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Thursday, September 23, 2021

Links - 23rd September 2021 (1)

CC on Twitter - "Lmao my table tipped me nothing on a $65 tab I found her ID on the table and threw that jawn in the trash, it’s $30.50 for a replacement. This could have been avoided w a $10 tip bitch"
On her profile: "BLM"

Kyoto University Hosts Live Shibari Traditional Rope Bondage Demonstration

Meme - "Truly only two types of men in the world"
"Whats your go to meal from McDonalds"
"Lemme fuck the shit outta you"
"notice which guy got the saved contact"

University of Northern Iowa president overrules student government, allows pro-life student group - "A pro-life student group will be granted recognition as a registered student organization following a ruling by the University of Northern Iowa president on an appeal of the student government’s decision to deny the group that status.The ruling, issued by school president Mark A. Nook, cited First Amendment protections in the U.S. Constitution as the overall basis to allow the campus chapter of Students for Life of America to receive registered student organization status. The registration allows the group the formal ability to organize, reserve university facilities, publically post notices, and request funding for publications and lectures.Students for Life is an organization that promotes pro-life causes. Specifically, it aims to “recruit, train, and mobilize the Pro-Life Generation to abolish abortion,” according to the national group’s website. Nook determined that the Northern Iowa Student Government, as well as its supreme court appellate body, incorrectly applied university rules when making the decision to deny registered status to the group and based it on “on the content of the student organization’s viewpoint, speech and assumed potential activities""

Teachers Work Fewer Hours Than Most Professionals - "National data shows that on average teachers work fewer hours per week than people in other professions–nearly three hours a week less... The data includes both time in the classroom and time spent grading papers at home. It doesn’t include vacations and doesn’t account for the intensity of different types of work."
Yet it seems teachers complain the most about how hard they work

Teachers deserve no more — or less — than private sector workers - "To my mind, public school teaching is an easier job than most. It requires a modest education, offers several months off each year, a short work day when compared to many professions and job security to the extent you can’t be fired for even egregiously poor performance.So what exactly are teachers striking about now? Bill Tufts, author of Pension Ponzi, notes: “Teachers, in the span of a single generation, went from being members of the lower middle class, to upper middle class, to upper class today.” The Drummond Report found the median salary of public school teachers in Ontario three years ago was $95,000. Add to that 30 per cent, or $28,500, in benefits and the option to retire as early as age 53, with a generous indexed pension for life starting at 70 per cent of their highest salary. That adds up to about double the average teacher’s salary in Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development countries and is the second highest in the world, behind Germany. The average teacher retiring now has a greater life expectancy than ever before, and will therefore likely draw a pension for longer than they worked, ultimately at the taxpayer’s expense. As well, they have the opportunity to supplement that pension by double dipping — performing extra work in retirement — while preventing new, lower paid, teachers from entering the profession. What do taxpayers get for this largesse?Parents with children in public schools must find and pay for alternative care, take vacation time or absent themselves from work without pay to accommodate professional development days being held during the work week, rather than in the summer, when they already must find child care. Ironically, by calling a strike the union’s conduct is further disproportionately damaging society’s most vulnerable families.What do taxpayers get for this largesse?Parents with children in public schools must find and pay for alternative care, take vacation time or absent themselves from work without pay to accommodate professional development days being held during the work week, rather than in the summer, when they already must find child care. Ironically, by calling a strike the union’s conduct is further disproportionately damaging society’s most vulnerable families... In the past when I have written columns on this subject, I have received letters suggesting lawyers make lots of money. That may be true of some. However, according to Canadian Business magazine, lawyers generally earn less than teachers, with the median salary being less than $80,000 in 2013. But also consider that lawyers have massive expenses, risk losing money at the end of each year, spend more years in a much more difficult academic program and must overcome substantially higher academic competition to get into law school than teachers do to attend teachers’ college. And like most Canadians, lawyers’ income ends when they stop working. The most important distinction, however, is job security. If a lawyer does not perform well, he or she goes out of business. If a teacher does not do well, they keep teaching, their wages and benefits unimpaired. The normal incentives to performance do not apply. The obvious question is, why aren’t teachers keeping their heads down, praying that no one learns of the boondoggle they are perpetrating on taxpayers, rather than manning the barricades and holding parents, once again, to ransom?‎The reason is the absence of any market discipline in wage negotiations. When private sector unions negotiate with employers, they appreciate that if they demand too much or strike at a critical time the employer could go out of business leaving its members unemployed. Such considerations are irrelevant in the public sector. Historically, teachers negotiate with school trustees — not with the taxpayers or the parents who bear the burden of a strike. Rather than having any interest in minimizing wage hikes, trustees are focused on avoiding a strike on their watch. Overpaying has little consequence because, by the time the cumulative impact of these increases reaches public attention, they have moved on.Traditionally civil servants, such as public school teachers, had a smaller workload, better benefits and more job security than private sector workers, in exchange for lower wages. This historical compromise has been turned on its head, with overburdened taxpayers paying civil servants more than they earn themselves while those workers continue to enjoy the benefits and job security of earlier times. When the Illinois Supreme Court ruled last week that a school board could not alter pension benefits, Moody’s immediately downgraded the debt of the applicable Illinois city and school board to junk status. Ontario may not be far behind if its unfunded pensions and deficit are not reduced. Illinois’ debt stands at $15,938 for each person. Ontario’s is already at $19,632."

