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Thursday, September 23, 2021

Links - 23rd September 2021 (2) (Shaun King)

Shaun King Is Terrible for America | by David Shuey

"Hate crime violence comprises far less than 1% of all physical assaults 

    The U.S. averages as few as eight hate crime murders out of 19,000 homicides annually, according to U.S. government data

    White Americans are underrepresented as hate crime offenders

    400 black children in the U.S. are killed by guns annually, a rate 10 times higher than other races...

So many angles were incorrect that an early draft of this piece referred to the Native American man at the center of this national story, Nathan Phillips, as a “Vietnam Veteran.” That’s because CNN and many outlets erroneously reported him as such without question, and Phillips has often played up his service during “Vietnam Veteran times” in discussing past conflicts with youth to media — in 2015 he said college kids dressed in Native garb yelled slurs and threw a beer can at him. The media didn’t vet for accuracy when reporting Phillips saying the Trump-loving teens who attended an anti-abortion rally “were in the process of attacking these four black individuals” and he was forced to stand between “beast and prey.” Phillips also said the students were yelling the nativist — if not ironic — “Build that wall” chant, despite not a single shred of video footage emerging. Finally, three days after the New York Times reported on teens “mobbing” Phillips, they issued widespread corrections on his narrative and service record. David French at the National Review pointed out that Phillips indulged in peddling “falsehoods, inconsistencies, and nonsense” with the media swallowing it whole hog. Liberal voices at GQ continue to double down and argue it’s “powerful” white teens who are prone to “harass a man like Nathan Phillips” and be believed...

While the #MAGAkids controversy continues to be bickered on social media, another big story continues to float along this month like rotten driftwood. At the center is a modern civil rights leader and a “white supremacy” fiction that’s dividing the United States, with the media playing the role of enabler. This occurred thanks to a white-on-black racism narrative shared from coast-to-coast and pushed by Black Lives Matter civil rights activist Shaun King. It concerns a wholly innocent black girl who was violently murdered, and the only reason people know her name is because of the politics of identity. And, one could argue, a fear birthed from America’s legacy of racism.

For many, the 2019 news cycle began with the tragic story of seven-year-old Jazmine Barnes’ drive-by shooting death in Texas. CNN, The Guardian, and The New York Times wrote multiple stories to shine a light in the Houston area playing up the possibility that this was a racially motivated murder because surviving family members and witnesses claimed it was a white man who randomly killed the black girl. Many stories highlighted the large $100,000 reward for any information leading to the arrest of Barnes’ killer cobbled together by King and lawyer S. Lee Merritt, who together just six months earlier pushed a false story about a Texas trooper sexually assaulting a black woman to national prominence.

The story of a beautiful black girl killed by a middle-aged white man quickly took off. NBA legend Shaquille O’Neal offered to pay for Barnes’ funeral services. A star wide receiver for the NFL’s Houston Texans called it a “hate crime” on CNN and pledged to donate his football playoff check to the Barnes family. Tear-filled rallies were held, where a pastor stated, “This is a disgrace to our nation and we want the hate to stop. We want love to rise up.”

The emotional saga ended Saturday, January 5, with the arrest of a black man and the detainment of another black male. Both are now charged with capital murder.

That wasn’t what people expected. Though, statistically speaking it should have been because white gunman almost never kill black children in random shootings... 

The FBI Uniform Crime Report shows that twice as many blacks kill whites annually than vice versa. This has been true every year since 1980, according to the U.S. Department of Justice data. Empirical research indicates very few of these killings derive from racial animosity, yet around 2000 “stranger” murders occurred in 2008 with 26.7 percent being interracial. Factually, if anyone has the right to say they’re more likely to be killed by another race, it’s white people.

