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Saturday, May 15, 2021

Links - 15th May 2021 (1) (BethAnn McLaughlin)

Thread by @Sturgeons_Law - "If I'm getting this right, a White woman who started a failed MeToo org for people in STEM only to be accused of racist harassment herself was exposed as having created an account where she pretended to be a nonexistent queer Native American professor at Arizona State University.
And she was exposed after trying to ditch the account by claiming the prof died of COVID and doing this bizarre eulogy thread to her.
This must have been a pretty successful run as the eulogy thread is filled with people claiming to have known the Native American prof and liked her. Some people in the eulogy thread are mentioning "Hopi talismans" she was sending them, so did she actually send out fake Hopi talismans to people? Not the most important detail, but I'd still like to know.
Seems like she was hoist by her own petard as the fake account's followers got mad that ASU didn't put out an official eulogy for her, suspecting anti-queer and anti-indigenous bias, which in turn prompted this and initiated the unraveling:
'For what it’s worth, ASU’s spokesperson said they have been looking into reports about a potential death of a person claiming to be a faculty member for the last 24 hours, and have not been able to verify any connection to the university.'
In conclusion, bring back FaceApp's "ethnicity filters" NOW"

This neuroscientist is fighting sexual harassment in science—but her own job is in peril - "BethAnn McLaughlin has no time for James Watson, especially not when the 90-year-old geneticist is peering out from a photo on the wall of her guest room at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory’s Banbury Center... McLaughlin has made bitter enemies: Last fall, she says, she was anonymously FedExed a box of feces. And her scientific career is now on the line. Her tenure process was frozen for 17 months starting in 2015 while VUMC investigated allegations that she had posted anonymous, derogatory tweets about colleagues"
On the above. I like how the article makes her seem to be a victim Liberal excesses collapse at some point under the weight of their paradoxes and contradictions

aspiring leftist academic on Twitter - "so tl;dr on the sciencing_bi thing for people that aren't scientists or do not care: it seems like Bethann, famous for botching MeTooStem, ran an account where she cosplayed an indigenous anthro prof at ASU, but incredibly was only exposed after having the account die of covid-19... this arc culminated in a (retrospectively) hilarious eulogy thread by bethann, in which she really wants to hammer home that she had a cool Hopi friend"

#MeTooSTEM group's leadership in turmoil over concerns about founder BethAnn McLaughlin - "Seven leaders of a group formed to combat sexual harassment in the science, technology, engineering and math fields have resigned in recent months after voicing concerns about the leadership of #MeTooSTEM founder BethAnn McLaughlin... The former members accused McLaughlin, a neuroscientist at Vanderbilt University in Nashville who founded the organization last year, of posting hostile tweets that alienated supporters and of a lack of transparency about how she ran the organization.McLaughlin is known for calling out scientific organizations for harboring what she calls “harassholes” on her Twitter account, @McLNeuro, demanding that National Academy of Sciences dismiss members who had been sanctioned for sexual harassment and that the National Institutes of Health stop giving grants to harassers... The only two women of color on the organization's leadership team resigned April 24 citing a perception that white leadership input was prioritized over our theirs, per BuzzFeed. Other women who left the group said they were afraid to voice their opinions and that the organization lacked policies, procedures or delineated roles, Science magazine reported."

Sciencing_Bi & BethAnn McLaughlin Twitter Accounts Suspended - "For several years, academics and activists around the country interacted with the Twitter account @Sciencing_Bi, which was supposedly run by an LGBTQ Native American Anthropology professor at Arizona State University. They reacted with tributes and grief when a controversial former professor and anti-sexual harassment #metoo crusader named BethAnn McLaughlin announced on Twitter that @Sciencing_Bi had died of COVID-19, blaming the university where @Sciencing_Bi supposedly worked for making people teach on campus during the pandemic.However, what unfolded next is a complex and bizarre tale of accusations and confusion, as academics and others on social media are now accusing McLaughlin herself of possibly being @Sciencing_Bi and masquerading as a fake Native American professor online, ASU is saying it can’t come up with a death of any professor from COVID-19 recently, and Twitter has suspended both the accounts of McLaughlin and the now mysterious @Sciencing_Bi... In a eulogy on Twitter, she spun an elaborate narrative, saying that @Sciencing_Bi wanted them to get matching tattoos in an indigenous language and texted her daily... Dr. Jacquelyn Gill, associate professor at the University of Maine’s Climate Change Institute, has written extensively about the controversy. “I’m angry about the harm done to Black, indigenous, and other people of color, and LGBTQ+ folks in our community whose trust was violated. I’m angry that someone would pretend to have a disease that has killed so many, and which *disproportionately affects BIPOC,*” she tweeted... The Twitter page Aspiring Leftist Academic alleged on Twitter that “people trying to look for ASU press releases on the death found that every photo posted by sciencing_bi was a stock photo, and that the only person who communicated with them outside of twitter DMs was bethann.”... McLaughlin is well-known in academia for being the person who convinced the site RateMyProfessors.com to remove its red hot chili pepper rating for “hot” professors and who created online petitions to go after top institutions like the National Academy of Sciences on sexual harassment response. In 2019, Science Magazine described McLaughlin as “a 51-year-old neuroscientist” who “has in the last nine months exploded into view as the public face of the #MeToo movement in science.” She left Vanderbilt University Medical Center in 2019 after tenure controversies... Many People Interacted With @Sciencing_Bi Over the Years & Expressed Grief Over Her Death at First, Calling Her a “Prominent Native American Anthropologist’"

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