trump’s behalf. AOC has responded to those calling her out by accusing them of spreading disinformation. Her office has encouraged her supporters to combat questions about her whereabouts during the Capitol riots."

AOC compares herself to war veterans after her Capitol riot exaggerations backfire - "Ocasio-Cortez has since claimed that it was Trump supporters who planted the two pipe bombs that surrounded the Republican and Democratic National Committees headquarters on Jan. 5. The perpetrator has yet to be identified and apprehended by federal authorities—let alone the culprit's political affiliation."

AOC wasn't in the Capitol Building at the time of the Jan. 6 riot—she was in another building entirely - "Ocasio-Cortez later said that she believed her colleagues in the GOP were white supremacists who she feared would allow others do to harm to her. Ocasio-Cortez falsely accused Senator Ted Cruz of "trying to get [her] killed," that she wouldn't attend President Joe Biden's inauguration because she didn't "feel safe" around Republicans, and has demanded the removal of Republicans in the House and Senate."

Mocking Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's trauma is really about covering for Trump's violent coup - "Assuming a right to define the impact of another person's trauma is a tired shtick that is often trotted out by right-wing pundits who attempt to deflect negative attention like after a school shooting or publicized event of police violence... The anti-democratic nature of the right-wing movement in America is deeper than even the anti-democracy moves made by Republicans in the establishment. The anti-democratic nature of the right-wing media actively works against the full participation of every member of our society. They work hard to discredit "lived experiences" because the world of credentialism has thus far blocked competition for them. Trauma is mocked because they have no understanding of what it feels like to be on the receiving end of any of these things so they think "rapist" and "racist" are just insults that you call somebody you don't like"
You're not allowed to disagree with (liberal) "minorities"
Of course, liberals mock the "trauma" of people they disagree with (e.g. claiming that cancel culture isn't real)

Is AOC the most dangerous politician in America? - "This is Authoritarianism 101: depict certain forms of political speech as violent, as akin to attempted acts of murder. It is a demand, implicitly, for censorship, for the punishment of those who dare to hold views that AOC finds unpalatable. Indeed, it is striking that shortly after the Capitol riot AOC openly proposed that Congress should think about how to ‘rein in’ the media... This is where authoritarian hysteria ends up: calling for restraints on political speech and controls on the press. AOC has previously given a green light to the virtual blacklisting of public figures who backed Trump. Late last year she suggested that someone make a record of all ‘Trump sycophants’ in case they try to ‘downplay or deny their complicity in the future’. This inspired the establishment of the Trump Accountability Project, which seems committed to preventing Trump staffers from gaining certain forms of employment in the future – those who ‘took a paycheck from the Trump administration should not profit from their efforts to tear our democracy apart’. In the words of the New York Post, it smacks of being a ‘blacklist’ of ‘allies and staffers of President Trump’. AOC is continuing her over-the-top recollections of what happened at the Capitol on 6 January. Yesterday, in an Instagram live chat that predicably went viral, she described the terror she felt when someone stormed into her office, while she was locked in the bathroom, and started yelling, ‘WHERE IS SHE?’. It is only later in the chat that we discover this person was a police officer, coming to ensure she was safe. For heaven’s sake. We’ve gone from the claim that half of representatives were at risk of being murdered to the reality of a cop checking on AOC’s wellbeing... Right now, AOC might just be the most authoritarian politician in the US. Her hyperbole about the Capitol riot, her fearmongering about the threat of ‘domestic terrorism’, her animosity towards the free press, and her demonisation of her critics as being pro-murder or similar to sexual abusers, in the full knowledge that her army of devoted online followers will amplify these shrill, censorious accusations – this all points to how determined AOC is to crush anything that she considers too right-wing or too offensive."
Plus she claimed she was terrified that the police officer was going to harm her

'I've Been Shot!' Screams AOC As Ted Cruz Greets Her With Set Of Friendly Finger Guns | The Babylon Bee - "At publishing time, Mitch McConnell had held the door open for Ocasio-Cortez, prompting her to scream that she was being sexually assaulted."