However, the black community (or their so-called leaders) regularly trot out myths of harm coming from “blue eyed devils” and writer Ta-Nehisi Coates is praised by genuflecting liberal whites for repeating how “violence on the black body” comes from white “oppressors.” Yet, statistically, that’s just not the case in the past 80 years... Beyond vicious cases like Emmett Till’s murder in 1955 — which seeps deep into the American consciousness through contemporary media and history books — the likelihood of anyone alive today having a parent or grandparent who witnessed such racist brutality is slim. While there have been nearly 5000 lynchings from 1882 to 1968, with one-quarter of the victims being white and three-quarters were black, it’s worth noting there were 71 killings over a 32-year period from 1936 until the year Martin Luther King was assassinated — about 1.5 percent of the total. This is according to widely respected data kept by the Tuskegee University. That’s less than two lynchings per year at the tail end of Jim Crow compared to 400 black children killed annually in post-Obama America. 

Modern myths continue to be perpetuated by people who may share ideological blinders with Shaun King. Everyone from a working group for the United Nations Human Rights Council to the director of the Equal Justice Initiative, which recently opened up a widely written about lynching exhibit in Montgomery, have compared police killings to lynchings. NFL protester Colin Kaepernick repeated this sinister parallel, too, stating, “Racialized oppression and dehumanization is woven into the very fabric of our nation — the effects of which can be seen in the lawful lynching of black and brown people by the police.” They say this despite the fact 75 percent of individuals killed by police aren’t black (half are non-Hispanic white), and killings of blacks have dropped 70 percent since the early 1970s while remaining the same rate for all other racial groups. Basically, per capita killings of black Americans by police were 3–4 times higher just 40 years ago. 

These facts will never be mentioned by social justice advocates, and they’re rarely “woven” into news stories about police violence. I’ve found from personal experience almost everyone overestimates the share of black victims, even hearing from people that they believe 90 percent of police-involved shootings are of black people. The argument is often made that our militarized police makes outcomes for blacks worse than ever, yet a sociology book from 1982 clearly shows 148 Chicagoans, mostly black, shot by cops in 1975. Compare that to the fact no more than 25 Chicago citizens have been shot by police annually since 2015, with a killing rate that matches the national average (roughly 1 in 300,000 citizens). Thus, the onslaught of tropes and arguments of white supremacy and police as an occupying force in poor communities do not hold up to statistical scrutiny. Or even basic logic... 

Four out of five police agencies report hate crime data and collecting accurate information is notoriously spotty. Even so, the likelihood of any act of violence deriving from ideologically hateful motivations is a fraction of 1 percent... 

FBI hate crime statistics are widely touted, sometimes inaccurately, by the leading news agencies every November. For example, The New York Times incorrectly reported just last year, “Black people accounted for nearly half of hate crime victims last year [emphasis added], according to the F.B.I. report. Of those targeted based on religion, 58 percent were Jewish.” That’s shoddy editing... 

The New York Times last October acknowledged that zero of New York City’s anti-Semitic acts the past 22 months have been committed due to far right-wing ideology, despite having the 1.1 million Jews living there. The article links to a James Baldwin’s 1967 essay that appeared in The New York Times in 1967 titled “Negroes Are Anti-Semitic Because They’re Anti-White,” but otherwise dances around who the perpetrators might be. 

This leads us to the one other hate crime statistic that’s almost entirely unreported: Hate crime offenders. That might be because blacks were at least 26.1 percent of offenders in 2016 and 21.6 percent in 2017. There’s also an “unknown” race percentage that can push those numbers up a few points. Blacks are 13 percent of the population. Even the book “Race and Racism in the United States: An Encyclopedia of the American Mosaic” writes that blacks are “surprisingly” overrepresented in committing hate crimes, mirroring their percentage of overall arrests. The media doesn’t call attention to it. One can only speculate as to why. 

Indeed, a cursory search for “hate crime offenders 2017” brings up no news stories except for a single November 2017 Washington Post article that speciously states the following based on 2016 data: “The FBI report, which collects information on the offenders in the hate crimes tallied in the previous year, found that the largest share — 46 percent — were white. [emphasis added] About a quarter of the people who carried out hate crimes were black.” Note their editorial decision to add “largest share” for whites, as if to hype how whites commit twice as many hate crimes as blacks. The Washington Post lacks the same consistency when reporting similar percentages when it comes to victims of police killings. There, they alert readers to the implied racism in that gap: “Black males accounted for 22 percent of all people shot and killed in 2017, yet they are 6 percent of the total population. White males accounted for 44 percent of all fatal police shootings.” Criminal context is omitted, such as black males being responsible for more than half of all murder and robbery arrests... 