"It wasn't filmed in Italy?" Viewers impressed with the jaw-dropping CG for the drama 'Vincenzo' - "With the COVID19 pandemic taking place worldwide, many viewers wondered how the film crew was able to film abroad. However, it was revealed that the production was never filmed in Italy, and many of the Italian scenes were, in fact, the work of computer graphics.The scenes are so seamless that not many viewers realized it was all CG. Many thought that the filming might have taken in a place that is similar to Italy with minimal computer graphic work. However, to everyone's surprise, many of the scenes were entirely digital."

Man admits posing as agent for 'sugar daddies' to lure 11 women into sex acts - "Over 10 months, a man who could not afford paid sex posed as an agent for wealthy "sugar daddies" and tricked 11 women into sex acts with him on the premise of "testing" them out for clients.De Beers Wong Tian Jun, 39, pleaded guilty on Thursday (Mar 18) to 10 charges including cheating, criminal intimidation and possession of obscene photos for circulation. Another 26 charges will be considered in sentencing. The court heard that Wong wanted to have paid sex in 2015 but could not afford the prices he saw listed in online advertisements. He devised a scheme to advertise for "sugar babes", or paid escorts who provided sexual services to "sugar daddies" in exchange for money.In the ad, Wong lied that he was a freelance agent who connected such escorts to his well-to-do clients and sought people who were "serious about earning good money".Between April 2015 and January 2016, at least 11 women aged between 18 and 24 responded to Wong's advertisement on Locanto. Wong said he had clients who would pay them S$8,000 to S$20,000 per month, but said they had to first send their nude photos to Wong or engage in sexual acts with him.He claimed this was necessary for the women to be "evaluated" by his clients to assess if they were suitable for a "sugar daddy" arrangement... All the women suffered mental anguish after their encounters with Wong, with some having recurring nightmares and others experiencing fear, anxiety and paranoia that he would leak their intimate pictures or videos... When the woman asked Wong to delete nude photos of her in October 2015, he lied that he had done so. She continued begging him to delete the photos until January 2016, when Wong told her he had retrieved backups of her nude photos and would delete them only if she agreed to provide him with sexual services.When the woman told Wong that she was doing him a favour by not going to the police, he replied: "Now I have to pass your photos to my friends in case anything happen(s) to me they will use the photos as they wish.""

A map of the USA for Canadian tourists

The Ancient Method That Keeps Afghanistan's Grapes Fresh All Winter - "Afghans developed this method of food preservation, which uses mud-straw containers and is known as kangina, centuries ago in Afghanistan’s rural north. Thanks to the technique, people in remote communities who can’t afford imported produce are able to enjoy fresh fruit in winter months. But even in villages like Ahmadi’s, near the capital, the tradition is kept alive for good reason. “Have you ever seen another method that can keep grapes fresh for nearly half a year?”... the clay-rich mud, whose seal keeps out air and moisture like a Tupperware or ziplock bag, protects the fruit from the winter cold, and works best for certain types of grapes."

