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Saturday, September 25, 2021

Links - 25th September 2021 (2)

What Happens When We Randomly Assign Children to Families? - "I use a new data set of Korean-American adoptees who, as infants, were randomly assigned to families in the U.S. I examine the treatment effects from being assigned to a high income family, a high education family or a family with four or more children. I calculate the transmission of income, education and health characteristics from adoptive parents to adoptees. I then compare these coefficients of transmission to the analogous coefficients for biological children in the same families, and to children raised by their biological parents in other data sets. Having a college educated mother increases an adoptee's probability of graduating from college by 7 percentage points, but raises a biological child's probability of graduating from college by 26 percentage points. In contrast, transmission of drinking and smoking behavior from parents to children is as strong for adoptees as for non-adoptees. For height, obesity, and income, transmission coefficients are significantly higher for non-adoptees than for adoptees. In this sample, sibling gender composition does not appear to affect adoptee outcomes nor does the mix of adoptee siblings versus biological siblings"

Baltimore Chefs Drove 6 Hours To Cook a Dying Customer Her Favorite Dish - "Maryland resident Brandon Jones, 37, knew it would be a long shot, but he had to try.His mother-in-law, who is in the final stages of lung cancer and has stopped treatment, had fallen in love with the tempura broccoli dish from Ekiben in Baltimore, so he emailed one of the owners, Steve Chu, requesting the recipe... The chef, who specializes in Asian fusion cuisine, offered to meet Jones and his wife, Rina, in Vermont to make it fresh... For as long as Jones’ mother-in-law has been visiting Baltimore, she has made it a priority to go to Ekiben in Fells Point, where she orders the same dish — tempura broccoli topped with fresh herbs, red onion and rice vinegar... Chu, Ekiben co-owner Ephrem Abebe, and their colleague Joe Añonuevo, loaded up their pickup and drove the six hours to Vermont.The next day, the chefs set up a makeshift kitchen in the bed of their truck at Rina’s mom’s house, working against freezing temperatures to get their fryer to the correct temperature.When the tempura broccoli, alongside tofu nuggets with spicy peanut sauce and roasted garlic, was ready, the team boxed up the food and rang the doorbell."

nome on Twitter - "I forget who said it, but it's stuck in my head - Half the reason folks romanticize college is because it's the last time most folks lived in dense, walkable neighborhoods focused on providing community during plentiful off-hours. Like, that could just be how we build cities."
I don't know how urban design can give you more free time - if you drive somewhere it's much faster than walking even a relatively short distance

Thomas Jones · See you in hell, punk: Kai su, Brutus - " When Caesar saw Brutus among his attackers, Plutarch writes, ‘he covered his head with his toga and let himself fall.’ Suetonius adds that, according to some reports, he said in Greek: ‘Kai su, teknon’ (which Shakespeare turned into the Latin ‘Et tu, Brute?’). It literally means ‘You too, child,’ but what Caesar may have intended by the words isn’t clear. Tempest cites ‘an important article’ by James Russell (1980) ‘that has often been overlooked’. Russell points out that the words kai su often appear on curse tablets, and suggests that Caesar’s putative last words were not ‘the emotional parting declaration of a betrayed man to one he had treated like a son’ but more along the lines of ‘See you in hell, punk.’"

Youth and Democratic Citizenshipin East and South-East Asia - "The issue of women’s lesser psychological involvement in politics merits further exploration. This pattern of lesser interest is likely related to the fact that women, including young women, are less actively engaged politically than men, a phenomenon that also extends across generations. The fact that most societies included in this survey have relatively few women represented in parliament may be another indicator of this state of affairs"
Just as in the US and UK, across East and Southeast Asia, in Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Mongolia, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam and China, women are also less interested in politics than men

Singapore Sling cocktail allowed women to secretly drink in public - "Proper English ladies didn't drink alcohol (at least not in public), so they were relegated to sipping tea or punch and watching their husbands get hammered. Ngiam Tong Boon, the savvy bartender at Raffles, saw a market and seized on it. In 1915, he created the first Singapore Sling – a gin-heavy drink made with pineapple juice, lime juice, cherry liqueur, Cointreau, Benedictine, grenadine and bitters.The pleasantly pink mix of juice and clear gin meant that the ladies could hit the punch bowl as often as they liked without fear of committing social suicide – just as long as no one got close enough to smell their breath"