Predictably eschewing these facts, for a whole week hundreds of viral Tweets and news articles played up the potential “hate crime” angles of Jazmine Barnes’ story without a single shred of evidence that racism was a motive in the shooting. Yes, several eyewitnesses said a white guy fled the scene and they thought he was the shooter. But no one said he was wearing a MAGA Trump hat, had a Dixie flag on his red truck, or yelled racial slurs. On Sunday, January 6, when it was reported the real killer was black and half the age of the reported suspect, The New York Times rushed to find the experts and point out how unreliable eyewitness testimony is. Apparently, that need for caution didn’t apply in the journalism output the week before. 

The reactions and controversies before and after the arrests in Texas strike directly at the ideological right-left divide in society in how we view shocking stories of violence and racial justice. Worse, it exposes how the media continues to play up racism when it’s white perpetrators, and sideline cases or make excuses when other identities may be involved, like Temple University professor Marc Lamont Hill has done repeatedly on CNN before being fired late last year under charges of anti-Semitism. When it was seen as a “hate crime,” Black Twitter, left-leaning social media, social justice voices, and mainstream stories exploded in coverage. 

When that narrative imploded, it was mostly right-wing media daring to criticize King’s many mistakes in the days after capturing the black perpetrators, which included him recklessly Tweeting a photo of an innocent white man and calling upon his 1.1 million followers to form a social media mob: “We’ve had 20 people call or email us and say he is a racist, violent asshole and always has been. Just tell me everything you know.” This led directly to “rape, torture and murder” threats against the white man and his family, as reported by one ABC local affiliate. Ironically, the May 2018 outright fraudulent claims of a Texas state trooper being a sexual predator that King and Merritt sensationalized played out similarly: Another white Texas state trooper with the same name as the accused received thousands of death threats and blamed King for disrupting his life. 

At least Merritt apologized last May, even while keeping up his Tweets. King deleted his tweets after his misguided efforts directly led to more than 150,000 Google search results of his baseless racially charged sexual assault accusation. King has a record of getting things wrong and deleting his Tweet history and not apologizing... 

What also upset people was how outlets like The Daily Beast to CNN had the audacity to praise King for his tip line and finding the shooter (CNN: “A tip from activist Shaun King led police to a suspect in the killing of Jazmine Barnes”). None of them dug deeper to mention that King continued to push to find a white suspect after being told by a “compelling” witness on Thursday, January 3, that the suspect was black. Mainstream media also ignored the fact that the high-profile county sheriff involved in the case continued retweeting the criminal sketch of a white man on his account as late as January 5, two days after being informed by King about the black suspects. 

Indeed, a USA Today story on January 7 also praises the sheriff and King, but again did not ask the obvious question as to why they both continued to ask the public to be on the lookout for a white man after being correctly told about the black suspects at least 48 hours before the arrest. Only the conservative Daily Caller posed that key question. And it’s mostly conservative outlets like Daily Wire who are writing about King and his brazen callouts of innocent people whose lives are being threatened. 

One could only imagine what King or The Young Turks — who also played up the “hate crime” angle for days before deleting their videos — would say if Sean Hannity or Rush Limbaugh did the same, or how the major media would respond. (Spoiler: They’d be outraged.) 

In fact, King and many other social justice advocates talk at length about wrongful convictions best exemplified in the “Central Park Five” case, turning it into a two-decade mantra about criminal justice racism, false accusations, and a Trump attack line. In this case, there is no consistency, simply hypocrisy. 

Only this past MLK holiday weekend has left-leaning black media and Black Twitter began calling out the person most responsible for fueling this story, Shaun King. However, they’re mostly mad because he threatened a lawsuit via Twitter against a black queer woman and others who have piled onto a parallel controversy... 

