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Saturday, May 15, 2021

Links - 15th May 2021 (2)

️ on Twitter - "white fragility is white liberals going out of their way to not read fanon, angela davis, clr james, baldwin, du bois, malcolm x, etc., but instead some white woman's shitty corporate anti-bias training manual ironically the popularity among liberals of the person who coined the concept of "white fragility" and other professional white "anti-racism experts" like tim wise is a perfect example of it in practice, but of course it's never used to illuminate that. hits too close to home
and when anyone does dare point it out, these professional white liberal "anti-racism experts" reveal themselves to be the most fragile of the fragile whites. at the very least you have to appreciate the irony"

Hidden camera left in a forest snaps a naked man high on LSD in Polish forest - "A hidden camera left in a forest to snap images of animals in the wild captured pictures of a naked man who believed he was a tiger after taking LSD."

Man Sets New Record For Most Expensive Starbucks Drink Order Ever - "A guy named Andrew had a Starbucks Gold card (which gets you a free drink of your choice after you buy 12) and a single goal: to beat the previous world record for the most expensive Starbucks drink ever. As anyone who has accomplished anything in life will tell you, thorough prep is key to achieving your goals. With 128-ounce glass in hand, Andrew stepped into Starbucks and enlisted the help of his friendly local Starbucks baristas.Thus, the legend of the Sexagintuple Vanilla Bean Mocha Frappucino was born. Total cost: $54.75. But for Gold-card holding Andrew, it was free. Amazingly enough, unlike the previous world-record-holder, this concoction was actually still drinkable. For Andrew, that was really the key. Why waste a free drink, right?"

Leftwing voters lead decline in trust in UK news media - "The British public’s trust in the media has fallen off a cliff in the last five years, particularly among leftwing voters, research suggests.Just 15% of left-leaning voters now say they trust most news most of the time, down from 46% as recently as 2015, Oxford University’s Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism found... “Trust in the news has fallen over 20 percentage points since 2015,” concluded the authors of the Reuters Institute’s annual digital news report. “Even the most trusted brands like the BBC are seen by many as pushing or suppressing agendas, especially over polarising issues like Brexit.”... Britain now ranks below the likes of the US and Hong Kong when it comes to public trust in the media... The BBC remains the most trusted national news outlet, but support among the most politically partisan consumers – on both the left and right – has fallen by 20 percentage points since 2018.The study found there was a “silent majority” of Britons who still strongly wanted the news to be presented in a “neutral and detached” manner, backing BBC news bosses who discourage their reporters from expressing personal political views on social media."
Strange. Leftists used to tell us that distrusting the media was dangerous and brought us down the road to fascism

Pakistani girl who died in Texas shooting ‘wanted to experience American culture’ - "A 17-year-old Pakistani girl was among the 10 killed in Texas after a gunman opened fired in a high school on Friday. Sabika Sheikh, who was in the US under a foreign exchange program and wanted to “experience a new culture”, had often talked about becoming a diplomat in the future."

India: Army 'mistook planets for spy drones' - "India's army reportedly spent six months watching "Chinese spy drones" violating its air space, only to find out they were actually Jupiter and Venus... The Telegraph suggests the sentry ought to be forgiven, with planets appearing brighter as a result of the different atmosphere at altitude and the increased use of surveillance drones"

Yan Neng - "The Sunday Times asks some 1,000 respondents which are the jobs that are most crucial in keeping Singapore going"
"when you place people who handles the garbage disposal next to an artist, how could I rank both as equally essential? The former, I need everyday; the latter, I love art and can enjoy the art they’ve already made everyday. In my mind, there were also a distinction between a pure artist and a designer when I was doing the survey. I thought about performance artists who sat in an exhibit holding people’s hands, or people who painted on an easel. While their work can be amazing (I’ve been touched by such art), I don’t know how essential it is right now in today’s Cov19 context... I also think there's also a difference between "essential" and "valuable". I'm a writer and I'll gladly admit I'm not essential in today's context and climate. However, I do find my work *valuable*. Whether or not my work is essential has no bearing on the value my work brings. The survey asked for "essential" and I did the survey keeping "essential" in mind. This term was defined in the survey: "we mean someone who is engaged in work deemed necessary to meet basic needs of human survival and well-being, such as food, health, safety and cleaning"."
The wave of triggered people does not speak well of the critical thinking abilities of artists and people who support the arts: conflating essential and important, ignoring what "essential" means in the covid-19 context and more It's telling HR managers and business consultants didn't get triggered

DC Comics Publisher Jim Lee Reveals 25% Of Company's Publishing Line Wasn't Breaking Even; Commits To "Diversity and Inclusivity"

DC Comics Editors Strongly Urged To Use Affirmative Action When Hiring Writers And Artists - "a greater breadth of experience within a creative team can offer a greater breath of stories and storytelling and attract a wider audience"
So much for that theory

New York Times ignores nonwhite defenders of black professor, believes his white accusers - "One of the most baffling parts of #MeToo and #BelieveAllWomen culture is its indifference to “disparate impact,” one of the most important elements of progressive advocacy... Who is more likely to be accused of sexual misconduct in any sphere of society? Certainly not white guys. And precious few progressives are willing to call it out.The white-dominated New York Times joins this selective parade of outrage by creating a deeply misleading portrait of sexual harassment allegations against a star professor at Harvard University, Roland Fryer, largely by crediting his white accusers over his nonwhite defenders... She wanted $25,000 more than Harvard was willing to offer, and she texted her friend Tanaya Devi – who remains Fryer’s loudest defender – that “I will do anything possible to make sure I get the money I deserve.”... The apparent problem is this dark-skinned Indian immigrant, who plans to leave America because of the stifling conformity of academia, contradicted the narrative the Times wanted to peddle... His lawyer, Harvard Law Prof. Ronald Sullivan, says he was “constantly portrayed as an over-sexualized black man who no one could tell no” – one witness even complained about the “intensity of his look.” Sullivan also says Harvard ignored “rampant witness coaching” of the RAs by the accuser’s lawyers.But Fryer is also not black enough to be seen as a victim of a white witch hunt. Another Ph.D. student, Alex Bell, says he lost points with black people for the “police shootings paper.”"