Is poverty the mother of crime? Evidence from homicide rates in China - "Income inequality is blamed for being the main driver of violent crime by the majority of the literature. However, earlier work on the topic largely neglects the role of poverty and income levels as opposed to income inequality. The current paper uses all court verdicts for homicide cases in China between 2014 and 2016, as well as various inequality measures calculated from 2005 mini census data together with a host of control variables to shed light on the relationship at the detailed Chinese prefecture-level. The results suggest that it is the poverty and low income level, rather than income inequality, that is positively related to homicide rates. We show that the internal rural-urban migration from more violent localities contributes to the destination cities’ homicide rates. The poverty-homicide association implies that instead of “relative deprivation”, “absolute deprivation” is mainly responsible for violent crime. Poverty is the mother of crime. —Marcus Aurelius (121-180AD), Emperor of the Roman Empire."

Meme - "miss independent @prettyamaka59 l just want a boyfriend that will be giving me 70% out of his daily income"
"Spongebabe @lyndakaloki But your twitter name is Miss independent?"

You Must Not ‘Do Your Own Research’ When It Comes To Science
Opinion | Don’t Go Down the Rabbit Hole - The New York Times
Counter lies with emotions, not facts.
Don’t be that guy: A guide to asking nonstupid questions during scientific talks
Dissidents of Clownworld - Posts | Facebook - "- Facts are no longer relevant
- Stop fact checking science
- Stop thinking for yourself
- Your questions are stupid"

Facebook - "I don’t want to hear a single thing about eChO ChAmBeRs that we netizens supposedly live in, or open and respectful discussion, or freedom of speech, when the powers that be actively hide dissenting comments on Facebook and block dissenting accounts on Twitter, and you ain’t got nothing to say about it."
SJW logic: whataboutism is good when they do it

Texas girl wakes up to find 'gentle, gigantic' raccoon in bed with her - "A raccoon slipped past two sleeping dogs and into the bunk bed of a 10-year-old Texas girl"

Florida man with machete tattoo accused of machete attack - "Justin Couch, 25, is accused of slicing the victim’s forearm with the blade, leaving him unable to move his left hand"

Meme - "Ankita \ Why does the human body need water only to pee it out bitch just keep it in"
"oh venkatesh, stop @bankelO!: That's why we have balls to keep it in longer"
"Ankita @SankiAnkita-1m Sir pee isn't stored in balls"
"oh venkatesh, stop Replying to @SankiAnkita No balls no opinion."

Meme - "Young male virginity on the rise. Share of men under age 30 who report zero female sex partners since they turned 18."
"2008: 8% - Start of the MCU
2018 - 27%"

If I cover my erect penis in gorilla glue and let it harden on my hard-on, what will happen when my dick becomes flaccid? : shittyaskscience
"I really hope someone answers this, because I want to know the answer but I don't want to have to try it."

Meme - "So sick of WalMart employees having the worst attitude towards customers. It's not my fault WalMart is the only place that would hire you"
"Started New Job at Walmart"

Claire Holt 'annoyed' with new mom Emily Ratajkowski's flat stomach photo
Her woke posturing didn't save her

Steven Spielberg's Daughter Finds Her Calling - "The mentally ill adopted daughter of billionaire Steven Spielberg wants to be financially independent. So, what does any strong empowered independent female do in 2020? Make an onlyfans account"

Meme - "Cadbury ad shows gay couple enjoying a creamy surprise
*breathes heavily* hey there kids! Want to eat some chocolates while watching two gay men passionately kiss and swab saliva and cream between their mouths?
Get the hell away from my family"