The media helps King by self-censoring the most important facts that would completely neutralize one of the primary examples of systemic racism: Overexposure to police which lead to more killings. First, the percentage of blacks killed by police doesn’t even surpass their percentage of arrests, which contrary to popular belief are largely legitimate. According to data from the 2005 and 2008 Police-Public Contact Survey analyzed by statistician Philippe Lemoine, a higher percentage of whites (20.7 percent) than blacks (17.5 percent) have at least one contact with police in a given year, though it’s true 1.5 percent of blacks and 1.2 percent of whites (and just .8 percent for Hispanics) have three or more police contacts annually. A 2016 study in the peer-reviewed quarterly journal Criminal Justice Review wrote in reference to recent high profile police killings and interactions, “Results indicate that race does have an indirect effect on police contact, but it is White individuals who are more likely to be questioned and arrested.” Also, more than 90 percent of people killed by police of all races are armed, according to Washington Post fatal force data. While blacks are around 36 percent of the unarmed people killed, they’re also 43 percent of the people who kill cops. I’d argue this vastly underused Washington Post statistic provides essential context, but we don’t see it because it undercuts the dominant Black Lives Matter narrative of law enforcement systemically killing innocent people of color. 

Also destroying the #BLM narrative is the fact that twice as many black people desire additional policing compared to white people... police killings represent just 4 percent of black homicides as compared to 12 percent of white and Hispanic homicides — a fact maddeningly omitted by Cornell University and the University of Washington researchers, and published in the American Journal of Public Health, who incredulously say police involved killings are significantly impacting health outcomes for minorities... 

By not publishing these facts, King and the mainstream press work hand-in-hand in furthering the distrust gap between police and the disadvantaged communities they serve. It would also likely alleviate anxiety among black Americans if they knew their odds of being shot and killed per arrest was about the same as white Americans, about 1 in 10,000. That statistic is practically unheard of in thousands of stories concerning black citizens being killed by white police. 

Most disturbingly, King regularly indulges intellectual dishonesty and often presents data in a hypocritical fashion. See this NY Daily News headline in May 2016, a newspaper where he was once given a regular platform (though, apparently no editor to critique his misleading data): “KING: White men killed more American police than any other group this year, but conservatives won’t address the facts.” First off, “more” white men are killed by police every year than “any other group” — twice as many as blacks — but that’s not how he measures those outcomes. Second, he maliciously and unnecessarily insinuates the shooters “may have very well been [Trump] supporters.” Third, King focuses on a tiny window of a few months to make an argument. Thus, his misleading racial story soon became irrelevant by the time two radicalized black individuals assassinated five police in Dallas and three in Baton Rouge after the killings of Philando Castile and Alton Sterling became national stories in July. (Reporters didn’t indicate, to my knowledge, that they were Obama supporters.) By year’s end, gunfire killings against police went up from 41 in 2015 to 64 in 2016, a significant increase of 56%, with non-whites as disproportionate offenders. 

1 in 7 Americans are black, but they represent 3 of 7 cop killers... 

Because per capita representation is how King looks at all other outcomes for blacks to highlight racism, his hypocrisy and double-standards are on full display whenever he tries to paint whites as the dangerous, terrorists, evil, and media-protected killers, which he does practically on a weekly basis... 

Non-Hispanic white people in the United States are not overrepresented as perpetrators of mass shootings, terrorism, hate crime, sexual assault, or murder. In fact, mass shootings — which represent far less than 1 percent of gun deaths annually — and alcohol-related felonies are among the only crimes whites commit proportionally to their population. Frankly, suicides are the only violence where whites are overrepresented, and it’s not a crime... 

The ADL even admits in the methodology section of their other recent studies of terror threats that they’re skewed to bolster “right wing” increases saying, “It is fair to say that nonideological murders committed by extremists other than white supremacists are probably underrepresented here.” 