Meme - "Hey Robot, what do you do when I am not around?"
"Oh Just robot stuff"
*image of USB cable plugging into another with WD-40 on the table*
From @System32Comics

Japanese man arrested for stealing women’s shoes and replacing them with new ones - "Aichi prefecture in central Japan seems to be a hot spot for weird criminal activity these days, between people selling modified Pokémon from a hacked game, stealing piano covers from schools, and slashing women’s car tires. And now we can add one more crime to the list: theft of women’s shoes, and replacing them with brand new ones.  33-year-old Hiroaki Katsu, an office worker from Nagakute City in Aichi, was arrested on the theft charges. According to investigators, the man had about 20 pairs of women’s shoes in his house, ranging in style from boots to loafers, flats, and pumps. The arrest came after Katsu was discovered to be the culprit that swapped out a pair of shoes valued at about 5,000 yen (US$45.53) from a 23-year-old female instructor at a music school in Nagoya. The incident occurred at about 10:50 a.m. on January 30, but the instructor only noticed something strange when she put her shoes on before heading home (it’s not unusual for people in Japan to change into slippers while at their workplace). The shoes she had worn to work were thoroughly broken in, so she thought it was strange that at the end of the day “her shoes” looked and felt like new... “I wanted to smell the scent of women’s shoes,” he admitted.  Police consider the crimes to be premeditated, as Katsu had taken care to replace each pair of shoes with a brand new pair in the same brand, style, size, and color"

I’m surprised by how suffocating village life is - "in Mousehole, I feel asphyxiated by the claustrophobia of village life; by other people having decided who I am, while I am still trying to find out. So, I do what I do every time I panic: I start packing again."

Who can claim Hainanese chicken rice, Singapore or Malaysia? | South China Morning Post - "Where is the best food destination in Southeast Asia? It’s a matter of taste – and it’s a title Malaysia and Singapore have long coveted. For Singaporeans, nothing quite touches a nerve like Malaysia claiming the city state’s unofficial national dish: Hainanese chicken rice. For decades, the dish invented by Chinese immigrants in Southeast Asia has been claimed by both food-crazed nations, but according to the history books, matters aren’t as straightforward as they seem.  The rivalry has been running red hot since the nations split in 1965. The battle over who owns the humble dish reached new heights in 2009 when then Malaysian tourism minister Ng Yen Yen said Hainanese chicken rice was “uniquely Malaysian” and had been “hijacked” by Singapore... Hainanese chicken rice is a proud product of Malaysia and Singapore’s migrant populations, adapted from a dish called Wenchang chicken rice that evolved in the city of Wenchang, on the island of Hainan, China’s southernmost province. “Wenchang chicken in Hainan refers to the breed of chicken, or the way that it is raised,” says Singaporean heritage enthusiast Brian Wong, 42, adding that the dish uses a lean bird that is raised free-range.  Wong explains that because the Wenchang chicken meat is naturally sweet and has a thin skin, Hainanese believe it is best eaten poached and seasoned with a simple sauce. “The meat is tender but chewy at the same time. The meat is very different from what we have in Singapore and Malaysia,” says Wong, who has spent the past two years researching Hainanese cuisine and its influence on Singapore’s culinary scene.  In 2019 Wong visited Hainan, where his parents are from, to research the island’s food traditions. “The few shops I visited in Hainan didn’t serve it with chilli, but instead small yellow capsicum, and the dip is a simple oil with calamansi, garlic and ginger. The focus is really the chicken,” he says. “For the rice, it really just tastes like plain rice, or [they] add some chicken stock. It is not like the yellowish greasy rice served in Singapore or Malaysia.”... Determining which country deserves to claim chicken rice is complicated because “Singapore and Malaysia were once the same country”... Wong says the first chicken rice shops started popping up in Singapore in the 1940s. Until that point, chicken rice was eaten in the homes of Hainanese migrants. Because of an economic slump during and after the second world war, many migrants were forced to become street hawkers... Malaysia’s history with chicken rice is not as well documented, admits Musa, but controversially, he says Malaysia may be better placed to claim Hainanese chicken rice as its own, with the oldest Malaysian chicken rice store dating back to 1939, a year before Singapore’s first chicken rice stall... Wong, however, says that neither Singapore nor Malaysia can rightfully claim the dish, no matter which country says the first stall belonged to them. “At the end of the day it’s from China, Hainan island. Singapore and Malaysia, we were the same country, so it’s very hard to draw a line”... While Musa still proudly calls chicken rice Malaysian, he also believes it’s the immigrants who should be celebrated.  “This kind of debate, it’s been going on for years when it comes to Malaysian dishes or Singaporean dishes,” he says. “Looking at the history, all the dishes have been brought over by all these immigrants.”"