We will never fix universities until we admit that too many people go to them - "Tony Blair. Out of the blue he suddenly announced a target that 50 per cent of school leavers should go to university. In my time the percentage was in single figures, which was far too low and had already been substantially increased. But to achieve this new target entry, standards were relaxed and the polytechnics and some of colleges were transformed from excellent institutions into second-rate, or worse, universities. To achieve this target, student loans, a misnomer if there ever was one, were introduced and while they enabled many to go to university, what they learnt there often did little to improve their employability in later life.About a quarter of university degrees are vocational in one way or another. If you want to become a doctor, a dentist, a lawyer or a vet, a university degree is a good foundation and essential for a scientist. Now far more degree subjects are needed to cater for the enormous expansion in student numbers. The universities both reduced the entry qualifications and so widened the range of degrees subjects that many came to be named after a well-known cartoon figure... At one time, I was running Cable & Wireless and I visited Singapore to sign a new mobile contract. Lee Kuan Yew, the Senior Minister, asked to see me and, instead of asking me about the mobile contract, asked me why standards had fallen so much in British universities. He used, he said, to award civil service jobs on the basis of UK degrees. Today, the holder of a first-class degree from, and he named a university out of the Russell Group, is simply unemployable. To make matters worse, many young people leave university without employable skills but burdened with a debt of up to £50,000. Although this only becomes repayable when earnings rise, it is a discouraging burden with which to start your adult life. We are entering an era in which technology is going to play an ever-increasing role in our lives. It is quite likely that Artificial Intelligence will take over many, if not all, the professions. Of course, we need the liberal arts, which play an essential part in the life of the nation, but we also need the employable skills that the polytechnics used to provide"
"Capitalism has failed" - the people who claim everyone should go to university, since they imagine that university is a magical talisman that buffs everyone

The Problem - "Their study took data from nearly 2000 public opinion surveys and compared it to the policies that ended up becoming law. In other words, they compared what the public wanted to what the government actually did. What they found was extremely unsettling: The opinions of 90% of Americans have essentially no impact at all... One thing that does have an influence? Money. While the opinions of the bottom 90% of income earners in America have a “statistically non-significant impact,” economic elites, business interests, and people who can afford lobbyists still carry major influence."

I,Hypocrite - Posts | Facebook - "A man who is 5 feet 6 inches tall needs to earn an additional $175,000 per year to be as desirable as a man who is about 6 feet tall
A 6'2" man can earn $30,000 less than a 6' man and will be viewed as equally desirable."
Source: What Makes You Click? — Mate Preferences and MatchingOutcomes in Online Dating

The Intercept: Internal Amazon Documents Show Company Knows Employees Are Forced to Pee in Bottles - "A recent report from the Intercept reveals that internal documents show that Amazon is aware that many of its workers have been forced to urinate in bottles despite recent public denials by the company that such events ever took place... Amazon does prohibit the practice and refers to it as a “Tier 1″ infraction, which employees have stated can lead to termination but delivery drivers state that this is disingenuous as they are unable to meet their quotes otherwise. One Amazon delivery employee based in Massachusetts stated: “They give us 30 minutes of paid breaks, but you will not finish your work if you take it, no matter how fast you are.”When asked if managed had been more lenient on quotas after discovering that employees were being forced to urinate and defecate in their delivery vans, Brown responded: “Not at all. In fact, over the course of my time there, our package and stop counts actually increased substantially.”"

I'm regularly told I’m not welcome in Cornwall - "When we lived in Wales, my mum would joke that you could live there a decade and still not be local. Now in Cornwall, I understand what she meant. As I write about falling in love with this place, some people (the minority) seem to delight in telling me I am not welcome here... On another Facebook page called ‘Stop The Destruction of Cornwall Now’, locals protest about outsiders moving in. Complaining about ugly new developments in their villages that no locals can afford to live in. On the streets of Cornwall, food banks struggle to serve more people than ever and homelessness grows while in Mousehole holiday lets sit empty – waiting for £2,000-a-week summer renters to arrive.Yet the cleft between locals and outsiders is not simple economics. The people I see dreaming of moving here are not billionaires but teachers, plumbers, nurses. Meanwhile, as some locals struggle for work, others make good money renting holiday lets, running tourist businesses or WFH on London wages.In truth, economic divisions have become a distraction from the real issue: identity. A fear that as more incomers arrive, Cornish culture is eroded – a concern reignited when ‘Cornish’ was no longer recognised on the census (Cornish people were encouraged to write it anyway). Fears that are echoed, but better protected, in Wales (where in my school the first language was Welsh)... Other ex-Londoners write rudely that: ‘There aren’t many people down here that have a brain and vava-voom. Either they are 102 years old, benefits mums and dads, manual laborours looking after second homes, hospitality industry folks or alternative lifestylers.’ I reply, ‘That sounds like most of my friends.’"
Too bad she's white, so she can't complain about "racism".

Swan terrorizes homeowners by constantly knocking on front doors: 'Extremely irritating' - "The residents of a town in England have been dealing with a confusing nuisance involving a swan that seemingly likes to knock on doors. Unfortunately for homeowners, it apparently will knock on a single door for up to three hours. The phenomenon has been going on for five years in Northampton, East Midlands... no one is sure why the bird is behaving this way."