Obviously, legacy media has failed in vetting highly political conclusions from gold-standard acronyms like ACLU, SPLC and ADL — who coincidentally have prominent donation buttons on their websites and after the election of Trump are breaking fundraising records. The SPLC currently has an incredible $500 million endowment — many times higher than their initial goal. What are they going to do with that money but fight the specter of ongoing racism and hate? (Even though hate crimes only increased less than 5% in 2016, and are committed today at rates vastly lower than 10 years ago.) The Jewish Telegraphic Agency reported this headline in November 2016: “ADL sees surge in donations following election of Trump.” The ACLU, for example, has made clear they want to operate more like the NRA — and that means being more partisan. And just like the NRA and other conservative groups do with Obama and Pelosi — or any “scary” liberal agenda item — it’s easy to separate money from people’s wallets with fear tactics and distortions...  

I’ve yet to read a single story — from CNN to The New York Times — that presents hard evidence that white people disproportionately call police on blacks more often for bogus reasons than other demographics do. No evidence has been produced that there’s a quantifiable uptick the past two years. It’s all qualitative stories and assumptions. Just like the approximately 500 white people killed by police annually whose names we will never become a national story — unless you’re an Australian white woman — it’s quite possible hundreds if not thousands of “bad” 911 calls are made by blacks. It’s highly probable white people have also got kicked out of Starbucks for not purchasing anything. But those aren’t sexy stories. Social media doesn’t push them. Media doesn’t do their job and dig for them to give perspective... 

King may be the Writer-in-Residence at Harvard Law School’s Fair Punishment Project, but he’ll never write about how peer-reviewed studies have shown whites, not blacks, are more likely to be arrested for assault or robbery. King likely won’t read Jill Leovy’s 2015 book “Ghettoside,” which shows how black victims of crime are less likely to receive justice by having their killers jailed, and he’ll ignore how 52 percent of murder offenders are black. A specific example where that injustice hits close to home: The clearance rate for murders in Chicago where I live is three times lower than the 59 percent national average, dipping below 17.5 percent in 2016 when around 800 people were shot and killed. It dropped even lower in 2017 and 2018, and in USA Today a Louisiana criminologist called the problem “national disaster.” More than 95 percent of victims and perpetrators are non-white in Chicago, and far too many of their families receive no justice. Nor peace. 

As homicides jumped more than 20% nationally (from 2014 to 2016), an increase of 3000 deaths, and a near 60 per cent single-year increase in 2016 in Chicago, silence is not an option. The most influential media outlets like The New York Times cherry pick experts, and manages to say the resulting carnage may not be “necessarily bad” if police hassle less black and brown people...

We have a gun and violence problem that is unquestionably many orders of magnitude higher than any white-on-black racialized violence problem. Or even a widespread racist police problem, as Harvard economist Roland Fryer and at least seven other studies have debunked in regard to racial disparities in lethal use of force. Yet the Twitter and hashtag crowd, bolstered by the media, blows up killings of blacks when the perceived perpetrator is white or a racist cop — even when we find out “hands up, don’t shoot” in Ferguson was a lie. Nothing on the Black Lives Matter website addresses gun violence, despite the fact it takes 85 percent of of black lives in the category of homicide — and police only take 4 percent. Misguided social justice breeds societal division— why else would Russia troll as Black Lives Matter activists to help elect Trump? Additionally, research has indicated even greater bloodshed in poor minority communities occurs, such as after widespread protests or when onerous ACLU mandates are placed on law enforcement and de-policing occurs... 

If we want to stop the hate, we need to marginalize not only the small subset of Americans perpetrating bigoted violence, but also the people calling out racism as if it’s their lifeblood and religion. We do this by tuning them out.At the top of that list is Shaun King."



Seattle man who drove car into protesters and shot a protester then turned himself into the police is a Latino. Shuan King and Media lied and said it was a well known white supremacist. Exactly as the media tried to blame Antfia's fires, violence, destruction on Proud Boys. You are being lied too. : AskThe_Donald - "Journalist and activist Andy Ngô corrected King on Twitter, writing, “Seattle suspect is Nikolas Fernandez & he is Latino. According to witness, driver Fernandez was chased by mob. He brandished a handgun. A man allegedly reached inside the car to try to take gun & got shot in the arm. Driver surrendered himself to police immediately.”"