Murderer kidnapped Chinese man to sell his body for cremation so another family could have a traditional burial | South China Morning Post - "A man with Down’s syndrome was kidnapped, drugged and nailed inside a coffin that was then cremated in the place of a deceased man from a wealthy family
China has been pushing cremation because it is seen as more environmentally friendly, but traditional burial remains popular...
Searches China Judgements Online reveal more than 200 verdicts since 2012 for cases involving “trading corpses” and “stealing corpses”."

China considers banning teachers from sexual relationships with primary and middle school students and new rules on harassment | South China Morning Post - "The current age of consent in China is 14 years of age... Among other regulations being proposed is a ban on schools revealing students’ rankings in tests and from publicising previous graduates who were enrolled by prestigious higher-level schools."

Young South Korean women are turning to suicide in ever greater numbers. Covid-19 is just the start of their problems | South China Morning Post - "Moon Ha-eun, a 24-year-old make-up artist in Seoul, is among the many young women who feel alienated from the country’s traditionally patriarchal workplace. “As soon as I started to work, I began to wish I had been born a man,” says Moon. “My boss has told me to lose weight and to always look pretty while commenting that coming to work without make-up is inappropriate for a woman.”"
If a makeup artist doesn't need to wear makeup at work, who does?

Alice Smith on Twitter - "The Left demands apologies for who you are, not what you have done, because it bases morality on collective identity, not individual behaviour. This leaves them free as individual to behave however they like, as long as their group affiliation is virtuous."

Opinion | My People Have Been Through Worse Than a Twitter Mob - The New York Times - "On MSNBC’s “The 11th Hour With Brian Williams” the night before, we mentioned a tweet, written by someone else, about the enormous amount of money Michael Bloomberg had spent on his failed presidential run, about $500 million. Here’s what I said: “Somebody tweeted recently that actually with the money he spent, he could have given every American a million dollars.”  The math, as a few people have pointed out, was wrong. Overnight, I had become an online sensation, and not in a good way. The video had gone viral, first shared by the right wing, and then by seemingly everyone else, too."
"can’t count, gets called out for it, blames racism. ha."
Spreading fake news is only bad if you're on the "right"

Larinzo on Twitter - "Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you."

WOKE WATCH: School blasted for $40K Greta statue - "Winchester University in Hampshire plans to unveil its ode to the Swedish eco darling on March 30...   Even the university’s students were left scratching their heads. Henry Osbourne asked why students “weren’t given a vote over who to have a statue of?”"

Ever Given Memes Made Suez Canal Rescuers Work Harder: WaPo - "When the Ever Given, an ultra-large container ship, got stuck in one of the world's most important waterways, the world reacted with fascination — and memes."