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez storms Nancy Pelosi's office for climate change protest - "A group of activists have staged a sit-in protest at Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi’s congressional office, joined by an unexpected guest: New York Congresswoman-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez."
It's only bad when the "right" do it

Lucas Lynch - AOC: "Not only must Native voices not be ignored, they should be *centered* in a climate agenda.Indigenous wisdom, principles, & organizing have been proven right on climate over and over." "This is a total crock. "Indigenous peoples" were responsible for the first wave of mass extinctions the earth saw since the time of the dinosaurs.There used to be woolly mammoths and now there aren't. Ever ponder why that is? It's because our ancestors were no more wise or moral than ourselves, they just had inferior technology in their barbarity. The book "sapiens" by Yuval Noah Harari illustrates very well how the introduction of people in every corner of the globe was always accompanied by waves of mass extinctions of large mammals. The savage was never noble - the savage was, of course, human. The plight of "indigenous peoples" most certainly was an atrocity, but it was only the result of technological imbalance, not moral imbalance."Indigenous wisdom" is just religious superstition. Only in very recent years post enlightenment did we begin to understand why restraining ourselves from consuming the earths resources was both moral and a matter of our survival."

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter - "We stand with our Asian American & Pacific Islander community against the rising tide of racism and hate crimes that have been stoked to a fever pitch, much of amplified by the actions of our last president. It’s on all of us to speak up against bigotry & protect our neighbors."
Replies: "Have you watched any of these videos and seen who the offenders are?"
"The fact that the media isn’t reporting on these stories is really fucked up. Do we not matter? When is the hate and violence going to end?"
"It is funny how when it’s not a white person committing the crimes she doesn’t mention the race of the attackers but if it’s a white person she won’t miss the chance. I’d just like some consistency on her part."
"I'm sure Trump was really inspiring the Black and brown community in Oakland to commit assaults on elderly Asians."
"Welcome to the 2021 season of #FakeLeft Political Theater w/ your host, @AOC!Platitudes...Virtue Signaling...Distraction mongering by clickbait consensus...It’ll be a heartfelt action-packed year of veiled warmongering & austerities on behalf of Corporate America.Enjoy!"
"When I see these videos of the perpetrators of attacks on Asian Americans the first thing I think is “I bet he’s a white supremacist” bravo congresswoman you’ve nailed it again!"
"As an Asian American / Pacific Islander I have never felt discrimination. AOC is a complete tool."
"To anyone seeing this, please note AOC’s silence on discrimination against Asian Americans in college admissions, or the horrible attacks on Asian Americans by BLM rioters over the last year. AOC was given the signal that it’s time to care about this. Who gave the signal?"

AOC on NYC Crime Wave: People "Need To Feed Their Child," Maybe Have To "Shoplift Some Bread"
Clearly, if you can't feed your family you go out and murder someone

CBS News on Twitter - ""Violence is when an agent of the state kneels on a man's neck until all of the life is leached out of his body. Destroying property, which can be replaced, is not violence. To use the same language to describe those two things is not moral" -@nhannahjones"
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter - "And to be 💯% honest, it was hard during this to be targeted+marred as some sellout-enemy of the people over a late tactical disagreement over 1 floor vote. Also a bummer to see figures excuse comments like “f- her and f- anyone who protects her.” That’s not tone,that’s violence"
Leftist logic: words are violence, but violence isn't violence

Ryan Knight ☭ on Twitter - "AOC: “Biden has exceeded our expectations!”
Bombed Syria
Kids still in cages
No medicare for all
No $15 minimum wage
Lied about $2K checks
Privatizing war in Afghanistan
No student debt cancellation
@AOC is a sheep-dog for the right-wing capitalist “Democratic” party."

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Refused To Campaign More For Bernie Sanders - "Ocasio-Cortez’s apparent decision to avoid stumping for Sanders stands out precisely because of her intense work on his behalf in the fall and early winter."
You can't blame her for being a shrewd operator

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez denounces socialists and praises Biden administration, Democratic Party - World Socialist Web Site