The Shaun King We’re Not Talking About | by Tamela J. Gordon - "In a 2015 Daily Beast article, Where Did All the Money Shaun King Raised for Black Lives Go? Goldie Taylor provided examined King’s participation in both fundraising and social justice. Taylor asked “How much money was definitely raised and how much of it was actually received by its stated and intended beneficiaries? Did King use his growing prominence as a fundraiser for social causes to enrich himself?”... Former directors of Justice Together, an organization King created after stepping down from HopeMob, affirmed many rumors that swirled around King’s involvement with community organizing and fundraising. The open letter, signed by thirty former members who refer to themselves as JT30, called King out on his leadership skills, money mismanagement, lack of transparency, and referring to them as trolls when questioning discrepancies. Last month, Meagan Flynn from the Washington Post published a piece detailing King’s conflict with other activists — specifically Black women. She also addressed the $100,000 offer to the witness who stepped forward in the murder of Jazmine Barnes. A local Texas publication also published a piece questioning if and when the tipster would be receiving the hefty reward...
“ For far too long, he’s used bloodied Black bodies for retweets and calls it ‘information,’ he’s targeted journalists and young Black women attempting to hold him accountable. This is a disgrace.” — Preston D. Mitchum...
King’s latest bullying with Clarissa Brooks serves as evidence that for King, there’s a hierarchy in social justice activism, and to him, Black women are at the bottom. For every social media platform that King utilizes, there is a legion of Black women who have been blocked, banned, and disrespected by the social media figure."

'I know where you live': Shaun King threatens to send killers to Georgia murder suspects' home - "Shaun King, a Black Lives Matter activist and co-founder of Real Justice PAC, posted a message on Facebook that has since been deleted, threatening the family of those who are responsible for the murder of Ahmaud Arbery.The message read: "To Gregory and Travis McMichael, I need you to know that I know where you live and where you are hiding out... Right now I'm the only thing keeping about 150 different from people killing you."... King has a past of making outrageous statements and accusations against people. King falsely accused Robert Cantrell in the shooting and killing of Jazmine Barnes in late 2018. Though the police had already arrested suspects connected to the murder, King proceeded to accuse Cantrell, and publicly ostracized the man for the crime. Haily Cantrell, the niece of the man King falsely accused, said, "I hear, 'Someone is going to rape, torture and murder the women and children in your family.'"... But it turned out that the crime was not committed by Cantrell, but by two black men, Eric Black and Larry Woodruffe.King is not the only one spreading bad information. Bishop Talbert Swan, who was permanently banned from Twitter for "hateful conduct" in referring to Candace Owens as a "coon", tweeted out a photo of who he apparently thought was Gregory McMichael."

The Smirk Order - Posts | Facebook - "Shaun King is having a bad week. He got called out by the mother of Tamir Rice (a black kid shot by the cops) and he deleted his Twitter account. She straight-up called him a grifter and a white man pretending to be black 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣"

Tamir Rice's Mother Blasts Shaun King for Fundraising Off Son's Death: 'You Are an Imposter' - "Samaria Rice, the mother of Tamir Rice, is blasting Shaun King again for fundraising off her son's death after he publicized the details of a recent conversation the two had. Addressing King, Rice wrote in a Tuesday Instagram post, "Why do you think its so important to tell folks we had a conversation?" "Well we talked and everything that was said was very toxic and uncomfortable for me to hear that you raised additional money and then say you did not want... to bother me," she continued. "Personally I don't understand how you sleep at night. I never gave you permission to raise nothing. [A]long with the united states, you robbed me for the death of my son."... Rice disputed King's account of their previous conversation, writing, "You gave me a cop and donut conversation." "All lies Shaun, please stop thinking we on the same page," she added. "As a white man acting black you are an imposter that can not be trusted. My son was 12 years old and... DOJ needs to reopen his case period. Tamir Human rights was violated, why would you so ever make it about you? you are a selfish self centered person and God will deal with you White man." King has stated that he has been told by his mother that "the white man on my birth certificate is not my biological father and that my actual biological father is a light-skinned Black man."... Rice told New York Magazine's The Cut that she had never spoken to King before. "I ain't never talked to Shaun King a day in my life," Rice said. "Shaun King raised all that money [for Tamir] and sent me a $60,000 check." She put the money into Tamir's estate but said she was upset a stranger had used her son's name without the consent She has also asked Black Lives Matter groups to stop using her son's name. "All of the families should be getting therapy, and all of them should be getting the tools to speak for themselves, not have people speak for them""