Meme - "FIRST WAS LIKE *clad in black with rifle and antifa & YPG flags*
BUT THEN... *man in dress striking a feminine pose* - midwest_mangler666"

Meme - "Men only wants One thing. And it's disgusting"
"Then wash it"

What Is The Kermit Sipping Tea Meme? A History Of This Muppet's Shade - "In the olden days, passive-aggression was a craft that had to be practiced and honed through years of precisely arched eyebrows, significant glances, and the occasional, lethal “Bless your heart.” But over time, as etiquette classes and generational vendettas fell out of fashion, and the internet and conflict-based reality TV came to occupy most of our time, we, as a society, needed a new way to brutally undercut someone while still maintaining an air of detached superiority. Enter the Kermit Sipping Tea meme."

Multi-Generational Drinking of Bottled Low Mineral Water Impairs Bone Quality in Female Rats - "Long-term drinking of low mineral water may disturb bone metabolism and biochemical properties and therefore weaken biomechanical bone properties in females. Drinking tap water, which contains adequate minerals, was found to be better for bone health."
Even bottled mineral water wasn't great. Hypochrondria affects your health

Angel Alvarez on Twitter - "One of my twitch subs bought me the PS5 and THREE 3090s Loudly crying faceLoudly crying faceLoudly crying face"
"Mf did all that to be called “One of my twitch subs”"

Meme - "The way she looks at you after you smash and shes waiting for a towel"

Meme - "Guys really live in apartments like this and don’t see any issue"
"Sorry we understand this economy and don't waste our money on dumb shit like three wooden arrows that say "live, laugh, love""

Meme - "Men really think it's okay to live like this"
"Women hate how little it takes for us to be happy. Stay up, kingz."

Meme - "It's degrading to ruin your body for a man's children."
"MyFreeCams: Niceguy69 tipped 10,000 tokens: "Please tick a dozen eggs in your anus. Thanks princess :)""

Test card - Wikipedia - "A test card, also known as a test pattern or start-up/closedown test, is a television test signal, typically broadcast at times when the transmitter is active but no program is being broadcast (often at sign-on and sign-off). Used since the earliest TV broadcasts, test cards were originally physical cards at which a television camera was pointed, and such cards are still often used for calibration, alignment, and matching of cameras and camcorders."

ELIJAH SCHAFFER on Twitter - "Woke up and found out a rapper had sex with the devil in a music video and is now selling human blood shoes in a partnership with Nike But it’s still controversial to publicly follow the teachings of Jesus Christ & believe there are only 2 genders Did I miss anything else?"

Jeonse - Wikipedia - "Jeonse (Korean: 전세; Hanja: 傳貰), also known as Chonsei, Key Money Deposit[1] or Key Money,[2] is type of a lease or deposit common in the South Korean real estate market. Instead of paying monthly rent, a renter will make a lump-sum deposit on a rental space, at anywhere from 50% to 80% of the market value. The owners make profit from reinvesting the jeonse deposit, instead of receiving the monthly rent... The landlord makes a return by taking the deposit money and investing it and keeping all interest earned on the deposit. The tenant's deposit is protected by having a lien issued against the property for the amount given. The entire deposit is then returned to the tenant at the end of the lease."

charlotte (or whatever) on Twitter - "which way, western man"
"Gay St. Church St"

Why does the economy do better when Democrats are in the White House? - "developments from abroad seemed to do the most to help explain the growth gap: oil price shocks, and war (through its effect on defense spending). Oil prices cooperated during the early years of the period under study, including the Truman, Kennedy, and Johnson presidencies. But rising prices held the economy back during the mid 1970s, early 1990s, and mid 2000s when Republicans were in power.Wartime mobilization may be an even bigger factor in explaining the gap, especially given the differential timing for Democrats and Republicans. Truman and Johnson oversaw increases in defense spending during the wars in Korea and Vietnam, while Eisenhower and Nixon oversaw the drawdowns. The authors show that if they eliminate just the Truman and first Eisenhower terms from the analysis, the GDP gap shrinks by about 20%.Greater productivity growth (possibly reflecting a quicker pace of technological change), more consumer confidence, and faster economic growth in Europe during Democratic terms also contributed to the gap to varying degrees over this period"

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