Hypocritical, hilarious AOC says calling border crisis a 'surge' invokes white supremacy - "“This is not a surge. These are children, and they are not insurgents, and we are not being invaded. Which, by the way, is a white supremacist philosophy. The idea that if another is coming in the population, that this is an invasion of who we are." That's Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's (D-N.Y.) latest WTF moment on Instagram, which is breathtaking even for the same person who once said during the Trump years that unemployment was low only "because everybody is working two jobs," which isn't how unemployment numbers are calculated. So let's unpack this latest verbal masterpiece by quoting the most popular member of Congress (from a social media perspective) in 2019, when a surge decidedly smaller than this one was happening at the border under the previous administration. "The child detention camps are here. I confronted the border officers myself. Using their names, I told them exactly what they are responsible for. One of them made eye contact with me. I spoke directly to him. I saw his sense of guilt. We can dismantle this," Ocasio-Cortez declared in 2018 while calling migrant facilities "concentration camps." She also used the opportunity to visit the border for this infamous photo-op. Fast forward to 2021, and with Democrats completely in control, suddenly the congresswoman can't seem to find the time to visit the border to take more self-promotional photos. She also can't bring herself – much like the Biden administration – to call this border crisis a border crisis, instead arguing that it’s "an imperialism crisis, it’s a climate crisis. It’s a trade crisis. And also, it’s a carceral crisis.” AOC doesn’t have a monopoly on immigration hypocrisy, though. "I will also immediately put in place a meaningful process for reviewing the cases for asylum," Kamala Harris – then a presidential candidate – declared in 2019 during a primary debate. "I will release children from cages. I will get rid of the private detention centers," she added. In a related story, candidate Biden urged migrants to "surge the border" during the same debate... this task will be exceedingly difficult for Harris, who once compared ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) to the Ku Klux Klan while arguing that illegal border crossings should be legal."

AOC flashes white supremacy sign during Instagram session!

Anthony Brian Logan (ABL) 🇺🇸 on Twitter - "So does this mean @AOC is a white supremacist? *AOC flashing OK sign*"
James Lindsay - Posts | Facebook - "Not as much as her views on the inability of black people to succeed in America without lots and lots of help from her side of the government, being exempt from the law, and lowered achievement standards in just about every other domain, but maybe."

Bulgarian Singles USA - Posts | Facebook - "Leftist women love denigrating white men, but have you noticed that 'Kamala Harris married a white man, Susan Rice married a white man, Ilhan Omar married a white man and AOC dating a white man. For such vocal haters of white men, these CLODS sure do love to indulge.' What gives?"

Hot Takes Nobody Asked For - Posts | Facebook - AOC: "I wonder if Republicans understand how much they advertise their disrespect of women in debates when they consistently call women members of Congress by nicknames or first names while using titles & last names when referring to men of = stature. Women notice. It conveys a lot."
"Numerous Republicans called President Obama "Barry" for 8 years. Plenty of Democrats call President Trump "45" in a pejorative manner. There are countless other examples."

Facebook - "As you’ve heard, AOC’s abuela is living in a dilapidated home that was ravaged by Hurricane Maria. AOC is unable to help her own grandma for whatever reason, so I have set up this Go Fund Me campaign to save her home. Please give if you can. #HelpAbuela"

AOC's aunt says Trump is NOT to blame for lack of aid to the struggling island - "'This is her home. Hurricane Maria help hasn't arrived. Trump blocked relief $ for PR…. The relative, who refused to give her name, added: 'We are private people, we don't talk about our family.' Ironically for AOC, she also refused to blame former President Donald Trump for thousands of Hurricane Maria victims being unable to get money to repair shattered homes... 'It's a problem here in Puerto Rico with the administration and the distribution of help. It is not a problem with Washington. We had the assistance and it didn't get to the people.'... Walsh had written: 'One cannot be certain of the cost to repair grandma's house, but surely most of the work could be completed for the price of AOC's shiny Tesla Model 3. 'Sadly, virtue signaling isn't going to fix abuela's roof. So we are. Let's all kick in to help save AOC's abuela's ancestral home.'... planning director Leslie Orama... denied AOC's statement that relief 'hasn't arrived', adding 'that's not the case'. Yet she admitted problems, saying: 'It is just that it has been limited in the amount that can be handed to the people that were affected, because of the process itself... The city official also cited past corruption – but said it was in the claims, not the distribution. She added: 'I know that the federal government has been making sure that the money goes to the right places. It is not that I support the way they are acting or working, but I understand that they might be ensuring that all the support is handled correctly. 'Sometimes the claims are not real. Or people even damage their own stuff in order to get money. Some people do the right thing, some people don't.'"