Shaun King - The Antisemitic Social Justice Warrior — Stop Antisemitism - "Shaun King is a central figure in the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement. Throughout his history as a racial justice activist, King has made numerous controversial antisemitic and anti-American statements. He compared America's early leaders to Nazis and openly defended well-known antisemites such as Linda Sarsour, Louis Farrakhan, and our 2019 Antisemite of the Year - Congresswoman Ilhan Omar. In 2017, King referred to Linda Sarsour as "one of the most effective, skilled, passionate organizers in the world". Just a short time later, Sarsour was kicked out of the Women's March movement over her antisemitism. King also frequently praises and defends Jew-hating Congresswoman Ilhan Omar. In 2019, after Omar used an antisemitic trope claiming that U.S. leaders were paid by an Israeli lobby group, King stated that Democrats should feel "shame" for not defending Omar and called the attack on her "bigoted and dangerous". A few months later, he praised Omar, tweeting she was a person "for hope and change"."
Intersectionality is basically hating minorities that are too successful

To Activists and Advocates: Turn Away from Shaun King - "Everything Dr. King told us about ego-centered leaders applies to pastor, writer and social media influencer Shaun King. This King, a pastor, writer and social media influencer known for the viral posts of black peoples’ death and publicity he has bought to subjects around racial and social injustices, has bought more controversy to himself (and thus, the Black Lives Matter movement) then leadership and advocacy for his followers. From his days as a “Facebook pastor” and blogger for the Daily Kos (where his recommended piece is aptly called “Race, love, hate, and me: A distinctly American story” tagged with multiple self-titled hashtags), Shaun has always centered himself in his activism. Outside of writing on Black Lives Matter or Black Identity-related stories, he spends most of his time writing about himself. True or not, he uses his experiences and his background to appeal to readers or followers, to connect his work more to himself than to the subjects of his writings or activism. Many have claimed that these experiences are falsified, plagiarized, or straight lies — and not just opponents of the Black Lives Matter movement, but mostly those within it. Shaun King’s entire track record has a large history of questionable actions and alleged lies. He has been accused of lying about his very identity and upbringing as a biracial man and subsequent assault due to his race in Kentucky. Such as with the Courageous Church in 2010 and HopeMob.org in 2012, his fundraising efforts and income information has been questioned by the people he allegedly was raising money for, and no one can seem to find the exact amounts raised or given by Shaun or his associated entities. He has published — intentionally or not, even if one is due to the incompetence of an editor — multiple false writings. Activists have claimed he has used their ideas and writings, promising to support them, just to claim credit for them himself after publishing similar articles or stories. Former employees and collaborators of his have called him out, such as when former Directors of Justice Together claimed “Shaun’s failure to communicate and lack of accountability, and the ongoing secuiruty risk of volunteers’ personally indentifiable information” hurts the Black Lives Matter movement. The employees there said Shaun spent most of his time running the organization to promote his New York Daily News and Daily Kos articles, and offered no explanation for why the group folded in 2015 and left many activists without a job or coalition to support them. Following Fox News Host Bill O’Reilly accusing him of keeping the money from the coalition, Shaun claimed that many of the people asking for refunds of their donation money were lying, but then said he did not have any of the money, yet subsequently claimed to have returned it all in a Medium post where he highlights all the work he has done for free and the little amount he raises for “his own work”; The Justice Together members that said they received their donation backs over a year later claimed they were not refunds from the same organization they donated to, according to the records of the transactions. Shaun then started a now-defunct website to debunk lies called “ShaunKingTruth.com”, even though he never addressed any of the questions raised by Justice Together directors or activists, but rather anti-Black Lives Matter people. He spent much of 2016 supporting and promoting Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign, and recently started a Political Action Committee with multiple ex-Sanders campaign members dedicated to funding the campaigns of District Attorneys who are “reform minded”; Sanders’ campaign has come under fire for the culture of violence and harassment allowed within it, for paying women less than the men on staff, and many of the former campaigners continued on to work with others that support those that are anti-Black Lives Matter, such as Beto O’Rourke; His Real Justice PAC has been accused of using “Big Money” funds to support anti-justice candidates. Several times since the Justice Together debacle, Shaun has made false, public accusations against multiple people, such as identifying a vehicle and its license plate supposedly involved with the shooting of Jazmine Barnes, and a Texas State trooper accused of raping Sherita Dixon-Cole — Shaun has not issued apologies for these mistakes, but instead silently deletes them from his accounts. He then publicly identified three black suspects of Barnes’ killing on Twitter, before their arrest. None of these people received apologies or the benefit of the doubt before Shaun publicly accused them. That’s ironic, considering Shaun’s latest slight: His personal attack of Clarissa Brooks, who is Black, Queer, Muslim activist and a graduate of Spelman College, the sister school of Morehouse, Shaun’s alum. She was one of several activists that claimed that he was raising money and keeping it from their intended recipients; King responded by directly targeting her — tweeting her account multiple times and publicly claiming plans to file lawsuits against her. (At least two of the four lawyers Shaun cited as his own have denied representing him.) He later issued an “apology”, where he claimed that Brooks was still the person in the wrong, but that he didn’t mean to come across as aggressive; Brooks did not accept this apology... Shaun’s use of his personality and following to affirm his own ego, to publicly attack anyone (on Twitter or otherwise) that he believes goes against him, and to refuse to answer to his past mistakes or lies but rather pretending they did not happen, all goes against Dr. King’s model of activism, and hurts all advocating for Black Americans"