Disfunkshion | How to Care for Down There - "We are constantly reminded about taking care of our hearts, working out and doing regular breast exams, but what about our most precious and powerful body part? Our vagina’s are important. Understanding how they work and how to care from them properly is the key to having a healthy vagina, high self-esteem and happy sex life... There is nothing wrong with your vagina. It is perfect. It looks perfect. It smells perfect. It reacts perfect. There is no outside product that can make it more perfect. Overall, a healthy vagina comes from having a healthy diet and consistent exercise. Period... You can also try a cucumber cleanse once a week – except during menstruation – to naturally flush the vagina without upsetting its natural process. To do this, cut a fresh cucumber down to a size that will fit, peel it and insert it in your vagina. Twist in and out for about 20 minutes. You can do this treatment in the bed, in the shower or even in the bathtub. Ask your partner for help to make it even more fun!"
Kill two birds with one stone!
If it's perfect why do you need to do anything?

Prehistoric child spacing | Motherhood in prehistory - "Human hunter-gatherers, for example the Gainj of highland Papua New Guinea, have an average of 43 months between births. Pennington (2001) calculated 39 months for hunter-gatherers, taking the mean of four non sedentary populations. Three and a half to four years between children seems normal for prehistoric people before the Neolithic, i.e. the adoption of agriculture, animal husbandry and a sedentary lifestyle.  How is this child spacing achieved? Mothers breastfeed their babies for at least the first two years of life, and unrestricted breastfeeding suppresses ovulation, preventing further pregnancies. How exactly this mechanism works is still under debate – and do not try this at home: it has been shown that in well-fed, western civilisations with a limited nursing culture breastfeeding alone is not a reliable method of birth control. The continuous, around-the-clock suckling of infants produces hormones in the mother that suppress ovulation, but the energy balance of a lactating woman may also have something to do with it (Thompson 2013)."

Black Adults Disproportionately Experience Microaggressions
So much for "white fragility"

Improving traffic - by tailgating less - "maintaining an equal distance between cars on either side of you - an approach MIT professor Berthold Horn describes as “bilateral control” - could allow drivers to get where they’re going twice as quickly (compared to the traditional model of just following the cars in front of us)...   Horn first proposed the concept of “bilateral control” in 2013 at the level of a single car and the cars directly surrounding it. With the new paper, he has taken a more macro-level view, looking at the density of entire highways and how miles of traffic patterns can be affected by individual cars changing speeds (which his team refers to as “perturbations”).  “Our work shows that, if drivers all keep an equal distance between the cars on either side of them, such ‘perturbations’ would disappear as they travel down a line of traffic, rather than amplify to create a traffic jam”"

Rare Prohibition 'grape brick' that turns into wine on show - "The Vino Sano Grape Brick, thought to be one of the last few in existence, has been put on display by the Ontario Museum of History & Art, and dates to around 1930.  The chunks of dehydrated grape juice became popular in the early 20th century when the production of wine was banned under Prohibition, with the bricks able to be officially dissolved in water to make grape juice, or unofficially fermented to make wine...   Under the Volstead Act, whose rules regulated Prohibition, grapes could be grown, but only if they were being used for non-alcoholic consumption. Furthermore, if the winemaker sold grapes to someone, aware they were going to use them to make wine, they themselves could be jailed.  It meant that in selling their grape bricks, winemakers had to be able to maintain deniability that their product could be used to produce alcohol. To get around this, winemakers ensured that their grape bricks carried a warning not to leave it in water for too long in case, heaven forbid, it should begin fermenting and turn to wine.  The warning in fact also served as an instruction manual, specifically advising the buyer “not to leave that jug in the cool cupboard for 21 days, or it would turn into wine”."

Nike sues over Lil Nas X ‘Satan Shoes’ made with real human blood - "Nike has sued New York-based art collective MSCHF over a controversial pair of “Satan Shoes” launched in collaboration with rapper and singer Lil Nas X.   The black and red sneakers were made using Nike Air Max 97s and contain a drop of human blood. The shoes also feature a pentagram pendant and a reference to a Bible verse, Luke 10:18 — “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.”  The release of the “Satan Shoes” coincides with Lil Nas X’s latest single Montero (Call Me By Your Name)"

LA Times defends Lil Nas' Satanic music video, praises him for targeting "America's anxieties about the devil"
What about America's anxieties about "minorities"?

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