Matt Walsh Raises $100K For Ocasio-Cortez’s Grandmother; GoFundMe Shuts Down Account - "The message from GoFundMe appears to suggest that it may not have been Ocasio-Cortez’s grandmother who directly refused the funds, but someone else in the family. The Daily Wire has reached out to the platform, asking if it is standard practice to allow one member of a family to deny funds to another family member in need. The platform did not respond... More than 5,800 people pledged to help Ocasio-Cortez’s grandmother, raising just over $100,000 in 10 hours before the fundraiser was shut down. All this in response to the congresswoman suggesting that rather than taking direct action to help her grandmother, the most important role she played in the situation was to decry “systematic injustice.”... “Tragically this charitable effort has been sabotaged by forces outside of our control. Still I’m grateful for the outpouring of support for abuela, even if AOC isn’t. But questions remain: Why didn’t AOC help her own abuela? Why was our help turned down? We are left to speculate,” Walsh added. “In the end, our campaign raised 100 thousand dollars and could have solved a problem in ten hours that AOC couldn’t solve in four years. We can all be proud of that. As for abuela, all we can do now is pray.”... Walsh questioned why Ocasio-Cortez, who earns more than $170,000 annually and drives a Tesla, has not offered aid to her own grandmother... Walsh said he would donate $499 – the monthly lease payment for a Tesla – to start the fundraiser"

Lol Dan Crenshaw demolishes AOC, says she embodies "the worst stereotypes of the millennial generation." - "Crenshaw went on Megan Kelly's podcast yesterday and put AOC on blast, noting that there are many, many Republicans who have faced MUCH harder situations than getting someone's order wrong at a restaurant. War, being one example...
The best bit was when Crenshaw took AOC to task for always painting herself as a victim. He said,
"And that playing the victim thing, she really embodies sort of the worst stereotypes of the millennial generation. And it gives us a bad name, and I wish she'd stop.""

WATCH: AOC explains how to solve the Palestinian-Israeli crisis: 'It's not the how to get to that what' | The Post Millennial - "Ocasio-Cortez attempts to explain the means in which Israeli-Palestinian conflict can be solved by focusing on the "how." She states, "It's not the how to get to that what" as a response to the question of addressing the conflict. This event was a week ago and Ocasio-Cortez has yet to clarify what exactly she is saying during this livestream event."

What AOC Just Got Wrong About the Supreme Court and Separation of Powers - "Like every new member of Congress, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez pledged to uphold the Constitution when she was sworn into office. But the socialist congresswoman’s latest criticism of the Supreme Court reveals that she lacks even the most basic understanding of the document she promised to protect... the congresswoman misunderstands or rejects the very role the Supreme Court plays in safeguarding our constitutional liberties. She decries the fact that the judiciary can overrule elected policymakers, but that’s exactly the point. The reason we have a First Amendment, for example, is because our right to freedom of speech is supposed to be off-limits — yes, even for “laws that hundreds and thousands of legislators, advocates, and policymakers drew consensus on.”... Ocasio-Cortez’s comments suggest that she thinks majoritarian support alone should be the criteria for a public policy’s legality"

AOC demands MORE justice despite Chauvin guilty verdict | The Post Millennial

AOC named 'employee of the month' at Goya - "Progressive Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was named “employee of the month” at Goya Foods after sales spiked following her calls to boycott the company’s products, its CEO said"

GOP senator offers to pay for AOC to come campaign for his opponent in Georgia - "Incumbent Georgia Sen. David Perdue is hoping to win reelection in January by pursuing the Democrat Party’s most radical members to pave his path to success... What Ocasio-Cortez doesn’t understand is that while she boasts a positive favorability rating in her far-left district, she boasts a horrible one everywhere else. Polling data from 2019 showed that neither she nor her peers in the radical “Squad” boasted a “Very favorable” rating higher than 17 percent."
Maybe if she had agreed he would have won

‘Racial reckoning’: AOC injects BLM rhetoric into demand for sweeping US migration policy changes | The Post Millennial - "the Biden administration hired a deputy director with a history of anti-ICE activism... what we’re left with in the meantime is a letter that seeks to combine the Biden border crisis with the Black Lives Matter style of rhetoric. Quite literally. In the closing it says: “We are in a moment of racial reckoning in this country, with communities across the country calling for an end to mass incarceration and racist policing. It is time to end the carceral approach to immigration, which relies on these same flawed systems.” Ironically it’s being addressed to an administration whose President is in large part responsible for the creation of the 1994 crime bill... Since the Biden administration is willing to prioritize transgender migrants coming across the US border? AOC’s wishlist has a fair chance of being heard by White House officials."