Shaun King Keeps Raising Money and Questions About Where It Goes - "14 months after launching, almost none of what King promised to build has appeared and the site has struggled with issues that alienated many subscribers. The headquarters and television studio was quietly shuttered last summer, and all Atlanta-based staffers laid off. The mobile app disappeared for over a year, and the “full news site” displays branded The North Star apparel for sale alongside relatively scant original journalism... King has continued to raise money, including through a Patreon fundraising campaign launched this April—again requesting $5 per month from students, $10 and up from general public subscribers—to turn The Breakdown podcast into a “daily video news broadcast.” Critical observers were quick to point out that King’s earlier fundraising letters for The North Star had also promised subscription fees would underwrite “daily online video news broadcasts.”... It has also fueled long-standing accusations—primarily lodged by black women and queer folks, nearly all of whom are his former co-organizers, colleagues, employees, and supporters—that King has inflated, mismanaged, or failed to account for funds he’s raised for various social-justice causes... "Shaun and the word ‘accountability’ should never appear in the same sentence,” The North Star’s former editor in chief, Keisha N. Blain—who one former employee told me was King’s staunchest ally at the company—wrote in a tweet thread. “So many people warned me about him and I didn’t listen. But I learned through experience—not rumours or innuendos but real life experience with a liar & a fraud.”"

Sargon of Akkad - Posts | Facebook - [On Nick Cannon] "Shaun King is now refusing to cancel an actual racial supremacist."
Comment (on Shaun King's post): "Someone who has been part of the cancel culture phenomenon now wants special exceptions for his friend, even when his friend has uttered among the most vile openly anti-semitic sentiments that would make a white nationalist proud. It's pathetic."

Shaun King 'Not Going to Call for Peace' As Kenosha Riots Over Jacob Blake Shooting - "Civil rights activist Shaun King said he supports the rioting which has been taking place in Kenosha, Wisconsin, in the wake of the police shooting of Black man Jacob Blake, believing that "mayhem is the consequence" of years of police brutality.
Weird. Liberals told us that no one supported riots

'I Don't Deserve This': Shaun King Says He And His Family Were Forced to Move Out of His Home After Photos of the $842K Home Were Posted Online
Given that he's happily doxxed people, this is rich

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