Wife Withholds Sex Until Husband Agrees To Adopt A Black Child: "She Called Me A Racist" - "she won't be sleeping with him until he agrees to adopt a baby with her because she doesn't want to share her body with a racist... Overall, the issue has been getting out of hands, and it wasn't just with her husband, as he revealed that she'd been cutting off people who had a different view from hers"

Michael Knowles on Twitter - "The Left controls every major institution in America: mainstream media, the academy, administrative government, Hollywood, Big Tech, etc. So if “institutional racism” really did exist, whose fault would that be?"

Please Press F - Posts - "So I made an onlyfans... my boyfriend doesn't approve and is mad... so idk what to do, I need to pay bills but I’m not trynna disrespect my man"

Andrew Gillum says being a ‘Black man in America’ led him to a drug orgy with men that fateful night - "Andrew Gillum opened up about the circumstances that led him to a drug-fueled sex orgy with two men that ended his once-promising political career.Gillum, the former Democratic gubernatorial candidate in Florida, made headlines after he was found drunk on a bathroom floor at a luxury Miami Beach hotel with a naked male escort who was suspected of overdosing on crystal meth."

Orwell & Goode - Posts (Zucced)
Meme - "Alyssa (AI) Gray ©alygraytorv: If you celebrate the 4th of July full blown without zero hesitation whatsoever you either
A) a white supremacist
B) a raging drunk/partier
C) a hillbilly redneck
D) an ignorant uneducated child or
E) all of the above"
Supposedly, liberals don't hate their countries
Addendum: The new version contrasts her mugshot with a meme character with glasses, short hair and a shaved patch on her head, and it's a stunning match

Adam Yahiya - Hello my name is Adam Yahiya and welcome to... - "Hello my name is Adam Yahiya and welcome to McMansion Hell Malaysia : Episode 1"

Doc Wolverine, Attending Fursician on Twitter - "Cookie Monster has forward facing eyes mounted high upon his head. This suggests Cookie Monster is a submerged, ambush predator. Just something to consider."

A DNA Test Told Me I’m White — Here’s Why It’s Wrong | by S. Natalie
So this is the left's fabled championing of Science

James Lindsay - Posts - "I just found out logicians at our estimable universities did "shut down logic" in the name of Critical Race Theory, and I can't stop laughing.Like, what's the message here? That Critical Race Theory and BLM are illogical? Yes. That racial minorities can't be logical? Unfortunately also yes. The Savior Caste can't even hear themselves over their own flatulence anymore."

p.e. moskowitz on Twitter - "liberals are necessary to enable fascism: you can see it happening in real time right now: they make peace with cops, make compromises with politicians, siphon off support from radicals, allowing everyone to remain in power and nothing to change while draining movements of energy"
All the Communists don't realise that they'll be shot too if the revolution ever happens

The saboteurs you can hire to end your relationship - "In Japan, you can pay private agents called ‘wakaresaseya’ to seduce your spouse or their partner... a colleague of Kuwabara’s photographed them in a love hotel, and Isohata’s husband used these photographs as evidence for a divorce. (Such evidence is needed when a Japanese divorce is contested.)... hiring a wakaresaseya helps “you avoid confrontation. It’s a way in the short term of resolving a difficult situation without conflict. And your wife is much more likely to agree to a divorce if she’s in love with someone and wants to move on.” Thus, this is especially useful when one spouse won’t agree to a divorce, which complicates proceedings. But most of Mochizuki’s clients are not married people who want help separating from their spouses, but rather those who want their spouse’s affairs broken up... As TV and radio producer Mai Nishiyama comments; “There’s a market for everything in Japan.” This includes a variety of relationship-based services like renting faux family members and the additional services offered by wakaresaseya firms, such as assistance with romantic reconciliation, separating a child from an unsuitable girlfriend or boyfriend or preventing revenge porn. Agents can also be hired to gather evidence that will help a wronged spouse collect consolation money, which is compensation for the dissolution of a relationship"

People in Japan Are Buying Air Fresheners That Smell Like ‘High School Girls’ - "In Japan, it’s no secret that there’s a sizable fetish with joshi kosei (aka JK, or high school girls)... this Twitter user’s mother actually thought that he just gave a ride to a young girl. “So that means this air freshener is really good,” he wrote... Japan is no stranger to unusual fragrances. There are cute ones like this fabric spray with the “scent of a cat’s forehead” for cat-lovers, or “virtual fragrances” that are supposed to smell like fictional characters from anime and video games. Bordering on creepy are scents modelled after the most intimate moments with women. One example is this fragrance that’s supposed to smell like “the bath towel of a woman who just dried off after a shower.” There’s also this body soap with the “scent of a young woman,” that became a hit among men. Even kinkier is fried chicken marketed to smell like either “the bottom of a young woman’s foot” or “girl’s sweat.”"

SAS: Who Dares Wins hardman Ollie Ollerton axed from show 'due to new Channel 4 diversity drive' - "Long-serving show star, military veteran Ollie Ollerton and co-star Jay Morton have been axed. Show insiders say the decision could be down to a new diversity drive from Channel 4 bosses who want the ethnic backgrounds of the Directing Staff (DS) to mirror that of the participants, which are far more varied."

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