Balloonhead AOC says Republican states are "suppressed states" and "the only way our country will heal is through the actual liberation of Southern states" - "The socialist wing of the Democrat Party (which grows by the day) sees conservatives and Republicans as literal oppressors from whom liberals need to be liberated. Not fellow Americans with whom they can disagree and debate, even vigorously. No, they see us as an evil force that needs to be utterly defeated."

As a Democrat whose family escaped socialism, Ocasio-Cortez worries me - "Cuba’s socialist revolution was supposed to work for workers — like my grandparents who lived in Miami during Fulgencio Batista’s dictatorship. In January 1959, just two weeks after Fidel Castro seized power, they returned to the island to care for my grandmother’s ailing mother. For the next 20 years, they remained prisoners in their own country... To understand my grandparents’ desperation to flee socialism, imagine leaving everything behind and starting anew at almost 60 years old... On the night of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s victory in New York, I thought her use of the term was a misnomer. Then I began studying the views of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), the rapidly growing national organization she belongs to, and was disturbed by what I learned. Like those of yesteryear, today’s socialists believe the government should nationalize major industries, propose eliminating private ownership of companies, and reject profits. In other words, democratic socialism is a lot like the system my family fled, except its proponents promise to be nicer when seizing your business. When I confronted some progressive friends about this, they initially dismissed my concerns. After sharing some articles with them, the conversation shifted to "they just want us to be more like the Nordic countries" and "they’re not like real socialists!" Both are reductionist, self-delusions to avoid confronting difficult truths. The latter is a particularly absurd fallacy because it requires one to believe that adults who willfully join socialist organizations, sound like socialists and call themselves socialists are not what they claim to be. Claims of "Nordic socialism" are also largely exaggerated. As Jostein Skaar, of Oslo Economics, told me, "I would stress that the Norwegian economic system is capitalistic, heavily influenced by the U.S. and U.K." This is probably why DSA argues that the Nordic model is not good enough. The ideological counterparts of America's democratic socialists are likelier to be found to our south than in northern Europe. For instance, Cuba — where the state controls three-fourths of the economy, limits private-sector activity, and employs the majority of workers — is clearly more representative of DSA's economic vision than Denmark, where 89 percent of the wealth is privately owned and seven out of 10 Danes work in the private sector... it’s foolish to believe that democratic socialists — who promise to end capitalism — would be satisfied with Medicare for all, if given the reins of power. This must never happen. The descendants of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels should have no place in the party of Harry Truman and John F. Kennedy. Given its horrific record of human suffering, it would be a moral disgrace for Democrats to embrace socialism just to win elections, as some suggest. Those who use the blitheful ignorance of many for the political gain of a few deserve to lose. Indeed, if socialism represents the future of the Democratic Party, that’s a dystopia no American should want to be a part of."
Liberals still try to gaslight everyone by claiming the far left / extreme left in the US just wants universal healthcare

Ocasio-Cortez Mocks People Who Get ‘Cancelled,’ Suggests That They Are Entitled And Unliked - "Ocasio-Cortez provided no evidence backing up her claim that the term “cancel culture” comes “from entitlement” and that it involves people who have “a large, captive audience.” While the targets of cancel culture have included famous names, many people who get “canceled” are ordinary people whose employers face calls for boycotts if they keep them as an employee. Ocasio-Cortez appeared to hold herself to a different standard in her tweets as she claimed that people who were “cancelled” were really “just being challenged, held accountable, or unliked.” Ocasio-Cortez then claimed that Fox News, which she did not name directly, was “dedicated to stoking hatred of” her. Like other media outlets, Fox News does frequently report on Ocasio-Cortez, but is often just challenging her ideas, holding her accountable, or reporting that she’s unliked."

Ted Cruz on Twitter - "aoc wearing the words tax the rich on her dress? simply iconic #MetGala"
"Cost per Ticket: $30,000. Virtue signaling to your base while partying—without a mask—with the people you claim to hate: Priceless."

The Smirk Order - Posts | Facebook - "All of these socialist influencers are frauds. They get rich using capitalism by preaching the socialist gospel on social media. AOC, Hasan Parker, that pedophile Vaush, are all successful because of capitalism and they all turn out to be hypocrites in the end."

AOC's 'Tax the Rich' dress designer Aurora James owes heavy debt - "Designer Aurora James called her “Tax the Rich” dress for Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez a “powerful message” — but it’s not one she has taken to heart. The 37-year-old fashionista who made waves at the Met Gala with Democratic-Socialist AOC last week is a notorious tax deadbeat with unpaid debts dogging her in multiple states, records show... Between April 2018 and April 2019, the Internal Revenue Service placed six federal liens on Cultural Brokerage Agency totaling $103,220. The liens specifically cite the company’s failure to remit employee payroll taxes... While James apparently has no problem stiffing the Taxman, she isn’t shy about taking money from taxpayers — her company received in $41,666 in pandemic relief aid. Over the years Cultural Brokerage Agency has also faced multiple legal challenges as a result of habitual nonpayment of worker benefits... Ex-staffers blasted the operation as a sweatshop that relied on legions of unpaid interns working full-time jobs. “I experienced a lot of harassment when I worked for her,” one former contract employee told The Post. “Aurora would ask me to do things that were not in anyone’s job description, like scheduling her gynecological appointments. The work environment was so hostile that I was afraid to ask for my check.” The employee was ultimately terminated... James is also an alleged rent deadbeat, records show... Though AOC was comped tickets to the annual ball for boldfacers, entry to the famously exclusive Met Gala runs $35,000 a head. James attended the bash with Benjamin Bronfman, a rumored boyfriend she’s frequently spotted with. Bronfman, 39, is a scion of the powerful Bronfman family and its distilling empire. He is worth an estimated $100 million... James’ unpaid bills belie her champagne tastes. She frequently jets off to exclusive locations, her Instagram richly decorated with photos from Jamaica, Morocco, France, Indonesia, Mexico, Italy, the United Kingdom and The Hamptons. She also found money to make a $2,700 donation to Hillary Clinton in 2016. “It’s the height of hypocrisy when socialists attend a $30,000 per ticket gala with a message of ‘tax the rich’ while wearing an overpriced dress by a luxury designer who doesn’t pay taxes,” Republican Staten Island Congresswoman Nicole Malliotakis told The Post. “What happened to everyone paying their fair share?”... James pushed progressive causes long before making headlines for dressing America’s most famous socialist. After the death of George Floyd in May 2020, she created the 15 percent pledge, demanding that major companies commit to buying 15% of their products from black-owned businesses. The idea took off with major companies like Bloomingdale’s, Vogue, Sephora, and Crate & Barrel, according to a 15 percent pledge website. “This is the least you can do for us. We represent 15% of the population and we need to represent 15% of your shelf space,” James said in an Instagram post announcing the idea. Ocasio-Cortez, who has made a career out of demanding better worker wages and benefits, and taxing the rich to pay for her budget-busting federal programs, did not respond to multiple requests for comment."

Of course AOC went to the Met Gala - "AOC’s seamless entry into the Met Gala set reminds us that what passes for ‘left-wing’ politics has perhaps never been more palatable to the powerful. They tweet ‘defund the police’ while walking around with armed bodyguards. Identity politics allows even the most wealthy among them to occasionally pose as oppressed. They mouth anti-capitalist slogans apparently safe in the knowledge that there is no worker’s revolt on the horizon that might actually take something away from them – just AOC’s Instagram following stanning in her mentions. If she is what passes for the left in America today, it really is no threat to the elites. I’m sure she fit right in."

Maskless Met Gala Scene, With Face-Covered Servers Waiting On “Liberal Swells”, Mocked As Double Standard By Bill Maher: “Do The Germs Know Who The Good People Are?!”

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